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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informacinė veikla mokyklos bibliotekoje: paslaugos, metodai, veiksmingumas / Information activity in a school library: services, methods and efficiency

Žukienė, Beata 25 November 2010 (has links)
SANTRAUKA. INFORMACINĖ VEIKLA MOKYKLOS BIBLIOTEKOJE: PASLAUGOS, METODAI, VEIKSMINGUMAS Mokyklos biblioteka – aptarnauja moksleivius ir mokyklos personalą, parūpina jiems spaudinių, garso ir vaizdo dokumentų, muzikos įrašų, bibliografinės informacijos, atsižvelgdamos į mokymosi procesą bei vaikų užklasinę veiklą. Mokyklos biblioteka yra kiekvienoje valstybinėje pradinėje, pagrindinėje, vidurinėje, vakarinėje, pagalbinėje aukštesniojoje, gimnazijoje ar specialiojoje mokykloje. Kiekviena mokykla sąmoningai ar ne vykdo informacinę veiklą, nes ji aptarnauja savo mokyklos bendruomenę, tačiau ne visų mokyklos bibliotekų ir jų darbuotojų požiūris į informacinę veiklą sutampa. Šiandienos informacinės visuomenės gyvenimas nebe įsivaizduojamas be tokių įgūdžių, kurių vaikams prireiks ateityje ne tik mokantis mokykloje, bet ir kasdieniniame gyvenime, vėliau ir darbe. Todėl mokyklų bibliotekos turi ne tik kaupti mokymuisi reikalingą fondą, bet ir mokyti juo naudotis. Tema yra aktuali todėl, kad nuoseklus informacinių įgūdžių praktinis taikymas mokyklose kloja tvirtus pamatus vaikų ateičiai ir jų informaciniams gebėjimams. Darbo tikslas- atskleisti mokyklų bibliotekų įtaką informacinės veiklos įgūdžių lavinimui bendrojo lavinimo Lietuvos mokyklose, aptariant mokyklų bibliotekų paslaugas, jų įgyvendinimo metodus ir veiksmingumą. Darbo uždaviniai- išsiaiškinti kokia informacine veikla užsiima mokyklų bibliotekos; išnagrinėti mokyklų bibliotekų teikiamas paslaugas ir jų prieinamumą mokyklos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY. INFORMATION ACTIVITY IN A SCHOOL LIBRARY: SERVICES, METHODS AND EFFICIENCY Today information society‘s life cannot be imagined without skills which children will need in the future not only at school but also in everyday life and later at work. So school libraries have to collect a fund necessary for learning as well as teach to use it. This topic is relevant because consistent practical application of information skills at school provides the basis for children‘s future and their information abilities. The aim of this work is to shows influence of school libraries in developing skills of information activity in comprehensive schools in Lithuania by analysing school library services, methods of their implementation and efficiency. The task of this work is to find out which information activity is done by school libraries, to analyse services provided by school libraries and their availability for a school community, to find out methods used by school libraries to develop skills of information literacy and legal documents as well as recommendations regulating school libraries activity, to give practical and efficient examples of information literacy teaching and to analyse if provided services and used methods are efficient. The object of this Master‘s paper is information activity in school libraries. The goal of this work is to analyse development of information skills in school libraries, school library services, used methods and their efficiency. The following... [to full text]

Mokyklų įvaizdžio formavimo veiksniai (remiantis Kėdainių miesto bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų pavyzdžiu / Factors of Forming the School Image (on the Basis of the Model of Kėdainiai Town General Education Schools)

Kanišauskaitė, Inga 01 June 2006 (has links)
The influence of image over the success of organisation was analyzed in the Master’s degree dissertation. The theoretical scientific literature of foreign and Lithuanian authors was analyzed, the analysis of concepts of the organisation’s image, kinds if image and ways of forming were presented. The empirical research was performed. Factors influencing the image of Kėdainiai town general education schools were researched, the object of the work was achieved and the tasks were realized. The formulated hypothesis of the scientific research stating that the main factors forming the school’s image are the high quality of education, the close association of members of school communities and the formation of public opinion was partly confirmed. Conclusions, recommendations and means forming the positive image of a school were presented. On the basis of theoretical and practical results of the Masters degree dissertation, the paper on the subject “Means of Forming the Image of General Education Schools” was read in the Sixth Conference of Students’ Scientific Works “Urgent Problems of Economics and Management” on the 4th of May,2006.

