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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

AB SEB banko komunikacija su vartotojais ekonomikos nuosmukio metu ir po jo / AB SEB bank communication with customers during the economic downturn and after

Bitnerytė, Dovilė 14 June 2011 (has links)
Pasibaigus ekonomikos nuosmukiui didžioji dalis organizacijų yra priverstos keisti savo veiklos modelius, komunikacijos strategijas bei ieškoti naujų komunikacijos išraiškos būdų, kad pasiektų tikslinį vartotoją jam priimtinais kanalais. Keistis kartu su besikeičiančia aplinka yra svarbu, nes išgyvenusių tokį stiprų ir reikšmingą ekonomikos nuosmukį vartotojų, konkurentų, tiekėjų ir netgi savos organizacijos darbuotojų lūkesčiai ir elgsena yra tiek pasikeitusi, tad svarbu tas ypatybes numatyti ir stengtis prisitaikyti prie naujų iššūkių ir galimybių. Šio darbo tikslas yra pateikti konkrečius pasiūlymus ir rekomendacijas, kurių pagalba būtų galima pagerinti AB SEB banko komunikaciją su vartotojais ekonomikos atsigavimo laikotarpiu. Šiame darbe pirmiausia pristatoma mokslinėje literatūroje pateikta integruotos marketingo komunikacijos sampratos genezė bei priemonės. Taip pat palyginami integruotos marketingo komunikacijos skirtumai ekonomikos nuosmukio metu ir po jo. Antroje darbo dalyje pristatomas didžiausias komercinis bankas Lietuvoje - AB SEB bankas. Analizuojant interviu, antrinių informacijos šaltinių ir anketinės apklausos metu gautus duomenis, aptariama AB SEB banko naudojama integruota marketingo komunikacija ekonomikos nuosmukio metu ir po jo. Galiausiai įvertinus tyrimo metu gautus duomenis, pasiūlomos koreguojančios priemonės, reikalingos norint pritaikyti AB SEB banko komunikaciją prie pasikeitusios ekonominės aplinkos. / After the economic downturn is over most organizations are forced to change their business models, communication strategies and to look forward for new ways of communication expressions she could reach target consumers through the channels which are acceptable to them. To change step by step with changing economic environment is important because after surviving such a powerful and significant economic downturn consumers, competitors, suppliers and even organizations’ employees expectations and behaviour has changed a lot so it is important to predict these points and try to adapt to new challenges and opportunities. The purpose of this paper is to make proposals and recommendations which could help to improve SEB Bank’s communications with its consumers during the economic recovery. In this study I overlook at the integrated marketing communication tools and concept genesis which are presented in scientific literature. Also I compare differences between integrated marketing communication during an economic downturn and after. In the second part of this study I‘m representing the biggest commercial bank in Lithuania – AB SEB bank. The second part contains of analysis of scientific literature and findings which are received after making questionnaire surveys. Finally, after evaluating the findings of the study, some offers which are needed to adapt SEB Bank’s communication to the changed economic environment are proposed.

Spausdintinės reklamos kūrybingumo vertinimas. Universitetų atvejis / Printed advertising creativity assessment. Case of universities

