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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dagens och morgondagens studentbostäder : Hur kommer studenter bo och hur vill de bo? / Current and future student housing : How will the students live an how do they want to live?

Nordqvist, Robin January 2014 (has links)
Ett samhällsproblem i Sverige under de senaste åren har varit antalet studentbostäder på landets lärosäten. Idag kan enbart fyra studieorter erbjuda bostadsgaranti för sina nytillkomna studenter, där bostadsgaranti innebär bostad inom 30 dagar. Byggandet av studentbostäder stannade av helt år 2010 då endast 125 stycken blev byggda. Från 2012 och framåt har trenden börjat vända och framtiden ser bättre ut men det är inte i närheten av att kunna mätta det behov som finns. Idag bor cirka 25-30 procent av Sveriges studenter i studentbostäder. Bostadsbristen är störst på de största studieorterna i Sverige. Den här rapporten ska belysa de studentbostäder som byggts från 2012 och framåt samt kommande projekt. Korta presentationer av dessa projekt ort för ort återfinns i rapporten. En undersökning av vad studenter anser är viktigt att ingå i en lägenhet samt hur man kan tänkas bo presenteras även i rapporten där boendeform, hyra och andra intressanta fakta tas upp. Behovet av studentbostäder är stort och akut och det görs insatser för att mätta dessa behov, ett av dem är att snabbt bygga via moduler som sätts på plats. En inventering av företag som jobbar med detta där deras verksamhet presenteras finns i rapporten. Ett annat alternativ är att på befintliga byggnader bygga studentbostäder på vindsvåning även detta kommer att behandlas i ett kort avsnitt i denna rapport. Studentbostadsbristen i Sverige är ett samhällsproblem. Denna rapport ska vara till grund för att påskynda lösningen på detta problem. Genom att läsa rapporten får man en uppfattning om vad som byggs och vad som är på väg att byggas. Man får en klar bild över hur mycket en student är beredd att betala i månaden för sitt boende och kan på så sätt göra rätt val och avvägningar vid kommande projekt, vilket leder till ekonomiska besparingar. / A social problem in Sweden, in recent years, has been the number of student housing at the Sweden's universities. As of today, only four study locations offers home guarantee for their newly added students. The home guarantee means housing within 30 days. Construction of student housing was at an almost complete standstill the whole year of 2010, since only 125 housings were built. From 2012 and onwards, the trend has started to reverse, and the future looks better but it is nowhere near being able to satisfy the needs. Today, about 25-30 percent of the Swedish students are living in student housing. The student housing shortage is most alarming at the largest study centers in Sweden. This report will highlight the student residences built onwards from 2012 as well as upcoming projects. Short presentations of these projects can be found in this report. A survey about which facilities students feel are important to be included in an apartment is presented in the report. Furthermore, which type of housing, rent and other interesting facts are also brought up and presented in the same survey. The need for student housing is large and acute and efforts are made to satisfy these needs, one of them is the building process which includes modules which is a quicker way of building than traditional building techniques. An inventory of the companies which use this kind of module approach is presented in this report. Another option, when it comes to building student housing, is to build these on attics on existing buildings and this will also be addressed in a short section of this report. The student housing shortage in Sweden is a social problem which affects many levels of society. This report intends to be the basis for accelerating the solution to this problem. By reading this report you will get an idea of what is built and what is yet to be built. You will get a clear picture of how much a student is prepared to pay a month for their accommodation, and thus you have the opportunity to make the right choices and trade-offs in future projects, leading to financial savings for your company.


