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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La lutte contre la criminalité et la sauvegarde des droits et des libertés fondamentales dans l'Union européenne / Fighting against crime and the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms in the EU

Righi, Silvia 13 June 2014 (has links)
La recherche vise à vérifier si et comment, au niveau de l’UE, la lutte contre la criminalité (surtout organisée) est conduite dans le respect de droits et libertés fondamentales, et si la coopération en matière entre les États membres peut promouvoir des standards de protection élevés et homogènes. La traditionnelle reluctance des États à confier les relatives compétences à l’Union a fortement entravé le développement d’un « espace de liberté, sécurité et justice » équilibré. Aujourd’hui le Traité de Lisbonne fournit des outils importants. Après avoir présenté la sécurité dans l’UE, j’aborde la coopération judiciaire pénale. J’analyse la riche production normative à finalité répressive, aussi que les mesures récemment adoptées à finalité protectrice et promotionnelle. Ensuite, je passe à la coopération policière et à l’intervention de l’EU en matière financière / patrimoniale, en tandem avec les droits à la protection des données personnelles et de la propriété privé. / The research aims to verify whether and how, at the EU level, the fight against crime (particularly organized crime) is perpetuated in full respect of fundamental rights and freedoms, and whether cooperation among Member States in this field can promote high and homogeneous standards of protection.The historical reluctance of Member States to give the relative competences to the Union has strongly obstructed the development of an equilibrated “area of freedom, security and justice”. However, the Lisbon Treaty has provided important tools. After firstly presenting security in the EU, I discuss judicial cooperation in criminal matters. Both the rich normative production aimed at repression, and the more recently adopted measures finalized at guarantying and promoting individual rights are analyzed. Then, I pass to police cooperation and EU financial / patrimonial intervention, together with the right to protection of personal data and the right to property - the two most at stake.

Gestão em redes para a construção de políticas públicas: um estudo sobre as atividades e prevenção e repressão à lavagem de dinheiro no Brasil

Augustinis, Viviane Franco de 21 March 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Paulo Junior (paulo.jr@fgv.br) on 2011-05-04T17:44:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Augustinis_Viviane_2011.pdf: 4076827 bytes, checksum: 0747401637b89d16dcabd549e47c46cb (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Paulo Junior(paulo.jr@fgv.br) on 2011-05-04T17:44:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Augustinis_Viviane_2011.pdf: 4076827 bytes, checksum: 0747401637b89d16dcabd549e47c46cb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-05T12:29:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Augustinis_Viviane_2011.pdf: 4076827 bytes, checksum: 0747401637b89d16dcabd549e47c46cb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-21 / This study aimed to investigate and compreehend how the emergence of network public management styles can contribute to construct public policies that attend public interest. The theoretical framework was based on interorganizational network theories and, more specifically, on public policy network theories. The main focus of the research was therefore to study relations of collaboration and cooperation that transcend organizacional boundaries and provide more flexibility and greater scope to the process of constructing public policies. The empirical context chosen for discussion was the relationship between brazilian institutions that work together in anti-money laundering efforts. This context has been chosen by the perception that the practice of financial crimes bring huge losses to countries that need to overcome economic and social inequalities. The construction of public policies that are relevant and effective in the prevention and punishment of money laundering crimes can be translated into benefits for the entire economy of a nation. The reflexive methodology proved to be the most suitable for achieving the goals of this research. From the construction of empirical data, it was possible to create constructs that sintetize benefits and challanges of public policy networks. The following interpretative conections reinforce the idea that the external network performance will be perceived by society as more effective the better the internal network performance. If internal network performance improves, it becomes possible to overcome endogeous and exogenous barriers to the network, what improves the results of interaction among participants, leading to more effective results for society. / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi compreender de que modo a emergência de estilos de gestão pública baseados em rede pode contribuir para a construção de políticas públicas relacionadas à prevenção e repressão à lavagem de dinheiro. O arcabouço teórico fundamentou-se nas teorias de redes interorganizacionais, mais especificamente, nas redes de políticas públicas. Foram estudadas relações de colaboração e cooperação que, por transcenderem os limites organizacionais, garantem maior flexibilidade e abrangência ao processo de construção de políticas públicas. As reflexões sobre estas teorias foram realizadas a partir de um contexto empírico específico: o da articulação entre instituições brasileiras que atuam na prevenção e repressão à lavagem de dinheiro. Este contexto foi escolhido pela percepção de que a prática de ilícitos financeiros traz enormes prejuízos a nações que precisam superar desigualdades econômicas e sociais. A escolha metodológica foi motivada por questões ontológicas e epistemológicas que apontaram a metodologia reflexiva como a mais adequada para o alcance dos objetivos propostos na pesquisa. A partir da construção dos dados empíricos foi possível criar construtos que sintetizam os benefícios e desafios da constituição de redes de políticas públicas. As conexões interpretativas subsequentes reforçam a ideia de que os espíritos democrático, republicano e de cooperação devem nortear os valores compartilhados na rede. Assim, se a atuação interna da rede se aprimora, torna-se possível superar entraves endógenos (foco apenas na boa reputação externa) e exógenos (pressão das elites corruptas) à rede, o que resulta em uma melhor interação entre os participantes, gerando resultados mais efetivos para a sociedade.

