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The environmental and social impact from digitization in buildings : A case study of the transformation and current conditions on the University hospital of Northern SwedenMelén, Matilda, Wenhov, Alma January 2022 (has links)
To improve sustainability, social, environmental and economic aspects needs to be considered. The most optimal result appears when all three aspects are balanced equally, this is however often overseen by private investors, who focuses only on reaching economic sustainability at the expense of social and environmental sustainability. Building digitization is one way to potentially improve the sustainability of a building socially, environmentally and economically. Focusing on the aspects that often are neglected, this thesis aims to investigate if digitizing a building improves social and environmental sustainability. The investigation is made by evaluating the implementation of a digital building automation tool from selected social and environmental sustainability criteria at the University hospital of Northern Sweden. This by performing an interview survey with the maintenance organisation and the tenants in the building, as well as performing CO2-e calculations on emissions connected to energy usage, transportation and production of HVAC-products. The evaluation indicated that the implementation had resulted in improved sustainability in the studied building, both socially and environmentally. Showing that digitizing a building improves social and environmental sustainability. The social sustainability had been positively affected from increased efficiency and effectiveness of the maintenance work in the building and improved well-being of the maintenance staff. However, the tenants were not completely satisfied when asked if reported errors were being solved, but on the other hand had the maintenance organisation experienced an improvement in satisfaction among the tenants since the implementation of the digital building automation tool. Furthermore, the tenants were generally more satisfied than dissatisfied with the indoor climate, except for experienced low temperatures in the winter and dry air. The environmental sustainability had been improved from a reduction in emitted CO2-e, generated from less energy usage and minimized transportation connected to maintenance operations. Furthermore, an estimation on increased technical lifetime of HVAC-products demonstrated on a potential further reduction in emitted CO2-e during the building's whole life span. Finally, the evaluation identified two combined effects between social and environmental sustainability. First, the increased efficiency and effectiveness of the maintenance work was one direct factor for the decrease in CO2-e emissions connected to transportation. Second, the tenants in the building expressed that they would feel prouder of their choice of employer if their employer focused more on reducing their climate impact, which motivates to work with environmental sustainability to achieve satisfaction and moreover an improved social sustainability. The results of this case study indicate that digital building automation improves the social and environmental sustainability of a building, strengthening the statement on potential sustainability improvements from building digitization. For property owners wanting to increase their building's sustainability, digital building automation is therefore a proposed course of action. However, the performance on sustainability and the balance between the different aspects should continuously be evaluated, as the study showed that further improvements on the social and environmental sustainability still could be made. Property owners working towards an improved sustainability through digitization will both see long term positive effects on people's health, as well as help fulfilling the climate goals in the Paris agreement, resulting in a more sustainable world for present and future generations. / För att skapa en bättre hållbarhet måste hänsyn tas till både den sociala, miljömässiga samt den ekonomiska aspekten. Fokuset på dessa tre aspekter bör balanseras lika för att uppnå optimal hållbarhet, dock efterföljs detta inte vanligtvis av privata investerare som ofta endast fokuserar på att uppnå ekonomisk hållbarhet på bekostnad av den sociala- och miljömässiga hållbarheten. En byggnads hållbarhet kan potentiellt förbättras genom digitalisering av byggnaden, vilket kan förbättra den sociala, miljömässiga och ekonomiska hållbarheten. Genom att fokusera på de aspekter som ofta blir nedprioriterade undersöker denna studie om den sociala och miljömässiga hållbarheten