Spelling suggestions: "subject:"amedical staff"" "subject:"amedical chaff""
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Medikų,dirbančių su onkologiniais ligoniais, darbo sąlygų ir nusiskundimų sveikata sasajos / The relationship between health complaints and working conditions of doctors working with oncological patientsBrazienė, Jolanta 16 June 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti medikų nusiskundimų savo sveikata sąsajas su darbo sąlygomis.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Ištirti medikų savo sveikatos vertinimą.
2. Įvertinti darbuotojų nuomonę apie darbo aplinkos rizikos veiksnius KMUK filialo Onkologijos ligoninėje.
3. Ištirti darbo sąlygų sąsajas su medikų nusiskundimais savo sveikatos būkle.
4. Pateikti rekomendacijas medikų sveikatos saugai KMUK filialo Onkologijos ligoninėje.
Tyrimo metodika. Buvo atliktas vienmomentis paplitimo tyrimas. Anoniminės anketinės apklausos pagalba 2008m. vasario mėn. buvo apklausti KMUK filialo Onkologijos ligoninės medicinos darbuotojai. Buvo išdalinta 350 anoniminių anketų, atsako dažnis 71.4 proc. (n=250). Duomenys buvo apdorojami ir analizuojami naudojant statistinių duomenų analizės paketą SPSS for Windows 13.0.
Rezultatai. Apklausta 227 moterys (90,8 proc.) ir 23 vyrai (9,2 proc.). Amžiaus vidurkis metais 42,8 ± 0,2: moterų - 42,6 ± 0,2, vyrų 44,1 ± 0,6. Dažniausiai ligoninės dirbantieji savo sveikatą vertino gerai (47,6 proc.) ir patenkinamai (42,8 proc.). Su stresinėmis situacijomis darbe susiduria 146 (18,0 proc.) darbuotojai. Daugiausia apklaustųjų 156 (19,2 proc.) nurodė, kad darbo aplinka užteršta cheminėmis medžiagomis. Daugiausiai jonizuojančios spinduliuotės poveikyje dirbo slaugytojos padėjėjos (26,7 proc.) (p=0,044). Su dezinfekcinėmis medžiagomis daugiausiai susiduria slaugytojos - 117, slaugytojos padėjėjos - 72, gydytojai – 22 ( proc.) ir 6 (proc.) laborantai. Kuo ilgiau darbuotojai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study: to evaluate the relationships between health complaints and work conditions among medical staff.
Goals of the study:
1. to analyse subjective health assessment of medical staff;
2. to estimate personnel opinion work-related risk factors at Oncology Hospital;
3. to establish relationships between work conditions and health complaints among medical staff;
4. to set recommendations for health safety of medical staff at Oncology Hospital.
Material and methods. The study design was cross-sectional prevalence study. Anonymous questionnaires were set for medical staff at Oncology Hospital (division of Kaunas University Hospital) in February 2008. Altogether 350 questionnaires were distributed, response rate 71.4% (n=250). Statistical data analysis was performed using statistical package „SPSS for Windows 13.0“.
