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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deficiência mental e discurso pedagógico contemporâneo. / Mental deficiency and contemporary pedagogical speech.

Cirilo, Marisa Assunção 13 March 2008 (has links)
Trata-se de pesquisa teórica que tem o propósito de colocar em crise o conceito de deficiência mental, averiguando em que medida esta teorização, construída sob a influência das abordagens médica, psicológica e pedagógica, foi decisiva para excluir crianças cuja performance não condizia com o ideal de aluno surgido no contexto do ensino público obrigatório. Para tanto, fizemos o resgate histórico sobre o tema da deficiência mental procurando rastrear em que contextos se observaram os deslizamentos semânticos tais como retardamento mental e debilidade mental, embasando-nos em autores como Postel, Quetel, Bercherie, Ajuriaguerra, Double, Foucault, Mannoni e Lacan; argumentamos sobre o tema a partir do eixo teórico da Psicanálise como uma produção discursiva que vingou juntamente com o advento de um ideal de ciência objetivada, o cientificismo-tecnicismo, e que teve na hegemonia do discurso médico seu sustentáculo, orientando nossa análise nos estudos de autores como Freud, Lacan, Mannoni e Alemán; abordamos a migração para a Pedagogia da abordagem cientificista-tecnicista e apontamos alguns de seus efeitos, apoiados em autores como Arendt, Lefort e Azanha; por último, destacamos que um giro na posição de deficiente mental poderia ser alcançado com a produção de um saber singular, que tanto pelo lado do aluno como do professor seria a implicação e concluimos que as políticas públicas de inclusão escolar, ao mudar o foco deliberativo sobre o aluno deficiente mental, do discurso médico para o jurídico, acabaram por desencadear uma abertura no jeito de considerá-lo no currículo escolar apesar de ter acirrado o mal estar na educação. / The aim of this theoretical research is to deconstruct the concept of mental deficiency by investigating the extent to which this label - constructed under medical, psychological and pedagogical influences - has been decisive in the exclusion of those school children whose profile has not conformed with the ideal of a model pupil within the public education system. To this end the origins of the theme mental deficiency were investigated, and the semantic shifts from mental retardation to mental debility - for instance - were observed. References include Postel, Quetel, Bercherie, Ajuriaguerra, Double, Foucault, Mannoni e Lacan. The theme is argued using the basis of psychoanalysis theory as a source of speech production - originated in conjunction with the empirical science paradigm - which in turn was supported by the dominant medical discourse. Freud, Lacan, Mannoni e Alemáns studies guided this analysis. The migration of this approach to the pedagogical one is discussed and some of its effects are highlighted, based in the writings of Arendt, Lefort and Azanha. Finally, we pointed out that a functioning shift in the mentally deficient could be reached with a singular knowledge production, over which pupils and teachers alike would be have responsibilities. We concluded that school inclusion public policies, through changing the focus on the mentally deficient pupil from the medical to the legal discourse, promoted a spin in the way pupil assessment is made against the curriculum, despite the increased discomfort levels within the education system.

Specialiųjų poreikių (nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių) VIII klasės moksleivių temos „Žinduoliai“ mokymas / 8th form special needs pupils (narrowly mentally deficient) teaching theme "Mammalians"

