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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Rhetoric of Transgression: Reconstructing Female Authority through Wu Zetian's Legacy

Rothstein-Safra, Rachael 01 January 2017 (has links)
This study examines representations of Wu Zetian in the biographical tradition of the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth centuries, as well as within the subsequent vernacular literature of the Ming and Qing periods. I analyze the traditional use and construction of female stereotypes (and female-oriented flaws and vices) in the rhetoric of official histories and fictional narratives and their application to representations of Wu Zetian. I argue that authors, anxious of discord engendered and caused by women occupying positions of political authority, sought to delegitimize Wu Zetian’s reign and subsequently cultivated a “rhetoric of female transgression.” I further argue that the image of Wu Zetian has become a cultural signifier of the dangers of female rule. Thus, my research broadly has two foci: (1) it traces the history of delegitimizing female rulership by examining the creation and codification of topoi, and (2) by focusing on images of Wu Zetian, this study examines how these topoi influence contemporary cultural and cross-cultural values, memory, and political rhetoric. This study is divided into three chapters. Chapter one lays out the history of Wu Zetian in the Tang dynasty and an assessment of women in Tang society, which will inform the analysis of literary portrayals of Wu Zetian in chapters two and three. The second chapter examines the earliest representations of Wu Zetian. Thematically, the second chapter explores the biographical interpretation of female authority and the discursive tradition of negotiating historic fact with formulaic and reoccurring tropes. The third chapter looks at representations of Wu Zetian in the literature of the Ming and Qing periods, in which narratives are encoded with the topoi previously established in earlier historical accounts. Ultimately, although this study examines the persistence of rhetorical topoi regarding Wu Zetian, it also addresses the contested and fluid nature of her representations in non-traditional media.

In the Name of A Love Story: Scholar-Beauty Novels and the Writing of Genre Fiction in Qing China (1644-1911)

Li, Mengjun 30 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Rilettura della storia e attivismo politico nei romanzi dei Wu Ming