Results. Among responders there were 227 women (90.8%) and 23 men (9.2%). The average age was 42.8±0.2 (42.6±0.2 for women and 44.1±0.6 for men). Majority of medical workers evaluated own health as good (47.6%) or satisfactory (42.8%). Work under stress was actual for 146 of responders (18.0%). Pollution with chemical substances in working environment was prevalent in 156 cases (19.2%). Ionized radiation mostly affected assistant nurses (26.7%; p=0.044). Disinfection substances mostly affected nurses (n=117), nurse assistants (n=72), physicians (n=22), and laboratory workers (n=6). Workers affiliated with this workplace longer also relate more health changes... [to full text]
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Ligoninės medicinos personalo informuotumas apie pacientų teises ir jų užtikrinimo galimybės / Knowledge of medical staff about patients' rights and possibilities to assure them in the hospitalGirštautaitė, Greta 08 June 2005 (has links)
Management of Public Health
Greta Girštautaitė
Supervisor Danutė Dučinskienė, Dr., Department of Social medicine,
Faculty of Public Health, Kaunas University of Medicine. – Kaunas, 2005. – P.61
Aim of the study was to evaluate knowledge of medical staff about patients’ rights and possibilities to assure them in Kaunas 2nd clinical hospital. Health care professionals’ view about confidentiality of patient’s information, knowledge about patient’s right to select physician, nursing specialist and health care institution, the right of complaint, the right to information, possibilities to assure patients’ rights in the hospital were assessed. Methods. Anonymous surveys of 260 physicians and nurses were carried out (response rate 72 percent). Results. The results revealed that 80,8 percent of medical staff claimed that information about patient must be confidential. 91,6 percent of health care professionals thought that patient can select health care institution. 83,8 percent of medical staff thought that patient can select a physician and nursing specialist. 29,2 percent of the respondents indicated that the patient who is dissatisfied with medical care services can apply to director of health care institution. 18,6 percent of medical staff indicated that don’t know where the patient can make a complaint against health care institution’s activity if patient is dissatisfied... [to full text]
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Medicinos personalo informuotumas apie gimdos kaklelio ir prostatos vėžio profilaktikos programas ir patikros poreikis n ligoninėje / The awareness of medical staff about the preventive programs of cervical and prostate cancer and the need of revise in n hospitalRaitelaitis, Artūras 03 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – įvertinti medicinos personalo informuotumą apie gimdos kaklelio ir prostatos vėžio profilaktikos programas bei jų patikros poreikį N ligoninėje.
Uždaviniai - Įvertinti medicinos personalo informuotumą apie gimdos kaklelio ir prostatos vėžio profilaktikos programas; nustatyti gimdos kaklelio ir prostatos vėžio patikros vykdymo poreikį įstaigoje darbuotojų požiūriu; palyginti gydytojų ir slaugytojų informuotumą apie gimdos kaklelio ir prostatos vėžio bei kitas profilaktikos programas.
Tyrimo metodika. Anoniminės apklausos pagalba 2007 m. vasario – kovo mėn. buvo apklausti N ligoninės sveikatos priežiūros darbuotojai. Iš viso išdalinta 280 anketų, gauti atsakymai iš 230 medikų (atsako dažnis 82,0 proc.). Statistinis duomenų patikimumas buvo
tikrinamas pagal χ² kriterijų, laisvės laipsnių skaičių (lls) ir statistinį reikšmingumą (p).
Rezultatai. Dauguma (96,0 proc.) medikų teigė, jog žino, kad Lietuvoje yra vykdoma priešinės liaukos ir gimdos kaklelio vėžio patikros programos. Tik 15,0 proc. įstaigos medicinos personalo nurodė, jog jų darbovietėje yra ar buvo vykdomos prevencinės programos. Ketvirtadalis medicinos darbuotojų (24,8 proc.) tvirtino, kad tokios programos nevykdomos ir net 60,2 proc. apie šių programų vykdymą teigė nieko nežinantys. 77,1 proc. medikų teigė, jog norėtų, kad profilaktiniai patikrinimai būtų atliekami darbovietėse. Du trečdaliai apklaustųjų moterų (65,9 proc.) nurodė, jog informacija apie gimdos kaklelio vėžio patikros programą yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim – to evaluate the awareness of medical staff about the preventive programs of cervical and prostate cancer and the need of revise in N hospital.
Objectives – to evaluate the awareness of medical staff about the preventive programs of cervical and prostate cancer; to assess the need of revise of cervical and prostate cancer in the institution by the attitude of employees; to compare the awareness of doctors and nurses about the preventive programs of cervical and prostate cancer.
Methods. An anonymous questionnaire survey of health care employees was performed during the months from February to March of 2007 in N hospital. 280 questionnaires were distributed, 230 answers were received (response rate 82.0%). Statistical analysis was performed using the statistical program package SPSS 11.0 for Windows. The statistical significance of characteristics was verified by Chi-square (χ²) test, numbers of degree of freedom and statistical significance (p).
