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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sköra livsmönster : Om integrations- och normaliseringsprocesser bland bosniska flyktingar

Gustafson, Åsa January 2004 (has links)
The aim of this study is to illustrate and unfold the dynamic interaction between conditions of integration and patterns of integration, in other words the structural conditions related to processes of integration and normalization of every day life. This is done with concrete reference to Bosnian refugees living in Malmö and Umeå during 1996-1997, having received permanent permission to stay in Sweden during 1992-1995. How do refugees under different conditions arrange their lives, perceive their own life situation, manage the course of daily life and develop individual life patterns? The study shows that processes of integration and normalisation depend on and has an impact on involvement and participation in social, economic, political and cultural life in general. Background statistics, official documents and local daily press material together with intense interviews with Bosnian refugees and key-informants constitute the empirical base of the study. The theoretical base consists of a holistic perspective on integration, including aspects of ethnicity, culture and gender. The focus is on the double-sided processes of integration among refugees in relation to the established population. Refugees’ processes of integration and normalization are described and discussed with reference to patterns of living conditions, patterns of integration, patterns of action and patterns of attitudes. The general conclusion is that refugees’ life patterns are very fragile. Processes of integration and normalization depend on conditions of involvement and of participation as well as the openness of the society at large and specifically on how civil, political and social rights are supplied for. This in turn raises the question of the importance of not only formal but also substantial citizenship rights. Integration is also closely related to possible changes towards more flexible gendered spaces of action. The more equal gender relations in the family become the more it opens up for possibilities of integration and normalization for both women and men. Encompassing possibilities to integration into the society at large combined with increased potentials of altering conventional power relations between women and men are vital for the processes of integration and normalization among refugees.

The Effects Of Intergroup Perceptions And Ingroup Identifications On The Political Participation Of The Second-generation Turkish Migrants In The Netherlands

Baysu, Gulseli 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Through the lenses of Social Identity Theory, this thesis endeavours to understand how perceptions of intergroup relations and in-group identifications affect the choice for different mobility strategies and forms of political participation among the second-generation Turkish migrants in the Netherlands. To this end, two political participation paths are specified: ethnic and mainstream. The former is defined as promoting ethnic group interests in the political arena while the latter is defined as participation in national Dutch politics. Perceptions of illegitimate and unstable status differences, of impermeable group boundaries, and of discriminatory intergroup relations are expected to contribute to the choice for collective mobility strategy and ethnic political participation mediated by Turkish identification. Conversely, legitimate, stable and permeable intergroup conditions are hypothesized to lead to the choice for individual mobility strategy and mainstream political participation through affecting Dutch identification. Three path models including perceptions of legitimacy, stability, permeability and discrimination as predictors, Dutch and Turkish identification as mediators, mobility strategies as both outcomes and mediators, and ethnic and mainstream political participation as outcomes were tested in a sample of 161 participants. Results generally confirmed the expectations except for the stability hypothesis. The theoretical implications of the findings are discussed.

Changing Labour Market Positions And Workplace Interactions Of Irregular Moldovan Migrants: The Case Of Textile/clothing Sector In Istanbul, Turkey

Dagdelen, Gorkem 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The new international division of labour has transformed the economic structure of Turkey from an import-substituted to an export-oriented economy. Starting from the early 90s, many Moldovan migrants began to come to Turkey in order to work temporarily in the informal economy. They worked in clothing and shoe ateliers until the beginning of this century. Nowadays many Moldovan migrants work in clothing shops as Russian-speaking sales assistants and in the cargo firms as carriers. Based on this historical context, this study explores the changing labour market position and workplace interactions of irregular Moldovan migrants, who are working in the textile/clothing sector in Istanbul, Turkey. I firstly try to understand the mechanisms of the changing labour market positions of irregular migrants by focusing on the factors and agents behind these dynamic processes. Secondly, I intend to analyze the labour process control regimes and resistance in the workplaces where migrants work. With this aim in view, I conducted field research in Istanbul consisting of 35 in depth and informal interviews with Moldovan migrants, Turkish employers and Turkish employees. As a result of the analyses of my findings, I first observed that although foreign workers cannot change the exploitative working conditions, they can find ways of escaping from exploitative working conditions in a context. Secondly, the level of exploitation in informal working conditions are not only determined by the necessities of capitalist accumulation regimes and the migration policies of the state but also by the preferences of employers based on economic and cultural motives but also.

