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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A importância da escala do problema no processo de aprendizagem da migração nordestina na metrópole paulistana / The importance of the scale of the problem on the learning process regarding the north-eastern migration towards the paulistana metropolis

Fonseca, Carlos Eduardo 18 October 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata sobre a insuficiência do ensino e da aprendizagem de geografia na educação básica apoiado na categoria lugar sem conexões com outras escalas de tempo e espaço do problema estudado. Atualmente, crianças e adolescentes em idade escolar encontram-se num meio técnico-científico-informacional e sociedade em rede, sendo, inclusive, considerados nativos digitais. No entanto, enfrentam dificuldades intelectuais para resolver problemas colocados pela contemporaneidade e estão expostos à estímulos diretos com pouca ou nula mediação humana, o que pode comprometer seu desenvolvimento intelectual e cognitivo. A geografia, enquanto conhecimento científico e disciplina escolar, pode contribuir substancialmente para o desenvolvimento desses jovens escolares, mas se focada em estudos limitados de um dado recorte espacial, sem conexões com outras escalas de tempo e espaço do problema estudado, será insuficiente. Esta pesquisa utilizou-se da aplicação de uma sequência didática em quatro turmas de oitavas séries e apoiou-se nos aportes teóricos de Lev Semionovitch Vigotski e Reuven Feuerstein, com a Psicologia da Aprendizagem e a Teoria da Experiência de Aprendizagem Mediada, respectivamente. Num primeiro momento os estudantes responderam a três questões-problema referentes à migração nordestina no país, porém a fizeram propositadamente sem qualquer tipo de mediação do professor. Noutro momento, após terem realizado atividades didático-pedagógicas em que o professor se utilizara dos três critérios universais da Teoria da Experiência de Aprendizagem Mediada de Feuerstein e de algumas das premissas de Vigotski, apoiando-se, sobretudo, em diferentes recursos pedagógicos e modalidades de linguagem, os estudantes refizeram as três questões. Paralelamente às atividades da sequência didática, os estudantes realizaram entrevistas com migrantes nordestinos do Distrito de Pedreira, zona sul da capital paulista, a fim de que pudessem ter contato com as memórias e representações de mundo dessas pessoas, num mundo de meio técnico-científico-informacional e significativas injustiças de toda a ordem. O objetivo de tal atividade fora que pudessem aprender geografia enquanto conhecimento científico, trabalhando com escalas de tempo e espaço que não somente restrita ao lugar do aluno, mas que pudessem transcender a noção de lugar enquanto espaço territorialmente isolado, fragmentado, com pouca ou nula conexão com outras escalas espaciais e temporais, de outros lugares. Obtivemos que os alunos apresentaram seus conhecimentos espontâneos fortemente atrelados ao lugar e ao que lhe é mais próximo, mas após serem mediados, demonstraram que começaram paulatinamente a operar cognitiva e intelectualmente conectando outras escalas do problema estudado, neste caso, a migração nordestina na metrópole paulistana. / The current work discusses the insufficiency of teaching and learning geography in basic education grounded on the category of the surroundings without other space time scales over the studied issue or phenomenon. Nowadays, school-aged children and teenagers are in a technical-scientific-informational medium and a network society, even being known as \"digital natives\". Although, they go through intellectual hardships to fathom problems placed by contemporaneity and are exposed to direct stimuli with little to no human mediation, what can havoc their cognitive and intellectual development. Geography as science and a subject can substantially contribute to the development of this student youth, yet will be insufficient when focused on limited studies within a certain spacial trim. This research applied a didactic sequence on four eighth grades and based itself on Lev Semionovitch Vigotski\'s and Reuven Feuerstein\'s theoretical works about the Learning Psychology and the Mediated Learning Experience Theory, respectively. Firstly, the students answered to three questions involving migration from the north-east in the country, whereas on purpose there wasn\'t any mediation from the teacher. In another moment, after having done the didactic-pedagogical activities in which the teacher used the three universal criteria from the Feuerstein\'s Mediated Learning Experience Theory and some of the Vigotski\'s premisses, overall relying on different pedagogical resources and language models, students redid such questions. Parallel to the activities from the didactic sequence, the students interviewed north-eastern migrants in the Distrito de Pedreira, south zone of the paulista capital, so that they could have contact with the memories and world representations from these people in a globalized planet with considerable injustice and all its types. The activity\'s goal was to learn geography as a scientific knowledge, dealing with space and time scales not restricted to the \"student\'s surroundings\", but transcendent to the notion of place as an isolated, fragmented territory, with scarce to nonexistent connection with other scales from other places. We found the students presented their spontaneous knowledge strongly associated to their surroundings, but progressively demonstrated to relate other scales from the studied issue, the north-eastern migration to the paulistana metropolis.