Clivio, Claudio 12 1900 (has links)
Ma thèse propose une analyse attentive de la ré-écriture de l'histoire articulée dans trois romans du collectif d'écrivains italiens publiant sous le pseudonyme Wu Ming: "Q", "54" et "Manituana". Partant du pamphlet publié par les Wu Ming en 2008 sur leur conception du roman historique et de l’écriture romanesque en général, the New Italian Epic (NIE), je propose deux angles d’approche pour mettre en évidence la relecture de l’histoire se dessinant dans les romans cités ci-dessus: la notion du regard oblique (qui est mentionnée dans le NIE); et le concept de multitude. La technique du regard oblique implique une réflexivité de la narration, une mise en abîme du processus narratif qui est effectuéé par le biais d’un point de vue insolite. Ce dernier peut provenir d'un animal, d’un objet animé, ou même d’un objet mystérieux comme le flux immatériel. Cette technique a déjà des précédents littéraires dans l’oeuvre d’écrivains tels que Italo Calvino ou Thomas Pynchon, mais dans la nouvelle forme qu’elle acquiert dans les textes des Wu Ming, elle permet l’articulation d’une relecture transversale de l’histoire. Cette relecture transversale émergeant dans les romans des Wu Ming est analysée dans la première partie de la thèse. La conceptualisation du regard oblique que je développe dans cette partie se base sur la théorie de l'anamorphose de Jacques Lacan, ainsi que sur le concept de la "troisième personne" proposé récemment par le philosophe Roberto Esposito. La seconde partie de la thèse aborde la problématique de la confrontation de l'écriture des Wu Ming à la situation socio-politique internationale contemporaine, soit comment leur ré-écriture de l'histoire s'insère dans la situation biopolitique globale. Dans les romans des Wu Ming on voit surgir une interprétation de cette situation globale qui dépasse les notions classiques de l'État et du citoyen. Le concept du biopolitique se prête à diverses interprétations: dans ses écrits des années 1970, Michel Foucault, qui est un des théoriciens majeurs du biopouvoir et de la biopolitique, ne parvient pas à proposer une interprétation unique et précise de ce dernier concept. Plusieurs philosophes italiens ont repris ce discours en le développant chacun à sa manière. Certains, comme Paolo Virno et, un peu plus tard Toni Negri, voient dans la notion de la Multitude une possibilité pour équilibrer le rapport pouvoir/personne et par conséquent pour développer de nouvelles possibilités révolutionnaires pour la déconstruction du biopouvoir. Les Wu Ming semblent suivre la voie positive de la multitude, qui selon leur conception correspond plus à une interprétation néo-marxiste de l’histoire. / My thesis presents an attentive analysis of the rewriting of history, articulated in three novels of the group of Italian authors publishing under the pseudonym Wu Ming: "Q", "54" and "Manituana". Starting from the pamphlet published by the Wu Ming in 2008, on their conception of the historical novel and the romantic writing in general, the New Italian Epic (NIE), I propose two ways to put in evidence the review of History that emerges from the novels mentioned above: the notion of the oblique gaze (mentioned in the NIE); and the concept of the multitude. The technique of the oblique gaze implies a reflexion on the narration, a "mise en abyme" of the narrative process which is made by the way of an unusual point of view. This technique already has some litterary precedents in the works of writers such as Italo Calvino or Thomas Pynchon,*but in the new form that it aquires in the texts of the Wu MIng, it allows the articulation of a transversal review of history. This transversal review emerging from the novels of the Wu Ming is analysed in the first part of the thesis. The conceptualization of the oblique gaze that I develop in this section is based on the theory of the Anamorphosis of Jacques Lacan, in addition to the concept of the "Third person" suggested recently by the philosopher Roberto Esposito. The second part of the thesis focuses on Wu Ming’s analysis and interpretation of the contemporary socio-political situation, namely how their re-writing of history is inserted in the global biopolitical situation. In the novels of the Wu Ming we observe the emergence of an interpretation of this global situation which subverts the classical notions of the State and the citizen. The concept of biopolitics lends itself to different interpretations: in his writings of the 1970's, Michel Foucault, who is one of the major theorists of biopower and biopolitics, does not succeed in suggesting a unique and precise interpretation of this concept. Many Italian philosophers have worked on this notion, each one of them developping it in her own way. Some, such as Paolo Virno and, some time later Toni Negri, see in the concept of the multitude a possibility to balance the rapport power/people and therefore to develop new revolutionary possibilities for the deconstruction of the biopower. The Wu MIng seem to follow the positive reading of the multitude, which according to their conception, corresponds more to a neo-marxist interpretation of History. / Nella mia tesi esamino l’emergenza di una riscrittura della Storia proposta dai tre romanzi: Q, 54 e Manituana, del collettivo di scrittori italiani che pubblicano sotto lo pseudonimo Wu Ming, i quali, attraverso una nuova proposta di romanzo storico e lo sguardo della Moltitudine, rimettono in questione la struttura del biopotere. Da un’attenta analisi dei testi sopracitati fuoriescono le peculiarità di un nuovo modo di concepire il romanzo storico in cui, fra le varie caratteristiche emerge quella dello “sguardo obliquo”, tecnica basata nell’esporre al lettore la narrazione facendola provenire da un punto di vista che non è quello che solitamente ci si attende, ma piuttosto un punto di vista insolito che può provenire da animali, oggetti animati, o addirittura da oggetti misteriosi come flussi immateriali. Questa tecnica ha già visto alcuni illustri precedenti letterari nelle sperimentazioni di scrittori quali Italo Calvino o Thomas Pynchon, ma nella nuova forma che fuoriesce dalla scrittura dei Wu Ming acquista la particolare capacità di leggere la storia in un contesto che si accosta in modo accentuato alle problematiche del contemporaneo. L’analisi di questa lettura trasversale, che copre la prima parte della tesi, è stata effettuata con l’aiuto di alcune teorie come quelle dell’Anamorfosi di Jacques Lacan, ma è attraverso il concetto della “terza persona”, riproposto recentemente da Roberto Esposito, che ho inquadrato lo sguardo obliquo come essenza estranea al rapporto dialogico io/tu. Nella seconda parte della tesi affronto la problematica dell’allineamento della scrittura dei Wu Ming alla situazione socio-politica internazionale contemporanea; detta in altre parole cerco di far emergere come la loro riscrittura della storia si inserisca nella situazione biopolitica globale. Nei romanzi dei Wu Ming, infatti, si scorge un’interpretazione del contemporaneo che sorpassa le categorie classiche di Stato e cittadino in favore di un’idea di egemonia universale esercitante un bio-potere globale. Il concetto di biopolitica si apre a varie interpretazioni. Già dalle prime iniziative negli anni Settanta Michel Foucault si era trovato in una situazione di ambigua difficoltà nel poter dare un’interpretazione unica e precisa dei concetti da lui stesso proposti. Vari filosofi italiani hanno ripreso questo discorso incompiuto sviluppandogli intorno una parte importante del proprio pensiero, ognuno però scegliendo una propria strada. Alcuni di loro come Paolo Virno e, successivamente, Toni Negri vedono nella categoria della “Moltitudine” una possibile via per equilibrare il rapporto Potere/persona e quindi ottenere nuove possibilità rivoluzionarie per poter decostruire il biopotere. I Wu Ming sembrano seguire la strada positivista della moltitudine, la quale si allinea alla loro natura marxiana.

