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Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT ModificationMatis, Peter January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyzes the current situation of the information system in the company iPARTNER, s.r.o. from various perspectives and, based on the findings, recommends a suitable solution for improving the current state of the information system. The recommended changes should bring value especially by speeding up and simplifying recording and reporting of services provided by the company, improving communication among team members and raising employee awareness of the importance of IS security.
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Vidareutveckling av ett journalsystem : Hur ett gammalt projekt återupptasKilic, Türkbey January 2017 (has links)
Sofiaängen är en psykoterapeutisk dagverksamhet och skola som ligger på Södermalm i Stockholm. Sofiaängen riktar sig till ungdomar mellan 13–20 år med psykiska och sociala problem. Sofiaängen var i behov av ett fullständigt journalsystem för att kunna underlätta deras arbetsrutiner med bokföring av patientbehandlingar. Då deras nuvarande system inte är färdigställd och behövs vidareutvecklas. Detta ledde till att arbetet delades upp i två delar, först att ta fram ett förslag på en generell processmodell för hantering av en icke färdigställda IT-system till akademin och därefter att leverera ett fullt fungerande journalsystem åt Sofiaängen. Examensarbetet har resulterat till att man har tagit fram ett förslag på generell processmodell för hantering av icke färdigställda projekt samt ett fullt fungerande journalsystem åt Sofiaängen som kan sättas direkt i drift. / Sofiaängen is a psychotherapeutic day school and school located at Södermalm in Stockholm. Sofiaängen is aimed at young people between 13-20 years with mental and social problems. Sofiaängen needed a complete journal system to facilitate their work routines with records of patient treatments. Their current system is not completed and needed further development. Thus, the work was divided into two parts, first to develop a proposal for a general process model for managing an unfinished IT system to the academy and then to deliver a fully functioning journal system for Sofiaängen. The thesis has resulted in a proposal for a general process model for handling unfinished projects as well as a fully functioning journal system for Sofiaängen, which can be put into operation immediately.
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In the land of socialism : Moscow news and American workers in the USSR, 1930-1937Kassimatis, Dimitri 08 1900 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur le journal muscovite anglophone Moscow News (1930-1949;1956-2014) et sa publication soeur Moscow Daily News (1932-1938) et son rôle au sein de l’appareil de diplomatie culturelle de l’Union Soviétique entre 1930 et 1937. Plus spécifiquement, il est question des objectifs expliquant la création de ces journaux dédiés aux spécialistes et travailleurs Américains et anglophones qui décidèrent de venir travailler en URSS alors que la Grande Dépression faisait rage. Afin d’éclaircir le tout, nous avons analysé le contenu de ces journaux en les catégorisant selon les sphères suivantes : informative, interprétative et interactive. Nous maintenons que durant la période à l’étude, l’objectif de Moscow News et de Moscow Daily News était de convaincre plus de spécialistes et travailleurs américains de venir (et puis de rester) en URSS pour participer à l’expérience soviétique et assister l’industrialisation du pays. Plus important encore, Moscow News et Moscow Daily News devaient tout faire pour tenter de convaincre leur lectorat d’adopter un point de vue soviétique et donc de comprendre le monde qui les entourait selon les principes de l’idéologie bolchévique. Nous abordons aussi comment les lecteurs de Moscow News et Moscow Daily News, en répondant aux demandes lancées par ces publications et en interagissant directement avec eux, devinrent des agents non officiels de l’appareil de propagande étatique de l’Union soviétique. Pour mener à bien ce projet, cette étude adopte des principes issus de l’histoire sociale et de l’histoire du quotidien (Alltagsgeschichte) ainsi que des pratiques analytiques empruntés à l’histoire culturelle. Ceci s’explique par le fait que l’objet central de notre recherche demeure un journal, soit un objet culturel, qui faisait partie du quotidien des spécialistes et travailleurs américains en URSS et qui leur expliquait le nouveau monde qui les entourait tout en adressant régulièrement les obstacles auxquels leurs lecteurs faisaient face. / This study focuses on the Moscow English-language newspaper Moscow News (1930-1949;1956-
2014) and its sister publication Moscow Daily News (1932-1938), and their role within the Soviet
Union’s cultural diplomacy apparatus between 1930 and 1937. Specifically, it revolves around the
purposes that justified the publication of a paper aimed at American and English-speaking foreign
workers and specialists who decided to find work in the USSR during the Great Depression. In
order to answer this question, I have analyzed the contents of these papers by categorizing its
coverage in accordance with three spheres: the informational sphere, the interpretive sphere, and
the interactive sphere. I maintain that during the selected period, Moscow News and Moscow Daily
News attempted to convince more American workers and specialists to come to (and then remain
in) the USSR to take part in the Soviet experiment and assist the country’s industrialization efforts.
