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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le choix du tracé d'une ligne de transport en commun en site propre et de la position de sa plateforme en milieu urbain : l'utilisation des outils mathématiques au service de la concertation / Choosing a public transport line dedicated layout and its platform position in an urban environment : the use of mathematical tools as an aid for concertation

Labbouz, Sophie 26 September 2008 (has links)
La prise en compte accrue de l’environnement et des nuisances dues à l’usage massif de l’automobile influence les politiques de mobilité des agglomérations françaises. De plus en plus, celles-ci se dotent d’un réseau de transport en commun en site propre ; l’idée est de rendre les transports collectifs plus attractifs pour les usagers et donc plus compétitifs par rapport à la voiture particulière. Pour toutes ces villes se pose alors la question de l’insertion de ces lignes de transport en commun à deux échelles spatiales : au niveau de la ville avec la détermination du tracé de la ligne de transport et au niveau de la voirie avec la position du site propre au sein de l’espace public et la répartition des autres usagers au sein de cet espace. Les projets de transport suscitent de l’intérêt de la part de la population locale et nombreux sont les acteurs qui souhaitent y participer. La multiplicité des acteurs concernés par le projet, et surtout la différence de points de vue qu’ils défendent, peuvent alors engendrer des blocages dans le déroulement du projet, allant parfois jusqu’à sa suspension. L’objectif de notre recherche est d’élaborer un processus permettant de déterminer d'une part le tracé de la ligne de transport et d'autre part l’implantation de la plateforme de transport et la répartition des usagers au sein de l’espace public. Ce processus doit prendre en compte les aspects liés au transport, ceux liés à l’urbanisme de l’agglomération ainsi que les points de vue des différents acteurs. La méthodologie alors développée repose sur l’utilisation de la méthode d’aide multicritère à la décision ELECTRE III comme support de la concertation. À partir de l’analyse historique des projets de transport qui se sont déroulés en France, les critères permettant de choisir l’implantation du tracé de la ligne et la répartition des différents usagers de l’espace public ont été déterminés. Dès lors, l’utilisation d’ELECTRE III constitue un support de débats avec les différents acteurs pour mettre en exergue les éléments du projet sur lesquels les points de vue divergent. Pour animer ces débats, un nouvel acteur, le facilitateur, est introduit au sein des projets de transport. À partir des recommandations issues de la phase de concertation, les élus, véritables décideurs du projet, peuvent prendre les mesures qui s’imposent, notamment en termes de communication, afin que le projet subisse le moins de retard possible et aboutisse à une variante acceptée par le plus grand nombre d’acteurs / Taking into account the environmental aspects and the nuisances due to the massive use of private cars use has an influence on the French agglomerations mobility policies. More and more, these agglomerations develop their own public transport network; the idea is to make public transport more attractive for the users than today and therefore more competitive than private cars. For all cities, the question of the public transport lines implementation is posed at two levels: that of the city to determinate the public transport layout and that of the street in order to choose the position of the transport platform and the distribution of users in the public space. Public transport projects arouse the interest from the local population, and a lot of stakeholders are thus encouraged to participate in them. The multiplicity of stakeholders concerned by the project, and especially the different points of view they defend, can also block the project progress, even leading to its end. Our research is aimed to develop a process to determine, on the one hand, the public transport line layout and on the other, the platform implementation and the public space users distribution. This process has to take into account the aspects linked to transport, those connected to the agglomeration urban design and the different stakeholders’ points of view. The methodology we have created is based on the use of ELECTRE III, a multicriteria decision aiding tool, as a support for "concertation"¹. From the historical analysis of the French public transport projects, the criteria used to choose the line layout and the public space users distribution have been determined. Then, the use of ELECTRE III is a support for the debates with the various stakeholders, to highlight the parts of the projects that are problematic because the different viewpoints are divergent. To conduct the debates, a new actor, the facilitator, is introduced in the transport project. From the recommendations stemmed from the concertation stage, the elected representatives, the real project decision makers, can take the necessary steps, notably in terms of communication, so that the project suffers from as fewer delays as possible and attains the acceptance of most stakeholders ¹ The French word “concertation” does not have any real equivalent in English. It designates a participative decision-making process in which the various stakeholders are able to express their point of view and have it taken into account in the decision-making process

Analyse multidimensionnelle interactive de résultats de simulation : aide à la décision dans le domaine de l'agroécologie / Interactive multidimensional analysis of simulation results : decision support in the agroecology field

