Spelling suggestions: "subject:"media anda communication studies"" "subject:"media ando communication studies""
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"Ett sällskap på torget ingen vill ha" : En undersökning av hur Sverigedemokraterna återgavs i åtta landsortstidningar kring valet -06Flamm, Adam January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats är dels att undersöka hur Sverigedemokraterna återgavs i landsortspressen kring valet september 2006 och dels att undersöka vilka faktorer som ligger till grund för hur partiet framställs.</p><p>De åtta tidningar jag valt att studera är dels indelade efter politisk färg och dels efter vilka län de sprids i; två län där partiet har haft kommunala mandat från 2002 respektive två län där partiet inte haft det. Partiet gick i valet -06 fram i alla fyra län.</p><p>Tidningarna har analyserats både kvantitativt och kvalitativt.</p><p>Jag har dessutom intervjuat företrädare för tidningarna samt lokala företrädare för Sverigedemokraterna.</p><p>Undersökningen visar att partiet framställs som någonting avvikande och hotande. Detta kan delvis förklaras av partiets kopplingar till rasistiska rörelser, men även av en allmän tendens hos medier att reproducera skiljelinjer mellan det normala, etablerade och det avvikande, hotande. I Blekinge, som är det län där partiet haft flest kommunala mandat redan innan 2006 och där partiet vuxit mest, tyder mycket på att tidningarnas bild av partiet alltmer börjar likna den övriga politiska rapporteringen. Ju mer partiet växer, desto mindre kommer det att framställas som avvikande.</p>
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"Det är alldeles för mycket sport inom idrotten" : En studie av svenska sportchefer / "There is way to much sports in the athletics" : A study of Swedish sports managersJohansson, Lars, Pettersson, Johan January 2010 (has links)
<p>Authors: Lars Johansson & Johan Pettersson</p><p>Title: “There is way to much sports in the athletics” – A study of Swedish sports</p><p><p>Football has gone from being a hobby and a popular pastime into a billion-dollar industry, and clubs around Europe are therefore operated more and more like regular companies. Sweden's position in the UEFA rankings is a modest 23 rd place, behind nations such as Austria, Switzerland and Belarus. The economic climate in Sweden is often highlighted as a strong factor. When we started our study we agreed that this could be a major contributing factor to this relatively modest rank, but believed that there were also other factors that played a big role. We therefore carried out a quantitative study to identify the Swedish sports manager’s skills of running their clubs as companies within the creative industry. Our theoretical framework was built on organization and leadership theories in general, and in the creative industries in particular and resulted in a four-leg model of sport management requirements: Apart from organizational structure, managerial skills, communicative skills and sport skills were all deemed necessary. Empirical data were collected to see how well the Swedish sports managers' profile fit into our theoretical model. According to our studies, the organizations and sports managers' held-views that were consistent with our theories. Our study suggests that although the sports managers distributed their time equally between the three areas of skills identified (economical, communicational and production knowledge) their competences were unequally divided between the areas.</p></p>
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"Var och en sin egen lyckas smed" : En undersökning av skivbolagens framtida roll i musikindustrinLjungqvist, Joni January 2010 (has links)
<p>This study has the purpose of looking at the current and future position of record labels from a context involving the technological developments, while the opportunities for the artists are changing. As the actors inside them music industry find themselves in an ever changing climate where traditional supply chains are threatened by new technology, the record labels need to change the way they work in order to maintain their existence in the music industry. The study has been conducted by interviewing a number of people involved in the music industry, by using a qualitative method approach. The conclusion of the study shows that the traditional way of doing business by treating music as a product that makes revenue is gone. Instead the labels have to take on new roles formerly run by third parties in order to survive and be profitable, especially since artists can now in control of activities that used to be controlled by the record label.</p>
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Svensk Dagspress - Dressed for Success? : <em>En kvalitativ undersökning om dagstidningens framtida utveckling i sökandet efter en fungerande affärsmodell</em>Björn, Claes, Lauberts, Ella January 2010 (has links)
