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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proeve van onderzoek naar Platoon's opvatting van de sophistiek

Hoendervanger, Willem. January 1938 (has links)
Proefschrift--Utrecht. / Includes bibliography.

Aprender é recordar: conhecimento e aprendizagem por reminiscência no Mênon de Platão / Learning as to recollect: knowledge and learling by recollection in the Platos Meno.

Oscar de Lira Carneiro 03 March 2009 (has links)
A investigação das condições para aquisição do conhecimento pela rememoração, sobretudo quando a mesma é resultado da aprendizagem graças à interação de um indivíduo com um mestre, constitui-se no objeto desta tese que parte da demonstração do aprendizado alcançado por um escravo que, não obstante sem formação intelectual formal própria às crianças e jovens na Grécia clássica, interrogado por Sócrates conforme exposição dramatizada apresentada por Platão na parte central do diálogo Mênon, resolve um problema, cuja solução exigiria o conhecimento do teorema de Pitágoras. Diferencia-se esta abordagem das estritamente filosóficas pelo enfoque dado à língua grega, desvelando elementos semânticos para uma compreensão mais ampla da consagrada expressão inatista Aprender é recordar, construída em delicado olhar de resgate de metáforas, vocábulos e expressões intencional e magistralmente escritas por Platão, cujo entendimento só se tornou possível pela leitura e análise do texto original do citado diálogo e cotejo com traduções modernas. A estruturação do Mênon, as relações entre anamnese e ensino-aprendizagem, os fundamentos mito-poético-religiosos da reminiscência e o choque entre a paidéia sustentada pela dialética socrático-platônica e a paidéia sofística assumida por Mênon, personagem-título do diálogo, bem como a análise quanto a sustentabilidade da hipótese de existência de um magistério socrático, seus fundamentos epistemológicos, sua didática processual metaforicamente expressa por Platão no Mênon como caminhada e a analogia entre anamnese e maiuêtica. / The investigation conditions concerning knowledge acquisition by recollection, above all, when learning resulted by the interaction with a master, it is constituted in this thesis object that departures from the demonstration of a learning reached by a slave without formal intellectual formation inherent to the children and young in classic Greece, interrogated by Socrates as a dramatized exhibition presented by Plato in the main part of the dialogue Meno, solving a problem whose solution would demand Pitagoras theorem awareness. This approach differentiates from strictly philosophical focused on Greek language, discovering semantic elements in a wider understanding of the consecrated expression inatist \"Learning is to remember\", constructed in delicate look at metaphors rescue, glosses and intentional expressions masterfully written by Plato, whose understanding only became possible by the reading and analysis of the original text of the mentioned dialogue and its comparison with modern translations. Meno structuring relationships among anamneses and teaching-learning, myth-poetic-religious foundations of the reminiscence and the shock among the paideia sustained by the Socratic-platonic dialectical and the sophistic paideia supported by Meno the dialogue main character, well as its analysis as the existence hypothesis sustainability Socratic teaching, its epistemological foundations, its procedural didacticism metaphorically expressed by Plato in Meno as walk and analogy between anamneses and maiuetic.

Scholia Latina in Platonem. La recezione del Menone e del Fedone nel Medioevo latino