Bouadi, Tassadit 28 November 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'analyse des données de simulation issues du modèle agro-hydrologique TNT. Les objectifs consistaient à élaborer des méthodes d'analyse des résultats de simulation qui replacent l'utilisateur au coeur du processus décisionnel, et qui permettent d'analyser et d'interpréter de gros volumes de données de manière efficace. La démarche développée consiste à utiliser des méthodes d'analyse multidimensionnelle interactive. Tout d'abord, nous avons proposé une méthode d'archivage des résultats de simulation dans une base de données décisionnelle (i.e. entrepôt de données), adaptée au caractère spatio-temporel des données de simulation produites. Ensuite, nous avons suggéré d'analyser ces données de simulations avec des méthodes d'analyse en ligne (OLAP) afin de fournir aux acteurs des informations stratégiques pour améliorer le processus d'aide à la prise de décision. Enfin, nous avons proposé deux méthodes d'extraction de skyline dans le contexte des entrepôts de données afin de permettre aux acteurs de formuler de nouvelles questions en combinant des critères environnementaux contradictoires, et de trouver les solutions compromis associées à leurs attentes, puis d'exploiter les préférences des acteurs pour détecter et faire ressortir les données susceptibles de les intéresser. La première méthode EC2Sky, permet un calcul incrémental et efficace des skyline en présence de préférences utilisateurs dynamiques, et ce malgré de gros volumes de données. La deuxième méthode HSky, étend la recherche des points skyline aux dimensions hiérarchiques. Elle permet aux utilisateurs de naviguer le long des axes des dimensions hiérarchiques (i.e. spécialisation / généralisation) tout en assurant un calcul en ligne des points skyline correspondants. Ces contributions ont été motivées et expérimentées par l'application de gestion des pratiques agricoles pour l'amélioration de la qualité des eaux des bassins versants agricoles, et nous avons proposé un couplage entre le modèle d'entrepôt de données agro-hydrologiques construit et les méthodes d'extraction de skyline proposées. / This thesis concerns the analysis of simulation data generated by the agrohydrological model TNT. Our objective is to develop analytical methods for massive simulation results. We want to place the user at the heart of the decision-making process, while letting him handle and analyze large amounts of data in a very efficient way. Our first contribution is an original approach N-Catch, relying on interactive multidimensional analysis methods for archiving simulation results in a decisional database (i.e. data warehouse) adapted to the spatio-temporal nature of the simulation data. In addition, we suggest to analyze the simulation data with online analytical methods (OLAP) to provide strategic information for stakeholders to improve the decision making process. Our second contribution concern two methods for computing skyline queries in the context of data warehouses. These methods enable stakeholders to formulate new questions by combining conflicting environmental criteria, to find compromise solutions associated with their expectations, and to exploit the stakeholder preferences to identify and highlight the data of potential interest. The first method EC2Sky, focuses on how to answer efficiently and progressively skyline queries in the presence of several dynamic user preferences despite of large volume of data. The second method HSky, extends the skyline computation to hierarchical dimensions. It allows the user to navigate along the dimensions hierarchies (i.e. specialize / generalize) while ensuring the online computation of associated skylines. Finally, we present the application of our proposals for managing agricultural practices to improve water quality in agricultural watersheds. We propose a coupling between the agro-hydrological data warehouse model N-Catch and the proposed skyline computation methods.

Approche d'évaluation de la durabilité des systemes guidée par la pensée cycle de vie : application à l'agroindustrie oléicole / Approach for evaluation of systems sustainability guided by life cycle thinking : application to olive oil agro-industry

Busset, Guillaume 11 July 2014 (has links)
À l'heure où toute décision stratégique doit être conforme aux principes de la durabilité, l'évaluation des conséquences environnementales, économiques et sociales d'un choix d'ingénierie s'avère nécessaire. Parmi les outils d'évaluation des systèmes et de leurs conséquences, l'analyse de cycle de vie (ACV) dérivée de la pensée cycle de vie s'est imposée comme la méthode la plus adaptée à un tel niveau de décision. Historiquement focalisée sur les impacts environnementaux, l'ACV a naturellement étendue son champ d'évaluation aux aspects économiques, sociaux et d'ingénierie pour devenir une analyse de la durabilité (AdCV) des systèmes. L'AdCV est ainsi en train d'émerger et nécessite des propositions d'améliorations méthodologiques et des applications concrètes pour devenir robuste et applicable. Cette étude présente l'évaluation de la durabilité d'un système dans le contexte de l'agro-industrie oléicole. À cet effet, elle propose une approche intégrée d’évaluation de la durabilité basée sur l’AdCV couplée à la modélisation des processus et des procédés et, l'analyse multicritère pour l'aide à la décision. Une première partie traite des concepts de durabilité, d'ingénierie et d'agro-industrie oléicole à travers une analyse de la littérature scientifique. Dans la deuxième partie, l'approche d'évaluation de la durabilité proposée est décrite, formalisée et implémentée dans la solution logicielle « EcOlive » à l'aide d'outils empruntés à la modélisation des systèmes. Enfin, la troisième partie présente les résultats de l’application de l’approche à l’agro-industrie oléicole en s’appuyant sur un ensemble de données terrain récoltées dans le cadre du projet européen OiLCA. / Nowadays, any strategic decision must be in accordance with the sustainability principles. Therefore, companies need to evaluate the consequences of their activities and products onto environment, economy and society. Life cycle assessment (LCA) from Life cycle thinking (LCT) is one of the major environmental impact evaluation methods for product, process or service and the trends is to integrate economic and social aspects to become a life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA). However, LCSA is still in its infancy and needs methodological proposals to be applicable. This study presents sustainability assessment in the olive oil agro-industrial context. In doing so, a systemic approach based on the coupling between LCSA, enterprise modeling, chemical process modeling and multicriteria analysis is proposed. The approach is then validated by the development of the software solution “ Ecolive ” for sustainability assessment of olive oil production. This application relies on field data collected under the European OiLCA project.

