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Global warming : carbon-nutrient interactions and warming effects on soil carbon dynamicsAsandei, Ancuta January 2014 (has links)
In order to predict how terrestrial ecosystems will respond to global change, there is growing recognition that we need to better understand linkages between plant and soil processes. Previously the factors and processes with potential to influence the terrestrial carbon (C) cycle have been investigated in isolation from each other. This study investigated the interactions of nutrient availability and warming in controlling the soil carbon dynamics, with regards to the fate of already sequestered carbon in soil, under conditions of increasing atmospheric temperatures. The project objectives were addressed by three independent experiments designed to explain specific components of the carbon-nutrient cycle interactions, and the findings brought together to describe the implications for future soil carbon storage. The main measurements collected throughout this project included soil carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes, partitioned into autotrophic and heterotrophic components, net ecosystem exchange and respiration fluxes, and background soil moisture and temperature data, backed by gas, soil and biomass analyses. In the two field experiments, these measurements were taken from plots with or without any inorganic nutrient additions or in the presence or absence of legumes providing biological nitrogen addition to the ecosystem. In the laboratory, temperature and nutrient availability were manipulated within the ecosystem. The reduction in decomposition rates, without reduction of productivity as a result of inorganic nutrient additions, indicated the potential for increasing C storage. There was also evidence that nutrient availability controls the strength of the link between plant and soil processes in semi-natural grasslands. The yields, decomposition rates and soil C fluxes recorded in the presence and absence of legumes provided some evidence of N2 fixation, improving ecosystem productivity and soil properties while reducing soil C effluxes, in a managed grassland. In the laboratory, the warming of soils from lysimeters with and without plants, receiving or not receiving fertiliser, supported the findings from field experiments regarding the importance of the soil-plant link in controlling C fluxes. However, C stocks and δ13C analyses showed that over a year’s worth of warming and nutrient manipulations made little difference to the amount of C stored in the soil, indicating that edaphic factors have greater control over the response of C dynamics to increased temperatures.
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Bilance biogennich prvků rekultivovalých a nerekultivovaných výsypek / Nutrient budget in reclaimed and non reclaimed heapsVeselá, Monika January 2013 (has links)
Extraction of mineral resources causes landscape degradation and the aim of reclamation efforts is to restore ecosystems. Our research was carried out on spoil heaps after brown coal mining near Sokolov (Czech Republic). We compared twenty years old spontaneously developed sites and reclaimed sites afforested by alders Alnus glutinosa and A. incana. Biomass and nutrient budget were evaluated for herbs and woody plants, separately for species Salix caprea, Populus tremula and Alnus glutionosa. Alder showed significantly higher concentrations of nitrogen and carbon compared to other tree species. The total amount of biomass, carbon and nitrogen was higher on reclaimed sites whereas phosphorus was more represented on spontaneously developed sites. Most of nitrogen was accumulated in the below-ground tree biomass and the largest amount of phosphorus was in the above-ground tree biomass. Woody plants of non-reclaimed sites produced more litter whilst litter of alder stands showed a higher concentration of nitrogen. Higher values of biomass, carbon and nitrogen of reclaimed sites were probably achieved through alder ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen.