Bisanti, Elisa 26 April 2021 (has links)
This study offers a reinterpretation of the direct tradition of medieval Platonism on the basis of new evidence from the Meno and the Phaedo translated into Latin by Henry Aristippus between 1154 and 1160. In particular, it provides an edition of interlinear and marginal annotations and glosses of the Meno and the Phaedo: the manuscript tradition is particularly useful for understanding which aspects of these two Platonic dialogues were particularly studied during the Middle Ages, as it preserves the considerations of various readers on Platonic philosophy. In the most fortunate cases, it is precisely the manuscript tradition that offers new perspectives that can be used to redesign the networks of reception of the two Platonic texts examined in this study in the centuries following their translation, with particular reference to the 13th and 14th centuries. The research was carried out on unpublished material and manuscript testimonies, with the help of two strategies. First, the medieval sources were submetted to a doxographic analysis, through a bottom-up approach consisting in the identification of the terms ‘Plato’, ‘Meno’, ‘Phaedo’ (or ‘Fedrone’ according to medieval usage). This allowed to understand in which contexts and in relation to which themes the references to the three terms appeared and to provide a list of authors who, between the 13th and the 14th century, had the opportunity to read the Meno and/or the Phaedo in Henry Aristippus’ translation. The second strategy, which we could perhaps describe as ‘inside-out’, was applied in the editing phase of the interlinear and marginal annotations and glosses of the two translations. As an especially important paratextual element, the ‘marginal’ writing proves to be particularly useful for deriving the constituent elements of the two dialogues (inside) that were commented, re-written, re-elaborated and interpreted in the margins of the two texts (outside). By employing both strategies, it is possible to reveal the core concepts of Platonic philosophy that, to a greater or lesser extent, caught the attention of medieval readers of the Latin Meno and the Phaedo.

Aukštosios Panemunės Švč. Mergelės Marijos Vardo bažnyčios meno paveldas. Turizmo ir piligrimystės galimybės / Virgin Mary’s Church and its artistic heritage in Higher Panemune. Possibilities for tourism and pilgrimage

Šeškauskaitė, Žemyna 15 June 2011 (has links)
Aukštojoje Panemunėje 1859 metais Roko Bučeniausko iniciatyva pastatyta mūrinė, parapijai skirta Švč. Mergelės Marijos Vardo bažnyčia. Šventovė 1907 metais atnaujinta – pristatytos zakristija, koplyčia, apsidė ir pakeistas frontonas. Darbo objektas – bažnyčia ir jos meno paveldas. Tai 1859–1880 metais įrengtas interjeras – neogotikinis altorių ansamblis, kurį sudaro didysis Švč. Mergelės Marijos Vardo ir du šoniniai – šv. Juozapo ir šv. Roko. Neatskiriama jų dalis puošyba – paveikslai, skulptūros, ornamentinė drožyba. Taip pat svarbūs ir kiti vidaus įrenginiai – sakykla, dvi poros neobarokinių formų klausyklų, vargonai. Prie meno paveldo priskirtinas ir šventorius, kuriame yra įrengtos keturios koplyčios. Darbe, remiantis archyviniais šaltiniais, natūros tyrimais, įvairiomis knygomis bei straipsniais, siekiama įgyvendinti pagrindinį tikslą – išnagrinėti šventovės ikonografiją, išanalizuoti, įvertinti bažnyčios, jos interjero ir šventoriaus meninę ikonografinę raišką, bei išskirti vertes. Taip pat aptarti tiriamąjį objektą kaip tinkamą turizmui ir piligrimystei. Viso darbo metu bažnyčia ir jos meno paveldas analizuojamas istoriniu, meniniu, ikonografiniu, ikonologiniu požūriais. Darbą sudaro penki skyriai. Pirmame skyriuje aptariama bažnyčios istorija ir svarbiausi jos istoriniai faktai. Antrame – nagrinėjama šventovės architektūros interjero ir eksterjero raiška. Trečiame skyriuje analizuojama altorių puošyba – skulptūriniai ir tapybiniai šventųjų atvaizdai, kuriuose... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In 1859 on Rokas Buceniauskas initiative a stone church of the Virgin Mary was built in Higher Panemune. Sanctuary was renewed in 1907 adding a vestry, a chapel, an apse and the new gable. Thesis object – the church itself and its artistic heritage. That is in 1859 – 1880 equipped interior which contains Neo - Gothic ensemble of the altars: the great altar of the Virgin Mary and two sidelong altars – St. Joseph’s and St. Roch’s. Other inside facilities are also very important – a pulpit, two pairs of Neo – Baroque shaped confessionals, the organ. The churchyard with four chapels is also a part of artistic heritage. The main purpose of the thesis is to contextualize iconography of the sanctuary, analyze, evaluate the artistic - iconographic expression of the church, its interior and churchyard, and intercept the values by relying on archival sources, life research, different books and articles. Also, it is important to discuss about tourism and pilgrimage possibilities. The thesis overlooks the church and its cultural heritage from different angles: historical, artistic, iconographic and iconological. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first one talks over the history of the church and the most important historical facts. Second chapter is about architecture interior and exterior expressions. Third part analyzes decoration of the altars – statuary and painterly reflection of the saints, in which ideological iconographical programme starts to break trough. Other... [to full text]

