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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Das musikalische Werkganze – ein rein theoretisches Konstrukt?: Überlegungen anhand von Jerrold Levinsons ›Music in the Moment‹

Fuß, Hans-Ulrich 23 October 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Carl Czerny, Fantasie als Potpourri: Eine Gattungsanalyse

Vidic, Roberta 27 October 2023 (has links)
Carl Czernys Anleitung zum Fantasieren (1829) stellt eine nahezu einzigartige Improvisationslehre mit kommentierten Beispielen dar, die eine Systematik für die Gattungen der Salonfantasie einführt sowie ein analytisches Instrumentarium für Repertoire des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts bereitstellt. Das Lehrwerk bedarf allerdings einer sorgfältigen Kontextualisierung, zunächst in Abgrenzung zur grundlegenden Definition der Freien Fantasie durch Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1762). Im sechsten Kapitel beschreibt Czerny die Gattung Potpourri und gibt davon ein Beispiel, das den Titel Fantasie als Potpourri trägt und aufgrund der Themenauswahl mit der zuvor gegebenen Definition teilweise im Widerspruch steht. In diesem Beitrag wird nach einem etymologischen Abriss über die Freie Fantasie zwischen C. Ph. E. Bach und der Zeit Czernys zunächst ein kurzer Vergleich zwischen Czernys Systematik und Ferdinand Gotthelf Hands späteren Angaben über die Fantasie im zweiten Band der Ästhetik der Tonkunst (1841) angestellt. Czernys Angaben zum Potpourri im Fließtext und Beispielkommentar werden schließlich durch einige analytische Beobachtungen ergänzt, anhand verschiedener historischer Quellen diskutiert und im Kontext der modernen Quellenkritik betrachtet. Die Untersuchung lässt eine Kehrtwende im Verständnis von Freier Fantasie in ästhetischer, satztechnischer und formaler Hinsicht erkennen, die bisherige Forschungsergebnisse ergänzt. Czernys Systematik der Fantasie erweist sich generell in inhaltlicher und terminologischer Hinsicht als konsistent. Zugleich bildet das Lehrwerk nur ein Moment der fluktuierenden Begriffsgeschichte ab. Es dokumentiert den Wandel von einer unverwechselbaren zu einer reproduzierbaren Formplanung der Fantasie und zeigt mit der Fantasie als Potpourri die Möglichkeit eines Potpourris für den Bildungsbürger. / Carl Czerny’s Anleitung zum Fantasieren (1829) represents an almost unique treatise on the theory of musical improvisation with annotated examples, introducing a system for the genres of salon fantasy and providing analytical tools for early nineteenth-century repertoire. However, the textbook requires a careful contextualization – first in contrast to the basic definition of free fantasy given by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1762). In Chapter 6, Czerny describes the genre potpourri supported by an example which carries the title Fantasie als Potpourri; due to the selection of thematic material this example is partly inconsistent with the previous definition. After an etymological outline of free fantasy between C. Ph. E. Bach and Czerny’s time, this article offers a short comparison of Czerny’s systematics with Ferdinand Gotthelf Hand’s later concept of fantasy in the second volume of Ästhetik der Tonkunst (1841). Czerny’s general discussion of the potpourri and his commentary on the music example are supplemented by analytical observations, discussed on the basis of various historical sources, and considered in the context of modern source criticism. The study reveals a reversal in the aesthetic, compositional, and formal understanding of the free fantasy, complementing previous research results. Czerny’s system of fantasy genres generally proves to be consistent in terms of content and terminology. At the same time, the textbook describes only a moment in the fluctuating history of the fantasy. It documents the shift from a distinctive to a reproducible planning of musical form with the Fantasie als Potpourri offering the educated middle class a possibility of improvising a potpourri.

