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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Coelho, Eva Regina Barbosa 28 February 2011 (has links)
The city of Santa Maria, RS state, is well-known as a religious center of Marian devotion and is an attraction for pilgrims and visitors, mainly because of the annual pilgrimage of Our Lady Medianeira . Silveira Martins, also in the central region of RS state, emerged linked to Santa Maria as host city of the fourth region of the Italian immigration in 1877. This town maintains a strong devotion for Mother Mary once this image was brought from Italian immigrants. This relation and the characteristics of the popular devotion is what motivated this paper. Its main purpose is to collect data which will allow us to build a religious and cultural itinerary, involving pilgrimage places and devotion to Mother Mary in the central region of RS state, Brazil. As a geographical cut, it was established that the region between Santa Maria and Silveira Martins would be the principal focus of this paper because of all the reasons mentioned above and because of the places selected, as the Sanctuaries and festivities that compose this itinerary, which follows: Diocesan Cathedral, Basilica of Our Lady Medianeira , Sanctuary of Schoenstatt, Church of Our Lady Dores , in Santa Maria; Sanctuary of Our lady of Health and Sanctuary of Our Lady of Pompeii, in Silveira Martins. Methodologically, an exploratory research was used, employing a historical method of procedure, from the technique of bibliographical investigation, of observation and of the qualitative appreciation of the collected information. The conceptual categories discussed told about Cultural Estate, Tourism, and the Catholic Identity of Rio Grande do Sul state, pilgrimage. The main findings are about the characterization of the religious identity of this region as a result of the propagation of the popular Catholicism, characterized by a devotional dimension mainly directed to the Marian cult, expressed currently in popular religious parties like pilgrimages, corteges and promises considered as inheritance of the Portuguese settlers, Indians missionaries, black people, people from Açores and Italian immigrants. / A cidade de Santa Maria/RS destaca-se como centro religioso de devoção mariana, foco de atração de peregrinos e visitantes, principalmente por ocasião da romaria anual de Nossa Senhora Medianeira. Silveira Martins, também na região central do Estado, surgiu ligada a Santa Maria, como sede da Quarta Colônia de Imigração Italiana, em 1877. Esta cidade, hoje, conserva forte devoção a Maria, trazida pelos imigrantes da Itália. Tal relação e as características da devoção popular nelas guardada é que moveu este trabalho. O objetivo principal consistiu em reunir subsídios que permitam construir um guia turístico cultural-religioso, envolvendo locais de peregrinação e devoção à Virgem Maria na região central do Rio Grande do Sul/BR. Como recorte geográfico, estabeleceu-se como foco de estudo a região compreendida no espaço geográfico e culturalmente delimitado pelos municípios de Santa Maria e Silveira Martins, pelos motivos já apresentados e porque neles foram selecionados os Santuários e festas que compõem o guia turístico proposto: Catedral Diocesana, Basílica de Nossa Senhora Medianeira, Santuário de Schoenstatt, Igreja de Nossa Senhora das Dores, em Santa Maria; Santuário de Nossa Senhora da Saúde e Santuário de Nossa Senhora da Pompéia, em Silveira Martins. Metodologicamente, usou-se a pesquisa de caráter exploratório, a partir da técnica de investigação bibliográfica, da observação e apreciação qualitativa das informações coletadas. As categorias conceituais discutidas versaram sobre Patrimônio Cultural, Turismo e Identidade Religiosa Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Peregrinação e Romarias. As constatações principais dizem respeito à caracterização da identidade religiosa da região como resultado da propagação do catolicismo popular, caracterizado por uma dimensão devocional, principalmente, e voltado para o culto mariano, expresso atualmente em festas religiosas populares com procissões, romarias, promessas e ex-votos, expressões estas consideradas aqui como herança dos povoadores portugueses, indígenas missioneiros, negros, açorianos e imigrantes italianos.