Maisto papildų vartojimo ir požiūrio į maisto papildus tarp Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų studentų tyrimas / Research of dietary supplements usage and opinion about dietary supplements among Lithuania Universities student‘s

Karpenko, Jelena 04 March 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: ištirti maisto papildų vartojimą ir požiūrį į maisto papildus tarp Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų studentų pagrindinių demografinių, socialinių ir gyvensenos veiksnių kontekste. Tyrimo objektas ir metodai: tikimybinės (atsitiktinės) daugiapakopės imties sudarymo būdu atrenkami 1 087 Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų bakalauro dieninių studijų 1 - 4 kurso studentų, jie tiriami anoniminės anketinės apklausos metodu; skirtumas laikytas statistiškai patikimu, kai p<0,05. Rezultatai: maisto papildus vartoja 73,7% apklaustų studentų, moterys maisto papildus vartoja statistiškai patikimai dažniau negu vyrai (p=0,001); tarp maisto papildų vartojimo ir darbinio užimtumo, pajamų lygio, gyvenamosios vietos, abiejų tėvų išsilavinimo statistiškai patikimo ryšio nenustatyta. 76% studentų mano, jog maisto papildai yra efektyvūs, siekiant pagerinti sveikatą; 69,4%mano, kad papildų vartojimas yra pastanga sveikiau gyventi; 50,3% mano, jog maisto papildų vartojimas yra būtinas organizmui; 16,9% nurodė, kad maisto papildai jiems yra per brangūs. Papildus vartojantys studentai statistiškai patikimai dažniau linkę būti sveikesnio gyvenimo būdo negu jų nevartojantys: rečiau rūkyti, rečiau alkoholį vartoti, dažniau sportuoti, bet dažniau patirti stresą ir būti nepakankamo kūno svorio. Tarp subjektyvios savo sveikatos ir mitybos būklės vertinimo ir papildų vartojimo statistiškai patikimo ryšio nenustatyta. Išvados: 1) didžioji dalis studentų (73,7%) vartoja maisto papildus; moterys dažniau negu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of study: to investigate dietary supplements (DS) usage and opinion about DS among Lithuania universities students in the context of general demographic, social and lifestyle characteristics. Study object and methods: the sample - 1087 Lithuania universities bachelor study students, were randomly selected (multi-stage sampling). 37 questions questionnaire to target group were used to elicit necessary information. Conventional methods of statistics were used to assess differences between sample groups. Results: 73,7% students used DS; compared women and men, women more often used DS (p=0,001). Differences in attitude towards DS usage and employment status, income, permanent place of residence, father and mother education level were not significant. The most part (76%) of students were opinion that DS are effective to improve health; 69,4% of students were opinion that DS usage is effort to be careful about one‘s health; about a half (50,3%) of students were opinion that DS use is necessary for their organism; for 16,9 % of students DS were to expensive. Users were more likely to smoke less, take alcohol less, were more active, were underweight, but had higher stress level than non-users. Conclusions: 1) 73,7% students used DS; compared women and men, women more often used DS; 2) the most part of students were positive opinion about DS effectiveness and about want of DS usage for organism; 3) users were more likely than non-users to be more healthy lifestyle.