Tijūnaitytė, Aurelija 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė specialiosios ir bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos programų, gamtos mokslų mokymo metodų, organizavimo formų, bei vaizdinių gamtos mokymo priemonių analizė. Iškeltos hipotezės: kad gamtos dalyko pamokose panaudojus aktyviuosius mokymo metodus, susietus su grafinėmis užduotimis, mokinių žinios apie žinduolių klasę pagerės; kad temos „Žinduoliai“ turinio įsisavinimas geresnis, kai žinių įtvirtinimo užduotys ne vien tikrina ir įtvirtina žinias, bet ir sudaro galimybę pačiam atrasti atsakymą, tyrinėjant pateiktą naują mokomąją medžiagą. Organizuotas ugdomasis tyrimas, kurio tikslas - gerinti nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių žinių apie žinduolius įsisavinimą, remiantis moderniosios gamtos didaktikos siūlomais aktyviais mokymo metodais ir praktikos darbais (didelį dėmesį skiriant grafinių užduočių panaudojimui). Atlikta aprašomoji statistinė (vidurkių, procentų), kiekybinė ir kokybinė duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 16 Klaipėdos 1 – osios ir 2 - osios specialiųjų mokyklų VIII klasės moksleivių. 10 gamtos dalyko mokytojų iš Klaipėdos, Rusnės bei Šiaulių specialiųjų mokyklų. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjamas mokytojų požiūris į gamtos dalyko mokymą, nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių žinios ir supratimas prieš temos „Žinduoliai“ mokymą, mokymo organizavimo specifika, moksleivių žinios ir supratimas po temos „Žinduoliai“ mokymo, gautų testų rezultatų po temos mokymo palyginimas. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Dauguma pedagogų žino apie... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The analysis of programmers of special and secondary schools, methods of natural sciences teaching, planning forms and visual teaching aids is carried out in this paper. The hypothesis: that pupils knowledge about mammalians will be improved using active teaching methods associated with graphical tasks during natural science lessons; that understanding of theme “Mammalians” is better when tasks for solidifying pupils knowledge are not used only for checking and solidifying, but gives the opportunity to learn themselves (find the answer) researching given material; that formed experimental teaching model will give enough good results for teaching theme “Mammalians” to narrowly mentally deficient pupils as well as for practice of natural sciences didactics. Organized educational research, the aim is to improve the knowledge of narrowly mentally deficient pupils about mammalians according to active methods recommended by modern science didactics and practical works (paying attention to usage of graphical tasks). Qualitative and quantitative analysis of data is done as well. Participants of the research are 16 8th form students of Klaipėda 1st and 2nd special boarding schools; 10 natural subject teachers from Klaipėda, Rusnė, Šilutė special schools. At the empirical part of work is analyzed teachers’ approach to natural subject teaching, knowledge of narrowly mentally deficient pupils before teaching theme “Mammalians”, specifics of teaching organization, knowledge of narrowly... [to full text]

Deficiência mental e discurso pedagógico contemporâneo. / Mental deficiency and contemporary pedagogical speech.

Marisa Assunção Cirilo 13 March 2008 (has links)
Trata-se de pesquisa teórica que tem o propósito de colocar em crise o conceito de deficiência mental, averiguando em que medida esta teorização, construída sob a influência das abordagens médica, psicológica e pedagógica, foi decisiva para excluir crianças cuja performance não condizia com o ideal de aluno surgido no contexto do ensino público obrigatório. Para tanto, fizemos o resgate histórico sobre o tema da deficiência mental procurando rastrear em que contextos se observaram os deslizamentos semânticos tais como retardamento mental e debilidade mental, embasando-nos em autores como Postel, Quetel, Bercherie, Ajuriaguerra, Double, Foucault, Mannoni e Lacan; argumentamos sobre o tema a partir do eixo teórico da Psicanálise como uma produção discursiva que vingou juntamente com o advento de um ideal de ciência objetivada, o cientificismo-tecnicismo, e que teve na hegemonia do discurso médico seu sustentáculo, orientando nossa análise nos estudos de autores como Freud, Lacan, Mannoni e Alemán; abordamos a migração para a Pedagogia da abordagem cientificista-tecnicista e apontamos alguns de seus efeitos, apoiados em autores como Arendt, Lefort e Azanha; por último, destacamos que um giro na posição de deficiente mental poderia ser alcançado com a produção de um saber singular, que tanto pelo lado do aluno como do professor seria a implicação e concluimos que as políticas públicas de inclusão escolar, ao mudar o foco deliberativo sobre o aluno deficiente mental, do discurso médico para o jurídico, acabaram por desencadear uma abertura no jeito de considerá-lo no currículo escolar apesar de ter acirrado o mal estar na educação. / The aim of this theoretical research is to deconstruct the concept of mental deficiency by investigating the extent to which this label - constructed under medical, psychological and pedagogical influences - has been decisive in the exclusion of those school children whose profile has not conformed with the ideal of a model pupil within the public education system. To this end the origins of the theme mental deficiency were investigated, and the semantic shifts from mental retardation to mental debility - for instance - were observed. References include Postel, Quetel, Bercherie, Ajuriaguerra, Double, Foucault, Mannoni e Lacan. The theme is argued using the basis of psychoanalysis theory as a source of speech production - originated in conjunction with the empirical science paradigm - which in turn was supported by the dominant medical discourse. Freud, Lacan, Mannoni e Alemáns studies guided this analysis. The migration of this approach to the pedagogical one is discussed and some of its effects are highlighted, based in the writings of Arendt, Lefort and Azanha. Finally, we pointed out that a functioning shift in the mentally deficient could be reached with a singular knowledge production, over which pupils and teachers alike would be have responsibilities. We concluded that school inclusion public policies, through changing the focus on the mentally deficient pupil from the medical to the legal discourse, promoted a spin in the way pupil assessment is made against the curriculum, despite the increased discomfort levels within the education system.