Effet du changement climatique et de la phénologie de l’arbre hôte sur l’étendue spatiale des épidémies de la tordeuse des bourgeons de l’épinette : une approche à base d’agents

Sauri Ramirez, Jennifer 01 1900 (has links)
Le changement climatique continue d'affecter la dynamique des paysages forestiers à grande échelle. Cependant, il demeure incertain comment ces changements affecteront les forêts futures et en particulier les épidémies des insectes ravageurs forestiers. Le changement climatique affecte l’émergence des insectes, en perturbant notamment la synchronisation phénologique entre les insectes herbivores et leurs arbres hôtes. De telles perturbations peuvent avoir des conséquences importantes sur le moment de l’émergence, l'étendue et la gravité de l'épidémie. Cette étude vise à comprendre comment le changement climatique pourrait affecter la synchronie phénologique entre la tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette (Choristoneura fumiferana), un défoliateur indigène, et ses espèces hôtes (Abies balsamea et Picea mariana) et comment cela pourrait affecter l'étendue des épidémies de la tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette dans la région de la Côte-Nord au Québec, Canada. Nous avons exploré les effets de deux facteurs expérimentaux sur l'étendue des épidémies à l'aide d'un modèle de simulation stochastique spatialement explicite à base d’agents (MBA): (1) la température quotidienne représentée selon deux niveaux d'augmentation (+2°C et +4°C) relative à une base de référence 2016 et (2) la variation de la phénologie des arbres hôtes correspondant aux différents niveaux d'incertitude (SD) concernant le moment du débourrement des bourgeons. Nous avons évalué comment ces facteurs ont affecté la variation de l'étendue des épidémies de la tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette et la complexité spatiale du patch épidémique sur un horizon de simulation de 20 ans. Nos résultats de simulation indiquent que la synchronisation phénologique arbres hôtes-insectes est fortement affectée par les changements de température, mais de manière non linéaire. Une augmentation de 2°C a permis de réduire l'étendue de l'épidémie en raison de la faible survie des larves, tandis qu'une augmentation de 4°C a entraîné une survie plus élevée des insectes et des épidémies plus importantes. Notre modèle peut aider à prévoir la dynamique future des forêts et faciliter l'élaboration de meilleures stratégies de gestion pour réduire l'effet des épidémies sur les paysages forestiers. / Climate change continues to affect forest landscape dynamics at a global scale. However, it remains uncertain how these changes will affect future forests and in particular outbreaks of forest insect pests. Climate change can affect outbreaking insects by disrupting phenological synchrony between herbivorous insects and their host trees. Such disruptions can have important consequences for outbreak timing, extent, and severity. This study aims to understand how climate change could affect the phenological synchrony between the spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana), a native outbreaking defoliator, and its host trees (Abies balsamea and Picea mariana), and how this might affect the extent of spruce budworm outbreaks in the Côte-Nord region in Quebec, Canada. We explored the effects of two experimental factors on outbreak extent using a spatially explicit stochastic agent-based simulation model (ABM): (1) daily temperature represented as two levels of increase (+2°C and +4 °C) relative to a 2016 baseline, and (2) variation in host phenology represented as four different levels of uncertainty (SD) around the timing of budburst. We assessed how these factors affected variation in spruce budworm outbreak extent and outbreak patch spatial complexity over a 20-year simulation horizon. Our simulation results indicate that host trees-insect phenological synchrony is strongly affected by temperature changes, but in a non-linear way. An increase of 2°C was found to reduce outbreak extent due to poor larval survival, while an increase of 4°C resulted in higher insect survival and larger outbreaks. Our model can help to forecast future forest dynamics and facilitate the development of better management strategies to reduce the effect of outbreaks on forest landscapes.