Prevention of Organized Crime Act 121 of 1998 : a constitutional analysis of section 2,4,5,6, chapter 5 and chapter 6

Damon, Peter-John 20 September 2016 (has links)
Since the advent of the new democratic order established under the 1996 Constitution, South Africa has been plagued with many new challenges .One of the facts that our new democratic state could not ignore was the rapid increase in both national and international, organized criminal activity .The South African Legislature realizing the desire to combat serious criminal activities, introduced into South African Law, the Prevention of Organized Crime Act 121 of 1998. The Act recognizes that conventional criminal penalties are inadequate as measures of deterrence when organized crime leaders are able to retain the considerable gains derived from organized crime, even on those occasions when they are brought to justice. It strives to strip sophisticated criminals of the proceeds of their criminal conduct. The Courts, in applying this legislation, has also created a new field of law that had until the advent of the Act, not existed in South African Law, namely organized crime law. A field, distinct from the ordinary principles of criminal law. The bulk of jurisprudence created over the past decade or more, however seems to be threatened to be undone by the recent judgment concerning the constitutionality of certain provisions of the Act. The confirmation of this judgment is being considered by the Constitutional Court and the purpose of this thesis is to argue against the confirmation of this judgment / Public, Constitutional and International Law / LL. M.

La gestion de la menace terroriste. Le système français de prévention et de répression / Management of the terrorist threat. The French System of prevention and repression