Dilinskaitė, Kristina 14 June 2011 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – nustatyti universiteto spausdintinės reklamos kūrybingumo lygį ir parengti rekomendacijas kaip padidinti spausdintinės reklamos kūrybingumą. Pirmojoje (teorinėje) darbo dalyje analizuojama reklamos samprata ir jos esmė. Taip pat pateikiama ir kūrybingumo samprata, bei trumpai aptariami veiksniai, darantys įtaką ne tik organizacijai, bet ir jos marketingo sprendimams. Antrojoje (analitinėje) darbo dalyje pateikiami tyrimo, kurio tikslas – įvertinti pateikiamos spausdintinės reklamos vartotojams kūrybingumą, rezultatai ir metodologija. Taip pat pateikiamas universitetuose dirbančių marketingo specialistų darbo aplinkos vertinimo analizė. Trečiojoje (projektinėje) darbo dalyje, naudojant pirmose dalyse susistemintą informaciją, darbo autorius pateikia spausdintinės reklamos kūrybingumo didinimo projektą, skirtą kūrybinių kompetencijų tobulinimui universitetų darbuotojams bei reklamos efektyvumo vertinimo modelį. / The objective of the work is to identify the creativity level of the University printed advertising and to develop ways to increase print advertising creativity. The first (theoretical) part of this work is analysis of the concept and its meaning. Also you can find, the concept and creativity, and briefly discusses the factors influencing not only the organization but also it‘s marketing decisions. The second (analytical) part of the study, which aims - to assess the creativity of print advertising to consumers and compare their assessment with the assessment of advertisement makers, the results and methodology. It also gives marketing professionals working gives in universities, work environment assessment analysis. Third (design) part, with the first parts of the systemised information, the author of this work present a printed advertisement creativity raising project for the development of creative skills of university staff and the estimation effectiveness of the advertising model.

Profesinio perdegimo sindromo paplitimo pasireiškimas turizmo sektoriuje, gidų profesijoje / Job burnout prevalence of the guide profession in tourism sector

Gruodytė, Iveta 20 June 2014 (has links)
Raktiniai žodžiai: profesinis perdegimas, gidas, turizmas. Darbo objektas – profesinio perdegimo sindromas. Darbo tikslas - nustatyti profesinio perdegimo sindromo paplitimą gidų profesijoje. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti profesinio perdegimo sindromo sampratą teoriniu aspektu; 2. Atskleisti priežastis, sukeliančias profesinį perdegimą; 3. Nustatyti, kokie kriterijai lemia/nelemia gidų profesinį perdegimą. Rezultatai: Profesinio perdegimo sindromas apibrėžiamas kaip emocinio, psichinio ir fizinio išsekimo būsena susidedanti iš trijų komponentų: emocinio išsekimo, depersonalizacijos ir asmeninių profesinių siekių redukcija. Profesinio perdegimo sindromo pasireiškimui įtaką daro individualūs faktoriai (socialiniai-demografiniai), asmenybės savybės, organizaciniai faktoriai. Nors dėl individualių faktorių, tokių kaip lytis, amžius, šeimyninė padėtis, išsilavinimo lygis, darbo stažas mokslininkų nuomonės ir tyrimų rezultatai išsiskiria, tai tiesiog patvirtina, jog skirtingose profesijose profesinio perdegimo sindromas gali susidaryti dėl skirtingų priežasčių. Darbo pobūdis gidų profesijoje profesinio perdegimo sindromo pasireiškimui įtaką gali turėti tik pirmam komponentui – emociniam išsekimui. Darbo stažas nuo (3 iki 10 metų ir daugiau nei 10 metų) neturi įtakos profesinio perdegimo sindromo formavimuisi gidų profesijoje, tačiau darbo stažas iki 3 metų tikėtina, gali daryti įtaką sindromo pasireiškimui. Neatitikimas tarp keliamų darbo reikalavimų ir gaunamo atlyginimo už... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object: Syndrome of the job burnout. Aim – to analyze professional burnout syndrome prevalence of guide profession Objectives: 1. To analyze the concept of job burnout syndrome in theoretical terms. 2. To reveal causes of job burnout. 3. To find out criterions which lead/ does not lead to job burnout. The main findings. Job burnout syndrome is defined as the emotional, mental and physical exhaustion state consisting of the three components: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal professional goals reduction. Job burnout syndrome is influenced by individual factors (socio- demographic), personality characteristics and organizational factors. There are different opinion about individual factors such as gender, age, marital status, level of education and work experience, influence job burnout but it confirms that the different reasons can lead to job burnout in a difference professions. Type of job can have influence only to the first job burnout component - the emotional burnout, in the guide profession. Seniority of 3 to 10 years and more than 10 years does not affect the formation of job burnout syndrome in the guide profession, but work experience less than 3 years can lead to job burnout in the guide profession. An imbalance between job requirements and the salary has no impact on any professional burnout syndrome component. Professional burnout syndrome is not common in the guide profession because it was not found that any of the burnout criteria would... [to full text]

