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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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黃牧甫生平及篆刻藝術之研究. / Study of Huang Mufu's life and seal engraving art / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Huang Mufu sheng ping ji zhuan ke yi shu zhi yan jiu.

January 2012 (has links)
本論文以「黃牧甫生平及篆刻藝術之研究」為題目,旨在對其生平及篆刻藝術作系統整理和討論。黃牧甫(1849-1908/1909),安徽黟縣人,為晚清最重要的篆刻家之一。由於家庭濡染,自幼便對篆學產生興趣,八、九歲始習刻印。後因太平軍與清軍戰,家園被毀,困苦失學,雙親亦相繼離世,為補生計,被迫離鄉到江西南昌謀生,曾於照相館工作,後遷廣州,改以鬻書治印自給。黃牧甫為晚清集大成的印人,尤對廣東印壇產生源遠的影響,故被譽為「嶺南派」之初袓。 / 黃牧甫初宗「鄧派」鄧石如(1743-1805)、吳讓之(1799-1870),後服膺於趙之謙(1829-1884)的印學主張,取徑「印外求印」,故面貌多樣,印文體勢獨特。又取法漢印模式,講究完整光潔,運以衝刀,不作斷續刻劃,點劃乾淨俐落。尤精於章法,平正而不落呆板,自創一格,繼「鄧派」後於晚清印壇上別樹一幟。 / 在黃印的整理方面,本研究主要以「摹擬期」、「蛻變期」、「成熟期」作為分期,以便探討其不同時期的篆刻特質。據本研究所搜集,黃氏存世印蛻約有二千四百方。它們被整合分析,編成年譜,建構一個系統、完備的資料庫。其中印款資料更提供了珍貴的第一手資料,增補了歷史文獻上的不足。 / 黃牧甫一生治印不斷,作品極豐,然卻失散各地,難以匯集。幸而,其印譜的流傳卻相對豐富,最重要的要數黃氏生前自輯《般若波羅蜜心經印譜》、《黃牧甫自存印譜》及《黃穆甫印存續補》,故印貌得以保存,為後世留下重要的研究資料。當中《黃穆甫印存續補》所錄印拓,更對研究黃氏「成熟期」印風非常重要。由於此譜為海外孤本,且尚未見世,所以目前有關黃牧甫的著述,均未能涵蓋這部重要資料。然在此論文發表前,因得機緣而認識收藏家林章松先生,得其不吝嗇借出此譜作研究之用,確為本研究提供有力依據和借鑒。 / 黃牧甫為晚清重要的篆刻家,具相當高的研究價值,更是探究流派篆刻由傳統走向當代的關鍵人物,惜至今其系統研究卻極之匱乏。本論文將綜合歷史、文化、社會及藝術等不同角度,並借鑒相關學術領域的研究方法和成果,透過文獻及視覺分析,對黃牧甫的生平和篆刻藝術作全面考述,從而建立一份可靠的研究資料,令篆刻藝術史有更大的發展空間。 / Entitled “A Study of Huang Mufu’s Life and Seal Engraving Art, this paper aims to investigate his life and art of seal engraving. Huang Mufu (1849-1908/1909), born in Anhui Province, was one of the most important seal engravers in the late Qing dynasty. / Huang Mufu first learned from Deng Shiru (1743-1805) and Wu Rangzhi (1799-1870) of the Deng school, and later followed the thinking of “seeking artistic links for seal making of Zhao Zhiqian (1829-1884). Therefore, his seals took on various forms and his seal inscriptions were unique. He also drew on the pattern of seals of the Han dynasty, which pursued tidiness and smoothness and applied Swift knife to create clean and neat strokes. He created his own style that was peculiar in the late Qing dynasty and had far-reaching influence on the seal engraving community of Guangdong Province, so he was renowned as the originator of the Lingnan school. / Huang made seals throughout his life and left over rich works. According to the information collected from this research, Huang has about 2,400 seals, which have been analyzed, integrated and chronicled into a systematic and complete database. Many of his seal impressions and colophons provide rare firsthand information for this paper, and hoped to serve as important materials for later studies. Based on the collected sources, this study divided Huang’s career into the imitation, transmutation and maturation stages, in order to discuss his seals’ characteristics in different periods. / There has been an extreme scarcity of studies on this topic. Therefore, this paper made a comprehensive study which involved a survey of the primary and secondary literature on Huang Mufu’s life and career. An analysis of the relevant sources enables his career to be reconstructed on a sound chronological basis, and allows his work to be seen in its proper context. / This study also made an important contribution to a relatively little-studied area of the history of Chinese art. It corrected a number of misconceptions in previous studies and make up literature deficiencies. The aim is to provide a set of reliable data that allows further development of the history of seal engraving art. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 劉浩敏. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 175-191) / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Liu Haomin. / Chapter 第一章 --- 導言 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二章 --- 晚清文化和黃牧甫的早年生活 / Chapter 第一節 --- 清代美學觀念的轉化 --- p.11 / Chapter 第二節 --- 晚清以前印壇概況 --- p.20 / Chapter 第三節 --- 黃牧甫早年生活考證 --- p.34 / Chapter 第三章 --- 黃牧甫篆刻特質和他僑寓廣州的生活 / Chapter 第一節 --- 黃牧甫篆刻的師承淵源 --- p.51 / Chapter 第二節 --- 名流關係對黃牧甫印風形成的影響 --- p.60 / Chapter 第三節 --- 黃牧甫成熟期印風的主要特色 --- p.90 / Chapter 第四章 --- 黃牧甫晚年生活及其印跡流佈和遺存 / Chapter 第一節 --- 晚年生活和卒年考證 --- p.110 / Chapter 第二節 --- 黃牧甫印壇角色 --- p.118 / Chapter 第三節 --- 存世印跡資料彙整 --- p.130 / Chapter 第五章 --- 黃牧甫存世印譜匯考 --- p.146 / Chapter 第六章 --- 結語 --- p.171 / 參考書目 --- p.175 / Chapter 附錄一 --- 參考圖錄 --- p.192 / Chapter 附錄二 --- 黃牧甫篆刻作品全集 --- p.293

