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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bendradarbiavimo kūrimo, kaip pokyčių valdymo, metodologiniai aspektai tenkinant specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / Methodological aspects supplying special educational needs of cooperation buildup as the control of changes in comprehensive school

Vičiūtė, Rasa 06 June 2006 (has links)
There are formulated validity and transference of cooperation methods and cooperation buildup with a view to reach positive changes in education of learners with special needs. The methods promoting the cooperation of Lithuanian and foreign authors were analyzed in this work. The analysis of already made-up practical cooperation pattern was done as well. Experimentally when building up the cooperation inside and outside validity of made-up cooperation pattern was reviewed and evaluated. The research hypothesis, certifying the efficiency of the made-up cooperation pattern when building up the cooperation in practice, formulated by the author has been confirmed. The pattern allows initiating the changes of cooperation and the changes to meet the special educational needs. By the initiative of the professionals and educators following the pragmatic viewpoint the cooperation pattern would stimulate parents to participate in the educational process of educating the learners with special needs. When transferring practical pattern of cooperation into another educational environment the resistance of educational environment against the transference might arise.

Statybinėmis medžiagomis prekiaujančių įmonių marketingo strategijos formavimas / Marketing strategy forming for building materials retailers

Rudokaitė, Raimonda 07 June 2006 (has links)
In this master’s paper there are analyzed various theoretical and practical marketing strategy forming steps, given by Lithuanian and foreign authors; there is made full analysis of factors of marketing environment. You can find analysis of target market, positioning and strategy of marketing complex elements when strategy of such companies is formed. There is given customer and expert research. According results of customer research, document analysis and interview results of companies’ managers, the marketing strategy was formed. Using received data, specific singularities of marketing strategy forming for building materials retailers were generalized.

Universitetinių turizmo magistrantūros studijų organizavimas / The organization of the university tourism master study

Miežinienė, Dovilė 08 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of this work – to investigate organization of tourism master study in Lithuania and foreign countries. In the master work there are investigated the programs of the tourism master study, analyzed the organization of the tourism master study, formulated the deficiency of formation of the tourism master study programs, offered the suggestions how to improve the organizations of studies and proposed the alternative model of the tourism master study program. There are analyzed foreign countries and Lithuanian Universities tourism master study programs and done the comparable analysis. The questionnaire inquest is done in the Lithuanian Universities which qualify tourism masters. The author confirms the hypotheses what tourism masters in the Lithuanian Universities take only theoretical information and the tourism master study programs of the Lithuanian Universities are not liberal with respect to students.

Vadovų motyvaciją organizacijoje lemiantys veiksniai / Factors influencing motivation of the leaders in the organization

Aidukas, Darius 08 November 2006 (has links)
Aidukas, D. (2006). Factors influencing motivation of the leaders in the organization. Final thesis. Vilnius: ISM Management and Economics University. SUMMARY The man is the biggest and most competitive advantage, on the manager depends present and future situation of organization, leadership is leading towards reaching the goals... P.Drucker was right – organizations must motivate managers, concentrate on present and new manager’s development, to think about their commitment, because future of The Organization will depend on Them. The main purpose of this final thesis – to identify and evaluate the main factors, which influence the motivation of the leaders and their commitment to the organization. The role of the manager in today’s organization, effective leader portrait and leadership styles were analyzed in the theoretical part. As well to identify theoretical factors of organizational attractiveness, analysing motivation, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Research was done to identify the main factors influencing the motivation of Lithuanian leaders working as marketing & sales managers in the pharmaceutical market. The style of leadership (transactional versus transformational) was analysed together with leadership potential. After research results, interesting combinations between motivation, job satisfaction and commitment were found. Research finding: most leaders participated in research are using transformational leadership style, utilizing... [to full text]

Klientų aptarnavimo darbuotojų įgalinimas paslaugų įmonėse / Customer-contact employees’ empowerment in service companies

Stanišauskienė, Jūratė 13 November 2006 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to look into the essence of customer-contact employees’ empowerment and its outputs as well as interrelationships with service complexity in the Lithuanian service companies. Its goals are to analyze theoretical aspects of service companies’ customer-contact employees’ empowerment and its outputs – job satisfaction and service quality, to identify interrelationships between service complexity and employee empowerment, to evaluate how interrelate customer-contact employees’ empowerment with job satisfaction and service quality as well as identify interrelationships between empowerment adequacy for service complexity and job satisfaction in Lithuanian service companies. The results of research disclosed that empowerment is interrelated both with job satisfaction and service quality.

