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Československé aerolinie v 70. a 80. letech z pohledu zaměstnanců podniku / Czechoslovak Airlines in the seventies and eighties from the viewpoint of the employeesAndraschko, Rudolf Vladimír January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the career and private life of a specific group of employees of Czechoslovak airlines - cockpit crew, especially pilots - during the years 1970-1989 with a slight overlap into the 60's and 70's as the context of the work requires. This thesis is based on the method of oral history. Recordings with all the narrators were combined into integrated blocks of data, that shows how these people became pilots of Czechoslovak airlines but also how they managed to deal with everyday contact with the wide abroad, how their career progressed, how they were affected by changes in the history of Czechoslovakia and Czechoslovak airlines during the era of "Normalization". The author of this thesis tried to provide an insight into the history of pilot profession in the mentioned period based on creating a brief history of Czechoslovak airlines, archive materials concerning the trends in aviation and testimonies and interpretations of the narrators.
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Zwischenbericht im Projektverbund Klimaschutz: Unternehmenssteuerung im klimapolitischen Umfeld (CO2-Navigator): Teilprojekt: Entscheidungsmodell, rechtliche Aspekte, KoordinationGünther, Edeltraud, Weber, Gabriel, Nowack, Martin, Arndt, Stephanie 17 December 2008 (has links)
Die globale Erwärmung und zunehmende klimapolitische Maßnahmen sind für viele Unternehmen mit Risiken aber auch mit Chancen verbunden. Der Lehrstuhl für Betriebliche Umweltökonomie an der TU Dresden und das Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle widmen sich seit Dezember 2006 der Frage, wie Unternehmen mit diesen Herausforderungen umgehen können. Der aktuelle Stand des BMBF Projekts Unternehmenssteuerung im klimapolitischen Umfeld (CO2-Navigator) wird in diesem Bericht dokumentiert.
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Hjälpmedel för hantering av BIM-modeller : Ett steg mot det ritningsfria projektet / Tools for managing BIM-models : A step towards the drawing free projectSvensson, Edgar, Turac, Jannis January 2013 (has links)
I dagens byggprocess läggs enormt mycket tid och resurser på hantering av pappersritningar och andra utskrivna dokument som är nödvändiga för att produktion och förvaltning ska fungera. Vid stora projekt kan det handla om tusentals olika ritningar och dokument som ska hanteras och dokumenteras vilket kan vara oerhört omständligt, inte minst när revideringar måste utföras. När ett BIM-projekt utförs idag så tappas en hel del av den information som modellen innehåller till följd av att det ska skrivas ut på en pappersritning, vilket i sin tur gör att mycket av informationen inte kommer till sin rätt. I dagsläget finns ett flertal programvaror med syftet att hantera BIM-modeller och andra dokument rent digitalt i datorn eller i surfplattan. Här har man kommit en bra bit på vägen mot ett ritningsfritt projekt men det finns mycket kvar att arbeta vidare med. Sweco Architects och NCC påbörjade under 2012 ett projekt vid namn ”Det ritningsfria projektet” som till en början delvis gått ut på att kartlägga vilka problem som kan uppkomma vid övergången till ett ritningsfritt projekt. Utifrån författarnas egna funderingar och dessa frågeställningar har examensarbetet formats. Med detta examensarbete vill författarna belysa att det i dagsläget finns ett flertal olika verktyg för hantering av BIM-modeller i byggprocessens olika led även om de inte är fullt utvecklade ännu. Genom att själva testa programmen utifrån given frågeställning kan svagheterna och styrkorna med programvaran kartläggas. Detta är viktigt för att vidare utveckling av programmen och de nya arbetssätt som dessa medför ska kunna ske. Förhoppningsvis leder examensarbetet till vidare arbete mot ett ritningsfritt projekt. / In the building process today, an enormous amount of time and resources are sacrificed to the management of paper drawings and other printed documents, which are all necessary for the production- and management-phases to work. In large projects this could mean thousands of drawings and documents that have to be managed and documented. This can be extremely tedious, especially when revisions need to be made. When BIM-projects are being performed today a lot of the information that the model contains are lost just because it has to be printed as a paper drawing. This makes it redundant to fill the model with that much information in the first place. As of today there are several software programs whose purpose are to handle BIM-models and other documents entirely digitally on the computer or on a tablet device. These software programs have contributed a lot to the movement towards the drawing free project, but there is still a long way to go. In 2012 Sweco Architects and NCC began a project named “Det ritningsfria projektet” which initially passed on to identify the problems faced in the transition to a drawing free project. Based on the author’s own thoughts and these identified problems the thesis has been formed. With this thesis the authors want to highlight that there are a number of tools for managing BIM-models today in the various stages of the building process, even though they all need further development. By testing the software available today based on the given issues the weaknesses and strengths can be highlighted and mapped. This is very important for further work with the software and the new work procedure that the software provides. Hopefully the thesis will lead to further work towards a drawing free project.
