Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mucosal"" "subject:"ucosal""
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Efeito da infecção crônica por Toxoplasma gondii durante a sepse polimicrobiana experimental / Effect of chronic infection by Toxoplasma gondii during experimental polymicrobial sepsis.Maria do Carmo Souza 15 April 2013 (has links)
A maioria dos estudos da interação parasito-hospedeiro tem focado na interação de um único patógeno. Porém, o hospedeiro em um ambiente natural é comumente exposto a múltiplos patógenos sequencialmente ou mesmo simultaneamente. Diversos estudos têm utilizado o modelo de Ligadura e perfuração do Ceco (CLP) para estudar a sepse, mas nenhum deles apresentou modelo de coinfecção ou estudo avaliando o papel de infecções prévias no desfecho da sepse polimicrobiana experimental. Neste contexto, nossa hipótese é de que a infecção crônica por parasitos poderia alterar o curso da resposta durante a sepse polimicrobiana. Para testar essa hipótese, animais C57BL/6 ou BALB/c foram infectados com 5 ou 20 cistos da cepa ME 49 de Toxoplasma gondii e 40 dias após a infecção os animais foram induzidos à sepse polimicrobiana. Em nosso estudo, 100% dos animais cronicamente infectados por T. gondii morreram num período de 24 horas após CLP. O mesmo não foi observado quando animais foram infectados cronicamente com os parasitos Leishmania major e Trypanosoma cruzi ou com o fungo Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Um dado interessante em nosso estudo foi que, nos animais previamente infectados com T. gondii, constatamos melhora na eliminação de bactérias liberadas pela CLP e aumento do recrutamento celular para o sítio da infecção. Apesar de esses animais apresentarem melhora na resposta contra as bactérias, verificamos a presença de lesão intestinal e maior infiltrado inflamatório neste órgão, associado a um aumento da produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias (IFN-, TNF-, IL-6 e IL-1) e consequente aumento de óxido nítrico (NO), num período de 24 horas depois da CLP. Verificamos que as células TCD4+ e TCD8+ são responsáveis pela produção de IFN- e TNF- nesse modelo de coinfecção, e em modelo in vitro, que macrófagos podem ser responsáveis pela produção de IL-1 dependente de ativação do inflamassoma NLRP3/ASC/Caspase 1. Neste estudo, observamos que a rápida resposta contra a CLP acontece em função da presença de células de memória de padrão Th1, induzidas na infecção por T. gondii. Dessa forma, esse trabalho mostra que a infecção crônica por T. gondii agrava a sepse polimicrobiana subletal, por aumentar a produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias IL-6, TNF- e IL-1, com a indução de hipotensão, predispondo ao choque séptico. / Most studies of parasite-host interaction have focused on the interaction of a single pathogen with cells or organism of the host. However, in a natural enviroment, the host is commonly exposed to multiple pathogens sequentially or even simultaneously. Several studies have used the model of cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) to study sepsis, but none of them evaluated the effect of the presence of previous infections to the outcome of polymicrobial sepsis. In this context, we hypothesized that chronic infection with Toxoplasma gondii could alter the course of host response against polymicrobial sepsis. To test this hypothesis, C57BL/6 or BALB/c mice were orally infected with 5 or 20 cysts of ME-49 strain of T. gondii and 40 days post infection, they were subjected to CLP. When mice were chronically infected with T. gondii, 100% of the animals died within 24 hours after CLP. The same phenomenons were not observed in animals previously infected with other parasites, such as Leishmania major and Trypanosoma cruzi or the fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Interestingly, when we evaluated the response against the CLP in animals that were infected with T. gondii, we found an improvement in the killing of bacteria released by CLP and an increase in recruitment of inflammatory cells to the site of infection. However, despite the fact that these animals have improved response against the bacterial infection, they presented intestinal damage and increased inflammatory infiltrate in this organ. The animals also had increased pro-inflammatory cytokines (IFN-, TNF-, IL-6 and IL-1), and nitric oxide (NO) detected within 24 hours after CLP. We also found that the TCD4+ and TCD8+ cells were responsible to produce IFN- and TNF-, and, using an in vitro model, we verified that macrophages are primarily responsible for the production of IL-1 in a pathway dependent on the activation of NLRP3/ASC/Caspase 1 inflamassoma. In this study, we found that early response against CLP happens due to the presence of mainly Th1 memory cells, induced by T. gondii infection. Finally, we found that chronic infection with T. gondii aggravates sublethal polymicrobial sepsis by increasing the cytokines IL-6, TNF- and IL-1, with induction of hypotension that predispose to septic shock.