Yamato Sugitatsu (10681962) 07 May 2021 (has links)
<p>Small modular reactors (SMRs) are expected as a suitable candidate to fulfill energy needs in the future. The regulation of the emergency planning zone (EPZ) has been a controversial issue. The possibility of smaller EPZs because of their small core size and passive safety functions is still under discussion. The major emergency responses to radiological incidents in the early phase are evacuation from the area and shelter-in-place within a building. Comparison between the dose incurred during evacuation and that with shelter-in-place is necessary to consider the proper protective actions. The effect of shelter-in-place from small modular reactor hypothetical accident was studied. The source term came from a long-term station blackout (LTSBO) and loss of cooling accident (LOCA), and the time change of air concentration and the ground deposition data through the atmospheric spread around the plant was calculated with Radiological Assessment System for Consequence Analysis (RASCAL), a software developed by United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to provide dose projection around the plant. Then general one-story and two-story houses were set up, and 6 wall materials were selected for calculating indoor doses. Cloudshine and groundshine were calculated with Monte Carlo methods. In addition, the conservation of mass, air flow model was established to evaluate the inhalation for sheltered cases. The shielding function of each house for each pathway was evaluated by comparing the indoor dose with outdoor dose. The projected dose for sheltered cases was much smaller than that for unsheltered cases. Even though the projected dose will not completely perish, it was quite effective to reduce radiation exposure and can be superior to evacuation. The result will be a basis for calculating the radiological dose for sheltered cases in case of nuclear emergency for SMRs, which will be valuable to have a more effective emergency planning.</p>

A Story of Placement : A habitat solution for communities in a situation of displacement

Gomez Ramirez, Esteban January 2021 (has links)
A Story of placement looks at displacement in Colombia during three different time periods: 529 years ago during colonization, today, and a speculative scenario in 10 years.  The project springs from traditional ecological knowledge developed by indigenous Colombian communities, and applies it to create a habitat proposal for a displaced community in Medellin.   How can we generate stories of placement in the near future?  The Kogi, Arhuaco, Kankuamo, and Wiwa descendants from the Taironas, have been living in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta after being displaced from the lowlands during the colonization. They have remained isolated from the western cultures preserving their knowing and being and living harmoniously with their territory. Colombia has today around 5.6 million people in a situation of displacement because of the armed conflict, natural disasters, or big land acquisitions by corporations. The project develops a progressive, sustainable, portable, and productive housing solution for communities in  a situation of displacement, inspired by indigenous communities from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in the North of Colombia.


Enquist, Axel January 2022 (has links)
Underwater navigation faces many problems with accurately estimating the absolute positionof an underwater vehicle. Neither Global Positioning system (GPS) nor Long Baseline (LBL) orShort Baseline (SBL) are possible to use for a military vehicle acting under stealth, since thesetechniques require the vehicle to be in the vicinity of a nearby ship or to surface and raise its antenna. It will therefore have to rely on sensors such as Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) and a compassto estimate its absolute position using dead reckoning or an Inertial Navigation System (INS). Thisthesis presents an alternative Multiple model Kalman Filter (KF) to the existing Multiple ModelAdaptive Estimator (MMAE) algorithm using n-Modular Redundancy (NMR), in order to gaina more accurate result than with a single KF. By analyzing how different amounts of filters andvoter types affect the accuracy and precision of the velocity and heading estimations, the potentialbenefits and drawbacks can be drawn for each solution. Such benefits and drawbacks were alsovisually evaluated in a Matlab script which was used to calculate the coordinates using the velocityand heading from the speed sensors and compass, without the need for running the filtered states onthe vehicle’s navigation system. The results present the potential of using a multiple model KF inthe form of an NMR, which was demonstrated by both the amount of reduced noise in the velocitystates and how the filters were used in a virtual navigation system created in Matlab.

Modular Sound Absorbing Unit : A system solution for implementation of noise abatement appliance in indoor environments