Rilettura della storia e attivismo politico nei romanzi dei Wu Ming

Clivio, Claudio 12 1900 (has links)
Ma thèse propose une analyse attentive de la ré-écriture de l'histoire articulée dans trois romans du collectif d'écrivains italiens publiant sous le pseudonyme Wu Ming: "Q", "54" et "Manituana". Partant du pamphlet publié par les Wu Ming en 2008 sur leur conception du roman historique et de l’écriture romanesque en général, the New Italian Epic (NIE), je propose deux angles d’approche pour mettre en évidence la relecture de l’histoire se dessinant dans les romans cités ci-dessus: la notion du regard oblique (qui est mentionnée dans le NIE); et le concept de multitude. La technique du regard oblique implique une réflexivité de la narration, une mise en abîme du processus narratif qui est effectuéé par le biais d’un point de vue insolite. Ce dernier peut provenir d'un animal, d’un objet animé, ou même d’un objet mystérieux comme le flux immatériel. Cette technique a déjà des précédents littéraires dans l’oeuvre d’écrivains tels que Italo Calvino ou Thomas Pynchon, mais dans la nouvelle forme qu’elle acquiert dans les textes des Wu Ming, elle permet l’articulation d’une relecture transversale de l’histoire. Cette relecture transversale émergeant dans les romans des Wu Ming est analysée dans la première partie de la thèse. La conceptualisation du regard oblique que je développe dans cette partie se base sur la théorie de l'anamorphose de Jacques Lacan, ainsi que sur le concept de la "troisième personne" proposé récemment par le philosophe Roberto Esposito. La seconde partie de la thèse aborde la problématique de la confrontation de l'écriture des Wu Ming à la situation socio-politique internationale contemporaine, soit comment leur ré-écriture de l'histoire s'insère dans la situation biopolitique globale. Dans les romans des Wu Ming on voit surgir une interprétation de cette situation globale qui dépasse les notions classiques de l'État et du citoyen. Le concept du biopolitique se prête à diverses interprétations: dans ses écrits des années 1970, Michel Foucault, qui est un des théoriciens majeurs du biopouvoir et de la biopolitique, ne parvient pas à proposer une interprétation unique et précise de ce dernier concept. Plusieurs philosophes italiens ont repris ce discours en le développant chacun à sa manière. Certains, comme Paolo Virno et, un peu plus tard Toni Negri, voient dans la notion de la Multitude une possibilité pour équilibrer le rapport pouvoir/personne et par conséquent pour développer de nouvelles possibilités révolutionnaires pour la déconstruction du biopouvoir. Les Wu Ming semblent suivre la voie positive de la multitude, qui selon leur conception correspond plus à une interprétation néo-marxiste de l’histoire. / My thesis presents an attentive analysis of the rewriting of history, articulated in three novels of the group of Italian authors publishing under the pseudonym Wu Ming: "Q", "54" and "Manituana". Starting from the pamphlet published by the Wu Ming in 2008, on their conception of the historical novel and the romantic writing in general, the New Italian Epic (NIE), I propose two ways to put in evidence the review of History that emerges from the novels mentioned above: the notion of the oblique gaze (mentioned in the NIE); and the concept of the multitude. The technique of the oblique gaze implies a reflexion on the narration, a "mise en abyme" of the narrative process which is made by the way of an unusual point of view. This technique already has some litterary precedents in the works of writers such as Italo Calvino or Thomas Pynchon,*but in the new form that it aquires in the texts of the Wu MIng, it allows the articulation of a transversal review of history. This transversal review emerging from the novels of the Wu Ming is analysed in the first part of the thesis. The conceptualization of the oblique gaze that I develop in this section is based on the theory of the Anamorphosis of Jacques Lacan, in addition to the concept of the "Third