More importantly, Moscow News and Moscow Daily News had to do everything within their power
to convince their readers to adopt a Soviet point of view and to, therefore, understand the world
that surrounded them according to the precepts of bolshevism. This master’s thesis also explains
how, by responding to the demands made by these publications and by interacting directly with
them, the papers’ readers became unofficial propaganda agents for the Soviet state. To carry out
this project, this study adopts principles from social history and the history of everyday life
(Alltagsgeschichte) as well as analytical practices borrowed from cultural history. This is explained
by the fact that the central object of our research is a newspaper, in other words, a cultural object,which was a part of the everyday lives of Americans during their stay in the USSR and helped them understand this new world and regularly addressed issues they faced daily.
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Urban systems dynamics and emergent morphologies under the neoliberal socio-economic restructuring: Moscow and Shenzhen as case studiesSmirnova, Vera January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Architecture / R. Todd Gabbard / In recent years urban planners have seen critical changes in the scales, pace, and trends of urbanization, resulting in suppressed urban patterns and the emergence of distinctive types of urban dynamics. A possible interpretation of this process is that it represents a “radical socio-spatial restructuring under the regime of global neoliberalization”, a phenomenon that is being widely discussed by many influential planners, urban geographers, and sociologists.
My overarching research agenda is to develop a new analytical framework for comparative quantitative analyses of neoliberal urbanization pressures that cause the emergence of distinct patters of urban dynamics and morphologies. By comparing different experiences of ongoing urban transformations around the world and studying the mechanisms of their emergence, we can identify contemporary trends, monitor critical changes and shape a better future for our cities.
Using China as a basis of comparison, my thesis seeks to challenge the unproductive and homogeneous patterns of urban dynamics that emerged during neoliberalization in Russia. The controversial and extremely heterogeneous model of Chinese urbanization cannot be applied universally, but valuable lessons can be derived.
My work aims to explore specifics of two different patterns of neoliberal transitions in Moscow (Russia) and Shenzhen (China) in 1992 and 1978 respectively. By focusing on detailed scales of restructuring of urban settlement typologies I identify the characteristics of socio-spatial patterns prior to confronting the transition and its resulting outcomes. While considering potential context specific properties of East Asian urbanization, I am making an attempt to extrapolate this vernacular experience into generalized theory. Connecting and quantifying local and global dimensions of urban transformations helps me build a comprehensive theoretical and quantitative framework for a more profound understanding of ongoing socio-spatial restructuring.
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Christian Liberal Arts Higher Education in Russia: A Case Study of the Russian-American Christian UniversityTitarchuk, Victor N. 05 1900 (has links)
This is a case study of the historical development of a private Christian faith-based school of higher education in post-Soviet Russia from its conception in 1990 until 2006. This bi-national school was founded as the Russian-American Christian University (RACU) in 1996. In 2003, RACU was accredited by the Russian Ministry of Education under the name Russko-Americansky Christiansky Institute. RACU offers two state-accredited undergraduate academic programs: 1) business and economics, and 2) social work. RACU also offers a major in English language and literature. The academic model of RACU was designed according to the traditional American Christian liberal arts model and adapted to Russian higher education system. The study documents the founding, vision, and growth of RACU. It provides insight into the academic, organizational, and campus life of RACU. The study led to the creation of an operational framework of the historical development of RACU. The study also provides recommendations for the development of new Christian liberal arts colleges and universities based on the experience and the underlying structure of RACU.
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Letní olympijské hry v době studené války (Moskva 1980 a Los Angeles 1984) / Summer Olympic Games in the Cold War (Moscow 1980 and Los Angeles 1984)Matoušek, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The work deals with the history of the Olympic Games, which were held in Moscow in 1980 and four years later in Los Angeles. These two major sporting events have been very affected by the political situation. The Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan in the end of 1979 led to the boycott of the Olympic Games from the US and a number of other States. I t was the largest boycott of the history of the games.Also indirectly led to the boycott of the games in Los Angeles, the Soviet Union and its satellites four years later. It is therefore both Olympics history analyzed in political context internationally. In this respect are the most important relations between the Soviet Union and the United States, mentioned are the other important events of international politics in the 1970s. years, including the Soviet-Afghan relations. In the case of two Olympiads are mentioned important facts concerning the Organization of the games facilities, sports venues, results and more. Mention also the impact of the boycott to cast individual and team competitions both Olympics. Part of the work is devoted to the Czechoslovak looking at the whole issue. The history of the Olympics, both the international situation and the way they were presented and accepted at the time in Czechoslovakia are the result of a...
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Historical Origins Of Academic Orientalism In RussiaOzbas, Mustafa 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this thesis is to examine the history of Oriental studies in Russia from the beginning of the first Russian interaction with Oriental societies to the end of the 19th century. In particular, the thesis attempts to explain under what conditions Russia had started conducting research on the language, history, geography and culture of the East and how Russian Oriental studies evolved from the practical aims to the academic goals. The central hypothesis of this thesis is that there is a close relationship between Russian Oriental studies and Russia&rsquo / s expansion to the East. Therefore, this thesis is an attempt to understand effects of Russian diplomatic, religious, military and of course academic goals on the Oriental studies.
