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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding the role of human microbiota on sensory perception

Menghi, Leonardo 06 June 2023 (has links)
While consumer awareness of benefits of adequate nutrition has noticeably surged in recent years, developing countermeasures against improper eating habits still represents a public health priority in view of the growing prevalence of diet-related diseases. Eating behaviours are complex phenomena driven by a spectrum of biological and environmental factors, wherein (chemo)sensory perception is reckoned amongst the most influential. Analogously, chemosensation is affected by a myriad of determinants, and this warrants the commonly observed large variation in how tastes and smells are perceived among individuals. Given how such variability intimately relates to dietary habits, deciphering its underlying mechanisms is paramount to promoting healthier food choices. In this vein, emerging evidence suggests that human eating behaviours can also be affected by interactions between the gastrointestinal microbiota and the chemosensory systems. Despite growing interest, the sensory-oriented microbiome field suffers from obvious limitations due to its recent emergence. As a result, little efforts has been devoted to elucidating: a) the associations between the oral microbiota and olfaction or known psychological mediators of sensory perception; b) the links between the distal gut microbiota and taste functioning; c) the consequences of interactions between chemosensation and the gastrointestinal microbiota on dietary intakes. Against this backdrop, this thesis aimed at expanding the current knowledge on the interplays between domains of sensory perception and the gastrointestinal microbiota and how these might mirror variations in habitual food habits. In detail, four studies probing the associations a) between a psychosocial correlate of sensory perception (food neophobia), olfaction (Chapter 2) and the oral microbiota (Chapter 3); and b) between distal gut (Chapter 4) or oral (Chapter 5) microbiota, taste functioning and dietary intakes are here presented. In Chapter 2 and 3, a healthy cohort of 83 individuals (57.8 % women; aged 22-68 yo) remotely filled out the common Food Neophobia Scale and the trait anxiety subscale of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory prior to providing a salivary sample for subsequent metataxonomic analysis (16S rRNA gene sequencing). Next, volunteers were tested for orthonasal olfactory functioning via the Sniffin’ Sticks battery, and monitored for retronasal aroma release while consuming a strawberry jelly candy by nose-space analysis (Selected-Ion Flow-Tube Mass Spectrometry). In Chapter 4 and 5, instead, 100 young adult volunteers (52 % women; aged 18-30 yo) attended a 7-day lasting remote protocol where responsiveness to genetically-mediated bitterness of 6-n-propylithiuracil (PROP), hedonics and intensity of oral sensations elicited by ten commercially-available food products, a battery of food-related psychological traits, a 4-day food record, and one salivary and one stool sample (sequenced by targeting the 16s rRNA gene) were collected. Overall, results substantially strengthen past evidence suggesting: a) that pronounced neophobic tendencies translate into higher levels of (negative) emotional activation or arousal towards foods; b) the existence of homogenous groups of individuals with generalized hypergeusia towards oral stimulations; c) that hyperresponsiveness to a peculiar taste quality is a barrier to the intake of foods evoking such sensation; d) that habitual consumption of dietary fibers and simple carbohydrates can shape both the gut and oral microbial ecology, respectively. Intriguingly, food neophobia and poor olfaction were positively associated with oral microbial markers of dysbiosis (e.g., Porphyromonas gingivalis), whilst a Clostridia-enriched salivary microbiota co-occurred with low responsiveness to alarming oral sensations (astringency, bitter, sour) elicited by real foods. Similarly, an ample panel of commensal gut bacterial genera mainly allocated to the families Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae was found to be enriched in individuals exhibiting lower acuity to both tastes (bitter, salty, sour, sweet) and trigeminal sensations (astringent, pungent). Besides taxonomically annotating a range of microbial taxa tied to sensory perception, putative metabolic pathways used by salivary and gut microbial communities to modulate taste perception were inferred and discussed. To conclude, this thesis supports the notion that the gastrointestinal microbiota is an additional candidate to explain interindividual variations in taste and smell perception, and provides novel important insights into the aetiology of eating behaviours. More importantly, this work also offers methodological cues to robustly assess the associations between chemosensation and host-related non genetic factors, and paves the way for future interventional studies targeting the efficacy of sensory-related microbial taxa as potential modulators of dietary habits.

Microbiota development and mucosal IgA responses during childhood in health and allergic disease

