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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Havanna Viejas Trädgårdar : En lösning på urban matsäkerhet

Giessler, Robert January 2008 (has links)
<p>High oil prices and bad harvests have led to dramatic increases in food prices and are now</p><p>threatening millions of people in densely populated cities all over the world. To ensure that</p><p>these people will have enough food without compromising the needs of future generations</p><p>will be a demanding task for politicians and decision makers. is paper has shown that</p><p>Havanas urban gardens have increased urban food security since the hunger crisis that</p><p>occurred aer the fall of the Sovjet Union in 1989, and that they support the thesis of Amartya Sen and the Ryerson University. Urban gardens can be a good example for cities how to avoid hunger and famine if they are properly managed. But wrongly handled, they might create a disaster for thousands of poor people.</p>

Havanna Viejas Trädgårdar : En lösning på urban matsäkerhet

Giessler, Robert January 2008 (has links)
High oil prices and bad harvests have led to dramatic increases in food prices and are now threatening millions of people in densely populated cities all over the world. To ensure that these people will have enough food without compromising the needs of future generations will be a demanding task for politicians and decision makers. is paper has shown that Havanas urban gardens have increased urban food security since the hunger crisis that occurred aer the fall of the Sovjet Union in 1989, and that they support the thesis of Amartya Sen and the Ryerson University. Urban gardens can be a good example for cities how to avoid hunger and famine if they are properly managed. But wrongly handled, they might create a disaster for thousands of poor people.

Utbildning av urbana matproducenter - Framtidens nya matproduktionsnäring? / Education of Urban Food Producers. Future Prospectives.

Matsson, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Denna studie har genomförts som en del i Mistra Urban Futures projekt Grön Produktion. Projektet vill utveckla stadsodlingsprojekt och affärsidéer och har beslutat att göra detta genom att titta på områdena utbildning och affärsmodeller. Denna studie riktar sig mot området utbildning och har undersökt hur utbildning skulle kunna öka urban matproduktion för att bidra till skapandet av en ny matproduktionsnäring och samtidigt öka städers ekologiska hållbarhet. Frågeställningar som behandlades var hur en utbildning av urbana matproducenter skulle kunna stärka och lyfta befintlig matproduktion i städer till en ny matnäring, vilka kunskaper som urbana jordbrukare har och önskar samt vilka kunskaper som marknaden önskar. För att besvara detta genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer av olika aktörer inom den potentiella matproduktionsnäringen; kommunen, odlare, handeln och restaurangbranschen. Svaren har sedan diskuterats mot relevant litteratur inom området. Studien visar att en yrkesutbildning har potential att öka intresset för urban matproduktion genom att legitimera urban matproducent som yrke samtidigt som det svarar mot nya behov som uppkommer på marknaden. Studien visar också att en utbildning behöver vara anpassningsbar för att kunna locka både erfarna och oerfarna urbana jordbrukare. För att kunna bidra till en ökad ekologisk hållbarhet behöver utbildningen innehålla kurser som lär ut miljövänliga odlingstekniker samtidigt som det behöver vara ett fokus på hög avkastning då tanken är att studenterna efter avslutad utbildning ska kunna jobba med kommersiell produktion. Om en utbildning av urbana matproducenter leder till en ökad urban matproduktion med fler grönytor i staden ökar stadens resiliens, både genom grönytornas buffrande förmåga vid klimatförändringar och genom att det skapar städer med en högre självförsörjningsgrad. Ett kommersiellt urbant jordbruk kan komplettera det rurala jordbruket genom att utöka utbudet och tillgången till färska produkter med en kortare hållbarhet.

En livsmedelsberedskap för en osäker framtid : En jämförande studie av svensk och finsk livsmedelsberedskap / Food Contingency Planning for a future lined with uncertainties : A comparative study of Swedish and Finnish food preparedness