A importância da escala do problema no processo de aprendizagem da migração nordestina na metrópole paulistana / The importance of the scale of the problem on the learning process regarding the north-eastern migration towards the paulistana metropolis

Carlos Eduardo Fonseca 18 October 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata sobre a insuficiência do ensino e da aprendizagem de geografia na educação básica apoiado na categoria lugar sem conexões com outras escalas de tempo e espaço do problema estudado. Atualmente, crianças e adolescentes em idade escolar encontram-se num meio técnico-científico-informacional e sociedade em rede, sendo, inclusive, considerados nativos digitais. No entanto, enfrentam dificuldades intelectuais para resolver problemas colocados pela contemporaneidade e estão expostos à estímulos diretos com pouca ou nula mediação humana, o que pode comprometer seu desenvolvimento intelectual e cognitivo. A geografia, enquanto conhecimento científico e disciplina escolar, pode contribuir substancialmente para o desenvolvimento desses jovens escolares, mas se focada em estudos limitados de um dado recorte espacial, sem conexões com outras escalas de tempo e espaço do problema estudado, será insuficiente. Esta pesquisa utilizou-se da aplicação de uma sequência didática em quatro turmas de oitavas séries e apoiou-se nos aportes teóricos de Lev Semionovitch Vigotski e Reuven Feuerstein, com a Psicologia da Aprendizagem e a Teoria da Experiência de Aprendizagem Mediada, respectivamente. Num primeiro momento os estudantes responderam a três questões-problema referentes à migração nordestina no país, porém a fizeram propositadamente sem qualquer tipo de mediação do professor. Noutro momento, após terem realizado atividades didático-pedagógicas em que o professor se utilizara dos três critérios universais da Teoria da Experiência de Aprendizagem Mediada de Feuerstein e de algumas das premissas de Vigotski, apoiando-se, sobretudo, em diferentes recursos pedagógicos e modalidades de linguagem, os estudantes refizeram as três questões. Paralelamente às atividades da sequência didática, os estudantes realizaram entrevistas com migrantes nordestinos do Distrito de Pedreira, zona sul da capital paulista, a fim de que pudessem ter contato com as memórias e representações de mundo dessas pessoas, num mundo de meio técnico-científico-informacional e significativas injustiças de toda a ordem. O objetivo de tal atividade fora que pudessem aprender geografia enquanto conhecimento científico, trabalhando com escalas de tempo e espaço que não somente restrita ao lugar do aluno, mas que pudessem transcender a noção de lugar enquanto espaço territorialmente isolado, fragmentado, com pouca ou nula conexão com outras escalas espaciais e temporais, de outros lugares. Obtivemos que os alunos apresentaram seus conhecimentos espontâneos fortemente atrelados ao lugar e ao que lhe é mais próximo, mas após serem mediados, demonstraram que começaram paulatinamente a operar cognitiva e intelectualmente conectando outras escalas do problema estudado, neste caso, a migração nordestina na metrópole paulistana. / The current work discusses the insufficiency of teaching and learning geography in basic education grounded on the category of the surroundings without other space time scales over the studied issue or phenomenon. Nowadays, school-aged children and teenagers are in a technical-scientific-informational medium and a network society, even being known as \"digital natives\". Although, they go through intellectual hardships to fathom problems placed by contemporaneity and are exposed to direct stimuli with little to no human mediation, what can havoc their cognitive and intellectual development. Geography as science and a subject can substantially contribute to the development of this student youth, yet will be insufficient when focused on limited studies within a certain spacial trim. This research applied a didactic sequence on four eighth grades and based itself on Lev Semionovitch Vigotski\'s and Reuven Feuerstein\'s theoretical works about the Learning Psychology and the Mediated Learning Experience Theory, respectively. Firstly, the students answered to three questions involving migration from the north-east in the country, whereas on purpose there wasn\'t any mediation from the teacher. In another moment, after having done the didactic-pedagogical activities in which the teacher used the three universal criteria from the Feuerstein\'s Mediated Learning Experience Theory and some of the Vigotski\'s premisses, overall relying on different pedagogical resources and language models, students redid such questions. Parallel to the activities from the didactic sequence, the students interviewed north-eastern migrants in the Distrito de Pedreira, south zone of the paulista capital, so that they could have contact with the memories and world representations from these people in a globalized planet with considerable injustice and all its types. The activity\'s goal was to learn geography as a scientific knowledge, dealing with space and time scales not restricted to the \"student\'s surroundings\", but transcendent to the notion of place as an isolated, fragmented territory, with scarce to nonexistent connection with other scales from other places. We found the students presented their spontaneous knowledge strongly associated to their surroundings, but progressively demonstrated to relate other scales from the studied issue, the north-eastern migration to the paulistana metropolis.