Dzidic, Majda 02 September 2019 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Antecedentes: Los patrones de colonización microbiana alterados durante la infancia pueden ser en parte responsables del aumento de enfermedades alérgicas en los países desarrollados. La microbiota intestinal difiere en composición y diversidad durante los primeros meses de vida en niños que luego desarrollan o no una enfermedad alérgica. Sin embargo, poco se sabe sobre la importancia de las respuestas inmunitarias tempranas de la mucosa a la microbiota intestinal en el desarrollo de alergias infantiles. Además, los estudios con respecto al efecto protector de la microbiota de la leche materna en el riesgo de desarrollar alergias no han sido concluyentes. Aunque la cavidad bucal es el primer lugar de encuentro entre la mayoría de los antígenos exógenos y el sistema inmunológico, no existen datos sobre la influencia de las bacterias orales en el desarrollo de alergias durante la infancia. Objetivos: El objetivo general de esta tesis fue evaluar la composición y diversidad microbiana en muestras orales, intestinales y de leche materna, junto con su interacción con IgA, para estudiar el papel de la colonización microbiana durante edades tempranas de la vida en condiciones de salud y de enfermedad alérgica. Sujetos: Los bebés y las madres incluidas en este estudio forman parte del ensayo aleatorio doble ciego más grande de Suecia, entre 2001 y 2003, donde se evaluaron los posibles efectos preventivos sobre la alergia de Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC 55730 hasta los 2 y 7 años. En esta tesis, utilizamos muestras de heces recogidas a los 1 y 12 meses, y muestras orales de bebés, obtenidas longitudinalmente a los 3, 6, 12, 24 meses y 7 años. Además, analizamos muestras de leche materna, recogidas a un mes después del parto de las madres correspondientes. Métodos: Se utilizaron tecnologías de secuenciación de segunda generación dirigidas al gen 16S rARN, en combinación con citometría de células marcadas por fluorescencia, para abordar las respuestas de IgA de la mucosa hacia las bacterias intestinales y de la leche materna. Además, se utilizó la secuenciación del gen 16S para describir la colonización oral de la microbiota, en muestras de saliva, de niños que desarrollaron alergias o de aquellos que se mantuvieron sanos. Los niveles de carga bacteriana en diferentes hábitats microbianos se obtuvieron mediante la metodología de qPCR y los niveles totales de IgA de las muestras de heces se determinaron mediante inmuno-ensayo ELISA. Resultados y conclusión: La colonización de la cavidad bucal durante la infancia temprana es progresiva, aumenta en complejidad con el tiempo, y varios factores externos parecen influir en gran medida en la maduración de la microbiota oral, ya sea con un impacto a corto o largo plazo. Los cambios tempranos en la composición microbiana oral parecen influir en la maduración inmune y el desarrollo de alergias en la infancia, y la presencia de especies bacterianas específicas puede ser importante para este proceso. Además, las respuestas de IgA alteradas hacia la microbiota intestinal durante la infancia precedieron a las manifestaciones de asma y alergia durante los primeros 7 años de vida, y el consumo de leche materna con una riqueza microbiana reducida en el primer mes de vida puede aumentar el riesgo de desarrollar alergia durante la infancia. Los hallazgos observados en la presente tesis deben confirmarse en cohortes más grandes y la importancia de los factores ambientales postnatales para el desarrollo temprano de la microbiota debe abordarse más a fondo. Las investigaciones futuras deben ir más allá de la caracterización de la composición de la comunidad bacteriana e investigar los mecanismos funcionales entre los microorganismos colonizadores tempranos, la maduración inmunitaria y la alergia, así como el desarrollo del asma durante la infancia. / [CA] Antecedents: S'ha proposat que els patrons de colonització microbiana alterats durant la infància podrien ser en part els responsables de l'augment de malalties al·lèrgiques als països desenvolupats. La microbiota intestinal difereix en composició i diversitat durant els primers mesos de vida en els nens que després van desenvolupar una malaltia al·lèrgica. No obstant això, poc es sap sobre la importància de les respostes immunes de la mucosa a la microbiota intestinal en el desenvolupament d'al·lèrgies infantils. A més, les investigacions amb relació a l'efecte protector de la microbiota de la llet materna en el risc de desenvolupar al·lèrgies no han sigut concloents. Encara que la cavitat bucal és el primer lloc de trobada entre la majoria dels gèneres externs i el sistema immunològic, encara no s'ha descobert la influència dels bacteris en el desenvolupament d'una al·lèrgia durant la infància. Objectius: L'objectiu general d'aquesta tesi va ser avaluar la composició microbiana i la diversitat de mostres orals, fecals i llet materns, juntament amb la seva interacció amb IgA, per estudiar el paper del desenvolupament microbià durant el període de la infància primerenca a la salut i la malaltia al·lèrgica. Subjectes: Les mares i xiquets inclosos en aquest estudi formen part d'un estudi aleatori doble-cec a Suècia, entre el 2001 i el 2003, on es van avaluar els possibles efectes preventius de la suplementació amb Lactobacillus ATCC 55730 fins als 2 i 7 anys. En aquesta tesi, s'utilitzaren mostres de bebès arreplegades longitudinalment, obtinguts a 1 i 12 mesos, 3, 6, 12, 24 mesos i 7 anys, respectivament. A més, s'analitzaren les mostres de llet materna, arreplegades a un mes postpart de les corresponents mares. Mètodes: S'han utilitzat tecnologies de seqüenciació de nova generació dirigides al ARNr 16S, en combinació amb la classificació de les cèl·lules activades, per abordar les respostes de la mucosa cap als bacteris intestinals i de la llet materna. A més, s'utilitzà la seqüenciació d'Illumina MiSeq del gen 16S per descriure la colonització microbiana oral, i es van obtenir mostres longitudinals de saliva de menuts que varen desenvolupar al·lèrgies i d'alguns que es van mantenir saludables. Els nivells de càrrega bacteriana en diferents nínxols microbians s'han obtingut mitjançant la metodologia de qPCR i els nivells totals d'IgA de les mostres fecals es determinaren mitjançant l'immunoassaig ELISA. Resultats i conclusions: La colonització de la cavitat bucal durant la primera infància és transitòria, augmenta la seva complexitat amb el temps, i diversos factors externs influeixen en gran mesura el procés de maduració de la microbiota oral, amb un impacte a curt i llarg termini. Els canvis primerencs en la composició microbiana oral pareixen influir en la maduració del sistema immunològic i el desenvolupament d'al·lèrgies a la infància, així com la presència d'espècies bacterianes específiques pot ser important per a aquest progrés. A més, les respostes d'IgA alterades cap a la microbiota intestinal durant la infància precedeixen a les manifestacions relatives a la malaltia asmàtica i al·lèrgiques durant els primers 7 anys de vida. Per altra banda, el consum de llet materna amb una microbiota de riquesa reduïda al primer mes de vida podria augmentar el risc de desenvolupar al·lèrgia durant la infància. Els resultats observats en aquest estudi haurien de confirmar-se en cohorts humanes més grans i la importància dels factors ambientals post natals que influeixen en el desenvolupament de la microbiota primerenca han de ser més estudiats. Les investigacions futures deuen anar més enllà de la caracterització de la composició de la comunitat bacteriana i investigar els mecanismes funcionals entre els microorganismes colonitzadors primerencs, la maduració del sistema immunològic i el desenvolupament de l'al·lèrgia i l'asma durant la in / [EN] Background: It has been proposed that altered microbial colonization patterns during infancy may be partly responsible for the increase of allergic diseases in developed countries. The gut microbiota differs in composition and diversity during the first months of life in children who later do or do not develop allergic disease. However, little is known about the significance of early mucosal immune responses to the gut microbiota in childhood allergy development, and the findings regarding the protective effect of breastmilk microbiota in the risk of allergy development have been inconclusive. Furthermore, even though the oral cavity is the first site of encounter between a majority of foreign antigens and the immune system, the influence of oral bacteria on allergy development during childhood has not yet been reported. Objectives: The general aim of this thesis was to assess the microbial composition and diversity of oral, fecal and breastmilk samples, together with its interaction with IgA, in order to study the role of microbial development during early childhood in health and allergic disease. Subjects: The infants and mothers included in this study were part of a larger randomized double-blind trial in Sweden, between 2001 and 2003, where potential allergy preventive effects of Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC 55730 were evaluated until 2 and 7 years of age. In this thesis, we used longitudinally collected stool and oral samples from infants, obtained at 1 and 12 months and 3, 6, 12, 24 months and 7 years of age, respectively. Furthermore, we analyzed breastmilk samples, collected at one month post partum, from the corresponding mothers. Methods: Next-generation sequencing technologies targeting the 16S rRNA gene, in combination with cell activated cell sorting, were used in order to address mucosal IgA responses towards gut and breastmilk bacteria. Furthermore, sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene was used in order to describe oral microbiota colonization, in longitudinally obtained saliva samples, from children developing allergy or staying healthy. Bacterial load levels in different microbial habitats were obtained by qPCR methodology and total IgA levels of stool samples were determined by ELISA immunoassays. Results and conclusion: Colonization of the oral cavity during early childhood is transitional, increasing in complexity with time, and several external factors appear to greatly influence oral microbiota maturation, having either a short or a long-term impact. Early changes in oral microbial composition seem to influence immune maturation and allergy development in childhood, and the presence of specific bacterial species may be important for this progress. Furthermore, altered IgA responses towards the gut microbiota during infancy preceded asthma and allergy manifestations during the first 7 years of life, and consumption of breastmilk with a reduced microbial richness in the first month of life may increase the risk for allergy development during childhood. Findings observed here need to be confirmed in larger cohorts and the importance of postnatal environmental factors for early microbiota development should be addressed further. Future research should go beyond characterization of bacterial community composition and investigate the functional mechanisms between early colonizing microorganisms, immune maturation and allergy and asthma development during childhood. / Dzidic, M. (2019). Microbiota development and mucosal IgA responses during childhood in health and allergic disease [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/125479 / Compendio