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Avaliação do risco de metástases linfonodais no adenocarcinoma gástrico precoce que integra critérios expandidos de ressecção endoscópica em pacientes submetidos a gastrectomia / Risk assessment of lymph node metastases in early gastric adenocarcinoma fullfilling expanded endoscopic resection criteria in patients undergoing gastrectomyFernanda Cristina Simões Pessorrusso 18 June 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O adenocarcinoma gástrico precoce (AGP) atinge até a camada submucosa em profundidade, independentemente da presença de metástases linfonodais (MLF). Tumores mucosos, bem diferenciados, menores que 20 mm e sem ulceração são candidatos à ressecção endoscópica (RE) por mucosectomia com taxas de MLF praticamente nulas. Com o advento da técnica de dissecção endoscópica da submucosa (ESD) e após observar ausência de MLF em grande série de pacientes no Japão, foi sugerido que os critérios clássicos pudessem ser expandidos, evitando a gastrectomia em alguns pacientes. Em países ocidentais autores e sociedades têm visto com restrição a ESD para critérios expandidos devido à observação de MLF em alguns subgrupos. A análise crítica e validação dos critérios expandidos de RE para tratamento do AGP em coorte brasileira poderá indicar os pacientes com menor risco de metástases linfonodais nesta população, de modo a individualizar o tratamento com excelência e qualidade de vida. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a presença MLF em produtos de gastrectomia com linfadenectomia de pacientes elegíveis à ressecção endoscópica seguindo os critérios clássicos e expandidos. MÉTODO: Inclusão de pacientes com AGP submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico com dissecção linfonodal. Estadiamento linfonodal e avaliação de características clínicas, macroscópicas e histopatológicas segundo critérios de RE. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 389 espécimens cirúrgicos de gastrectomia, dentre os quais 135 cumpriam critérios para ressecção endoscópica. Nenhum dos 31 pacientes com critérios clássicos apresentou MLF (N = 31; 0% IC95% 0 - 13,4%). Dos 104 com critérios expandidos, 3 apresentaram MLF (N = 104; 2,9% IC95% 0,7 - 8,6%), todos pertencentes ao grupo de tumores indiferenciados sem ulceração e menores que 20 mm. Dos pacientes com indicação de tratamento cirúrgico houve 50 MLF positivos (N = 254; 19,7% IC95% 15,3 - 25,1%). CONCLUSÃO: Existe risco mínimo de metástases linfonodais quando adotados os critérios expandidos de RE. Este risco é praticamente nulo para os critérios clássicos e quando se exclui o tumor indiferenciado do critério expandido / INTRODUCTION: Early gastric cancer (EGC) is known to present low rate of lymph nodal metastasis (LNM). Gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy is usually curative for EGC. Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is a well-accepted treatment modality for lesions that meet the classic criteria, a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma measuring less than 20 mm size and without ulceration. Expanded criteria for ESD have been recently proposed, based on null LNM rate from large gastrectomies series coming from Japan. The expanded criteria for ESD are as follows: intramucosal non-ulcerative well-differentiated tumor > 20 mm, intramucosal ulc mo <= 30 mm, intramucosal non-ulcera mo <= 20 mm, or superficially submucosal ( m1) mo <= 30 mm. There is some resistance to adoption of the expanded criteria, since patients with positive LNM have already been reported in western centers. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate LNM staging in patients who met the expanded endoscopic treatment criteria for ESD. METHOD: Evaluation of gastrectomy specimens including LNM staging of patients submitted to gastrectomy for EGC in a 39-year retrospective cohort. A senior pathologist reviewed the histology slides. RESULTS: A total of 389 surgical specimens were included, of whose 135 met criteria for endoscopic resection. None of the 31 patients with classic criteria had LNM. Of the 104 patients with expanded criteria, 3 had LNM (n = 104, 2.9% CI 95% 0.7 - 8.6%), all of them with undifferentiated tumors without ulceration and less than 20 mm. In the patients with surgical criteria there were 50 LNM positive (n = 254; 19.7% CI 95% 15.3 - 25.1%). CONCLUSION: There is minimal risk of LNM in EGC when expanded criteria for ESD are met. This risk is practically nil for the classic criteria and when the undifferentiated tumor is excluded of the expanded criteria. Refinement of the expanded criteria for the risk of LNM may be desirable. Meanwhile the decision to complement the endoscopic treatment with LNM dissection or D2 gastrectomy will have to take into consideration the individual risk of perioperative morbidity and mortality
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Desenvolvimento de uma nova estratégia vacinal contra a cárie dental humana baseada na proteína PstS de Streptococcus mutans. / Development of a new vaccine strategy against human dental caries based on the PstS protein of Streptococcus mutans.Ewerton Lucena Ferreira 07 May 2015 (has links)
Streptococcus mutans é o principal agente etiológico da cárie dental humana, uma doença infecciosa para a qual não há vacina disponível. A influência dos sistemas de transporte ABC na virulência bacteriana suporta seu uso como alvos vacinais. Em S. mutans a proteína ligadora de fosfato (PstS) influencia a expressão de fatores de virulência. A proposta deste trabalho foi caracterizar uma estratégia vacinal de mucosa anti-cárie baseada na proteína PstS como antígeno alvo. Inicialmente, a forma recombinante da proteína foi obtida em E. coli. A caracterização biofísica revelou uma estrutura secundária estável, semelhante a outras proteínas ligadoras e capaz de interagir com seu ligante. Epítopos antigênicos conservados foram identificados na proteína recombinante pela reatividade com soro anti-S. mutans. A proteína rPstS foi imunogênica por via sublingual, combinada ou não à LTK4R e anticorpos rPstS-específicos interferiram na colonização oral in vivo por S. mutans. Os resultados indicam que a proteína rPstS pode ser explorada em estratégias vacinais contra a cárie. / Streptococcus mutans is the main etiological agent of human dental caries, an infectious disease for which there is no vaccine available. The influence of ABC transport systems in bacterial virulence supports its use as vaccine targets. In S. mutans the phosphate binding protein (PstS) influences the expression of virulence traits. The purpose of this work was characterizing an anti-caries mucosal vaccine based on the PstS protein as target antigen. First, a recombinant form of the protein was obtained in E. coli. The biophysical characterization showed a stable secondary structure, similar to other binding proteins and able to interact with its ligand. Conserved antigenic epitopes were identified in the recombinant protein by reactivity with anti- S. mutans serum. The rPstS protein was immunogenic by the sublingual route in combination or not with LTK4R and rPstS-specific antibodies interfered with S. mutans oral colonization in vivo. The results indicated that the recombinant PstS protein can be exploited in vaccine strategies against dental caries.