Art is everything what people do with time and space / Menas yra viskas ką žmones daro su laiku ir erdve

Shatava, Katsiaryna, Shatavo, Katerina 03 July 2014 (has links)
Art is everything what people do with time and space is a theoretical text, which includes some of the author’s ideas on contemporary art situation and its definition. The work could be interesting for the people working in the sphere of humanities, as much as to everybody else living in this world. / "Menas yra viskas, ką žmonės daro su laiko ir erdve" - teorinis tekstas, kuriame galima atrasti kai kurias autoriaus mintys apie šiandieninę situaciją su menu ir apie šio termino definiciją. Darbas gali būti įdomūs kaip žmonėms, dirbantiems humanitarinių mokslų srityje, taip pat ir visiems kitiems žmoniems gyvenantiems šiame pasaulyje.

Opinião verdadeira e opinião pública no "Mênon" de Platão. / True opinion and public opinion in Plato's Meno.

Poliseli, Romualdo Vicentin 22 April 2003 (has links)
O tema central, enfocado nesta leitura do Mênon de Platão, é a relação entre dóxa alethés e opinião pública. São temas secundários, o ensino da virtude, o contexto político, as matemáticas e a epistéme aplicada à política. A questão nasce da pergunta inicial do diálogo sobre a maneira de adquirir a virtude. Mênon desejava a virtude tal como era concebida em seu meio: a glória, a fama, a boa reputação e, por conseguinte, o poder, ou seja, ele desejava a virtude política. O conturbado processo político da polis rumo à democratização, aliado à noção de virtude como fama, torna evidente a importância da dinamização da opinião pública na luta entre as facções e no reconhecimento da virtude política. Platão admite essa condição da prática política. Segundo o Timeu, o único conhecimento possível do mundo dos sólidos é o conhecimento opiniático. A prática política se desenrola no mundo dos sólidos, portanto é guiada pela opinião. Porém, há opiniões que são verdadeiras e há opiniões que conduzem à aporia, além de serem fugidias, pois o objeto deste tipo de conhecimento são os sólidos, que estão no mundo do devir. O Timeu ensina que o demiurgo tem sempre opiniões verdadeiras sobre o mundo por ele ordenado, porque também repousa os olhos no que é sempre o mesmo, ou seja, ele tem a episteme do que é sempre. O rei-filósofo da República é o demiurgo da cidade; ele tem sempre opiniões verdadeiras na administração da polis, porque tem a episteme. Porém, Platão reconhece, na República, que a verdade conhecida pelo filósofo não pode se efetivar sem a anuência da opinião pública. Freqüentemente, a opinião pública caminha para a aporia, mas não é impossível que chegue ao acerto. É possível conjugar verdade e política. Se a ciência filosófica estiver ausente, resta contar com a proteção divina, que é casual. Sócrates propôs que seu interlocutor procurasse saber o que é a virtude em si. Em razão da aporia de Mênon, Sócrates ensinou o caminho da ciência pela teoria da reminiscência, que principia justamente pelo reconhecimento das aporias. Mênon, porém, não estava disposto a buscar a episteme do filósofo. O último argumento do diálogo conclui que a virtude é opinião verdadeira, que advém por um favor dos deuses. Trata-se de uma segunda via, mais apropriada a Mênon, para manter alguma articulação entre política e verdade. Antes de se despedir, Sócrates avisa Mênon que a investigação deve ser retomada do início. / The central theme which has been put into focus by this reading of Meno is the relation between dóxa alethés and public opinion. The teaching of virtue, the public context, the mathematics and the epistéme applied to politics offer themselves as secondary themes. The question emerges from the initial question of the dialog about how virtue can be acquired. Meno longed for the virtue as it was conceived within its medium: glory, fame, good reputation and, therefore, power; he desired, in other words, the political virtue. The disturbed political process of the polis towards democracy makes clear - together with virtue as fame – the importance of the dynamism of public opinion in the struggle between factions and within the acknowledgment of political virtue. Plato acknowledges these conditions amongst practical politics. According to Timaeus, the only possible knowledge of the world of solids is the opinionated knowledge. The political practice develops itself within the world of solids, and is therefore guided by opinion. However, there are true opinions and opinions which take us to aporia and which are, moreover, quite fleeting – because their object are the solids, which found themselves within the world of becoming. Timaeus also teaches us that the demiurge has always true opinions about the world he has arranged - because he looks at that which never changes, i. e., he holds the epistéme of that which always is. The king-philosopher of the Republic is, so to say, the city’s demiurge; he always has true opinions about the management of the polis - because he holds the epistéme. Nevertheless, Plato acknowledges in the Republic that the truth granted by the philosopher cannot accomplish itself without the consent of public opinion. Frequently, the public opinion leads to aporia but, on the other hand, is not impossible to it to succeed. It is possible to coordinate truth and politics. Without philosophical science, we can only rely on the divine protection, which happens to be fortuitous. Socrates has put forth that his interlocutor should try to learn what virtue in itself is. Due to Meno's aporia, Socrates has taught the way to science through the theory of reminiscence, which sets off precisely from the recognition of the aporia. Meno, however, was not willing to search the philosophical epistéme. The last argument of the dialog ends up saying that virtue is the true opinion – which is granted by a favor of gods. It happens to be a second road - much more appropriated to Meno – in order to keep politics and truth well-connected. Before signing off, Socrates tells Meno that the search must be considered from the start.