Optimisation de la viabilité bactérienne pour la transplantation de microbiote fécal chez le chien

Ratté, Mélanie 06 1900 (has links)
Le microbiote intestinal est constitué d’un écosystème complexe de microorganismes appartenant à différents règnes. Cependant, la majorité de ces microorganismes sont d’origine bactérienne. Par conséquent, de nombreuses études, y compris la présente, se concentrent sur l’étude des communautés bactériennes. Les microorganismes ont développé une relation mutualiste avec le corps humain et agissent de plusieurs manières sur sa santé. Une perturbation du microbiote intestinal, nommée dysbiose, est reliée au développement d’une multitude de problèmes de santé chez diverses espèces animales. La transplantation de microbiote fécal suscite l’intérêt dans le domaine de la médecine vétérinaire. La préparation et l’entreposage affectent la composition et la viabilité bactérienne des fèces destinées à la transplantation de microbiote fécal (TMF). Jusqu’à présent, il demeure l’absence d’un protocole vétérinaire pour effectuer la préparation et l’entreposage des transplants fécaux canins. Par conséquent, l’objectif de cette étude était de comparer la viabilité bactérienne d’échantillons fécaux en présence et en absence d’oxygène et d’effectuer la congélation à l’aide de deux cryoprotecteurs différents. Les hypothèses de ce projet étaient les suivantes : la préparation des échantillons en absence d’oxygène préservera la viabilité bactérienne, l’utilisation d’un cryoprotecteur contenant des antioxydants pour la congélation générera le meilleur taux de viabilité, et le microbiote de chaque individu n’aura pas la même capacité à résister aux effets de la préparation et de l’entreposage. Les fèces de 10 chiens en santé ont été collectées et immédiatement transférées à l’intérieur d’une chambre anaérobique. Des aliquotes de 1,8 g ont été diluées dans 7,2 ml d’un cryoprotecteur contenant du glycérol à 10% (Gly) ou des antioxydants (Cryo). Les échantillons ont été homogénéisés et filtrés en condition aérobique (Ae) et en condition anaérobique (An) à l’intérieur d’une chambre anaérobique, simulant la préparation de la TMF. Les échantillons ont été congelés à -20 °C durant 90 jours (F) pour l’évaluation des effets de l’entreposage. La viabilité bactérienne des échantillons a été déterminée à l’aide de la cytométrie de flux. L’analyse de la composition bactérienne chez les 10 donneurs de matières fécales a été réalisée par le séquençage de la région V4 du gène de l’ARNr 16S à l’aide de la plateforme Illumina MiSeq. Les échantillons non congelés, préparés en absence d’oxygène et dilués avec Cryo présentaient les plus grands taux de viabilité (66,78 %) par rapport aux autres groupes (p < 0,05). Les échantillons exposés à l’oxygène avaient une viabilité bactérienne inférieure (p < 0,01). Toutefois, les échantillons dilués avec Cryo présentaient une viabilité plus élevée (65,26 %) que les échantillons dilués dans Gly (55,20 % ; p < 0,001) en présence d’oxygène. La viabilité bactérienne a diminué en raison de la congélation des échantillons (p < 0,001). L’ensemble des échantillons frais avaient une viabilité médiane de 62,23 % et, à la suite de la congélation, elle était de 22,68 %. Cependant, les échantillons congelés à l’aide de glycérol avaient une viabilité plus élevée (30,61 % ; p < 0,001). Le genre Prevotella était fortement corrélé à la viabilité (R = 0,731 ; p < 0,05, R = 0,756 ; p < 0,05, R = 0,834 ; p < 0,01, R = 0,752 ; p < 0,05). Ces résultats indiquent que la viabilité bactérienne est optimale lors de l’utilisation de matières fécales en absence d’oxygène et lors d’une dilution à l’aide d’un cryoprotecteur contenant des antioxydants. La congélation a significativement réduit la viabilité bactérienne, mais le glycérol semble mieux préserver les bactéries. La présence de certaines espèces plus résistantes et l’impact de la composition du microbiote sur l’efficacité de la TMF nécessitent une enquête plus approfondie. / The intestinal microbiota is made up of a complex ecosystem of microorganisms belonging to different kingdoms. However, bacterial cells are much more numerous. Therefore, many studies, including the present one, focus on the study of bacterial communities. Microorganisms have developed a mutualistic relationship with the animal body and act in several ways on its health. A disturbance of the intestinal microbiota, called dysbiosis, is linked to the development of a multitude of health problems in various animal species. There is an emerging interest in the transplantation of fecal microbiota in veterinary medicine. Preparation and storage affect the quality of transplants intended for faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT). Considering the absence of a protocol in veterinary medicine, the objective of this study was to optimize bacterial viability during the preparation and storage of canine fecal transplants. The hypotheses of this project were that the preparation of samples in the absence of oxygen will preserve bacterial viability, that the use of a cryoprotectant containing antioxidants for freezing will yield the best viability rate and the microbiota of individuals does not have the same ability to withstand the effects of preparation and storage. Feces from ten healthy dogs were collected, and immediately transferred inside an anaerobic chamber. Aliquots of 1.8 g were diluted in 7.2 ml of a cryoprotectant containing glycerol (Gly) or antioxidants (Cryo). The samples were homogenized and filtered, simulating the TMF preparation. To evaluate the impact of oxygen on bacterial viability, the procedures were performed outside (Ae) and inside (An) the anaerobic chamber. Samples were frozen at -20°C for 90 days (F) to evaluate effect of freezing. The bacterial viability of samples was determined using flow cytometry. Analysis of the bacterial composition was performed by sequencing the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene, using the Illumina MiSeq platform. Fresh samples prepared under anaerobiosis and diluted with Cryo had the highest viability (66.78%) compared to the other groups (p < 0.05). Bacterial viability was affected by oxygen (p < 0.01) but solutions prepared with Cryo had higher viability (65.26%) than samples diluted in Gly (55.20%; p < 0.001). Freezing decreased bacterial viability from 62.23% to 22.68% (p < 0.001). However, samples frozen using glycerol showed higher viability (30.61%; p < 0.001). The genus Prevotella was strongly correlated with viability (R = 0.731; p < 0.05, R = 0.756; p < 0.05, R = 0.834; p < 0.01, R = 0.752; p < 0.05). These results show that bacterial viability is optimal when preparing feces under anaerobic conditions and using a cryoprotectant containing antioxidants. If freezing is necessary, glycerol seems to preserve the bacteria better. The presence of some more resilient species and the impact of microbiota composition on the efficacy of TMF requires further investigation.