Al kaabi, Juma 03 May 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la gestion du risque terroriste en France.En tant que droit fondamental, la sécurité publique est prise en charge par l’État qui a le devoir d’assurer la défense et la protection des personnes et des biens publiques. Afin de protéger le pays contre tout risque et toute menace terroriste, la France, un des pays du monde les plus ciblés par les terroristes, a dû s’adapter aux nouvelles formes de terrorisme qui sévissent. Pour ce faire, elle a mis en place un important dispositif d’outils et de moyens de prévention et de répression pour lutter contre le terrorisme, tels que les fichiers de police informatisés. Des outils dérogatoires de prévention du terrorisme ont ainsi été créés, d’autres ont été perfectionnés. Dans ce contexte de lutte contre le terrorisme, de nombreux acteurs interviennent, au niveau local, national, mais aussi européen et international, au sein des institutions.De leur côté, les législateurs, devant les diverses formes de terrorisme, mais également face à la fréquence de tels actes et à leur violence toujours plus grande, ont dû créer de nouvelles lois relatives à la répression et à la prévention des actions terroristes.Ils se sont aussi attachés à la répression du financement du terrorisme en incriminant les personnes qui seraient, directement ou indirectement liées à des réseaux criminels. Enfin, grâce à une collaboration efficace des acteurs sur les plans international, européen et national, ainsi qu’à des outils opérationnels et des moyens de plus en plus performants, la sécurité des personnes et des biens publics est assurée. / This thesis focuses on terrorist risk management in France.As a fundamental right, public safety is supported by the State, it has the duty to defend and protect people and public property. To protect the country against all risks and terrorist threat, France, one of the most targeted countries of the world by the terrorists, had to adapt to new forms of terrorism. To do this, it has established an important tool device and means of prevention and enforcement to fight against terrorism, such as computerized police files. Derogatory tools to prevent terrorism have also been created, others have been improved. In this context of fight against terrorism, many actors involved, at local, national as well as European and international, within the institutions.For their part, legislators, facing the frequency of such acts and their ever-increasing violence, had to create new laws for the repression and prevention of terrorism.They also committed to the suppression of terrorist financing by criminalizing those who would be directly or indirectly linked to criminal networks. Finally, through effective collaboration of actors on the international, European and national, as well as operational tools and means of increasingly effective, the safety of persons and public goods is assured.

臺灣銀行業之全球挑戰:防制洗錢與打擊資助恐怖主義–以兆豐國際商業銀行為例 / A global challenge of taiwanese banking industry : anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism – a case study of mega international commercial bank

孫曼蓉, Sun, Man-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
Money laundering (ML) involves a wide range of predicate offenses, including drug trafficking, human smuggling, arms smuggling, gambling, fraud, tax evasion, etc. Additionally, money laundering activities had been associated with drug trafficking or organized crime in the past, but the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001 have highlighted the link between money laundering activities and terrorist financing (TF). Due to the over-banking phenomenon in Taiwan, banks focus more on business performance than compliance, resulting in the violation incident of Mega International Commercial Bank (Mega Bank) New York Branch with a huge penalty of US$180 million fined by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) in August, 2016. The violation incident of Mega Bank New York Branch has reinforced the importance of compliance with international Anti-money laundering/Combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) standards for risk mitigation. Taiwan will undergo the third round of the Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG) mutual evaluations in 2018, it calls for not only government legislation but also raising public awareness of ML/TF crimes and involves the public cooperation with the government in the fight against ML/TF.

Approaches for a comprehensive regulatory response to illegal gold commerce / Alcances para una respuesta jurídica integral al comercio ilegal de oro

Valverde Luna, Vanessa Sofía, Collantes Añaños, Diego Alonso 12 April 2018 (has links)
This paper pretends to analyze the functioning and the limitations of some legal tools that the Peruvian state has posed as a part of his normative answer to the grave phenomenon of illegal gold mining, organized form of criminality whose utilities have surpassed the ones of drug trafficking. With this purpose, two axes of analysis has been proposed with incidence upon the illegal commercialization of gold: (i) the criminal tools, which specifically involve the crimes of illegal mining, clandestine commerce and money laundering; and (ii) the administrative tools, which involve the Legislative Decrees N° 1103 and 1107, the Supreme Decrees N° 012-2012-EM and N° 17-2009-MTC, among others. The authors have noticed several legislative policy errors in these elements and therefore implement recommendations to increase the global effectiveness of the regulation. / El presente trabajo apunta a evaluar el funcionamiento y las limitaciones de algunas de las herramientas jurídicas que el Estado peruano ha planteado como parte de su respuesta normativa frente al grave fenómeno de la minería ilegal, forma organizada de criminalidad cuyas ganancias ilícitas han superado en los últimos años a las del tráfico ilícito de drogas. Con tal finalidad, se han propuesto dos ejes de análisis con incidencia en la comercialización del oro ilegal: (i) las herramientas penales, que específicamente comprenden los delitos de minería ilegal, comercio clandestino y lavado de activos; y (ii) las herramientas administrativas, compuestas por los Decretos Legislativos No. 1103 y 1107, los Decretos Supremos No. 012-2012-EM y No. 17-2009-MTC, entre otros. Los autores han advertido diversos errores de política legislativa en estos elementos e implementan recomendaciones para incrementar la eficacia global de la regulación.