Gečienė, Raimonda 29 September 2008 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė sociokultūrinės meninės raiškos tobulinimo galimybės ugdant būsimus mokytojus analizė. Skatinant moksleivių raišką ir sociokultūrinės raiškos plėtrą, svarbu juos išmokyti kurti supančios aplinkos kultūrą, o ne tik ja remtis, būti jos vartotojais. Tai labai svarbi asmenybės nuostata. To siekiama remiantis moksleivių socialine kultūrine raiška. Ši aplinkybė verčia išskirti sociokultūrinę raišką kaip aktualią moksleivių ugdymo ir mokytojo rengimo problemą. Anketinės apklausos metu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas atskleisti sociokultūrinės meninės raiškos tobulinimo galimybes ugdant būsimus mokytojus. Tyrimo objektas: būsimų mokytojų sociokultūrinė meninė raiška. Tyrime dalyvavo 183 Šiaulių universiteto studentų ir 60 Šiaulių miesto meno mokytojų, parinkti atsitiktinės atrankos būdu. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami sociokultūrinės meninės raiškos vaidmuo būsimų mokytojų ir meno mokytojų profesiniam tobulėjimui. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Studentai, lankę mokykloje būrelius, jiems taip pat yra poreikis lankyti meno kolektyvą ir universitete. Tie studentai, kurie lanko meno kolektyvus, turi reikšmės ir jų aktyvumui visuomeniniuose renginiuose, spektaklių ar koncertų lankymui. 2. Tiek apklaustieji studentai, tiek ir meno mokytojai lanko meno kolektyvus, norėdami patenkinti pomėgius, poreikius, o lankyti pasirinktą kolektyvą nusprendžia dažniausiai patys, tai rodo, jog ši meninės saviraiškos rūšis yra labai svarbi ir aktuali asmeniškai. 3... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this work theoretical analysis of possibilities to improve skills of artistic expression qualifying teachers is presented. Working with students of different age groups showing possible ways of expressing themselves and improving skills of artistic expression is very important. To improve skills of artistic expression is the main goals set for the qualification course. It enables young people to create positive atmosphere and cultural environment in reality, and prevents them from being only consumers. Improvement of artistic skills is assumed to be the major goal when developing any personality. This aim could be achieved by appealing to students' skills of sociocultural expression. Therefore development of sociocultural skills is relevant while preparing teachers for their future job. The questionnaire has been prepared and the research has been done to educe possibilities for improving skills of artistic expression during the teachers' qualification course. Different ways of artistic expression has been observed. 183 students of Siauliai university and 60 teachers currently working in Siauliai schools have answered the questions given and participated in the research. The empirical part of the paper determines how skills of artistic expression effect professional development of a teacher. The most important implications of the research done are: 1. Students, who participated in different extra curriculum activities and clubs at school, tend to join clubs and art groups... [to full text]