Ekonomikos subjektų konkurencinės aplinkos vertinimas / Evaluation of competitive environment of enterprises

Ralytė, Ingrida 27 December 2006 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - išanalizavus metodinę - teorinę literatūrą ekonomikos subjekto konkurencinės aplinkos vertinimo klausimais įvertinti UAB „Vilniaus duona“ konkurencingumą pagal apibendrintą konkurencinės aplinkos vertinimo schemą. Ją pritaikius nustatyta, jog įmonė yra konkurencinga, jos konkurencinė aplinka yra palanki įmonės veiklai, plėtrai, tačiau ji neturėtų apleisti savo pozicijų rinkoje, o išlikti jos lydere, todėl privalo nuolat stebėti konkurencinę aplinką. Darbe iškelta hipotezė - suformuluotos ir apibendrintos konkurencinės aplinkos vertinimo schemos etapų, kuriuos ekonomikos subjektas gali įtakoti ir įtakoja, eiliškumas nedaro įtakos ekonomikos subjekto konkurencinės aplinkos vertinimo rezultatams - patvirtinta. / The purpose of the Thesis is to generalize a scheme of evaluation and to measure competitive ability of Private Company “Vilniaus duona” after the analysis of methodical – academic works on competitive environment. After applying the scheme, it was identified that the Company is competitive in Lithuanian market, and its competitive environment is beneficial for further activity and development of the Company. However, the Company should not neglect its positions and should remain the leader in the market; therefore it should always observe the competitive environment. The hypothesis of the Thesis - succession of competitive environment evaluation stages, which can be influenced by a company, does not influence the results of evaluation – was proved. The international trade and competition became more intensive in Lithuania after joining European Union. Therefore, if company seeks profitability or even a survival it should be competitive, and it has to give a lot of attention to the competitors and evaluation of competitive environment. The Thesis also defines the concept of competition and competitive environment, as well as evaluation of competitive environment. The result of theoretical analysis is a scheme on competitive environment evaluation. The Thesis includes the analysis on the bread market, hot issues and problems on evaluation of competitive environment in Lithuania after joining the European Union. The Thesis reviews the main participants in the bread market and... [to full text]

Archyvo informacinė sistema / Information system of archive

Udras, Pranciškus 23 June 2004 (has links)
There is analyzing problem of document ruling in the Šiauliai university archive and tools in the process of archive practice development in this master qualification work. Aim of work is analyzing action Lithuanian and foreign archives, their standard documents which have influence in the documents ruling to offer the archive information conception and ways how to integrate archive to information system. Research results show limitation of Šiauliai university document ruling (execution of document, preparation saving, timely transmission saving and gathering). It show that Šiauliai university is necessary reformation of archive practice using possibility of modern information technology. Master work has surviving practical value. Using material of research there will be offer to create undivided documents ruling system which will let to optimize saving of document and accessability for society.

Integruotas požiūris į vadybos modelius ekonominės transformacijos sąlygomis kultūrinių ir institucinių veiksnių aspektu / Integrated approach to management models in the context of economic transformation: cultural and institutional perspectives

Jucevičius, Giedrius 26 July 2005 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation – to formulate and ground the integrated approach to management models in the context of economic transformation encompassing the cultural and institutional factors so that the obtained methodological synergy enables to assess the emerging management models and their characteristics.

Buitinių pavojingų atliekų tvarkymas: Šiaulių miesto gyventojų nuomonės tyrimas / Regulation of daily dangerous garbage: Research of opinion of Šiauliai town residents

Vaitkienė, Daiva 02 June 2005 (has links)
In this master’s paper the juridical base of dangerous garbage of LR has been analysed. The regulation problems of dangerous garbage in Lithuania after the regeneration of independence has been stated. Also the ascensional regulation problems of dangerous garbage and the methods of resolution have been stated. For these reasons special theoretic and practical literature of Lithuanian and foreign authors has been analysed and structured. Analytical – investigative part of this paper has been designed for survey of Šiauliai town residents opinion according to dangerous garbage subject. For this reason, two researches have been done: analysis of two biggest Šiauliai town newspapers and survey of Šiauliai town residents.

Organizacinio komandinio darbo ir klimato raiškos ypatumai reklamos agentūroje / Singularities of team work and organizational climate in advertisement agency

Černeckienė, Inga 03 June 2005 (has links)
This master’s final paper formulates possibilities to improve team work and organizational climate in advertisement agencies based on the team work and organizational climate diagnostic research made in the Joint Stock Company “Pramuštgalvis“. The paper analyses theoretical scientific material and this analysis allows to justify importance of team work and organizational climate and possibilities to improve it in the context of human resources management. The research of team work was made according the German test „Team Plus“ adapted in Lithuania. The organizational climate research was made according the test created by professor G. Merkys and his scientific group. 41 respondents from 6 teams of advertisement agency took part in the research. The data received was processed by the typical SPSS program. Evaluation of the statistical data allows to propose that team work in the advertisement agencies is little functional and organizational climate is rather poor. The hypothesis formulated by the author of this paper is proved. Team work and organizational climate are interdependent characteristics of human resources management.

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