文道關係視野下的明末清初散文研究: Dao and wen : study of classical prose in late Ming and early Qing dynasties. / Dao and wen: study of classical prose in late Ming and early Qing dynasties / Wen dao guan xi shi ye xia de Ming mo Qing chu san wen yan jiu: Dao and wen : study of classical prose in late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

January 2014 (has links)
明末清初的散文發展,前人或以載道觀念論之,或以抒情觀念論之,又或以流派分梳論之,各有其理,亦各有其弊。本人認為,明末清初散文發展自有其一以貫之的內在邏輯,因而本文力圖探尋其內在邏輯,重建其發展軌跡。本文指出,文道關係正是影響明末清初散文發展的關鍵因素,時人對於文道關係的不同詮釋與理解,決定了當時散文發展的方向。 / 「古文傳統」與「小品傳統」,是理解明清之際散文發展的重要概念。特別是周作人等以抒情為宗旨建構的「小品傳統」,對理解這一段散文史,產生了深遠的影響。然而本文通過考察「小品傳統」的建構過程,以及其所反抗的「古文傳統」之內涵,並辨析二者關係,相比起「古文傳統」內部「載道、唐宋、法度」的體系,「小品傳統」自身存在局限,並不足以貫穿明清散文的發展。相反,考察晚明小品文家的古文觀,清初古文家的小品創作,本文以為小品儘管一度興盛,然而「古文傳統」才是其時古文發展的主軸。 / 「古文傳統」既是關鍵所在,則如何詮釋文道關係是其時文壇的重要問題。本文指出明清之際的文道論接續了唐宋以來古文家與理學家的討論,並面臨如何承繼二者而有所發展的問題。本文通過辨析各家對文道合一的詮釋,考索其時文道論與唐宋古文家、理學家的論述之關係,指出明清之際的文人一方面推崇理學家道的修養,一方面提倡古文家的文章造詣,來達到文道合一。並通過加強文與經之間的關係,強調文必本於經典,來彌合古文家與理學家的分歧。 / 本文同時以錢謙益、黃宗羲、侯方域、汪琬為中心,具體討論明清之際文道關係的發展過程。指出錢謙益通過批評復古派,推崇反經,提出性情、學問與世運的主張,以道決定文的思路,拉開重建古文傳統的序幕。黃宗羲則在錢謙益的基礎上,通過擴大性情的內涵,以及道在審美上的包容性,重新詮釋文道關係。然而明清之際對侯方域的評價之轉變,從肯定其古文主張,到批評其小說筆法,恰正體現道決定文的思路在重建古文傳統過程中遇到的困境。汪琬則從道的層面維護程朱理學,從文的層面肯定復古派,批評錢謙益,排斥小說筆法,試圖通過文道並重的方法來解決困境。可以說明清之際古文的發展,正是從道決定文走向文道並重的過程。 / Prose development in late Ming and early Qing periods is accounted for by scholars in terms of the theories of Confucianism, the concepts of lyricism or the summaries of different schools of classical prose. This study holds the belief that the prose development within this period of time has its consistent internal logic, and its aim is to establish a new theory to explain and restore the track of such development based on the existing theories by previous scholars. This study points out that the relationship between dao 道 and wen 文 is the major element influencing the prose development in late Ming and early Qing; the interpretation and comprehension of it dictates the direction of prose development. / The two different traditions of classical prose and familiar essay are key concepts in understanding the prose development in late Ming and early Qing, especially the latter, which was constructed by Zhou Zuo-ren under the principle of lyricism. Based on the examination of its establishment, the nature of classical prose tradition it defies, and the relationship between the two, this study reveals that the familiar essay tradition was bound by its limitations which rendered it insufficient in accounting for the entire prose development of the whole period, in contrast to the internal system of classical prose tradition. The review of the view on classical prose by familiar essay writers in late Ming and the familiar essay output of classical prose writers in early Qing indicate that the classical prose tradition was then the main pillar of prose development and familiar essay was its subsidiary, despite its