i en byggnad ökar vid digitalisering. Detta genom att utvärdera implementeringen av ett digitalt verktyg på Norrlands Universitetssjukhus från några utvalda kriterier för social och miljömässig hållbarhet. Den sociala hållbarheten utvärderas med hjälp av en intervjustudie med underhållspersonalen och hyresgästerna i byggnaden, medan den miljömässiga hållbarheten utvärderades genom att beräkna CO2-e utsläpp kopplade till energianvändning, transporter samt produktionen av HVAC-produkter. Utvärderingen indikerade att implementeringen hade resulterat i en ökad social och miljömässig hållbarhet i byggnaden, vilket visar att en byggnads sociala och miljömässiga hållbarhet kan förbättras genom digitalisering. Den sociala hållbarheten hade ökat på grund av en ökad effektivitet i underhållsarbetet samt ett förbättrat välmående hos underhållspersonalen. Dock visade undersökningen att hyresgästerna i byggnaden inte var helt nöjda med arbetet kring felanmälningar, underhållsorganisationen hade dock upplevt att hyresgästerna var nöjdare efter implementeringen av det digitala verktyget än de var innan. Hyresgästerna var också mer nöjda än missnöjda med inomhusklimatet, förutom att de upplevde låg inomhustemperatur på vintern och att luften var torr. Den miljömässiga hållbarheten hade förbättrats genom en minskning av CO2-e utsläpp från minskad energianvändning och minskade transporter kopplade till underhållsarbetet. Den estimerade ökningen av den tekniska livslängden på HVAC-produkter visade också på potentiella minskningar av CO2-utsläpp under byggnadens hela livslängd. Denna studie identifierade också två kombinerade effekter mellan social- och miljömässig hållbarhet. Den första var att genom ökad effektivitet i arbetet för underhållspersonalen så minskade även CO2-e utsläppen från transporterna. Den andra var att hyresgästerna i byggnaden uttryckte att de skulle känna sig stoltare över sitt val av arbetsgivare om deras arbetsgivare fokuserade mer på att minska sin klimatpåverkan, vilket motiverar att arbeta med miljömässighållbarhet för att uppnå ökad tillfredsställelse hos hyresgästerna och därav ökad social hållbarhet. Resultaten från denna fallstudie indikerar att digital fastighetsautomation förbättrar den sociala och miljömässiga hållbarheten av en byggnad, vilket styrker argumentet att en byggnads hållbarhet potentiellt kan förbättras genom digitalisering. För fastighetsägare som vill öka en byggnads hållbarhet är digital fastighetsautomation därför rekommenderat. Hållbarheten samt balansen mellan de olika hållbarhetsaspekterna behöver däremot kontinuerligt utvärderas, eftersom denna studie har visat att den sociala- och miljömässigahållbarheten fortfarande kan förbättras. Fastighetsägare som arbetar med att öka hållbarheten i byggnader genom digitalisering kommer uppleva långvariga positiva effekter för människors hälsa samt så kommer de bidra till att uppnå klimatmålen i Parisavtalet. Detta resulterar i en mer hållbar värld för nutida och framtida generationer.
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Influência da vitamina D por via intratumoral na proliferação e expressão de genes alvo de xenoenxerto de câncer de mama de pacientes pós-menopausadas / Influence of vitamin D via intratumoral proliferation and expression of target genes in breast cancer xenografts in postmenopausal patientsFonseca Filho, Victor Celso Nogueira 02 December 2013 (has links)
O efeito antiproliferativo do calcitriol foi detectado principalmente em linhagens de carcinoma mamário expostas in vitro a alta concentração hormonal (10 - 100nM), que é associado com hipercalcemia em seres humanos. Nossa hipótese era que a administração intratumoral de calcitriol permitiria maior concentração do hormônio e ativação da via genômica. Para testar esta hipótese, um modelo de enxerto tumoral que reproduz o mais próximo das características moleculares do tumor primário, foi estabelecida. As amostras de câncer de mama recolhidos foram enxertados em camundongos nude e depois da sexta semana, semana, os enxertos tumorais foram tratados semanalmente com injeções intra-tumorais de veículo (controle) ou o calcitriol 0,06 mcg (dose que pode permitir que picos séricos de calcitriol na faixa terapêutica prevista) durante seis semanas. A proliferação e apoptose do enxerto tumoral Veículo (controlo) ou o calcitriol 0,06 mcg (dose que pode permitir que o soro de pico, assim como, a expressão dos genes alvos foram avaliadas através de reações imunohistoquímica ou RT-PCR. A expressão de VDR foi detectada em todas as amostras, assim como uma tendência para maior expressão de mRNA CYP24A1 (indução 10-18 vezes) em amostras tratadas com calcitriol, indicando que a via