person" suggested recently by the philosopher Roberto Esposito. The second part of the thesis focuses on Wu Ming’s analysis and interpretation of the contemporary socio-political situation, namely how their re-writing of history is inserted in the global biopolitical situation. In the novels of the Wu Ming we observe the emergence of an interpretation of this global situation which subverts the classical notions of the State and the citizen. The concept of biopolitics lends itself to different interpretations: in his writings of the 1970's, Michel Foucault, who is one of the major theorists of biopower and biopolitics, does not succeed in suggesting a unique and precise interpretation of this concept. Many Italian philosophers have worked on this notion, each one of them developping it in her own way. Some, such as Paolo Virno and, some time later Toni Negri, see in the concept of the multitude a possibility to balance the rapport power/people and therefore to develop new revolutionary possibilities for the deconstruction of the biopower. The Wu MIng seem to follow the positive reading of the multitude, which according to their conception, corresponds more to a neo-marxist interpretation of History. / Nella mia tesi esamino l’emergenza di una riscrittura della Storia proposta dai tre romanzi: Q, 54 e Manituana, del collettivo di scrittori italiani che pubblicano sotto lo pseudonimo Wu Ming, i quali, attraverso una nuova proposta di romanzo storico e lo sguardo della Moltitudine, rimettono in questione la struttura del biopotere. Da un’attenta analisi dei testi sopracitati fuoriescono le peculiarità di un nuovo modo di concepire il romanzo storico in cui, fra le varie caratteristiche emerge quella dello “sguardo obliquo”, tecnica basata nell’esporre al lettore la narrazione facendola provenire da un punto di vista che non è quello che solitamente ci si attende, ma piuttosto un punto di vista insolito che può provenire da animali, oggetti animati, o addirittura da oggetti misteriosi come flussi immateriali. Questa tecnica ha già visto alcuni illustri precedenti letterari nelle sperimentazioni di scrittori quali Italo Calvino o Thomas Pynchon, ma nella nuova forma che fuoriesce dalla scrittura dei Wu Ming acquista la particolare capacità di leggere la storia in un contesto che si accosta in modo accentuato alle problematiche del contemporaneo. L’analisi di questa lettura trasversale, che copre la prima parte della tesi, è stata effettuata con l’aiuto di alcune teorie come quelle dell’Anamorfosi di Jacques Lacan, ma è attraverso il concetto della “terza persona”, riproposto recentemente da Roberto Esposito, che ho inquadrato lo sguardo obliquo come essenza estranea al rapporto dialogico io/tu. Nella seconda parte della tesi affronto la problematica dell’allineamento della scrittura dei Wu Ming alla situazione socio-politica internazionale contemporanea; detta in altre parole cerco di far emergere come la loro riscrittura della storia si inserisca nella situazione biopolitica globale. Nei romanzi dei Wu Ming, infatti, si scorge un’interpretazione del contemporaneo che sorpassa le categorie classiche di Stato e cittadino in favore di un’idea di egemonia universale esercitante un bio-potere globale. Il concetto di biopolitica si apre a varie interpretazioni. Già dalle prime iniziative negli anni Settanta Michel Foucault si era trovato in una situazione di ambigua difficoltà nel poter dare un’interpretazione unica e precisa dei concetti da lui stesso proposti. Vari filosofi italiani hanno ripreso questo discorso incompiuto sviluppandogli intorno una parte importante del proprio pensiero, ognuno però scegliendo una propria strada. Alcuni di loro come Paolo Virno e, successivamente, Toni Negri vedono nella categoria della “Moltitudine” una possibile via per equilibrare il rapporto Potere/persona e quindi ottenere nuove possibilità rivoluzionarie per poter decostruire il biopotere. I Wu Ming sembrano seguire la strada positivista della moltitudine, la quale si allinea alla loro natura marxiana.

