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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mindfulness and Wearing a Fitbit Activity Monitor Increases Levels of Physical Activity

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: Interest in health and wellness has significantly increased in today's society. Living a healthy and active lifestyle is suggested to promote overall physical and psychological well-being. This study explored the effects of wearing a Fitbit Zip activity monitor and the impact of expressing mindfulness on levels of physical activity. It was predicted that expressing mindfulness, as measured by the use of present-tense language during the daily emotional writing task, would moderate the relationship between wearing a Fitbit Zip activity monitor and change in physical activity. Specifically, it was hypothesized daily monitoring would only lead to increased activity among those higher in mindful language. Over the course of five days, participants were asked to wear a Fitbit Zip and to complete a daily questionnaire and writing task at the end of each evening. On the last day of the study, participants completed a follow-up assessment, which suggested that the combination of wearing a Fitbit Zip activity monitor and expressing more mindfulness throughout the week increased levels of physical activity. An important issue for future research is to conduct this study for a longer period of time in order to get more variability in the data. However, despite the limitations of the design, these findings suggest that activity monitoring may be a promising way to promote healthy lifestyle change. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Psychology 2014

Hälsofrämjande inom yrken som behandlar psykisk hälsa

Kavéus, Albin January 2018 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet har undersökt hälsofrämjande och faktorer som minskar stress förprofessionella inom psykologiskt och socialt arbete. Syftet har varit uppdelat i två fokusområden: hur professionella förhindrar påverkan från sina patienters problematik och hur professionella kan utföraoptimala arbetsinsatser. De teorier som nyttjats har varit Aaron Antonovskys teori om känsla avsammanhang och konceptet mindfulness. Tidigare studier har visat på ringa problem för de som upplevde en känsla av sammanhang och utövade mindfulness. Semistrukturerade intervjuer användes .En tematisk analys utfördes där fem teman skapades: människointresse, inflytande, självkännedom,holism och vitalitet. Bland de faktorer som bidrog till en känsla av sammanhang och medveten närvaro tillhörde bra organisering, handledning, relationellt stöd, ens inställning till hälsofrämjande,empati och erfarenheter.

Práticas contemplativas : uma proposta de educação para o autocuidado de usuários com dores crônicas

Silva, Janete Mengue da January 2014 (has links)
As Políticas Nacionais de Atenção à Saúde propostas nos últimos anos visam a garantir a execução de estratégicas educativas que promovam o cuidado integral dos usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar os benefícios do uso da prática contemplativa em grupos de usuários com dor crônica para, posteriormente, propor sua integração no serviço de atenção à saúde do SUS. O estudo consistiu numa intervenção na qual foi utilizada a prática contemplativa durante 13 semanas com oito participantes que apresentavam dores crônicas havia mais de um ano. Foram aplicados um questionário constituído de dados biossociodemográficos, a Escala Visual Analógica de intensidade de dor (EVA) e a Escala de Consciência e Plena Atenção (MAAS). Também foram utilizados questionários com perguntas abertas para avaliar os efeitos da intervenção sobre o cuidado dos participantes com os seus sintomas de dores crônicas. Os resultados indicam que a Prática Contemplativa possibilitou o gerenciamento da dor crônica e a melhora da atenção plena nas atividades do cotidiano, apresentando-se como uma ferramenta pedagógica para promover o autocuidado com vistas à educação do Ser. / The National Policy for Health Care proposed in recent years aimed at ensuring the implementation of educational strategies to provide comprehensive care for the users of the Unified Health System (SUS). This study assesses the benefits of contemplative practice in groups of users with chronic pain in order to propose their integration into the health care service offered by de SUS. For this study, Contemplative Practice was used for 13 weeks with eight participants who were suffering from chronic pain for more than one year. A questionnaire was used to collect biological, social and demographical data, in addition to the Visual Analogue Scale for pain intensity (VAS) and the Scale of Consciousness and Mindfulness (MAAS). Open-ended questionnaires were used to assess the effects of the intervention affected the participants on the participants’ care with chronic pain symptoms. The results indicate that the Contemplative Practice provides an opportunity to manage chronic pain and improve mindfulness in daily activities, functioning as as a tool to promote self-care and the education of Being.