once high popularity. / With classical prose tradition being the key to prose development in late Ming and early Qing, the interpretation of the relationship between dao and wen was a significant issue in the ancient literary society. This study points out that when the scholars in late Ming and early Qing discussed dao and wen, such discussion was a continuation of that contributed by the masters of prose writing and philosophers of Neo-Confucianism since Tang and Song Dynasties, which relates to the problem of finding ways to advance through inheriting the two notions. Literary society in the past upheld the idea of fusing dao and wen. By analyzing the different interpretations of such fusion by various parties, this study investigates the relationship between the discussion of dao and wen in late Ming and early Qing dynasties and also that in Tang and Song dynasties, pointing out that by strengthening the relationship between prose and classics and emphasizing the classical basis of prose, it bridges the gap between Neo-Confucian philosophers’ morality and classical prose writers’ literariness. / Lastly, this study discusses the specific development of the theory of dao and wen during late Ming and early Qing through four case studies, namely, Qian Qian-yi’s criticism on Revival Theory, Huang Zong-xi’s theory of qing 情, the changing reviews on Hou Fang-yu, and Wang Wan’s criticism on Qian Qian-yi and fictional prose. Qian’s criticism marked the beginning of the revival of classical prose tradition during late Ming and early Qing, where he promoted the returning to classic, proposing the concept of qing and knowledge being complementary and the idea of dao determining wen. Huang, based on Qian’s thoughts, reinterpreted the relationship between dao and wen by further expanding the pool of connotations of qing and the aesthetic comprehensiveness of dao. / However, the phenomenon of scholars agreeing on Hou Fang-yu’s stand on classical prose while excoriating his ‘fictional style of prose writing techniques’小說筆法 reflects the predicament faced by the idea of dao determining wen in the process of reconstructing the classical prose tradition. Wang tried to resolve such predicament through putting emphasis on both dao and wen, defending neo-confucianism from the aspect of dao and affirming Ming Classicalists from that of wen, while criticizing Qian and rejecting fictional style. All these illustrate that classical prose development during Late Ming and Early Qing is a process of the transition from dao determining wen to emphasizing both dao and wen. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 李向昇. / Parallel title from added title page. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 215-229). / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Li Xiangsheng.

陳獻章(1428-1500)書法硏究. / Chen Xianzhang (1428-1500) shu fa yan jiu.