Daňové ráje a jejich využití / Tax Havens and Their Use

Komárková, Renata January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the characteristics of tax havens, approach beneficiary companies and way of their use and potential abuse. The first part defines basic terms, which are tax havens are closely linked. The second part is devoted to the characterization chosen tax havens in different areas of model-based taxation example of two types of companies. The third part contains the suggestions and recommendations for setting up a company in a tax haven.

Money Laundering Detection using Tree Boosting and Graph Learning Algorithms / Detektion av Penningtvätt med hjälp av Trädalgoritmer och Grafinlärningsalgoritmer

Frumerie, Rickard January 2021 (has links)
In this masters thesis we focused on using machine learning methods for detecting money laundering in financial transaction networks, in order to demonstrate that it can be used as a complement or instead of the more commonly used rule based systems. The graph learning method graph convolutional networks (GCN) has been a hot topic in the field since they were shown to scale well with data size back in 2018. However the typical GCN models cannot use edge features, which is why this thesis combines the GCN model with a node and edge neural network (NENN) in order to solve this problem. This new method will be compared towards an already established machine learning method for financial transactions, namely the tree boosting method (XGBoost). Because of confidentiality concerns for financial transactions data, the machine learning algorithms will be tested on two carefully constructed synthetically generated data sets, which from agent based simulations resembles real financial data. The results showed the viability and superiority of the new implementation of the GCN model with it being a preferable method for connectivly structured data, meaning that a transaction or account is analyzed in the context of its financial environment. On the other hand the XGBoost method showed better results when examining transactions independently. Hence it was more accurately able to find fraudulent and non fraudulent patterns from the transactional features themselves. / I detta examensarbete fokuserar vi på användandet av maskininlärningsmetoder för att detektera penningtvätt i finansiella transaktionsnätverk, med målet att demonstrera att dess kan användas som ett komplement till eller i stället för de mer vanligt använda regelbaserade systemen. Grafinlärningsmetoden \textit{graph convolutional networks} (GCN) som har varit ett hett ämne inom området sedan metoden under 2018 visades fungera bra för stora datamängder. Däremot kan inte en vanlig GCN-modell använda kantinformation, vilket är varför denna avhandling kombinerar GCN-modellen med \textit{node and edge neural networks} (NENN) för att mer effektivt detektera penningtvätt. Denna nya metod kommer att jämföras med en redan etablerad maskininlärningsmetod för finansiella transaktioner, nämligen \textit{tree boosting} (XGBoost). På grund av sekretessanledningar för finansiella transaktionsdata var maskininlärningsalgoritmerna testade på två noggrant konstruerade syntetiskt genererade datamängder som från agentbaserade simuleringar liknar riktiga finansiella data. Resultaten visade på applikationsmöjligheter och överlägsenhet för den nya implementationen av GCN-modellen vilken är att föredra för relationsstrukturerade data, det vill säga när transaktioner och konton analyseras i kontexten av deras finansiella omgivning. Å andra sidan visar XGBoost bättre resultat på att examinera transaktioner individuellt eftersom denna metod mer precist kan identifiera bedrägliga och icke-bedrägliga mönster från de transnationella funktionerna.