Results. The majority of the medical staff (96.0%) affirmed, that they aware about the performance of the preventive programs of cervical and prostate cancer in Lithuania. Only 15.0% of medical staff of the institution indicated that those programs were or are performed in their workplace. One fourth of medical staff (24.8%) confirmed that such programs are not performed and even 60.2% didn‘t know anything about these programs. 77.1% of health care specialists stated that they would like the preventive examinations to be... [to full text]
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Kauno X ligoninės anestezijos reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriaus medicinos darbuotojų darbo komandoje ypatumų vertinimas / Assesment of peculiarities of teamwork among medical staff from anesthesia, resuscitation and intensive care units at Kaunas x hospitalKristalnaja, Anastasija 24 October 2011 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti Kauno X ligoninės anestezijos reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriaus medicinos darbuotojų darbo komandoje ypatumų vertinimas.
Tyrimo metodika: Tyrimas atliktas 2010 m. spalio–gruodžio mėnesiais. Tyrimui buvo naudotas vienmomentinis anoniminės apklausos metodas. Apklausos metu iš viso buvo išdalintos visiems anestezijos reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriuje dirbantiems 74 medicinos darbuotojams. Gražintos atgal ir statistinėje analizėje buvo naudotos 70 teisingai užpildytos anketos. Atsako dažnis 89,02 proc. visų išdalintų anketų. Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS 15.0 ir MS Excel programą.
Rezultatai: Nustatyta, kad visi tyrime dalyvavę (100 proc.) medicinos darbuotojai buvo girdėję apie komandinio darbo svarbą sveikatos priežiūros sektoriuje. Absoliuti dauguma (96,0 proc.) respondentų pritarė teiginiui, kad komanda tai dviejų ar daugiau žmonių grupė, kurie tarpusavyje yra susiję ir daro vienas kitam įtaką, siekdami bendro tikslo. Šeši iš dešimties respondentai beveik visada dirba komandoje, o trečdalis dažnai. Pagrindiniai veiksniai lėmę pasitenkinimu komandiniu darbu yra bendravimas su kolegomis, įgijimas daugiau žinių, stiprinimas darbuotojų tarpusavio pasitikėjimo bei gerus santykius, galimybė tobulinti kvalifikaciją. Trys ketvirtadaliai respondentų esant galimybei norėtų patobulinti konfliktų valdymo įgūdžius, penktadalis nurodė, kad norėtų patobulinti bendravimo su komandos nariais įgūdžius.
Išvados: Rezultatai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research objective: To asses of peculiarities of teamwork among medical staff from anesthesia, resuscitation and intensive care units at Kaunas X hospital.
Research methodology: Research was carried out during October – December 2010. An anonymous questionnaire method was used for this research. Questionnaires were distributed to medical staff working in anesthesia, resuscitation, and intensive care unts (N=74). Seventy correctly completed questionnaires were returned and used in further statistical analysis (response was 89.02%).
Results: It was found that all medical staff involved in the study (100%.) had heard about the significance of teamwork in the health care sector. The vast majority (96%) of respondents agreed with the statement that team is a group of two or more people who are inter-related and they influence each other, working together towards a common goal. Six from ten respondents almost always worked in a team and one-third quite often worked in a team. The main factors that determined the satisfaction with teamwork are communicating with colleagues, gaining more knowledge, strengthening mutual trust between staff and good relationships, the ability to develop skills and qualifications. Three-quarters of respondents expressed the interest for improverment of conflict management skills; one-fifth said that they would like to improve communication skills with team members.
Conclusions: The results showed that importance of teamwork and its principles are... [to full text]
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A study of the interdependence of medical specialists in Quebec teaching hospitals /Gosselin, Roger January 1978 (has links)
No description available.
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Die Rechtsstellung des Arztes am öffentlichen Spital : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der spezifischen Probleme des Dienst- und Haftungsrechts /Eichenberger, Thomas. January 1900 (has links)
Inaug. Diss. Recht Bern, 1995. / 2. Expl. Diss.-Ausg. Bibliogr.