Komparace legislativy a exekutivy nezačleněných území USA / Comparison of legislative and executive branches in the US unincorporated territories

Tománek, Michal January 2020 (has links)
This Comparison of legislative and executive branches in the U.S. unincorporated territories thesis deals with political systems in unincorporated American territories - Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa. Today these territories stand as an integral part of the USA, but they do not hold federal state status. This study focuses on political systems of the individual territories, specifically on their legislative and executive bodies. It also explores relationships these territories have with the continental U.S., their status within American political system and it outlines genesis of autonomous government institutions of these territories. Concurrently, this thesis also elaborates on problem areas stemming from for example dual citizenship and citizens of these territories not being able to participate in presidential elections. This work comprises of five case studies that focus on political institutions of the individual territories. The main contribution of this study lies in the comparison work. In comparative analysis of the executive bodies and analysis of the extent of governors' authority within individual territories, and in the comparison with federal states. It also provides comparative analysis of legislative bodies of...

MAGNUM SIGNUM MEXICANUM - " Révélations " autour de l'image de la Vierge de Guadalupe. XVIe - XXIe siècles / MAGNUM SIGNUM MEXICANUM - "Revelations" around the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe. 16th - 21st centuries

Augier de Moussac, Nathalie 15 November 2017 (has links)
L'image miraculeuse de la Vierge de Guadalupe mexicaine est bien plus qu'une icône religieuse : aujourd'hui symbole national, c'est un objet politique qui s'est trouvé au coeur de rivalités constantes entre le pouvoir civil et l'Eglise depuis son " apparition " au XVIe siècle. Sans pour autant négliger les liens qui la rattachent à chacun, ou presque, des Mexicains, nous nous sommes efforcés de mettre en lumière cet aspect trop souvent négligé de son histoire qui se déroule sur près de cinq siècles. / The miraculous image of the Mexican Virgin of Guadalupe is much more than a religious icon : It is a national symbol and a political object which has been at the heart of constant rivalities between the civil authorities and the Church since her "apparition" in the XVIth century. Without neglecting the intimate relationship most Mexicans have developed with her, we have been focusing on this aspect, too often forgotten from most scholar studies on the matter.

Gegen(-) Abwesenheiten / Memoria-Generationen und mediale Verfahrensweisen kontra erzwungenes Verschwinden ; (Argentinien 1976 - 1996 - 2006)