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Aplicação de linhagens geneticamente modificadas de Bacillus subtilis no desenvolvimento de vacinas de mucosas contra patógenos entéricos. / Genetically modified Bacillus subtilis strains applied in the development of mucosal vaccines against enteric pathogens.Juliano Domiraci Paccez 03 December 2007 (has links)
Bacillus subtilis é uma bactéria gram positiva de solo, não patogênica, não colonizadora de tecidos, naturalmente transformável e formadora de esporos utilizada como modelo de estudo de bactérias gram-positivas. Essas características acarretam em vantagens para a produção de proteases de interesse industrial e para utilização como veículo de antígenos vacinais, porém a falta de vetores induzíveis torna sua utilização como ferramenta biológica pouco explorada. No presente trabalho descrevemos a construção de diferentes vetores capazes de expressar os antígenos subunidade B da toxina termo-lábil (LTB) e subunidade estrutural da fímbria CFA/I (CFAB) de Escherichia coli enterotoxigênica (ETEC) e avaliamos seu potencial vacinal. Foi avaliada a imunogenicidade de linhagens capazes de expressar LTB sob o controle de diferentes promotores: PgsiB (induzido em condições de estresse), PlepA (promotor constitutivo) e Pspac (induzido pela adição de IPTG) e em diferentes locais da célula (ancorada à parede celular ou secretada para o meio externo). Avaliamos ainda a imunogenicidade de linhagens capazes de co-expressar LTB e a listeriolisina O (LLO) de Listeria monocytogenes. O antígeno CFAB foi produzido no citoplasma ou ancorado à parede celular de B. subtilis em condições de estresse e as linhagens bacterianas administradas sozinhas ou conjuntamente com a toxina termo-lábil (LT) como adjuvante de mucosa. Camundongos imunizados com células ou esporos de B. subtilis recombinantes desencadearam respostas de anticorpos sistêmicos e secretados específicos para os antígenos (LTB e CFAB), não alterados pela adição do adjuvante. A expressão de LLO causou a supressão da resposta de anticorpos específicos para o antígeno LTB. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a viabilidade do uso de B. subtilis como veículo vacinal. / Bacillus subtilis is a gram positive, generally regarded as safe and spore forming soil bacteria used as a model for genetic and phisiological studies. This safety status allow its use as host for production of industrial protases and its application as vaccine vehicles, however the lack of epissomal inducible expression systems disable the exploration of this organism as a biotechnologic tool. In this work we describe the construction of epissomal vectors able to express the B subunit of the heat-labile toxin (LTB) and the structural subunit of the CFA/I fimbrae (CFAB) from the enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). We evaluate strains able to express LTB under the control of three promoters: PgsiB (stress inducible), PlepA (constitutive) e Pspac (IPTG inducible) and allowing the expression of LTB secreted or anchored to the cell wall We also evaluate the immunogenicity of strains able to co-express LTB and the listeriolysin O (LLO) from Listeria monocytogenes. CFAB was expressed in the cytoplasm or anchored to the cell wall and administred alone or with the mucosal adjuvant LT. Mice immunized both with cells or spores elicited secreted and systemic specific antibodies responses, which were not altered by the addition of the adjuvant LT. LLO expression suppressed the antibodies responses against LTB. The data shows the ability of B. subtilis to be used as vaccine vehicle.
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Caracterização fenotípica e funcional das células imunocompetentes da mucosa intestinal envolvidas na tolerância oral a ovalbumina / Phenotypic and functional characterization from mucosal immunocompetent cells in the oral toleranceRuberti, Maristela, 1975- 03 December 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Wirla Maria da Silva Cunha Tamashiro / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T10:43:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Ruberti_Maristela_D.pdf: 10774061 bytes, checksum: 7afe7ee8aa8c7f97c1f80e66f0cd8bfa (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Trabalhos anteriores de nosso laboratório mostraram que camundongos transgênicos DO11.10, cuja maioria dos linfócitos T expressam TCR específico para ovalbumina (OVA) no contexto de...Observação: O resumo, na íntegra, poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digital / Abstract: Previous work from our laboratory showed that DO11.10 transgenic mice, in which the most of T lymphocytes express TCR specific for ovalbumin (OVA) in the context of...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic document / Doutorado / Imunologia / Doutor em Genetica e Biologia Molecular
