Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mmp"" "subject:"momp""
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"Efeito da terapia com laser em baixa intensidade (LILT) na produção de proteínas por macrófagos estimulados por cimentos endodônticos" / Effect of low level laser therapy (LILT) on the protein secretion by endodontic sealers stimulated macrophagesLorena Ribeiro de Sousa 08 March 2006 (has links)
A terapia endodôntica visa o selamento biológico do complexo sistema apical, contribuindo para isso, as substâncias usadas no tratamento e a resposta imune do paciente. A LILT tem mostrado atividade antiinflamatória, favorecendo o processo reparacional. Sendo assim, este trabalho objetivou analisar o efeito da LILT na atividade secretória de macrófagos, previamente ativados por IFN-? e LPS de E.coli, e estimulados por substâncias liberadas de três tipos de cimentos endodônticos, um a base de óxido de zinco e eugenol, outro a base de hidróxido de cálcio e um terceiro resinoso. A citotoxicidade dessas substâncias foi avaliada usando a técnica de análise do MTT. Macrófagos ativados foram estimulados por essas substâncias ou não (controle) e então, irradiados ou não (controle) e a secreção de proteínas próinflamatórias (interleucina-1 b, fator de necrose tumoral-a e metaloproteinase da matriz-1) foram analisadas pelo teste ELISA. As irradiações foram realizadas com um laser GaAlAs (780 nm, 70 mW, ponta da fibra de 4 mm2, 1.67 seg, 3 J/cm2). Foram usadas duas aplicações de irradiação com intervalo de 6 h. Os dados obtidos foram tratados por Análise de Variância, quando de distribuição normal, ou teste de Friedman, quando de distribuição não normal, com nível de significância de 5 % (p = 0,05). A viabilidade dos controles e células tratados pelos cimentos endodônticos foi similar. Produção de IL-1 b e TNF-a foram observadas. Houve alta produção de MMP-1. Entretanto, sem diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos experimentais. Os grupos irradiados apresentaram resultados similares aos não irradiados. Substâncias liberadas pelos cimentos endodônticos testados não se mostraram citotóxicas nas condições deste experimento. Essas substâncias, bem como a LILT, no parâmetro utilizado, não causam alteração na atividade de secreção de MMP-1, IL-1 b e TNF-a por macrófagos ativados. / The endodontic therapy seeks the dental root canal biological sealing, depending on substances used in this process and patients defense immune factors. LILT has shown an anti-inflammatory activity, improving the periapical repair process. This in vitro study aimed to analyze the effect of LILT at the secretory activity of macrophages previously activated by interferon-gamma and lypopolisaccharide from E.coli, and stimulated by substances leached from three endodontic sealers (zinc oxide-eugenol based, resinous and calcium hydroxide-based). Cytotoxicity of these substances was assessed by the MTT test. Activated macrophages were stimulated by the substances or not (control) and then, irradiated or not (control) and the secretion of pro-inflammatory proteins (interleukin-1 b, tumor necrosis factor-a and matrix metalloproteinase-1) was analyzed by ELISA test. The LILT was performed using a GaAlAs laser (780 nm, 70 mW, focal spot of 4.0 mm2, 1.67 sec, 3 J/cm2). Two irradiations with 6 h-intervals were done. The data was compared by either ANOVA test or Friedmans test. The cell viabilities of controls and cells treated by the sealers were similar. Production of IL -1 b and TNF-a were observed. There was a high production of MMP-1. However, statistical differences were not observed amongst the groups. The irradiated groups presented results similar to those of non irradiated groups. Substances leached from the endodontic sealers are non cytotoxic at these experiments conditions . These substances, as well as the LILT, at the parameter used, were not able to change the secretion of MMP-1, IL-1 b e TNF-a by activated macrophages.
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Efeito do extrato de aroeira no processo de proliferação e mineralização de osteoblastos in vitro / Effect of aroira extract in the process of proliferation and mineralization of osteoblasts in vitroAdriana Arruda Matos 30 August 2013 (has links)
Em virtude do uso indiscriminado de antimicrobianos, a resistência de microrganismos patogênicos à diversas drogas tem aumentado nos últimos anos. Essa situação tem forçado pesquisadores a procurarem por novas drogas, tais como os medicamentos fitoterápicos que são preparações farmacêuticas (extratos, tinturas, pomadas e cápsulas) de ervas medicinais, utilizadas para o tratamento de inúmeras doenças. Uma das espécies brasileiras do cerrado que tem despertado o interesse de várias áreas é a aroeira (Myracrodruon urundeuva), por apresentar ação antiinflamatória, antiproliferativa, antioxidante e antimicrobiana. Dessa maneira o objetivo deste trabalho foi de avaliar o efeito do extrato hidroalcoólico de aroeira na viabilidade celular dos osteoblastos humanos e analisar a influência do extrato hidroalcoólico de aroeira na expressão de metaloproteinase de matriz 2 (MMP-2) e anquilose progressiva humana (ANKH). Nesse estudo foram utilizados osteoblastos humanos cultivados em Meio de Eagle modificado por Dulbecco (DMEM) adicionado de 10% de soro fetal bovino (SFB). Após atingirem a subconfluência as células foram plaqueadas e tratadas com diferentes concentrações do extrato hidroalcoólico de aroeira (Extrato Bruto; 1:10; 1:100; 1:1.000; 1:10.000). Após 24, 48, 72, 96 horas foi realizada a análise da viabilidade celular por meio da redução do MTT (brometo de 3-(4,5-dimetiltiazol-2-yl)-2,5- difeniltetrazólio), captação do vermelho neutro e cristal violeta. Também foi feita a redução do MTT após 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias de tratamento com o extrato, para verificar se as células permaneciam viáveis nesses períodos. A análise da expressão gênica de MMP-2 e ANKH foi realizada pelo RT-PCR em tempo real nos períodos de 24, 48, 72 horas, 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias. Os ensaio de viabilidade celular (redução do MTT, captação do vermelho e cristal violeta) mostraram que houve o aumento da viabilidade celular nos grupos tratados com o extrato a 1:10.000; e a diminuição da viabilidade dos osteoblastos humanos nos grupos com extrato bruto e com 1:10. Com relação à expressão de MMP-2 e ANKH, os resultados mostraram que o extrato promoveu uma modulação da expressão desses genes no decorrer dos períodos em comparação com o grupo controle. De um modo geral o extrato, em maiores concentrações (1:100), inibiu a expressão de MMP-2 e aumentou a expressão de ANKH. Tendo em vista os resultados obtidos concluímos que o extrato hidroalcoólico de aroeira em altas concentrações promove redução e/ou morte celular dos osteoblastos humanos e ainda modulam a expressão de MMP-2 e ANKH. / Due to the indiscriminate