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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teisės ir vadybos absolventų įsidarbinimo galimybių lyginamasis tyrimas / Untersuchung über Anstellungsmöglichkeiten der Jura und Managementstudierenden

Gečienė, Jovita 01 June 2005 (has links)
In der Abschlussarbeit werden die theoretichen und praktischen Einwirkungen, die die Indienstnahme- Möglichkeiten von Hochschulabsolvierenden beeinflussen, analysiert. Dafür bedient man sich verschiedener Untersuchungen und Informationsquellen. Im theoretischen Teil hat man die Studien der litauischen und ausländischen Wissenschaftlern über die Entwicklung des menschlichen Potentials analysiert und systematisiert. Hierbei wurden auch die Untersuchungen über Hochbildungssystems zusammengefasst. Daneben behandelt man ein heutzutage aktuelles Thema der Ausweitung des Lehranstaltsystems und die Problematik der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Universitäten und anderen Hochschulen. Bezüglich der Anstellungsmöglichkeiten und allgemein des Arbeitsmarktbedarfs an die Arbeitskräfte der Jura- und Managementberufe im Vergleich mit anderen Berufen wurde die Untersuchung durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse haben die formulierte Annahme darüber, dass die Anstellungsmöglichkeiten und allgemein die Position auf dem Arbeitsmarkt der Absolventen der Universität und die der anderen Hochschulen unterschiedlich sind, bestätigt.

Marketingo logistikos sistemos kūrimas ir valdymas įmonėje „X“ / Development and Management of Marketing Logistics System in Company « X »

Žymantas, Nerijus 02 June 2005 (has links)
Company marketing strategies and issues related to the development of a logistics system have been formulated in the master’s thesis, factors which predetermine the development of intensive business activity have been discussed as well as the methods and forms for the development of the marketing logistics system have been analysed. By the method of random selection, efficiency of the marketing logistics have been analysed for several groups of goods. The results should assist commercial companies in proper organization of their work, while striving for economy of business activity. The scientific research hypothesis formulated by the author has been confirmed, namely that the marketing logistics system, which is properly arranged and managed, opens new minimiz-ing reserve of general costs as well as provides much better service for users.

Radviliškio rajono švietimo įstaigų projektinės veiklos rezultatyvumo veiksniai / Factors of project work of educational institutions in Radviliškis district

Kvedarienė, Jolanta 03 June 2005 (has links)
This master’s final paper formulates relevance problems of project method in Lithuania and Radviliškis district. Project requisitions of Radviliskis educational institutions and the impact of managers and teachers in project work, their qualification and attitude towards it are analyzed in the paper. It presents analysis of opinions of managers and teachers on obstacles and encouraging factors in taking part in project work. The possibilities of designing and planning better policy of project activities in Radviliskis educational institutions are foreseen and developed in it.

Neįgaliųjų socialinio dalyvavimo veiklų finansavimo ypatumai Lietuvos savivaldybėse / Singularities of Financing of social implication of disabled in Lithuanian Municipalities

Čepononis, Tomas 03 June 2005 (has links)
The final work treats of financing the social participation of disabled people in the public administrations of self-government institutions in order to disclose the peculiarities of financing the disabled social participation activities in Lithuanian Municipalities. Theoretical part speaks about the basic questions in public administration of self-government institutions and the spheres associated with public administration of disabled people social integration is stressed. In addition, the activities of state policy and legislative basis on the level of disabled integration have been examined, the present situation in Lithuania is given and paradigm of their social participation is presented in this work. The greatest attention in this work is given to the financing of the activities of disabled social participation according to their different spheres, comparing the situation in 2002 and 2003, showing dynamics in financing. Financing peculiarities of social participation activities of the disabled in Lithuanian municipalities have never been studied up to now. The results will help to find out the main obstacles of disabled social participation activities better, understand that some of their activities are least financed by municipality budgets and clear out how social participation of the disabled is realized on the basis of financing in Lithuanian municipalities.