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Avaliação de uma vacina de aplicação intravaginal contra o Herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 (BoHV-5) associada a subunidade B recombinante da enterotoxina termolábil de Escherichia coli (rLTB) / Avaliação de uma vacina de aplicação intravaginal contra o Herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 (BoHV-5) associada a subunidade B recombinante da enterotoxina termolábil de Escherichia coli (rLTB)SIEDLER, Bianca Sica 14 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:37:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-14 / Mucosal immune system represents the initial barrier against many pathogens, including bovine herpesviruses (BoHV). After infection of mucous membranes, mainly nasal and genital, these viruses disseminate locally followed by viremia and neural spread. Innate defense mechanisms along with adaptive immunity confer protection to mucosal surfaces. In this context, secretory IgA (sIgA) plays an essential role in the mucosal humoral immunity, conferring protection to these body surfaces through different mechanisms, including viral neutralization. This class of antibody predominates in the vaginal mucosa of cattle playing an important role in the local defense against infections. Considering the importance of this infection route in herpesviruses pathogenesis, there is a growing interest in the development of vaccines that provide mucosal immunity against these viruses. In the present study, eight cows were divided in two groups (G1 and G2) and inoculated intravaginally with inactivated BoHV-5 associated with recombinant Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin B subunit (rLTB) and xanthan (G1) and inactivated BoHV-5 associated with xanthan (G2). Local and systemic humoral immune response (IgA and IgG) induced after inoculation was measured by indirect ELISA. An increment in the levels of IgA and IgG was detected in sera, nasal and genital mucosa of all the immunized animals. Furthermore, the relative expression of interleukins 2 and 13 (IL-2 and IL-13) was investigated by real-time PCR indicating an increased mRNA expression of these cytokines in leukocytes collected from animals immunized with the experimental vaccine. These results demonstrate that the experimental intravaginal BoHV-5 vaccine induced a local and systemic immune response in cattle. The results also corroborated the immunostimulant activity of the rLTB in mucosal membranes and confirmed the use of xanthan as a delivery system for intravaginal vaccines. Our data also reinforce the importance of this route for administration of vaccines focused on providing local protection against pathogens. / O sistema imune de mucosa representa a barreira inicial frente a diversos patógenos que utilizam estas superfícies como porta de entrada no organismo, como é o caso dos herpesvírus bovinos (BoHV). Estes vírus utilizam as mucosas, principalmente nasal e genital, como ponto inicial de replicação, seguida de disseminação local, viremia sistêmica e disseminação neuronal. Mecanismos inatos de defesa em cooperação direta com mecanismos adaptativos conferem proteção a estas mucosas. A IgA secretora (sIgA) representa um papel fundamental na imunidade humoral destes locais, conferindo proteção a estas superfícies através de distintos mecanismos, incluindo a neutralização viral. Este anticorpo predomina na mucosa vaginal de bovinos, sendo essencial na defesa local frente a patógenos de transmissão genital. Devido a grande importância das vias mucosas na transmissão dos BoHV, torna-se evidenciado o interesse no desenvolvimento de vacinas que propiciem imunidade de mucosa contra estes agentes etiológicos. No presente estudo, oito fêmeas bovinas foram divididas em dois grupos (G1 e G2) e inoculadas por via intravaginal com BoHV-5 inativado associado à subunidade B recombinante da enterotoxina termolábil de Escherichia coli (rLTB) e xantana (G1) e BoHV-5 inativado associado a xantana (G2). A resposta humoral (IgA e IgG) local e sistêmica induzida nos animais inoculados foi mensurada através do teste de ELISA indireto. A vacina avaliada demonstrou-se capaz de incrementar os níveis de IgA e IgG no soro e nas mucosas nasal e vaginal dos bovinos imunizados. A expressão relativa das interleucinas 2 e 13 (IL-2 e IL-13) foi avaliada através da técnica de real time RT-PCR, a partir dos leucócitos dos animais vacinados, resultando em aumento na expressão de mRNA destas citocinas nos animais inoculados com a vacina experimental. Estes dados comprovam a capacidade da vacina de aplicação intravaginal em bovinos de estimular uma resposta imune local e sistêmica, além de corroborar a atividade imunoestimulante em mucosas da rLTB e também validar a utilização da xantana como sistema de entrega de vacinas de aplicação intravaginal. Portanto, esta via de administração de vacinas torna-se uma alternativa interessante, principalmente quando se objetiva gerar proteção local contra patógenos que utilizam as superfícies mucosas como porta de entrada no organismo.