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Důvody devalvace člověka zdravotnickým personálem / The reasons for the devaluation of human medical personnel.SÍVKOVÁ, Ivona January 2015 (has links)
This thesis looks into reasons for devaluation of patient by medical staff. Main objective of the paper is to point at risk factors and summarize present knowledge about devaluation in hospitals. Devaluation manner is behavior, which decreases patient personality and his self-confidence, ignores his needs, opinions and requirements. Actually we had three main tasks in this thesis. To find out, if patients are more devaluated by mistakes in direct medical care and more specifically, if they are more often victims of denying taking care about their biological needs and if patients older than 60 years are more frequent devaluated than others. We focused on demarcation of single characteristics and aspects of this well known risk in behavior, mainly occurred by secondary medical staff. Essential knowledge of this topic are in the theoretical part, which assign attainment about devaluation and evaluation from other researches. Exploration survey was done by two methods. First was statistical research, in which medical staff answers about questions in non-standardized questionnaire. Outcome of this survey was making of tables and after their elaboration into column and sector graphs. Second research method was directed structured interview with hospitalized patients. For elaboration was used Q-methodology and answers of respondents were summarized into graphs. We had three hypotheses. H1: Hospitalized patients are more devaluated by mistakes in direct medical care than by badly interpreted communication. H2: If there are mistakes in direct medical care more often is devaluation by denying taking care about biological needs. H3: Devaluation is more problem of patients older than 60 years. Thank to research we know that hospitalized patients are not more devaluated by making mistakes in direct medical care. However if this mistakes appears denying of taking care about patient biological needs is more often type of devaluation. Third and last hypothesis didn't prove that patient older than 60 years are more frequently devaluated than others. Main benefits of this thesis are summary of knowledge about this behavior and deeper look into this problematic. Simultaneously findings that main devaluation in providing direct care is denying taking care about patient biological needs, which formulate in 1943 A. H. Maslow, is crucial. Legacy of this American psychologist is more than recent and shouldn't be ignored in today's medical practice. Overall thesis collects information from different Czech and foreign resources and completely and clearly describes risks and consequences of devaluation.
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Devalvace člověka zdravotnickým pracovníkem / Human devaluation by medical staffDRÁBIKOVÁ, Martina January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of devaluation of persons by medical and paramedical employees. Health service is the field in which the human dignity should be respected. The devaluation of men/women occurs during social contacts and even in health service, situations leading to devaluation may occur due to unconscious and unaware communication. For mutual contacts of the (para)medical employee and the patient, not only a good knowledge of psychology, but first of all the ability to apply adequately communication skills in practice is necessary. The patient should not represent for medical staff only diagnosis, but first of all he/she should be seen as a human being. Behavior of (para)medical employees should be supporting and strengthening, it should not only contribute to a quick recovery, but also to the psychological balance and well-being of patients. Three goals were postulated for the purposes of this thesis. The first goal was to find out if the devaluation of men/women by a (para)medical employee occurs during the hospitalization. It follows from the results of the research that situations of patient devaluation by the medical employee occur really. The purpose of the second goal was to find out the ways of person devaluation during the hospitalization. It follows from the investigation that the devaluation may take place in different ways. The research questions cover practically with this goal. The most frequent way of devaluation is unsuitably conducted communication of medical employees. The third goal was to find out if the medical staff has an impact on the devaluation of man. Patients do not have experience with an arrogant behavior but consider it as devaluing. It was found out by the investigation that the personal staff has an affects the devaluation of man because individual members of the nursing team contributes to the devaluation of the patient. These, was confirmed by the answers of patients in quantitative research. The respondents believe that the number of the medical staff rather does not support evaluation of the patients. It can be concluded that the personal staff in some way affects the devaluation.