A school-based case study

Kwan, Che-ying., 關之英. January 1995 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education


雷飛龍, Lei, Fei-Long Unknown Date (has links)
臣下敢在君主深惡痛絕之下結黨爭權,君主的領導方法或能力,一定有所欠缺,縱使英明強幹的君主,如其在重大問題上遲疑不決,或已決定而又起動搖,臣下即可能結黨相爭,如果君主採用「分而治之」的手段,利用臣下的對立,以維護君權,也可能引起黨爭;如果君主不能明斷,則君主已失其定分止爭的作用。臣下為求取勝利,自不免結黨以爭,如果君權已經旁落,則君主為求收回權力、或臣僚中之不滿於竊取權力者,亦將結黨以爭,漢、唐、宋、明各代的黨爭無不如此。 故就東漢、中唐、北宋、晚明等黨爭的形成原因來說,均難謂為出於某一單純原因而係由於各種因素的湊合,例如東漢黨爭的形成,君權旁落與取士制度關係取大,仕途壅塞則其助力,中唐牛李黨爭的形成,政策的不同,取士制度,均為主要原因,而君主所採「分而治之」的手段,君不明斷,仕途壅塞,均有助力,北宋的范仲淹、王安石及其反對者的鬥爭,主因即在學術政策的不同,地域的不同,君主的領導方式,亦有重要關係,晚明黨爭的發生,君主的領導無方最為重要原因,品性、地域的不同, 仕途的壅塞,取士制度等,均有關係。 最後我們認為朋黨的形成,一般都是出於「弱者」意識,所謂弱者,亦即自認其利益未被照顧或未被妥善照顧的人,這種人往往構成一個「不滿的利益集團」,不論何時何地,只要有「不滿的利益集團」存在,即可能出現朋黨。

Books, reading, and knowledge in Ming China

Dai, Lianbin January 2012 (has links)
The art of reading and its application to knowledge acquisition and innovation by elites have been largely neglected by historians of print culture and reading in late imperial China (1368-1911). Unlike most studies, which are concerned more with the implied reader and individual reading experience, the present study assumes that the actual reader and the social, cultural and epistemic dimensions of reading practices are the central issues of a history of reading in China. That is, while the art of reading was internalized by the individual, his learning and application of it had social, cultural and epistemic features. At a time when secular reading practices in Renaissance England were informed by Erasmian principles, Ming literati, regardless of their different philosophical stances, were being trained in an art of reading proposed by Zhu Xi (1130-1200), whose Neo-Confucian philosophy had been esteemed as orthodox since the fourteenth century. Transformations and challenges in interpreting and applying his art did not hinder its general reception among elite readers. Its common employment determined the practitioner’s epistemic frame and manner of knowledge innovation. My dissertation consists of five chapters bracketed with an introduction and conclusion. Chapter One discusses Zhu’s theory of reading and the implied pattern of acquiring and innovating knowledge, based on a careful reading of his writings and conversations. Chapter Two describes the transmission of Zhu’s theory from the thirteenth to the seventeenth centuries. During its transmission, Zhu’s art was reedited, rephrased, and even readapted by both government agencies and individual authors with different intentions and agendas. Chapter Three focuses on the reception of Zhu’s theory of reading by 1500 and argues that the moral end of reading eventually triumphed over the intellectual one in early Ming Confucian philosophy. Chapter Four explores the affinity of Ming philosophers of mind with Zhu’s theory in their reading concepts and practices from 1500 to the mid-seventeenth century. Despite their attempts to separate themselves intellectually from the Song tradition, Ming philosophers of mind followed Zhu’s rules for reading in their intellectual practices. Chapter Five outlines the reading habits and knowledge landscape based on a statistical survey of extant Ming imprints. Despite some deviations, the Ming reading habits and knowledge framework largely accorded with Zhu’s theory and its Ming adaptations. The continuity of reading habits from Zhu’s time to the seventeenth century, I conclude, inspires us to rethink the Ming apostasy from the Song tradition. The particularity of scholarly knowledge acquisition and innovation in Ming-Qing China by the eighteenth century was not invented by Ming-Qing scholars but anticipated by Zhu through his theory of reading. With respect to late imperial China, the history of reading, together with the history of knowledge, is yet to be fruitfully explored. With this dissertation, I hope to be able to make a contribution to the understanding of the East Asian orthodox habit of reading as represented by Zhu’s admirers. By placing my investigation in the context of the history of knowledge, I also hope to contribute to the understanding of the relationship of reading to the way that knowledge evolved in traditional China. Intellectual historians tended to consider the Ming Confucian tradition as having broken off from the Cheng-Zhu tradition, but at least in reading habits and practices Ming elite readers perpetuated Zhu’s theory of reading and the knowledge framework it implied.