Defining organised crime: a comparative analysis

Lebeya, Seswantsho Godfrey 05 October 2012 (has links)
The most challenging and spoken criminal phenomenon today is indisputably organised crime. It is a crime that both the general public, business community, commentators, researchers, scholars, journalists, writers, politicians, prosecutors, jurists and presiding officials debate with different interpretation and understanding of the concept as well as the manifestation of the phenomena. Debates on the subject have seen the dawn of rival terminologies of organised crime and crimes that are organised. While the United Nations has not assisted the nations in finding a definition of what organised crime is, the confusion has spread throughout the globe and South Africa has not been spared the pandemonium. The objective of this study is to comparatively assess the present understanding and setup in South Africa in comparison with Italy, Tanzania and the United States of America, identify the root causes of the confusion and find possible remedies to liberate the situation. The research concludes with the findings and recommendations. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LL.D.

À quoi sert le renseignement financier? : de la trace financière à la « fabrique de la criminalité » en Suisse et au Canada

Chaudieu, Killian 06 1900 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 1970 la communauté internationale, sous l’impulsion des États-Unis, a progressivement abordé le blanchiment d’argent sale comme un nouveau problème de sécurité représentant une menace pour la sécurité intérieure des États et l’équilibre du système financier international. La création, en 1989, du Groupe d’action financière (GAFI) lors du sommet du G7 se tenant à Paris, marquera l’engagement politique international en faveur de la lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux devant constituer « une contribution décisive à la lutte contre les activités criminelles et particulièrement contre le trafic de la drogue et permettre de renforcer la solidité du système financier international » [GAFI, 1991, p. 21]. À travers la publication en 1990, de ses quarante recommandations pour la mise en place d’un régime global de lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux, les pays membres du GAFI – les membres du G7 auxquels se sont joints, dès la première année, la Commission européenne et huit autres pays dont la Suisse – viennent concrétiser l’« invention d’un nouveau crime » [Amicelle, 2016, p. 37] : le blanchiment d’argent et la nécessité d’une nouvelle forme de réaction sociale contre la criminalité lucrative. Créé au départ pour lutter contre les revenus issus du trafic de drogue, le dispositif englobe aujourd’hui l’ensemble des revenus issus d’une activité criminelle. En 2001, il a été adapté pour lutter contre le financement du terrorisme et en 2012 élargi aux infractions fiscales pénales et au financement de la prolifération des armes de destructions massives. Ainsi, le dispositif anti-blanchiment est aujourd’hui un instrument théoriquement mobilisable pour lutter contre toutes les formes de criminalité et toutes les personnes (physiques ou morales) – « des plus faibles aux plus puissantes » [Amicelle, 2014, p. 88] – associées à des flux financiers illicites. Plus de trente ans après sa création, le GAFI représente un réseau mondial de plus de 190 juridictions ayant adopté ses recommandations, conduisant en 2019 son président à célébrer « trente ans de succès » et à affirmer que la « valeur de l'organisation pour la sécurité de nos nations et l'intégrité du système financier international n'ont jamais été aussi claires » [GAFI, 2019, p. 5]. À travers l’adaptation de leur législation, la plupart des pays, se sont dotés d’un dispositif de lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux et le financement du terrorisme (LBC/FT) reposant sur des pratiques inédites de coopération et d’échanges d’informations entre des acteurs provenant du monde de la finance et des acteurs publics d’application de la loi [Amicelle, 2018 ; Helgesson et Mörth, 2019 ; Huysmans, 2014 ; Sheptycki, 2002]. S'appuyant sur les travaux de Latour, de Goede [2018] introduit le concept de la « chaîne de sécurité » pour décrire l’architecture générale du dispositif de LBC/FT composée de trois maillons, décrivant la division du travail et les tâches relatives à la mise en œuvre d’un modèle théorique de policing guidé par le renseignement – financier – ou d’« Intelligence-led policing ». Le premier maillon concerne les institutions financières désignées comme entités déclarantes, obligées par la loi d’organiser la traçabilité des opérations financières devant supporter la surveillance, la détection et le signalement des opérations suspectes en matière de BC/FT dans leurs établissements. Le deuxième maillon concerne la cellule