LE MOT ET SES INDICES? Rôle du lexique dans l'interaction didactique avec des adultes migrants en situation professsionnelle

Champion, Francois 14 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse sur le « mot et ses indices » présente une recherche en didactique du français langue étrangère auprès d'adultes migrants dans leur environnement professionnel. Elle analyse le rôle du lexique dans la communication didactique exolingue. <br />Elle est d'abord la relation d'un itinéraire de praticien, des années 1970 au début des années 2000, vers les théories pédagogiques et linguistiques, à travers les évolutions de l'enseignement du français langue étrangère en milieu migrant et professionnel. Une analyse du contexte et de la méthodologie révèle la fonction pivot du formateur dans l'élaboration des méthodes. Le lexique, du fait de son rôle dans l'interlangue des migrants et de ses rapports avec les situations d'émission et les objectifs de formation, tient une place centrale dans les procédures d'enseignement et d'apprentissage, particulièrement pour la construction de la compétence grammaticale,.<br />Cette thèse propose d'élaborer un modèle d'analyse des données lexicales et des rapports du mot avec ses indices, présents dans la situation de communication comme dans les stratégies d'enseignement. Il doit intégrer les derniers développements de la recherche en pragmatique. Le modèle d'analyse de l'indication, tel que Prieto (1964a) l'a proposé, est le plus apte à expliciter ces rapports. Il s'intègre en effet au modèle cognitiviste de la pertinence que soutiennent Reboul et Moeschler (1998). Mais c'est avec le modèle de la pragmalinguistique de Bange (1992) que les notions prietiennes s'accordent le mieux. Elles le complètent même, en adjoignant à une théorie de l'action une théorie de l'indication qui rend compte de la cohérence du discours didactique et de l'autonomie du niveau discursif dans l'analyse des données.<br />Elle met à l'épreuve la pertinence de ce modèle dans l'analyse d'un corpus recueilli au cours d'une formation, et elle présente en conclusion les perspectives pour un traitement didactique des rapports du mot avec ses indices dans la lignée du constructivisme piagétien et des techniques de remédiation cognitive.

Memory meanders : place, home and commemoration in an ex-Rhodesian diaspora community /

Uusihakala, Katja, January 2008 (has links)
Diss. Helsinki : Helsinki Universitet. 2008.

Gömd och bortglömd : En litteraturöversikt om mental ohälsa bland immigranter, flyktingar, asylsökande och papperslösa / Hidden and forgotten : A literature review of the mental health among immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants

