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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement d'indicateurs biomécaniques en manutention et leur application dans l'étude des différences entre les sexes lors de levers de charges en hauteur

Martinez, Romain 09 1900 (has links)
Les blessures musculo-squelettiques du membre supérieur représentent un problème de santé publique dans le secteur de la manutention. En plus d’affecter la qualité de vie du travailleur, ces lésions entraînent une perte de temps de travail et une augmentation des coûts de production. Alors que nous avons des évidences épidémiologiques que les femmes manutentionnaires sont plus nombreuses que les hommes à souffrir de douleurs à l’épaule, la littérature fait défaut d’indices biomécaniques qui expliquent l'origine de cette différence. L'objectif général de cette thèse était d'améliorer l'évaluation des techniques de manutention du membre supérieur, avec trois objectifs spécifiques : (1) développer des indices cinématiques, électromyographiques et musculo-squelettiques synthétiques pour évaluer et différencier des techniques de manutention du membre supérieur ; (2) développer un logiciel libre d'analyse biomécanique ; et (3) utiliser les indices et le logiciel développés pour décrire les différences biomécaniques entre des femmes et des hommes manutentionnaires. Nous avons récolté des données de cinématique, d'électromyographie et de force sur 30 femmes et 30 hommes réalisant une tâche de manutention qui consistait à déplacer une boîte de 6 et 12 kg entre la hauteur des hanches et la hauteur des yeux. À partir de ces données, nous avons développé des indicateurs synthétiques : un indicateur cinématique utile pour identifier des techniques de manutention problématiques et plus généralement les fonctions articulaires ; des indicateurs électromyographiques qui permettent d'estimer la quantité d'activation musculaire et la co-contraction musculaire ; et des indicateurs musculo-squelettiques qui permettent d'estimer les contraintes musculaires totales et les contraintes appliquées à l'articulation glénohumérale. Nous avons implémenté ces indicateurs avec pyomeca, notre logiciel libre d'analyse biomécanique. Mis à disposition de la communauté biomécanique, pyomeca supporte des tâches utiles dans le quotidien d'un chercheur biomécanique, mais également des routines biomécaniques plus avancées, axées sur la mécanique du corps rigide et le traitement de signal. Ce dernier se démarque des logiciels biomécaniques existants parce que c'est une solution libre, conviviale, spécialisée et sûre. Nous avons ensuite appliqué les indices synthétiques pour décrire les différences biomécaniques entre les femmes et les hommes participant à notre expérimentation. L'indicateur cinématique a montré que les femmes employaient une technique de manutention moins sécuritaire, avec une plus grande contribution glénohumérale, une faible contribution des membres inférieurs et une boite plus éloignée du tronc. Ces différences de technique se sont répercutées sur les indicateurs électromyographiques et musculo-squelettiques, avec des activations musculaires deux fois plus importantes comparativement aux hommes et une moindre stabilité de l'articulation glénohumérale. Ces différences pourraient contribuer à expliquer la prévalence de blessure du membre supérieur plus élevée chez les femmes manutentionnaires. Cette thèse a donc permis de développer des indicateurs synthétiques et un logiciel libre d'analyse biomécanique qui pourraient permettre aux ergonomes d'évaluer l'exposition aux risques de blessures du membre supérieur pendant une tâche de travail dynamique. Appliqués à une population spécifique, ces indicateurs suggèrent qu'il est crucial d'accorder une attention particulière au sexe pendant l'évaluation d'une tâche de travail au-dessus des épaules. / Work-related upper limb musculoskeletal disorders represent a public health challenge in the material handling industry. In addition to affecting the worker's quality of life, these injuries result in lost work time and increased production costs. While we have epidemiological evidence that more female material handlers suffer from shoulder pain than men, the literature is lacking biomechanical indicators that explain the origin of this difference. The general objective of this thesis was to improve the evaluation of upper limb handling techniques, with three specific objectives~: (1) to develop synthetic kinematic, electromyographic and musculoskeletal indicators to evaluate and differentiate upper limb handling techniques~; (2) to develop an open source biomechanical analysis software~; and (3) to use the developed indicators and software to describe the biomechanical differences between female and male workers. We collected kinematics, electromyography and force data on 30 women and 30 men performing a handling task that consisted in lifting a 6 and 12~kg box from hip to eye level. From these data, we developed synthetic indicators~: a kinematic indicator useful to identify poor handling techniques and more generally joint functions~; two electromyographic indicators to quantify the amount of muscle activation and muscle co-contraction~; and two musculoskeletal indicators to estimate total muscle stress and stress applied to the glenohumeral joint. We have implemented these indicators with pyomeca, our open-source biomechanical analysis software. Available to the biomechanical community, pyomeca provide basic operations useful in the daily workflow of a biomechanical researcher, but also more advanced biomechanical routines geared towards rigid body mechanics and signal processing. pyomeca stands from existing biomechanical software because it is an open-source, user-friendly, specialized and secure solution. We then applied our synthetic indicators to describe the biomechanical differences between the women and men participating in our experiment. The kinematic indicator showed that women used a poor handling technique, with a higher glenohumeral contribution, a low contribution from the lower limbs and a box further away from the trunk. These differences in technique affected the electromyographic and musculoskeletal indicators, with twice as much muscle activation compared to men and less glenohumeral stability. These results may contribute to the sex difference in the prevalence of upper limb musculoskeletal disorders. This thesis has enabled the development of biomechanical indicators and an open-source software that could allow ergonomists to assess the upper limb exposure during a dynamic lifting task. Applied to a specific population, these indicators argue for a careful consideration of sex during ergonomics intervention, particularly during overhead work.