徐渭《四聲猿》在明清的接受研究. / 徐渭四聲猿在明清的接受研究 / Xu Xei "Si sheng yuan" zai Ming Qing de jie shou yan jiu. / Xu Wei Si sheng yuan zai Ming Qing de jie shou yan jiu

January 2013 (has links)
徐渭《四聲猿》由《狂鼓史漁陽三弄》、《玉禪師翠鄉一夢》、《雌木蘭替父從軍》和《女狀元辭凰得鳳》四個雜劇組成,對明清雜劇的影響深遠。《四聲猿》從問世到清代,文人雅士通過序跋、評點、刊刻和擬作紛紛顯示出對《四聲猿》的關注。究竟《四聲猿》有甚麼獨特之處吸引著明清二代的文人?他們所關注的又是甚麼呢?又明清文人對其接受有何不同?雖然關於《四聲猿》的研究已經非常豐富,但卻集中文本內部的討論,加上資料的缺乏,對《四聲猿》在明清的接受概況缺乏全面的分析。因此,筆者致力於搜集《四聲猿》在明清時期的評點本及與《四聲猿》聯繫的雜劇創作,欲勾勒出明清文人對《四聲猿》接受的情況;且有幸發現一些未被學界引用的評點善本及戲曲創作,尤其是當中新發現上海圖書館所藏的明天放道人評點善本,展示了《四聲猿》更多元化的接受方向。 / 本文主要從兩方面分析《四聲猿》在明清的接受概況,第一,從《四聲猿》的版本流傳及演出紀錄、傳播者、戲曲批評、戲曲創作四方面分析明清文人對《四聲猿》的接受;第二,則以時間為軸線,從明中葉、晚明清初、清中期及清末四個階段分析文人對其接受重心的轉變。本文共分七章,第一章為緒論部分,首先簡介徐渭的生平及《四聲猿》、研究概況、本文的研究動機及方法;第二章為《四聲猿》與民間文化、文人文化的關係,分析作品對民間文化的吸收及當中所體現的文人對自身及社會的關注;第三章介紹《四聲猿》的明清版本流傳及演出紀錄;第四章為《四聲猿》的明清評點與批評,從對《四聲猿》起傳播作用的重要人物袁宏道、澂道人及其他戲曲批評家分析《四聲猿》在明清接受的面貌,當中更會引用新發現的天放道人評點本如何將《四聲猿》擴展至社會功用的價值;第五章為晚明至清中葉戲曲家對《四聲猿》的仿寫與續作,通過對沈自徵《漁陽三弄》、張韜《續四聲猿》、桂馥《後四聲猿》的擬作分析探討明清不同時期對《四聲猿》接受的重心轉變;第六章為猿啼五聲──清末戲曲家洪炳文《懸嶴猿》研究,分析在時局動盪、國家危難之時,劇作家如何深化《四聲猿》猿啼之悲的意象,以此鼓勵人心,圖以救國;最後第七章則總結明清以來,《四聲猿》在戲曲批評、戲曲作品以致詮釋上方面的轉變。 / Xu Wei(徐渭) sisheng yuan(《四聲猿》) is very important in the Ming and Qing Dynasty. It includes four short plays, they are Kuang gushi yuyang san nong(《狂鼓史漁陽三弄》), Yu chanshi cuixiang yimeng(《玉禪師翠鄉一夢》), Ci Mulan tifu congjun(《雌木蘭替父從軍》)and Nu zhuangyuan cihuang defeng(《女狀元辭鳳得凰》). During the Ming and Qing Dynasty, literti paid a lot of attention on sishengyuan accroding to the criticism, preface, ed his works and simulated drama creation(擬作), why did they attach great importance to sishengyuan? What were their concern? Also, what is the difference of reception between the Ming and Qing Dynasties? The research on the sishengyuan has already got many achievement, but most of them were based on the textual study. The previous research lack of a comprehensive analysis of sishengyuan reception. Therefore, this paper is aim to sketched out the image of recognition process of Xuwei ’s Sishengyuan in the Ming and Qing Dynasty. / This paper is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is the introduction of xuwei sishengyuan, research review and method. In the second chapter, we will analysis sishengyuan’s vulgar culture and xuwei’s concern about the society. The third chapter is sishengyuan’s versions and performance record in the Ming and Qing Dynasty. In the chapter four, we will analysis