January 1998 (has links)
譚沛榮. / 論文(哲學碩士) -- 香港中文大學硏究院藝術學部, 1998. / 附參考文獻. / 中英文提要. / Tan Peirong. / 緒言 --- p.i-iii / Chapter 上篇 --- 陳獻章的時代背景及生平 / Chapter 第一章 --- 明代初期至中期的政治及社會狀況 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節: --- 帝主的作風 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二節: --- 駕馭臣民之術 --- p.3 / Chapter 第三節: --- 士人的趨避 --- p.5 / Chapter 第四節: --- 朱熹理學的尊崇 --- p.6 / Chapter 第五節: --- 地方民變頻仍 --- p.7 / Chapter 第六節: --- 地方經濟文化重心 --- p.8 / Chapter 第二章 --- 陳獻章的生平 --- p.12 / Chapter 第一節: --- 從學及科考 --- p.12 / Chapter 第二節: --- 閉門讀書及居ˇёإ授徒 --- p.15 / Chapter 第三節: --- 復遊太學、名震京師及科考落第 --- p.16 / Chapter 第四節: --- 居ˇёإ講學及盛名牽累 --- p.21 / Chapter 第五節: --- 應徵赴京、受窘及獲授官銜 --- p.24 / Chapter 第六節: --- 屢薦不起、著文寄託 --- p.27 / Chapter 下篇 --- 陳獻章的書法藝術 / Chapter 第一章 --- 明代書壇狀況 --- p.33 / Chapter 第一節: --- 皇帝愛惡 --- p.33 / Chapter 第二節: --- 大型刻帖的影響 --- p.34 / Chapter 第三節: --- 永樂大典修編的影響 --- p.34 / Chapter 第四節: --- 書壇局面的統合與分立 --- p.35 / Chapter 第五節: --- 明代書藝理論及淵源 --- p.37 / Chapter 第二章 --- 陳獻章的理學 --- p.41 / Chapter 第一節: --- 本體論:自然與自得 --- p.42 / Chapter 第二節: --- 方法論:虛與靜 --- p.45 / Chapter 第三章 --- 陳獻章的藝術觀 --- p.51 / Chapter 第一節: --- 詩觀 --- p.51 / Chapter 第二節: --- 對藝術的一般態度 --- p.55 / Chapter 第三節: --- 對藝術商品化的態度 --- p.57 / Chapter 第四章 --- 陳獻章書法藝術的師承 --- p.66 / Chapter 第一節: --- 幼學 --- p.66 / Chapter 第二節: --- 國子監課業 --- p.67 / Chapter 第三節: --- 嶺南文物 --- p.68 / Chapter 第四節: --- 朋輩影響 --- p.70 / Chapter 第五章 --- 陳獻章的書藝觀 --- p.73 / Chapter 第一節: --- 書藝與人生 --- p.73 / Chapter 第二節: --- 藝以載道 --- p.74 / Chapter 第三節: --- 中庸之道 --- p.76 / Chapter 第六章 --- 陳獻章茅龍書藝的成因及工具 --- p.82 / Chapter 第一節: --- 浙派畫風的薰染 --- p.83 / Chapter 第二節: --- 林良筆法的啓迪 --- p.84 / Chapter 第三節: --- 茅筆的材料及製造 --- p.86 / Chapter 第四節: --- 茅筆工具的局限性 --- p.88 / Chapter 第七章 --- 陳獻章的書法風格 --- p.91 / Chapter 第一節: --- 毛筆書風格 --- p.91 / Chapter 第二節: --- 茅筆書風格 --- p.93 / Chapter 第八章 --- 陳獻章書藝的成就及評價 --- p.97 / Chapter 第一節: --- 在書法工具上的創新 --- p.97 / Chapter 第二節: --- 在書法文化及藝術經濟上的貢獻 --- p.98 / Chapter 第三節: --- 理學與書藝的融合 --- p.99 / Chapter 第四節: --- 書法史地位的商榷 --- p.100 / Chapter 第五節: --- 書法史對陳獻章的忽略及誤解 --- p.101 / 參攷書目 --- p.107 / 附錄 / Chapter ´ؤ. --- 陳獻章年表 --- p.112 / Chapter 二. --- 陳獻章題跋書畫詩文一覽表 --- p.122 / Chapter 三. --- 陳獻章書蹟辨僞 --- p.124 / Chapter 四. --- “祇署´ب白沙,之陳獻章書蹟皆膺品´ح之商榷 --- p.126 / Chapter 五. --- 陳獻章書法作品編年評釋及圖版 --- p.129 / Chapter 六. --- 各章插圖 --- p.282 / 謝辭 --- p.306

周作人論公安、竟陵派及其小品文. / Study of Zhou Zuoren's comments on the sects of Gong'an and Jingling and their essays / Zhou Zuoren lun gong an, jing ling pai ji qi xiao pin wen.