A microfluidics-based in vitro model of the gastrointestinal human–microbe interface

Shah, Pranjul, Fritz, Joëlle V., Glaab, Enrico, Desai, Mahesh S., Greenhalgh, Kacy, Frachet, Audrey, Niegowska, Magdalena, Estes, Matthew, Jäger, Christian, Seguin-Devaux, Carole, Zenhausern, Frederic, Wilmes, Paul 11 May 2016 (has links)
Changes in the human gastrointestinal microbiome are associated with several diseases. To infer causality, experiments in representative models are essential, but widely used animal models exhibit limitations. Here we present a modular, microfluidics-based model (HuMiX, human-microbial crosstalk), which allows co-culture of human and microbial cells under conditions representative of the gastrointestinal human-microbe interface. We demonstrate the ability of HuMiX to recapitulate in vivo transcriptional, metabolic and immunological responses in human intestinal epithelial cells following their co-culture with the commensal Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) grown under anaerobic conditions. In addition, we show that the co-culture of human epithelial cells with the obligate anaerobe Bacteroides caccae and LGG results in a transcriptional response, which is distinct from that of a co-culture solely comprising LGG. HuMiX facilitates investigations of host-microbe molecular interactions and provides insights into a range of fundamental research questions linking the gastrointestinal microbiome to human health and disease.

Análise da microbiota intestinal em mulheres com obesidade grau III submetidas a dieta hipocalórica e em mulheres eutróficas / Analysis of the intestinal microbiota in obese women submitted to a hypocaloric diet and in normal weight women

Martins, Luzania dos Santos 06 May 2019 (has links)
A obesidade é considerada uma doença multifatorial e pode envolver, em sua gênese, aspectos genéticos, metabólicos, ambientais, psicológicos e socioeconômicos. O crescimento expressivo da incidência mundial da obesidade desencadeia o surgimento contínuo de novas pesquisas em relação a esse tema e, nesse contexto, estudos recentes sugerem que a microbiota intestinal é um fator que pode contribuir com o desenvolvimento desta doença. Assim, existe a premissa que a alteração da composição da microbiota intestinal pode ser influenciada pelo estado nutricional (obesidade x eutrofia) e pela qualidade da alimentação. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: i. comparar a proporção dos filos predominantes da microbiota intestinal Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Verrucomicrobia e a razão Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes entre mulheres com obesidade grau III e mulheres eutróficas, e ii. investigar o impacto de uma dieta hipocalórica para perda de peso na composição da microbiota intestinal. Estudo prospectivo longitudinal, no qual foram selecionadas 20 mulheres com média de idade 33±3,1 anos, as quais foram divididas em dois grupos: Grupo Intervenção (GI): 10 mulheres com obesidade grau III (Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) >40 kg/m2) que foram submetidas à intervenção nutricional (dieta hipocalórica) durante 8 semanas e Grupo Controle (GC):10 mulheres eutróficas (IMC entre 18,5 a 24,9 kg/m2). No GI, as coletas foram realizadas antes e após oito semanas da intervenção (GI) e, no GC em um único momento. Em cada momento, foram aferidos o peso e estatura; realizado o cálculo do IMC, análise composição corporal, taxa metabólica de repouso, consumo alimentar, glicemia e lipidograma, e coleta de amostra fecal. A análise da composição da microbiota intestinal em relação à abundância relativa dos Filos foi realizada por reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (qPCR). Após oito semanas de dieta hipocalórica, houve redução do peso (119,5±10,3 para 114,9±10,2 kg), IMC (43,6±2,4 para 41,9±2,6 kg/m2), massa corporal gorda (MG) (62,4±7,5 para 58,9±7,7 kg), triglicérides (TG) (143,2±60,9 para 117,94±48,3 mg/dL). Evidenciou-se que mulheres com obesidade apresentam menor abundância dos filos pesquisados em relação às eutróficas. Ainda, a dieta hipocalórica promoveu diminuição da abundância relativa do filo Proteobacteria, o qual apresentou correlações positivas com a ingestão de lipídio total (%), ômega 6 (g). Conclui-se que a intervenção com dieta hipocalórica foi eficaz na redução de peso, IMC, MG e TG e na modulação da microbiota intestinal, com a diminuição do filo Proteobacteria / Obesity is considered a multifactorial disease and it may involve, in its genesis, genetic, metabolic, environmental, psychological and socioeconomic aspects. The expressive growth of a worldwide incidence of obesity triggers the continual emergence of new researches on this subject and, in this context, recent studies have suggested that the intestinal microbiota is a factor that may contribute to the development of this disease. Thus, there is the premise that the changes in the composition of the intestinal microbiota can be influenced by the nutritional status (obesity x eutrophy) and by the diet quality.The present study aimed at: i. comparing the proportion of the predominant phyla of the intestinal microbiota Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Verrucomicrobia and ratio Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes among degree III obese women and eutrophic women, and ii. investigating the impact of a low-calorie diet for weight loss on the intestinal microbiota composition. This was a longitudinal prospective study in which 20 women at the average age of 33 ± 3.1 years old were selected and divided into two groups: Intervention Group (IG): 10 women with grade III obesity (Body Mass Index (BMI) > 40 kg / m2) who were submitted to a nutritional intervention (a low-calorie diet) for 8 weeks, and the Control Group (CG): 10 eutrophic women (BMI from 18.5 to 24.9 kg / m2) who were not submitted to any intervention. In the IG, sampling was carried out before and after the eight-week intervention (IG) and in the CG it was carried out only in a single moment. At each sampling, weight and height were checked; BMI was calculated, body composition was analyzed, resting metabolic rate, food intake, fasting blood glucose, and lipidogram tests were performed, and fecal sample collected. The analysis of the intestinal microbiota composition in relation to a relative abundance of every phila was performed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). After eight weeks of a low-calorie diet, some of the observed results were weight reduction (119.5 ± 10.3 to 114.9 ± 10.2 kg), BMI (43.6 ± 2.4 to 41.9 ± 2.6 kg / m2), fat body mass (FM) (62.4 ± 7.5 to 58.9 ± 7.7 kg), triglycerides (TG) (143.2 ± 60.9 to 117.94 ± 48.3 mg / dL). It was evidenced that obese women present a lower abundance of the studied phyla in relation to the eutrophic ones. Moreover, the lowcalorie diet promoted a decrease in the relative abundance of Proteobacteria phylum, which presented positive correlations with the intake of total lipid (%) and omega 6 (g). It was concluded that the intervention with a low-calorie diet was effective in reducing BMI, FM and TG and in modulating the intestinal microbiota, by reducing Proteobacteria phylum