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Nurse Practitioner Navigator Policy and Procedure Protocols in Private PracticeGrose, Wendy 01 January 2017 (has links)
In 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act (PPACA) implemented changes to reduce healthcare spending that incorporated Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) incentive programs to reduce 30-day readmission rates in seniors with heart failure. This project includes a policy and procedure for private practice using a nurse practitioner navigator (NPN) led multidisciplinary team (MDT) for the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) to improve communication between hospitals and PCMH to decrease readmission rates in seniors with heart failure (HF). This practice change will provide an implementation and evaluation plan along with plans for future expansion. Meetings were held twice weekly along with the use of Skype when team members were unavailable. A literature review explored methods to improve communication between hospitals and PCHM to reduce readmission rates. Thirty-two peer-reviewed articles were identified in a search of CINAHL and ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source databases that served as the primary pool of evidence used for this project, supplemented by context considerations provided by the project team. Evaluating the evidence based research provided support for this project using a NPN led MDT to reduce readmission rates. Coleman's transition of care (TOC) model was used as a framework for both the policy and procedure to integrate patient, provider, and environmental contexts, support health care policy changes, and reduce health care spending. This scholarly project supports the role of DNPs as leaders in the medical field working to translate existing evidence into policy and practice and lead interdisciplinary health care teams.
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A Community Oriented Solution to Access to CareThornell, Margaret Louise 01 January 2018 (has links)
Access to primary health care services is a significant issue for many communities seeking to improve the health of their populations. This single case study describes the 12-year journey of 2 adjoining rural counties in 2 states towards meeting the primary and specialty care needs of the uninsured and underinsured population. Data were triangulated using historical documents, first-person interviews, and health utilization data. The community leadership moved through various models including a free clinic and a university-sponsored health center before finally establishing a federally qualified health center, which now serves 40,000 citizens in these counties. The site is now hosting new programs funded by research grants in alliance with area universities. Success is contributed to an unwavering desire to provide a medical home for the underinsured and underinsured, a shared vision, recognition that continued success was dependent on a funding source, recognition that practices and processes must be in place to assist with navigation for those in need of services to seek care at the appropriate venue, and a belief that the infrastructure built to provide care was sustainable. All participants recognized the importance of funding for sustainability. Positive social change has occurred from the emergence of a multidisciplinary center to serve the community's uninsured and underinsured, thus improving access to care, management of chronic conditions, and access to behavioral health professionals. Findings from this study may inform other communities faced with similar problems and can inform legislators of the importance of federally qualified health centers in the provision of health care to vulnerable populations.
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Patient Navigation Program in Oncolgy Clinical PracticeGeorge, Mercy 01 January 2018 (has links)
Cancer diagnoses affect millions of people in the United States each year. Today, cancer patients face many challenges when trying to navigate the complex healthcare system. Patient navigation programs were developed to address and overcome barriers patients may face as they make their way through the healthcare system. The purpose of this project was to provide an analysis and discussion of the current published literature to provide evidence for improving care coordination and patient satisfaction in the oncology clinical setting with a patient navigator program. The practice-focused question for this project asked if a patient navigator program for adult cancer patients improved patient outcomes. The systematic review, guided by Watson's theory of caring, included 11 studies published between 2010 and 2017 identified through Cochrane Library, CINAHL, ProQuest, PubMed, and Joanna Briggs Institute. Initially a total of 679 articles were identified; however the number reduced by removing duplicates and after review of titles and abstracts. The remaining articles were then evaluated by the level of evidence based on the Manly and Fineout-Overholt's guide on hierarchy of evidence. The results identified in this systematic review showed patient navigation can improve care coordination and patient satisfaction. This review offers findings on the impact of cancer care coordination and patient satisfaction, which may be used by healthcare leaders when determining how to improve cancer care and as a result may provide positive social change. If the organization implements a patient navigator program, it is expected that this change would benefit patients, families, healthcare providers and the organization.