use of antimicrobial, the resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to various drugs has increased in recent years. This situation has forced researchers to search for new drugs, such as herbal medicines that are pharmaceutical preparations (extracts, tinctures, ointments and capsules) medicinal herb, used for the treatment of numerous diseases. One species of the Brazil that has aroused interest in many areas is the aroeira (Myracrodruon urundeuva) because of its anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, antioxidant and antimicrobial. Thus the aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of hydroalcoholic extract of aroeira on cell viability of human osteoblasts and to analyze extract on the expression of matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) and human progressive ankylosis (ANKH) . In this study, we used human osteoblasts cultured in Eagle\'s medium modified by Dulbecco (DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). After reaching subconfluence cells were plated and treated with different concentrations of the aroeira extract hydroalcoholic (brute extract , 1:10, 1:100, 1:1.000, 1:10:000). After 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours analysis was performed of cell viability by the reduction of MTT (3 - (4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl) -2,5 - diphenyltetrazolium bromide) uptake of neutral red and crystal violet. It was also made MTT reduction after 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of treatment with the extract, to check if the cells remained viable during these periods. The analysis of the gene expression of MMP-2 and ANKH was performed by Real Time RT-PCR in periods of 24, 48 hours, 72 hours, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The cell viability assay (MTT reduction, uptake of neutral red and crystal violet) showed that there was a tendency of increased cell viability in the groups treated with the extract 1:10.000, and decreased viability of human osteoblast cells in groups with brute extract and 1:10. With respect to expression of MMP-2 and ANKH, the results showed that the extract promoted a modulation of expression of these genes during the periods, compared to the control group. Generally extract at higher concentrations (1:100) both inhibited the expression of MMP-2 and increased rhe expression of ANKH. Given the results we conclude that the hydroalcoholic extract of aroeira in high concentrations causes a reduction and / or cell death of human osteoblasts and also modulate the expressio of MMP-2 and ANKH.
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Association between periodontal and systemic inflammation:a study of pro- and anti-inflammatory mediatorsNorppa, A. (Anna) 12 November 2012 (has links)
The principal aim of this study was to explore associations between systemic inflammatory status and periodontal inflammation and tissue destruction. The study population consisted of 61 patients with chronic periodontitis, 30 periodontally healthy control subjects, and 80 subjects with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). The T1DM subjects were periodontally treated and re-examined eight weeks after completion of the treatment. The periodontal measures included plaque, probing depth (PD), bleeding on probing (BOP) and attachment level (AL). The serum levels of interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and interleukin (IL)-10, as well as the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) level of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8 were analyzed using commercially available ELISA assays, and serum high density lipoprotein (HDL) level using direct enzymatic methods.
Serum IL-6 level associated significantly with the extent of inflamed periodontal pockets in T1DM subjects. Moreover, serum IL-6 modulated local periodontal inflammation in T1DM patients; periodontal healing turned out to be poorer in subjects with a high level of serum IL-6 than in those with a low level. Serum TNF-α/IL-10 ratio was three times higher in chronic periodontitis patients than in periodontally healthy control subjects. In T1DM subjects a significant inverse association between serum HDL level and the extent of inflamed periodontal pockets was found; subjects with a low serum HDL level presented 50% more inflamed periodontal sites than subjects with a high serum HDL level. A significant association between GCF MMP-8 level in shallow crevices and the extent of periodontal attachment loss in chronic periodontitis patients was observed.
In conclusion, we focused on analyzing associations between systemic inflammatory status and periodontal conditions. According to our results, periodontal inflammation/infection is associated with systemic inflammatory status using serum IL-6, TNF-α/IL-10 ratio and HDL as indicators. Also, a high level of MMP-8 in GCF in shallow crevices could be indicative of higher susceptibility to periodontal infection and tissue destruction. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella hampaiden kiinnityskudosten tulehduksen (pardodontiitti) ja siihen liittyvän inflammaation yhteyttä systeemiseen tulehdustilaan. Tutkimusaineistoon kuului 61 yleistervettä potilasta, joilla oli kohtalaisesti tai pitkälle edennyt parodontiitti, 30 yleistervettä yksilöä, joiden hampaiden kiinnityskudokset olivat terveet/lähes terveet (kontrolliryhmä), sekä 80 tyypin 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) potilasta, joilla esiintyi vaihtelevasti parodontiittia. T1DM potilaiden parodontiitti hoidettiin, ja heidät tutkittiin uudelleen kahdeksan viikon kuluttua hoidon päättymisestä. Tutkittavilta tarkastettiin plakin määrä, ientaskujen syvyys, ienverenvuoto ja hampaiden kiinnityskudoksen menetys. Systeemistä tulehdustilaa mitattiin käyttäen seerumin interleukiini (IL)-6, tuumorinekroosifaktori (TNF)-α ja interleukiini (IL)-10 tasoja. Lisäksi määritettiin ientaskunesteen matriksimetalloproteinaasi (MMP)-8 taso. Kaikki edellä mainitut tulehduksen välittäjäainetasot määritettiin käyttäen ELISA-menetelmää.
T1DM potilaiden seerumin IL-6 pitoisuuden ja tulehtuneiden ientaskujen määrän välillä vallitsi positiivinen yhteys. Lisäksi havaittiin, että seerumin korkea IL-6 taso heikensi parodontiitin paranemista. T1DM potilailla havaittiin käänteinen yhteys seerumin HDL-pitoisuuden ja tulehtuneiden ientaskujen määrän välillä. Tutkittavilla, joilla seerumin HDL-taso oli matala (<1.35 mmol/l), oli 50 % enemmän tulehtuneita ientaskuja kuin niillä, joilla HDL-taso oli korkea (≥1.35). Parodontiitti-ryhmässä seerumin TNF-α/IL-10 suhde oli kolminkertainen verrattuna kontrolliryhmän vastaavaan ilmentäen voimakkaampaa matala-asteista tulehdusta parodontiitti-potilailla. Matalista (<4 mm) ientaskuista kerätyn ientasunesteen MMP-8 pitoisuuden ja parodontiitin vaikeusasteen välillä vallitsi merkittävä postiivinen yhteys parodontiitti-potilailla.