Impact of the incorporation of probiotic strains and fruit by-products in fermented synbiotic soy product and on the composition and metabolic activity of the gut microbiota in vitro / Impacto da incorporação de cepas probióticas e de subprodutos de frutas em um produto fermentado de soja simbiótico e sobre a composição e a atividade metabólica da microbiota intestinal humana in vitro

Vieira, Antonio Diogo Silva 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present study aimed to develop a fermented soy beverage containing fruit by-products and probiotics and to evaluate the impact of this product on the composition and metabolic activity of the human intestinal microbiota using an in vitro simulation model of the intestinal conditions (TIM-2). Therefore, the present study was divided into three stages. Stage I was based on obtaining, processing and physical-chemical, microbiological and functional characterization of fruit by-products (acerola, orange, mango, and passion fruit) and soybean (okara), as well as amaranth flour. Additionally, the ability to use these vegetable by-products and amaranth flour by probiotic and non-probiotic strains was evaluated. The results showed that the acerola byproduct presented the highest dietary fibre content (48.46 g/100 g) among the by-products tested, as well as amaranth flour. Orange and passion fruit by-products were the substrates that most promoted the growth of bacterial populations, including strains of Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens. On the other hand, the acerola by-product was the substrate that showed the highest selectivity for beneficial bacteria. Also, in this stage, ten probiotic strains (seven lactobacilli and three bifidobacteria) and three starter strains (Streptococcus thermophilus) were tested for their ability to deconjugate bile salts and for proteolytic activity against milk and soy proteins. The results showed that none of the tested strain showed proteolytic ability against milk and soybean proteins. In addition, the probiotic strains Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and Bifidobacterium longum BB-46 deconjugated more types of bile acids tested, and the strains of S. thermophilus tested showed no ability to deconjugate bile salts. Next, the acerola by-product (ABP) and the probiotic strains LA-5 and BB-46 were selected to continue stage II of the study (development of a fermented soy beverage). For this purpose, a 23 factorial design was used, in a total of 8 trials with three replicates of each one, and the effects of the probiotic strains and the acerola by-product on the physical-chemical, microbiological, and sensory characteristics of these fermented soy beverages were evaluated. At the same time, probiotic viability and survival under in vitro gastrointestinal (GI) simulated conditions were evaluated in fermented soy beverage (FSB). The results showed that the presence of BB-46 and ABP affected the sensory acceptability of FSB negatively. ABP also led to significant differences in the texture profile of the FSB (P<0.05). Populations of probiotic strains ranged from 7.0 to 8.2 log CFU equivalent/mL during 28 days of refrigerated storage (4° C) of FBS, and the co-culture (LA-5+BB-46) and the ABP did not affect the viability of both microorganisms significantly (P> 0.05). However, ABP increased the survival of BB-46 under in vitro simulated GI conditions significantly. For stage III, a 22 experimental design was performed. To evaluate the impact of these FBS on the composition and metabolic activity of the intestinal microbiota of lean and obese humans, a validated in vitro model called TIM-2 was used, available at the Maastricht University (Venlo, The Netherlands), which simulates normal conditions of the lumen of the proximal colon, with all parameters controlled by a computer. Samples were collected from TIM-2 to quantify probiotic microorganisms (LA-5 and BB-46), Lactobacillus spp., Bifidobacterium spp., and total bacteria, using the quantitative PCR method (qPCR) and the intestinal microbiota profile was determined using an Illumina Mysec Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) method. Concentrations of shortchain fatty acids and branched-chain fatty acids and lactate produced by the different microbiotas during fermentation in TIM-2 were also determined. The results showed that the lean microbiota presented the high production of acetate and lactate than the microbiota of obese individuals. Significant reductions in Bifidobacterium populations in the lean microbiota were observed at 0 and 48 h of an assay for all experimental meals, except for the meal that had the probiotic combination (LA-5 and BB-46) and the ABP supplementation, which showed an increased total Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus populations throughout the experimental period for both microbiotas tested. The FSB supplemented with ABP presented the best characteristics regarding the modulation of the obese microbiota, with an increase in Bifidobacterium spp. and Lactobacillus spp. Additionally, after 48 hours of intervention in TIM-2, the obese microbiota was apparently similar to the lean microbiota, showing a beneficial modulation of this microbiota. The results suggest that the fermented soy beverage supplemented with the acerola by-product and the probiotic strains may present beneficial health effects. However, clinical studies are required to complement and confirm the results observed in the in vitro assays. / O presente trabalho visou desenvolver uma bebida fermentada de soja adicionada de resíduos de frutas e suplementada com cepas probióticas e avaliar o impacto desse produto sobre a composição e a atividade metabólica da microbiota intestinal humana, utilizando um modelo de simulação in vitro das condições intestinais (TIM-2). Para tanto, o presente trabalho foi dividido em três etapas. A etapa I foi baseada na obtenção, processamento e caracterização físico-química, microbiológica e funcional de subprodutos de frutas (acerola, laranja, manga e maracujá) e soja (okara), bem como da farinha de amaranto. Adicionalmente, a capacidade de utilização desses subprodutos vegetais e da farinha de amaranto por cepas probióticas e não probióticas foi avaliada. Os resultados mostraram que o subproduto de acerola apresentou o maior conteúdo de fibras alimentares totais (48,46 g/100 g) dentre os subprodutos testados, bem como a farinha de amaranto. Os subprodutos de laranja e maracujá foram os substratos que mais promoveram a multiplicação das populações bacterianas, incluindo das cepas de Escherichia coli e Clostridium perfringens. Por outro lado, o subproduto de acerola foi o substrato que apresentou a maior seletividade para bactérias benéficas. Ainda nessa etapa, dez cepas probióticas (sete lactobacilos e três bifidobacterias) e três cepas starter (Streptococcus thermophilus) foram testadas quanto à sua capacidade de desconjugação de sais biliares e atividade proteolítica frente às proteínas do leite e da soja. Os resultados revelaram que nenhuma cepa testada apresentou capacidade de proteólise das proteínas do leite e da soja. Adicionalmente, as cepas probióticas Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 e Bifidobacterium longum BB-46 desconjugaram a maior quantidade de ácidos biliares testados e as cepas de S. thermophilus testadas não apresentaram capacidade de desconjugação de sais biliares. Após a análise dos resultados da etapa I, o resíduo de acerola (ABP) e as cepas probióticas LA-5 e BB-46 foram selecionadas para dar continuidade à etapa II do estudo(desenvolvimento de uma bebida fermentada a base de soja). Para esse fim, foi utilizado um delineamento experimental do tipo fatorial 23, totalizando 8 ensaios com três repetições de cada, e foram avaliados os efeitos das cepas probióticas e do subproduto de acerola sobre as características físico-químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais dessas bebidas fermentadas de soja. Paralelamente, foram realizadas análises da sobrevivência das cepas probióticas frente às condições gastrintestinais simuladas in vitro nas bebidas fermentadas de soja (FSB). Os resultados mostraram que a presença de BB-46 e ABP afetaram negativamente a aceitabilidade sensorial das FSB. O ABP também levou a diferenças significativas no perfil de textura das FSB (P<0,05). As populações das cepas probióticas nas diferentes formulações de FSB variaram de 7,0 a 8,2 log de UFC equivalente/mL durante os 28 dias de armazenamento (4 ºC) e a co-cultura (LA-5+BB-46) e o ABP não afetaram (P>0,05) a viabilidade de ambos os microrganismos. No entanto, ABP aumentou significativamente a sobrevivência de BB-46 frente às condições gastrintestinais sumuladas in vitro. Para a etapa III do presente estudo, um delineamento experimental fatorial 22 foi realizado. Para a avaliação do impacto dessas FSB sobre a composição e atividade metabólica da microbiota intestinal de humanos eutróficos e obesos, foi utilizado um modelo in vitro TIM-2 na Maastricht University (Venlo, Holanda), que simula as condições normais do lúmen do cólon proximal, com todos os parâmetros controlados por um computador. Amostras foram coletadas do TIM-2 para a quantificação dos microrganismos probióticos (LA-5 e BB-46), Lactobacillus spp., Bifidobacterium spp. e bactérias totais, utilizando o método de PCR quantitativo (qPCR), e o perfil da microbiota intestinal foi determinado utilizando Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Illumina Mysec. A concentração de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta e de cadeia ramificada e lactato produzidos pelas diferentes microbiotas durante a fermentação no TIM-2 também foi determinada. Os resultados mostraram que a microbiota de humanos eutróficos apresentou uma alta produção de acetato e lactato em comparação com a microbiota de obesos. Reduções significativas das populações de Bifidobacterium na microbiota de eutróficos foram observadas entre 0 e 48 h de ensaio para todas as refeições experimentais, exceto para a refeição que apresentou a combinação probiótica (LA-5 e BB-46) e a suplementação com ABP, que apresentou aumento de Bifidobacterium e Lactobacillus totais durante todo o período de análise para ambas as microbiotas testadas. As FSB suplementadas com ABP apresentaram os melhores resultados em relação à modulação da microbiota de humanos obesos, com o aumento Bifidobacterium spp. e Lactobacillus spp. Adicionalmente, após 48 horas de intervenção no TIM-2, a microbiota de obesos foi aparentemente similar à microbiota de eutróficos, mostrando uma modulação benéfica dessa microbiota. Os resultados sugerem que as bebidas fermentadas de soja suplementadas com o subproduto de acerola e cepas probióticas podem apresentar efeitos benéficos à saúde. No entanto, estudos clínicos são necessários para complementar e confirmar os resultados observados nos ensaios in vitro.