Formal and Harmonic Considerations in Clara Schumann's <i>Drei Romanzen</i>, op. 21, no. 1

Lakner, Katie 29 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Visual Music: The Use of Film Composition Devices to Develop Form in the Wind Band Music of Bruce Broughton

Blasko, Benjamen 08 1900 (has links)
As a film composer, Bruce Broughton uses themes, motives, gestures, tropes, and other film composition devices; however, he is also able to develop them into compelling formal structures through the use of film composition techniques in his concert music. Traditional musical form is not necessarily applicable to film music. The film dictates the pacing and structure, whereas concert music allows for the creation of form and more complex musical development. Through his extensive experience composing in the film industry, Broughton instinctively uses his film composition techniques as a means to reach his audience with his concert music. He establishes a common ground through film score vernacular to draw the listener into a more sophisticated musical conversation. This is particularly evident in his extensive wind band catalogue. In this dissertation, I identify Bruce Broughton's film composition techniques and examine how he employs them to create a stand-alone form using those techniques in his wind band music. The film composition techniques that are examined include character association, character interaction, motivic snippets, programmatic associations, and musical tropes. These aspects are demonstrated as they influence form in three of his most frequently performed and highly acclaimed pieces for wind band: In the World of Spirits, Celebration, and Spacious Skies. Through the examination, Broughton's use of formal development through film composition devices is demonstrated.

L’influence réciproque qu’exerce la pratique conjointe de la composition de musique à l’image et de la composition de musique de concert sur le développement de mon langage musical

Laurin-Pratte, Vincent 08 1900 (has links)
La version intégrale de ce mémoire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU). / Ce mémoire atteste du résultat de mes deux années d’étude en composition à l’Université de Montréal. J’ai cherché à développé un langage musical personnel, bien qu’ancré dans la tradition et plus particulièrement dans l’héritable harmonique tonal, basé sur une utilisation plus ou moins libre d’accords par tierces superposées –bien que j’emprunte parfois d’autres langages harmoniques. De plus, j’ai voulu concilier la pratique de la composition dans les domaines de la musique de concert et de la musique de film, en démontrant comment ma démarche de créateur présente de nombreuses constantes indépendamment du champ dans lequel j’évolue. Celles-ci sont principalement de l’ordre de l’organisation musicale et de la structure formelle ainsi que, dans une moindre mesure, de détails harmoniques et contrapuntiques. Par exemple, j’aborde et je traite le leitmotiv (élément musical caractérisant un personnage, un lieu ou un sentiment en musique de film) de la même façon que j’ai recours extensivement aux motifs (unité minimale de signification musicale) dans ma musique de concert. La démonstration se fait à travers l’analyse et la critique d’extraits puisés à travers neuf œuvres de mon répertoire de concert et de musique à l’image. / This master’s thesis is the result of two years of studies in composition at the University of Montreal. Through my work, I have sought to develop a musical language of my own that is rooted in tradition and inspired by our vast tonal heritage. I use a mostly triad-based harmonic language while also borrowing from other techniques from time to time. Moreover, I have attempted to bring together my work as a concert composer and as a film music composer by showing how my compositional approach shares many common characteristics no matter the genre of music. These common features range from the way a piece is organized to how the form is underlined by musical means. To a lesser extent, harmonic and contrapuntal techniques might also be common elements. For instance, I have often been using the leitmotiv (a musical item that is associated with an on-screen element in film music) in the same way I use motives (the smallest elements of musical meaning one can perceive) as a mean of structuring my concert compositions. To make my point, I have analyzed and discussed many examples of nine of my works from both the concert or film music genres.

晚明戲曲理論之發展與轉型-以《牡丹亭》的流傳討論為線索 / The development and chang of the drama theory in late Ming Dynasty--by the lead of the transmittance and discussion about "Muu-Dan-Tyng"