Strategic directions for the development of academic libraries in the knowledge society / Akademinių bibliotekų vystymosi strateginės kryptys žinių visuomenėje

Pupelienė, Janina 28 December 2007 (has links)
Because knowledge and information are becoming the vital resources, appropriate organization and management of them is considered to be the guaranty of the welfare of every state, organization and individual. There could be recognized the stronger attention to institutions that are traditionally related to knowledge and information. Because of the growing strategic importance of information and communication technologies in modern organisations, academic libraries remain a significant unit in the institutions of higher education. The theoretical outline of the importance of academic library strategy in the knowledge society in this dissertation is disclosed by exposing the concept of these libraries as organisations, introducing the concept of the evolution of strategy of these libraries, and evaluating changes taking place in the world’s academic libraries. The dissertation introduces a theoretical model of the strategic directions of the academic library developed in the dissertation. This model is proposed by the author of the dissertation as a possible one for the development of academic libraries in Lithuania. The analysis of the possibilities of implementing the designed model in Lithuanian academic library performance accomplished in the dissertation highlights possible obstacles to the modernization of these libraries and the most important and influential circumstances for implementing the model in Lithuanian academic libraries. Analysis of scientific literature, the... [to full text] / Tinkamas žinių ir informacijos organizavimas bei valdymas šiandieninėje žinių ekonomikos visuomenėje pripažįstama kaip pagrindinis valstybės, organizacijos ir kiekvieno individo klestėjimo bei gerovės garantas. Aukštojo mokslo institucijos biblioteka (disertacijoje – akademinė biblioteka) žinių ekonomikos visuomenėje išlieka viena iš svarbiausių grandžių informacinio aprūpinimo infrastruktūroje. Pažymėtinas išskirtinis akademinės bibliotekos vaidmuo universitetinių žinių kūrimo ir ypač sklaidos procesuose. Visa tai skatina suformuluoti akademinių bibliotekų vystymosi kryptis įvertinant šias bibliotekas vadybiniu požiūriu. Ginamoje disertacijoje ištirtas akademinių bibliotekų vaidmuo žinių visuomenėje, šių bibliotekų kaip organizacijų samprata bei ypatybės, analizuojama šių bibliotekų strateginio valdymo patirtis. Pažangiausių pasaulio akademinių bibliotekų vystymosi tendencijų kontekste suformuluotos pagrindinės šių bibliotekų vystymosi strateginės kryptys, sukurtas akademinės bibliotekos vystymosi strateginių krypčių žinių visuomenėje teorinis modelis ir ištirtos šio modelio įgyvendinimo Lietuvos akademinėse bibliotekose galimybės. Modelio įgyvendinimo Lietuvos akademinėse bibliotekose galimybių tyrimas išryškino potencialias kliūtis, modernizuojant šias bibliotekas, ir svarbiausias aplinkybes, galinčias turėti įtakos tokio modelio įgyvendinimui. Apibendrinus teorinę ir empirinio tyrimo medžiagą suformuluotos išvados ir rekomendacijos. Teorinė akademinių bibliotekų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Klasės auklėtojo veiklos organizavimas Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose / Organization of class tutor aktivities in the schools of general secondary education in Lithuania

Sinkevičienė, Rita-Janina 27 June 2005 (has links)
Rapidly developing technological progress of the 21st century, as well as social and psychological conditions of the recent decades determined certain changes in the schools of our country. Today schools have an important task – to prepare children for full-fledged life with consideration to the changes and development of our society. The programs of Lithuanian schools of general secondary education (V., 1997) declare that the key indicator of good psychological atmosphere is active cooperation of school executives, teaches and parents in solving general pedagogical problems. Here, class tutor plays one of the most important roles. In response to today’s challenges, the educational system of Lithuania is seeking to develop: - Independent and responsible person, who is able to improve his abilities throughout the whole course of his/her life; - Self-ruling and solidary civil society, which is based on knowledge and is able to preserve its oneness, create and develop its state, communicate and compete in the global world. In the way of reaching the above listed goals, the role of teacher is changing quintessentially in the educational process: the teacher, as knowledge owner and moderator is changed by teacher, who is able to organize educational process, create learning possibilities, be advisor and partner. Consequently, the class tutor plays extremely important role in whole educational system. The goal of this research paper is to analyze certain aspects of... [to full text]