Bolte, Rike 18 February 2014 (has links)
Während der letzten argentinischen Diktatur (1976-1983) wurden zehntausende Menschen in geheimen Lagern festgehalten, gefoltert und ermordet – dann ''verschwanden'' sie. Die meisten Fälle sind nur schwer rekonstruierbar, viele Täter kamen ungestraft davon. Für diese staatsterroristische Praxis wurde die Bezeichnung erzwungenes Verschwinden eingeführt (spanisch desaparición forzada). Die Untersuchung beschäftigt sich mit medialen und ästhetischen Verfahrensweisen, die in Argentinien in der Auseinandersetzung mit der desaparición forzada entwickelt wurden. Im Vordergrund steht die These, dass die gewaltsame Depräsentation der Opfer zu einem gesellschaftlichen ''Wahrnehmungsmord'' ("percepticidio") geführt hat. Die medialen Strategien und ästhetischen Produktionen, die die Untersuchung analysiert, markieren den gegenwärtigen Stand einer transgenerationellen kulturellen Bearbeitung dieser wahrnehmungsrelevanten sozialen und politischen Erfahrung. Es handelt sich um Produktionen im Bereich Narrativik, Lyrik, Fotografie, Film und Theater, die im Kontext der Memoria-Hochkonjunktur nach 1989 und der digitalen Globalisierung stehen. Félix Bruzzone, Mariana Enríquez und Martín Gambarotta, Virginia Giannoni und Lucila Quieto sowie Albertina Carri und Lola Arias haben Kontra(re)präsentationen zum gewaltsamen Verschwinden entworfen, die materiell, meta-medial und kontrainformativ verfahren. Nach diskursanalytischen, repräsentations- und medientheoretischen Einführungen sowie einer Reihe terminologischer Definitionen arbeitet die Untersuchung an diesen Produktionen einer postdiktatorischen Generation, die als "Camada Cadáver" bezeichnet wird, heraus, dass ein ''Phänomen'' wie das erzwungene Verschwinden – das in vielfache Referenzlosigkeit führt – ästhetische Strategien motiviert hat, die als beispielhaft emergent und experimentell einzustufen sind, weil sie neue Erkenntnisse für die noch unabgeschlossene Erforschung eines der vielen Terrorregimes des 20. Jahrhundert liefern. / During the Argentinean dictatorship (1976-1983), tens of thousands of people were kept in secret camps, were tortured, murdered, and ''disappeared''. Most cases are difficult to reconstruct. Many of the offenders have remained unpunished. The term "forced disappearance" (Spanish desaparición forzada) was introduced for this act of state terrorism. This study addresses medial and esthetic processes that were developed in light of the debate on desaparición forzada in Argentina. At the heart of the study is the hypothesis that the violent ''depresentation'' of the victims has led to ''cognitive murder'' ("percepticidio"). The media strategy and esthetic productions analyzed in the study represent the current state of the art of the trans-generational cultural work on cognition relevant social and political experiences. The productions in the field of the study of narration, poetry, photography, film, and theater have emerged in context of the post 1989 memory-boom and digital globalization. Félix Bruzzone, Mariana Enríquez und Martín Gambarotta, Virginia Giannoni, and Lucila Quieto as well as Albertina Carri and Lola Arias have conceptualized counter(re)presentations to violent disappearance which proceed materially, meta-medially, and counter-informatively. Following introductions on discourse analysis, representation theory, and media theory as well as a number of terminology definitions, the study analyzes the above mentioned productions created by a post dictatorship generation, which are being referred to as the "Camada Cadáver", and shows that the ''phenomenon'' of forced disappearance, which leads to a repeated lack of reference, has motivated esthetic strategies that are to be classified as exemplarily emergent and experimental, because they have produced new insights for the unfinished research on one of the many terror regimes of the twentieth century.

Religião, cultura e política : o apostolado laico dos jesuítas no RGS e os espaços sociais de atuação