Vem har rätt till vård? Gömda flyktingar, vård och etiska ställningstaganden

Halldin, Klara January 2008 (has links)
Sedan flera hundra år tillbaka har människor immigrerat till Sverige. Efterhand har denna invandring mer och mer reglerats genom olika lagar och samarbeten. I Sverige har det så uppstått en grupp av personer som inte är asylsökande och som av olika skäl lever i landet utan uppehållstillstånd. En del av dessa har tidigare sökt asyl men fått avslag, medan andra aldrig sökt asyl. Dessa personer kan inte åtnjuta hälso- och sjukvård på samma villkor som den svenska befolkningen eller ens på de villkor som staten beslutat att asylsökande ska ha rätt till. Den vård gömda flyktingar har rätt till är den vård som klassas som omedelbar. Många gömda flyktingar är dessutom rädda för att söka vård och deras vårdbehov täcks till stor del av ideella organisationers insatser. Som sjuksköterska kan man komma att möta denna patientgrupp i stort sett var man än arbetar och det är då av största vikt att man funderat över sina etiska ställningstaganden och satt sig in i de lagar som är aktuella. I denna uppsats granskas och sammanställes den litteratur som finns att tillgå kring gömda flyktingar och sjukvård. Det sammanställda materialet diskuteras sedan ur en vårdvetenskaplig synvinkel och med hjälp av begreppen livsvärld, hälsa och lidande. Man kan i det valda materialet konstatera att det saknas litteratur skriven med vårdvetenskaplig ansats. I de åtta texterna som granskats har tre fokus hittats; Barns situation, Att leva som gömd flykting samt Hinder och möjligheter för tillgång till vård. Slutligen diskuteras vikten av vårdvetenskaplig forskning på området med mål att underlätta för kliniskt verksamma sjuksköterskor i mötet med denna patientgrupp. / <p>Program: Sjuksköterskeutbildning</p><p>Uppsatsnivå: C</p>