Pedagoginė pasakų terapija papildomojo ugdymo pamokose / Pedagigic folk-tale therapy at the lessons of informal education

Kilkuvienė, Aušra 09 June 2006 (has links)
Pedagogic folk-tale therapy at the lessons of informal education Summary One of he most urgent problem in the Lithuanian contemporary educational, basing itself on the humanist education principles, is the psychological climate at school, influencing pupils’ motivation to state of pupil. Supplementary education classes could have a large influence on the improvement of psychological climate. ,,The Supplementary Education Concept” is a list of the possibilities, grouped ant called functions, including: cognitive, communication, pragmatic and self-reakiztion. The mentioned concept does not include the innovative function of supplementary education, used to preserve emotional health and to improve the emotional state of a child. In essence this function is ,,social treatment” by art, also known as art therapy. ,, The Supplementary Education Concept” addresses the problems, arising in the course of after-class activity in a mainstream school. This is related to poor search for new working forms and methods, forgotten training and insufficient requalification tasks, and too little attention paid to the children’s socialization process, etc. We studied the documents, regulating supplementary education, articles of researchers and teachers on this work and formulated the problem for investigation, namely: too little attention is paid to the important issue for pupil’s socialization and creativity-planning, and organizing of systematical recreational work, used to eliminate... [to full text]

Mokinio veiklos, kaip asmens kultūros komponento, tobulinimas meno (muzikos) mokykloje / The development of the learner's, as the cultural component's, activity in the art (music) school

Astašauskienė, Nijolė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Mokinio veiklos, kaip asmens komponento tobulinimas meno (muzikos) mokykloje. Skaitant asmens kultūros raidą atskleidžia muzikinio ugdymo reikmė. Ugdymo praktikoje asmens kultūros raidos įgyjamų vertybių ir jų paskirties suvokimas priklauso nuo to, kaip jos pateikiamos ir perimamos. Demokratinėje visuomenėje vyrauja asmens interesai, kūrybinė veikla. Ugdytiniui svarbu pažinti kultūros vertybes, orientuojantis į jas pratintis kurti ir taip tobulinti individualią kultūrą, suvokiant veiklos prasmę vertinti asmeninių poreikių tenkinimo reikšmingumą. Muzikinis ugdymas remiamas kūrybine veikla, įtirtindamas kūrybos poreikį, vertinimo nuostatas, gebėjimus. Mokinio veikla- ne tik savitas individualios kult��ros pasireiškimo būdas, bet ir komponentas. Ugdymo procese tobulinant mokinio veiklą keičiasi ir asmens kultūra. Todėl mokinio veiklos, kaip jo kultūros komponento, tobulinimas meno (muzikos) mokykloje yra aktuali pedagoginė problema Tyrimo objektas yra mokinio veikla ir jos tobulinimas meno (muzikos) mokykloje. Tyrimo tikslas yra atskleisti mokinio veiklos, kaip kultūros komponento, tobulinimo prielaidas, meno (muzikos) mokykloje. Darbe apibūdinta mokyklos ugdymo samprata mokinio veiklos aspektu, aptartas mokinio veiklos modelis meno (muzikos) mokyklos pamokose, ištirtos pedagogų nuostatos, susijusios su mokinio veikla, pateikti mokino veiklos, kai kultūros komponento, vertinimo ir tobulinimo orientyrai. Atliktas tyrimas parodė, kad mokinio veiklos, kaip ir kultūros komponento... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The significance of musical training reveals in stimulating the person‘s cultural development. In the upbringing practice, the understanding of person’s culture process obtained values and their purpose depends on the way how they are shared and adapted. Personal interests and creative work dominate in the democratic society. It is important to the learner to know the cultural values, orient to them, try to create and in this way to improve individual culture, understanding the activity’s essence to evaluate the significance of the personal requirements. Musical training is supported by the creative work, consolidation of the cultural needs, evaluation guidelines and abilities. The learner’s activity is not only a distinctive method of individual culture expression but also a component. In the training process, the person’s culture changes together with the learner’s improved activity. Therefore, the improvement of the learner’s, as the cultural component’s, activity in the art (music) school is an actual educational problem. The research object is the learner’s activity and its improvement in the art (music) school. The research aim is to reveal the learner’s activity development premises in the art (music) school. The tasks of the research: to describe the musical training concept through the learner’s activity aspect, to discuss the model of the learner’s activity in the art (music) lessons, to analyze the educators’ attitude towards the learner’s activity and to propose... [to full text]