Hodnocení vybraných států EU / Evaluation of selected EU countries

Machková, Radka January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis targets the evaluation of fifteen chosen EU countries using the methods of multicriteria decision-making. The topic is elaborated from the perspective of a student of the University of Economics, Prague, who chooses a suitable country to gain experience abroad. Students' preferences are recorded in a questionnaire and grouped using direct weights estimation method. The ORESTE, WSA, TOPSIS, PROMETHEE II and MAPPAC methods are described in the thesis and applied to the data using an add-on of Microsoft Excel -- Sanna. Since the questionnaire contains a question on the students' subjective ranking of countries, it is possible to compare the two rankings (subjective and calculated) to determine whether they are comparable and the students' decision-making is consistent.

Vers une gestion structurelle de l'eau dans un territoire agricole en tension Une démarche d'évaluation multicritère multi-acteur utilisant des simulations informatiques / Towards structural water management in an agricultural landscape : a multi-actor multicriteria evaluation method using computer simulations

Allain, Sandrine 10 July 2018 (has links)
Dans plusieurs territoires agricoles, les débits des rivières pendant l’étiage sont régulièrement inférieurs aux normes, signant des situations de « déséquilibre structurel » entre offre et demande en eau. Les différents acteurs du territoire peinent à s’accorder sur les changements à engager, d’autant que les impacts de ces changements sont incertains. Que valent alors les différentes propositions avancées pour résoudre le déséquilibre hydrique ? Je réponds à cette question en concevant une démarche d’évaluation multicritère multi-acteur que je déploie sur le territoire de l’Aveyron aval – Lère (Sud-Ouest de la France). Quatre scénarios - trois visant à réduire l’irrigation et un à améliorer le stockage de l’eau - sont comparés au travers de simulations informatiques (modèle MAELIA) et de jugements d’acteurs (outil KERBABEL DST). Les scénarios se différencient en termes d’intensité et de diversité des impacts simulés, d’intérêts ou préjudices perçus par les acteurs, et de capacité à produire du consensus ou de la discorde. Les connaissances développées à l’issue de cette thèse sont d’ordres agronomique, socioéconomique et méthodologique. / In many agricultural landscapes, river flows during the low-water period regularly fall below regulatory thresholds, indicating situations of structural imbalance between the water offer and demand. The various stakeholders disagree on the changes to implement, especially since the impacts of these changes are uncertain. In this context, how valuable are the different proposals to solve the water imbalance? I answer this question by designing a multi-actor multicriteria evaluation method, which I adapt to the downstream Aveyron watershed (South-Western France). Four scenarios – three aiming to reduce irrigation withdrawals and one improving water storage – are compared based on computer simulations (MAELIA model) and stakeholder judgments (KERBABEL deliberation support tool). Scenarios differ from each other in terms of magnitude and diversity of the simulated impacts, perceived advantages and weaknesses, and capability to generate consensus or discord among stakeholders. Agronomic, socioeconomic and methodological knowledge is derived from this thesis.