Theological ethics of migration

Janklow, Aaron Philip January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis I develop a theological ethics of migration that is attentive to the contemporary global crisis of human migration. Using the fourfold sense of scripture, with particular attention to allegory, as reclaimed from patristic and medieval exegesis by Henri de Lubac, I investigate four biblical narratives that I will show are paradigmatic of biblical approaches to the treatment of migrants. These narratives include Exodus, the Book of Ruth, and the parables of the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son. I present an in-depth exegesis of these narratives as vital theological and ethical sources for addressing the contemporary migration crisis. The core claim I advance in this thesis is that migration is theologically significant for Christians because loving aliens is commended throughout scripture and the theme of hospitality to migrants is central to the prophetic witness of the Church to the nations. Refugees and migrants reveal the interconnected nature of the contemporary world, and I argue that the millions of people who are currently on the move from their home nations are not only an urgent humanitarian challenge to the global community, but an ethical and theological litmus test of contemporary global civilization. The existence of so many migrants and refugees in a global civilization divided into bordered nation-states, which is also daily joined by movements of people and goods in planes, ships and trucks, reveals inconsistencies in modern political conceptions of the nation-state and of the rights of citizens. I argue that longstanding theological traditions that speak of Christians as wanderers and aliens provide a valuable source for addressing and repairing these inconsistencies. In Part I, I address the politicization of migration and modern contradictions that arise between migration law and globalization, such as territorial sovereignty and economic liberalism, and I identify vestiges of social contract theories arising before and during the Enlightenment as preventing migration from being addressed in ways that acknowledge basic and profound truths about the interconnected nature of the world. I argue that without addressing these underlying issues, migration will remain an ongoing political and humanitarian problem. In Part II, I engage in biblical exegesis to develop ethical claims for Christians and the Church, and address the underlying issues identified in Part I. I will argue that the exegesis of these biblical narratives reveal that aid, care and rescue of migrants, even to the point of self-sacrifice, present contemporary Christians and others with the opportunity to rediscover the meaning of justice and citizenship on an interconnected planet.

Numa fôrma seriada o conteúdo é “ciclo”: territorialidades de escolares migrantes, do texto ao contexto / Un contenido de mohos de serie es "ciclo" : territorialidades de los estudiantes migrantes , a partir del texto al contexto