Optimering av lagerplatser för returemballage : En fallstudie på Linde Gas AB i Enköping / Stock Location Optimization : A case study at Linde Gas AB in Enköping

Olausson, Rebecka January 2020 (has links)
Undersökningen är uppbyggd av en kvantitativ fallstudie, där en datainsamling i form av företagsinterna dokument och intervjuer har utförts för att kunna besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar. För skapa ett underlag som ska styrka den insamlade datan från fallstudien har även en sökning efter lämpliga teorier och metoder genomförts med fokus på studentlitteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar tillhörande ämnesområdet. Syftet med denna studie är att optimera antalet cylindrar på Linde Gas AB i Enköping genom att effektivisera materialflödet för industrigaser på anläggningen. Den pågående centraliseringen av Lindes fabriker, där flertalet verksamheter konsolideras till Enköping, bidrar till ett överskott av cylindrar. Ett överskott som skapar oreda bland cylindrarna i det operativa flödet. Detta leder i sin tur till onödigt långa körtider för truckförarna att hämta och lämna cylindrar på lagerhållningsytan, där både tomma och fulla cylindrar lagerhålls. Resultatet av studien visar på en viss osäkerhet i systemtillförlitligheten, vilket innebär att lagersaldot som redovisas i systemet inte överensstämmer med det verkliga lagersaldot. Detta visar därmed på en låg grad av lagersaldosäkerhet i det systemstödet SAP. Resultat från intervjuer och granskning av dokument indikerar även på att det finns ett överskott av cylindrar på anläggningen i Enköping, men på grund av osäkerheten i lagersaldot är det omöjligt att göra en kvantifierad bedömning av hur stort överskottet är. Av resultatet framgår även att det finns två typer av överskott, ett permanent överskott och ett säsongsvarierande överskott. Studien kommer därmed fram till att de överskottscylindrar som inte tillför någon nytta i det operativa flödet bör förflyttas till en alternativ lagerhållningsyta på anläggningen i Enköping. De säsongsvarierande produkterna beräknas återgå till det operativa flödet inför högsäsong igen medan det permanenta överskottet inte beräknas återgå till det operativa flödet utan bör snarare undersökas vidare för eventuell förflyttning till en annan anläggning. Analyser av resultatet med hjälp av metoder och verktyg som processkartläggning, materialflödesanalys, processanalysschema samt kostnadsanalyser genererar slutligen ett förbättringsförslag i form av en rutinbeskrivning för hur Linde bör hantera det överskott som finns. Denna rutinbeskrivning bör utifrån ett lean- och ekonomiskt perspektiv implementeras tidigt i materialflödet för att undanflyttningen ska generera en besparing i form av att eliminera slöserier som överproduktion, onödig truckkörning och stora buffertlager. De slutsatser som dras är dock att Linde bör uppdatera sina grundläggande stödprocesser för bland annat utförandet av inventeringar, innan en implementering av den rutinbeskrivning som tagits fram i denna studie är möjlig att genomföra. / This is primary a quantitative case study based on data that has been collected in terms of internal documents and interviews. This has been done to make sure to answer the purpose and questions of statement in this study. In order to create a foundation that will support the data collected from the case study, suitable theories and methods has also been collected by focusing on student literature and scientific articles related to the subject area. The purpose of this study is to optimize the number of cylinders at Linde Gas AB in Enköping by mapping the material flow for industrial gases at the plant. The ongoing centralization of Lindes´ plants in Sweden, in which some plants are consolidating their operations to Enköping, contributes to an excess of cylinders. An excess that creates disorder among the cylinders in the operational flow. This also leads to unnecessarily long driving times for truck drivers to pick and unload cylinders on the storage location, where both empty and full cylinders are being stored. The results of the study are showing a certain insecurity in the system reliability, which means that the stock levels that are reported in the system do not match the actual stock levels at the site. This indicates a low degree of stock accuracy in the support system SAP. Results from interviews and reviews of documents also indicates that there is an excess of cylinders at site in Enköping, but uncertainties in stock accuracy makes it impossible to estimate the extent of the excess there is. The result also shows that there are two types of excess, a permanent excess and a seasonally varying excess. The conclusion is that the excess cylinders that do not add any benefit in the operational flow should be moved to an alternative storage area at the plant in Enköping. Where the seasonally varying products are expected to return in the operational flow in times of high season, while the permanent excess is not expected to return in the operational flow, but should instead be further investigated for possible relocation to another facility. Analyzes of the results has been made by using methods and tools in terms of process mapping, material flow analysis, process analysis schedule and cost analysis. This is generating an improvement proposal in terms of a routine description of how Linde should handle the excess at site. This routine description should be based on a lean- and economic perspective, being implemented as early on in the material flow as possible to make sure that the transportation of cylinders will be generating savings in order to eliminate waste, such as overproduction, unnecessary truck driving and large stocks. The conclusion is however that Linde should update their supportive processes of how inventories should be done, before an implementation of the routine description presented in this study is possible.