"DE LYSSNAR PÅ MIG" : En litteraturstudie om patienters upplevelser av komplementära behandlingsmetoder vid långvarig smärta / "THEY LISTEN TO ME" : A literature study on patients' experiences of complementary treatment in chronic pain

Engman, Ida, Danforth, Annamaria January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Långvarig smärta är ett stort problem i hela världen. Ett problem med smärtbehandlingarna är dels att smärta är en subjektiv upplevelse som kräver ett mångimensionellt förhållningssätt. Flera av läkemedelsformerna ger besvärliga biverkningar eller har bristfällig effekt beroende på patientens mottaglighet.   Syfte: Syftet var att belysa patienters upplevelser av komplementära smärtbehandlingar vid långvariga smärtproblem. Metod: Kvalitativ litteraturstudie baserad på tio vetenskapliga artiklar som analyserats enligt en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Ett positivt resultat framkom där många patienter uppskattade det individualiserade bemötandet. Behandlingarna gav andra positiva effekter så som minskning av stress, ångest och depression och inte bara smärta samt att de fick verktyg med sig hem hur de skulle kunna hantera smärtan. Det lyftes även fram några negativa aspekter av ett fåtal patienter. Slutsats: Komplementära behandlingsmetoder påverkar hela patienten positivt gentemot hälsa och välbefiinande. Patienten känner sig sedd och lyssnad till då vårdaren sätter sig in i patientens livsvärld.

Mindfulness som aktivitet i förskolan : En videoetnografisk fallstudie om pedagogers didaktiska design / Mindfulness activity in preschool : A video ethnographic study of teacher´s didactic design

Almryd, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
I den här studien har jag behandlat frågor som rör alla barn i förskolan samt de pedagoger som dagligen arbetar med barnen. En kvalitativ studie har genomförts genom videoobservationer som tydligt har visat hur pedagoger designar mindfulness-aktiviteter i förskolan. Studiens syfte var att, utifrån ett multimodalt designteoretiskt perspektiv, få ökad kunskap om hur pedagoger designar mindfulness-aktiviteter i förskolans praktik. I resultat och slutsats framkom det att mindfulness-aktiviteter kan designas på olika sätt beroende på vilka förutsättningar förskolan har. Det framkom även att i användningen av mindfulness-aktiviteter använder pedagoger sig av flera teckensystem såsom, gester, rörelser, ljud, röst, positionering, volym etc. i kommunikationen med barn, vilka även barnen använde sig av. Resultat tyder också på att barn designar sina egna lärvägar i aktiviteter, genom de teckensystem som finns tillgängliga i pedagogers design av aktiviteter.

Stress: Kognitiv Påverkan och Åtgärder för Återhämtning

Viking, Jenny January 2016 (has links)
Stress är i sig inte farlig om den inte blir långvarig och konstant, den här rapporten har tittat på vilka effekter och eventuella konsekvenser stress har på de fysiologiska och kognitiva systemen hos människan. En långvarig aktivering av HPA-axeln, vilken kan kallas prestations/stressaxeln, leder bland annat till kroniskt förhöjda kortisolnivåer vilket har negativa effekter för hälsan. Strukturer i hjärnan vilka ofta kopplas till stressrelaterade sjukdomar är hippocampus och prefrontala kortex. De konsekvenserna som kan följa på långvarig stress är kognitiva nedsättningar och skador på bland annat hippocampus, brister i immunförsvaret, hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar, ångest, kroniskt utmattningssyndrom, mag- och tarmbesvär samt depression. I rapporten visas att stress har stora negativa konsekvenser på individnivå både gällande kognitiva funktioner, så som minne, och även på det fysiologiska systemet. Det finns åtgärder att använda för att reducera upplevelsen av stress samt de negativa effekterna av stress, så som fysisk aktivitet, mindfulness meditation och muskulär avslappning.