genómica foi induzida pelo hormonio. O elevado índice proliferativo, avaliado pela expressão de Ki67, foi detectado. No entanto, não havia diferenças na expressão de marcadores de proliferação (incorporação de BrdU, Ki67 e CDKN1B expressão) nem marcadores de apoptose (caspase-3 clivada e BCL2 expressão) entre os enxertos tumorais tratados por veículo e calcitriol tratado. Além disso, não houve diferença entre os grupos detectada na expressão de mRNA do CDKN1A. Em resumo, os efeitos antitumorais não foram observados neste modelo de enxerto tumoral. A indução do gene alvo CYP24A1 pode ter em parte impedido os efeito antitumorais da vitamina D / Antiproliferative effects of calcitriol were mainly detected in breast carcinoma lineages exposed in vitro to high hormone concentrations (10-100 nM), which is associated with hypercalcemia in human beings. Our hypothesis was that intra-tumoral administration of calcitriol would allow higher issue concentration of the hormone and activation of the genomic pathway. To test this hypothesis, a tumorgraft model, that more closely reproduces the molecular characteristics of the primary tumor, was established. Freshly collected breast cancer samples were grafted in nude mice and after the 6th week, tumorgrafts were treated weekly with intra-tumoral injections of vehicle (control) or calcitriol 0.06 mcg (dose that may allow peak serum calcitriol levels in the predicted therapeutic range) for six weeks. Tumorgraft proliferation and apoptosis, as well as expression of target genes, were evaluated through immnunohistochemistry reactions or RT-PCR. VDR expression was detected in all samples as well as a trend towards higher expression of CYP24A1 mRNA (10-18 fold induction) in calcitriol treated samples, indicating that the genomic pathway was induced by the hormone. A high proliferative index, evaluated by Ki67 expression, was detected. However, there were neither differences in the expression of proliferation markers (BrdU incorporation, Ki67 and CDKN1B expression) nor in apoptosis markers (cleaved caspase 3 and BCL2 expression) between vehicle and calcitriol treated tumorgrafts. In addition, no difference between groups was detected for the expression of CDKN1A mRNA. In summary, calcitriol antitumoral effects were not observed in this tumorgraft model. Calcitriol induction of the target gene CYP24A1, might have in part, precluded vitamin D antitumoral effects
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Influência da vitamina D por via intratumoral na proliferação e expressão de genes alvo de xenoenxerto de câncer de mama de pacientes pós-menopausadas / Influence of vitamin D via intratumoral proliferation and expression of target genes in breast cancer xenografts in postmenopausal patientsVictor Celso Nogueira Fonseca Filho 02 December 2013 (has links)
O efeito antiproliferativo do calcitriol foi detectado principalmente em linhagens de carcinoma mamário expostas in vitro a alta concentração hormonal (10 - 100nM), que é associado com hipercalcemia em seres humanos. Nossa hipótese era que a administração intratumoral de calcitriol permitiria maior concentração do hormônio e ativação da via genômica. Para testar esta hipótese, um modelo de enxerto tumoral que reproduz o mais próximo das características moleculares do tumor primário, foi estabelecida. As amostras de câncer de mama recolhidos foram enxertados em camundongos nude e depois da sexta semana, semana, os enxertos tumorais foram tratados semanalmente com injeções intra-tumorais de veículo (controle) ou o calcitriol 0,06 mcg (dose que pode permitir que picos séricos de calcitriol na faixa terapêutica prevista) durante seis semanas. A proliferação e apoptose do enxerto tumoral Veículo (controlo) ou o calcitriol 0,06 mcg (dose que pode permitir que o soro de pico, assim como, a expressão dos genes alvos foram avaliadas através de reações imunohistoquímica ou RT-PCR. A expressão de VDR foi detectada em todas as amostras, assim como uma tendência para maior expressão de mRNA CYP24A1 (indução 10-18 vezes) em amostras tratadas com calcitriol, indicando que a via genómica foi induzida pelo hormonio. O elevado índice proliferativo, avaliado pela expressão de Ki67, foi detectado. No entanto, não havia diferenças na expressão de marcadores de proliferação (incorporação de BrdU, Ki67 e CDKN1B expressão) nem marcadores de apoptose (caspase-3 clivada e BCL2 expressão) entre os enxertos tumorais tratados por veículo e calcitriol tratado. Além disso, não houve diferença entre os grupos detectada na expressão de mRNA do CDKN1A. Em resumo, os efeitos antitumorais não foram observados neste modelo de enxerto tumoral. A indução do gene alvo CYP24A1 pode ter em