Effekten av olika logistiklösningar : En studie kring fördelar och nackdelar med tredjepartslogistik och inbärning till ett projekt i Dalarna

Andersson, Julia, Liedström, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
Inom byggbranschen har man börjat sett fördelar med att titta mer på logistiken iolika byggprojekt. Många olika studier har utförts kring vilka lösningar som finnsoch hur man kan använda dem.Denna studie utförs i samarbete med Skanska Sverige AB. Studien syftar till att påolika sätt undersöka vilka fördelar och nackdelar man kan se med att använda sigav logistiktjänsterna terminalisering och inbärning till ett byggprojekt i Dalarna.Byggprojektet som utgör det specifika fallet i studien är ett ombyggnadsprojekt aven grundskola. Elever vistas i detta skolområde samtidigt som ombyggnationenutförs etappvis inom det stängda arbetsområdet. Studien innefattar även tredje mandär trygghetsupplevelse kring arbetsplatsen undersöks. Inbärningens användbarhetdiskuteras därefter utifrån trygghetsupplevelsen kring och inom arbetsplatsen samtutifrån ekonomiskt och ekologiskt perspektiv.Metoder som används i studien är intervjuer med somliga från projektets ledning,en logistiker på Skanska, rektor för årskurs F-6, yrkesarbetare samt tredje man.Utöver dessa intervjuer utförs även en fältstudie som involverar observationer ochmätningar. Som avslut utförs överslagsberäkningar för att se om användning av ettexternt företag kan leda till ekonomisk lönsamhet.Studiens resultat visar hur man inom företaget ser på logistiklösningarnaterminalisering och inbärning idag. Här visas även vilka fördelar och nackdelarolika parter ser med tjänsterna. Fältstudiens mätningar visar hur många av tredjeman som rör sig kring arbetsområdet i anslutning till att skoldagen börjar.Överslagsberäkningar visar på att man kan se en besparing ifall man använder sigav ett inbärningsföretag som arbetar under kvällstid och detta sker i samband medatt man använder sig av terminalisering.Studiens slutsatser är att det inte finns en allmän lösning till hur logistikfrågan skalösas på olika projekt. Om det finns möjlighet för terminalisering i området ärdetta samt inbärning ett alternativ för projektet. / Within the construction industry the advantages of looking at the logistics todifferent projects has been acknowledged during the past couple of years.This study has been written in collaboration with Skanska Sverige AB. Thepurpose of the study is to, in different ways, examine what advantages anddisadvantages there are in using the logistics solutions terminalization (also knownto be a part of Third Party Logistics) and inside delivery to a specific project inDalarna, Sweden. This project is a remodeling project of a school with studentsfrom six to sixteen years old. Within the school area new parts of the school isbuilt while students are located in the yet existent buildings. This infer thatstudents move around the construction sites daily. The study also involves thirdparty people and how these people feel about the large transports connected to theproject. The inside delivery utility is then discussed based on the securityexperience within and around the construction site along with the economic andecological perspective of the service.The methods used in this study are interviews with three people of the projectmanagement, one person that works with logistics at the company, the headmasterof the younger students, skilled workers and third party people. Furthermore afield study is done that includes measurements and observations. As a close,calculations are done to determine if a economical profitability could be possibleby using inside delivery.Results from the study show how the logistics solutions terminalization and insidedelivery is looked at within Skanska today. Here, the advantages anddisadvantages with the different services are displayed from the perspectives of thepeople who were interviewed. The results from the measurements from the fieldstudy presents how many third party people that move adjacent to the two activeconstruction sites when the school day begins. The calculations show that it iseconomically beneficial to use inside delivery after the end of the workday whileused with terminalization.Conclusions of the study indicate that there are no overall solutions regarding howthe logistics must be used in different projects. If there is a possibility to use terminalization in the area where the project is situated, this, along with insidedelivery, is a good alternative for the project.