Modèles d’évaluation des performances économique, environnementale et sociale dans les chaînes logistiques / Models for assessing economic, environmental and social performances in supply chains

Baumann, Emilie 10 May 2011 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente un cadre d’évaluation des performances économique, environnementale et sociale dans les chaînes logistiques. Nous avons proposé un modèle de caractérisation de la performance « globale », intégrant les trois performances liées au développement durable (économique, environnementale et sociale) dans les chaînes logistiques. Ce modèle nous a permis d’analyser les impacts des pratiques de gestion des chaînes logistiques sur un ensemble d’enjeux durables, matérialisés par la Matrice de Performance Globale des Chaînes Logistiques (MPGCL). Un modèle analytique permet ensuite d’évaluer ces impacts sous une forme agrégée par un triplet : . Trois instanciations de la MPGCL ont été réalisées : académique (basée sur l’analyse de la littérature), industrielle (basé sur des référentiels industriels) et empirique (suite à une enquête de terrain). Une approche multicritère d’aide à la décision pour le choix des pratiques à mettre en œuvre (CAMPLID) a été proposée. Son application sur les instances de MPGCL permet un classement de bonnes pratiques des chaînes logistiques basé sur l’amélioration simultanée, et selon différentes stratégies, des trois performances économique, environnementale et sociale. Une étude plus spécifique selon une approche par simulation de l’impact des pratiques d’approvisionnement (approvisionnement individuel / mutualisé, différentes règles de réapprovisionnement) sur des enjeux durables complète ce travail. / This thesis presents a framework for assessing economic, environmental and social performances in supply chains. We propose a characterization model for "global" performance, integrating the three performances related to sustainable development (economic, environmental and social) in supply chains. This model allows us to analyze the impacts of management practices in supply chains on a set of sustainability fields, materialized by the Global Performance Matrix of Supply Chain (MPGCL). An analytical model is used to evaluate these impacts in aggregate form by a triplet. Three instantiations of MPGCL are carried out: academic, industrial and empirical. A multicriteria decision-making approach for selecting practices to implement (CAMPLID) is proposed. Its application to MPGCL instances allows a ranking of supply chains best practices, based on the simultaneous improvement of the economic, environmental and social performances. A more specific study in a simulation of the supply practices (individual/shared supply, different rules replenishment) impacts on sustainability fields complete this work.

Proposta de melhoria para o processo DMAIC com integração do AHP: uma aplicação na operação de distribuição física de bebidas / Improvement proposal to the DMAIC process with integration of the AHP: an application in the beverage physical distribution operation

Farago, Randal 24 April 2015 (has links)
A competitividade de uma organização e, consequentemente, sua prosperidade perante concorridos mercados, depende muito da capacidade de inovação e aprimoramento de seus produtos/serviços e processos. A procura por melhores padrões de manufatura e serviços prestados aos clientes, além das aplicações de novas técnicas gerenciais, de melhoria contínua, de otimização e de tomada de decisão, têm atraído a atenção das organizações. O esforço criativo humano deve propor abordagens de caráter competitivo, combinando ferramentas e técnicas, conhecidas ou não, a fim de melhorarem seus desempenhos. Assim, o objetivo desta tese foi propor uma estrutura analítica integrando de forma sequencial o processo de melhoria contínua DMAIC e o método de análise multicriterial para tomada de decisão Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), com vistas às aplicações em operações de distribuição física de bebidas. Em um primeiro momento, por meio de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, foi proposta uma estrutura geral, denominada Estrutura Analítica DMAIC/AHP, envolvendo as teorias supracitadas. Além disso, com o auxílio de um estudo de caso, foi proposta uma estrutura detalhada para a tentativa de melhoria da operação de distribuição física de bebidas em uma empresa na cidade de Ribeirão Preto. O foco esteve também na oportunidade de se obter maior conhecimento do processo em estudo e melhorar o embasamento para a tomada de decisão. A aplicação da estrutura analítica foi dividida em três fases: fase 1 - definições para o projeto de melhoria; fase 2 - condução do processo de melhoria em si; e fase 3 (denominada metafase) - responsável por monitorar/acompanhar as atividades do projeto. A aplicação em um caso real permitiu a proposta de atividades e ferramentas para entendimento e aperfeiçoamento do processo; além de alternativas de decisão frente aos problemas encontrados; deu embasamento para a tomada de decisão no momento de se implementarem as melhorias e apresentou instrumentos para manutenção e controle das alterações propostas no projeto. Um ganho evidente com a junção das teorias foi que houve um auxílio mútuo entre elas. Dessa forma, o processo de melhoria contínua DMAIC, por meio de suas etapas minuciosas de conhecimentos de processos e de causas de problemas, pôde embasar de forma robusta a definição do modelo hierárquico do AHP, desde o objetivo geral a ser atingido, passando pelos critérios de decisão, até se chegar às alternativas de decisão propostas para o processo em estudo. Por outro lado, como o DMAIC não apresenta um método de tomada de decisão atraente, o AHP pôde auxiliar na tomada de decisão multicriterial de forma mais organizada, consistente e assertiva. / The competitiveness of an organization and consequently its prosperity before competitive markets, depends widely on the capacity for innovation and improvement of its products/services and processes. The pursuit for better manufacturing standards and services provided to customers, in addition to the applications of new management techniques, continuous improvement, optimization and decision-making, have attracted attention of organizations. The human creative effort should propose approaches of competitive basis, combining tools and techniques, known or not, in order to improve their performance. Thus, the objective of this thesis was to propose an analytical structure integrating sequentially the process of continuous improvement DMAIC of Six Sigma and the multi-criteria analysis method for decision making Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), in order to apply in real cases in beverage industries. At first, through a literature search, it was proposed a general structure, called Analytical Structure DMAIC/AHP, involving the above theories. In addition, with a case study aid, it was proposed a detailed structure attempting to improve the operation of physical distribution for beverages in a company in the city of Ribeirão Preto. The focus was also on the opportunity to gain greater knowledge of the process under study and improve the foundation for decision making. The application of analytical structure was divided into three phases: phase 1 - definitions for the improvement project; phase 2 - implementation of the improvement process itself; and phase 3 (called metaphase) - responsible for monitoring/following the activities of the project. The application in a real case allowed the proposal of activities and tools for the understanding and improvement of the process, as well as possibilities for more alternatives to problems encountered; provided foundation for decision making at the time of implementing the improvements and presented tools for maintenance and control of changes proposed in the project. An obvious gain from the junction of the theories was that there was a mutual aid between them. Thus, the process of continuous improvement DMAIC, through its detailed stages of knowledge of processes and causes of problems could robustly base the definition of the hierarchical model of AHP, since the overall objective to be attained, passing through the decision criteria, until they get to the alternatives of decisions proposed for the process under study. On the other hand, as the DMAIC does not present an attractive method of decision-making, AHP could assist in multi-criteria decision making more organized, consistent and assertive.