Purificação e caracterização de &#946;-1,3-glucanases de insetos / Purification and characterization of &#946;-1,3-glucanases from insects

Genta, Fernando Ariel 14 April 2004 (has links)
P. americana e T. molitor são capazes de secretar &#946;-1,3-glucanases no tubo digestivo, pelas glândulas salivares e pelo epitélio do ventrículo, respectivamente. As laminarinases majoritárias de P. americana (LIQ1, 42kDa; LAM_P, 45kDa), A. flavolineata (LAM_A, 45kDa) e T. molitor (LAM_T, 50kDa) foram purificadas até a homogeneidade. Essas enzimas têm diferentes especificidades, padrões de ação e resíduos envolvidos em catálise, fazendo parte dos E.C. - endo-&#946;-1,3(4)-glucanase (LIQ1), E.C. - endo-&#946;-1,3-glucanase (LAM_P) ou E.C. - exo-&#946;-1,3-glucanase (LAM_A e LAMT). O papel dessas enzimas é digerir &#946;-glucanas de fungos e de cereais. LAM_P e LAMA são inibidas por laminarina, pela formação de complexos enzima-substrato não-produtivos. LIQ1, LAM_P e LAM_A são enzimas processivas, com diferentes graus de ataque múltiplo e produzem série distintas de oligossacarídeos. LAM_A possui um sítio acessório de ligação para laminarina, o qual pode estar envolvido no mecanismo de processividade. Quitinases digestivas de insetos podem ser diferentes das descritas até o momento. A. flavolineata e T. molitor possuem sistemas celulásicos completos. Os três insetos apresentam proteínas de baixo peso molecular capazes de ligar-se a celulose ou a pachyman. O ancestral dos hexapoda provavelmente possuía &#946;-1,3 e &#946;-1,3(4) glucanases digestivas associadas a um hábito detritívoro. / P. americana salivary glands and T. molitor midgut epithelium actively secrete laminarinases into the midgut. The major laminarinases from P. americana (LIQ1, 42kDa and LAM_P, 45kDa), A. flavolineata (LAM_A, 45kDa) and T molitor (LAM_T, 50kDa) were purified until homogeneity. These enzymes have different specificities, action patterns and activesite catalytic groups, and correspond to E.C.s - endo-&#946;-1,3(4)-glucanase (LIQ1), - endo-&#946;-1,3-glucanase (LAM_P) or -exo-&#946;-1,3-glucanase (LAM_A and LAM_T). Their physiological role is fungai and cereal &#946;-glucan digestion. LAM_P and LAM_A are inhibited by excess substrate (non-productive enzyme-substrate complexes). LIQ1, LAM_P and LAMA have different multiple attack degrees and produce different oligosaccharides. LAM_A has a second substrate binding site, probably involved with processivity. T. molitor digestive chitinase is different from other insect chitinases. A. flavolineata and T. molitor can hydrolyse cristalline cellulose efficiently. The three studied insects have cellulose or pachyman-binding proteins with low molecular weights. Hexapoda ancestors probably had digestive &#946;-1,3 and &#946;-1,3(4)-glucanases and a detritivore habit.