Kielland Nordwall, Linn, Aleflod, Siri January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Immigranter, flyktingar, asylsökande och papperslösa tillhör samhällets mest sårbara grupper och löper hög risk att utveckla mental ohälsa relaterat till traumatiska upplevelser pre- och postmigrativt. Grupperna är underrepresenterade inom den psykiatriska vården och det råder ett missförhållande mellan behovet av och tillgången till vård för dessa patientgrupper. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka upplevelsen av den mentala ohälsan och hinder för vård hos immigranter, flyktingar, asylsökande och papperslösa ur ett transkulturellt omvårdnadsperspektiv. Metod: Tio kvalitativa studier och två studier med mixad metod har granskats och analyserats. Leiningers transkulturella omvårdnadsteori har använts för att lyfta resultatet till en högre abstraktionsnivå. Resultat: Tre teman identifierades: Den mentala ohälsan, Hinder för vård och Kulturellt betingade attityder. I resultatet framkom att grupperna lider av mental ohälsa relaterat till erfarenheter genom migrationsprocessen. Bristfällig information, kommunikationssvårigheter och bristande tillit till vårdpersonalen ledde till hinder i vården. Dessutom framkom att stigmatisering, religiösa övertygelser och könsroller påverkade fokusgruppens syn på mental ohälsa. Slutsats: Immigranter, flyktingar, asylsökande och papperslösa är högriskpatienter för mentala ohälsotillstånd men strukturella och personliga faktorer hindrar dem att erhålla vård. Som sjuksköterska är det viktigt att inta en aktiv roll och ha kunskap och förståelse kring dessa människors upplevelser och kulturellt betingade attityder kring mental ohälsa. Klinisk betydelse: Genom att belysa en marginaliserad patientgrupps upplevelser av att leva med mental ohälsa och erhålla vård i en ny kulturell kontext ökar sjuksköterskans medvetenhet om dessa människors situation. Detta kan leda till en bättre vård för dessa patienter. / Background: Immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants belong to society's most vulnerable groups and are at high risk of developing mental health problems. The groups are underrepresented in psychiatric care and there is a disproportion between the need and the availability of care for these patient groups. Aim: The aim was to examine the experience of mental illness and barriers for access to healthcare of immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants from a transcultural nursing perspective. Method: Ten qualitative studies and two mixed-method studies were reviewed and analysed. Leiningers transcultural nursing theory was applied to enable a higher level of abstraction. Results: Three themes were identified: The mental illness, Barriers for care and Culturally influenced attitudes. The result showed that the groups suffered from mental illness related to experiences through the migration process. Inadequate information, communication difficulties and a lack of trust in the medical staff led to obstacles in healthcare. Stigma, religious beliefs and gender roles affected the focus group's view of mental illness. Conclusion: Immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants are at high risk for developing mental illness but structural and personal factors preventing them to receive treatment. Nurses should take an active role and gain knowledge about experiences and culturally conditioned attitudes about mental illness among patients. Clinical significance: Highlighting the experience of living with mental illness and obtaining care in a new cultural context, increases the nurses’ knowledge about the marginalized patient group.

Designing technologies to support migrants and refugees

Brown, Deana 21 September 2015 (has links)
Families migrate to improve their outcomes, however the process is very disruptive. My research asks and answers the question can scaffolding communication through technology mitigate the disruption caused to families by migration, and if so, how? In my work I have explored two forms of disruptive family migration—parental migration (where parents and children live in separate countries) and refugee resettlement (resulting from forced migration). In both forms, families are embedded in support networks of individuals they rely on to minimize vulnerabilities faced post-migration and to rebuild a stable family structure. My empirical results revealed barriers (distance, language, literacy and so forth) that render the communication between families and their support network less than effective. Through participatory approaches, I then design and evaluate separately, two systems to mitigate the barriers and improve communication in the various support networks. The end contributions of my work include: i) contributing a nascent agenda on migration for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and related fields through providing an increased understanding of the challenges that limit the livelihoods of migration-separated and refugee families; ii) demonstrating two communication scaffolding systems for transient use by migrants to mitigate communication barriers--- time and distance on one hand (to support transnational home-school communication) and language and literacy on the other (through mediated human-in-the-loop voice translations for everyday interactions with refugees); iii) putting forth a reflection on methods to guide others seeking to work with similar groups and establishing the notion of designing for transient use in the development of systems to scaffold communication.

Are HIV prevention programs effective in addressing rising HIV/AIDS rates among Central Asian labor migrants?

Fleming, Thomas Rolland 13 July 2011 (has links)
Within the last ten years HIV rates in Central Asia have more than quadrupled amongst the general population. Labor migrants from the region who are working in Russia are considered at high risk of HIV infection due to risky sexual practices. Similar behavior has been documented among labor migrants in sub Saharan Africa. By reviewing medical data and literature written by international health professionals in both regions, I analyze the chain of sexual contact of labor migrants within female partners that contribute to the spread of HIV from Russia to the general population within Central Asia. I use Tajikistan as a case study. The findings of this study recommend that existing behavior modification strategies need to recognize existing gender structures when addressing at risk populations. They must also emphasize collaboration with community religious leaders and civil society organizations to promote effective and appropriate HIV/AIDS education efforts in order to curb the growing prevalence rates among male labor migrants in Central Asia. / text

Šiuolaikiniai emigracijos procesai Lietuvoje bei politikos išeivijos atžvilgiu įgyvendinimas / Modern migration processes in Lithuania and the implementation of migration policy in respect of emigrants