parte impedido os efeito antitumorais da vitamina D / Antiproliferative effects of calcitriol were mainly detected in breast carcinoma lineages exposed in vitro to high hormone concentrations (10-100 nM), which is associated with hypercalcemia in human beings. Our hypothesis was that intra-tumoral administration of calcitriol would allow higher issue concentration of the hormone and activation of the genomic pathway. To test this hypothesis, a tumorgraft model, that more closely reproduces the molecular characteristics of the primary tumor, was established. Freshly collected breast cancer samples were grafted in nude mice and after the 6th week, tumorgrafts were treated weekly with intra-tumoral injections of vehicle (control) or calcitriol 0.06 mcg (dose that may allow peak serum calcitriol levels in the predicted therapeutic range) for six weeks. Tumorgraft proliferation and apoptosis, as well as expression of target genes, were evaluated through immnunohistochemistry reactions or RT-PCR. VDR expression was detected in all samples as well as a trend towards higher expression of CYP24A1 mRNA (10-18 fold induction) in calcitriol treated samples, indicating that the genomic pathway was induced by the hormone. A high proliferative index, evaluated by Ki67 expression, was detected. However, there were neither differences in the expression of proliferation markers (BrdU incorporation, Ki67 and CDKN1B expression) nor in apoptosis markers (cleaved caspase 3 and BCL2 expression) between vehicle and calcitriol treated tumorgrafts. In addition, no difference between groups was detected for the expression of CDKN1A mRNA. In summary, calcitriol antitumoral effects were not observed in this tumorgraft model. Calcitriol induction of the target gene CYP24A1, might have in part, precluded vitamin D antitumoral effects
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Insights into Occurrence and Divergence of Intrinsic Terminators and Studies on Rho-Dependent Termination in Mycobacterium TuberculosisMitra, Anirban January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Two mechanisms, intrinsic and factor-dependent, have evolved for accomplishing the termination of transcription in eubacteria. In this thesis, the first chapter is an introduction to the topic that presents what is known about the mechanisms of termination. The properties of the primary and secondary ‘players’- intrinsic terminators, Rho protein, rho-dependent terminators, RNA polymerse and Nus factors - are presented and the known mechanisms by which termination functions are discussed. In Chapter 2, a detailed analysis of intrinsic terminators – their differential distribution, similarity and divergence - has been penned. The database, compiled using the program GeSTer (Genome Scanner for Terminators), comprises ~2000 sequences and is one of the largest of its kind. Furthermore, analyzing the data from over 700 bacteria reveals how different species have fine-tuned intrinsic terminators to suit their cellular needs. Non-canonical intrinsic terminators emerge to be a significant fraction of the observed structures. The conserved structural features of identified intrinsic terminators are discussed and the relationship between the two modes of termination is assessed. Chapter 3 deals with the importance of transcription termination in regulating horizontally acquired DNA. The results show that genomic islands are scarce in intrinsic terminators and thus constitute most likely sites for Rho-dependent termination. Plausible reasons for why such a scenario has evolved are discussed and a generally applicable model is presented. Chapters 4 and 5 focus on Rho protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In silico identification of M. tuberculosisgenes that rely on MtbRho-dependent termination is followed by experimental validation. The data show that Rho-dependent termination is the predominant mechanism in this species.MtbRho is a majorly expressed protein that governs termination of protein-coding and non-protein coding genes. Further, MtbRho can productively interact with RNA that has considerable secondary structure. Such interactions cause conformational changes in the enzyme. Given that MtbRho has to function with a GC-rich transcriptome, the altered properties could have evolved for optimal function.
Taken together, the thesis extends our current understanding of both modes of termination. The importance of non-canonical intrinsic terminators in mycobacteria and other organisms is discussed. The unusual function of Rho and its predominant role in mycobacteria is elucidated. Finally, the inter-relationship between the two modes of termination is also discussed.
