Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bmarketing anda ddministration"" "subject:"bmarketing anda coadministration""
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Konfliktų tarp turizmo organizacijų darbuotojų priežastys ir sprendimo būdai / Reasons of conflicts among tourizm organizations'employees and solutionsKudirka, Ramūnas 19 May 2006 (has links)
It is analysis of reasons of conflicts among tourism organizations’ personnel and solutions. The questions is what possible reasons of conflicts can occur among tourism organizations’ employees and what possible solutions are there. Conflicts exist and it is necessary to analyze them, so that they wouldn’t impede to achieve the best selling results and organization could achieve more solid intercommunication goals.
Subject of the paper - reasons of conflicts among tourism organizations’ personnel.
Aim of the paper – to study reasons of conflicts among tourism organizations’ employees, which cause problems in achieving organization’s goals and to analyze possible solutions.
Hypothesis of the paper – in every environment individuals face conflicts while they communicate. So it is possible to raise a hypothesis that conflicts also occur in tourism organizations, and part of them can be seen as negative result and unpleasant collision between the head and employees. Reasons of the conflicts can be: non-adequate perception of goals and values of the head and employees, organizational questions, lack of resources and psychological problems of communication.
Tasks: To analyze definition of the conflicts, to survey the concept, nature and types of the conflict; to give theoretical basis for reasons of the conflicts and to discuss possible solutions; to get acquainted with the process of tourism organizations’ activity, participants, places of possible conflicts; to analyze reasons... [to full text]
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Virtualių paslaugų konkuravimo strategijos formavimas / Formation of competitive strategy of virtual servicesSuvorova, Inesa 23 May 2006 (has links)
The analysis of Lithuanian and foreign authors scientific literature related to the competitive strategy are laid in thesis of Master work. In this final work are analyzed theoretical presumptions of gaining competitive advantage. Based on strategy formation methodic suggested by scientists, have been prepared virtual services competitive strategy formation model, which includes stages of analyze of interior and exterior environment, competitive strategy preparation, estimation and realization. According to the prepared virtual services competitive strategy formation model and based on the done research of services popularity and the level of quality, was formed virtual services competitive strategy of enterprise providing virtual services.
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Pensionatų, skirtų žmonėms su proto ir psichine negalia, veiklos analizė / Analysis of institutions for people with intellect and mental disabilityZimantienė, Vaida 10 July 2006 (has links)
The development of the social service for the disabled is inseparable part of the development of the common social service system. The disabled provided with stationary and non – stationary services by institutions of various jurisdictions. Stationary care is one of the most common forms of social service in Lithuania, which purpose is to create living conditions, which do not interfere with the human dignity and ensuring as far as possible a better quality of living for the caring necessary people by stimulating their ability to take care for themselves and to integrate themselves into society. This purpose urges the staff of the social care institution, which is also partly in charge of the patients’ mental health care, to apply not only universally but also scientifically based knowledge that enables to fulfil the expectations, wishes, well-being of the disabled and helps to ensure the high quality of treatment as well as properly balanced care service.
The work purpose - to uncover the main work spheres of the different structure social care institutions and provided service possibilities, which the best satisfy the inhabitants’ requirements.
Writing the work it has been fulfilled laws, standard acts regulating work of stationary institution, nonfiction literature analysis, and estimations. In the work presented the theoretical material about providing services for the people with mental disability, importance of psycho – social rehabilitation, singularities of... [to full text]
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Morkūnaitė, L. (2006). The impact of emotional intelligence to quality of social interaction between manager and subordinate. Unpublished Master Thesis. Kaunas: International School of Management.
This Master Thesis is designed for different level managers with the purpose to substantiate the impact of manager‘s emotional intelligence to quality of social interaction between the manager and subordinate. The emphasis of this thesis is put to social interaction as the warranty for effective management. The construct of high quality social interaction is being analyzed and represented as the objective to actualize the obligations of the manager, influence subordinates in the proper way, direct them, i.e. transform their attitudes and efforts towards achievement of company goals. Highest consideration is being shown to transformational social interaction in the context of full range leadership theory by Bass and Avolio. Due to this reason and the essence of transformational interaction it has been chosen as the ground for effective high quality interaction representing the same structure as effective management.