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Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy : studies on methods for the diagnosis of carcinoma of the lung, bronchial mucosal damage and haemodynamic effectsLundgren, Rune January 1982 (has links)
The diagnostic accuracy attained with the use of transbronchial fine needle aspiration biopsy, aspiration of bronchial secretion, bronchial washing, brush biopsy and forceps biopsy via a flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope was compared in patients with carcinoma of the lung. In endoscopic visible tumours the sensitivity of forceps biopsy was higher than that of the other methods. When forceps biopsy was combined with bronchial washing the overall diagnostic accuracy was significantly higher than that of any of the single methods, while no appreciable increase was obtained by adding additional methods. Selective brush biopsy from every segment bronchus has been established as a method in the search for occult bronchial carcinoma. The extent of respiratory mucosal damage and wound healing after brush biopsy was therefore studied in rabbits. Large differences in the extension and depth of the damage was observed. The basement membrane was often penetrated. Regeneration started during the first day after brush biopsy and a normal ciliated epithelium was restored within three weeks. To determine if the bronchoscope itself damaged the respiratory epithelium, bronchial mucosa was studied in the pig after examination with a flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope. The columnar epithelial cells were torn off in areas where the bronchoscope had rubbed against the airway wall but the basement membrane was not damaged. Since the function of the respiratory epithelium is to remove inhaled particles from the airways, mucociliary clearance was studied in man after fiberoptic bronchoscopy. The study suggests that the tracheobronchial clearance system has a large reserve for mechanical trauma. Mucociliary clearance can however be decreased after fiberoptic bronchoscopy in some patients. An increasing number of patients with impaired cardiopulmonary function are today subjected to examination with flexible fiberoptic broncoscopy. The haemodynamic effects of fiberoptic bronchoscopy performed under topical anaesthesia were therefore studied in patients with restrictive lung disease. The procedure induced marked haemodynamic changes during passage of the larynx and during suctioning. A slight fall in arterial oxygen tension was observed during bronchial suctioning and in the post-bronchoscopic period. Three of ten patients developed ST-T-segment changes during bronchial suctioning. / <p>S. 1-48: sammanfattning, s. 49-126: 5 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu.se
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Innate immune activation of swine gastrointestinal epithelial cells and tissues in response to microbial exposureSkjolaas, Kristine A. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Animal Sciences and Industry / J. Ernest Minton / The three experiments described below offer support of immune function by the swine gastrointestinal epithelium. Experiment one evaluated mediators that regulate the movement of macrophages (macrophage migration inhibitory factor; MIF), neutrophils (interleukin 8; IL8), dendritic cells (CC chemokine ligand 20; CCL20) and epithelial remodeling (osteopontin; OPN) in pigs challenged with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (ST) or Choleraesuis (SC). The proximal ileum had greater IL8 expression than the distal ileum (P < 0.05), and ST increased CCL20 (P < 0.05). In vitro, MIF, IL8, CCL20 and OPN mRNA expression induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), ST or SC using pig jejunal epithelial cells (IPEC-J2) resulted in increased IL8 secretion, and increased IL8 and CCL20 mRNA by ST and SC (P < 0.05). Experiment two evaluated how Lactobacillus reuteri (LR) and Bacillus licheniformis (BL) differed from ST or SC in their ability to regulate, stimulate, or modify IL8, CCL20, and tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) in IPEC-J2 cells. ST stimulated an increase in IL8 secretion, with increases in IL8 mRNA (P < 0.05). BL increased IL8 mRNA (P < 0.0001). CCL20 mRNA was upregulated by ST (P < 0.05) and BL (P < 0.05). Only ST increased TNFα mRNA (P < 0.05). Another objective evaluated whether pre-exposure of IPEC-J2 cells to LR or BL modified ST induced IL8 secretion. IL8 secretion was increased by ST (P < 0.0001), and reduced by LR (P < 0.05). Only the BL/ST co-treated wells blunted basolateral IL8 secretion (P < 0.0001). Experiment three characterized the swine CCL20 mRNA sequence and evaluated tissue expression. Cloning of CCL20 from the porcine jejunum predicted a 97 amino acid peptide. All healthy tissues expressed CCL20 mRNA. In animals challenged with Salmonella spp., SC increased spleen and liver CCL20 expression. The data demonstrate that invasive bacterial pathogens in the pig gastrointestinal tract trigger upregulation of selected proinflammatory mediators; Salmonella spp. elicited differing patterns of activation in vitro and in vivo; IPEC-J2 cells increased IL-8 secretion in response to ST and BL, but not LR, while ST stimulated secretion was inhibited basolaterally by BL pre-exposure; and numerous porcine tissues are prominent sources CCL20.