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Förbättringsförslag till Kanalen i Sandviken : SWOT-analys av förbättringsförslagenLööv, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
The urban area of Sandviken is founded on industries, which also is the driving force of growth throughout the years. The industry were in need of a nearby and easily accessed water source, and therefore a channel was excavated. The name of that channel today is Kanalen and it has three uses: stormwater recipient, natural element and cultural heritage.The environmental load on Sanvikens urban areas are increasing along with Sandvikens population. This lead to issues regarding the possibility to maintain Kanalen and all its three functions in the future. The purpose of this paper is to present suitable improvements that can be made based on the present situation, limited to traffic and solid waste disposal. The physical boundary of Sandvikens community is Sandvikens’ northern urban part. The goal is to obtain knowledge of both the present situation as well as suitable improvements. To understand the so-called Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats(SWOT) analysis is also an interest. The target group is foremost the public servants in the community, however it could also be local residents. The method and method implementation are presented in chronological order in the paper. The literature study is based on several annual reports and secondary literature, as well as database research. Visits to Kanalen were performed in order to take relevant photos and make realistic observations on the physical conditions in and around Kanalen. Interviews took place with people who could contribute to the comprehension of the complexity of Kanalen. Both regarding its significance and additional information. SWOT is the analysis used on the suggested improvements eligibility for Sandviken. The tool was consistent throughout each of the improvements suggested. The results section of the paper is meant to function as an informative foundation and a foundation up for discussion. The description of the current situation consists of figures, pictures and substance levels. The description has two main parts. The first includes the physical aspects of Kanalen and surrounding territory. Points of emission from storm drains to Kanalen and aspects of each function as presented. Further information in that chapter of the paper include an earlier event of landslip and Sandvikens green area. Focus then move to traffic and waste pollution. Specific points of pollution from traffic are roundabouts, traffic lights, and paved roads going directly across Kanalen using bridges. Leaked substances from traffic were found mainly to be nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, and heavy metals. The solid waste studied in this paper was concentrated on paths in very close proximity to Kanalen, which is used for walking and biking. The outcome of mapping these paths showed that all waste containers were suitable for the intended task. The environmental impact of nutrients and heavy metals retrieved from the annual report were described in general terms. The reason is to show the risks involved with unsupervised and increasing substance levels. Four improvements on traffic pollution and three on waste are presented in the result section. The improvements to traffic pollution to Kanalen in Sandvikens urban area were degreasers, bio-indicators, permeable pavement coatings and plant beds. These improvements could lead to the following positive effects, less downstream work, enhanced esthetical value despite change, and a lasting heritage. The improvements on waste pollution to Kanalen in Sandvikens urban area were to rectify unsuitable waste containers, implement new and improve illumination along Kanalen. These improvements could lead to following positive effects, preferable biological conditions, less visible waste, and the use of modern solutions that are future friendly. Possible errors associated with this study can be choice of method, use of figures and tables and content that maybe should have been included. However, the following conclusions canebe made from this study. The environmental strain could be reduced if suggested improvements are carried out. The advantages concern all three functions of Kanalen. The proportions of each improvement have an effect on the feasibility. Budget and possibility to coordinate are also decisive elements. This work is meant to lead to environmental advantageous change, both in the aquatic setting in Kanalen as well as in its physical surroundings. / Sandvikens tätort är byggd kring industrin som fick den att börja växa. Industrin behövde en vattenkälla vilket innebar att en kanal grävdes fram. Kanalen är namnet idag och har tre funktioner: dagvattenrecipient, naturinslag och kulturarv. Miljöbelastningen ökar i samband med att tätorten och Sandvikens invånarantal växter. Detta innebär problematik beträffande möjligheten att bibehålla Kanalens tre funktioner även i framtiden. Syftet med arbetet är att presentera förbättringar som kan göras baserat på nuläget vid Kanalen, avgränsat till trafik och avfallsområdena. Sandviken norra tätort är den fysiska avgränsningen i kommunen. Målen är att erhålla kompetens om både dagsläget och lämpliga förbättringar, samt att förstå Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats(SWOT) till bästa förmåga. Målgruppen är främst Sandvikens