de renseignement financier (CRF) désignée dans chaque pays, comme le centre national chargé de la collecte et l’analyse des déclarations d’opérations suspectes et des autres informations concernant le BC/FT et de la production de renseignement financier mobilisable par les acteurs publics d’application de la loi – dernier maillon de la chaîne – devant lutter contre la criminalité en s’attaquant aux flux financiers illicites. À travers le concept de la « chaîne », de Geode [2018] décrit le dispositif anti-blanchiment selon un processus linéaire, suivant le cheminement des transactions suspectes – les traces financières – qui sont successivement « collectées, stockées, transférées et analysées afin d’aboutir à des actes de sécurité (par exemple des avoirs gelés, des comptes fermés, et des condamnations judiciaires) » (p. 27). Dans cette nouvelle configuration du policing – financier – , le processus de « fabrique de la criminalité » ou de « making crime » introduit par Ericson [1981] – pour décrire le processus à travers lequel les acteurs du policing sont confrontés à des problèmes de sécurité qu’ils vont transformer, en fonction de leur réaction, en crime et en criminel – se déplace a priori, dans une logique de « multilatéralisation du policing », des seules organisations policières vers d’autres acteurs devenant de nouveaux « promoteurs » et « prestataires » du policing [Bayley et Shearing, 2001]. Jusqu’ici, de nombreuses études ont été consacrées à l’analyse du premier maillon de la « chaine de sécurité » questionnant l’implication des acteurs financiers dans la mise en œuvre « réticente » des mesures de vigilance, de détection et de signalement des flux financiers illicites au sein de leurs institutions. Cependant, très peu d’études prêtent attention aux autres maillons de la « chaîne de sécurité » et encore moins lorsqu’il s’agit d’analyser la « chaîne de sécurité » dans son ensemble, seul moyen pour saisir empiriquement l’étendue des relations et la diversité des dispositifs de production de sécurité mis en œuvre, supportant dans sa globalité le processus de réaction sociale aux pratiques de BC/FT. Ainsi, c’est ce vide de connaissances académiques que cette recherche vise à combler à travers l’analyse empirique de la mise en œuvre du dispositif de LBC/FT en Suisse et au Canada. Plus de 30 ans après la création du GAFI et la mise en place par les États d’un dispositif de LBC/FT reposant sur un modèle opérant de policing guidé par le renseignement financier, cette recherche vise à comprendre dans sa globalité : « À quoi sert le renseignement financier ? » Répondre à cette question de recherche, c’est contribuer dans une triple dimension à (a) l’analyse de la mise en œuvre empirique d’un modèle opérant de policing guidé par le renseignement dans une environnement particulier : l’environnement financier, (b) dépassant la vision lacuneuse des travaux centrés sur les acteurs financiers de l’anti-blanchiment et (c) saisir la manière dont les pratiques de production et d’utilisation du renseignement financier contribuent à analyser dans son ensemble tout le processus qui détermine la visibilité des cas de BC/FT, leur signalement à une autorité de contrôle et leur éventuelle poursuite et condamnation. Le dispositif anti-blanchiment n’ayant plus vocation à cibler une forme de criminalité lucrative par rapport à une autre, notre étude est aussi une analyse du processus de « fabrique de la criminalité » décrit par Ericson [1981], par lequel les acteurs du policing financier vont désigner, en fonction de leurs intérêts et de leurs règles propres, les comportements criminels portés à leur connaissance qu’ils vont décider de poursuivre, d’ignorer, d’infirmer ou de vérifier. Alors cette recherche soutiendra la thèse que malgré toutes les promesses implicites portées par la reconfiguration des activités de policing dans ses logiques contemporaines de fonctionnement – redéfinissant a priori, la division du travail et la répartition des tâches situées au cœur du processus de « fabrique de la criminalité » –, l’exemple de la lutte anti-blanchiment en Suisse et au Canada, montre comment les acteurs publics d’application de la loi (APAL) ont su conserver la mainmise sur le processus de « making crime » en développant des stratégies pour détourner les normes anti-blanchiment et les dispositifs qu’elles impliquent, à leur avantage dans la poursuite de leurs priorités opérationnelles. Ainsi, les APAL replacent – dans un mouvement contre-intuitif aux reconfigurations contemporaines des activités de policing – les relations de pouvoir, associées au contrôle et au maintien de l’ordre, dans un rapport de verticalité entre l’État et la société et dont les manifestations contribuent à reproduire la « fabrique de la criminalité » selon, comme l’avait noté Manning [2010], « un ensemble d’habitudes et de suppositions axées sur