Odevik, William, Wästersved Nyberg, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
There is a rising concern about the effects of noise on human health. The noise from our technologies and comforts that evokes a negative physiological response as a response, effects like cardiovascular disease, cognitive and hearing impairments are all examples of critical health results stemming from prolonged noise exposure (WHO, 2004 &amp; 2018). A reaction to the insight of the effects of noise pollution is directives and policies to fight noise pollution, both at a European union level but also member state level (EU, 2002). The applied Swedish policy is enforced by the Swedish work environment authority which has given the following provision for indoor environments and workplace design (AFS 2009:2) which states “4 § Work should be planned, conducted and be followed up so that noise exposure is reduced through eliminating noise from its source or is reduced as much as possible. Consideration should also be taken into the technological advancements and the possibilities to reduce noise.”. This is where this master thesis project comes in to develop a modular sound absorbing unit that could help in the fight against noise pollution and reduce the negative effects of prolonged noise exposure. The master thesis is performed as a part of our final master’s degree course in the program- me of industrial design engineering at the Luleå University of Technology. The company Sontech International AB served as client and collaborator for the master thesis. The objective for the project was to develop a modular sound absorbing unit that uses Sontech’s unique sound absorbing materials to break into a new market, diverging from their previous focus on industrial applications. The project was based in the product design specification developed in the inspiration phase of our project, stemming from the data gathered in needfinding and current state analysis, in conjunction with Sontech. The product design specification was split into three segments of need, function and design which was used in the remaining phases of ideation and implementation. From there the ideation phase consisted of different types of brainstorming methods and explorative prototyping to cre- ate a large sum of ideas to later be analysed through a design space evaluation process which resulted in five distinct concepts. The ideation phase was concluded in a selection of the final concepts to be brought into the implementation phase. The implementation phase entailed refinement of the concepts through testing and detail design. The final design concluded in a modular sound absorbing system called Unison which consist of two modes of thinking, vertical aligned units called Acustibrick for building sound absorbing walls. The other is horizontally aligned units called Acustitile made for creating sound absorbing &amp; deflecting roofs. For each of unit there is the option two pick two types of material, acustimet which is an aluminium sheet with micro perforations which gives it its sound absorbing properties. The second material is acustiboard which is a cardboard sheet made of paper honeycomb and two thin outer layers of paper, this outer layer is perforated to give the material its sound absorbing properties. The units are constructed with stamped holes, called interface, which are aligned to allow mounting on different objects depending on the user’s choice. These objects, called the architecture, can be rods, pipes, wires, ropes etc. depending on how the user chooses to implement the system in their environment. This modular system will allow the user to construct their own arrays of units, with their own resources, to shape and better their noise environment. / Det finns en ökande oro över effekterna av buller på människors hälsa. Bullret från vår teknik och bekvämligheter som framkallar en negativ fysiologisk respons som svar, effekter som hjärt-kärlsjukdom, kognitiva och hörselnedsättningar är alla exempel på kritiska hälsoresultat som härrör från långvarig bullerexponering (WHO, 2004 &amp; 2018). En reaktion på insikten om effekterna av bullerföroreningar är direktiv och politik för att bekämpa bullerföroreningar, både på EU-nivå men också på medlemsstatsnivå (EU, 2002). Den tillämpade svenska policyn upprätthålls av Arbetsmiljöverket som har gett följande bestämmelser för inomhusmiljöer och arbetsplatsdesign (AFS 2009:2) där det står “4 § arbete bör planeras, genomföras och följas upp så att bullerexponeringen reduceras genom att eliminera buller från dess källa eller minskas så mycket som möjligt. Hänsyn bör också tas till de tekniska framstegen och möjligheterna att minska bullret. “. Det är här detta examensarbete kommer in för att utveckla en modulär ljudabsorberande enhet som kan hjälpa till i kampen mot buller och minska de negativa effekterna av långvarig bullerexponering. Examensarbetet utförs som en del av vår slutgiltiga magisterkurs i programmet industriell design Engineering vid Luleå tekniska universitet. Företaget Sontech International AB verkade som klient och samarbetspartner för examensarbetet. Målet för projektet var att utveckla en modulär ljudabsorberande enhet som använder Sontechs unika ljudabsorberande material för att bryta sig in i en ny marknad och avvika från deras tidigare fokus på industriella tillämpningar. Projektet baserades på produktdesign specifikationen som utvecklades i inspirations fasen av vårt projekt, som härrör från de data som samlats in i needfinding och current state analys, tillsammans med Sontech. Produktdesign specifikationen delades upp i tre segment av behov, funktion och design som användes i de återstående faserna av ideation och implementation. Ideationsfasen bestod av olika typer av brainstorming-metoder och utforskande prototyper för att skapa en stor summa idéer som senare kunde analyseras genom en utvärderingsprocess som resulterade i fem distinkta koncept. Ideationfasen avslutades i ett urval av de slutgiltiga koncepten som skulle föras in i implementation fasen. Implementeringsfasen innebar förfining av koncepten genom testning och detaljdesign. Den slutliga utformningen slutade med ett modulärt ljudabsorberande system som kallas unison som består av två sätt att tänka, vertikala justerade enheter kallas Acustibrick för att bygga ljudabsorberande väggar. Den andra är horisontellt anpassade enheter kallas Acustitile gjort för att skapa ljudabsorberande &amp; reflekterande tak. För varje enhet finns alternativet att plocka två typer av material, acustimet som är en aluminiumplåt med mikroperforeringar som ger den dess ljudabsorberande egenskaper. Det andra materialet är acustiboard som är en pappskiva gjord av en kärna av papper i ett honeycomb mönster och två tunna yttre lager av papper, detta yttre skikt är perforerad för att ge materialet dess ljudabsorberande egenskaper. Enheterna är konstruerade med stämplade hål, kallas Interface, som är justerade för att tillåta montering på olika objekt beroende på användarnas val. Dessa objekt, som kallas arkitektur, kan vara stavar, rör, ledningar, rep etc. beroende på hur användaren väljer att implementera systemet i sin omgivning. Detta modulära system gör det möjligt för användaren att konstruera sina egna matriser av enheter, med sina egna resurser, för att forma och förbättra sin bullermiljö.