Using the Brain to Help Rehabilitate the Body : Factors which can Affect Injury Rehabilitation Outcome

Rydh, Mathias January 2014 (has links)
Physical activity can be beneficial to both physical and mental health, but can also lead to injuries. While injury rehabilitation through physical therapy is mostly focused on physical exercise, there are also other factors, which may influence rehabilitation outcome. The factorsreviewed are: rehabilitation adherence, mindfulness meditation, mental imagery, action observation, self-talk, goal-setting and social support. This essay investigates the neural correlates of these factors, as well as how they can affect rehabilitation outcome and wellbeing, to a lesser degree, during rehabilitation. Among the effects found are performance enhancement, increased self-efficacy, increased pain tolerance, increased motivation and reduced strength loss. Suggestions for future research is also provided.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av medveten närvaro och dess betydelse för vårdrelationen inom psykiatrisk omvårdnad : En interjuvstudie / Nurses experience of mindfulness and its importance for care relation in psychiatric nursing : An interview study

Lindqvist, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vårdrelationen är ett samspel och består av all kommunikation som sker i   vårdsituationerna med hållning, samtal och handlingar. Det finns forskning som visar att upplevelsen av vårdrelationen är betydande för patienters tillfrisknande inom psykiatrisk omvårdnad. Samtidigt finns skildringar om hur utmanande psykiatrisjuksköterskor kan uppfatta vårdrelationen. Sjuksköterskans förmåga till närvaro beskrivs som essentiellt i vårdrelationen. Medveten närvaro innebära att genom riktad uppmärksamhet bli medveten om ögonblicket här och nu. Forskning pekar på att träning i medveten närvaro verkar gynnsamt för sjuksköterskor genom att ge ökad fokus och utrymme för reflektion, en större acceptans och empati. Därtill finns studier på patienter som indikerar en större tillfredställelse i kommunikationen med sjuksköterskor som praktiserar medveten närvaro. Vårdrelationen beskrivs som essentiell i psykiatrisk omvårdnad varför en fördjupad förståelse för hur medveten närvaro påverkar båda dess parter anses betydelsefullt att utforska. Syfte: Beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av medveten närvaro och dess betydelse för vårdrelationen inom psykiatrisk omvårdnad.  Metod: Kvalitativ design med semistrukturerade intervjuer.  Informanterna var sju sjuksköterskor verksamma på mottagningar inom psykiatri och beroendevårdens öppenvård. Som analysmetod användes kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet pekar på att när sjuksköterskor är medvetet närvarande i vårdrelationen påverkas båda parter positivt.  Aspekter som påverkade patienten var att bli sedd och lyssnad på, att bli bemött i nuet, att inte dömas och att bli betraktad som en hel människa. När sjuksköterskorna var medvetet närvarande gynnades färdigheter som att stanna upp och observera samt bidrog till ökad flexibilitet och sensibilitet i vårdrelationen. Medveten närvaro beskrevs därtill som hjälpsamt för den personliga utvecklingen och gjorde det lättare att vara autentisk i vårdrelationen. Förhållningssättet beskrevs som återhållsamt, motsatsen till att fixa eller lösa patientens svårigheter. Detta gjorde upplevelsen av vårdrelationen för sjuksköterskorna som mer givande, roligare och tryggt istället för en känsla av börda eller att ta över patientens ansvar och elände. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuterades utifrån Jean Watsons teori för mänsklig omsorg samt relevant forskning.