sishengyuan’s criticism in the Ming and Qing Dynasty. It included Yuan hongdao(袁宏道), Daoist Cheng(澂道人) and other important literati, Also we will use the new discovered details of Daoist Tianfang’s(天放道人) criticism, to find how did he extened the sishengyuan’s value to the social function. The chapter five is the simulated zaju(擬作)during the late Ming the the early Qing. They are Shen zizheng’s(沈自徵) yuyang sannong(《漁陽三弄》) Zhan Tao’s(張韜) xu sishengyuan(《續四聲猿》), Gui Fu’s(桂馥) hou sishengyuan(《後四聲猿》). In this chapter we will find the difference of sishengyuan’s reception between them. The chapter six is a study on the Hong bingwen’s(洪炳文) yuan aoyuan(《懸嶴猿》) in the late Qing. It will focus on how did he deepen the imagery of sisheng yuan to encourage people to save their country. The last chapter is an summary of the sishengyuan’s reception in the Ming and Qing Dynasty. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 楊培紅. / "2013年1月". / "2013 nian 1 yue". / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 212-219). / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Yang Peihong. / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 / Chapter 第一節: --- 明清雜劇發展史視野下的徐渭《四聲猿》 --- p.P.1 / Chapter 第二節: --- 研究述評 --- p.P.4 / Chapter 第三節: --- 研究動機 --- p.P.10 / Chapter 第四節: --- 研究方法及範圍 --- p.P.11 / Chapter 第二章 --- 《四聲猿》與民間文化、人的關係 / Chapter 第一節: --- 徐渭的戲曲觀 --- p.P.14 / Chapter 第二節: --- 《四聲猿》的民間文化 --- p.P.16 / Chapter 第三節: --- 文人的抒情與寄託 --- p.P.24 / Chapter 第三章 --- 《四聲猿》的明清版本與演出紀錄 / Chapter 第一節: --- 版本介紹 --- p.P.36 / Chapter 第二節: --- 選本及演出紀錄 --- p.P.38 / Chapter 第三節: --- 結語 --- p.P.45 / Chapter 第四章 --- 《聲猿》的明清評點與批評 / Chapter 第一節: --- 袁宏道傳記與評點對《四聲猿》的播作用 --- p.P.46 / Chapter 第二節: --- 孟稱舜對《狂鼓史》與雌木蘭的改評 --- p.P.62 / Chapter 第三節: --- 新發現的天放道人評《四聲猿》及其教化旨趣 --- p.P.68 / Chapter 第四節: --- 澂道人的評點及其生平考證 --- p.P.82 / Chapter 第五節: --- 結語 --- p.P.98 / Chapter 第五章 --- 晚明至清中葉戲曲家對《四聲猿》的仿寫與續作 / Chapter 第一節: --- 沈自徵《漁陽三弄》 --- p.P.99 / Chapter 第二節: --- 張韜《續四聲猿》 --- p.P.121 / Chapter 第三節: --- 桂馥《後四聲猿》 --- p.P.138 / Chapter 第四節: --- 結語 --- p.P.162 / Chapter 第六章 --- 猿啼五聲--清末戲曲家洪炳文《懸嶴猿》研究 / Chapter 第一節: --- 猿啼五聲的創作結構 --- p.P.166 / Chapter 第二節: --- 忠臣護主之鳴 --- p.P.171 / Chapter 第三節: --- 孤臣抗之鳴 --- p.P.176 / Chapter 第四節: --- 懲兇儆奸之鳴 --- p.P.178 / Chapter 第五節: --- 救亡圖存之鳴 --- p.P.181 / Chapter 第六節: --- 女史展墓之鳴 --- p.P.188 / Chapter 第七節: --- 結語 --- p.P.197 / Chapter 第七章 --- 總結 / 附錄