January 2003 (has links)
俞驊. / "2003年8月". / 論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2003. / 附參考文獻. / 附中英文摘要. / "2003 nian 8 yue". / Yu Hua. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2003. / Fu can kao wen xian. / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 中國新文學史中的周作人及其小品文 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二節 --- 小品文的界說與發展 --- p.3 / Chapter 第三節 --- 晚明小品文高潮中的公安、竟陵派及其小品文 --- p.7 / Chapter 第二章 --- 周作人論公安派及其小品文 --- p.13 / Chapter 第一節 --- 「明人對於禮法的反抗很有現代氣息」 ´ؤ´ؤ周作人中國新文學源流論的切入點 --- p.13 / Chapter 1、 --- 對公安派三袁的重新評價 / Chapter 2、 --- 與公安派文學理論的同與不同 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「公安派與英國的小品文兩者所合成」 ´ؤ´ؤ周作人的中國新散文源流觀 --- p.22 / Chapter 1、 --- 「淸新流麗」´ؤ´ؤ周作人眼中的公安派小品文 / Chapter 2、 --- 「中國新散文的源流是公安派與英國的小品文兩者所合成」 / Chapter 第三章 --- 周作人論竟陵派及其小品文 --- p.42 / Chapter 第一節 --- 「公安派的流麗遂亦不得不繼以竟陵派的奇僻」 ´ؤ´ؤ周作人借鑒竟陵派對小品文創作理論的豐富和發展…… --- p.42 / Chapter 1、 --- 公安與竟陵的文學,「形似相反而實相成」 / Chapter 2、 --- 相反中更見相成´ؤ´ؤ竟陵派對公安派文學理論的繼承和發展 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「奇僻」´ؤ´ؤ周作人眼中的竟陵派的創作風格 --- p.58 / Chapter 1、 --- 「幽深孤峭」´ؤ´ؤ竟陵派的小品文創作風格 / Chapter 2、 --- 「幽情單緒」´ؤ´ؤ個人的孤獨感和寂寞感 / Chapter 第三節 --- 《帝京景物略》´ؤ´ؤ周作人眼中竟陵派唯一的代表作品 --- p.71 / Chapter 1、 --- 《帝京景物略》的成書與作品風格 / Chapter 2、 --- 周作人對《帝京景物略》內容和思想的認同與接受 / Chapter 第四章 --- 周作人論張岱及其小品文 --- p.81 / Chapter 第一節 --- 「集公安、竟陵兩派之大成」´ؤ´ؤ周作人眼中的張岱 --- p.81 / Chapter 1、 --- 張岱以史學家的眼光審視公安、竟陵兩派 / Chapter 2、 --- 「以堅實爲空靈」 ´ؤ´ؤ張岱對公安、竟陵兩派文學理論的融合和發展 / Chapter 第二節 --- 晚明小品文的集大成者´ؤ´ؤ周作人眼中張岱的小品文 --- p.95 / Chapter 1、 --- 「張岱的文章是頗有趣味的」 ´ؤ´ؤ兼有各派之長、題材之廣的張岱小品文 / Chapter 2、 --- 「中國的新俳文」´ؤ´ؤ周作人眼中張岱小品文的文化學蘊涵 / Chapter 第五章 --- 結論 --- p.114 / 附錄一:周作人文學年表 --- p.116 / 附錄二 :明小品文部分名家簡介注釋索引 --- p.156 / 參考書目

明代儒家女性的情慾問題--論淫書《癡婆子傳》. / Ming dai ru jia nü xing de qing yu wen ti--lun yin shu "Chi po zi zhuan".