Yhteenvetona, systeemisen tulehdustilan ja hampaiden kiinnityskudosten välillä vallitsee kaksisuuntainen yhteys; toisaalta parodontiitti lisää matala-asteista systeemistä tulehdustilaa ja toisaalta kohonnut systeeminen tulehdustila lisää alttiutta parodontiittiin ja siihen liittyvään inflammaatioon. Lisäksi ientaskunesteen korkea MMP-8 pitoisuus matalissa ientaskuissa voi merkitä lisääntynyttä alttiutta parodontiumin alueen tulehdukselle ja kudostuholle.
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Etude des mécanismes épigénétiques associés au phénomène de résistance aux glucocorticoïdes : implication dans la régulation de l'expression de la MMP-9 / Study of epigenetic mechanisms associated with glucocorticoid resistance phenomenon : involvement in the regulation of MMP-9 expressionHentati, Marwa 04 November 2016 (has links)
L’utilisation chronique des glucocorticoïdes conduit généralement au développement d’une résistance aux glucocorticoïdes impliquant une modulation de l’expression de gènes impliqués dans l’inflammation ou la progression tumorale comme celui codant la MMP-9. L’expression de la MMP-9 est régulée par des mécanismes épigénétiques notamment l’acétylation des histones gouvernée par la balance HDAC/HAT (histone deacetyltransferase/histone acetyltransferase) et les micro-ARNs (miRs), mécanismes également impliqués dans les phénomènes de cortico-résistance. Cependant, les altérations épigénétiques survenant suite à un traitement chronique aux glucocorticoïdes et leurs répercutions sur l’expression de la MMP-9 ne sont pas encore clairement élucidés. L’objectif de notre étude consiste donc à déterminer le rôle des mécanismes épigénétiques dans le phénomène de résistance aux glucocorticoïdes à travers leur implication dans la régulation de l’expression de la MMP-9. Nous avons montré que l’exposition chronique aux glucocorticoïdes a perturbé, à la fois, la balance HDAC/HAT (favorisant une hyperacétylation des histones) et l’expression des miRs conduisant ainsi à une surexpression de la MMP-9. De plus, nous avons montré qu’en inhibant les HDACs par le MS-275 amplifiant ainsi le phénomène d’hyperacétylation des histones, le profil d’expression des miRs a été davantage perturbé, une perturbation qui s’est répercuté sur l’expression et la sécrétion de la MMP-9. En conclusion, nous avons montré que l’acétylation des histones et la modulation de l’expression des miRs pourraient agir en harmonie pour contrôler l'expression de la MMP-9 dans un contexte de résistance aux glucocorticoïdes. / Chronic use of glucocorticoids generally leads to the development of glucocorticoid resistance which involves a modulation of the expression of genes involved in inflammation or tumor progression as that encoding the MMP-9. MMP-9 expression is regulated by epigenetic mechanisms including histone acetylation governed by the balance HDAC / HAT (histone deacetyltransferase / histone acetyltransferase) and microRNAs (miRs). These mechanisms could be involved in the phenomena of cortico-resistance. However, epigenetic alterations occurring after chronic treatment with glucocorticoids and their repercussions on MMP-9 expression are not yet clearly understood. The aim of our study is to determine the role of epigenetic mechanisms in the phenomenon of glucocorticoid resistance through their involvement in the regulation of MMP-9 expression. We demonstrated that chronic exposure to glucocorticoids disrupted both the balance HDAC / HAT (favoring a histone hyperacetylation) and expression of miRs thus leading to an overexpression of MMP-9. In addition, we have shown that inhibiting HDACs by MS-275 thereby amplifying the phenomenon of histone hyperacetylation, the expression profile of miRs was more disturbed. This disturbance has affected MMP-9 expression and secretion. In conclusion, we have shown that histone acetylation and modulation of miRs expression of harmony miRs could act to control the expression of MMP-9 in a glucocorticoid resistance context.
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Le fibroblaste gingival : une cellule à potentiel thérapeutique pour l’anévrisme aortique / Gingival fibroblast : a possible therapeutic cell for aortic aneurysmCherifi, Hafida 25 November 2014 (has links)
Introduction.Le fibroblaste gingival (FG) est la cellule majoritaire de la gencive. Cette dernière fait face constamment aux agressions physico-chimiques, infectieuses et thermiques. L'une des caractéristiques de la gencive est sa réparation quasi-parfaite suite à une lésion ponctuelle. Ce n'est pas le cas pour d'autres tissus comme la paroi aortique. L'anévrisme aortique (AA) est un affaiblissement de la paroi aortique provoqué par une sécrétion exhaustive de métalloprotéases (MMPs) et en particulier de MMP-9. Il en résulte une dilatation de l'artère. Dans un modèle d'anévrisme de lapin, Durand et al (2012) avait montré que le FG pouvait ralentir, voire réparer un anévrisme. Dans notre étude, nous avons mis en place un modèle de coculture FG/AA d'origine humaine.Chez l'homme, la localisation de la pathologie peut être au niveau abdominal (Anévrisme Aortique Abdominale : AAA) ou thoracique (Anévrisme Aortique Thoracique : AAT). Etant donné que leur étiologie sont différentes, nous avons souhaité savoir s'il existait des différences selon les lésions. Cela nous permettrait en effet de mieux appréhender la prise en charge. Nous avons réalisé une étude comparative histo et physiopathologique entre les AAA et AAT. L'une des différences soulevée, est la présence d'un facteur infectieux au niveau des AAA. C'est un élément à prendre en compte pour une thérapie cellulaire et ainsi nous avons mis en culture des FG en présence de LPS, une endotoxine bactérienne.De plus pour approfondir notre travail sur l'utilisation du FG dans la thérapie cellulaire, nous avons initié une étude sur la plasticité de la sous-population souche des FG en étudiant, notamment leur orientation en cellules vasculaires (cellules endothéliales).Résultats/discussionLe FG, grâce à sa secrétion de TIMP-1, contribue à l'inhibition de la MMP-9 anévrismale. La sécrétion de MMP-9 est plus importante dans les lésions avec athérome (AAA) que celles sans athérome (AAT dans notre étude). Ceci est en corrélation avec la dégradation qui est plus importante dans les AAA que dans les AAT. La MMP-9 est une protéine sécrétée entre autre par les cellules inflammatoires. Une inflammation est présente dans les AAA et pas dans les lésions thoraciques. Ceci pourrait expliquer la différence de sécrétion de MMP-9 et donc de dégradation. Concernant l'origine de cette inflammation, nous avons recherché une cause infectieuse. Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) qui est une bactérie importante dans le développement de la parodontite (maladie inflammatoire des tissus de soutien de la dent) a été détectée dans les AAA. Une relation pathologique existerait entre la parodontite et l'AAA mais l'étude devrait être plus poussée pour connaître le mécanisme physiopathologique de ce phénomène. Toutefois, en ce qui concerne la thérapie cellulaire, le LPS qui est une endotoxine du Pg, n'affecte pas la capacité du FG à secréter du TIMP-1.En plus de la possibilité du FG à neutraliser la MMP-9 anévrismale, nous avons souhaité savoir si le FG avait des compétences de différentiation en cellule vasculaire. Un début d'exploration de la plasticité cellulaire de la souche multipotente de FG en cellule endothéliale, donnent des résultats préliminaires encourageants.Conclusion. Le FG pourrait être une cellule prometteuse pour une thérapie cellulaire de l'anévrisme aortique mais des explorations plus poussées sont encore nécessaires pour une telle application. / IntroductionGingival fibroblast (GF) is the main cell in gingiva which is constantly facing infectious, thermal and physico-chemical attacks. When a lesion occurs, the repair of gingiva is almost perfect. It is not the case for other tissues as the aortic wall. The aortic aneurysm (AA) is a pathologic expansion of aorta due to a weakening of the wall with an exhaustive secretion of metalloproteinases (MMPs) and particularly of MMP-9. In an aneurysm rabbit model, Durand and al (2012) have showed that GF could slow down or repair the aneurysm. In our study, we have established a co-culture model of human GF and human AA.For human, the location of the aortic disease may be at abdominal level (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: AAA) and thoracic level (Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm: TAA). Since the aetiologies are different, we wondered if histo and physiopathologic differences would existe between the both. It is impotant to know that for better supporting the disease. One of the difference between AAA and TAA is the presence of an infectious factor in AAA. This is an element to consider for cell therapy, so we studied the behavior of GF in presence of an endotoxin, the LPS.In addition, to further our work on the use of GF in cell therapy, we have initiated a study of the plasticity of the GF multipotente subpopulation including the differentiation into vascular cells (endothelial cell in particular).Results/DiscussionThanks to its TIMP-1 secretion, GF could contribute to the inhibition of MMP-9 activity in aneurysm. The secretion of MMP-9 in AA with atheroma (AAA) is highter than in TAA (without atheroma in our study). It is correlated to the degradation of AAA which is more important than the degradation of TAA. Inflammatory cells may secrete MMP-9. Inflammation is present in AAA and not in TAA. This, could explain the highter secretion of MMP-9 in abdominal lesion and also the degradation which is more important in AAA than in TAA. As for the origin of this inflammation, we researched an infectious factor. We isolated Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) in AAA, which might trigger or aggravate inflammation. This is an important bacterium in the development of periodontitis (inflammatory disease of the tissues supporting the tooth). A pathological relationship may exist between periodontitis and the AAA. The study should be further to know the pathophysiology of AAA related to Pg. But as regards the cell therapy, LPS, which is an endotoxin of Pg would not affect the secretion of TIMP-1 by the GF.In addition to its abilities to inhibate MMP-9 in aneurysm, we wondered if GF would be able to differentiate into vascular cell. An early exploration of GF multipotent subpopulation plasticity reveals a possible opportunity to go further in a the cell therapy.Conclusion.GF might be a promising cell for treating aortic aneurysm but further explorations are still necessary for its application.
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Efeito do laser de baixa intensidade no colágeno tipo I e III na metaloproteinase de matriz em modelo experimental de tendinopatia induzida por colagenase em tendão calcâneo de ratas idosas / Effect of low level laser therapy on collagen type I and III in vascular endothelial grouth factor, and metalloproteinase in experimentally induced tendinopathy in aged ratsMarques, Anna Cristina de Farias 18 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2018-06-18T21:18:10Z
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Anna Cristina de Farias Marques.pdf: 2073138 bytes, checksum: 63fce77ba3e8c96e01965f2b4cecc62c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-12-18 / This study investigates the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on collagen type I and III, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in experimentally induced tendinopathy in female aged rats. Tendinopathy was induced by collagenase peritendinous of the Achilles tendon. Forty-two Wistar rats (Norvegicus albinus) were used; groups consisted of 36 aged animals (18 months old; mean body weight, 517.7 ± 27.54 g) and 6 adult animals (12 weeks old; mean body weight, 266 ± 19.30 g). The animals were randomlydivided in three groups: control, aged tendinopathy, and aged tendinopathy LLLT; the aged groups were subdivided according to experimental periods: 7, 14, and 21 days. LLLT involved a gallium-arsenide-aluminum laser (Theralaser, DMC®) with active medium operating at wavelength 830 ± 10 nm, 50 mW power, 0.028 cm2 laser beam, 107 J/cm2 energy density, 1.7 w/cm2 power density, and 6 J of energy, with a frequency of 3 times per week, until euthanasia. VEGF, MMP-3, and MMP-9 were analyzed by immunohistochemistry, and collagen type I and III by Sirius red. LLLT increased the deposition of collagen type I and III in a gradual manner, with significant differences relative to the group aged tendonitis (p<0.001), and in relation to VEGF (p<0.001); decreased expression of MMP-3 and 9 was observed in group aged tendinopathy (p<0.001). LLLT, therefore, increased the production of collagen type I and III, downregulated the expression of MMP-3 and MMP-9, and upregulated that of VEGF, with age and age-induced hormonal deficiency. / O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar O Efeito da terapia Laser de baixa intensidade no Colágeno tipo I e III, Metaloproteinase e VEGF em Modelo Experimental de Tendinopatia, em ratas fêmeas idosas. A colagenase foi induzida na região peritendínea no tendão Calcâneo dos animais. Quarenta e duas ratas Wistar (Norvegicus albinus) foram utilizadas no estudo, com grupos consistindo de 36 animais idosos (18 meses de idade; com média da massa, 517.7 ± 27.54 g) e 6 animais adultos (12 semanas de idade; média da massa, 266, 19:30 0 ± g). Os animais foram randomizados e divididos em três grupos, Controle, tendinopatia idoso e tendinopatia Laser idoso, e subdividido em três grupos experimentai, 7, 14 e 21 dias. O tratamento com Laser de baixa intensidade foi aplicado utilizando um Laser Arseneto de Galium e Alumínio (AsGaAl) (Theralaser, DMC®) operando no comprimento de onda de 830nm (±10nm), 50 mW de potência, saída do feixe de 0,028 cm2, densidade de energia de 107J /cm2, densidade de potência 1,7 w/cm2 e energia de 3 J, com uma frequência de 3 vezes por semana, até a data da eutanásia (7, 14 e 21 dias). Foram analisados VEGF e MMP 3 e 9 por meio de Imunohistoquímica e Colágeno tipo I e III por Sirius red. Os resultados sugerem que a Terapia a Lesar de Baixa Intensidade foi capaz de aumentar os níveis de Colágeno tipo I e III de maneira gradual e com significante diferença no grupo Tendinpatia Idoso (p<0,001), isso pode ser observado em relação ao VEGF (p<0.001), foi também observado diminuição da expressão de MMP 3 e MMP 9 em relação ao grupo tendinopatia Idoso, com diferença estatística (p<0,001). Nós concluímos que a terapia Laser de Baixa Intensidade foi capaz de diminuir a produção de Colágeno tipo I e III, reduzir a expressão de MMP 3 e 9, e aumentar a expressão de VEGF, mesmo nas ratas fêmeas idosas com deficiência hormonal causada pela idade.