Farinha de banana verde: efeitos fisiológicos do consumo regular sobre a fome/saciedade e microbiota intestinal em voluntários saudáveis / Unripe banana flour: physiological effects of regular consumption on hunger/satiety and intestinal microbiota in healthy volunteers

Sardá, Fabiana Andréa Hoffmann 28 July 2015 (has links)
Estudos com farinha de banana verde (FBV), rica em amido resistente, mostram efeitos positivos sobre a saciedade, resposta glicêmica e melhora do funcionamento intestinal. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre a capacidade da FBV em estimular seletivamente o crescimento e/ou atividades de microbiota intestinal benéfica e os efeitos fisiológicos do consumo habitual. No presente trabalho foi investigado o efeito da ingestão regular e descontinuada de FBV sobre a microbiota intestinal em voluntários saudáveis, bem como as interações com hormônios relacionados à fome e saciedade, funcionamento intestinal e homeostase da glicose. Para tanto foi realizado estudo de intervenção, duplo cego paralelo controlado com placebo, no qual voluntários saudáveis consumiram FBV ou maltodextrina, veiculadas através de sopa prontas congeladas, três vezes por semana e durante seis semanas. Os resultados evidenciaram que a FBV pode aumentar a saciedade, promover redução no aporte energético de refeições subsequentes (14%) e melhorar o funcionamento intestinal. Ao mesmo tempo reduz a secreção plasmática de insulina no jejum e o Índice HOMA2-RI em 20%, sinalizando aumento na sensibilidade à insulina. A análise da microbiota intestinal utilizando o rDNA 16S mostrou que existem dois grupos distintos de indivíduos, os quais respondem diferentemente ao consumo de FBV. O consumo de FBV por voluntários, cujo microbioma era mais abundante no gênero Prevotella, apresentou aumento de genes envolvidos em vias metabólicas relacionadas à degradação anaeróbia de carboidratos (794 Kegg orthologs, FDR=0,05), como as vias do metabolismo de amido e glicose, do butirato, propionato. Paralelamente outros genes indicaram redução de algumas vias metabólicas, incluindo a biossíntese de lipopolissacarídeos. Este mesmo grupo de voluntários apresentou gêneros microbianos positivamente relacionados com conteúdo de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (AGCC), em padrão distinto do outro grupo de voluntários que consumiu FBV e do grupo Controle. Foi possível demonstrar que o consumo de FBV pode promover a modulação do microbioma em indivíduos saudáveis com enterótipos distintos, trazendo efeitos benéficos para a saúde humana. / Studies with Unripe Banana Flour, rich in resistant starch, shave shown positive effects on satiety, glycemic response and improved intestinal function. Nevertheless, little is known about its capacity to selectively stimulate the intestinal microbiota\'s activity, or the physiological effects of its habitual consumption. This study investigated the effects of the regular, discontinued ingestion of UBF on the intestinal microbiome in healthy volunteers, as well as effects on hormones related to satiety, intestinal function and glucose homeostasis. To achieve these goals, a double blind, parallel, placebo controlled study was designed, in which healthy volunteers ingested UBF or maltodextrin added to a standardized frozen soup meal, 3 times a week for 6 weeks. The results showed that UBF can improve satiety, promote a reduction in energy intake at subsequent meals (14%) and improve intestinal function. At the same time, it reduces plasmatic secretion of fasting insulin and e the HOMA2-RI index by 20%, signaling an increase in insulin sensitivity. The analysis of the microbiome using the 16S rDNA gene showed that there are two clusters of individuals, which respond differently to the dietary intervention. The UBF consumption by volunteers with a Prevotella dominant microbiome showed an increase in genes related to anaerobic carbohydrate degradation (794 Kegg orthologs, FDR=0,05), such as members of the starch and glucose metabolism, propanoate metabolism and butyrate metabolism. At the same time, other genes were reduced, including the biosynthesis of lipopolysaccharides. The same volunteers presented several microbial groups positively correlated with the short chain fatty acids (SCFA) present in the fecal samples analyzed. This was a distinct pattern to that observed for the remaining volunteers. We demonstrated that the consumption of UBF can promote the overall health of the human host as well as the modulation of the intestinal microbiome in healthy individuals and that this effect is dependent on the enterotype present.

Nucleotídeos na alimentação de leitões recém-desmamados / Nucleotides in weanling pig diets

Andrade, Carla de 04 March 2013 (has links)
Foram utilizados 160 leitões recém-desmamados, com peso médio inicial de 6,43 ± 0,71 kg, com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos dos nucleotídeos sobre o desempenho, a frequência de diarreia, a morfometria de órgãos, a histologia do epitélio intestinal e a microbiota intestinal. Foram testados cinco tratamentos em um experimento em blocos casualizados, com oito repetições (blocos) por tratamento e quatro animais por unidade experimental (dois machos castrados e duas fêmeas). Os tratamentos foram: dieta basal à base de milho, farelo de soja, derivados lácteos e plasma com inclusão de 120 ppm de clorohidroxiquinolina (antimicrobiano) e dieta basal contendo 0, 100, 150 e 200 ppm de nucleotídeos. Para a determinação das variáveis de desempenho, os animais foram pesados ao 1º, 14º e 34º dia de experimentação e foram quantificadas as rações fornecidas e desperdiçadas. Para avaliar a frequência de diarreia, foram observadas presença e ausência de diarreia na baia, diariamente, no período da manhã. Ao final do experimento, um animal de cada baia (unidade experimental) foi abatido para avaliação da morfometria de órgãos (estômago vazio, intestino delgado vazio, pâncreas, fígado e baço) e da histologia do epitélio intestinal (altura e largura de vilosidade, profundidade de cripta, relação altura de vilosidade: profundidade de cripta), além da coleta de amostras do conteúdo do duodeno e do jejuno para avaliação da microbiota intestinal dos leitões (mesófilos, Gram positivos totais, Gram negativos totais, Lactobacillus spp., Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus e Clostridium perfringens). No período de 1 a 14 dias de experimentação, as variáveis de desempenho não foram influenciadas (P>0,05) pelos tratamentos. Para o período total (1 a 34 dias), houve efeito linear benéfico da inclusão dos nucleotídeos no peso final (P=0,005; P34 = 0,0033X + 23,657, R2 = 0,87) e no ganho diário de peso (P=0,008; GDP = 0,0002X + 0,4955, R2 = 0,83) dos animais. Os leitões alimentados com o antibiótico tiveram menor (P=0,049) frequência de diarreia comparados aos animais alimentados com nucleotídeos no período de 1 a 14 dias de experimentação. Por outro lado, no período de 1 a 34 dias de experimentação, os tratamentos não afetaram (P>0,05) a frequência de diarreia, a morfometria de órgãos, a histologia do epitélio intestinal e a microbiota intestinal. Assim, de maneira geral, a inclusão de até 200 ppm de nucleotídeos em dietas complexas para leitões recém-desmamados melhora o desempenho dos animais, sem afetar a frequência de diarreia, a morfometria de órgãos, a histologia do epitélio intestinal e a microbiota intestinal de leitões na fase de creche. / The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary nucleotide levels on performance, occurrence of diarrhea, organ morphometry, intestinal histology and intestinal microbiota of weanling pigs fed complex diets containing corn, soybean meal, milk products, and spray-dried plasma. One hundred and sixty 21d-weaned pigs, averaging 6.43 ± 0.71 kg BW, were used in a randomized complete block design experiment with 5 treatments, 8 replications (blocks) per treatment and 4 animals per experimental unit (pen). The treatments were: basal diet with 120 ppm of chloro-hydroxyquinoline (antimicrobial treatment), and basal diet with 0, 100, 150, and 200 ppm of nucleotides. The ADG, ADFI, G:F and occurrence of diarrhea were calculated during 1 to 14 and 1 to 34 d of experimental period. A day after the end of the experimental period, an animal from each pen was slaughtered to evaluate of organ morphometry (empty stomach, empty small intestine, pancreas, liver and spleen), intestinal histology (villus height, villus width, crypt depth and villus height-to-crypt depth ratio), and intestinal microbiota (mesophiles, Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, Lactobacillus spp., Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus spp., and Clostridium perfringens). During 1-14 d of experimental period, performance was not affected (P>0.05) by treatments. For the total experimental period (1-34 d), beneficial linear effects of dietary levels of nucleotides on final BW (P=0.005; BW = 0.0033X + 23.657, R2 = 0.87) and ADG (P = 0.008; ADG = 0.0002X + 0.4955, R2 = 0.83) were observed, but not (P>0.05) on ADFI and G:F. Pigs fed antimicrobial treatment had lower (P=0.049) occurrence of diarrhea from d 1 to 14 than those fed nucleotide treatments. However, for the total experimental period (1-34 d), treatments did not affect (P>0.05) occurrence of diarrhea, organ morphometry, intestinal histology and intestinal microbiota. Therefore, adding up to 200 ppm of dietary nucleotides to complex diets for weanling pigs showed beneficial effect on growth performance, without affecting organ morphometry, intestinal histology, intestinal microbiota and occurrence of diarrhea of nursery pigs.