Effective social interaction is complex and depends on social, emotional, practical intelligences, social skills and social competences, political skills, interpersonal as well as socio-political intelligences, social foresight, functional flexibility and activity. The focus of this master thesis is put to one of the components of effective social interaction - emotional... [to full text]
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Esminiai sėkmes veiksniai Lietuvos IT konsultavimo paslaugų rinkoje / Key success factors in Lithuanian IT consulting services marketVyšniauskienė, Inga 14 November 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this master‘s thesis was to identify key success factors of IT consulting services, evaluating differences of the perceivable value from the received services between the largest Lithuanian organizations in public and private sectors.
The main goals of this paper were to identify the key success factors of IT consulting services through extensive academic literature review; to compare singularity of public and private sectors in IT consulting services context; to conduct an empirical research identifying key success factors; to generalize the key success factors in Lithuanian environment, evaluating the differences and similarities of public and private sector organizations, proposing the ways of increasing the potential value of IT consulting services in Lithuanian market.
Key success factors were analysed by reviewing academic literature and conducting qualitative and quantitative research.
Seeking to secure the validity of research indicators within Lithuanian cultural conditions, the structured interview with market experts were carried out. The insights and recommendations of the experts were used in the questionnaire of the quantitative research where employees, mainly the chiefs of IT departments from the largest private and public Lithuanian organizations took part.
The results of the empirical study indicated the differences of the key success factors between the public and private sectors. The determined key success factors and proposed... [to full text]
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Doktorantūros studijos ir jų efektyvumo įvertinimas / Doctoral studies and evaluation of its efficacyŠneider, Julija 03 August 2007 (has links)
Pagrindinis lietuvos doktorantūros tikslas yra išmokyti doktorantus vykdyti aukščiausios kokybės, originalius mokslinius tyrimus. Kokie studijų aspektai turi įtaką šiam procesui? Šiai problemai analizuoti ir skirtas atliekamas tyrimas.
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti kmu doktorantūros studijų organizacinius aspektus ir jų efektyvumą.
Uždaviniai: Išanalizuoti doktorantų požiūrį į vadovo, universiteto ir jų pačių vaidmenį doktorantūros studijų procese.
Išsiaiškinti doktorantų nuomones apie studijose dėstomus dalykus ir atsiskaitymą.
Palyginti atskirų mokslo krypčių ir skirtingų metų doktorantų nuomones apie doktorantūros studijų proceso organizacinius aspektus.
Įvertinti kmu doktorantūros studijų efektyvumą.
Tyrimo metodika. Norėdami ���vertinti doktorantūros studijų efektyvumą atlikome kauno medicinos universiteto doktorantų anoniminę anketinę apklausą. Kmu doktorantams buvo išdalyta 222 anketos, gautos užpildytos 137. Atsakymų į anketas dažnis – 61,7 proc. Surinktų duomenų matematinė statistinė analizė atlikta taikant ,,spss/w 13.0“ programą. Skirtumas tarp grupių vertintas taikant tradicinį statistikos metodą χ2. Skirtumas laikytinas statistiškai reikšmingu, kai p <0,05.
Rezultatai. Analizuojant apklausos duomenis galima teigti, kad didžioji dalis doktorantų domisi moksliniu tiriamuoju darbu, tikisi pagilinti savo žinias, užsiimti moksline veikla ateityje. Net 74 proc. Doktorantų mano, jog vadovas savo pareigas atlieka kokybiškai. Beveik pusė (48 proc.) Doktorantų nurodė, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main aim of the doctoral studies in lithuania is to teach the students to pursue the original scientific studies of highest quality. This study was designed to analyze which aspect of doctoral studies may influence the process.
The aim of the study: to evaluate the organizational aspects and the efficacy of the doctoral studies in kaunas university of medicine.
The goals:
To analyze the view of the doctoral students on the role of their supervisor, university and the student himself in the process of doctoral studies.
To find out the view of the doctoral students on the disciplines of the doctoral studies and accounts of them.
To compare the view on the organizational aspects of the doctoral study process between the students in different science trends and in different years of studies.
To evaluate the efficacy of the doctoral studies in kaunas university of medicine.