Seleção preliminar de locais potenciais à implantação de aterro sanitário na sub-bacia da represa Itupararanga (Bacia dos rios Sorocaba e Médio Tietê) / Preliminary selection of potential site to the implantation of sanitary landfill in the Itupararanga watershed (basin of the Sorocaba and Medium Tietê river)

Tsuhako, Edson Mitsuhide 18 February 2004 (has links)
Através de metodologias atuais, baseadas no uso de sistemas de informação geográfica (SIG), o presente trabalho visa selecionar áreas aptas à disposição de resíduos sólidos urbanos na sub-bacia hidrográfica da Represa de Itupararanga (bacia dos Rios Sorocaba e Médio Tietê) que abriga um excelente manancial utilizado para o abastecimento público de cinco municípios, perfazendo o total de um milhão de habitantes, porém, com capacidade para abastecer cerca de dois milhões de habitantes. Dos oito municípios (Ibiúna, Piedade, Cotia, Vargem Grande Paulista, Mairinque, São Roque, Alumínio e Votorantin) que possuem área dentro da bacia, apenas um utiliza-se de aterro sanitário satisfazendo todas as exigências de proteção ambiental. Dos restantes, um atende parcialmente as exigências e os outros dispõem seus resíduos em lixões, o que contribui à degradação da qualidade e quantidade de água disponível. A abordagem sobre os resíduos sólidos, as formas de disposição, os meios de tratamento e a legislação e normas pertinentes servirão de auxílio para um maior entendimento da problemática e da busca por soluções com o uso de sistemas de informação geográfica. Por meio dos mapas de divisão geopolítica, topográfico, geomorfológico, pedológico, hidrográfico, rodoviário e uso e ocupação do solo, todos na forma digital e fornecido pelo comitê de bacia hidrográfica local, e da carta geotécnica elaborada pelo IPT, foram produzidos diversos cenários de locais ideais à disposição de resíduos sólidos urbanos. Para a obtenção dos cenários adotou-se critérios técnicos, ambientais e sócio-econômicos, estes seguindo rigorosamente a legislação ambiental brasileira e as normas técnicas da ABNT. A seleção de áreas com o auxílio de sistemas informações geográficas baseiam-se, atualmente, na análise estratégica de decisão, também conhecida como análise multicritério ou análise multiobjetivo. Essas análises centram-se na lógica booleana ou na lógica fuzzy. A primeira é atribuída aos critérios por restrição, ou seja, são consideradas para limitações absolutas, as quais definem áreas aptas ou não aptas. A segunda, por sua vez, atribui-se aos critérios por fatores, isto é, são consideradas para limitações relativas que definem algum grau de aptidão (ou adequabilidade) às regiões geográficas. O grau de adequabilidade é variável de acordo com os pesos atribuídos, pelo decisor (ou profissionais envolvidos), aos diferentes fatores adotados na seleção. Estudos recentes apontam falhas de 35,6% na seleção final de áreas adequadas à disposição de resíduos sólidos urbanos quando utilizada a lógica booleana em comparação com a lógica fuzzy. Partindo desse princípio obteve-se diferentes cenários, sendo que se escolheu o cenário com maior número de áreas de alta adequabilidade. De posse desse cenário, impôs-se, como requisito básico para a seleção preliminar, locais de adequabilidade maior do que 220 (numa escala variando de 0 a 255) e áreas com mais de 20 hectares. O resultado obtido foi diversas áreas, dentro da região de estudo, que atendam aos critérios impostos para a seleção preliminar de locais ideais à implantação de aterros sanitários. / Through current methodologies, based on the use of geographic information systems (GIS), the present work seeks to select propitious areas to the disposition of municipal solid waste in the Itupararanga Watershed (Basin of the Sorocaba and Medium Tietê River) that shelters an excellent fountainhead used for the public supplying of five municipal districts, performing a million inhabitants\' total, however, with capacity to supply about two million inhabitants. Of the eight municipal districts (Ibiúna, Piedade, Cotia, Vargem Grande Paulista, Mairinque, São Roque, Alumínio and Votorantin) that have area inside of the basin, in just one is used of sanitary landfill satisfying all of the requirement of environmental protection. Of the remaining ones, one attends partially the requirement and others dispose their residues in inappropriate site, what contributes to the degradation of the quality and amount of available water. The approach on the solid waste, the disposition forms, the treatment means and the legislation and pertinent norms will serve as aid for a larger understanding of the problem and of the search for solutions with the use of geographic information systems. Through the maps of geopolitic division, topographical, geomorphologic, pedologic, hydrographic, highway and land use, all in the digital form and supplied by the committee of local watershed, and of the geotechnic chart elaborated by IPT, several