Papel imunomodulador da interleucina-17 na resposta inflamatória intestinal e metabólica no diabetes do tipo 2 / Immunomodulator role of intestinal interleukin-17 in inflammatory and metabolic responses in type 2 diabetes

Pérez, Malena Martínez 31 March 2016 (has links)
O trato gastrointestinal é um sítio de alta exposição antigênica, por isso requer a presença de mecanismos de regulação imunológica mediada por linfócitos T reguladores e T auxiliares produtores de IL-17 (Th17) na mucosa intestinal. Se houvera falha na indução desses mecanismos, pode ocorrer o desequilíbrio das populações de bactérias comensais da microbiota intestinal, denominado de disbiose, geralmente associado à ruptura da barreira intestinal e translocação de bactérias ou LPS para o sangue. Neste sentido, alguns estudos têm evidenciado a importância dos linfócitos Th17 no intestino, já que estas células tem a capacidade de manter a integridade da barreira intestinal e, como conseqüência controlar a colonização e translocação bacteriana. Em adição, em pacientes e animais diabéticos têm sido observada a correlação de altos níveis de LPS circulantes e resistência à insulina. Baseado nessas evidências, nosso objetivo foi avaliar o papel da citocina IL-17 no controle das alterações inflamatórias e metabólicas no modelo de diabetes do tipo 2 (DM2). Para isso, foram utilizados camundongos C57BL/6 selvagens (WT) ou deficientes do receptor da citocina IL-17 (IL-17R-/-) submetidos à dieta controle (DN), composta por 10% de gorduras, 70% de carboidratos e 20% de proteínas ou à dieta hiperlipídica (DH), composta por 60% de gorduras, 20% de carboidratos e 20% de proteínas. Nossos dados demonstraram que a deficiência do receptor de IL-17 protegeu os animais contra a obesidade, mas os mesmos desenvolveram maior hiperglicemia e hiperinsulinemia decorrente da resistência à insulina. Além disso, foi verificada a hiperplasia das ilhotas pancreáticas, anormalidades na arquitetura e intenso infiltrado inflamatório no intestino (íleo) dos animais IL-17R-/- comparados aos WT após DH. Esse fato parece estar correlacionado a um defeito da migração de neutrófilos para a mucosa intestinal, uma vez que foi detectada reduzida expressão gênica da quimiocina CXCL-1 e do receptor CXCR-2 no íleo desses animais. De maneira interessante, as populações de neutrófilos (CD11b+Ly6G+) e de macrófagos anti-inflamatórios (CD11b+CX3CR1+) mostraram-se aumentadas nos linfonodos mesentéricos dos animais IL-17R-/- após DH. Em seguida, foi constatada maior translocação bacteriana no sangue tanto de animais IL-17R-/- submetidos à DN como DH. Entretanto, a análise metagenômica do gene 16S revelou a prevalência de bactérias Bacteroidetes e Proteobacterias, principais representantes de bactérias gram-negativas, somente nas fezes dos animais IL-17R-/- submetidos à DH. Em conjunto, estes dados indicam que o eixo IL-17/IL-17R é importante na manutenção da homeostase intestinal e na regulação das alterações inflamatórias e metabólicas associadas ao DM2 / The gastrointestinal tract is a high antigenic exposure site, so it requires the presence of immune regulation mechanisms mediated by regulatory T lymphocytes and IL-17- producing T helper lymphocytes (Th17) in the intestinal mucosa. If there is a failure in the induction of these mechanisms, may occur the imbalance in the populations of commensal bacteria of the intestinal microbiota, called dysbiosis, generally associated with the break of the intestinal barrier and translocation of bacteria or their products like LPS into the blood. In this regard, some studies have evidenced the importance of Th17 lymphocytes in the intestine, since these cells have the ability to maintain the integrity of the intestinal barrier, and consequently controlling the colonization and bacterial translocation. In addition, in patients and diabetic animals have been observed correlation between high circulating levels of LPS and insulin resistance. Based on this evidence, our objective was to evaluate the role of IL-17 cytokine in the control of inflammatory and metabolic changes in the type 2 diabetes (T2DM). For this reason, were used C57BL/6 wild-type mice (WT) or lacking of IL-17 cytokine receptor (IL-17R-/-) mice undergoing to the control diet (ND) comprising 10% fat, 70% carbohydrate and 20% protein or high fat diet (DH), comprising 60% fat, 20% carbohydrates and 20% protein. These data demonstrate that IL-17 receptor deficiency protected the animals against obesity, but these mice developed hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia due to insulin resistance. Furthermore, we verified a hyperplasia of the pancreatic islets, abnormalities in architecture and intense inflammation in the intestine (ileum) of IL-17R-/- animals undergoing DH compared to WT. This appears to be correlated to a defect in the neutrophil migration to the intestinal mucosa, since was detected reduced gene expression of the CXCL-1 chemokine and CXCR-2 receptor in the ileum of these animals. Interestingly, the populations of neutrophils (CD11b+Ly6G+) and antiinflammatory macrophages (CD11b+CX3CR1+) were shown to be increased in the mesenteric lymph nodes of IL-17R-/- animals after DH. Later, it was found more bacterial translocation in blood, both in IL-17R-/- mice with ND or DH. However, the metagenomic analyzes of the 16S gene revealed increased of Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes phyla, the main representatives of gram-negative bacteria, only in the faeces of IL-17R-/- mice underwent DH. Together, these data indicate that IL-17/IL-17R axis is important in maintaining intestinal homeostasis and the regulation of inflammatory and metabolic alterations associated to T2DM

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