January 2001 (has links)
張雅茵. / "2001年9月" / 論文 (哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2001. / 參考文獻 (leaves 141-150) / 附中英文摘要. / "2001 nian 9 yue" / Zhang Yayin. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2001. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 141-150) / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / 導論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一章 --- (不)自然的中國性事 --- p.12 / Chapter (一) --- 高羅佩:「中國」人的性習慣是健康的 --- p.13 / Chapter (二) --- 何謂「健康」的性習慣?一一對高羅佩的批判… --- p.16 / Chapter (三) --- 高羅佩對中國古代性事論述的影響 --- p.26 / Chapter (四) --- 小結:看不見女性的中國性事 --- p.33 / Chapter 第二章 --- (不)柔順的儒家女性肉體 --- p.40 / Chapter (一) --- 宗法父權及儒家女性 --- p.41 / Chapter (二) --- 壓抑的女性情慾 --- p.43 / Chapter (三) --- (非)柔順的肉體 --- p.45 / Chapter (四) --- 宗法父權/父權體制對(儒家)女性情慾 及身體的監控 --- p.46 / Chapter (五) --- 小結 --- p.62 / Chapter 第三章 --- 明代(不曾)禁錮的性事文化 --- p.71 / Chapter (一) --- 從滅(人)慾到反禁欲 --- p.74 / Chapter (二) --- 儒家女性的閱讀與書寫 --- p.80 / Chapter 第四章 --- 《癡婆子傳》一一儒家女性的情慾「越軌」 --- p.93 / Chapter (一) --- 小說內容 --- p.94 / Chapter (二) --- 重新閱讀(re-reading)《癡婆子傳》 》 --- p.95 / Chapter (三) --- 宗法父權規管下的儒家女性 --- p.98 / Chapter (四) --- 道德規條下的空間 --- p.104 / Chapter (五) --- 情慾的踰越 --- p.107 / Chapter (六) --- 儒家女性的「懺悔 」 --- p.126 / Chapter (七) --- 小結 --- p.128 / 結論 --- p.135 / 參考書目 --- p.141

王時敏《杜陵詩意圖冊》研究. / 王時敏杜陵詩意圖冊研究 / Wang Shimin "Du Ling shi yi tu ce" yan jiu. / Wang Shimin Du Ling shi yi tu ce yan jiu

January 2010 (has links)
陳冠男. / "2010年7月". / "2010 nian 7 yue". / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 113-140). / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Chen Guannan. / 謝辭 --- p.3 / 論文摘要 --- p.4-6 / 序言 --- p.7-10 / Chapter 第一章 --- 王時敏及其《杜陵詩意圖冊》 --- p.11-37 / Chapter 第一節 --- 生平簡述 --- p.11-15 / Chapter 第二節 --- 畫冊名稱與主人 --- p.15-18 / Chapter 第三節 --- 作品內容與表現 --- p.18-36 / 小結 --- p.36-37 / Chapter 第二章 --- 詩意圓的定義、流變與分類 --- p.38-66 / Chapter 第一節 --- 何謂詩意圖? --- p.38-44 / Chapter 第二節 --- 詩畫關係發展與詩意圖流變 --- p.45-58 / Chapter 第三節 --- 詩意圖之分類 --- p.58-64 / 小結 --- p.64-66 / Chapter 第三章 --- 《杜陵詩意圖冊》的背後 --- p.67-101 / Chapter 第一節 --- 對杜詩之推崇 --- p.68-71 / Chapter 第二節 --- 正統的喻示 --- p.71-79 / Chapter 第三節 --- 遺民生活 --- p.79-88 / Chapter 第四節 --- 藝術展示 --- p.88-102 / 結語 --- p.103-106 / 附件一王時敏《杜陵詩意圖冊》內容一覽表 --- p.107-110 / 附件二王時敏《杜陵詩意圖冊》資料統計表 --- p.111 / 附件三詩意圖之分類示意表 --- p.112 / 參考資料 --- p.113-124 / 圖錄 --- p.125-214 / 圖片資料表 --- p.125-140 / 圖版 --- p.141-214