Monteiro, Lorena Madruga January 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les conditions qui ont conduit à l'émergence d'un groupe qui diffusent la doctrine et la pensée de l'Église catholique au XXe siècle dans l'État de Rio Grande do Sul. L'hypothèse générale qui a guidé la recherche est que les Jésuites la promotion d'un processus entre les groupes formant, de un cotê d'uniformiser scolaire par leurs gymnases catholiques, et surtout de l'identité religieuse et intellectuelle à travers les activités dans leurs congrégations Mariannes. Il est démontré, sur la base de plusieurs sources, que le facteur d'homogénéisation du groupe n'est pas dans leur profil social, mais en uniforme scolaire a reçu, et en particulier dans la formation religieuse et intellectuelle résultat de l'action éducative des Jésuites étrangers dans les congrégations mariales. Se déroule cette constatation, le fait que dans un environnement culturel marqué par l'absence d'espaces universitaires, á formation philosophique fournies par ces jésuites, basées sur des interprétations du thomisme, déterminer le substrat idéologique et l’identité intellectuelle du groupe. Cette formation intellectuelle internationalisé déterminé que, parmi les membres du groupe, étant donné la tendance de la réception de la pensée catholique, ne créent pas un système philosophiques original. Avec ce type de formation l’action collective du groupe catholique a été orientée pour les espaces sociaux ils peuvent imposer leur identité intelectuelle, et la doctrine sociale de l'Eglise, comme l'articulation du mouvement catholique en l'état, la conquête des chaires de philosophie et des lois du travail, par exemple, l'Université, et la construction de l'ordre politique à travers l'insertion des postulats catholiques dans las constituants fédéral. / Esta tese analisa as condições que possibilitaram o surgimento de um grupo que difundiu a doutrina e o pensamento da Igreja Católica durante o século XX no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A hipótese geral que norteou a pesquisa é de que os Jesuítas promoveram um processo, entre os grupos que formaram, por um lado, de uniformização escolar, via seus Ginásios Católicos, e, sobretudo, de identificação religiosa e intelectual através das atividades nas suas Congregações Marianas. Demonstra-se, com base em fontes variadas, que o fator homogeneizador do grupo não se encontra em seu perfil social, mas sim na uniformização escolar recebida, e, sobretudo, na formação religiosa e intelectual decorrente da ação educativa dos jesuítas estrangeiros nas Congregações Marianas. Desdobra-se desta constatação, o fato de que, num ambiente cultural marcado pela ausência de espaços acadêmicos, a formação filosófica proporcionada por estes jesuítas alemães baseada nas reinterpretações do Tomismo, pautou o substrato ideológico e a identidade intelectual do grupo. Esta formação intelectual internacionalizada determinou que, entre os membros do grupo, dado o padrão de recepção de pensamento católico, não se produzisse um sistema filosófico original. Com este tipo de formação a ação coletiva do grupo católico direcionouse para os espaços sociais os quais pudessem impor sua identidade intelectual e a doutrina social da Igreja, como a articulação do movimento católico no Estado, a conquista das cátedras de Filosofia e de legislação trabalhista, por exemplo, na Universidade, e a construção da ordem política através inserção dos postulados católicos nas Constituintes. / This thesis analyzes the conditions that allowed the emergence of a group who diffused the doctrine and thinking of the Catholic Church during the twentieth century in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The general hypothesis that guided the research is that the Jesuits promoted a process between the groups that formed on the one hand, standardization of scholar via their gymnasiums Catholics, and especially of religious and intellectual identity through the activities in their Marian Congregations. It is demonstrated, based on various sources, that the group factor homogenizing is not in their social profile, but in standardization scholar received, and especially in religious and intellectual formation resulting from activities educational of the Jesuits in the Marian Congregations. Unfolds this finding, the fact that in a cultural environment marked by the absence of academic spaces, the philosophical background provided by these Jesuits based on interpretations of Thomism, guided the substrate ideological and intellectual identity of the group. This training internationalized determined that, among the group members, given the pattern of reception of Catholic thought, did not produce an original philosophical system. With this type of formation the collective action of the Catholic group is moving on to the social spaces which could enforce its intellectual identity and the social doctrine of the Church as the articulation of the Catholic movement in the state, the conquest of the chairs of philosophy and labor laws, for example, at university, and the construction of political order through the insertion of the postulates Catholics in federal constituencies.

Religião, cultura e política : o apostolado laico dos jesuítas no RGS e os espaços sociais de atuação