Innovation through energy saving and condition monitoring of material handling machines

Annalisa Sciancalepore (14232971) 17 May 2024 (has links)
<p>One of the most often utilized machinery in fluid power applications is the material-handling machines, which includes telehandlers, forklifts, cranes, and scissor lifts that are used from constructions to mining.<br> Counterbalance valves (CBVs), hydraulic components that protect the system from failures and manage the load under overrunning load conditions due to their distinctive design, are used in material-handling devices to ensure both the operators' and most off-road vehicles' safety. However, they present a significant shortcoming: the over-pressurization of the supply line, which leads to constringent energy consumption. The primary motivation for this work is this drawback. In this work, a CBV-based system with an adjustable pilot has been investigated using a truck-mounted hydraulic crane as a reference machine.</p> <p>By analyzing theoretically and experimentally the behavior of this novel hydraulic system, it is possible to achieve up to 90% of energy-saving than a baseline configuration of a load-holding machine by controlling the opening of the CBV by adjusting the pressure at the pilot stage. After exploring the capabilities of the studied system and the possible control strategies to control opening of the CBV, this work suggests two different solutions to control the system: “Smart CBV” and “Smart System” modes. By properly controlling the signal on the pilot stage of the CBV, "Smart CBV" enables energy savings of up to 80%. On the other hand, the "Smart System" mode can save up to 95% of energy by using the CBV as a meter-out element that successfully regulates the flow to the actuator and, consequently, its velocity. To attain these outstanding results, it is essential to maintain proper system control.</p> <p>Moreover, since safety is one of the priorities of this type of machine, a Condition Monitoring (CM) model is developed to ensure the actual functionalities of the novel proposed system. By identifying faulty conditions and preventing breakdowns before they occur, CM can be utilized to improve the safety of these type of machines. However, training a CM model using experimental data is time-consuming and expensive since it requires abundant data with different extent of machine failures from the field test. The solution suggested in this work is to generate faulty and healthy data for the reference machine using a high-fidelity simulation tool to train a CM model.</p> <p>Particular focus is given to the counterbalance valve (CBV), a crucial element for the hydraulic system of material handling machines, and the linear actuator (hydraulic cylinder). The different types of faults on two elements are modeled with an approach validated using experimental tests. Considering that the simulation model provides comparable outcomes to training on empirical data, the CM model is trained in a single fault condition and multi faults conditions using simulated data. Instead, the CM model is tested using the experimental tests in multiple faulty conditions on the chosen components.</p> <p>Moreover, finding the best CM model for this case study is another goal of this work. As a result, several CM models are investigated: Random Forest (RF), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), and Support Vector Machine (SVM). In terms of precision and recall, metrics frequently employed in the CM field to assess the performances of the designed CM model, the results generally indicate more than 90% accuracy.</p>