Suaugusių edukaciniai poreikiai ir jų tenkinimo problemos Palangos m. rekreacinėse įstaigose : klientų nuomonės tyrimas / Supply of educative needs of adults and their problems in recreational institutions of Palanga: customer opinion research

Butkutė, Aušra 03 June 2005 (has links)
Basic educative needs of adults and their supply problems in recreational institutions of Palanga have been framed in Master Thesis. The main objective of research is to investigate major problematic issues of educative activities that are being pursued in recreational institutions of Palanga. Received results have revealed that particular activities are being performed insufficiently in every organization under study. Evaluation of respondents has been mainly expressed by negative stand. We need to emphasize though, that in those institutions where adequate form of educative activities has been initialized it was evaluated positively. Drawn up list of possible educative activities and means enables to frame general educative programs for recreational institutions of Palanga, to foresee adequate strategic directions of educative activities that would help to improve the quality of rehabilitation services.

Kokybės kaštai ir jų mažinimo rezervai įmonėje (AB “Ekranas” pavyzdžiu) / Quality costs and reserves of their diminishion in the company (on the example of SC”Ekranas")

Rimkus, Alfredas 06 June 2005 (has links)
The following items are discussed in the scientific work: -quality costs; -continuous improvement, the influence of quality costs accounting and analysis over the continuous improvement; - introduction of quality costs accounting in the company, analysis of quality costs and improvement possibilities on the example of Stock Company “Ekranas”; -the problems related to the quality costs striving for continuous improvement. The aim of the work is to find out the influence of quality costs accounting and analysis methods over the continuous improvement on the example of Stock Company “Ekranas” and to prepare suggestions for the methods of company’s quality costs accounting and analysis. .

Pirkimų skatinimo aplinkos formavimas prekybos tinkluose / Stimulating environment of purchase formation in trading networks

Žutautienė, Ramunė 06 June 2005 (has links)
This master’s thesis presents an analysis of marketing and its complex elements supporting role in trading companies. Analyzed are the reasons that caused an increase in expenses assigned for sales promotion by small-scale trading companies. The following component parts of a sales stimulating environment are distinguished in trading networks: layout of trading premises and allocation of goods, creation of a trading place’s setting and external environment, as well as their influence while aiming at the sales increase and motivation of buyers’ loyalty to the trading place. After the elements creating the trading place’s environment as well as their influence on the sales increase in small – scale trading companies are analyzed, a model of purchase stimulating environment is formed and further adapted to a trading network store.

Moterys darbo rinkoje:padėtis ir įsidarbinimo problemos (Šiaulių m.pavyzdžiu) / Women in labour market: situation and employment problems (by the example of Šiauliai city)

Jankutė, Lina 06 June 2005 (has links)
In this thesis of master there are analysed women’s situation in the labour market, the trends of unemployment changes and the main unemployment reasons, there are submitted the results of the realization of labour market policy. In the first part of work there are analyzed the theoretical aspects of employment and unemployment, the interaction between labour market and labour force, the reasons of rise in unemployment, the economic social consequences of unemployment. There are also analysed the measures of labour market state regulation and the main trends of unemployment and poverty reduction in Lithuania. In the second part of the thesis there are analysed the trends of women’s situation in Lithuanian, EU and global labour market, assurance of equal rights of men and women in the field of employment. In the third part of the work the analyse is concretized to the level of Siauliai city. There are analyzed the activity of Siauliai jobcentre and the employment policy that this centre realize. There are also overlooked the employment measures that help to solve the compatibility of labour force demand and supply. There was made the questionnaire inquiry that confirmed the hypothesis of science research formulated by the authors of the thesis, that the main reason of women unemployment in Siauliai city is the lack of qualification.