Monteiro, Lorena Madruga January 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les conditions qui ont conduit à l'émergence d'un groupe qui diffusent la doctrine et la pensée de l'Église catholique au XXe siècle dans l'État de Rio Grande do Sul. L'hypothèse générale qui a guidé la recherche est que les Jésuites la promotion d'un processus entre les groupes formant, de un cotê d'uniformiser scolaire par leurs gymnases catholiques, et surtout de l'identité religieuse et intellectuelle à travers les activités dans leurs congrégations Mariannes. Il est démontré, sur la base de plusieurs sources, que le facteur d'homogénéisation du groupe n'est pas dans leur profil social, mais en uniforme scolaire a reçu, et en particulier dans la formation religieuse et intellectuelle résultat de l'action éducative des Jésuites étrangers dans les congrégations mariales. Se déroule cette constatation, le fait que dans un environnement culturel marqué par l'absence d'espaces universitaires, á formation philosophique fournies par ces jésuites, basées sur des interprétations du thomisme, déterminer le substrat idéologique et l’identité intellectuelle du groupe. Cette formation intellectuelle internationalisé déterminé que, parmi les membres du groupe, étant donné la tendance de la réception de la pensée catholique, ne créent pas un système philosophiques original. Avec ce type de formation l’action collective du groupe catholique a été orientée pour les espaces sociaux ils peuvent imposer leur identité intelectuelle, et la doctrine sociale de l'Eglise, comme l'articulation du mouvement catholique en l'état, la conquête des chaires de philosophie et des lois du travail, par exemple, l'Université, et la construction de l'ordre politique à travers l'insertion des postulats catholiques dans las constituants fédéral. / Esta tese analisa as condições que possibilitaram o surgimento de um grupo que difundiu a doutrina e o pensamento da Igreja Católica durante o século XX no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A hipótese geral que norteou a pesquisa é de que os Jesuítas promoveram um processo, entre os grupos que formaram, por um lado, de uniformização escolar, via seus Ginásios Católicos, e, sobretudo, de identificação religiosa e intelectual através das atividades nas suas Congregações Marianas. Demonstra-se, com base em fontes variadas, que o fator homogeneizador do grupo não se encontra em seu perfil social, mas sim na uniformização escolar recebida, e, sobretudo, na formação religiosa e intelectual decorrente da ação educativa dos jesuítas estrangeiros nas Congregações Marianas. Desdobra-se desta constatação, o fato de que, num ambiente cultural marcado pela ausência de espaços acadêmicos, a formação filosófica proporcionada por estes jesuítas alemães baseada nas reinterpretações do Tomismo, pautou o substrato ideológico e a identidade intelectual do grupo. Esta formação intelectual internacionalizada determinou que, entre os membros do grupo, dado o padrão de recepção de pensamento católico, não se produzisse um sistema filosófico original. Com este tipo de formação a ação coletiva do grupo católico direcionouse para os espaços sociais os quais pudessem impor sua identidade intelectual e a doutrina social da Igreja, como a articulação do movimento católico no Estado, a conquista das cátedras de Filosofia e de legislação trabalhista, por exemplo, na Universidade, e a construção da ordem política através inserção dos postulados católicos nas Constituintes. / This thesis analyzes the conditions that allowed the emergence of a group who diffused the doctrine and thinking of the Catholic Church during the twentieth century in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The general hypothesis that guided the research is that the Jesuits promoted a process between the groups that formed on the one hand, standardization of scholar via their gymnasiums Catholics, and especially of religious and intellectual identity through the activities in their Marian Congregations. It is demonstrated, based on various sources, that the group factor homogenizing is not in their social profile, but in standardization scholar received, and especially in religious and intellectual formation resulting from activities educational of the Jesuits in the Marian Congregations. Unfolds this finding, the fact that in a cultural environment marked by the absence of academic spaces, the philosophical background provided by these Jesuits based on interpretations of Thomism, guided the substrate ideological and intellectual identity of the group. This training internationalized determined that, among the group members, given the pattern of reception of Catholic thought, did not produce an original philosophical system. With this type of formation the collective action of the Catholic group is moving on to the social spaces which could enforce its intellectual identity and the social doctrine of the Church as the articulation of the Catholic movement in the state, the conquest of the chairs of philosophy and labor laws, for example, at university, and the construction of political order through the insertion of the postulates Catholics in federal constituencies.

Religião, cultura e política : o apostolado laico dos jesuítas no RGS e os espaços sociais de atuação