Poletti San Martin, Markus January 2022 (has links)
I Sverige och Finland sker idag ett kontinuerligt och växande arbete för att skapa ökad resiliens och för att mer effektivt kunna förebygga och hantera risker, sårbarheter och hot. Grannländerna har rätt likartade utgångspunkter på en rad områden men när det kommer till krisberedskap valde Finland en annan väg än Sverige under 1990-talets slut. De avvecklade inte sin omfattande försörjningsberedskap fullt ut som Sverige gjorde. Sedan 2017 har svenska myndigheter arbetat intensivt med återuppbyggnaden av det civila försvaret och den svenska livsmedelsberedskapen. Återuppbyggnaden har öppnat ett fönster av möjligheter att påverka hur livsmedelsberedskapen ska se ut, för parallellt har Sverige fördjupat samarbetet med Finland på en rad säkerhetsrelaterade områden. Under 2021 tecknades ett samarbetsavtal om krisberedskap, civilt försvar och räddningstjänst mellan länderna. Målet är att öka vår gemensamma förmåga att förebygga och hantera risker, sårbarheter och hot på både kort och lång sikt. Med hjälp av kvalitativ textanalys uppbackat av ett teoretiskt ramverk kopplat till hur en socioekologisk resiliens kan stärkas, har denna studie granskat de regeringsuppdrag som delats ut till de svenska myndigheterna tillsammans med två finska styrdokument som reglerar den finska livmedelsberedskapen. Därutöver har tre djupintervjuer genomförts med personer som jobbar nära livsmedelssystemet, två informanter från Sverige och en från Finland för att skapa ytterligare förståelse för livsmedelsberedskapens utmaningar och möjligheter. Studien kan konstatera att både den finska livsmedelsberedskapen och den svenska beredskapsplaneringen fokuserar i huvudsak på att öka robustheten i livsmedelssystemen och trygga handelsflöden men har en försiktig och inkrementell inställning till hur en transformering mot ett hållbart livsmedelssystem ska byggas. Följaktligen är beredskapsplaneringen inriktad på att hantera kortare störningar snarare än att hantera utdragna och mer komplexa störningar, som klimatförändringar. Riskhanteringen bör spegla de hot och sårbarheter som finns och även om en väluppbyggd robusthet kan motstå störningar idag föreslås livsmedelsberedskapen, liksom den övriga politiken utformas med målet att hämma de pådrivande orsakerna (risk drivers) som bidrar till den ökade sårbarheten, annars blir det förr eller senare svårt att upprätthålla beredskapen i systemet. / The two neighbours Sweden and Finland are constantly working to increase their resilience, and ability to prevent and manage risks, their vulnerabilities, and threats. The old neighbours share similar starting points in several areas, but when it comes to crisis preparedness, Finland chose another path than Sweden , as they did not entirely phase out their extensive security of supply stockpiles like Sweden did in the late 1990s. Though, since 2017, Swedish authorities have worked extensively with the reconstruction of the national civil defence and the Swedish food contingency planning. This development has opened a window of opportunity to influence what food contingency planning should look like because parallel to this development, Sweden has deepened its cooperation with Finland in several security-related areas. In 2021, a co-operation agreement was signed on crisis preparedness, civil defence and search and rescue services between the countries. The main objective is to increase our common ability to prevent and manage risks, vulnerabilities, and threats in both the short and long term.  Using qualitative text analysis backed by a theoretical framework linked to how a socio-ecological resilience can be strengthened, this study has examined the government orders regarding rebuilding the food contingency planning, that were handed out to the Swedish authorities. This paper also examines two Finnish policy documents regulating the Finnish food contingency planning. In addition, three in-depth interviews were conducted with people connected to the food supply system. Two informants from Sweden and one from Finland, to create a further understanding of the challenges and opportunities of rebuilding the Swedish food contingency planning.  This paper can conclude that both the Finnish food contingency planning and the upcoming Swedish food contingency planning focus mainly on increasing the robustness of the food system and to secure trade flows but are rather cautious and suggest incremental steps in transforming towards a sustainable food system. Thus, the current contingency planning is focused on dealing with shorter disruptions in supply flows rather than dealing with protracted and more complex disruptions, such as climate change. It seems reasonable that risk management should be aimed at dealing with the threats and vulnerabilities that exist. Even if a robust food supply strategy can withstand disruptions today, food contingency planning, is suggested to be designed with a dual purpose to reduce the effects from the risk drivers that contribute to the increased vulnerability, otherwise it will become increasingly difficult to maintain the food supply system.

”Från jord till bord i kris” Resiliens inom Livsmedelsberedskap : En tematisk analys av Sveriges och Norges livsmedelsberedskapsstrategier / From farm to fork in crisis - Food Security and Resilience : A thematic analysis of Swedens and Norways food security strategies

Forseth, Anna-Karin January 2024 (has links)
In a world marked by climate change, globalization, and rapidly increasing population growth food security is a crucial factor for the survival of both individuals and states. To meet these challenges m countries, develop food security strategies to cope and create a resilience. This study aims to apply a resilience perspective on food security strategies in developed countries, like Sweden and Norway. Through a thematic analysis has expressions of resilience been identified and together with a theoretical typology of resilience diverse types of resilience has emerged. The results show that ecological resilience is the dominant type in these national food security strategies followed by elements of social-ecological resilience. The results also highlight what actions the countries strategies consider to be resilient. Furthermore, the strategies expressions of resilience are mostly similar but also shows differences between the methods of creating resilience within food security.