Turizmo sektoriaus ekspatriantų adaptavimosi aspektai tarpkultūrinėje aplinkoje / Adaptational aspects of tourism sector's expatriates in the intercultural environment

Nosova, Jana 20 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas. Adaptavimosi aspektai. Tikslas. Nustatyti turizmo ekspatriantų adaptavimosi aspektus tarpkultūrinėje aplinkoje. Uždaviniai: 1.Išanalizuoti ekspatriacijos ir ekspatrianto sąvokas teoriniu aspektu. 2.Nustatyti faktorius, darančius įtaką turizmo sektoriaus ekspatriantų adaptacijai tarpkultūrinėje aplinkoje. 3.Ištirti turizmo sektoriaus ekspatriantų adaptacijos procesą. Metodai. Mokslinės literatūros apžvalga, sisteminimas, analizė, kritinis vertinimas; giluminis pusiau struktūruotas interviu; tyrimo „content“ analizė. Rezultatai. Mokslininkai nustatė, kad tarpkultūrinę adaptaciją įtakoja svetimos kalbos mokėjimas, gyvenamojo laikotarpio trukmė naujoje kultūroje, žinios apie ją, sąveikos su priimančios kultūros žmonėmis ir jų pripažinimas, įmonės taikomos akultūracijos strategijos (Barhem, 2008). Tyrimas atskleidė: pagrindinės problemos, iškylančios ekspatriantams, yra darbo patirties užsienyje trūkumas, skirtingas gyvenimo bei darbo ritmas. Paaiškėjo: kuo dažniau darbuotojas išvyksta, tuo trumpesnis adaptavimosi periodas; kurį palengvina informacijos turėjimas apie šalies specifiką, draugų atsiliepimai apie šalį. Išvados. Turizmo darbuotojų tarpkultūrinę adaptaciją veikia faktoriai, susiję ne tik su pasikeitusia ekonomine, klimato aplinka, atsiskyrimu nuo šeimos, tarpkultūrinių skirtumų, bet ir ekspatrianto ankstesnės gyvenimo patirties ekspatriacijoje bei organizacijos pagalbos išvykstančiam. Pasiūlymai. Atsižvelgiant į gautus tyrimo rezultatus, Prieš... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Substantiation. In a modern world of globalization companies function in an international environment and employees have to adapt to this environment. In particular, this issue is inevitable for tourism organizations whose field of activity is related to work with clients out of Lithuania. Tourism specialists are often sent to work abroad in order to achieve the main goals of the company. Employees encounter various obstacles which negatively (or positively) affect their professional or personal lives. One of the main obstacles to face is intercultural differences which should be overcome first of all while adapting in a new country. In order to facilitate an organization’s human recourses’ management and to ease the employees’ adaptation period during the expatriation, it is necessary to find out what kind of problems do the tourism specialists face while on mission abroad. The aim of research. To identify tourism expatriates' adaptation aspects in a cross-cultural environment; to identify the factors, which make influence on expatriates’ intercultural adaptation process ; to explore the process of intercultural adaptation of tourism expatriates. Methods. Scientific literature review, organization, analysis, critical evaluation; in-depth semi-structured interview; “content” analysis of research. Results. The researchers determined that foreign language proficiency, length of residence in a new culture, knowledge of peculiarities of a new culture, the interaction with the... [to full text]

UAB „GEMEOS“ konkurencingumo stiprinimas / JSC „GEMEOS“ competitiveness promotion