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Alternative Nf-kb Signaling in AtherogenesisDühring, Sarah 16 July 2014 (has links)
Inflammatory processes mark all stages of atherogenesis. One of the key regulators of inflammation is the transcription factor nuclear factor kappa B (Nf-kb). Nf-kb is the general name for a whole family of dimeric transcription factors. One can distinguish between a classical and an alternative pathway with Rela/p50 (Nf-kb1) and Relb/p52 (Nf-kb2) representing the terminal transcription factors, respectively. Classical Nf-kb1 signaling has been associated with atherosclerotic lesion development many times, mainly because of its regulation of many pro-inflammatory proteins with an established role in atherogenesis. Recent studies provided evidence of crosstalk between classical Nf-kb1 and alternative Nf-kb2 signaling, implicating a potential role for Nf-kb2 in atherogenesis. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of Nf-kb2 on atherosclerotic lesion development in a knockout mouse model.
Nfkb2 knockout (Nfkb2-/-) mice were generated on two different atherosclerosis sensible backgrounds, the Apoe- and Ldlr- deficient background. Quantification of atherosclerotic lesion development showed, that Nfkb2-/- mice developed significantly more atherosclerosis at the brachiocephalic artery than wild type controls, indicating a protective effect of Nf-kb2 on atherogenesis. Further expression analyses in bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) revealed highly significant upregulation of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (Mmp9) in Nfkb2-/- mice. Overexpression of Mmp9 was associated with enhanced macrophage migration across extracellular matrix in vitro and an inflammatory plaque phenotype with advanced, macrophage-rich lesions. Accordingly, increased Mmp9 expression in Nfkb2-/- macrophages might have contributed to enhanced lesion development in these mice.
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Rôle de la phosphatase PTP4A3 dans la dissémination des cellules de mélanome uvéal / Role of PTP4A3 in the aggressiveness of Uveal Melanoma cellsMaacha-Chahed, Selma 26 June 2014 (has links)
Le mélanome uvéal constitue le cancer intraoculaire le plus fréquent chez l’adulte. Il s’agit d’un cancer très agressif puisque plus de 50% des patients développent des métastases principalement localisées au niveau du foie. Dans le but d’identifier des gènes pronostiques de développement métastatique, nous avons comparé le transcriptome de 28 tumeurs de mélanome uvéal issues de patients ayant développé des métastases dans les trois années qui ont suivi l’énucléation et 29 tumeurs issues de patients n’ayant pas développé de métastases ou ayant développé des métastases après 36 mois. Le gène PTP4A3/PRL-3 (protein tyrosine phosphatase type IV member 3/Protein of Regenerating Liver-3) a été identifié comme prédictif de l’apparition de métastases. Il code une phosphatase et sa surexpression dans des cellules de mélanome uvéal augmente leur migration in vitro et leur invasivité in vivo. Les évènements protéolytiques à la surface des cellules sont essentiels pour la migration et l’invasivité durant plusieurs processus physiologiques ou pathologiques tels que le développement de métastases. Ces évènements sont assurés par les métalloprotéases (MMPs) qui sont responsables de la dégradation et du remodelage de la matrice extracellulaire.Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous avons observé que la métalloprotéase transmembranaire MT1-MMP est enrichie à la surface des cellules de mélanome uvéal OCM-1, des cellules MP41 issues de xénogreffes de tumeurs de mélanome uvéal humaines ou dans des tumeurs primaires de mélanome uvéal, surexprimant PTP4A3. Nous avons aussi observé que cette accumulation de MT1-MMP à la surface des cellules de mélanome uvéal est accompagnée d’une accumulation de la sécrétion de MMP2 dans le milieu extracellulaire des cellules exprimant PTP4A3. De plus, nous avons montré que PTP4A3 et MT1-MMP s’associent physiquement et que le trafic vésiculaire de MT1-MMP est accéléré dans les cellules exprimant PTP4A3 mais pas dans celles exprimant le mutant catalytique inactif PTP4A3(C104S). Enfin, nous avons démontré que l’inhibition de l’expression de MT1-MMP dans les cellules exprimant PTP4A3 diminue leur migration in vitro et leur invasivité in vivo. Pour conclure, nos résultats indiquent que PTP4A3 agit en amont de MT1-MMP à travers une accélération de son trafic vésiculaire et son accumulation à la surface des cellules afin de promouvoir la migration et l’invasivité cellulaires.Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle de PTP4A3 pendant le développement embryonnaire. Les mélanocytes, incluant ceux de l’uvée, dérivent de la crête neurale pendant le développement embryonnaire. Nous avons alors supposé que la fonction de PTP4A3 pendant la progression métastatique pourrait refléter un rôle de la phosphatase dans la migration des cellules de crête neurale pendant le développement embryonnaire. Dans cette partie de la thèse, nous avons montré que PTP4A3 joue un rôle important dans la migration des cellules de crête neurale céphalique pendant le développement de l’embryon de Xenopus laevis. La perte de fonction de PTP4A3 provoque une réduction du territoire de la crête neurale, alors que le gain de fonction de cette phosphatase élargit les faisceaux de migration des cellules de crête neurale céphalique. De plus, des expériences d’isogreffes montrent que les explants de crête neurale dépourvus de l’expression de PTP4A3, sont incapables de migrer dans les embryons greffés. Plus encore, l’inhibition pharmacologique de PTP4A3 dans des cellules de crête neurale en culture diminue de façon significative leur vitesse de migration in vitro. Les résultats de cette étude démontrent que PTP4A3 est requise pour la migration des cellules de crête neurale céphalique in vivo pendant le développement embryonnaire de Xenopus laevis. Donc, les effets pro-migratoire et -invasif reliés à l’expression de la protéine PTP4A3 peuvent refléter son rôle durant la migration des cellules de crête neurale. / Uveal melanoma (UM) is the most common intraocular malignancy in adults and is an aggressive tumor since about 50% of patients will develop metastases mostly in the liver. In order to identify metastasis prognostic genes, we compared 28 uveal melanoma tumors from patients who developed metastases within three years after enucleation to 29 tumors from patients who did not develop metastases or who developed metastases after 36 months. The PTP4A3/PRL-3 gene (protein tyrosine phosphatase type IV member of Regenerating Liver 3/Protein-3) was identified as a strong predictor of metastasis occurence. PTP4A3 encodes a dual specificity phosphatase and its expression in UM cells increases their in vitro migration and in vivo invasiveness. Proteolytic events at the cell surface are essential for cell migration and invasiveness during many physiological and pathological processes such as tumor metastasis. MMPs are responsible for the degradation and turnover of the extracellular matrix (ECM). In the first part of this thesis, We found that the membrane anchored MT1-MMP is enriched at the cell surface of OCM-1, xenograft MP41 or primary human uveal melanoma tumors expressing PTP4A3. We also found that membrane accumulation of MT1-MMP in presence of PTP4A3 in OCM-1 cells is accompanied by enhanced secretion of MMP2 in the extracellular medium. Moreover, we demonstrated that PTP4A3 and MT1-MMP physically associate and that the vesicular trafficking of MT1-MMP is accelerated in presence of active PTP4A3 but not in presence of the mutant PTP4A3(C104S). Furthermore, we found that inhibition of MT1-MMP expression in PTP4A3 expressing uveal melanoma cells impairs their migration in vitro and invasiveness in vivo. Collectively, our results indicate that PTP4A3 acts upstream of MT1-MMP through acceleration of its vesicular trafficking and accumulation at the cell surface to enhance cell migration and invasiveness of uveal melanoma cells. In the second part of this thesis, we investigated the role of PTP4A3 during embryonic development. Melanocytes, including uveal melanocytes, are derived from the neural crest during embryonic development. We therefore suggested that PTP4A3 function in uveal melanoma metastasis may be related to an embryonic role during neural crest cell migration. We show that PTP4A3 plays a role in cephalic neural crest development in Xenopus laevis. PTP4A3 loss of function resulted in a reduction of neural crest territory, whilst gain of function experiments increased neural crest territory. Isochronic graft experiments demonstrated that PTP4A3-depleted neural crest explants are unable to migrate in host embryos. Pharmacological inhibition of PTP4A3 on dissected neural crest cells significantly reduced their migration velocity in vitro. Our results demonstrate that PTP4A3 is required for cephalic neural crest migration in vivo during embryonic development.Therefore, the pro-invasive and migratory effects related to the expression of PTP4A3 protein may reflect its role during neural crest migration. Thus, understanding the mechanism of action of PTP4A3 during NC migration may provide insight into PTP4A3 related migratory and invasive phenotypes in human uveal melanoma pathology.
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Pathogenese der equinen Endometrose: Bedeutung der Wachstumsfaktoren Transforming growth factor-alpha, -beta1, -beta2 und -beta3 sowie der Matrixmetalloproteinase-2.Kiesow, Claudia 12 October 2010 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die immunhistologische Charakterisierung der Expression der profibrotischen Wachstumsfaktoren Transforming growth factor-beta-1, -beta2 und -beta3 und des Enzyms Matrixmetalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) im equinen Endometrium während des Zyklus sowie innerhalb der verschiedenen Erscheinungsformen der equinen Endometrose. Zudem wurde der potentielle Einfluss einer gleichzeitig auftretenden Endometritis auf die glanduläre und stromale Wachstumsfaktor- und Enzym-Expression untersucht. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie sollten klären, ob und inwieweit den untersuchten Wachstumsfaktoren unter Beteiligung von MMP-2 in der Pathogenese der equinen Endometrose eine mit anderen Organfibrosen vergleichbare Schlüsselrolle zukommt.
Zu diesem Zweck standen an definierten Tagen entnommene Endometriumbioptate (n=21) von drei zyklisch aktiven, klinisch und gynäkologisch gesunden Maidenstuten sowie Endometriumbioptate von 60 Stuten mit graduell variabler Endometrose unterschiedlichen Charakters und Endometriumbioptate von 22 Stuten mit mittelgradiger Endometrose und gleichzeitiger mittelgradiger eitriger (n=16) bzw. nichteitriger (n=6) Endometritis aus dem Routineeinsendungsmaterial des Institutes für Veterinär-Pathologie der Universität Leipzig zur Verfügung.
Die Wachstumsfaktoren TGF-beta1, -beta2 und -beta3 sowie das Enzym MMP-2 zeigen im Zyklus ein typisches, zellspezifisches Reaktionsmuster, das unterschiedlichen Regulations-mechanismen zu unterliegen scheint. Ein Maximum der TGF-beta1-Expression in den luminalen Epithelzellen, Stroma- und Drüsenzellen kann in der endometrialen Sekretionsphase mit Anstieg bzw. einem Maximum der Serumprogesteron-Konzentration beobachtet werden. Im Gegensatz dazu tritt eine Expression von MMP-2 in den Stromazellen in der Sekretionsphase mit Abfall der Progesteronkonzentration im Serum auf. Das luminale Epithel und die Stromazellen zeigen eine maximale Expression von TGF-beta2 beim Vorliegen hoher Progesteronspiegel im Serum bzw. mit Abfall der Serumprogesteron-Konzentration in der Sekretionsphase. TGF-beta3 weist im luminalen Epithel ein ähnliches Expressionsmuster auf, eine deutliche Abhängigkeit zu den Serumhormon-Konzentrationen lässt sich jedoch nicht feststellen. Die stromale Expression von TGF-alpha unterliegt im equinen Endometrium keinen zyklusabhängigen Variationen.