sceneries of ideal site were produced tothe disposition of municipal solid waste. For the obtaining of the sceneries it was adopted technical, environmental and social economic criteria, these following the brazilian environmental legislation and the technical norms of ABNT strictly. The selection of areas with the aid of geographic information systems is based, now, in the strategic analysis of decision, also known as multicriteria analysis or multiobjective analysis. Those analyses are centered in the boolean logic or in the fuzzy logic. The first is attributed to the criteria by restriction, in other words, they are considered for absolute limitations, which define propitious areas or not. For second is attributed to the criteria by factors, that is, they are considered for relative limitations that define some aptness degree (or adequability) to the geographical areas. The aptness degree is variable according with the attributed weights, for the decisor (or involved professionals), to the different factors adopted in the selection. Recent studies point errors of 35,6% in the final selection of appropriate areas to the disposition of municipal solid waste when used the boolean logic in comparison with the fuzzy logic. Leaving of that beginning was obtained different sceneries, and it was chosen the scenery with larger number of areas of high aptness. Of ownership of that scenery, it was imposed, as basic requirement for the preliminary selection, places of larger adequabilitythan 220 (in a scale varying from 0 to 255) and areas with more than 20 hectares. The obtained result was several areas, inside of the study area, that you/they assist to the criteria imposed for the preliminary selection of ideal site to the implantation of sanitary landfill.

Gestão de águas urbanas em Guarulhos. / Urban water management in Guarulhos.

Ferreira, Roberto dos Santos 05 April 2011 (has links)
Guarulhos, o segundo município paulista em população, tem tentado aumentar sua importância no Estado e no país também nos aspectos sócio-econômicos. Como parte das necessidades inerentes a essa mudança de patamar, por sua alta taxa de crescimento, e devido à crônica e histórica deficiência no planejamento da cidade, nos últimos anos vários planos diretores setoriais foram lançados, todos relacionados direta ou indiretamente aos recursos hídricos. Ora por questões orçamentárias, ora por conveniência administrativa, foram executados separadamente o plano diretor de desenvolvimento do município apenas com diretrizes -, e os planos diretores de abastecimento de água, de esgoto sanitário e de drenagem, além do novo plano de abastecimento de água e esgotamento sanitário, este atendendo à Lei 11.445/2007. O plano diretor de resíduos sólidos encontra-se em elaboração. A fragmentação desses planos diretores, apesar de justificada em função das condições em que surgiram e pelas demandas que visavam a atender, pode não ser a mais adequada do ponto de vista dos conceitos mais modernos de gestão da água urbana. Assim, após uma análise crítica desses planos, é avaliada a proposta de elaboração de um Plano Integrado de Águas Urbanas pelo município. Como sugestão de ferramenta de apoio à decisão, é apresentado o emprego de metodologia de análise multicritério para hierarquização de ações, especificamente obras de saneamento de grande porte previstas nos planos diretores de Guarulhos ou em seus desenvolvimentos, buscando também catalisar as interações entre gestores de diferentes setores. / Guarulhos, the second most populous city in the São Paulo State, has tried to increase its importance in that State and in the country also in socioeconomic factors. As part of the needs associated with that step change, for its high growth rate, and due to chronic and historical lack of city planning, in recent years several sectoral master plans have been launched, all directly or indirectly related to water resources. Sometimes by budget issues, or by administrative convenience, these plans were executed separately from the master plan of the city - this, with only guidelines - and the master plans for water supply, waste water, drainage, and the new plan of water and waste water (required by the federal law 11.445/2007). The master plan for solid waste is under preparation. The fragmentation of these master plans, though justified in light of conditions in which they emerged and by the demands aimed at answering, is not adequate from the standpoint of modern concepts of management of water resources. So, after a review of these plans, is assessed the proposed development of an Integrated Urban Water Master Plan by the city. As a suggestion of a decision support tool, is presented the use of multicriteria analysis methodology for prioritization of actions, specifically huge works of sanitation contained in these master plans or in its developments, also seeking to promote interactions between managers from different sectors.