Mat för idag och imorgon : Utmaningar och möjligheter för hållbara livsmedelssystem / Food for today and tomorrow : Challenges and possibilities for sustainable food systems

Andersson, Robin January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Is UNFPA working for a better food security in the future? : How women’s empowerment and use of contraception can assure food for future generations

Bergström, Pernilla January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore if UNFPA’s work mission and methods direct for greater food security in the future. The analysis is based on one of UNFPA’s main frameworks; ICPD Programme of Action 1994. The analysis is based upon different themes that are recognized as tools for change; family planning, women’s empowerment and gender equality, education and child marriage. The theoretical frame of the analysis is liberalism which has been complemented with social constructivism, and has provided an insight to the discussion. The essay will also investigate whether the different theories can explain UNFPA’s framework, mission and methods.  The method used is a describing qualitative content analysis.    The research shows that UNFPA indirectly implement or propose a great deal that can have an impact on food security. In order to regulate population growth, which is one of the major trends threatening food security, different measures are proposed in the framework. Focus is on governments efforts and gender equality through SRH education. The liberal view put emphasis on human rights and the individuals right to freedom, as well as equality, which was obtained by a greater or lesser degree throughout the framework. Social constructivism could explain ICPD where liberalism failed to do so, such as the lack of emphasis on child marriage due to many societies identity and traditions.

Lokalt hållbart jordbruk - en nationell säkerhetsfråga? : En studie om hinder och möjligheter för utvecklingen av lokal matförsörjning som drivkraft i en hållbar samhällsutveckling

Olofsdotter, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie har gjorts i syfte att få en överblick av var det svenska livsmedelssystemet befinner sig i förhållande till de fem strategier som tagits fram och föreslås av The EAT-Lancet Commission för en global och nationell omställning av våra livsmedelssystem, och uppfyllelse av nationella och globala hållbarhetsmål. Studiens utgångspunkt startar i det lokala med anledning av jordbrukets enorma miljöpåverkan, kommunernas planmonopol över markanvändningen, och av det faktum att det är i det lokala vi lever och verkar. Resultatet visar att de utmaningar som i nuläget hindrar utvecklingen av en lokal livsmedelsproduktion framför allt är ett kunskaps-/medvetandeglapp, centraliserade strukturer och system, jordbruksmarkens nedläggning och igenväxning, kommunala prioriteringar av infrastruktur och bostäder samt slutligen bristande samverkan mellan flertalet samhällssektorer och även inom kommunerna, möjligheter och stödsystem för nyetablering och omställning till hållbara cirkulära metoder. Ett återkommande tema under webinarier och intervjuer har varit sårbarheten i importberoendet och behovet av en högre beredskap för oväntade och plötsliga händelser. Dessutom har ett människo-decentrerat perspektiv uttryckts i vikten och värdet av att återskapa en ömsesidig relation till ekosystemen. Resultatet visar att kunskap (vetenskaplig och erfarenhetsbaserad) och kulturella värden som gemenskap och livskvalitet ger ökade förutsättningar för utveckling av lokalt jordbruk, och därmed en ökad livsmedelsförsörjning. Lokalt hållbart jordbruk är rättskaligt, giftfritt och diverst. Utvecklat, har det möjligheten att skapa beredskap inför oväntade händelser och plötsliga kriser, samt gynna hållbarhet genom samtliga dimensioner. Lokal livsmedelsproduktion är ett potent verktyg för en ökad grad av nationell självförsörjning samt som betydelsefull drivkraft i en hållbar samhällsbyggnad. / This paper was made with the purpose of reaching a broad perspective of where the Swedish food system is in relation to the five strategies that were brought threw and proposed by The EAT-Lancet Commission for a global transformation of our food systems, and to reach the national and global sustainable development goals. The base for the paper takes off in the local because of the enormous environmental impact caused by agriculture, the monopoly of land use within municipalities, and by the fact that we live and act from the local context. The result shows the challenges that today are blocking the development of a local food production is first and foremost a gap of knowledge and awareness, centralized structures and systems, shutdowns and overgrowth of agricultural land, municipalities prioritizing infrastructure and habitations, and lacking co-operation within and between civil sectors, possibilities and support systems for new establishments and transformation to sustainable circular agricultural methods. A reoccurring theme during webinars and interviews have shown the vulnerability in the import dependency and the need to raise preparedness for unexpected and sudden changes. In addition, the need for a human-de-centred perspective expressing the importance and value of re-connecting a mutual relationship to the ecosystems. The result shows that knowledge (scientific and experience-based) and cultural values of community and quality of life increase the conditions of developing local agriculture, and thereby increased self-sufficiency. Local sustainable agriculture is right-scaled, toxin-free and diverse. Developed, it has the capability to create preparedness for unexpected sudden changes, and promote sustainability threw all dimensions of sustainability. Local food production is a potent tool to increase national self-sufficiency and a significant driver towards building sustainable societies.

