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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Klientų aptarnavimo kultūros gerinimas (Šiaulių apskrities valstybinės mokesčių inspekcijos pagrindu) / Customer service culture improvement(according to Siauliai Country State Tax Inspectorate)

Poškuvienė, Janina 29 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbe išanalizuota organizacijos kultūros esmė, jos ryšys su aptarnavimo kultūra. Išanalizuoti įvairių autorių aprašyti organizacijos kultūrą veikiantys veiksniai ir faktoriai, nuo kurių priklauso klientų aptarnavimo kultūra. Nustatyta, kad klientų aptarnavimo kultūros pagrindinis veiksnys yra žmogiškasis faktorius. Atlikta personalo motyvavimo, kvalifikacijos kėlimo, vadovo ir darbuotojų asmeninio požiūrio įtaka klientų aptarnavimo gerinimui. Ištirta klientų aptarnavimo kultūros būklė Šiaulių apskrities valstybinėje mokesčių inspekcijoje darbuotojų ir klientų požiūriu. Numatytos klientų aptarnavimo kultūros gerinimo kryptis Šiaulių apskrities valstybinėje mokesčių inspekcijoje. Patvirtinama autorės suformuluota mokslinio tyrimo hipotezė, kad klientai apie organizacijos kultūrą sprendžia remdamiesi jų aptarnavimo kultūros lygiu. / Organizational culture and its relations with service culture are analyzed in the master’s work. Accentuated described by various authors organizational culture influencing factors that affect customer service culture. It was determined that the main customer service affecting factor is human factor. It was established personnel motivation, training in-service, executive and staff personal approach impact to customer service improvement. In Siauliai Country State Tax Inspectorate customer service culture was analyzed from customers and personnel point of view and also was prepared suggestions how customer service culture could be improved in this organization. In master’s work the author hypothesized that customers make decisions about organizational culture according to the level of their service culture. This hypothesis was confirmed.


Kliučininkas, Paulius 29 September 2008 (has links)
Darbe keliama dizaino ir marketingo dermės stoka, menkas šių sričių specialistų bendradarbiavimas. Tyrimais siekiama įrodyti dizaino ir marketingo sąveikos būtinumą. Dizaino ir marketingo sąveika darbe pateikiama kaip labai aktuali Lietuvoje dizaino inovacija. Darbe atlikta dailės ir socialinių mokslų studentų baigiamųjų magistro darbų analizė. Pasirinkta 11 studentų darbų: 5 socialinių mokslų ir 6 menų mokslo srities. Studentų darbuose analizuojami trys pagrindiniai tyrimo objektai: komunikacija, reklama, firminis stilius. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad dizaino inovacijos turėtų reikštis glaudesne marketingo ir dizaino sąveika. Dizaino inovacijų plėtra turėtų pasireikšti šiomis tendencijomis: marketingo specialistai į marketingo rengimo strategiją turėtų įtraukti dizaino specialistus, dizaino specialistai turėtų rengti dizaino projektus pagal atitinkamą marketingo ir dizaino specialistų kartu parengtą marketingo strategiją. Galimi šie dizaino inovacijų diegimo lygiai: dizainas prie marketingo pritraukiamas galutiniam apipavidalinimui, dizainas naudojamas produkto gamyboje, dizainas dalyvauja produkto kūrime nuo pirmojo žingsnio. / The work highlights lack of tune between design and marketing, not sufficient collaboration among the professionals of these fields. The research aims to prove the necessity of interaction between design and marketing. Interaction of design and marketing is presented as a very relevant design innovation in Lithuania. The work is based on the analysis of master works of art and social sciences students. It covers 11 works, including 5 from the field of social sciences and 6 from art. Three main subjects of the research that have been analysed encompass communication, advertising and brand style. The research results indicated that design innovations should be expressed in a closer interaction between design and marketing. The development of design innovations should open out in the following trends: marketing professionals should involve design professionals into marketing planning strategy and design professional should prepare design projects under the appropriate marketing strategy, prepared jointly by marketing and design professionals. The following levels of implementation of design innovations are possible: design is incorporated into marketing for the final shaping; design is used in the process of production; design partakes in the product creation from the beginning.

Tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos svarbos asmeninei karjerai didinimas / Intercultural‘s competence‘s importance to the personal career increasing

Jonaitytė, Rita 02 December 2008 (has links)
Šiuolaikinio Lietuvos verslo ateities tendencijos gana aiškios – rinkos plėtimasis globaliu mastu, o kiekvienos organizacijos veikla didžia dalimi priklausys nuo organizacijos vadovų ir darbuotojų tarpkultūrinio kompetetingumo. Darbe analizuojama su tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos nepakankamu vertinimu susijusi problematika. Šis darbas pateiks savalaikės informacijos apie tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos svarbą, jos pritaikymo galimybes, padės suvokti šios kompetencijos reikšmę globalėjančioje verslo erdvėje. Darbas susideda iš trijų pagrindinių dalių: Pirmame darbo skyriuje apžvelgiama mokslinė literatūra karjeros ir kompetencijų klausimais. Pateikiama šiuolaikinės karjeros sampratos ir ją lemiančių veiksnių analizė tam, kad suvoktumėm, kokie pokyčiai įvyko šioje srityje dėl globalizacijos procesų, išskiriamos šiuolaikinės karjeros pasirinkimo gairės. Detaliai išnagrinėjama kompetencijos sąvoka, jos vertinimas organizacijose, didelį dėmesį skiriant įvairių autorių tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos vertinimui, kad įsigilintume į šio termino esmę ir reikšmingumą šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje. Antrojoje darbo dalyje – pateikiami atlikto tyrimo, kuriuo buvo siekiama kuo tiksliau įvertinti tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos įtaką asmeninei karjerai duomenys, jų analizė bei vertinimas. Trečiajame darbo skyriuje pateikiami projektiniai sprendimai, susidedantys iš 4 pagrindinių dalių. Tai siūlymai Lietuvos organizacijų vadovams, kaip vertinti, plėtoti ir ugdyti savo pačių bei savo personalo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Contemporary Lithuanian business future trends quite clear - the market growth globally, and each organization's activities largely depend on the organization managers and intercultural competence. This work aims to clarify the intercultural competence of the essence, its applications, understand the importance of this increasingly global business enviroment. The paper consists of three main parts: The first chapter reviews the work of scientific literature career and competence issues. Given the modern concept of career development and analysis of the factors which helps to understand what changes occurred in the globalization process, distinguishes the modern career choice guidelines. Here's a career of excellence, as the modern working world of the requirement for humans, analysis. The second part of the paper - presents a study, which was designed to make accurate assessment of the impact of inter-personal career information, analysis and evaluation. In the third section are presented projects solutions, consisting of 4 main parts. It offers leaders of Lithuanian organizations on how to assess, develop and cultivate their own and their staff competencies.

Theatre patronage in the post-subscription era| Evaluating nontraditional subscription models used by nonprofit theatres and alternative methods of monetization for implementation by California Repertory Company

Greene, Mira Clare 08 April 2014 (has links)
<p> This thesis, presented in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Business Administration/Master of Fine Arts in Theatre Management, analyzes the origins and limitations of the traditional subscription model used by performing arts organizations. As subscription sales continue a nationwide, decade-long decline, some companies are exploring nontraditional models, while in other industries new media is facilitating innovative alternative methods of monetization. These new models are successful when they customize offerings and increase value provided to patrons, who increasingly desire flexibility and dialogue. Based on a SWOT analysis and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix, these alternative patronage models are evaluated with respect to their viability for implementation by California Repertory Company (Cal Rep).</p>

Kauno miesto turizmo organizacijų vadybininkų socialinės kompetencijos bei komunikacinės elgsenos ypatumai / The social competence and communicative behavior features of Kaunas town tourism organization managers

Menclerytė, Jurgita 15 May 2006 (has links)
Jurgita Menclerytė. The social competence and communicative behavior features of Kaunas town tourism organization managers. Final Master Work. Work supervisor docent doctor S. Laskienė. SUMMARY Permanent changes inside organization require flexibility and ability to trim changing environment. Developing public services require high – quality communication and different problem solving skills. Effective function performance with regard to market situation demand different competence, considering action character, organization features. Essential personal social and communicative competence has influence on communicative behavior. Depending on social competence features and communicative competence skills managers have, stands the success and work effectiveness of the organization. The subject of research The manager social competence and communicative behavior features (communicative skills). Scholastic problem What factors of social competence and features of communicative behavior have managers? Does current (acquired) social competence and communicative behavior of manager guarantee their success of activity? Objective of research To explore social competence and communicative behavior features of Kaunas town tourism organization managers. The goals of research 1. to explore and compare social competence factors considering sex 2. to explore and compare communicative behavior features considering sex 3. to explore and compare social competence factors considering... [to full text]