Monteiro, Lorena Madruga January 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les conditions qui ont conduit à l'émergence d'un groupe qui diffusent la doctrine et la pensée de l'Église catholique au XXe siècle dans l'État de Rio Grande do Sul. L'hypothèse générale qui a guidé la recherche est que les Jésuites la promotion d'un processus entre les groupes formant, de un cotê d'uniformiser scolaire par leurs gymnases catholiques, et surtout de l'identité religieuse et intellectuelle à travers les activités dans leurs congrégations Mariannes. Il est démontré, sur la base de plusieurs sources, que le facteur d'homogénéisation du groupe n'est pas dans leur profil social, mais en uniforme scolaire a reçu, et en particulier dans la formation religieuse et intellectuelle résultat de l'action éducative des Jésuites étrangers dans les congrégations mariales. Se déroule cette constatation, le fait que dans un environnement culturel marqué par l'absence d'espaces universitaires, á formation philosophique fournies par ces jésuites, basées sur des interprétations du thomisme, déterminer le substrat idéologique et l’identité intellectuelle du groupe. Cette formation intellectuelle internationalisé déterminé que, parmi les membres du groupe, étant donné la tendance de la réception de la pensée catholique, ne créent pas un système philosophiques original. Avec ce type de formation l’action collective du groupe catholique a été orientée pour les espaces sociaux ils peuvent imposer leur identité intelectuelle, et la doctrine sociale de l'Eglise, comme l'articulation du mouvement catholique en l'état, la conquête des chaires de philosophie et des lois du travail, par exemple, l'Université, et la construction de l'ordre politique à travers l'insertion des postulats catholiques dans las constituants fédéral. / Esta tese analisa as condições que possibilitaram o surgimento de um grupo que difundiu a doutrina e o pensamento da Igreja Católica durante o século XX no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A hipótese geral que norteou a pesquisa é de que os Jesuítas promoveram um processo, entre os grupos que formaram, por um lado, de uniformização escolar, via seus Ginásios Católicos, e, sobretudo, de identificação religiosa e intelectual através das atividades nas suas Congregações Marianas. Demonstra-se, com base em fontes variadas, que o fator homogeneizador do grupo não se encontra em seu perfil social, mas sim na uniformização escolar recebida, e, sobretudo, na formação religiosa e intelectual decorrente da ação educativa dos jesuítas estrangeiros nas Congregações Marianas. Desdobra-se desta constatação, o fato de que, num ambiente cultural marcado pela ausência de espaços acadêmicos, a formação filosófica proporcionada por estes jesuítas alemães baseada nas reinterpretações do Tomismo, pautou o substrato ideológico e a identidade intelectual do grupo. Esta formação intelectual internacionalizada determinou que, entre os membros do grupo, dado o padrão de recepção de pensamento católico, não se produzisse um sistema filosófico original. Com este tipo de formação a ação coletiva do grupo católico direcionouse para os espaços sociais os quais pudessem impor sua identidade intelectual e a doutrina social da Igreja, como a articulação do movimento católico no Estado, a conquista das cátedras de Filosofia e de legislação trabalhista, por exemplo, na Universidade, e a construção da ordem política através inserção dos postulados católicos nas Constituintes. / This thesis analyzes the conditions that allowed the emergence of a group who diffused the doctrine and thinking of the Catholic Church during the twentieth century in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The general hypothesis that guided the research is that the Jesuits promoted a process between the groups that formed on the one hand, standardization of scholar via their gymnasiums Catholics, and especially of religious and intellectual identity through the activities in their Marian Congregations. It is demonstrated, based on various sources, that the group factor homogenizing is not in their social profile, but in standardization scholar received, and especially in religious and intellectual formation resulting from activities educational of the Jesuits in the Marian Congregations. Unfolds this finding, the fact that in a cultural environment marked by the absence of academic spaces, the philosophical background provided by these Jesuits based on interpretations of Thomism, guided the substrate ideological and intellectual identity of the group. This training internationalized determined that, among the group members, given the pattern of reception of Catholic thought, did not produce an original philosophical system. With this type of formation the collective action of the Catholic group is moving on to the social spaces which could enforce its intellectual identity and the social doctrine of the Church as the articulation of the Catholic movement in the state, the conquest of the chairs of philosophy and labor laws, for example, at university, and the construction of political order through the insertion of the postulates Catholics in federal constituencies.

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