kommun men kan likväl vara residenter i kommunen. Metoden och genomförande av metoden presenteras i kronologisk ordning. Litteraturstudien innehåller årsrapporter och sekundärlitteratur, samt databassökning på internet. Studiebesök gjordes på Kanalen för att ta fotografier och erhålla en verklighetsuppfattning av de fysiska förhållandena i och kring Kanalen. Intervjuer gjordes med personer som kunde bidra till förståelsen av Kanalens komplexa betydelse inom kommunen och kompletterande fakta. SWOT är analysmetoden vald för att analysera rekommenderade förslagens lämplighet. Analysverktyget användes konsekvent på varje förbättringsförslag. Resultatdelen med SWOT är menat att fungera som ett informativt underlag och underlag upp för diskussion. I nulägesbeskrivningen presenteras dagsläget på Kanalen med figurer, bilder och substansnivåer. Nulägesbeskrivningen är uppdelad i två huvuddelar. Första delen beskriver Kanalens fysiska utformning och de tre funktionerna. Utsläppspunkter från dagvattenledningarna till Kanalen visas, samt andra tillhörande aspekter av varje funktion. Ett tidigare ras på Kanalen och Sandvikens grönområde förekommer. Därefter presenteras föroreningskällorna trafiken och avfall. Punkter för utsläpp från trafiken som leder till trafikdagvatten i Sandvikens norra tätort är rondeller, trafikljus och vägar som går direkt över Kanalen via broar. Läckageämnen från trafiken pekade på bland annat näringsämnena kväve och fosfor, samt tungmetaller. Avfallsdelen koncentrerades till gång- och cykelbanorna i direkt anslutning till Kanalen. Utfallet från kartläggningen visade att alla sopkärl inte var optimala för ändamålen. Miljökonsekvenserna av näringsämnen och tungmetaller funna i årsrapporterna beskrevs för att visa riskerna involverade med okontrollerade och ökande nivåer. Resultatdelen med en förklaring av förbättringsförslagen och SWOT-analyser innefattar fyra förbättringsförslag på trafiken och tre förslag på avfall. Förslagen gällande trafiken är oljeavskiljare, bioindikatorer, genomsläppliga beläggningar, och växtbäddar. Föregående förslag kan leda till följande positiva konsekvenser, mindre nedströmsarbete, ökat estetiskt värde trots förändring, och ett hållbart arv. Förslagen gällande avfall är åtgärda befintliga sopkärl, introducera nya och förbättra belysningen. Effekterna kan leda till följande positiva konsekvenser, bättre biologiska förhållanden, mindre synligt avfall och moderna lösningar som kan hålla inför framtiden. Felkällor i arbetet exponeras efterföljande kapitel och berör ämnen som metodval, figur och tabellhantering, och innehåll som eventuellt borde ha inkluderats men inte gjorts. Från arbete kan följande slutsatser utvinnas. Miljöbelastningen kan minskas om förbättringsförslagen utförs. Fördelarna berör alla Kanalens tre funktioner. Omfattningarna av förslagen påverkar hur genomförbara förslagen i tätorten är. Budget och möjligheten till samordning är också faktorer som har avgörande roller. Arbetet är menat att förändra på ett miljöfördelaktigt
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Analysis of energy gradients and sediment loads occurring in the Irish Creek Watershed located in northeast KansasSullivan, Justine Danielle January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering / Philip Barnes / Sediment is a large pollutant concern for the United States and is a major impairment source in water bodies (MARC 2013). Rivers and streams assessed in Kansas resulted in 87.8% being considered impaired, as well as 97.8% of the assessed lakes, reservoirs, and ponds (EPA 2012d). Tuttle Creek Reservoir is filling with sediment faster than any other federal reservoir in the region. Due to the importance of Tuttle Creek Reservoir, limiting the water impairments has been made a priority. The tributaries feeding the reservoir are all considered impaired, and TMDLs should be developed to limit the amount of sediment allowed in the water body. This study focuses on the stream energy and sediment loads occurring in a watershed in northeast Kansas over a six year period. When bankfull conditions occur, significant amounts of work are performed on the stream and excessive erosive forces may occur. The estimated bankfull discharge was 6.5 m3/s, and this event occurred every year except in 2012. At the same location the bankfull discharge was estimated, automated and grab water samples were collected and stream power was calculated. The samples were analyzed for total suspended sediment, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus, and the total annual loads were estimated. The total sediment load occurring in the watershed was 10,298,283 kilograms. The nutrient loads occurring were 78,213 kg of TN and 22,625 kg TP. Elevations were measured at equal intervals in a sub-watershed. Energy gradients were calculated, and it was observed that many of the gradients could create favorable conditions for sediment erosion to occur. The stream power estimate was 26.85 kg/m/s. At this stage larger sediment particles and load could be transported. A gully formed by overland flow entering the stream was also measured to estimate amounts of sediment being contributed from gully side conveyances within the watershed. The estimated sediment loss from the gully was 1,693,899 kg. Results of this study could help improve water quality and help quantify the amount of sediment being carried from the watershed and streambanks, so BMPs and other design features may be implemented.