le trope du crime qui envisage uniquement la nécessité de contrôler, de dissuader et de punir les contestataires visibles et connus » – justifiant aussi une analyse en termes de gestion différentielle des illégalismes. À travers l’accès à un matériau empirique – jamais mobilisé auparavant – dans deux pays membres fondateurs du GAFI, cette recherche repose sur une approche comparée à l’échelle internationale et une méthodologie d’analyse mixte, de la base de données, dénominalisées, colligeant l’ensemble des déclarations d’opérations suspectes et des informations associées reçues par la CRF suisse entre 2004 et 2014 – analyse quantitative – et des entretiens auprès d’une quarantaine d’agents au sein de la CRF suisse et d’un panel « représentatif » de l’ensemble des acteurs publics d’application de la loi habilités à mobiliser le renseignement financier en Suisse et au Canada – analyse qualitative. Alors cette recherche contribue empiriquement et conceptuellement à la littérature sur les transformations du policing soutenues par les modèles de policing guidé par le renseignement – ou d’« Intelligence-led policing » –, évitant l’écueil de penser les processus génériques de renseignement comme les manières de les organiser. De plus, cette recherche questionne à nouveaux frais la réaction sociale aux différentes formes de criminalité lucrative, justifiant une analyse en termes de gestion différentielle des illégalismes renvoyant aux diverses modalités pratiques de jeu avec les règles légales tout en situant socialement les groupes qui en usent. / Since the early 1970s, the international community, led by the United States, has progressively addressed money laundering as a new security problem representing a threat to the security of states and financial system. The creation of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in 1989 at the G7 summit in Paris marked the international political commitment to combat money laundering as “a decisive contribution to the fight against criminal activities, particularly drug trafficking, and will improve the soundness of the international financial system” [FATF, 1991, p. 20]. The FATF's forty recommendations, published in 1990, for the establishment of a global anti-money laundering regime, embody the “invention of a new crime” [Amicelle, 2016, p. 37]: money laundering and the need for a new form of social reaction against profit-making crime. Initially created to combat drug trafficking, the system now covers all profit from criminal activity. In 2001, it was adapted to combat the financing of terrorism and in 2012 extended to cover criminal tax offences and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Thus, the anti-money laundering system is today an instrument that can theoretically be mobilised to combat all forms of crime and all persons – “from the weakest to the most powerful” [Amicelle, 2014, p. 88] - associated with illicit financial flows. More than thirty years after its creation, the FATF represents a global network of more than 190 jurisdictions that have adopted its Recommendations, leading its President in 2019 to celebrate “thirty years of success” and to assert that the “value of the organisation to the security of our nations and the integrity of the international financial system has never been clearer” [FATF, 2019, p. 5]. Today, most countries have anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) systems based on innovative practices of cooperation and information exchange between financial and public law enforcement actors [Amicelle, 2018; Helgesson and Mörth, 2019; Huysmans, 2014; Sheptycki, 2002]. Building on Latour's work, de Goede [2018] introduces the concept of the “security chain” to describe the general architecture of the AML/CFT system composed of three links, describing the division of labour and tasks related to the implementation of a theoretical model of intelligence-led policing. The first link concerns the financial institutions designated as reporting entities, which are obliged by law to organise the traceability of financial transactions that should support the monitoring, detection and reporting of suspicious ML/FT transactions in their institutions. The second link concerns the financial intelligence unit (FIU) designated in each country as the national centre responsible for collecting and analysing suspicious transaction reports and other ML/FT information and producing financial intelligence that can be mobilised by public law enforcement actors - the last link in the chain - to fight crime by tackling illicit financial flows. Through the concept of the “chain”, de Geode [2018] describes the anti-money laundering system as a linear process, following the path of suspicious transactions - financial traces - which are successively “collected, stored, transferred and analysed in order to lead to security