Materialstyrningens påverkan på platsutnyttjande och transporter / The impact of material management on space utilization and transports

Gustafsson, Viktor, Olsson, Gustav January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to enhance the understanding of how a production company can improve the transportation and storage of materials that are to be used shortly at the assemblylines, and to provide recommendations for improvements. The empirical section of the study was conducted through interviews and observations. Problems were identified and improvements were suggested. By implementing these improvements suggestions, the company can increase efficiency and reduce transportation needs and gain more free space within the work area. This will enable the company to achieve quicker setups to get a demand- based production, which can strengthen the companies competitiveness in the market.

Modélisation et analyses cinématiques de l'épaule lors de levers de charges en hauteur

Desmoulins, Landry 10 1900 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat à mi-chemin entre la recherche fondamentale et appliquée. Les champs disciplinaires sont principalement la biomécanique, l'ergonomie physique ou encore l'anatomie. Réalisé en cotutelle avec le professeur Paul Allard et Mickael Begon. / An occupation that requires handling loads combined with large elevation of the arms is associated with the occurrence of shoulders musculoskeletal disorder. The analysis of these joint movements is essential because it helps to quantify the stress applied to the musculoskeletal structures. This thesis provides an innovative model which allows the estimation of the shoulder complex kinematics and used it to analyze the joints kinematics during lifting tasks. It is organized into three sub-objectives. The first aim is the development and validation of a kinematic model the most representative as possible of the shoulder complex anatomy while correcting soft tissue artifacts through the use of global optimization. This model included a scapulothoracic closed loop, which constrains a scapular dot contact to be coincident with thoracic gliding plane modeled by a subject-specific ellipsoid. In the validation process, the reference model used the gold standard for direct measurements of bone movements. In dynamic movements, the closed loop model developed generates barely more kinematic errors that errors obtained for the study of standard movements by existing models. The second aim is to detect and quantify the shoulder articular movements influenced by the combined effects of two risk factors: task height and load weight. The results indicate that many peaks of joint angles are influenced by the interaction of height and weight. According to the different initial and deposits heights when the weight increases, the kinematics changes are substantial, in number and magnitude. The kinematic strategies of participants are more consistent when the weight of load increase for initial height lift at hips level compared to shoulders level, and for a deposit at eye level compared to shoulders. The third aim is to investigate the magnitude and temporality of the maximum peak vertical acceleration of the box. The significant joints movements are characterized with a principal component analysis of joint angle values collected at this instant. In particular, this study highlights that elbow flexion and thoraco-humeral elevation are two correlated invariant joint movements to all lifting tasks whatever the initial and deposit height, and weight of the load. The realism of the developed shoulder model and kinematics analyzes open perspectives in occupational biomechanics and contribute to risk prevention efforts in health and safety. / Une activité professionnelle qui exige de manipuler des charges combinée à de grandes élévations des bras augmente les chances de développer un trouble musculo-squelettique aux épaules. L’analyse de ces mouvements articulaires est essentielle car elle contribue à quantifier les contraintes appliquées aux structures musculo-squelettiques. Cette thèse propose un modèle innovant qui permet l’estimation de la cinématique du complexe de l’épaule, et l’utilise ensuite afin d’analyser la cinématique de levers de charge. Elle s’organise en trois sous-objectifs. Le premier concerne le développement et la validation d’un modèle cinématique le plus représentatif possible de l’anatomie du complexe de l’épaule tout en corrigeant les artéfacts des tissus mous par une optimisation multi-segmentaire. Ce modèle avec une fermeture de boucle scapulo-thoracique, impose à un point de contact scapulaire d’être coïncident au plan de glissement thoracique modélisé par un ellipsoïde mis à l’échelle pour chaque sujet. Le modèle qui a été utilisé comme référence lors des comparaisons du processus de validation bénéficie du « gold standard » de mesures directes des mouvements osseux. Le modèle développé en boucle fermée génère à peine plus d’erreurs cinématiques lors de mouvements dynamiques que les erreurs obtenues par les modèles existants pour l’étude de mouvements standards. Le second identifie et quantifie les mouvements articulaires de l’épaule influencés par la combinaison des effets de deux facteurs de risques : les hauteurs importantes d’agencement de la tâche (hauteurs de saisie et de dépôt) et les masses de charges (6 kg, 12 kg et 18 kg). Les résultats indiquent qu’il existe de nombreux pics d’angles articulaires qui sont influencés par l’interaction des deux effets. Lorsque la masse augmente, les modifications cinématiques sont plus importantes, en nombre et en amplitude, selon les différentes hauteurs de saisies et de dépôts de la charge. Les participants varient peu leur mode opératoire pour une saisie à hauteur des hanches en comparaison des épaules, et pour un dépôt à hauteur des yeux en comparaison aux épaules avec une charge plus lourde. Un troisième s’intéresse au pic maximal d’accélération verticale de la charge dans son intensité et sa temporalité. Basée sur une analyse en composante principale des valeurs d’angles articulaires à cet instant, elle permet de caractériser les mouvements articulaires significatifs. Cette étude met notamment en évidence que la flexion du coude et l’élévation thoraco-humérale sont deux mouvements articulaires corrélés invariants à toutes les tâches de lever en hauteur quelles que soient la hauteur de dépôt et la masse de la charge. Le souci de réalisme du modèle développé et les analyses cinématiques menées ouvrent des perspectives en biomécanique occupationnelle et participent à l’effort de prévention des risques en santé et sécurité.