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Rôles du frustule des diatomées et des conditions nutritives de leur croissance sur l'export de carbone dans les océans / Rôles du frustule des diatomées et des conditions nutritives de leur croissance sur l'export de carbone dans les océansSuroy, Maxime 18 October 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, deux axes ont été investigués. Le premier visait à étudier les relations Si-Corg et plus précisément Si-Clipides. La mise au point d’un protocole destiné à l’analyse des lipides associés aux frustules a été réalisée. Ce protocole nous a permis de montrer que ces lipides, représentant environ 1 % du Corg total, étaient dominés par des acides gras saturés (14:0, 16:0 et 18:0) chez Thalassiosira weissflogii. Le suivi de cette fraction au cours d’expériences de dégradation nous a permis de confirmer l’hypothèse de protection de la matière organique (MO) par la silice biogénique. Ces relations Si-Corg ont également été analysées après une croissance carencée en nitrate. Les résultats montrent que cette fraction n’était pas affectée par une carence en nitrate chez T. weissflogii.Notre deuxième axe d’investigation a consisté à étudier l’impact des conditions nutritives de croissance (carence en N, P et Si) sur la composition biochimique de T. weissflogii et sur sa biodégradation. Le calcul des constantes de dégradation de ses différents pools constitutifs (COP, NOP, monosaccharides et lipides) nous a permis de juger de l’efficacité des diatomées carencées, à exporter du Corg. La dégradation du Corg est peu affectée par ces carences à l’échelle globale mais sa quantité absolue par cellule augmente. De plus, la réponse physiologique de nos cellules face à une carence en Si semble être découplée du métabolisme énergétique contrairement aux réponses observées face aux carences en N et P. Cette variabilité de la réponse physiologique pourrait expliquer en partie la variabilité interbassins observée dans les corrélations entre flux de Si et de Corg en profondeur. / In this thesis, two axes of investigation on the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii have been studied. The first one aimed to study Si-OC relationships and more specifically Si-OClipids. The development of an adapted protocol designed to analyse lipids intimately associated with frustules has been carried out. This protocol enabled us to show that lipids, amounting to about 1 % of the total OC, were dominated by saturated fatty acids (14:0, 16:0 and 18:0) in T. weissflogii cells. The monitoring of this fraction during degradation experiments enabled us to confirm the protective role of biogenic silica on organic matter (OM). These Si-OC relationships have also been analyzed after diatoms grew in nitrate starved conditions. Results indicated that this fraction was not impacted by nitrate starvation in T. weissflogii.Our second axis of investigation was to study the impact of nutrient growth conditions (starvations in N, P and Si) on T. weissflogii biochemical composition and its biodegradation. The estimation of degradation rate constants for some OM pools (POC, PON, monosaccharides and lipids) enabled us to assess the OM quality changes and the efficiency of nutrient starved diatoms to export OC. Interestingly, the degradation of OC is weakly affected by these starvations at the global scale (POC) but its absolute amount per cell increases. Moreover, the physiological response of cells facing Si starvation seems to be uncoupled with energetic metabolism, the opposite of observed responses during N and P starvations. This variability of the physiological response could explain partly the inter basin variability observed in Si and OC flux in depth.
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Fázová výživa dojnic v daném zemědělském podnikuVACEK, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
In this work, I analyzed phase nutrition dairy cattle practiced on a farm. Furthermore, the work focused on quality of bulky feeds from maize silage, grass-clover silage and field bean silage. Feeding method, composition of rations and production parameters were also evaluated, while taking welfare of the animals into account. For data analysis, a nutrition program was used. Indicators of nutritional values and fermentation characteristics, including microbiological testing of silage feeds (maize silage, grass-clover silage, field bean silage), correspond to a very good standard. For maize silage and grass-clover silage, NDV, ADV and NEL values were shown to be slightly below the national average. When evaluating the nutritional level based on the feed ration optimization, we can conclude that the differences in the monitored nutritional values are within the tolerance limits of the recommended values. The level of nutrition corresponds to the production achieved. Fat and starch content of the feed ration are consistent with the recommended values present in literature.