acts (e.g. frozen assets, closed accounts, and judicial convictions)” (p. 27). In this new configuration of financial policing, the process of “making crime” introduced by Ericson [1981] - to describe the process through which policing actors are confronted with security problems which they will transform, according to their reaction, into crime and criminality - is shifted a priori, in a logic of “multilateralization of policing”, from police organisations alone to other actors who become new “promoters” and “providers” of policing [Bayley and Shearing, 2001]. Many studies have been devoted to the analysis of the first link of the “security chain”, questioning the involvement of financial actors in the “reluctant” implementation of vigilance measures, detection and reporting of illicit financial flows within their institutions. However, very few studies pay attention to the other links in the “security chain” and even fewer analyse the “security chain” as a whole, which is the only way to empirically grasp the extent of the relationships and the diversity of the security production mechanisms implemented, which support the whole process of social reaction to ML/FT practices. It is this gap in academic knowledge that this research aims to fill through the empirical analysis of the implementation of the AML/CFT system in Switzerland and Canada. More than 30 years after the creation of the FATF and the implementation by States of an AML/CFT system based on an operational model of policing led by financial intelligence, this research aims to understand in its entirety: “What is financial intelligence used for?” Answering this research question means contributing in a triple dimension to (a) the analysis of the empirical implementation of an operating model of intelligence-led policing in a particular environment: the financial environment, (b) going beyond the flawed vision of work focused on the financial actors of anti-money laundering and (c) grasping the way in which the practices of production and use of financial intelligence contribute to analyse as a whole the process that determines the visibility of ML/FT cases, their reporting to a supervisory authority and their possible prosecution and conviction. As the anti-money laundering system is no longer intended to target one form of lucrative crime over another, our study is also an analysis of the “making crime” process described by Ericson [1981], whereby financial policing actors will designate, according to their own interests and rules, the criminal behaviour brought to their attention that they will decide to pursue, ignore, deny or verify. This research will therefore support the thesis that despite all the implicit promises made by the reconfiguration of policing activities in its contemporary operating logics - redefining a priori the division of labour and the distribution of tasks located at the heart of the “making crime” process –, the example of the fight against money laundering in Switzerland and Canada shows how public law enforcement agencies (APAL) have been able to maintain control over the process of “making crime” by developing strategies to turn anti-money laundering norms and the mechanisms they imply to their advantage in the pursuit of their operational priorities. Thus, public law enforcement actors situate the power relations associated with policing in a vertical relationship between state and society, the manifestations of which help to reproduce the “making crime” according to, as Manning [2010] noted, a set of habits and assumptions that “envisions only the need to control, deter and punish the visible and known contestants”. Through access to empirical material - never before mobilised - in two founding member countries of the FATF, this research is based on a comparative approach on an international scale and a mixed methodology of analysis of the database of all suspicious transaction reports and related information received by the Swiss FIU between 2004 and 2014 - quantitative analysis - and forty interviews with agents within the Swiss FIU and a "representative" panel of all public law enforcement actors empowered to mobilise financial intelligence in Switzerland and Canada - qualitative analysis. Thus, this research contributes empirically and conceptually to the literature on the transformations of policing supported by models of intelligence-led policing, avoiding the pitfall of thinking about generic intelligence processes as well as ways of organizing them. Moreover, this research questions the social reaction to the different forms of lucrative crime, justifying an analysis in terms of differential management of illegalisms referring to the various practical modalities of playing with the legal rules while socially situating the groups that use them.

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