<p>The digitalization of the media industry has involved great changes for the Swedish daily press. Instead of subscribing on a daily newspaper, more people tend to read newspaper's free edition online. The recent recession has contributed to strike hard against the newspaper's economy. This is the problem our research is based upon. How will the newspaper develop and which measures have to be done to get a well functioning business model that is suited for future conditions?</p><p>We have made qualitative interviews with Swedish newspapers: Göteborgs-Posten, Norrköpingstidningen, Sydsvenskan and with the danish newspaper Politiken. To widening the view, we have also made several interviews with well-placed observers, both domestic and foreign.</p><p>The results show, that in order to get the daily press financially stable, the content within the newspaper has to be even more target oriented in order to attract both readers and advertisers. The results also show that it is important for the newspaper to separate the content of the paper-edition from the online-edition. That is, the free online-edition should not entirely replace the traditional paper-edition.</p><p>We claim that successful daily press newspapers will in the future use a wider spectra of media-channels. The daily press will act more as a brand with the goal to produce high quality news in several different media-channels.</p>
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Utan papperstidningen saknas existentiella förutsättningar för journalistik på webben : <em>En undersökning av lokala tidningars förutsättningar när de möter utmaningarna från internet</em><em></em> / Without Newspaper the existential conditions for journalism on the Web is missingJaber, Ali January 2010 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>In the past decades the newspaper industry went through many changes but it has never had a problem of this kind. With the freedom the Internet brings us today and the wide range of information channels, the newspaper is for the first time seriously challenged.</p><p>When the newspapers began to establish themselves on the internet they thought it was only to copy the content of the newspaper on to their webpage and the advertisers would come along. This move was not planed and had no vision. When the advertisers discovered Internets wide range of advertisement platforms they started to look for other places they could put their ads.</p><p> </p><p>This thesis is about the local newspapers ability to address the problem that the internet has created. I based my study on the following issues:</p><ul><li>Why has internet caused this problem for the newspapers?</li><li>What are the prerequisites for local newspapers when they face challenges from the internet?</li><li>How have the advertisers acted after the emergence of this challenge?</li></ul><p>To answer these questions I did qualitative interviews with different personalities within the newspaper industry, two local newspaper executives and two professors in media economics.</p><p> </p><p>In conclusion the result shows that there are different opinions regarding these questions and different views of how to solve them. The Newspaper industry is heading towards a new era where the electronic newspaper is going to play a much bigger role. The executives need to come up with new business models where the consumer’s needs are in the center.</p>
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Att blogga om hus : En studie om hur mäklare använder sociala medierAbrahamsson, Nils-Filip January 2010 (has links)
<p>This is a study about how realtors or estate agents market their services in social media. Social media is an upcoming channel in marketing and is becoming more important every day. The user generated content on internet is a new way of communication where companies don’t have to be considered as soulless, if companies use it correctly. This study investigates estate agents efforts to market their services in these channels and how they do it. The study has interviewed four different realtors, marketing executives and a communication office. The motivation for the study is that realtors tend to market their services like they always have but with a consistently changing market, so should their marketing do. The method has been interviews and interpretation of data with the knowledge of my university studies. The results of the study has shown that realtors today are aware of a new channels, such as facebook and twitter, but do not know how to use it and are learning by doing. A conclusion is that in a near future, customers will see a lot more marketing in these channels from these consignors.</p>
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Mångfaldens fiende Nr. 1 : En studie om 2010 års mediekoncentration och dess konsekvenser för samhälletAndersson, Mattias January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Purpose: </strong>The essay was designed to examine what impact an increased media concentration in the provincial press may have on the society in the future. I also had the intention to create a greater understanding of the concept of media concentration and how the media groups relate to the public interest.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Method: </strong>The work with this study was conducted by using methods from the qualitative methodological arsenal through interviews with, for the study, relevant informants, but also through a case report on the Stampen Group. The selection of informants had a background and a breadth which secured the credibility in this survey. The starting point was taken in previous research via a deductive approach where I tested how existing theories match reality.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>After completing this study should be noted that all respondents believe we will see a greater concentration of ownership in the Swedish media market in the future, and that it will reduce diversity. However, there are steps to take which I believe can work well in theory but perhaps not always in practice. Despite some of these measures, the owners in recent years has been fewer and fewer and controlled more and more segments of the media market. In the future, new and harder methods must be used and perhaps tougher legislation, that puts an end to this, is an option. Isn't it strange and very ironic that we, today, have hundreds of cable television channels, and new media technology that the access to control the information is more centralized than ever before?</p>