Costa, Liliane Tosta 28 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Cláudia Bueno (claudiamoura18@gmail.com) on 2016-03-02T20:33:14Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Liliane Tosta Costa - 2015.pdf: 1658031 bytes, checksum: 2ba5fb885226b09bba5bac767c7e7f27 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-03-03T12:21:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Liliane Tosta Costa - 2015.pdf: 1658031 bytes, checksum: 2ba5fb885226b09bba5bac767c7e7f27 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-03T12:21:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Liliane Tosta Costa - 2015.pdf: 1658031 bytes, checksum: 2ba5fb885226b09bba5bac767c7e7f27 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-28 / Una búsqueda de "un contenido de mohos de serie es" ciclo ": territorialidades escuela migrante, del texto al contexto" vino de mi práctica docente en una escuela periférica Escuela Municipal en Goiania. Durante mi experiencia como profesor y coordinador de educación, señaló que los niños de otras regiones del país, especialmente el noreste, tuvieron un comportamiento peculiar. Tímido, generalmente no participan en clase y cuando hablaban, recibió críticas por parte de otros estudiantes debido al acento distintivo de la región de la que proceden. Es muy difícil la inserción de estos niños a la nueva cultura a la que están expuestos. Por lo tanto, el objeto de esta investigación son los migrantes del noreste en el contexto escolar. El principal objetivo es discutir el lugar de los migrantes en los documentos oficiales y en el contexto escolar. Dentro del enfoque cualitativo, nos dirigimos a el estudio de caso como metodología. Hicimos observaciones, entrevistas y cuestionarios con los profesores y los estudiantes migrantes. La encuesta encontró que uno de los retos, la (re) territorialización de la escuela, se refiere a la organización de ciclos de Formación y Desarrollo Humano que se hayan presentado las escuelas municipales de Goiania. Los estudiantes procedentes de otros sistemas escolares han faltado el respeto a su vida escolar y están matriculados por edad en las escuelas en Goiania, esto puede causar una brecha currículo teniendo en cuenta los estudiantes migrantes que iniciaron sus estudios estudiado tarde o nunca. Las cuestiones relacionadas con los proyectos relativos a la diversidad cultural pueden contribuir a la enseñanza de las prácticas se desarrollan acciones dirigidas a la tolerancia cultural. Un proyecto educativo que se da cuenta de que las identidades regionales son fluidas, híbrido y que el intercambio cultural es la mejor manera de ayudar al estudiante migrante en el proceso de aprendizaje de la negociación, conocimientos y experiencias es necesario. / A search for "a serial mold content is 'cycle': territorialities migrant school, from text to context" came from my teaching practice in a peripheral school Municipal School in Goiania. During my experience as a teacher and educational coordinator, noted that children from other regions of the country, especially the Northeast, had a peculiar behavior. Shy, generally do not participate in class and when they spoke, received criticism from other students because of the distinctive accent of the region from which they came. It is notoriously difficult insertion of these children to the new culture to which they are exposed. Thus, the object of this research are the northeastern migrants in the school context. The main objective is to discuss the place of migrants in official documents and in the school context. Within the qualitative approach, we turn to the case study as a methodology. We made observations, interviews and questionnaires with teachers and migrant students. The survey found that one of the challenges, the (re) territorialization school, refers to the organization in Cycles of Training and Human Development at the municipal schools in Goiania are submitted. Students from other school systems have disrespected their school life and are enrolled by age in schools in Goiania, this can cause a curriculum gap considering migrant students who started their schooling late or never studied. The issues related to projects relating to cultural diversity can contribute to teaching practices develop actions aimed at cultural tolerance. An educational project that realizes that regional identities are fluid, hybrid and cultural exchange is the best way to assist the migrant student in the learning process of negotiation, knowledge and experiences is necessary. / A pesquisa “Numa fôrma seriada o conteúdo é ‘ciclo’: territorialidades de escolares migrantes, do texto ao contexto” surgiu a partir da minha prática pedagógica em uma escola periférica da Rede Municipal de Ensino em Goiânia. Durante a minha experiência como professora e coordenadora pedagógica, observei que as crianças oriundas de outras regiões do país, sobretudo do nordeste, apresentavam um comportamento peculiar. Tímidos, geralmente não participavam das aulas e quando falavam, recebiam críticas dos outros alunos por causa do sotaque característico da região da qual vieram. É notória a dificuldade de inserção dessas crianças à nova cultura à qual estão expostas. Assim, o objeto dessa pesquisa são os migrantes nordestinos no contexto escolar. O objetivo principal é problematizar o lugar do migrante nos documentos oficiais e no contexto escolar. Dentro da abordagem qualitativa, recorremos ao estudo de caso como metodologia. Fizemos observações, entrevistas e aplicação de questionários com professores e alunos migrantes. A pesquisa constatou que um dos desafios, a (re) territorialização escolar, refere-se à organização em Ciclos de Formação e Desenvolvimento Humano a que as escolas municipais em Goiânia estão submetidas. Os alunos oriundos de outras redes de ensino têm a sua trajetória escolar desrespeitada e são matriculados por idade nas escolas em Goiânia, isso pode provocar uma defasagem curricular se considerarmos alunos migrantes que iniciaram sua escolarização tardiamente ou que nunca estudaram. Os projetos relacionados a temáticas ligadas à diversidade cultural podem contribuir para que práticas pedagógicas desenvolvam ações que visem a tolerância cultural. Faz-se necessário um projeto pedagógico que perceba que as identidades regionais são fluídas, híbridas e que a troca cultural é a melhor maneira de auxiliar ao aluno migrante no processo de negociação de aprendizagem, de saberes e de vivências.