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Unpacking the Formative Assessment Processes of Secondary Mathematics Teachers Who Use Wireless Networked Classroom TechnologyRoble, Amanda J. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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The Role of the Indigenous Patient Navigator InternationallyRankin, Aric January 2024 (has links)
This dissertation includes an introductory chapter (Chapter 1), a collection of four manuscripts (Chapters 2-5), and a concluding chapter (Chapter 6). Chapter 2 has been published in the Canadian Journal of Nursing Research and Chapter 3 has been published in the International Journal of Qualitative Research. Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 will be submitted for journal publication. / In Canada as well as other countries with shared colonial histories, the healthcare system is complex and as a result, fragmentation of services is experienced. Indigenous populations experience increasingly disproportionate health disparities compared to non-Indigenous populations within Canada and around the world which increases the complexity of navigating the healthcare system. Patient navigation is known as a patient-centered approach to enable and empower individuals and families to overcome barriers experienced while accessing health and social services. The literature surrounding the Indigenous patient navigator (IPN) role remains sparse. Understanding the IPN role and how health and social service barriers are addressed and how enablers are promoted is necessary. A qualitative interpretive description methodology guided by a Two-Eyed Seeing framework and Social Determinants of Indigenous Peoples’ Health Tree Metaphor developed by Charlotte Loppie (2022) were employed. Interviews were conducted via telephone and virtual platform with 20 IPNs and 16 patients or family members who had received IPN services. Additionally, 10 IPN documents were reviewed. The results related to the barriers and enablers Indigenous Peoples experience when accessing biomedical health care services in Canada as well as the roles and activities the IPN enact to address these barriers and promote enablers to access health and social services. Findings suggest that the IPN role is an integral part of improving access to health and social services for Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Eight major IPN roles are outlined which assist to address health and social service barriers and promote enablers experienced by Indigenous Peoples in Canada across health care settings. Finally, findings will assist decision and policy makers to make informed choices surrounding the IPN role and how this role can bridge the gap in health inequity to improve access to health and social services for Indigenous communities across Canada and abroad. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Indigenous populations experience increasingly disproportionate health disparities compared to non-Indigenous populations within Canada increasing the complexity of navigating the healthcare system. Patient navigation is known as a patient-centered approach to enable and empower individuals and families to overcome barriers experienced while accessing health and social services. The literature surrounding the Indigenous patient navigator (IPN) role remains sparse; specifically, how the role addresses health and social service barriers as well as how the role supports Indigenous community members who access biomedical health care services. This dissertation explores the role of the IPN across health care settings in Ontario, Canada to understand the health and social service barriers and enablers that Indigenous Peoples experience as well as the roles and activities that the IPN addresses to bridge the gap in health inequity. The results will benefit Indigenous communities and healthcare providers providing care to Indigenous populations in Canada and abroad.
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Examining pair programming as a learning practice at KTH : An exploratory and qualitative study on benefits and drawbacks of pair programming perceived by students at KTHGunnemyr, Olle, Wetterdal Todorovic, Filip January 2022 (has links)
Pair programming is an agile software development practice that can be used in university student's education when learning programming. Previous research on students at universities has shown that there exist different perceived benefits and drawbacks on the practice’s contribution to learning. However, these research are few and no similar studies have been conducted at KTH. A research gap has therefore emerged, which this thesis intends to fill and potentially lead to the subject being more relevant to, for example, Swedish universities. This creates the problem question: “How do students at KTH perceive the benefits and drawbacks of pair programming from a learning perspective, and how do these compare to previous studies?”. The purpose of the thesis is to explore the students' perceived benefits and drawbacks of pair programming at KTH from a learning perspective. The thesis goal is to expand the study on students' perceived benefits and drawbacks of pair programming from a learning perspective, as well as contribute to the knowledge of pair programming. The research methods chosen for the thesis are previous literature studies and qualitative in-depth interviews with eight students at KTH. The results are presented as summerazitations and tables of collected data on KTH students' perceptions on the benefits and drawbacks of pair programming from a learning perspective. The main benefits and their circumstances identified were better perspective, qualitative code and faster progress. Drawbacks and their circumstances on the other hand, were identified as various levels of experience, difference in personal preference, different time schedules and difficulties in alternating roles and changing partners. These results indicate that pair programming contributes much when learning programming, but that there also exist perceived drawbacks by KTH students. / Parprogrammering är en agil praxis inom mjukvaruutveckling som kan användas i universitetsstudenters utbildning när de lär sig programmering. Tidigare forskning på universitetsstudenter har visat att det finns olika upplevda fördelar och nackdelar med praktikens bidrag till lärande. Dessa undersökningar är dock få och inga liknande studier har gjorts på KTH. Ett forskningsgap har därmed uppstått, som denna avhandling avser att fylla och potentiellt leda till att ämnet blir mer relevant vid, exempelvis, svenska universitet. Detta leder till problemfrågan: ”Hur uppfattar studenter på KTH fördelarna och nackdelarna med parprogrammering ur ett lärandeperspektiv, och hur är dem i jämförelse med tidigare studier?”. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utforska studenters upplevda fördelar och nackdelar med parprogrammering på KTH ur ett lärandeperspektiv. Forskningens mål är att utöka studien om studenters upplevda fördelar och nackdelar med parprogrammering ur ett lärandeperspektiv, samt bidra till kunskapen om parprogrammering. De forskningsmetoder som valts ut är tidigare litteraturstudier och kvalitativa djupintervjuer med åtta studenter på KTH. Resultaten presenteras som sammanfattningar och tabeller över insamlad data om KTH-studenters uppfattningar om fördelar och nackdelar med parprogrammering ur ett lärandeperspektiv. De främsta fördelarna och deras omständigheter som identifierades var bättre perspektiv, kvalitativ kod och snabbare framsteg. Nackdelar och deras omständigheter identifierades däremot som olika nivåer av erfarenhet, olika personliga preferenser, olika tidsscheman, svårigheter med alternerande roller och byte av partner. Dessa resultat tyder på att parprogrammering bidrar mycket till lärandet av parprogrammering, men att det också finns nackdelar uppfattade av KTH-studenter.