Exploitation et réhabilitation de bâtiments tertiaires : une démarche énergétique d'amélioration environnementale

Valderrama Ulloa, Claudia 13 November 2013 (has links)
Le secteur du bâtiment est l’un secteur des plus énergivore, sa consommation énergétique importante découle d’une part de la dégradation des matériaux propre à leur vieillissement et d’autre part, au manque d’un cadre réglementaire énergétique plus strict accompagnant la conception. Enfin cette consommation énergétique est due à la présence des usagers. Ceci est d’autant plus vrai pour le secteur tertiaire au travers leurs activités, leurs comportements et leur degré d’appartenance que les usagers donnent à ces types de bâtiments. En effet, même si tout le monde les utilise, personne ne se sent responsable de leur maintenance. Le travail présenté ici met en avant la relation entre la consommation énergétique dans les campus universitaires et le comportement des usagers. Les résultats sont analysés dans un contexte climatique comparable (paramètre clé les Degrés Jours Unifiés - DJU), avec indicateurs d’évaluation partageables (ce qui ont été judicieusement choisis à partir d’une comparaison entre différents systèmes d’évaluation) et traduit dans une méthodologie d’évaluation (basée sur les méthodes multicritères). Celle-ci tient compte de la multiplicité d’usages, d’usagers et d’attentes énergétiques, environnementales et de confort présents dans ce type de secteur tertiaire. L’objectif principal de cette étude a été d’élaborer une démarche d’amélioration environnementale et énergétique pour l’exploitation des bâtiments tertiaires, pour aller vers la réhabilitation thermique et énergétique, en considérant d’une part, la satisfaction des usagers et d’autre part les performances énergétiques et environnementales améliorées des bâtiments analysés. Ce mémoire de thèse est construit autour la logique suivante : une mise en situation des problématiques énergétiques internationales et nationales (France et du Chili). Un focus sur l’énergie dans le secteur tertiaire, permet de s’imprégner des différents dispositifs mis en place pour atteindre l’objectif de réduction de la consommation d’énergie et des émissions de CO2. Une grille de comparaison qui va nous permettre de réaliser les analyses de consommations énergétiques à différentes périodes de l’année avec un seul paramètre climatologique le DJU, est mise en avant. Ensuite les différents campus et sites universitaires sur lesquels nous appuyons la réflexion sont présentés. Dans ceux-ci, nous analysons à différentes échelles spatio-temporelles et avec différents types d’analyses qualitatives et quantitatives, les variables discriminantes qui seront essentielles pour parvenir à une amélioration énergétique au fil du temps. Par la suite, une ligne de base de critères et indicateurs qui vont nous permettre d’évaluer avec la même échelle d’évaluation, la performance énergétique et environnementale des bâtiments dans leur état actuel est crée. Pour, ensuite, les comparer dans un état optimisé lorsque les améliorations énergétiques ont été mises en place. Enfin nous proposons une méthodologie d’évaluation et d’amélioration environnementale pour l’exploitation des bâtiments tertiaires qui va mettre en relation de façon originale les besoins énergétiques, environnementaux, économiques et de confort des gestionnaires et des usagers universitaires. Une modélisation thermique de solutions de réhabilitation et un modèle économique, assez simple, sont proposés pour illustrer l’application de la méthodologie. / The buildings sector is one of the largest energy consuming sectors, its high energy consumption stems to construction materials degradation on the one hand and to the lack of a stricter regulatory context in design step on the other hand. Finally, this energy consumption is due to the presence of users. This is especially true for the service sector through its activities, its behavior and the sense of belonging of users to this type of buildings. Even if everyone uses them, nobody feels responsible for their maintenance.The work presented here highlights the relationship between energy consumption in university campuses and user’s behavior. The results are analyzed in a comparable climatic context (the key parameter Unified Degree Days - UDD) with sharable assessment indicators (which have been carefully selected from a comparison between different assessment systems). Then, the results are translated into an evaluation methodology (based on multicriterio analysis). The methodology takes into account the multiplicity of uses, users and energy resources, environment and comfort requirements expected in this service sector.This study aims to develop an environmental and energy improvement approach for the operation of tertiary buildings, to move towards a thermal and energy rehabilitation, considering on the one hand, user