The Evolution of Modern Central American Street Gangs and The Political Violence They Present: Case Studies of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras

Lynch, Tristam W 18 November 2008 (has links)
Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras have experienced a history immersed in political, economical and violent turmoil that has resulted in centuries of unsettled government, weak economies, alienation, and exploitation of the masses. This turmoil dates back to Spanish forms of dictatorial rule in the sixteenth century, and English and German control of commodities and land during the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Along with foreign influence, forms of dictatorial rule resulted in poor socioeconomic conditions, internal anarchy within Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras and the onset of civil wars. During the Reagan Administration, the United States used these countries in Central America for strategic military, agricultural and political purposes. The poor economic and politically violent conditions continued, resulting in the formation of dangerous street gangs, youth groups violently taking control of territories and later engaging in drug trafficking. Presence of the United States military operations, the civil wars, namely the Nicaraguan Contra War throughout the Central American region, resulted in a variety of opportunities for immigrants, to migrate into the United States. Other opportunities included left over weapons by the United States military, guerillas and contras, which were used by these violent youth to intimidate the local governments of Guatemala, El Salvador and vi Honduras. However, after the Central American families migrated to avoid the poor conditions within these countries, some children became gang members due to lack of alternatives in the U.S. The U.S. authorities deported many of these youth back to their respective Central American countries because of the crimes they committed in the U.S. This deportation increased further political turmoil in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras such that these violent youth groups threaten procedural democracy from functioning. This thesis examines the historical evolution of first, second and third generation Central American street gangs, and the political violence they present in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.

Offer eller en problemkategori : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur EU-migranter skildras i svensk press / Victims or a category of problems : A criticial discourse analysis of the depiction of EU-migrants in swedish press

Norin, Michael January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur EU-migranter framställs i de två mest spridda nyhetstidningarna i Sverige år 2015, Aftonbladet och Expressen. En kritisk diskursanalys användes som metod för att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Studiens teoretiska fundament utgjordes av socialkontruktionism, kritisk diskursanalys och teorier kopplade till andrafiering. Studiens huvudresultat visade att de två nyhetstidningarna beskrev EU-migranter som romer, bulgarer eller rumäner och som sjuka, fattiga samt utsatta levandes under osanitära förhållanden. Vidare så beskrevs att de protesterade och etablerade olagliga bosättningar. De framställdes som beroende av svenskars hjälp och att deras handlingsutrymme var begränsat. Tre diskurser hittades: Rättsdiskurs – med krav på lag och ordning gällande hanteringen av EU-migranter, Offerdiskurs – fokus på EU- migranternas utsatthet och hjälpbehov, samt Ansvarsdiskurs - vem bär ansvaret för att hjälpa EU-migranterna i deras situation. EU-migranter andrafierades som avvikande, onormala samt ett hot mot svensk lag, ordning och värderingar. / The purpose of the study was to examine how EU-migrants was depicted in the two top selling newspapers in Sweden year 2015, Aftonlandet and Expressen. A critical discourse analysis was used to answer the purpose and questions of the study. The theoretical foundation consists of social constructionism, critical discourse analysis and theories linked to otherness. The main result showed that the two newspapers described EU- migrants as romas, Bulgarians or Romanians and being sick, poor and vulnerable, living in unsanitary conditions, setting up illegal settlements. They were depicted as having limited agency and being dependent of the help from swedes. Three discourses were found: Legal discourse – demanding law and order in handling the EU-migrants, Victims discourse – focusing on the EU-migrants vulnerability and need of help, and Responsibility discourse – discussing who’s responsible for helping the EU-migrants out. EU-migrants was constructed as the other by portraying them as deviant and a threat to Swedish law, order and values.

Les personnages migrants dans le roman italien du XXIe siècle : narration homodiégétique et métafiction. / Migrant Characters in the 21st Italian Novel : first-Person Narrator and Metafiction