The Story of Phosphorus : Sustainability implications of global phosphorus scarcity for food security / Historien om fosfor : Långsiktig inverkan av fosforbrist på global matsäkerhet

Cordell, Dana January 2010 (has links)
The story of phosphorus began with the search for the philosopher’s stone, and centuries later the critical role of phosphorus in soil fertility and crop growth was highlighted. Eventually, phosphorus was implicated in the global environmental challenge of eutrophication. Now, we are on the brink of yet another emerging chapter in the story: global phosphorus scarcity linked to food security. Through a transdisciplinary and systemic inquiry, this thesis has analyzed, reconceptualized and synthesized the physical and institutional dimensions of global phosphorus scarcity in the context of food security, leading to a new framing, ‘phosphorus security’ to guide future work towards a more sustainable and food secure pathway. In a world which will be home to nine billion people by the middle of this century, producing enough food and other vital resources is likely to be a substantial challenge for humanity. Phosphorus, together with nitrogen and potassium, is an essential plant nutrient. It is applied to agricultural soils in fertilizers to maintain high crop yields. Phosphorus has no substitute in food production. Therefore, securing the long-term availability and accessibility of phosphorus is crucial to global food security. However the major source of phosphorus today, phosphate rock, is a non-renewable resource and high quality reserves are becoming increasingly scarce. This thesis estimates peak phosphorus to occur before 2035, after which demand will exceed supply. Phosphorus scarcity is defined by more than just physical scarcity of phosphate rock and this thesis develops five important dimensions. For example, there is a scarcity of management of phosphorus throughout the entire food production and consumption system: the global phosphorus flows analysis found that only 20% of phosphorus in phosphate rock mined for food production actually reaches the food consumed by the global population due to substantial inefficiencies and losses from mine to field to fork. There is also an economic scarcity, where for example, while all the world’s farmers need access to sufficient fertilizers, only those with sufficient purchasing power can access fertilizer markets. Institutional scarcity, such as the lack of governance structures at the international level that explicitly aim to ensure long-term availability of and access to global phosphorus resources for food production that has led to ineffective and fragmented governance of phosphorus, including a lack of: overall coordination, monitoring and feedback, clear roles and responsibilities, long-term planning and equitable distribution. Finally, geopolitical scarcity arising from 90% of the world’s remaining high-grade phosphate rock reserves being controlled by just five countries (a majority of which are subject to geopolitical tensions) can limit the availability of phosphorus on the market and raises serious ethical questions. The long-term future scenarios presented in this thesis indicate that meeting future global food demand will likely require a substantial reduction in the global demand for phosphorus through not only improved efficient use of phosphorus in agriculture, but also through changing diets and increasing efficiency in the food chain. The unavoidable demand for phosphorus could then be met through a high recovery and reuse rate of all sources of phosphorus (crop residues, food waste, manure, excreta) and other sources including some phosphate rock. A ‘hard-landing’ situation could involve further fertilizer price spikes, increased waste and pollution (including eutrophication), increased energy consumption associated with the production and trade of phosphorus fertilizers, reduced farmer access to phosphorus, reduced global crop yields and increased food insecurity. A preferred ‘soft landing’ situation will however require substantial changes to physical and institutional infrastructure, including improved governance structures at the global, national and other levels, such as new policies, partnerships and roles to bring together the food, fertilizer, agriculture, sanitation and waste sectors for a coordinated response. Finally, this thesis proposes a new global goal – phosphorus security – to be integrated in the dominant research discourses and policy debates on global food security and global environmental change. Among other criteria, phosphorus security requires that phosphorus use is decoupled from environmental degradation and that farmers’ access to phosphorus is secured.

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