Die Stromazellen innerhalb der verschiedenen Endometroseherde zeigen, im Vergleich zum unveränderten Endometrium, vor allem eine verminderte Expression von TGF-alpha. Das Expressionsmuster der TGF-beta-Wachstumsfaktoren ist grundsätzlich variabel, es fällt jedoch auf, dass die Stromazellen insbesondere in inaktiven Endometrosen eine geringere Expression der TGF-beta-Isoformen aufweisen. Ursache ist möglicherweise eine gestörte hormonelle Stimulation bzw. eine stromale Synthesestörung in Folge veränderter epithelial/stromaler Wechselwirkungen. Das Enzym MMP-2 wird dagegen in den Stromazellen aller Endometroseherde, unabhängig von deren Differenzierung und dem Auftreten glandulärer Alterationen, deutlich vermehrt nachgewiesen. Dies ist sehr wahrscheinlich Folge der Extra-zellularmatrix-Akkumulation innerhalb der Endometroseherde und für die fortschreitende Zerstörung der glandulären Basalmembranen verantwortlich. Die glanduläre Expression innerhalb der Endometroseherde gleicht weitgehend der der unveränderten Drüsenzellen, lediglich in destruierenden Endometrosen werden TGF-alpha, TGF-beta2 und MMP-2 in den involvierten Drüsenzellen vermehrt nachgewiesen. Mögliche Ursachen wären eine Diffusion durch die geschädigte glanduläre Basalmembran bzw. eine Anregung der Synthese im Rahmen der epithelialen Wundheilung. Eine Anregung der glandulären und stromalen Expression der untersuchten Wachstumsfaktoren und des Enzyms MMP-2 im Rahmen der Endometrose durch die Anwesenheit von Entzündungszellen konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden.
Eine der Leber- und Lungenfibrose ähnelnde, überschießende Wundheilungsreaktion durch eine primär epithelial bedingte, vermehrte TGF-Wachstumsfaktorproduktion sowie direkte Zusammenhänge zwischen der MMP-2- und TGF-beta-Wachstumsfaktor-Expression waren in der equinen Endometrose nicht festzustellen. Da vor allem die Stromazellen in der Endometrose eine veränderte Expression der Wachstumsfaktoren aufwiesen, ist möglicherweise eine primäre stromale Fehldifferenzierung der Ausgangspunkt für die Entstehung der Endometrose. Eine mit der Leber- und Lungenfibrose vergleichbare Schlüsselrolle der TGF-Wachstumsfaktoren in der Pathogenese der equinen Endometrose konnte nicht eindeutig belegt werden.
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Etablierung biochemischer Marker für Diagnostik und Prognose caniner Mammatumore: Etablierung biochemischer Marker für Diagnostik und Prognosecaniner MammatumoreLamp, Ole 24 April 2012 (has links)
Canine Mammatumoren (CMT) sind eine der häufigsten Todesursachen bei Hündinnen (SIMON et al. 2001). Durch ihre periphere Lage sind zumeist nicht die Primärtumoren, sondern ihre Metastasen lebensbedrohlich, da diese häufig wichtige Organe wie Lunge Herz und Gehirn befallen (CLEMENTE et al. 2010). Aktuell angewandte Untersuchungsmethoden zur Erkennung von Metastasierung können entweder das invasive Wachstum beschreiben oder bereits bestehende Metastasen detektieren, jedoch fehlen bislang molekulare Marker, die frühzeitig und zuverlässig das metastatische Potential eines CMT anzeigen bevor Metastasen aufgetreten sind. Das Peptidhormon Relaxin ist in zahlreichen physiologischen und pathologischen Situationen beim Menschen als ein Induktor von Matrixmetalloproteinasen (MMP) bekannt (TOO et al. 1984; UNEMORI und AMENTO 1990; PALEJWALA et al. 2001; BINDER et al. 2002; KLONISCH et al. 2007; HENNEMAN et al. 2008). MMP sind Schlüsselenzyme des Bindegewebsabbaus, der jeder Metastasierung vorausgehen muss (WOODHOUSE et al. 1997). Bei der Frau ist im Blut messbares Relaxin ein Marker für metastatischen Brustkrebs (BINDER et al. 2004), für die Hündin scheint dagegen der Relaxinblutspiegel nicht aussagekräftig zu sein (SCHWEIZER 2010). Möglicherweise wird aber Relaxin lokal im caninen Mammagewebe exprimiert wie von GOLDSMITH et al. (1994) und SILVERTOWN et al. (2003) postuliert, so dass es wie in humanen Tumoren auto- oder parakrin Invasivität und Metastasierung (KLONISCH et al. 2007) fördern könnte. Daher sollte in der vorliegenden Arbeit die intratumorale Expression des Relaxins und seiner Rezeptoren sowie bekannter Faktoren des Bindegewebsabbaus untersucht und auf ihre prognostische Eignung überprüft werden.
In zwei Studienabschnitten (LAMP et al. 2009; LAMP et al. 2011) wurden CMT-Gewebeproben von n=31 (LAMP et al. 2009) respektive n=59 Hündinnen (LAMP et al. 2011) mittels quantitativer Reverse-Transkriptase-Polymerasekettenreaktion (qRT-PCR) auf ihre Expression von Relaxin, seinen Rezeptoren, RXFP1 und RXFP2, sowie den Matrixmetalloproteinasen MMP-1, -2, -3, -9 und MMP-13, den Östradiolrezeptoren, ERα und ERβ, und dem Progesteronrezeptor (PR) analysiert.
In beiden Studienabschnitten wurden die Plasmakonzentrationen der Hormone Relaxin, Östradiol und Progesteron auf mögliche Zusammenhänge mit der lokalen Genexpression überprüft. Im zweiten Studienabschnitt (LAMP et al. 2011) wurde darüber hinaus die Expression von Relaxin und RXFP1 auch immunhistologisch an n=9 CMT-Proben untersucht und in einer Multivarianzanalyse die prognostische Eignung aller untersuchten Parameter getestet.
Die Expressionsanalyse konnte zeigen, dass CMT sowohl ein bisher unbekannter Ort der Relaxinexpression beim Hund sind als auch den Hauptrezeptor des Relaxins, RXFP1, exprimieren. Diese Ergebnisse der mRNA-Untersuchung ließen sich immunhistologisch bestätigen. Darüber hinaus ergab die immunhistologische Untersuchung, dass Relaxin vorwiegend im myoepithelialen Anteil der untersuchten CMT exprimiert wird. In den epithelialen CMT-Zellen fand sich die stärkste RXFP1-Reaktivität, so dass RXFP1 mit der von anderen Autoren beschriebenen MMP-2- und MMP-9-Expression in epithelialen Zellen kolokalisiert ist (PAPPARELLA et al. 1997; HIRAYAMA et al. 2002; PAPPARELLA et al. 2002).