The effects of brand, design, and price on intent to purchase an activity tracker

Oh, Kyoungwhan 06 September 2014 (has links)
<p> As technology development has made the world better, the benefits of such development are also increasingly related to sports activities. Many sports devices have been combined with Information Technology (IT). One great example is an IT-combined sport device called "Activity Tracker." It is a device that is worn on the body and records a user's body status such as calories burned, steps walked, or heart rates. With people's increasing attention to their health, it is expected that the popularity of the devices will increase. To aid in the sales of activity trackers in a competitive market, the manufacturers should be familiar with the impact of product cues such as brand, price, and design on consumers' perceived quality, which will influence their willingness to buy. </p><p> The study was quantitative; paper and pencil questionnaires were utilized. The instruments were derived from three existing studies. The study participants were Florida State University undergraduate and graduate students; 200 questionnaires were distributed to students enrolled in Lifetime Activity Program (LAP) courses and/or visiting a recreation center on campus. The final sample size was 144 participants. The data was analyzed using several statistical methods with PASW Statistics 20.0. From the descriptive statistics, the frequency counts and/or mean scores were computed for profiling the participants. The Cronbach's alpha scores, and item-to-total correlations were utilized to assess the internal consistency of the factors measured with the questionnaires. The assumptions of multiple regression, including as normality, linearity, homoscedasticity, and multicollinearity were assessed. Multiple regressions were utilized to gauge the extent to which price, brand, and design influence perceived quality. As the final step, a simple regression was utilized to measure the relationship between perceived quality and willingness to buy. </p><p> Examination of this data revealed several significant results regarding the relationships between product cues, perceived quality, and willingness to buy. While brand (t=6.779; p&lt;.05; beta=.522) and design (t=5.934; p&lt;.05; beta=.450) had a positive impact on perceived quality, price (t=-1.681; p>.05; beta=-.139) had no significant impact on perceived quality. Perceived quality (t=6.060; p&lt;.05; beta=.453) had a positive impact on willingness to buy; however, the variance (20%) accounted for in willingness to buy was low, meaning that there may be mediating variables between perceived quality and willingness to buy.</p>

Recognizing uncertainty and managing appropriately| How should sales managers do it?

Dingus, Rebecca 13 June 2014 (has links)
<p> This dissertation explores the effects of sales managers' behaviors on sales force performance, given various situations that sales forces face. Using a structure-conduct-performance framework, the most appropriate behaviors that sales managers should engage in are determined by assessing performance relative to sales managers' conduct in the presence of varied structural factors. </p><p> Assuming that a sales manager's conduct varies based on the structural (i.e., situational) variables facing a sales force, a framework of transaction cost economics is used to identify the structural variables of transaction specific assets and uncertainty (both external and internal). As these structural conditions vary, the appropriateness of particular sales manager behaviors also changes. Sales manager conduct is considered with respect to (1) sales manager's control (behavior-based, outcome-based) of the sales force, (2) sales manager's trust in the sales force, and (3) a sales manager's adaptability to the sales force and related situations. Unique conceptualizations are provided for both control (challenging its traditional single continuum) and adaptability of the sales manager (extending beyond adaptive selling behavior). The sales force is the unit of analysis and, accordingly, performance is assessed as sales force performance. </p><p> Thirteen hypotheses are formed to predict relationships between the structure, conduct, and performance variables. Using self-assessed, sales manager data, they are empirically tested. A survey created by adapting scales from the literature assesses the structural conditions sales managers are facing, the behaviors in which they engage, and how their sales forces perform. Participating sales managers were recruited through two university sales centers and through social ties. Respondents in the sample represent large, reputable firms in several different countries. The data was analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) with several competing models. As comparisons are made at the sales force level, this dissertation introduces a new unit of analysis to the sales literature. </p><p> The study's hypotheses are largely confirmed. Findings indicate that sales managers' control, trust, and adaptability positively influence the sales force's performance; additionally, a moderating effect indicates that uncertainly influences the effect of control on sales force performance. Further identifying the important role of uncertainty, this dissertation is a springboard for additional analyses. This dissertation provides contributions to both theory and practice with its unique conceptualizations of conduct variables and its complex, integrative model.</p>

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