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Sonolência e consumo de carboidratos entre motoristas de caminhão / Sleepiness and carbohydrate consumption among truck driversMartins, Andressa Juliane 09 May 2013 (has links)
Introdução - Há evidências de que o aumento do consumo de carboidratos esteja associado à sonolência. Quando realizado à noite, o consumo de carboidratos parece ser um fator que afeta o desempenho no trabalho. Paradoxalmente, o trabalho noturno levaria ao aumento da ingestão de alimentos ricos em carboidratos como consequência da privação de sono. Objetivo - Verificar a existência de correlação entre a sonolência e consumo de carboidratos entre motoristas de caminhão. Métodos - Participaram da primeira etapa do estudo 71 motoristas de caminhão com idade média de 41 anos (DP=9,5), divididos em dois grupos: transferência (turno irregular de trabalho) e distribuição (turno diurno). Esta etapa consistiu na aplicação de um questionário com questões sociodemográficas, hábitos de vida, consumo alimentar e questões relacionadas ao trabalho. Na segunda etapa 49 motoristas (24 da transferência com idade média de 41 anos DP=8,3 e 25 da distribuição com idade média de 39 anos DP=11,4) responderam ao recordatório alimentar de 24h em dois dias de trabalho e um de folga, à escala de sonolência de Karolinska (KSS), o protocolo de atividade diária e usaram actimetros por 10 dias consecutivos. Resultados - Cerca de 70 por cento dos motoristas encontravam-se sobrepesos ou obesos. O teste de Kruskal Wallis demonstrou que os motoristas da transferência apresentaram uma média significativamente maior de consumo de carboidratos (91,8 g DP=53,7) na refeição anterior ao início do trabalho em relação aos motoristas da distribuição (51,3g DP=32,6) (p<0,05). A ANOVA de medidas repetidas que analisou a sonolência segundo área de trabalho revelou um efeito do horário (p<0,001) e uma interação entre horário e área de trabalho (p<0,05). O teste de correlação de Spearman entre o consumo de carboidratos na refeição anterior ao início do trabalho e a medida de KSS imediatamente após esta refeição não foi estatisticamente significante para nenhuma das duas áreas de trabalho. Conclusões - Embora não tenha sido possível estabelecer associação entre o consumo de carboidratos e a sonolência dos motoristas estudados, observou-se que os motoristas da transferência consomem mais carboidratos na refeição que antecede o início do trabalho em comparação aos do turno diurno. De modo geral, pode-se dizer que os motoristas apresentam padrões distintos de sonolência, cuja manifestação parece variar em função da pressão social dos horários de trabalho / Introduction - There is evidence that increased consumption of carbohydrates is associated with sleepiness. When performed at night, carbohydrate intake might be a factor that affects alertness. Paradoxically, night work could lead to increased intake of carbohydrate-rich foods as a result of sleep deprivation. Objective - To verify whether there is a correlation between carbohydrate intake and sleepiness in truck drivers. Methods -The first phase of this study included 71 truck drivers with a mean age of 41 years (SD = 9.5), divided into two groups: long haul drivers (irregular shift work) and short haul drivers (day shift). In this phase, a questionnaire about sociodemographic aspects, lifestyle, food intake and work was filled out. In the second phase, 49 drivers (24 long haul drivers with a mean age of 41 years SD = 8.3 and 25 short haul drivers with a mean age of 39 years SD = 11.4) responded to a 24hr food intake recall (for two working days and one day off) and the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS). The workers also filled out an activity diary and wore actigraphs for 10 consecutive days. Results - About 70 per cent of the drivers were overweight or obese. The Kruskal Wallis test showed that long haul drivers had a mean consumption of carbohydrates in the meal preceding the work onset (91.8 g ; SD = 53.7) significantly higher than the short haul drivers (mean = 51.3 g ; SD = 32.6) (p <0.05). A repeated measurement ANOVA, revealed an effect of time (p <0.001) and an interaction effect of time and work area (p <0.05) on sleepiness. The Spearman correlation test, between the consumption of carbohydrates in the meal prior to work onset and the sleepiness levels immediately after this meal, was not significant for both groups. Conclusions - Although it was not possible to establish an association between carbohydrate intake and sleepiness, it was observed that, the long haul drivers consume more carbohydrates than the short haul drivers. This occurs in the meal that precedes the work onset. In conclusion, truck drivers have distinct patterns of sleepiness, whose expression seems to vary according to the social pressure of working hours
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Obtenção de leveduras vivas enriquecidas para suplementação nutricional e probiótico / Enriched live yeasts for nutritional supplementation and pro-biotic.Belluco, André Eduardo de Souza 14 May 2008 (has links)