Giro, Alessandra 14 December 2018 (has links)
L’affabulation homodiégétique et la métafiction étant souvent utilisées, quand il s’agit de migrants narrateurs, cette recherche porte sur l’étude de la figure du migrant narrateur dans les romans italiens publiés entre 2001 et 2014 et adopte une approche comparative par rapport aux techniques, symboles et connexions historiques liés à l’utilisation de la métafiction. En comparant la multitude de techniques narratives qu’entraîne la métafiction ainsi que les thématiques véhiculées par ces techniques, il s’agira d’établir les points communs dans la façon dont ces romans utilisent les outils stylistiques et exploitent les thèmes liés à la métafiction afin de déterminer, le cas échéant, la cohérence de l’utilisation de la métafiction dans ces romans. / Since homodiegetic narration and metafiction are often used when there are migrant narrators in Italian contemporary novels, my PhD project focuses on migrant narrators characters in the Italian novels published between 2001 and 2014 and proposes a comparative study of technics, symboles and historical connections connected to metafiction. The aim is to compare the various narrative metafictional technics and their themes in order to find common ways in which these novels use stylistic elements and develop themes connected to metafiction to confirm a coherent use of metafiction in these novels.

Trois essais sur les tranferts de fonds des migrants

Naiditch, Claire 07 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse s'interroge sur les transferts de fonds des migrants et poursuit trois objectifs. Elle vise tout d'abord à comprendre les raisons qui poussent les migrants à envoyer des fonds à leur famille restée au pays ainsi qu'à leur communauté d'origine. Nous étudions en particulier sur le rôle joué par les normes sociales dans la décision de transfert. Dans un cadre d'information imparfaite, nous montrons qu'an d'accroître leur statut social auprès de leur communauté d'origine, les migrants peuvent décider d'augmenter leurs transferts et accepter pour cela une détérioration de leurs conditions de vie dans le pays d'accueil. Cette thèse vise également à analyser l'impact des transferts de fonds sur les économies récipiendaires, et tout particulièrement sur l'offre de travail des ménages bénéficiaires. A l'aide d'un jeu à deux périodes en asymétrie d'information concernant la situation économique des résidents, nous montrons que certains résidents peuvent diminuer leur offre de travail an d'augmenter les montants transférés par des migrants altruistes. Ces derniers réagissent à ces comportements opportunistes, et les résidents réellement touchés par une mauvaise conjoncture se trouvent pénalisés. Ils peuvent alors mettre en œuvre une stratégie de signalisation, au prix d'une plusgrande précarité. Enfin, cette thèse étudie le lien entre transfert et migration, notamment dans le cas particulier où les transferts sont investis. A l'aide d'un modèle d'équilibre migratoire, nous montrons que transferts investis et émigration sont positivement liés, et confirmons ce résultat par une étude empirique portant sur 25 pays d'Europe de l'Est et d'Asie centrale en 2000.

Sköra livsmönster : Om integrations- och normaliseringsprocesser bland bosniska flyktingar

Gustafson, Åsa January 2004 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to illustrate and unfold the dynamic interaction between conditions of integration and patterns of integration, in other words the structural conditions related to processes of integration and normalization of every day life. This is done with concrete reference to Bosnian refugees living in Malmö and Umeå during 1996-1997, having received permanent permission to stay in Sweden during 1992-1995. How do refugees under different conditions arrange their lives, perceive their own life situation, manage the course of daily life and develop individual life patterns? The study shows that processes of integration and normalisation depend on and has an impact on involvement and participation in social, economic, political and cultural life in general. Background statistics, official documents and local daily press material together with intense interviews with Bosnian refugees and key-informants constitute the empirical base of the study. The theoretical base consists of a holistic perspective on integration, including aspects of ethnicity, culture and gender. The focus is on the double-sided processes of integration among refugees in relation to the established population. Refugees’ processes of integration and normalization are described and discussed with reference to patterns of living conditions, patterns of integration, patterns of action and patterns of attitudes. The general conclusion is that refugees’ life patterns are very fragile. Processes of integration and normalization depend on conditions of involvement and of participation as well as the openness of the society at large and specifically on how civil, political and social rights are supplied for. This in turn raises the question of the importance of not only formal but also substantial citizenship rights. Integration is also closely related to possible changes towards more flexible gendered spaces of action. The more equal gender relations in the family become the more it opens up for possibilities of integration and normalization for both women and men. Encompassing possibilities to integration into the society at large combined with increased potentials of altering conventional power relations between women and men are vital for the processes of integration and normalization among refugees.</p>

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