Fears, Stress and Burnout in Parents of Children with Chronic Conditions : Treatment with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness

Anclair, Malin January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the present research was threefold: to investigate the fears of parents of children with chronic conditions; to evaluate the effectiveness of their treatment with either mindfulness-based therapy or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT); and to assess treatment outcome in terms of health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Long-term stress can lead to some form of chronic stress reaction. In study one, fears of future cancer recurrence and of late effects of treatment were most prominent among parents of CNS tumour patients. Study two investigated the effectiveness of two group-based interventions on stress and burnout among parents of children with chronic conditions. Parents were offered either a CBT or a mindfulness programme. Both interventions significantly decreased stress and burnout. Study three focused on the HRQoL and life satisfaction of the parents in study two. The results indicate improvements for participants in both treatment groups regarding certain areas of HRQoL and life satisfaction. To conclude, fears concerning future cancer recurrence and late effects of treatment are most prominent among parents of children with cancer. Another conclusion is that CBT and mindfulness decrease stress and burnout and may have a positive effect on areas of HRQoL and life satisfaction. / The aim of the present research was threefold: to investigate the fears of parents of children with chronic conditions who suffer from fears, stress and burnout; to evaluate the effectiveness of their treatment with either mindfulness-based therapy or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT); and to assess treatment outcome in terms of health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Research on parents of children with chronic conditions has shown that this parent group frequently suffers from psychological problems. Long-term stress can lead to some form of chronic stress reaction. In study one, parents of children with brain tumours were asked to rate the extent to which they experienced a set of specific fears related to their child’s brain tumour and its treatment. Fears of future cancer recurrence and of late effects of treatment were most prominent among parents of CNS tumour patients. Study two investigated the effectiveness of two group-based interventions on stress and burnout among parents of children with chronic conditions. After a waiting list control period, parents were offered either a CBT or a mindfulness programme. After eight group therapy sessions, both interventions significantly decreased stress and burnout. Study three focused on the HRQoL and life satisfaction of the parents in study two. The results indicate improvements for participants in both treatment groups regarding certain areas of HRQoL and life satisfaction. To conclude, many parents of children with chronic conditions suffer from stress-related mental illness and need targeted interventions for their own problems. The present research concludes that fears concerning future cancer recurrence and concerning late effects of treatment are most prominent among parents of children with cancer. Another conclusion is that CBT and mindfulness decrease stress and burnout and may have a positive effect on areas of HRQoL and life satisfaction in parents of children with chronic conditions.

Qigong in daily life : motivation and intention to mindful exercise

Jouper, John January 2009 (has links)
In many countries physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle are identified as major public health problems. A general health goal is therefore to promote an active lifestyle throughout the entire life span. The reasons given for not adopting a physically active lifestyle and/or taking part in vigorous exercise include old age, negative social and physical environments, physical disability and other health related issues. Qigong exercise, a low-intensity Chinese self-care method, has therefore been suggested as an alternative activity to vigorous exercise. There is, however, little knowledge about leisure-time qigong exercisers and their reasons for adherence. The general aim of this thesis was therefore to explore leisure-time medical qigong and those practicing it, and to examine how individuals’ motivation and intention to exercise are related to their actual exercise in daily life. Behavioural changes towards an active lifestyle will be discussed from both medical qigong and exercise psychology perspectives. Suggestions are then summarized into a qigong-based Wellness Coaching Model. Participants were recruited from a qigong association and introductory qigong courses. Data were collected by questionnaires and were analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The reasons given for leisure-time medical qigong exercise were to aid recovery from illness and to preserve health. Participants in the low-intensity qigong exercise group studied were somewhat older, and their main reason for participating was to achieve a general feeling of wellness. As a group they had mainly low-stress levels and were highly energized. Concentration on qi-flow during exercise correlates positively with improved health feelings, and exercise is performed with deep mindful concentration three to six times per week for an average of thirty minutes. Perceived stress correlates negatively with health, energy and exercise behaviour suggesting that stress has to be managed in order for wellness to emerge. Intrinsically motivated exercisers are more concentrated, and perceive their stress as lower than that of their more externally motivated counterparts. Strong behaviour intentions are significantly correlated with actual exercise frequency. When exercise is performed in a qigong state, with a heightened level of concentration, adherence is higher than otherwise is the case. Results suggest that health-professionals aiming to secure qigong exercise adherence should stimulate feelings of wellness as an intrinsic motive for exercise, strengthen the individuals’ intention to exercise, and promote a calm energy state (low-stress and high energy) before commencement of exercise.

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