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Optimierung der koronaren Plaquedarstellung in der MagnetresonanztomographieHuber, Steffen 02 March 2005 (has links)
Die Plaqueruptur in der Koronararterie ist nach heutiger Vorstellung Ursache des akute Koronarsyndrom. Ziel der Arbeit war die Optimierung der koronaren Plaquedarstellung in der Magnetresonanztomographie. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurden zwei spezifische Probleme der koronaren Plaquedarstellung bearbeitet: Erstens die ateminduzierte Herzbewegung und zweitens die hohe Auflösung, die erforderlich ist, um Plaques in den Koronarien darstellen zu können. Die prospektive Navigator-Gating-Technik wird eingesetzt, um ateminduzierte Artefakte der Herzbewegungen zu korrigieren. Die Herzbewegung wird dabei anhand der craniocaudalen Bewegung des Diaphragmas korrigiert. Durch Unterschiedliche Lagerung des Probanden wurde versucht, die Bewegung des Herzens während der Atmung zu minimieren und die anteroposteriore Komponente der Atmung, die nicht korrigiert werden kann, zu unterdrücken. Die Bewegungsmessungen wurden mit Navigatoren durchgeführt. Die extrem hohen Auflösungen die für eine Plaquedarstellung erforderlich sind erzeugen, durch das geringe Volumen was pro Voxel angeregt wird, sehr wenig Signal. Durch den Einsatz der Spiral-Technik kann theoretisch mehr Signal erzeugt werden. Es wurden Plaquedarstellung der Karotiden und der Koronarien in konventioneller Technik und in Spiral -Technik durchgeführt und das Signal und Kontrast zu Rauschverhältnis verglichen. Das Ergebnis der Bewegungsmessung des Herzens war, dass die Rückenlage die beste Lagerungsmethode für die prospektive Navigator-Gating-Technik ist. Die Plaquedarstellung in den Karotiden zeigte ein statistisch signifikant höheres Signal und Kontrast zu Rauschverhältnis in Spiral-Technik als in konventioneller Technik. Eine Plaquedarstellung in den Koronarien war mit einer Auflösung von 0,273mm mal 0,273mm bei einer Schichtdicke von 0,2mm nur in Spiraltechnik möglich. / The main cause of the acute coronary syndrome is plaque rupture. The aim of the study was to optimize magnetic resonance coronary plaque imaging. To achieve this goal tow specific problems of coronary plaque imaging were investigated. First the heart motion during breathing and second the high spatial resolution, which is necessary to display coronary plaque. The prospective navigator gating technique is used in cardiac magnetic resonance to suppress respiratory motion of the heart. The respiratory heart motion is corrected on the basis of the feed to head motion of the diaphragm. Different patient position were tested to suppress the anterior posterior breathing motion of the heart, because this motion component can not be corrected for. The motion measurements were done with navigators. High spatial resolutions result in a low signal. The spiral technique acquires theoretical more signal than standard techniques. Plaque imaging of the carotid arteries and the coronary arteries were done in spiral and in standard technique. The signal to noise were compared for both techniques. The results of the motion measurements of the heart were: the supine position should be preferred in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. The spiral technique in the carotid arteries had a significant higher signal to noise ration compared to the standard technique. Coronary plaque imaging was only possible in spiral technique, with a resolution of 0.273 times 0.273mm and slice thickness of 0.2mm.
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