A Modular Shared Home : Approaching affordable housing through sharing habits and modularity

Heshmati, Elnaz January 2020 (has links)
The world’s population is increasing and every day, more people are coming to the cities. People are constantly relocating their houses for meeting their needs. As societies are growing and mobility in cities is raising, cities would face challenges like accommodating the population inexpensively and providing good quality of life and stable social and environmental infrastructure for them. However, due to the fixed regulated and unadaptable construction market, the architecture doesn’t meet the changing needs of inhabitants, therefore, every day the housing market is more unaffordable because of the high demand for housing developments, lands scarce, etc. Architecture needs to be flexible to adjust itself to the current market. Since most of the relocations and high demands for building new housing projects occur when built spaces fail to meet their occupants’ growing needs. This thesis tries to find an alternative framework for designing a flexible one whereby architecture is shaped by the user’s needs and can adjust itself in a long period. This thesis also works on designing an environment that responds to the social, economic, and environmental needs of residents as one united community. Therefore, it uses a shared living idea as an affordable alternative for making houses cheaper and creating a more stable social environment for inhabitants. The content of this thesis is categorized upon the following narrative. Firstly, this thesis is trying to deepen its understanding of the matter of shared living and its possible advantages and disadvantages for producing stable social and economical infrastructure. For this purpose, it analyses a notion of shared living and shared economy through studying successful case studies. Secondly, by studying and utilizing metabolic design criteria, the thesis will form an understanding of a more sustainable approach toward architecture and built environment to design an affordable housing system that provides high quality of life for inhabitants through responding to their needs. Thirdly, the thesis will frame its design strategy based on shared living perspective and metabolic design criteria. The thesis then will illustrate its steps and methods to achieve flexible architecture through designing its module, structure, and material. Lastly, it will discuss its findings on how the shared living approach and metabolic philosophy can aid architects to design more sustainable housing units that can meet their resident’s needs through a long period and make strong social, economic, and environmental infrastructure.