Rewriting the inner chambers : the boudoir in Ming-Qing women's poetry

Li, Xiaorong, 1969- January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

晚明世說體著作研究 / A Study of the Late Ming Shih-shuo Form

官廷森, Kuan, T'ing-sen Unknown Date (has links)
《世說新語》在晚明時期(嘉靖至清初)造成空前之盛況,受到士人相當的重視與喜愛。就目前所知而言,單是《世說新語》原作的刻本,便至少有十八種。而《世說新語》之續作、仿作(世說體著作),更高達三十餘部之多;其中《世說新語補》一書,又有九種以上不同的版本。此外,嘗對《世說新語》原作、續作、仿作進行注釋、評點者,亦有十三家左右。至於為其撰作序、跋的文人,更是不勝枚舉、無從計數,甚至有一人撰作兩篇者。如此之盛況,乃歷代所絕無僅有。由此可知,《世說新語》在晚明確實扮演著相當重要的角色。   所謂季世,大抵均有若干類似之時代現象與特質。惟魏晉與晚明二者,實有更多相通之處。晚明文人便已自覺此點,如王宇〈清紀序〉論季世,即獨舉漢末魏晉與晚明對映。而晚明世說體著作乃至清言小品之蔚盛,更證明魏晉與晚明之關聯。因此,若以《世說新語》與魏晉時期的部分特質,觀照晚明之文學、思想、文化等現象,當不無所得。則晚明世說體著作,實頗值得吾人注意。 然而,現今對晚明時期的探討,不論是文學理論或士人風氣,皆鮮少觸及晚明世說體著作。晚明性靈思潮之興起,固與王陽明心學(王學泰州學派)之啟發及前、後七子擬古風氣之刺激有關,然其為何以此種面貌呈現?晚明文人為何以率真任性為處世準則?他們心中的理想人物典型又是哪些?而「清言」作品何以大盛於晚明?凡此問題,皆可自晚明世說體著作獲得啟發。事實上,晚明時期大量世說體著作的出現,即意味著《世說新語》與魏晉名士對當日文人而言,確實有特殊之意義。魏晉對晚明的影響,不僅是在文學審美興趣方面,士人思想風尚方面的影響,恐怕才是更為重大的。 在研究方向上,本文著重於魏晉與晚明彼此關係之探討,透過《世說新語》與晚明世說體著作的對照、比較,呈顯出晚明世說體著作的特色,並進一步反映出晚明時期之士人風尚與文學興趣。本文第二章探討晚明世說體著作之興起背景與原因;第三章分析晚明世說體著作之形式體制;第四章則自德行、言語、政事、文學、聰慧、賢媛等向度,論述晚明思想風尚及文學現象。希冀藉由對晚明世說體著作的研究,能發掘出其於晚明文學、思想、文化史中的意義與價值,並進而對整個晚明學術思潮、士人風尚及文學理論,有更為深刻的了解與掌握。 第一章 緒言 1 第二章 晚明世說體著作之興起 7 第一節 魏晉風流之企羨 7 第二節 短文小說之好尚 10 第三節 知名文士之推動 12 第三章 晚明世說體著作之體制 17 第一節 門類篇目 20 第二節 注文、小序、按語 27 第四章 晚明世說體著作之內容 47 第一節 德行 48 一、道德教化之編撰理念 54 二、細大不捐之選材標準 58 第二節 言語 68 一、清 71 (一)清之內涵 72 1、清與汙濁 72 2、清與雅俗 76 3、清與玄虛 81 4、清與風流 83 (二)晚明之清 88 1、名士風流之清 92 2、山林隱逸之清 97 (三)晚明世說體著作與晚明清言之關係 100 1、清言名義 101 2、清言形式 102 二、韻 112 (一)以疵為美 115 (二)多情率真 119 (三)任達放誕 123 (四)嗜酒耽色 127 第三節 政事 135 一、廣任才智之士 138 二、措意民生經濟 148 三、加強國防邊政 158 第四節 文學 160 一、文學詞章 162 (一)詞義兼備、文質彬彬 162 (二)文發於意見、詩本乎性情 164 (三)嚮慕魏晉詩文風韻 167 (四)推尊白居易、蘇軾 169 二、玄學佛理 172 三、博學多識 179 第五節 智慧 185 一、智 185 二、慧 196 第六節 賢媛 202 第五章 結語 213 參考書目 225 / During the Late Ming, the New Account of Tales of the World (Shih-shuo hsin yu) reached unprecedented heights in popularity; it was held in highest esteem by the era's scholars. Based on what we know now, there were at least 18 versions of the original printed edition of New Account of Tales of the World . Supplements and imitations of it numbered more than 30; among them, Addendum to New Account of Tales of the World had more than 9 different editions. Further, in comparisons of the original, supplements, and imitations, we find there are about 13 commentators and annotators. The number of scholars who wrote prefaces and colophons is too great to cite; in fact there was even one who wrote two. Such a profusion of interest was rare in the history of Chinese literature and it is because of this fact we can see what an important role New Account of Tales of the World played in the Late Ming. This paper focuses on a study of the interrelation between the Wei Chin period and the Late Ming. By comparing and contrasting New Account of Tales of the World with the Late Ming Shih-shuo form, unique characteristics of the latter are revealed as well as the tastes and literary interests of Late Ming scholars. Chapter 