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Hur kommunicerar fackförbundet Unionen med sina medlemmar? : Påverkas kommunikationen av det minskade antalet lokala klubbar? / How does the Swedish employees union ”Unionen” communicate with its members? : Does the decreased number of local union clubs affect the communication?Johnsson, Maria, Mård, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to investigate differences of how the Swedishemployees union “Unionen” communicates with its members, on one hand thosewho are members of local union clubs and on the other non-club members. Thenumber of non-club members has increased due to labour market changes implyingthat workplaces have been fragmented and hence affect the possibility to form localunion clubs.The questions posed in the study are: How does Unionen communicate with itsmembers? How does the communication differ between club members and non-clubmembers? What are the preferences of Unionen´s members as far as communicationwith the central organization? What kind of information do the members seek andhow do they find it? What values does Unionen represent? Are there differencesbetween the messages that Unionen is sends out and how members and non-clubmembers, respectively, perceive them?A case study method has been used applying both quantitative and qualitativeanalyses. Quantitative methods have been used in illustrating the number ofdiscussion subjects at Unionen´s website, the members needs for receivingcommunication and channel usage while qualitative methodologies have been usedin interviews with Unionen´s members, club chairmen and union representatives aswell as semiotic picture analyses and analyses based on methods of Uses andgratifications theory.One conclusion of the study is that two significant differences of communicationhave been found between members and non-club members. The club chairmen saythat they have less communication with non-club members and the non-clubmembers’ claim that Unionen´s messages are more biased. A second conclusion isthat there is a difference in the preferred choice of communication channels. Themembers suggest that e-mail, the member magazine and verbal communication workbest while “Unionen” put a lot of its faith in electronic channels, such as web-sites.A third conclusion is that members request more locally relevant information andthat they see the Unionen´s communication as too general, creating muchuncertainty of the objectives of “Unionen´s” communication</p>
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Ser det inte lite lika ut? : En kvalitativ studie av den icke stylade bildens potential att inspirera individenLikars, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
<p>Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect and potential of a non-styled home reportage, and how they influence and inspire to promote individual creativity.</p><p>Method: I have used a qualitative analysis to be able to create a deep understanding. This is based on three interviews with women in age 22-27, which have a dedicated interest in interior design. I have also sent questionnaires to two persons who run interior design blogs.</p><p>Conclusions: My analysis shows that the non-styled home reportage is the start of an inspirational process that is beyond consumption and status objects. It promotes individual creativity and willingness to create, based on personnel taste. The essay highlights the importance that the individual critically examines the aesthetics of interior design as presented in diverse media. It also shows that the media ought to broaden and show alternative images of inspiration.</p>
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Läsa ljud : Att formulera en texts auditiva kvaliteter visuellt / Reading Sound : To Express a Text's Auditive Qualities VisuallySahlén, Mattias, Hultberg, Lina January 2010 (has links)
<p>In printed text, sound is a somewhat forgotten aspect. The recitation of text is vital in areas like poetry and oratory, but still has no distinct technique of being communicated. Emphasis of a word might be expressed through italics, but no canonic character set or system for vocal delivery of texts exists. With this essay we are creating a foundation for a development of such a character set or system. By studying existing visualisations of sound and comparing these with semiotic and perception-based theories we obtain useful insights for a prospective system for visualisations of vocal sounds.</p><p>We conclude that the aspects of sound one wants to visualise must be carefully defined since the viewer cannot process infinite amounts of information. A sound visualisation system does not have to consist of multiple characters or signs to be effective, but had better be built around a strong code to manage the signs into a working system. Creating a context for the signs is also recommended in order to be able to compare signs with eachother.</p>
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