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Caractérisation phénotypique, ontogénique et fonctionnelle du système phagocytaire mononucléé des plaques de Peyer / Phenotypical, ontogeny and functional characterization of the Peyer's patch mononuclear phagocyte systemBonnardel, Johnny 01 October 2015 (has links)
Les plaques de Peyer (PP) sont les principaux sites inducteurs de la réponse immunitaire mucosale.L’épithélium associé aux follicules comprend des cellules épithéliales spécifiques, appelées cellules M et spécialisées dans le transport du matériel présent dans la lumière intestinale vers le dôme sous épithélial (SED) où il sera pris en charge par les cellules du système phagocytaire mononuclée (MPS) qui orchestreront ensuite les réponses immunitaires mucosales.Nous avons effectué une analyse complète du phénotype, de la distribution, de l’ontogénie, de la fonction et des profils transcriptomiques du MPS des PP. Nous avons montré que les monocytes donnent naissance à deux populations: les lysoDC et les lysoMac. La première exprime de fort niveau de CMH-II et de molécules de costimulation, a une courte durée de vie et est capable d’activer les lymphocytes T naïfs pour sécréter de l’IFNγ tandis que la deuxième exprime faiblement le CMH-II, à une longue durée de vie et n’est pas capable d’activer les LT naïfs. Ces deux populations ont toutefois des propriétés communes de phagocytose et de défense innée contre les virus et les bactéries entéropathogènes. Nous avons identifié deux populations distinctes de lysoMac selon l’expression de Tim4: les lysoMac Tim4+ situés dans l’IFR et la partie inférieure du follicule ; les lysoMac Tim4- situés dans le SED et la partie supérieure du follicule. Nous avons aussi déterminé 4 états de maturation pour les lysoDC suivant l’expression d’Emb, Jam-A et CD24. Nous avons également redéfini la localisation de chaque population du MPS des PP fournissant ainsi une base solide pour étudier le rôle de chacun de ses membres dans l’immunité mucosale. / Peyer’s patches (PPs) are primary inductive sites of mucosal immunity. The follicle-associated epithelium contains specialized epithelial cells, called M cells, that bind and rapidly transport microorganisms from the lumen to the subepithelial dome (SED) where they are internalized by cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS) which are involved in the initiation of the mucosal immune responses. MPS comprise monocytes, macrophages (Mφ) and dendritic cells (DC). Here, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the phenotype, distribution, ontogeny, function, and transcriptional profile of PP MPS. We show that monocyte give rise to two different cell populations named lysoDC and lysoMac. The former express high levels of MHCII and costimulatory molecules, have a short half life and are able to prime naïve T cells for IFNγ production while the latter display low levels of MHCII, have a long half life and are unable to prime naïve T cells efficiently. However, these two cell populations share common features such as phagocytosis and antimicrobial defense mechanisms. LysoMac can be separated in two subpopulations according to Tim4 expression: Tim4+ lysoMac located in the IFR and the lower part of the follicle; Tim4- lysoMac located in the SED and upper part of the follicle. LysoDC can be separated in four different maturation stages according to Emb, Jam-A and CD24 expression. Finally, we redefined the location of each PP MPS population. In summary, we provide a comprehensive map of the PP MPS which will allow to study its role in mucosal immune response initiation and regulation.
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Slizniční imunita v nemocech horního respiračního traktu a autoimunitních onemocnění / Mucosal immunity in upper respiratory tract diseases and autoimmunity diseasesFundová, Petra January 2016 (has links)
Mucosal immune system comprises not only the major compartment of the immune system but also important interface with the outer environment. It is responsible in maintaining an intricate balance with the danger and non-danger stimuli of the outer world by employing specific anatomical features and unique functional mechanisms. Mucosal immune system has been long understudied, perhaps due to the limited accessibility, and its biological importance is thus still underevaluated. However, it has become evident that it is important to study mucosal immune system not only in local mucosal affections but also when uncovering pathogenic mechanisms and novel prevention strategies of organ specific autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes. Thus, the first, more clinically oriented part of this thesis is focused on mucosal immune system of the upper respiratory tract in disease conditions - in nasal polyposis (NP). Because there is a substantial accumulation of eosinophils and neutrophils in the most frequent type of NP, we investigated and described increased expression of chemokine receptors CCR1 and CCR3 in NP versus nasal mucosa. Both innate immune mechanisms as well as homeostasis of epithelial cells may participate in NP. We have documented increased numbers of iNOS-positive and insulin-like growth...
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