The icon of gardens: how seventeenth-century women painters in Jiangnan constructed and developed their public personae and artistic identities. / 園中意: 論十七世紀的江南地區的女性畫家如何建立藝術家身份及公眾形象 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Yuan zhong yi: lun shi qi shi ji de Jiang nan di qu de nü xing hua jia ru he jian li yi shu jia shen fen ji gong zhong xing xiang

January 2011 (has links)
Lee, Wun Sze Sylvia. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 261-268). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.

從「本土」到世界: 張系國、林燿德、吳明益科幻小說研究 = From "native" to global : a study on Chang Shi-kuo's, Lin Yao-de's and Wu Ming-yi's science fiction. / From native to global: a study on Chang Shi-kuo's, Lin Yao-de's and Wu Ming-yi's science fiction / 從本土到世界: 張系國、林燿德、吳明益科幻小說研究 / Cong 'ben tu' dao shi jie: Zhang Xiguo, Lin Yaode, Wu Mingyi ke huan xiao shuo yan jiu = From "native" to global : a study on Chang Shi-kuo's, Lin Yao-de's and Wu Ming-yi's science fiction. / Cong ben tu dao shi jie: Zhang Xiguo, Lin Yaode, Wu Mingyi ke huan xiao shuo yan jiu

January 2014 (has links)
過往研究者主要從主題、文化意涵等角度詮釋臺灣科幻小說的內容,鮮有從宏觀角度探討科幻小說創作與臺灣文學發展的關係。本文以為臺灣科幻小說與臺灣文學的「本土」論述密切相關。科幻小說是源自西方的文學類型(literary genre),它擅於探討跨越國族的普世議題,臺灣作家往往藉由引介和創作科幻小說,開拓他們創作的「世界視野」,並檢討「本土」論述中的民族主義情結。故此,臺灣科幻小說特別強調文化全球化對作家反思臺灣歷史和地域文化的重要性。在全球化的語境下,作家必須正視外國文化對臺灣「本土」的影響,並積極思考臺灣文學與世界文學共同的創作方向。 / 為了深入探討臺灣科幻小說對「本土」議題的反思,本文以三位作家的科幻創作為例,具體呈現科幻小說「從『本土』到世界」的發展過程:(一) 七、八十年代期間,張系國(1944- )以科幻小說審視鄉土小說中的民族主義情結,同時追溯對外省籍作家的身份認同極為重要的國共分裂史;(二) 八、九十年代期間,林燿德(1962-1996)以科幻小說檢討「本土」論述的暴力性質,同時以深受日本流行文化影響的年輕作家的立場,回顧日據時期的殖民歷史;(三) 二千年以後,吳明益(1971- )以科幻小說檢視「本土」論述中的族群文化,探討原住民與自然共處的方式,同時超越特定族群的立場,想像南島民族(Austronesian, 即原住民)遷徙的歷史。通過上述三位作家的科幻創作,本文希望指出臺灣科幻小說逐漸超越「本土」論述的局限,彰顯其普世價值。 / In the previous studies on Taiwanese science fiction, researches mainly adopted the thematic or cultural approaches among the others to interpret the science fiction. Seldom did they study them macroscopically and investigate the relationship between this kind of creative work and Taiwanese Literature. This thesis proposes that there exists an intertwined relationship between Taiwanese science fiction and the "native" discourse of Taiwanese Literature. Science fiction, as a literary genre, comes from the West and is known for its ability to transcend the boundaries of nation and ethnicity to discuss the universal topics. By introducing this genre and creating this kind of literary works, those writers open up the "globe perspective" in their works and examine the Nationalist sentiment in the "native" discourse. Hence, Taiwanese science fiction places heavy emphasis on the influence of Cultural Globalization upon Taiwanese writers’ reflections on Taiwanese history and culture. Under the context of Globalization, writers must face the influence of foreign cultures on "native" Taiwan and actively contemplate the common direction for creative works in Taiwanese and World Literature. / To further discuss how Taiwanese science fiction’s reflection upon the concept of ‘Native’, this thesis will study the science fiction of three writers to illustrate the Taiwanese science fiction’s development from "Native" to "Global" as follows: (1) In the 70s and 80s, Chang Shi-kuo (b.1944) examines the Nationalist sentiment in Nativist Literature through Science Fiction while he also traces the history of the separation between Kuomintang and Chinese Communist Party, which is of vital importance to the immigrant writers’ identity; (2) Lin Yao-de (1962-1996) explores the violent nature of the "nativist" discourse by science fiction. Meanwhile, under the influence of Japanese popular culture over the young writers, he also reviews Taiwanese History during the Japanese occupation; (3) After the millennium, Wu Ming-yi (b.1971) investigates the ethnic culture in the "native" discourse and examines the aborigine’s ways to cohabit with the nature. He also transcends the boundary of a specific ethnic group to create the imaginative history of relocation of the Austronesian (that is the aborigines). Through examining the science fiction of the above writers, the thesis would illustrate how the Taiwanese science fiction is transcending the limits of the particular "native" discourse and displays its universality. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 何嘉俊. / Parallel title from English abstract. / Thesis (M.Phil.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 143-155). / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / He Jiajun.

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