Dausinienė, Rūta 25 June 2013 (has links)
Lietuvai įstojus į Europos Sąjungą prasidėjo masinė darbo jėgos emigracija. Įvertinęs emigracijos mastą, Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas pripažino, kad emigracija yra didžiausia nekarinė grėsmė Lietuvai. Ypač jaučiamos demografinės pasekmės - kiekvienais metais išvyksta labai daug žmonių, o tai gali ženkliai atsiliepti ekonominiam šalies augimui. Remiantis statistiniais duomenimis, Lietuva viena pirmaujančių pagal emigracijos mąstą šalių Europoje. Daugiausiai išvyksta jauni žmonės, o pagrindinėmis išvykimo priežastimis laikytinas darbo vietų stygius bei nedideli atlyginimai. Lietuvoje dėmesys su emigracija susijusiems klausimams viešoje erdvėje išaugo apie 2005 - 2006 m. Tai paskatino valstybę imtis nuoseklesnio migracijos politikos formavimo ir 2006 m. pabaigoje emigracijos problema pateko į politinę darbotvarkę. Lietuvos viešoji politika migrantų atžvilgiu jau praėjo keletą etapų, tačiau tiesioginė valstybės politikos įtaka išvykusiųjų grįžimui buvo labai maža. Kokybinio tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad sėkmingos politikos pagrindas yra sistemingas šalies vidaus problemų sprendimas, o būtent išvykusiesiems skirtos programos turi atlikti daugiau pagalbinę funkciją. Jiems turi būti sudaromos galimybės gauti išsamią informaciją bei kompetentingą pagalbą. Taip pat turi būti atsižvelgiama į emigrantams itin svarbių klausimų sprendimą. / After Lithuania joined European Union, emigration became a big problem in the country. Emigration is considered to be the most important non-military threat to Lithuania. It has considerable negative influence on demography, also it may have an impact for long term growth. Statistics shows that Lithuanians one of most migratory peoples in Europe. And in fact, mass emigration is nothing new in the country where waves of migrants have been leaving for centuries. Mostly common emigrants are young people. Unemployment and wage differentials between Lithuania and destination countries are the main pushing factors. Most emigrants leave Lithuania due to the lack of jobs and low salaries. Because of this, people don’t feel the motivation to work in Lithuania and decide to emigrate in order to get financial independence. The qualitative research results have revealed that the foundation for successful politics is to systematically solve internal problems, while the programs for those abroad should perform a helping function only, by providing the people with a thorough information and competent help. The most important emigrants’ problems should also be addressed.

Le Caire des migrants africains chrétiens. Impasse migratoire et citadinités religieuses.

Picard, Julie 04 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
L'Égypte connaît depuis les années 1990 une immigration africaine plurielle. Des migrants africains aux origines, aux motivations et aux statuts variés ont aujourd'hui rejoints les réfugiés soudanais et de la Corne de l'Afrique, précédemment installés au Caire. La majorité d'entre eux sont de confession chrétienne et expérimentent la situation de minorité noire et celle de minorité religieuse. Ce travail vise à démontrer comment depuis 2004-2005, les institutions gouvernementales, européennes et onusiennes ont participé à la construction d'une impasse migratoire et comment dès lors, de nouvelles modalités d'installation urbaine ont dû être inventées par les migrants, qui, initialement, ne comptaient pas rester sur place. Le second objectif est d'analyser la manière dont divers acteurs humanitaires (anciennes Églises missionnaires et ONG confessionnelles) tentent aujourd'hui de se mobiliser afin d'assister ce public, délaissé par les autorités égyptiennes. Enfin, il s'agit de démontrer comment ces Africains réussissent aussi à s'approprier leurs propres territoires et à trouver des ressources leur permettant de mieux vivre la ville d'accueil. A partir d'observations et d'entretiens avec les migrants, leurs relations au territoire ont été interrogées. Cette approche qualitative ainsi que la notion de " citadinité " (la relation dialectique entre les individus et la ville) ont permis de mettre en avant le rôle du christianisme dans ces processus d'ancrage urbain. En effet, le religieux, sous ses formes matérielles et immatérielles, s'est avéré devenir une ressource fondamentale capable d'éclairer les capacités de reterritorialisation des Africains dans la ville.

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