2 explores the background and causes for the rise in the Late Ming Shih-shuo form. Chapter 3 analyzes the structure and style of Late Ming Shih-shuo form. Chapter 4 discusses Late Ming trends in thought and literary imagery from several points of view: moral conduct, language, politics, literature, etc. Through this research, the author hopes to flesh out the significance and value of Late Ming Shih-shuo form on the literature, thought, and culture of that era and also gain a deeper understanding of Late Ming academic trends, scholar's proclivities, and literary theory. Chapter One: Introduction p. 1 Chapter Two: The Rise of Late Ming Shih-shuo Form p. 7 Part One: Admiration of the Wei Chin Style p. 7 Part Two: Affection for Short Stories p. 10 Part Three: Promotion by Famous Scholars p. 12 Chapter Three: The Structure of the Late Ming Shih-shuo Form p. 17 Part One: Categories of Titles p. 20 Part Two: Annotations, "Little" Prefaces, and Editorial Comments p.27 Chapter Four: Content of the Late Ming Shih-shuo Form p. 47 Part One: Moral Conduct p. 48 Section One: Theory of Compositions of Ethical Instruction p. 54 Section Two: The "Nothing Too Large or Small" Standard of Selecting Material p. 58 Part Two: Language p. 68 Section One: Purity p. 71 a. The Meaning of Purity p. 72 1. The Pure and The Polluted p. 72 2. The Pure and The Refined and Vulgar p. 76 3. The Pure and The Mysterious p. 81 4. The Pure and Matters of Style p. 83 b. The Late Ming's "Purity" p. 88 1. The Purity of the Rich and Famous p. 92 2. The Purity of the Recluse p. 97 c. The Relationship Between the Late Ming Shih-shuo Form and the Pure Language of the Er p. 100 1. The Meaning of Pure Language p. 101 2. The Form of Pure Language p. 102 Section Two: Deportment p. 112 a. The Flawed As Beautiful p. 115 b. Great Emotion and Candor p. 119 c. Unrestrained and Rash p. 123 d. Indulgence in Wine and Women p. 127 Part Three: Political Matters p. 135 Section One: Broad Employment of Men of Intelligence p. 138 Section Two: Attentitiveness to the National Economy p. 148 Section Three: Strengthen National Defense in Border Adminstrations p. 158 Part Four: Literature p. 160 Section One: Literary Works p. 162 a. If the Words and Meaning are In Accord, the Literature's Quality Will Be Elegant p. 162 b. Prose Comes From Ideas, Poetry From Disposition p. 164 c. Admiration of Wei Chin Literature's Charms p.167 d. Promotion of Pai Chu-yi and Su Shih p. 169 Section Two: Metaphysics and Buddhism p. 172 Section Three: Erudition p. 179 Part Five: Perfect Wisdom p. 185 Section One: Knowledge p. 185 Section Two: Intelligence p. 196 Part Six: Talented Women p. 202 Chapter Five: Conclusion p. 213 Bibliography p.225

許學夷《詩源辯體》研究 / A Study of Hsu Hsueh-yi's Shih yuan pien t'i

謝明陽, Hsieh, Ming Yang Unknown Date (has links)

高名凱漢語句法理論研究 / A study on kao ming - k'ai's theories of Chinese Syntax

金正必, Kim, Jeong Pil Unknown Date (has links)

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