satisfaction and on the other hand the energy and environmental improved performance of the studied buildings.This manuscript of thesis is built around the following logic: an overview of national and international energy issues (France and Chile). A specific reference to energy in the tertiary sector emphasizes the different mechanisms put in place to achieve the reduction target of energy consumption and CO2 emissions. A comparison grid is built to analyze energy consumptions at different times of the year with a single climate parameter: the DDU (Unified Degree Days). Then, the different campuses and universities supported by the reflection are presented. In these study cases, we analyzed at different spatio-temporal scales and with different types of qualitative and quantitative analysis, the discrimination of critical variables to achieve energy improvements over time. Subsequently, a baseline of criteria and indicators is developed to evaluate the energy and environmental performance of buildings in their current state with the same rating scale. Then energy improvements are implemented to compare them in an optimized state. Finally, we propose an evaluation methodology and environmental improvements for the operation of tertiary buildings which will bring together in an original way the energy, environmental, economic and comfort managers and users universities needs. Thermal modeling solutions and economic rehabilitation rather simple model are provided to illustrate the application of the methodology. / El sector de la construcción es uno de los sectores que más energía consume, este consumo se debe en parte a la degradación de sus materiales, propia al paso del tiempo, a la falta de un marco legal energético más estricto que regule su diseño-concepción y por otra a la presencia de sus usuarios. Este fenómeno se vuelve más recurrente en el sector terciario debido a sus actividades, sus comportamientos y el grado de pertenencia que los usuarios le dan a este tipo de edificios. De hecho, si es cierto que todo el mundo los puede utilizar, no todos se sienten responsables de su cuidado.El trabajo que aquí se ha desarrollado presenta la relación entre el consumo energético de los campus universitarios y el comportamiento de sus usuarios. Los resultados se han analizado bajo un contexto climático comparable (parámetro clave los Grados Días Unificados - GDU), indicadores de evaluación adaptables (que han sido cuidadosamente seleccionados a partir de una comparación entre distintos sistemas de evaluación - certificaciones) y que se han traducido a través de una metodología de evaluación (basada en métodos de multicriterio). Esta metodología considera la multiplicidad de usos, de usuarios y de requerimientos energéticos, medioambientales y de confort presentes en este tipo de sector terciario.El objetivo principal de este estudio ha sido desarrollar una metodología de mejora energética y medioambiental para la operación de edificios terciarios, que permitirá además de considerar una rehabilitación térmica y energética, teniendo en cuenta, por una parte, la satisfacción de los usuarios y por otra el desempeño energético y medioambiental mejorado de los edificios analizados.La memoria de la tesis ha sido construida bajo la siguiente lógica: la presentación de las problemáticas energéticas internacionales y nacionales (de Francia y de Chile). Una visión de la energía en el sector terciario, permite ahondar sobre los diferentes mecanismos establecidos para lograr el objetivo de reducir el consumo energético y las emisiones de CO2. Un sistema de comparación nos permite analizar el consumo energético en diferentes periodos del año, a través de un único parámetro climático, el GDU. A continuación se presentan los diferentes campus y sitios universitarios en los que nos apoyamos para el análisis. En ellos, analizamos a diferentes escalas espacio-temporales y con diferentes tipos de análisis cualitativos y cuantitativos, las variables discriminantes que serán fundamentales para lograr la mejora de la eficiencia energética a través del tiempo. Posteriormente, construimos una línea de base de criterios e indicadores que nos permitirá evaluar a través de una misma escala de evaluación, el desempeño energético y medioambiental de los edificios en su estado actual, para luego compararlos en un estado óptimo cuando diferentes mejoras energéticas se han implementado. Por último, proponemos una metodología de evaluación y de mejoras energéticas para la operación de edificios terciarios, dicha metodología relaciona de manera original las necesidades energéticas, medioambientales, económicas y de confort de gestores y de usuarios universitarios. Finalmente, proponemos para ilustrar la aplicación de la metodología, un modelo térmico de soluciones de rehabilitación y un modelo económico simplificados.

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