Die quantitativen Expressionsanalysen zeigten Korrelationen der Expressionsintensitäten von Relaxin, RXFP1 und MMP-2 auf. Die RXFP1 Expression war in dieser Studie sogar ein unabhängiger Marker für Metastasierung mit einem 15-fach höheren Risiko für Metastasierung für Patienten mit einer Expression oberhalb des studienspezifischen Cut-Offs. Alle untersuchten lokalen Genexpressionen waren von den systemischen Plasmakonzentrationen von Relaxin, Östradiol und Progesteron unabhängig.
Die Resultate legen eine Bedeutung des intratumoral exprimierten Relaxins für eine auto- oder parakrine Steuerung der MMP-Expression, die für Invasivität und Metastasierung wichtig ist, nahe. Aufgrund des mRNA-Nachweises, der Kolokalisation der Proteine von RXFP1 und MMP-2 und -9 sowie der Korrelation der Genexpression von Ligand (Relaxin), Rezeptor (RXFP1) und Effektormolekül (MMP-2) ist es wahrscheinlich, dass CMT über das Relaxin eine autonome Steuerung ihrer Invasivität vornehmen können. RXFP1 scheint dabei eine Regulationsfunktion in der Relaxinsensibilität der CMT-Zelle zuzukommen, die in Zukunft durch die Messung der RXFP1-Expressionsintensität prognostisch nutzbar sein könnte. Zudem ist RXFP1 im CMT damit auch ein möglicher Ansatzpunkt für eine neue, auf Relaxinanaloga basierende, antimetastatische Therapie, die bereits an humanen Tumorzellen und in Mausmodellen erprobt wird (FENG et al. 2007; HOSSAIN et al. 2010). Durch den Nachweis von Relaxin und RXFP1 im CMT und ihre wahrscheinliche Relevanz für die Metastasierung ergeben sich somit neue Möglichkeiten für eine exaktere Prognose und verbesserte antimetastatische Therapie von CMT sowie die Chance, den Hund als Modell für die Erforschung Relaxin basierter Therapien des humanen Brustkrebses zu nutzen. / Canine mammary tumours (CMT) are one of the main reasons of death in female dogs (SIMON et al. 2001). Due to its peripheral location, it is normally not the primary tumour, but its metastases, which are life-threatening as they often impair the function of vital organs, such as lung, heart or brain (CLEMENTE et al. 2010). Currently used techniques for the detection of metastasis can either barely describe invasive growth patterns or detect already existing metastases. Molecular markers to determine the metastatic potential early and reliably, before metastatic spreading has occurred, are still lacking.
The peptide hormone relaxin is well known as an inductor of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) in numerous physiological as well as pathological situations in humans (TOO et al. 1984; UNEMORI und AMENTO 1990; PALEJWALA et al. 2001; BINDER et al. 2002; KLONISCH et al. 2007; HENNEMAN et al. 2008). MMP are key-enzymes of connective tissue remodelling which is a prerequisite for metastasis (WOODHOUSE et al. 1997). In women, the plasma relaxin concentration is a marker for metastatic breast cancer (BINDER et al. 2004). However, in dogs, the concentration of circulating relaxin seems to have no diagnostic value (SCHWEIZER 2010). But, possibly relaxin is expressed locally in the canine mammary tissue as postulated by GOLDSMITH et al. (1994) and SILVERTOWN et al. (2003) and it could therefore act as a pro-invasive and pro-metastatic factor in an auto- or paracrine manner as it does in various human tumours (KLONISCH et al. 2007).
Thus, the present study should examine the intratumoural expression of relaxin and its receptors as well as factors of connective tissue remodelling and evaluate their prognostic abilities.
In two sections of the study (LAMP et al. 2009; LAMP et al. 2011), CMT-tissue samples from n=31 bitches (LAMP et al. 2009) and n=59 bitches (LAMP et al. 2011), respectively, were analysed for their expression of relaxin, its receptors RXFP1 and RXFP2, MMP-1, -2, -3, -9 and MMP-13 as well as the oestradiol receptors ERα and ERβ and the progesterone receptor (PR) using quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Additionally, the plasma concentrations of the hormones relaxin, oestradiol and progesterone were tested for possible connections with the local gene expression.
In the second section of the study, the expression of relaxin and RXFP1 was also examined immunohistologically in n=9 CMT tissue samples (LAMP et al. 2011) and the prognostic value of all parameters examined was assessed by a multivariate analysis.
The expression analysis showed that CMTs are a novel site of expression of relaxin and its main receptor RXFP1 in the dog. These results were confirmed by the immunohistological examination. Moreover, the immunohistological analysis demonstrated that relaxin seems to be expressed mainly in myoepithelial cells. However, the strongest signals for RXFP1 were located in epithelial cells of the CMT, thus RXFP1 is colocalised with the expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 reported in epithelial CMT-cells (PAPPARELLA et al. 1997; HIRAYAMA et al. 2002; PAPPARELLA et al. 2002). The quantitative expression analysis revealed correlations of expression intensities for relaxin, RXFP1 and MMP-2. The expression of RXFP1 presented as an independent marker for metastasis with a 15-fold risk increase for patients with an expression intensity above the study-specific cut-off. All local gene expressions examined where independent from systemic plasma concentrations of relaxin, oestradiol and progesterone.
The results propose an important role for intratumourally expressed relaxin as an auto- or paracrine modulator of MMP expression, which is important for invasiveness and metastasis.
Due to the mRNA detection, the protein colocalisation of RXFP1 with MMP-2 and MMP-9 as well as the correlation of gene expressions of the ligand (relaxin), the receptor (RXFP1) and the effector (MMP-2) it is highly probable that CMT can autonomously regulate their invasiveness via locally expressed relaxin.
RXFP1 seems to have a regulatory function in the relaxin responsiveness of CMT cells, which may be of prognostical use in the future. In addition, RXFP1 is also a possible target for a novel antimetastatic therapy based on relaxin analoga which has been tested in human tumour cells and mice (FENG et al. 2007; HOSSAIN et al. 2010).
The detection of relaxin and RXFP1 in the CMT and their probable relevance for metastasis could be a basis for a more precise prognosis of CMT, improved anti-metastatic therapies in the dog and the use of the dog as a model for relaxin-based therapies of human breast cancer.
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