Design of an Assembly System at AERCRETE INDUSTRIES

Hansson Tengberg, Henrik, Adlerborn, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
The forming of an assembly system is a complex task, which should be considered as never ending. In order to successfully plan and implement an assembly system it is of vital importance that the obstacles and preconditions that have an impact on the system are identified and evaluated. This together with the necessary support activities and the attributes of the product to be assembled constitutes the starting point for the forming of the assembly system. The aim of this thesis is to link the theoretical findings with the issues stated above, and through this explain a best practice approach when forming the assembly system. The theoretical work aims at describing the nature and activities within assembly and manufacturing systems and explains these in three different levels of strategies divided into Manufacturing strategies, Layout, material flow and design strategies and finally Logistic, material handling and quality strategies. Then the obstacles and preconditions found are discussed and evaluated which set the basis for the forming of the assembly system and by linking these with the relevant theory, conceptual design proposals for the assembly system and the Logistic support system are formed. These are then evaluated and finally a proposal for the detailed layout of the assembly system is given. This proposal is then to be used as a guideline for the company Aercrete when forming their assembly system.

Design of an Assembly System at AERCRETE INDUSTRIES

Hansson Tengberg, Henrik, Adlerborn, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
<p>The forming of an assembly system is a complex task, which should be considered as never ending. In order to successfully plan and implement an assembly system it is of vital importance that the obstacles and preconditions that have an impact on the system are identified and evaluated. This together with the necessary support activities and the attributes of the product to be assembled constitutes the starting point for the forming of the assembly system.</p><p>The aim of this thesis is to link the theoretical findings with the issues stated above, and through this explain a best practice approach when forming the assembly system. The theoretical work aims at describing the nature and activities within assembly and manufacturing systems and explains these in three different levels of strategies divided into Manufacturing strategies, Layout, material flow and design strategies and finally Logistic, material handling and quality strategies. Then the obstacles and preconditions found are discussed and evaluated which set the basis for the forming of the assembly system and by linking these with the relevant theory, conceptual design proposals for the assembly system and the Logistic support system are formed.</p><p>These are then evaluated and finally a proposal for the detailed layout of the assembly system is given. This proposal is then to be used as a guideline for the company Aercrete when forming their assembly system.</p>

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