De l'arriéré au malade héréditaire : histoire de la prise en charge et des représentations du handicap mental en France et Allemagne (1890-1934) / From feeble-mindedness to hereditary disease : history of care and representations of mentally challenged people in France and Germany (1890-1934)

Hoffbeck, Valentine 06 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde l'histoire des enfants et adultes handicapés mentaux en France et en Allemagne entre 1890 et le milieu des années 1930. Ce travail prend pour objet les personnes atteintes de déficience mentale, qualifiées à l'époque de « débiles mentaux », « imbéciles », « idiots » ou du terme plus générique d' « arriérés ». Cette étude apporte un éclairage nouveau sur plusieurs thèmes, en adoptant une perspective transnationale pour éclairer la circulation et les résistances dans les pratiques médicales et pédagogiques destinées aux arriérés. Cherchant à mettre en valeur la part de construction qui est en jeu dans l'élaboration de ces catégories nosographiques, les critères aboutissant à créer la « faiblesse d'esprit » (Schwachsinnigkeit) sont étudiés à travers de points de vue variés (famille, instituteurs, psychologues et aliénistes). On montre ainsi comment la catégorie est forgée par ceux qui les observent au quotidien. A l'échelle des institutions étudiées, l'évolution des pratiques asilaires démontre une volonté progressive de rationaliser le tri entre ceux qu'on pense « éducables » et les « incurables » par l'emploi d'outils tels que les tests psychométriques. La thèse démontre aussi comment les arriérés sont envisagés peu à peu comme une charge, voire un danger à l'échelle nationale. Après la Grande Guerre, le coût de leur prise en charge est vu comme un fardeau dans les deux pays, justifiant une rationalisation des soins qui leur sont accordés. Ils sont surtout considérés comme porteurs de tares transmissibles héréditairement, soit des individus qu'il s'agit de sélectionner voire d'éliminer en tant que danger sanitaire. La thèse explore ces deux aspects observés en France comme en Allemagne, et leur part dans la légitimation de la stérilisation forcée des arriérés comme « Malades héréditaires » mises en place par la loi adoptée dès les premiers mois de l'avènement du IIIe Reich, ainsi que les réactions du milieu psychiatrique français. / The topic of this PhD dissertation is the history of mentally deficient children and adults in both France and Germany between 1890 and 1934. This work focuses on people who suffered from mental retardation although at that time they would have been referred to as "feeble-minded," "idiots" or "imbeciles." This study provides a new focus on different subjects. The various circulations of medical models are considered in a dynamic perspective. lt also provides an original vision of the construction of the category of feeblemidness, influenced by agents like doctors [psychiatrists], families or teachers, questioning what was done in practical terms. Mentally deficient people were shaped by the gaze of the people they interacted with. They are also examined in a social and economic context to which these individuals respond. The evolution of the characterization of feeble-mindedness and the use of intelligence tests highlight various attempts to classify those individuals in a more rational way. From a more specific psychiatrie point of view, this thesis shows how the emphasis on their classification as "unproductive persans" as well as the description of feeble-mindedness as a hereditary and "racial" disease transformed them into a social issue in the context of the rise of social Darwinism and eugenics, which led fo their sterilization in Germany from 1934 on.