Ideologiniai Lietuvos meno diskurso pokyčiai XX a. paskutiniajame dešimtmetyje / The ideological changes of Lithuanian art discourse in the 1990s

Citvarienė, Daiva 09 December 2008 (has links)
Disertacijoje analizuojami XX a. paskutiniojo dešimtmečio meno diskurso ideologiniai procesai: skirtingų vertybinių, ideologinių orientacijų formavimasis, nykimas ir jų koreliacija, daranti įtaką meno ir menininko sampratos kaitai. Šie procesai analizuojami remiantis aptariamo laikotarpio parodų recenzijomis, pačiomis parodomis, aktyviai meno scenoje veikusių menininkų pasisakymais, jų kūriniais, formavusiais viešąjį dailės gyvenimą. Atskiras dėmesys skiriamas įvairiems meno lauko pjūviams – sociopolitiniam kontekstui, meno kūriniams, institucinėms parodoms ir tekstams kultūros savaitraščiuose. Ideologijų ir vertybių pokyčiai, vykę Lietuvos meno diskurse XX a. paskutiniajame dešimtmetyje, darbe tyrinėjami akcentuojant meninius, institucinius ir sociopolitinius kontekstus, atskleidžiant kintantį simbolinių konstrukcijų turinį bei jų poveikį meno lauko kovoms už legitimaciją. Disertacijoje keliami šie uždaviniai: apibrėžti posovietinio intelektualo (menininko) vaidmenį atgimimo ir nepriklausomybės metų Lietuvos meno procesuose; ištirti viešajame diskurse įtvirtintas atminties politikos formas; apibrėžti ideologijos sampratos specifiškumą posovietinėje visuomenėje, analizuoti ideologinį modernistinio meno pobūdį; apibrėžti pagrindinių meno institucijų ideologines nuostatas, atskleisti institucijų ideologinių susidūrimų pobūdį ir priežastis; išanalizuoti reikšmingiausias parodas ir atskleisti jų konstruotų naratyvų ideologines potekstes; atskleisti svarbiausius šio laikotarpio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Dissertation thesis analyses the ideological processes of art discourse in the last decade of the 20th century – the formation and decline of different value related and ideological orientations, and their correlation, which makes an influence upon the changing conception of art and artist. These processes are analyzed referring to the reviews of the exhibitions of the discussed period, the exhibitions themselves, the declarations by the artists, who actively participated on the art scene, and their works, which were shaping the public art life. A separate attention is devoted to various layers of the artistic field – to the sociopolitical context, the works of art, the institutional exhibitions, and to the texts in cultural periodicals. The main aim of the thesis is to make a thorough analysis of the ideological and value related changes, which took place in the Lithuanian art discourse in the 1990s, and by underlining the artistic, institutional and sociopolitical contexts to reveal the changing content of symbolic constructions and their influence on the struggles for legitimization in the artistic field. The tasks of the research are: to define the role of the postsoviet intellectual (artist) in the Lithuanian art processes during the Rebirth period and in the years of independence; to explore the forms of politics of memory, which were established in the public discourse; to define the specificity of the concept of ideology in the postsoviet society; to analyze the... [to full text]

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