Methods. In order to evaluate the efficacy of doctoral studies the anonymous inquiry by questionnaire was performed in kaunas university of medicine. 222 forms were distributed, and 137 forms were received back. The incidence of the answers was 61.7 %. The statistical analysis of collected data was performed by ,,spss/w 13.0“. The difference between groups was evaluated using χ2 criteria. The difference considered to be statistically significant if p <0.05.
Results. The data analysis suggests that most of the doctoral students are interested in scientific work; they hope to deepen their knowledge and be... [to full text]
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Konkurencinės strategijos formavimas statybinių medžiagų prekybos įmonėms / The formation of competition strategy for the companies selling construction materialsDūminytė, Singa 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe išanalizuoti Lietuvos ir Užsienio autorių teoriniai ir praktiniai konkurencinės strategijos formavimo aspektai. Nagrinėjami konkurencinės strategijos alternatyvų taikymo privalumai ir trūkumai. Remiantis mokslininkų pateiktomis strategijos formavimo metodikomis, parengtas statybinių medžiagų prekybos įmonių konkurencinės strategijos formavimo modelis, kurį sudaro išorinės ir vidinės aplinkų analizės, alternatyvų vertinimo, įgyvendinimo bei kontrolės etapai. Remiantis suformuotu konkurencinės strategijos modeliu, atliktu empiriniu tyrimu bei statybų rinkos analizės rezultatais suformuota konkurencinė strategija statybinių medžiagų prekybos įmonės pavyzdžiu. / The analysis of Lithuanian and foreign authors scientific literature related theoretical and practical aspects of forming competitive strategy are laid in this Master‘s work. In this final work are analyzed the merits and demerits of competitive strategy alternatives. Based on strategy formation methodic suggested by scientists was prepared the formation model of competition strategy for the companies selling construction materials, which includes stages of analyze of interior and exterior environment, alternatives estimation, realization and controlling. According to the prepared model of competitive strategy, empirical research and the market analysis of construction materials was formed the competition strategy of the example of the company selling construction materials.
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Kokybės vadybos analizė socialinio tipo organizacijose / Analysis of quality management in organizations of social typeBagavičiūtė, Laura 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe pateikiama Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių visuotinės kokybės vadybos teorinių ir praktinių tyrimų apžvalga, susisteminant kokybės vadybos sampratą, priemonės, būdus ir modelius, socialinio ir privataus sektoriaus panašumus ir skirtumus. Šiame darbe siekiama išsiaiškinti, kuo pasižymi kokybės vadyba socialinio tipo organizacijose bei kokios kyla problemos, įgyvendinant visuotinę kokybės vadybą šiose organizacijose. Tam tikslui buvo sukurtas klausimynas, adaptuojant SERVQUAL modelio kriterijus, BĮ Klaipėdos miesto vaiko krizių centro, BĮ Klaipėdos miesto socialinės paramos centro, Klaipėdos miesto vaikų teisių apsaugos tarnybos ir Kauno miesto vaiko gerovės centro „Pastogė“ klientams ir darbuotojams. Tyrimo metu paai���kėjo, kad socialinio tipo organizacijos išsiskiria savo veiklos pobūdžiu, patirtimi, klientų charakteristika, darbuotojų motyvacija, galimybėmis bei požiūriu siekti kokybės. Buvo patvirtinta iškelta hipotezė, kad socialinio tipo organizacijose siekiama dirbti, remiantis visuotine kokybės vadybos koncepcija, tačiau jos taikymas yra nesistemingas. / In master’s thesis the review of Lithuania’s and foreign authors’ theoretical and practical research of general quality management is presented, systematizing the conception of quality management, means, methods and models, the similarity and differences of social and private sectors. In this thesis, it’s tried to find out, how the quality management differs in organizations of social type and which problems arise, putting into practice the general quality management in these organizations. For this aim, the questionnaire was composed, adapting the criteria of SERVQUAL model, for the clients and workers of BI Klaipeda city center of children crisis, BI Klaipeda city center of social support, Klaipeda city service of children rights protection and Kaunas city center of children welfare “Pastoge”. During the research, it was found out, that organizations of social type differ by their activity’s nature, experience, clients’ characteristic, workers motivation, possibilities and view towards the quality. The set hypothesis, indicating, that in the organizations of social type, it’s striving to work, basing on conception of general quality management, was confirmed, but its application is not systematic.