Plerpaitė, Ingrida 27 August 2009 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė specialiųjų poreikių mokinių integracijos į bendrojo lavinimo mokyklas situacijos bei mokinių matematinių gebėjimų analizė. Iškelta hipotezė, kad specialiosiose mokyklose besimokančių 10 klasės nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių matematiniai gebėjimai baigiant pagrindinę mokyklą yra panašūs kaip ir toje pačioje klasėje bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose besimokančių nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių, pasitvirtino. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - įvertinti ir palyginti 10 klasės nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių, besimokančių skirtingo tipo ugdymo įstaigose, matematikos gebėjimus baigiant pagrindinę mokyklą. Atlikta kiekybinė duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo šešiasdešimt 10 klasės mokinių, besimokančių įvairiose Lietuvos mokyklose (30 bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos mokinių ir 30 specialiosios mokyklos mokinių), be to buvo apklausti 20 bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos mokytojų, dirbančių su nežymiai protiškai atsilikusiais mokiniais. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių, besimokančių specialiosiose mokyklose ir integruotai, matematikos programos įsisavinimo lygis. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Palyginus nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių matematinius gebėjimus pagal specialiosios mokyklos programą galima teigti, kad abiejų grupių mokinių programinės medžiagos įsisavinimo lygis beveik nesiskiria, o esantis skirtumas yra toks nežymus ir parodo, kad abiejų tipų mokyklų mokinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The work presents a theoretical analysis of the situation of SEN children’s integration into comprehensive schools and their mathematical abilities. The hypothesis raised in this work, i.e. that the mathematical abilities of slightly mentally deficient 10th formers at special and comprehensive schools are very much similar, has been approved. An investigation has been carried out in a survey method with a purpose to evaluate the mathematical abilities at the period of graduating from the basic school of slightly mentally deficient 10th formers’ at different educational institutions. A quantitative data analysis has been made. Sixty 10th formers from different schools in Lithuania (30 children from comprehensive schools, and 30 from special education schools) have been investigated, as well as 20 teachers from comprehensive schools, that work with slightly mentally deficient children, have been interviewed. The empiric part of the work deals with slightly mentally deficient children’s from special education schools and those who are integrated in the comprehensive schools level of mathematical knowledge. The following are the main conclusions drawn from the empiric investigation: 1. After comparing slightly mentally deficient children’s from both groups abilities to absorb the information at maths, it turned out that these abilities are rather equal, and the difference, if any, is so little, that it only supports the idea that children’s from the special education... [to full text]

Samhällets intresse i sinnesslövården : en studie av Statens uppfostringsanstalt för sinnesslöa flickor 1924-1968

Ström, Louise January 2013 (has links)
The State Institution for Education of Feebleminded Girls was one of the two swedish educational institutions established under state management in the 1920s and came to be the starting point for further government operations for the mentally deficient. The purpose of this paper was to investigate the activities of the State Institution for Education of Feebleminded Girls, out of what needs the institution filled in Sweden’s care for the mentally deficient. The institution has tried to be understood from the view of eugenics and the perspective of children that was current during the 1900s first half.To fulfill the purpose of the study, the archives for the State Institution for Education of Feebleminded Girls was studied and analyzed with basis of previous research on Sweden’s care for the mentally deficient and the impact from eugenics and Sweden’s child perspective.The study shows that the State Institution for Education of Feebleminded Girls mostly existed to educate students and adapt them to the community, which the institution did by education, disciplinary interventions and sterilizations. It is found in the study that the institution didn’t have any regular care of individuals in any great extent, which is also consistent with what previous research have reported concerning Sweden’s care for the mentally deficient. The study further shows that the State Institution for Education of Feebleminded Girls was largely coloured by the perception of mentally deficient as a threat to society. It appears that the institution primarily focused upon the interests of society and therefore often reduced the individual's interests and autonomy.

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