Alkoholio, tabako bei interneto ryšys su Kauno miesto profesinių mokyklų mokinių psichologine ir socialine būkle / Association between alcohol, smoking and internet and psychosocial state of health of the students of Kaunas vocational schools

Jaskelevičiūtė, Ramunė 09 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine the spread of the dependence on alcohol, smoking and internet and to estimate their connection with psychosocial state among the population of the students of vocational schools. Materials and methods. 395 students between 17-22 years old from Kaunas vocational schools took part in the survey the data of which has been analysed in this study. The habits related to alcohol, smoking and internet were assessed anonymously using the method of frequentative testing and Fagerstrom and AUDIT questionnaire developed for the research of these dependencies. The averages of the sample indications and standard errors of calculations were estimated whilst analysing the data. The criterion of the student (t) was used to compare the average variables of the independent samples. Independency of indications was checked with the help of chi square (x) criterion. Associations are considered to be statistically significant if p < 0,05. Results. After the habits of alcohol consumption had been estimated , it was defined that 89 % of male and 92.1 % of female respondents had tried alcohol and the bigger part of them (40.5%) had used alcohol 1-2 times a month. The most popular drink among girls is champagne ( 33.3 % ) and among boys – wine (50%). The examination of the smoking habits have shown that 79.7 % of girls and 83.8 % of boys have tried to smoke. 15.4% of girls and 33.5 % of boys have smoked 20-29 days during the last month. After examining the habits... [to full text]

Skambinimo fortepijonu įgūdžių vaidmuo rengiant kompetentingus bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos muzikos mokytojus / The role of skills playing the grand piano, preparing competent, general education school, music teachers

Masiukova, Liudmila 25 May 2005 (has links)
In this postgraduate conclusive work there is analyzed the role of skills playing the grand piano, preparing competent music teachers in the general education schools. The music teacher is not only the educator elucidating the secrets of music matters, but also a musician-performer, so his musical experience is very essential. The education reform obliges the latter-day educator to renew constantly, and today’s of today education process is polarized towards new content, methods and tenets. Therefore the training requirements for music teacher are particularly high and diverse. Performative skills are extremely important. And capability to readjust these skills for artistic educational purposes during lesson and out-of-school musical activity is necessary. Against all strides there is a set of unsolved problems musical education is still clashing with. Accordingly, not only theoretical but also practical readiness is very essential preparing forthcoming educators. It is seeking to analyze the level of skills playing the grand piano and using them in practice. Using method of literary analyze there are investigating the formation aspects of theoretical skills and using them in different conditions. As educational-psychological literary analyze had shown, moving the skill to other conditions is very complicated process of human being psychological activity, requesting disciplined training, long and thorough work and is directly dependent on activity, interest and more other... [to full text]

MTP konsultantų vaidmuo efektyvinant pagrindinių mokyklų ugdomąją veiklą / The Role of a Consultant in Schools Perfection Educational Activity of Basic Schools

Kirtiklis, Sigitas 14 June 2005 (has links)
In an attempt to improve the quality of education in basic schools of Lithuania, the Ministry of Education has prepared and is now realizing a Schools Improvement Program. (SIP) The main goal of this program is to improve 5th – 10th forms students’ achievements modernizing general education and making sure the funds for education are used in an effective and rational way. The Schools Improvement Program is being realized with the help of teachers-consultants. Their goal is to ensure the achievements and realization of the educational tasks set in the Schools Improvement Program. However, their activities and role in ensuring the spread of SIP ideas have not been investigated yet. Therefore, it is vital to find out and investigate the way consultants perform their role and functions. The goal of the investigation: to ascertain SIP consultants’ role realization in improving educational activity of basic schools. The tasks of the investigation: 1. To analyze pedagogical, psychological and managerial literature related to educational reform and schools improvement questions. 2. To discuss the peculiarities of consulting in the professional improvement system. 3. To carry out a survey of SIP 2nd round consultants and determine their role in this program. 4. To provide recommendations to school principals and teachers about educational and managerial activity improvement of basic schools, creating better studying conditions at schools, increasing studying possibilities for... [to full text]