Vanagas, Karolis 20 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – Baidarių nuomos UAB „Gemeos“ konkurencingumas. Probleminis klausimas – Kokias priemones UAB „Gemeos“ tikslinga taikyti norint pagerinti veiklos konkurencingumą? Tyrimo tikslas – remiantis konkurencingumo teorine analize atlikti UAB „Gemeos“ verslo konkurencingumo stiprinimo galimybių vertinimą bei pasiūlyti konkurencingumo stiprinimo galimybes. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išstudijavus mokslinės literatūros šaltinius, aprašyti įmonės konkruencingumo stiprinimo teorinius aspektus. 2. Atlikti UAB „Gemeos“ verslo konkurencingumo stiprinimo galimybių vertinimą. 3. Pateikti pasiūlymus UAB „Gemeos“ konkurencingumo stiprinimui. Tyrimo metodai: 1. Mokslinės literatūros analizė. 2. Anketinė apklausa. 3. SSGG analizė. 3. Matematinė analizė. Išvados: 1. Konkurencingumas susijęs su įmonės gebėjimu greitai reaguoti į skubius rinkos pokyčius ir išlaikyti savo pozicijas joje. Konkurencinis pranašumas – tai įmonės sugebėjimas ilgam laikotarpiui išlaikyti geresnes pozicijas rinkoje, bei dirbti efektyviau už konkurentus. Siekiant ilgalaikio įsitvirtinimo rinkoje įmonei reikia susiplanuoti ir formuoti konkurencinius pranašumus, kurie būtų sisiję su ilgalaike nauda ir kurtų vertę vartotojui. 2. Empirinio įmonės personalo ir vartotojų nuomonės apie UAB „Gemeos“ teikiamas paslaugas tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad respondentai nėra visiškai patenkinti šios įmonės teikiamomis paslaugomis. 3. Formuojant UAB „Gemeos“ konkurencinio pranašumo strategiją siūloma įmonėje įdiegti darbe pateiktą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research object: Kayak rental JSC “Gemeos” competitiveness. Problematic issue: What measures it is appropriate to apply in order to improve the competitiveness of JSC „Gemeos“? Research objective: Perform JSC „Gemeos“ analysis of competitiveness strenghtening and propose competitiveness strenghtening options based on theoretical analysis about competitiveness. Research task: 1. To analyse scientific literature and describe theoretical aspects of campany's competitiveness strenghening. 2. To evaluate business competitiveness strenghening potentiality of JSC „Gemeos“. 3. To make competitiveness strenghening suggestions for JSC „Gemeos“. Methods of the research: 1. Analysis of scientific literature. 2. Survey questioning. 3. SWAT analysis 4. Mathemaltical analysis. Conclusions: 1. Competitiveness is about companies ability to perform fast actions and maintain their positions depending on the urgency of the market changes. Competitiveness advantage – companies ablity to maintain long-term positions in market and manage to work more efficently than their competitors. While entrenching the market during long time period company has to plan and form competitive advantages, that would be connected with long term benefits and would create value for clients. 2. Information gathered from company's personnel and customers empyrical research shows, that respondents aren't completely satisfied with JSC „Gemeos“ services. 3. When planning their competitive advantage strategy JSC „Gemeos“... [to full text]

Mokslo ir technologijų parkų plėtra: vadybos modeliai / DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PARKS: MANAGEMENT MODELS

Miliūtė, Aistė 08 February 2005 (has links)
Science and Technology Parks are one of organizational forms, designed for development of innovations, coordination of science research, studies, technology creation and implementation activity, and initiative of new businesses. In addition to Science and Technology Parks, the organizations of the same purpose could be various Business Incubators, Innovation Centers, Technology Parks etc., however, precisely Science and Technology Parks, as organizational forms, distinguish for their efficiency and development prospects. Science and Technology Parks and development of their networks are necessary because of new challenges and problems, ascendant globalization, European Union expansion, knowledge and informational development. For this reason it is very relevant to examine and estimate the creation and development influence for economic growth of Science and Technology Parks and their networks, as well as parallel organizations, taking into account an international experience.