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Les relations entre le Patriarcat de Moscou et l'Eglise russe à l'étranger (1917-1931) : contribution à une histoire institutionnelle de l'Eglise orthodoxe russe / The relationship between the Moscow Patriarchate and the russian church abroad (1917-1931) : a contribution to institutional history of the rusian orthodox ChurchEgorov, Egor 03 July 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse est une contribution à l'histoire institutionnelle de l'Eglise orthodoxe russe de 1917 à 1931. Elle s'attache aux conséquences pour l'Église russe de la Révolution de 1917, de la chute de la monarchie et de l'arrivée au pouvoir des Bolcheviks. L'importance du Concile Local de 1917-1918, qui a rétabli les tonnes canoniques et administratives de l'Église russe, est mise en lumière : le système synodal gouverné par un ober-procureur fut aboli et le patriarche Tikhon fut élu. Le Concile Local de 1917-1918 et le Patriarche Tikhon réagirent aux changements politiques dans le pays, en particulier après la Révolution d'Octobre entraînant des persécutions contre l'Église, l'arrestation du Patriarche Tikhon, et affectant la politique de l'Église russe après 1923. L'émigration ecclésiale, partie de Crimée, dans un premier temps vers la Turquie, fut à la source de l'organisation des tonnes administratives de l'Église russe à l'étranger en Serbie, notamment à travers le Concile de toute l'émigration ecclésiale de 1921 à Karlovci. L'émigration ecclésiale dut définir ses relations avec le Patriarcat de Moscou. Les hiérarques à l'étranger ne pensèrent d'abord à aucune rupture avec Moscou, mais la situation changea après le décès du Patriarche Tikhon en 1925. C'était une période de division à l'intérieur de l'Église russe à l'étranger mais aussi un temps où les relations normales avec Moscou devinrent impossibles. Le "Locum Tenens". Le Métropolite Pierre, était arrêté par les Bolcheviks et le Métropolite Serge, son remplaçant, était contraint de faire des concessions considérables en faveur du pouvoir soviétique. L'exigence du Métropolite Serge au clergé russe à l'étranger de donner un engagement de loyauté envers le pouvoir soviétique et sa Déclaration de 1927 provoquèrent des réactions négatives à l'étranger. Le Synode des évêques à l'étranger, présidé par le Métropolite Antoine, rompit ses relations avec Moscou en 1927 et le clergé du Métropolite Euloge intégra le Patriarcat de Constantinople en 1931. Les conséquences furent douloureuses pour 1e Patriarcat de Moscou car cette institution perdit toutes ses paroisses principales en Europe Occidentale. / This thesis is a contribution to the institutional history of the Russian Orthodox Church from 1917 to 1931. It emphasizes how the Russian Church was affected by the Revolution of 1917, the fall of monarchy, and the rise to power of the Bolsheviks. The importance of the 1917-1918 Local Council, which has restored the canonical and administrative forms of the Russian Church, is underlined: the synodal system governed by an ober-prokuror was abolished and Patriarch Tikhon was elected. The 1917-1918 Local Council and Patriarch Tikhon reacted to political changes in the country, particularly after the October Revolution, causing persecutions against the Church, the arrest of Patriarch Tikhon, and affecting the policy of the Russian Church after 1923. The ecclesial emigration that had left Russia from Crimea, first to Turkey, instigated the organization of administrative forms of the Russian Church Abroad in Serbia, through the 1921 Council of ail ecclesial emigration in Karlovci. The ecclesial emigration had to define its relationships with the Moscow Patriarchate, The hierarchs abroad did not consider any break with Moscow at first, but the situation changed after the death of Patriarch Tikhon in 1925. It was a time of division within the Russian Church Abroad but also a time when normal relations with Moscow became impossible. The Locum Tenens, Metropolitan Peter, had been arrested by the Bolsheviks and Metropolitan Sergius, who replaced him, was forced to make significant concessions to the Soviet power. Metropolitan Sergius's demand to the Russian clergy abroad to give a commitment of loyalty to the Soviet regime in 1927 and its Declaration in 1927 provoked negative reactions abroad. The Synod of Bishops Abroad chaired by Metropolitan Anthony broke with Moscow in 1927, and the clergy of Metropolitan Eulogius joined the Patriarchate of Constantinople in 1931. The consequences were painful for the Moscow Patriarchate since this institution has lost all major parishes in Western Europe.
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Podnikatelský plán / Business planZahrádková, Martina January 2015 (has links)
Thesis deals with making of a business plan for a bakery, which is focused rye and fermentation products. Main goal of this thesis is to evaluate operation efficiency and viability of a small bakery, which delivers only to five parts of Prague. Methods and techniques used to create a business plan are presented in theoretical part and used in practical part thereafter.
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Drivers of Land Cover Change via Deforestation in Selected Post-Soviet Russian CitiesDyne, Matthew Aaron 07 March 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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