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Estudo da proteína de choque térmico GRP78 para o desenvolvimento de um sistema de receptor-ligante para o câncer de próstata / Use of the heat-shock protein GRP78 for the development of a receptor-ligand system in prostate cancerArap, Marco Antonio 15 December 2003 (has links)
Introdução: Apesar dos avanços nas técnicas de diagnóstico e tratamento, o câncer de próstata avançado ainda é uma condição letal. Terapêuticas mais eficazes são necessárias para reduzir as taxas de morbi-mortalidade associadas à doença. A Proteína-78 regulada pela glicose (GRP78), uma proteína de choque térmico envolvida na apresentação de antígenos, foi recentemente descrita como sendo um possível marcador molecular para o câncer de próstata. Ainda mais, a resposta imune a essa proteína mostrou correlação com o desenvolvimento de doença hormônio-independente e com pior sobrevida para a doença. Objetivos: Neste estudo, avaliou-se a hipótese de que a GRP78 poderia ser usada como marcador molecular em câncer de próstata no desenvolvimento de um sistema de receptor-ligante, através do uso da tecnologia de apresentação de fagos. Casuística e métodos: Inicialmente, foram clonados dois peptídeos que apresentam afinidade à proteína regulada pela GRP78 (os peptídeos WIFPWIQL e WDLAWMFRLPVG) no vetor fUSE5, criando-se fagos com capacidade teórica de ligação à mesma proteína. Posteriormente foi testada a capacidade de ligação desses fagos à GRP78 na membrana de células prostáticas malignas em solução, em xeno-tumores in vivo e em metástases ósseas de câncer de próstata humano. Resultados: Demonstrou-se que ambos os fagos se ligam especificamente à GRP78 in vitro, em comparação à proteínas com seqüência semelhante (proteínas de choque térmico 70 e 90) e não semelhante (albumina sérica bovina). Em seguida, mostrou-se que esses fagos se ligam com afinidade pelo menos 30 vezes maior à células de câncer de próstata que o fago controle, e que os fagos são internalizados por essas células. Posteriormente, mostrou-se que os fagos rastrearam xeno-tumores prostáticos quando injetados in vivo num modelo animal de câncer de próstata. Finalmente, mostrou-se que os fagos ligam-se especificamente à GRP78 expressa em metástases ósseas de adenocarcinoma prostático humano. Conclusões: Os fagos criados apresentam capacidade de ligação específica à GRP78 in vitro, em células em suspensão e in vivo. A estratégia e o sistema de receptor-ligante definidos no presente estudo podem ter implicacões relevantes no desenvolvimento de terapias dirigidas para o tratamento do câncer de próstata. / Introduction: Despite the advances in diagnosis and treatment, advanced prostate cancer remains a lethal condition. Improved methods of therapy are needed to reduce the morbidity and mortality rates associated with this disease. The Glucose-regulated protein-78 (GRP78), a stress-responsive heat-shock protein involved in antigen presentation, was recently described as a possible molecular marker for prostate cancer. Moreover, immune response against this protein was shown to have correlation with the development of androgen-independent prostate cancer and shorter overall survival. Objectives: We hipothesized that GRP78 could be used as a molecular marker for prostate cancer in the development of a receptor-ligand system, by using phage display technology. Patients and methods: We initially cloned two GRP78-targeting peptides (WIFPWIQL and WDLAWMFRLPVG) into a fUSE5-based phage. We then tested binding capacity of the phage to GRP78 in vitro, to GRP78 expressed in intact prostate cancer cell membranes, to a prostate cancer xenograft and to human bone metastases. Results: We showed that both phage created bound specifically to GRP78 in vitro, in comparison to related (Heat-shock proteins 70 and 90) and unrelated control proteins (bovine serum albumin). Next, we showed that these phage bound at least 30 times more to prostate cancer cells than the control phage, and were also internalized into these cells. Both GRP78-binding phage showed a strong homing in vivo to a human prostate cancer xenograft in a mouse model. Finally, we showed that both phage bound specifically to GRP78 expressed in human prostate cancer bone metastases. Conclusions: Both phage are capable of binding specifically to GRP78 in vitro, in the context of intact prostate cancer cells and in vivo. The strategy and the ligand-receptor system we have defined in this study may have relevant implications in the development of targeted therapies for the treatment of prostate cancer.