Mokslo ir technologijų parkų plėtra: vadybos modeliai / Development of science and technology parks: management models

Miliūtė, Aistė 08 February 2005 (has links)
Science and Technology Parks are one of organizational forms, designed for development of innovations, coordination of science research, studies, technology creation and implementation activity, and initiative of new businesses. In addition to Science and Technology Parks, the organizations of the same purpose could be various Business Incubators, Innovation Centers, Technology Parks etc., however, precisely Science and Technology Parks, as organizational forms, distinguish for their efficiency and development prospects. Science and Technology Parks and development of their networks are necessary because of new challenges and problems, ascendant globalization, European Union expansion, knowledge and informational development. For this reason it is very relevant to examine and estimate the creation and development influence for economic growth of Science and Technology Parks and their networks, as well as parallel organizations, taking into account an international experience.

Personalo ugdymo sistemos vertinimas / Evaluation of the personnel development system

Kumpikaitė, Vilmantė 27 July 2005 (has links)
The aim of the research – taking into account requirements raised to personnel development, to prepare model of the personnel development system evaluation, focused on consistency of the organisation and its employee’s development interests.

Virtualios organizacijos personalo valdymas / Personnel management of virtual organization

Merkevičius, Juozas 04 April 2005 (has links)
The work under new conditions of information technologies’ development has not only advantages, but also causes certain problems as well as new conflicts within an organization. Inadequacy of models applied in personnel management and current market requirements can determine the decrease of competitive ability for the business organizations, loss of potential markets, causing social problems, such as unemployment, increase of social disproportion between different countries or regions, migration of qualified staff. Due to the following reasons, the perception of personnel improvement problems and their solutions stand not only for business development factor. These circumstances frame the topicality of a thesis subject. Scientific problem. Theoretical models and their application practice do not coincide with personnel management latter-day requirements. They are determined by pervasion of information technologies, development of virtual organizations as well as business under conditions of social and economical internationalization. Due to particularity of information technologies, new personnel management problems are faced, and their solving requires new personnel management models. Subject of scientific research. Management of geographically remote personnel using computer network, information technologies, factors affecting efficient personnel management, personnel management in virtual organization need detailed research. Aim of the research – to construct effective... [to full text]

Pacientų pasitenkinimas optikos teikiamomis paslaugomis / An estimation of patients'satisfaction with the services provided by optics

Milašienė, Rasa 16 June 2005 (has links)
Material SUMMARY Postgraduate studies in public health management AN ESTIMATION OF PATIENTS’ SATISFACTION WITH THE SERVICES PROVIDED BY OPTICS Rasa Milašienė Research advisor: doc. dr. Ilona Bučiūnienė, Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Marketing Kaunas University of Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Department of Public Medicine. – Kaunas, 2005.-56 p. Purpose of the Research: to investigate patients’ satisfaction with optics “Senamiestis” provided services. Goals: 1. To investigate the factors conditioning patients’ satisfaction with the services provided by optics services. 2. To measure the influence of public – demographic characteristics to patients’ satisfaction. 3. To give recommendations for the improving the services provided by optics. Methods of the Research: Subject of the research: Patients’ content with services provided in the optics sphere. A questionnaire for the investigation of the patients’ satisfaction was made after the analyses of the newest Lithuanian and foreign literature. The questionnaire was made on the basis of Parasuraman offered SERVQUAL instrumentation and was used for the patients in optics surgeries. Rating scale was made up of 7 articles according to Likert (1 – do not agree at all, 7 – absolutely agree). 176 patients were questioned, 123 questionnaires were returned. 69,9 % of respondents. Questionnaire data was processed and analyzed by using the statistical data analyses batch SPSS 9... [to full text]

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