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Experiences of professional nurses with regard to accessing information at the point-of-care via mobile-computing devices at a public hospitalBenjamin, Valencia January 2013 (has links)
Mobile computing devices are capable of changing how healthcare is delivered in the future, since they aim to merge and integrate all services into one device that is versatile, customisable, and portable. The aim of this study was to explore and describe the experiences of professional nurses with regard to accessing information at the point-of-care of the patient, in order to develop guidelines that could assist other professional nurses with implementing the mobile computing device for accessing information at the point-of-care of patients. To achieve the purpose of the study, a qualitative, explorative, descriptive, and contextual design was used to conduct this research – to gain an understanding of how the professional nurses experienced accessing information at the point-of-care via mobile computing devices. The study was conducted among the professional nurses employed at the public hospital, who were trained and provided with the mobile computing device for accessing information at the point-of-care for more than two years. In-depth interviewing was conducted to obtain the data. Data analysis was done using Tesch‘s method to make sense out of text and data. Four themes were identified, namely, the professional nurses‘ expression of various experiences regarding the training received; the need for support in implementing the mobile computing device; the accessing of information at the point-of-care as beneficial for educational purposes; and the accessing of information at the point-of-care as beneficial to patient care. Two main guidelines were developed. The study concludes with recommendations made with regard to the areas of nursing practice, education and research. Throughout the study, the researcher abided by the ethical considerations. The aspects of trustworthiness implemented in this study, included dependability, credibility, transferability and confirmability (Holloway & Wheeler, 2010:298).
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Patientens upplevelse av bemötande inom vården vid långvarig smärtaEveritt, Felicia, Heidenfors, Heidenfors January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Långvarig smärta är ett problem som upplevs av en stor mängd av Sveriges befolkning. Långvarig smärta är även ett globalt problem. Smärta räknas som långvarig om den har funnits dagligen i mer än 3 månader. De som lever med långvarig smärta upplever ofta en stor skillnad på sin livskvalitet i jämförelse med innan de blev sjuka. Långvarig smärta delas in i olika kategorier: nociceptiv, neuropatisk och nociplastisk smärta. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien är att beskriva hur patienter med långvarig smärta upplever bemötande när det kommer till vårdpersonal. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ ansats och deskriptiv design. Med hjälp av databaserna CINAHL och Pubmed togs elva stycken artiklar fram och kvalitesgranskades med hjälp av en granskningsmall från SBU. Resultat: I studierna kunde två stycken huvudteman och sex stycken subteman identifieras. Huvudteman var upplevelse av vårdpersonalens attityd och patientens behov. Subteman var upplevelse av diskriminering, upplevelse av misstro vid läkemedelsbehandling, upplevelse av kommunikation, upplevelse av information, upplevelse av självkänsla och upplevelse av planering. Resultatet beskrev patientens upplevelse av bemötande från vårdpersonal, vilket visade att diskriminering, dålig kommunikation, icke empatisk personal samt undermålig information och planering ansågs vara negativt och påverkade patientens möjlighet till att få en god smärtbehandling. Det positiva som framkom var när personalen visade sig vara empatisk, inkännande och behandlade patienterna med respekt. Slutsats: Slutsatsen som kan tas är att vårdpersonalen måste öka sina kunskaper när det gäller bemötande, för att öka chansen att patienterna får en fullgod smärtbehandling. Nyckelord: Smärta, kronisk, erfarenhet, sjukvård, möte, behandling, omvårdnad. / Abstract Background: Chronic pain is an issue experienced by a large part of the population in Sweden. Chronic pain is also a global problem. Pain is considered to be chronic if it has been present daily for more than three months. Those living with chronic pain often experience a great difference of their quality of life in comparison with before they got sick. Chronic pain is seperated into different categories: nociceptive, neuropathic and nociplastic pain. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to describe how patients with chronic pain experienced the personal treatment from medical staff. Method: A general literature overview with a qualitative approach and descriptive design. Eleven studies were chosen from Pubmed and CINAHL and the quality was reviewed according to a quality from SBU. Result: Two main themes and six subthemes could be identified from the studies. The main themes were the experience of attitudes from the medical staff and the needs of the patient. The subthemes were experience of discrimination, experience of distrust in drug treatment, experience of communication, experience of information, experience of selfworth and experience of planning. The result described the patients experience of personal treatment from medical staff, wich proved that discrimination, bad communication, non-empathic medical staff and substandard information and planning was considered to be negative and affected patients ability to receive satisfactory pain treatment. The positive aspects were when staff proved to be empathic, feeling and when they treated patients with respect. Conclusion: The conclusion is that medical staff must increase their knowledge of personal treatment, to increase the chance of patients receiving a satisfactory pain treatment. Keywords: Pain, chronic, experience, healthcare, encounter, treatment, care
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