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Miško verslo įmonių miško apsaugos vystymo strategija: Šiaulių miškų urėdijos pavyzdžiu / The developmental strategy of forest protection for forest enterprises: Siauliai forest enterprise exampleŠuminaitė, Ramutė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe analizuojama miškų apsaugos sistema, ją lemiantys veiksniai, gilinamasi į efektyvesnės miškų apsaugos strategijos formavimą bei priemones ir veiksmus strategijai įgyvendinti. Išanalizuotos kelių paskutinių metų Šiaulių miškų urėdijos metinės veiklos ataskaitos sanitarinės ir priešgaisrinės miškų apsaugos srityje ir padaryta jų lyginamoji analizė, leidžianti pastebėti kai kurias tendencijas. Remiantis atliktos analizės duomenimis bei teorija yra siūlomas efektyvios miškų apsaugos strateginis modelis 2008 – 2013 metams, kurio priemonės ir veiksmai padėtų pasiekti geresnių rezultatų priešgaisrinės ir sanitarinės miškų apsaugos srityje. / The system of the forest protection and it determinant factors are analyze at this Master’s work. There are deep in shape of efficient forest protection strategy and means to implement it. Where was analyzed the annual reports of Sanitary protection and Protection of forest from fire range for few last years of Siauliai forests enterprise. There was made comparative analyses which permissive spot some the run. Regarding accomplished analysis information and theory there are offer strategically model of efficient forests protection for 2008 – 2013 years. The means and actions of this model can help get much more good results at sanitary protection and protection of forests from fire.
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Rizikos veiksnių analizės svarbių valdymo taškų sistemos diegimas maisto pramonės įmonėse / HACCP system inoculation in the enterprises of food industryŠliogerienė, Asta 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjami bendrieji maisto produktų kokybės aspektai ir smulkiau aptartas svarbiausias kokybės aspektas – produkto sauga ir saugumo užtikrinimas naudojant modernią rizikos veiksnių analizės svarbių valdymo taškų (RVASVT) sistemą. I��nagrinėjus esamą RVASVT sistemos diegimo padėtį Lietuvos maisto įmonėse , ypatingas dėmesys darbe skirtas rizikos veiksniams ir RVASVT sistemos diegimo problemoms ir jų sprendimui didesnėse maisto gamybos įmonėse. Darbe naudojami metodai teorinė analizė, maisto pramonės įmonių vadovų , personalo apklausa siekiant sužinoti jų nuomonę apie RVASVT sistemos diegimą ir jos naudą, srauto diagramų pagalba žaliavos/produkto pavaizduojami perdirbimo etapai įmonėje. Darbe apibūdinama RVASVT sistema ir jos nauda, analizuojami Lietuvos teisės aktai, ,reglamentuojantys maisto tvarkymą ir kontroliuojančių institucijų veikla šioje srity. Pateikiamas Lietuvos ir kitų šalių maisto įmonių požiūris į RVASVT diegimo privalumus , trūkumus ir sistemos reikalingumą maisto saugai. Pagrindžiama kai kurių teiginių ir praktinių nuorodų sudėtingumą ar abejotiną reikalingumą diegiant produkto saugos sistemą įmonėje. / The aim of the work to determine increasing problems of HACCP system inoculation in the enterprises of food to prove the expediece and need of picking information.. It is judge HACCP system necessarity, which is reglamented by the juristic base. The analysis of problems that are promineted during the inoculation and the recommendation how to avoid them. The methods which were used are: theoretic analysis, interogation, and the diagrama of flow.There were refered on interrogation of food remaking enterprises results and data that was annouced in articles of EU specialists.There is analysed common aspects of food products quality and discused the most important aspect of quality narrowlly – the safetiness of product and assurance of safetiness using the modern HACCP system. There are indicated interfasings among UQM and HACCP systems. After studying current situation of the HACCP system inoculation and knowledge in Lithuania and other countries, special attention was paid to risk factors and problems which is originating during HACCP system inaculation in a industry enterprise. The more qualified personnel participate and more expedient information is fixed from the very beginning of the inoculation of the system, the more quaranties that a process, ruling with the guard of product in an enterprise, when producing it is not only standartification of documents, decreasing mismaching cases, the posibility of product selling was expanded.
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