Marketingo strategijų formavimas statybos gaminiais prekiaujančiose įmonėse / Formation of marketing strategies of the enterprises which deal in building products

Rojienė, Rasa 23 May 2006 (has links)
This Master‘s Work is aimed to analyse the theoretical and practical aspects of forming the marketing strategies. The theoretical part includes summaries of Lithuanian and foreign authors’ works; it also reveals the essence of stages while forming the marketing strategies. Each stage of marketing strategy formation, including the whole process of marketing, is thoroughly analysed and presented. The goal of the main part of this work is to present the marketing strategy formation model of the enterprises which deal in building products. The ideas are based on the analysis of external and internal environment as well as on the results of qualitative and quantitative research.

Marketingo strategijos formavimas ir valdymas UAB "Tošva" / The formation and management of the marketing strategy in UAB”Tošva”

Rimkus, Mindaugas 23 May 2006 (has links)
The strategical management and formation of the marketing strategy in a really-excisting company are analyzed in this master‘s work. Various models of creating strategies for the company described by different Lithuanian and foreign authors are researched, main marketing strategies and their formation stages are distinguished. A detail analysis of UAB “Tošva“ surrounding factors is carried out using PEST and SWOT methods of analysis. The economic-financial situation of the company and its change tendencies are analyzed. There is a formed marketing strategy to implement the aims. The plan of marketing activities and the control system are prepared.

Apyvartinio kapitalo valdymas ir analizė (UAB"Elektronika" pavyzdžiu) / The possession and analysis of working capital(according sample of JSC "Elektronika")

Bajarūnienė, Laima 29 May 2006 (has links)
This master’s paper researches a problem of an effective usage of the working capital because this issue is relevant to the various Lithuanian companies. Correct control of circulating capital, optimal storing of reserves at the enterprise��s warehouse, constant observation of ready money circulation, analysis of debtor’s and creditor’s operations are one of the main factors of successful activity of the enterprise. This paper seeks substantiation of the importance of circulating capital control at a business enterprise. It presents the survey of connection between circulating capital and estimation indices of the enterprise’s activity and introduces various forms of capital the control of which directly influences the effective capital regulation. When analysing the ways of control improvement of all component parts of circulating capital ( reserves, receivable amounts, payable, amounts, ready money), the main mistakes and problems of circulating capital control are being named.

Padėtis darbo rinkoje ir užimtumas Telšių apskrityje / Situation in the work market and employment in Telšiai district

Metrikienė, Jurga 30 May 2006 (has links)
This master’s final papers pending in theoretical background cause standard of unemployment, classification and the composition of work people, unemployment influence social and economics development. The paper presents a detailed analysis the methods of employment politics. In the practical field research unemployment beginning in Telšiai district, likewise economical and social appearance, that has power people economical employment process, unemployment exhibition multiplicity. Telšiai district works competitive ability scale, and its socialization process. Analysis accomplished of statistics department, Lithuanian employment Exchange material analysis and calculated theirs testimonial. The work analysis had a view and prepared the suggestion or employment and unemployment defused in the Telšiai district. Hypothesis of research work conformed that work market of politics Telšiai district are effectless.

Organizacinio klimato raiškos ypatumai aukštojo (neuniversitetinio) mokslo įstaigoje: diagnostinis aspektas / The peculiarites of the expression of organisational climate at the science institution: diagnostic apprach

Žilinskienė, Vilma 30 May 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s final paper – is to analyze the expression of organisational climate at the science institution using standardised test made by prof. G.Merkys united group climate crisis test. Organisational climate test consist of 156 questions. Test was done anonymous. We questioned 80 person from 10 different subdivisions. Using typical SPSS program was made data. Special psychometrical coefficients show that the testing information is reliable. It was stated big indication spill. It shows that in some subdivisions organisational climate and communication are very effective, in others only medium and there are some possibilities to improve it.

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