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Estudo da proteína de choque térmico GRP78 para o desenvolvimento de um sistema de receptor-ligante para o câncer de próstata / Use of the heat-shock protein GRP78 for the development of a receptor-ligand system in prostate cancerMarco Antonio Arap 15 December 2003 (has links)
Introdução: Apesar dos avanços nas técnicas de diagnóstico e tratamento, o câncer de próstata avançado ainda é uma condição letal. Terapêuticas mais eficazes são necessárias para reduzir as taxas de morbi-mortalidade associadas à doença. A Proteína-78 regulada pela glicose (GRP78), uma proteína de choque térmico envolvida na apresentação de antígenos, foi recentemente descrita como sendo um possível marcador molecular para o câncer de próstata. Ainda mais, a resposta imune a essa proteína mostrou correlação com o desenvolvimento de doença hormônio-independente e com pior sobrevida para a doença. Objetivos: Neste estudo, avaliou-se a hipótese de que a GRP78 poderia ser usada como marcador molecular em câncer de próstata no desenvolvimento de um sistema de receptor-ligante, através do uso da tecnologia de apresentação de fagos. Casuística e métodos: Inicialmente, foram clonados dois peptídeos que apresentam afinidade à proteína regulada pela GRP78 (os peptídeos WIFPWIQL e WDLAWMFRLPVG) no vetor fUSE5, criando-se fagos com capacidade teórica de ligação à mesma proteína. Posteriormente foi testada a capacidade de ligação desses fagos à GRP78 na membrana de células prostáticas malignas em solução, em xeno-tumores in vivo e em metástases ósseas de câncer de próstata humano. Resultados: Demonstrou-se que ambos os fagos se ligam especificamente à GRP78 in vitro, em comparação à proteínas com seqüência semelhante (proteínas de choque térmico 70 e 90) e não semelhante (albumina sérica bovina). Em seguida, mostrou-se que esses fagos se ligam com afinidade pelo menos 30 vezes maior à células de câncer de próstata que o fago controle, e que os fagos são internalizados por essas células. Posteriormente, mostrou-se que os fagos rastrearam xeno-tumores prostáticos quando injetados in vivo num modelo animal de câncer de próstata. Finalmente, mostrou-se que os fagos ligam-se especificamente à GRP78 expressa em metástases ósseas de adenocarcinoma prostático humano. Conclusões: Os fagos criados apresentam capacidade de ligação específica à GRP78 in vitro, em células em suspensão e in vivo. A estratégia e o sistema de receptor-ligante definidos no presente estudo podem ter implicacões relevantes no desenvolvimento de terapias dirigidas para o tratamento do câncer de próstata. / Introduction: Despite the advances in diagnosis and treatment, advanced prostate cancer remains a lethal condition. Improved methods of therapy are needed to reduce the morbidity and mortality rates associated with this disease. The Glucose-regulated protein-78 (GRP78), a stress-responsive heat-shock protein involved in antigen presentation, was recently described as a possible molecular marker for prostate cancer. Moreover, immune response against this protein was shown to have correlation with the development of androgen-independent prostate cancer and shorter overall survival. Objectives: We hipothesized that GRP78 could be used as a molecular marker for prostate cancer in the development of a receptor-ligand system, by using phage display technology. Patients and methods: We initially cloned two GRP78-targeting peptides (WIFPWIQL and WDLAWMFRLPVG) into a fUSE5-based phage. We then tested binding capacity of the phage to GRP78 in vitro, to GRP78 expressed in intact prostate cancer cell membranes, to a prostate cancer xenograft and to human bone metastases. Results: We showed that both phage created bound specifically to GRP78 in vitro, in comparison to related (Heat-shock proteins 70 and 90) and unrelated control proteins (bovine serum albumin). Next, we showed that these phage bound at least 30 times more to prostate cancer cells than the control phage, and were also internalized into these cells. Both GRP78-binding phage showed a strong homing in vivo to a human prostate cancer xenograft in a mouse model. Finally, we showed that both phage bound specifically to GRP78 expressed in human prostate cancer bone metastases. Conclusions: Both phage are capable of binding specifically to GRP78 in vitro, in the context of intact prostate cancer cells and in vivo. The strategy and the ligand-receptor system we have defined in this study may have relevant implications in the development of targeted therapies for the treatment of prostate cancer.
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