Šiaulių miesto bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų vidaus audito metodikos taikymo problemos / The problems of using internal auditing methods in general education schools of Siauliai

Jankuvienė, Daiva, Mazrimienė, Ingrida 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra suformuluotos Šiaulių Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos vidaus audito taikymo problemos. Darbe atskleista Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos vidaus audito esmė: teoriniu aspektu vidaus auditas analizuojamas kaip kokybės laidavimo sistema, pateikiama švietimo kokybės samprata ir švietimo kokybė visuotinės kokybės vadybos aspektu; bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos vidaus auditas analizuojamas vadybinių funkcijų aspektu ir kaip organizacijos veiklos strategijų ir perspektyvų numatymo priemonė. Tyrimo tikslui pasiekti naudota kompleksinė tyrimo metodika, derinant kokybinius ir kiekybinius metodus. Tyrimo dalį sudarė du etapai. Pirmajame etape, ekspertams struktūrizuoto interviu būdu, buvo išryškintos pagrindinės bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų vidaus audito metodikos taikymo problemos. Antrajame etape, šie duomenys pasirinkti vėlesnio kiekybinio tyrimo kintamaisiais – ruošiant anketą pedagogams, dalyvavusiems vykdant vidaus auditą. Tyrimo ataskaitoje patvirtinama autorių suformuluota mokslinio tyrimo hipotezė, kad Šiaulių miesto mokyklos susiduria su ��vairiomis problemomis vykdant vidaus auditą visuose jo vykdymo etapuose ir kad daugiausia problemų kyla atliekant pasirinktos srities analizę bei tai, kad audito rezultatai tikslingai panaudojami prioritetų nustatymui, strateginiam veiklos planavimui. / The problems of using internal auditing methods in general education schools of Siauliai are stated in this master\s degree work. The work characterizes the purport of internal auditing methods: in theoretically dimension internal auditing is analyzed like system of collateral acceptance , the conception of education quality and education quality by aspect of general quality are given; auditing methods in general education schools analyzed by managerial aspect and like a mean to prophesy organization strategy and perspectives. To reach the aim complex methods of investigation were used, combining qualitative and quantitative methods. The research was of two stages. The first stage using structural interview of experts developed basic problems using internal auditing methods. In the second stage , the data was taken making forms for educaters who were doing internal auditing. Various authors stated hypothesis, that general education schools of Siauliai confront various problems using internal auditing in all stages is supported. Also big problem is to make analysis of chosen sphere and auditing results are not used to make priorities and strategical planning.

Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų ir pedagogus rengiančių universitetų bendradarbiavimas švietimo kaitos procese / The Possibilities of School- University Partnership in the Course of Change of Education System

Knyvienė, Jolanta-Gertruda 15 June 2005 (has links)
Jolanta – Gertruda Knyvienė, a postgraduate of Vilnius Pedagogical University, Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy, Department of Educology has presented a thesis under the title ‘The Possibilities of School – University Partnership in the Course of Change of Education System’, that was written under the supervision of associated professor Loreta Žadeikaitė. The changing society has set and is still in progress with new requirements to an individual and at the same time to the education system, in which an individual is nurtured. In Lithuania’s and the European Union’s documents extensive attention is paid to the isolation of educational institutions and, thus, the objective is set to establish collaborative relationships among educational institutions, companies and institutions of scientific research. The changing concept of teachers’ and principals’ activity and teacher preparation program itself, has set the goal to redefine and establish partnership ventures between schools and universities which prepare teachers. The objective of this thesis is to research and analyze the possible modes and conditions for school-university partnerships as well as to evaluate their importance in the course of change of education system. Having followed the scientific-theoretical approach and examined the possibilities of school-university partnerships, it can be claimed that cooperation is important for both the institutions as it could help to ensure their further development based on... [to full text]

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