Arithmetic and analytical aspects of Siegel modular forms

Waibel, Fabian 25 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Modular Multilevel Converters for Heavy Trucks

Moberg, William January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines alternatives for power supply for a heavy truck application based on five different modular multilevel converter configurations that ultimately feed a 3-phase motor. Advantages and disadvantages of the different configurations are being discussed as well as other important factors that play a role in what configuration that is beneficial for the intended application. How half- or full-bridge submodules and battery cells relate to each other to achieve a desired voltage are being explained and calculated. Power losses of the converter submodules are being calculated as well as how a specific battery capacity, with increasing average power consumption, performs uphill according to set requirements. It turns out to be the double-armed modular multilevel converter configurations that has the best performance when it comes to utility, energy storage and the lowest power losses.

Evaluation of Wave-Adaptive Modular Vessel Suspension Systems for Improved Dynamics

Shen, Andrea Ann 07 June 2013 (has links)
A study is conducted to test the dynamics of the 33ft Wave-Adaptive Modular Vessel (WAM-V) when outfitted with different suspension systems.  Instrumented with an array of sensors, the vessel is tested with two different suspension arrangements to characterize how they affect WAM-V dynamics, and to ultimately select a suspension that is most suitable for the 33ft WAM-V and other vessels that are planned for the future. Optimizing the suspension can reduce the magnitude of accelerations at the payload tray, benefiting both the operator and the payload.  Reduced accelerations can significantly improve comfort and risk of injury to the operator, while also lessening the likelihood of any damage to any sensitive cargo onboard.  The stock suspension components are characterized through in-house tests conducted at the Center for Vehicle Systems and Safety (CVeSS) at Virginia Tech (VT).  Based on the stock characterizations, new suspension components are chosen to better fit the needs of the 33ft WAM-V. Sea trials are conducted with both suspension systems at the Combatant Craft Division (CCD), a division of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division (NSWCCD), in Norfolk, VA to quantitatively and qualitatively determine the differences between the two suspensions.  The 33ft WAM-V is instrumented with a series of accelerometers and potentiometers for measuring accelerations and displacements.  The data is analyzed for the sea trials conducted at CCD and the results of the analysis indicate that the suspension selection can significantly affect the transmission of shock and vibrations from the pontoons to the operator or payload tray.  Both suspensions are able to mitigate a significant amount of the shocks seen at the pontoons, however, the results do not definitively show which suspension is the better of the two.  This is due to the fact that each suspension is not subjected to the exact same wave conditions, and  therefore the resulting suspension dynamics vary.  For instance, during a 2-foot wave event, the new suspension attenuates more shock than the stock suspension, 76% versus 71%.  However, during a 4-foot wave event, the stock suspension attenuates more shock than the new suspension, 66% versus 60%. Additionally, the suspension selection can significantly influence the ride height.  The stock suspension provides a 70/30 ratio between extension and compression stroke, while the new suspension provides a 50/50 ratio.  The more balanced split between the extension and compression strokes allow for better utilizing the total available stroke for the suspension in both directions.  This significantly reduces the resulting high-g impacts since the suspension does not frequently bottom out when the vessel is subjected to a large wave. It is recommended that the results of this study be extended through laboratory dynamic testing that allows for more repeatable dynamic events than sea trials in order to better establish the influence of each suspension parameter on the vessel dynamics.  Such tests will also allow for a better understanding of the dynamics of the vessel in response to various inputs at the pontoons, both subjectively (visually) and objectively (through measurements). / Master of Science

Battery Balancing on a Full-Bridge Modular Multi-Level Converter

Lin, Junyu January 2022 (has links)
Batteries are becoming popular in the trend of electrification. Performance andlifespan of a battery pack are closely related to how it has been utilized. Withproper balancing control to slow down aging process, variances of capacity andresistance between battery cells can be maintained at a better level. Among balancing methods, dissipative balancing is still the most common method for itssimplicity in control, low cost and high speed. Non-dissipative balancing methods like converter-based and capacitor-based are of researchers’ interest becauseof less heat generated and superior efficiency. In this thesis, the converter-based balancing method is investigated. A modular multilevel converter (MMC) with Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) pattern iscompared with another MMC with Nearest-Level Modulation (NLM). The speedto balance six battery sub-modules, output power and battery current harmonicsare examined.

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