鄺采芸, Kuang, Trai-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
以整個明代來看,國祚近三百年,但初期在改朝換代的適應與摸索下,使 得原本已由元雜劇所掀起的戲曲熱潮,沉寂了大半個明代,直到嘉靖年間 才逐漸恢復生機。這股生機一觸即發,短短數十年便再度席捲文壇,吸引 了許多文人學士投入戲曲的創作和討論,諸如徐渭、李贄、湯顯祖、沈璟 、王驥德等人將萬曆劇壇妝點得多采多姿,並將戲曲理論推展至前所未有 的高峰。但戲曲理論的發展經驗仍淺,其內涵也不夠成熟,此時雖眾星雲 集、新銳並出,靠得是一股衝勁與爆發力,但待勢頭一過,冷靜的沉思與 深度的思考才是長久的紮根之計。而「晚明」正是擔任著這樣的工作--將 前人的意見總結、再思考,濃縮、再提煉。另一方面,由於理論需有作品 作基礎,劇論家常藉著品評以往當代作家的作品來建立自己的理論。其中 當代作品最能反映當時的創作現況,對其下針砭也最能發揮理論的功效, 但明代前中期的劇作不多,也缺乏探討的價值,因此只要有具代表性的典 型劇作出現,馬上就會吸引劇壇的注目,而《牡丹亭》就是這樣一部劇著 。雖然《牡丹亭》的出現夾著褒貶不一的評價,但不論是正面或反面,它 都有著引人深入探討、發掘的豐富性。當時幾乎所有的劇論家都曾對其發 表過意見,而這些意見匯整起來,則儼然是晚明戲曲理論的精華展現。我 們可以說,晚明劇論家對《牡丹亭》的流傳與討論深化了此劇的創作內涵 ,而《牡丹亭》的出現則刺激了晚明戲曲理論的開展,此兩者互為因果的 血脈關系,是值得我們重視的。綜上所述,本文遂欲以晚明時期對《牡丹 亭》的流傳討論為探討線索,以突顯當時戲曲理論承先啟後的重要性及時 代意義。在這□,「晚明」指得是萬曆中後期到崇禎末這段期間,更明確 的說,由於《牡丹亭》約完成於萬曆二十六年(1598),明亡於崇禎十七 年(1644年),晚明即代表1598到1644這四十六年的時段。本文即以此時段 中與《牡丹亭》有關的專文、序跋、評點、眉批、改編,乃至曲譜制定、 演出情形等,作一釐清、探討。再與萬曆之前及清代初、中期的理論特色 稍作比較,以突顯其過渡特色。本論文之研究主要採三個步驟進行:首先 是「外緣探討」,於第二章就晚明劇論的依存背景,作多方面的釐清,即 文學、思想背景,戲曲理論的發展概況及當時對戲曲的審美需求。其次是 「內緣研究」,於第三、四、五章分別就晚明時期對《牡丹亭》的批評風 氣、批評方式、批評內涵等作條理的分析。最後為「價值定位」,於第六 章總結晚明戲曲理論的時代意義,以明其對前代有所承繼、有所創新,對 後世又有所啟發、開展的樞紐地位。

Incidence des développements du paramètre harmonique sur la périodisation et la structuration formelle des mélodies de Serge Garant

Bazin, Paul 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Developing Variation and Melodic Contour Analysis: A New Look at the Music of Max Reger

McConnell, Sarah E. 08 1900 (has links)
Max Reger was a prolific composer on the threshold of modernism. The style of his extensive musical output was polarizing among his contemporaries. A criticism of Reger's music is its complex and dense musical structure. Despite writing tonal music, Reger often pushes the boundaries of tonality so far that all sense of formal organization is seemingly imperceptible. In this dissertation, I offer what I observed to be a new way of discerning Reger's motivic relationships and formal structures within and between movements. There are three primary tools and methods I incorporated to make these observations: Schoenberg's developing variation; melodic contour analysis as discussed by Elizabeth West-Marvin and Diana Deutsch; and Janet Schmalfeldt's motivic cyclicism stemming from internal themes. In this dissertation I examine five different musical works by Reger: D minor Piano Quartet, Clarinet Quintet, Piano Concerto, String Quartet, op. 121 and E minor Piano Trio, op. 102. My analysis shows how Reger relies on melodic contours of his motives to connect musical moments across entire movements and entire works with multiple movements. These motives are developed and often mark structurally significant moments providing the organization often perceived as missing in Reger's music.

Two-Dimensional Sonata Form as Methodology: Understanding Sonata-Variation Hybrids through a Two-Dimensional Lens

Falterman, David 05 1900 (has links)
One of the difficulties of nineteenth-century form studies is ambiguity in ascertaining which formal types are at work and in what ways. This can be an especially difficult problem when multiple formal types seem to influence the construction of a single composition. Drawing on some recent innovations in form studies proposed by Steven Vande Moortele, Janet Schmalfeldt, and Caitlin Martinkus, I first develop a set of analytical tools specifically made for the analysis of sonata/variation formal hybrids. I then refine these tools by applying them to the analysis of two pieces. Chopin's Fourth Piano Ballade can be understood from this perspective as primarily following the broad outlines of a sonata form, but with important influences from the recursive structures of variation forms; Franck's Symphonic Variations, on the other hand, are better viewed as engaging most of all with multiple variation-form paradigms and overlaying them with some of the rhetorical and formal structures of sonata forms. I conclude with a brief speculation on some further, more general applications of my methodology.

Illuminated Scores and the Architectural Design of Musical Form

Alonso, Orlay 20 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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