A presente pesquisa visou o acúmulo dos micronutrientes ferro e zinco em levedura da espécie Saccharomyces cerevisiae, em meio contendo 300 mg L-1 de ferro ou zinco (previamente definido) de acordo com o respectivo experimento. Ainda, teve o intuito de adicionar a levedura viva em um substrato (milho), esterilizado por irradiação gama (dose previamente definido), e avaliar a sua viabilidade celular para que essa possa ser uma fonte de probiótico. A levedura apresentou um acumulo de ferro e zinco durante os ciclos fermentativos, alcançando no final do sexto ciclo 8883 mg kg-1 de matéria seca e 7452 mg kg-1 de matéria seca respectivamente. A viabilidade celular das leveduras decresce durante todo o tempo de investigação, apresentando um valor de 82,53% aos 110 dias / The objective of this work was to accumulate the micro-nutrients iron and zinc in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in broth with 300 mg L-1 of iron or zinc. The enriched live yeasts were studied to be added to a substrate (corn) sterilized by gamma radiation in order to be a potential source of pro-biotic. The yeast accumulated iron and zinc during the fermentative cycles, reaching 8,883 mg kg-1 (dry weight) and 7,452 mg kg-1 (dry weight), respectively, at the end of the sixth cycle. The cellular viability of the yeasts added to corn decreased during the period of investigation, presenting the value of 82,53% at 110 days
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Nutrients dynamics in tropical forest fragments located in an area of Atlantic Forest of the state of Alagoas / Dinâmica de nutrientes em fragmentos de floresta tropical situados em área de Mata Atlântica no estado de AlagoasLins, Sílvia Rafaela Machado 14 July 2017 (has links)
The Northeastern Atlantic Forest of Brazil contains thousands of forest fragments at different stages of regeneration, some recovering from abandoned agricultural fields, while others recovering from chronic disturbances such as fire, logging, and poaching. Some of these fragments kept protected for several reasons: corporate responsibility, compliance with the forest code, preservation of biodiversity, among others. Although these fragments are far from having the same species richness of plant and animal, they can perform important ecosystem services, such as protection of water bodies, reservoir of important nutrients and carbon (C). This is especially important if we consider that there are global initiatives such as REDD + with the objective of assessing secondary forests and forests in recovery process as important C pools. On the other hand, the management and preservation of these fragments depends on a solid knowledge about their structure and nutrient cycle. There is a relatively rich literature on the loss of biodiversity in these Northeastern forest fragments. Much less is available, however, about the structure and function of these fragments. This work intends to contribute to fill this gap, providing solid scientific information on four forest areas and a secondary forest, where a restoration program was implemented in the State of Alagoas, Northeast of Brazil. After a brief introduction, chapter one discusses the structure of these fragments through a complete forest inventory, where individuals density, height and diameter at breast height (DBH) were measured for each tree with DBH >= 10 cm. With these allometric data, we estimated the basal area and aboveground live biomass (AGLB), comparing these attributes with other estimates available in the literature. In chapter two, we investigated the distribution of nutrients in the forest fragments, where we measured the foliar concentration of C, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). At the same time, we measured the litterfall mass in each fragment and its nutrient content for a one year period of sampling. With this information we were able to establish how these areas cycled their main limiting nutrients and C. Finally, in the last chapter we approached the partition of C and nutrient stocks, above and belowground, in order to evaluate the importance of C pools and nutrients in the forest fragments and understand the role of these fragments in a world that urgently needs to store C in a sustainable reservoir. / A Floresta Atlântica do Nordeste do Brasil contém milhares de fragmentos de florestas em diferentes estágios de regeneração, alguns se recuperando de campos agrícolas abandonados, enquanto outros se recuperam de distúrbios crônicos como incêndio, extração de madeira e caça furtiva. Alguns desses fragmentos ficaram protegidos por várias razões: responsabilidade corporativa, cumprimento do código florestal, preservação da biodiversidade, entre outros. Embora estes fragmentos estejam longe de ter a mesma riqueza de espécies vegetais e animais, podem desempenhar importantes serviços ecossistêmicos, como proteção de corpos d\'água, reservatório de importantes nutrientes e carbono. Isso é especialmente importante se considerarmos que há iniciativas globais como o REDD+ que visam avaliar florestas secundárias e de recuperação como importantes reservatórios de carbono (C). Por outro lado, a gestão e preservação destes fragmentos dependem de um conhecimento sólido sobre a sua estrutura e ciclo de nutrientes. Há uma literatura relativamente rica sobre a perda de biodiversidade nestes fragmentos florestais do Nordeste. No entanto, muito menos está disponível sobre a estrutura e o funcionamento destes fragmentos. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para o preenchimento desta lacuna, fornecendo informações científicas sólidas sobre quatro áreas florestais e uma floresta secundária, onde foi implantado um programa de restauração no Estado de Alagoas, Nordeste do Brasil. Após uma breve introdução, o capítulo um discute a estrutura desses fragmentos através de um inventário florestal completo, onde a densidade indivíduos, sua altura e diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) foram medidos para cada árvore com DAP >= 10 cm. Com esses dados alométricos, estimamos a área basal e a biomassa viva acima do solo (AGLB), comparando esses atributos com outras estimativas disponíveis na literatura. No capítulo dois, investigamos a distribuição de nutrientes nos fragmentos florestais, onde medimos a concentração foliar de C, nitrogênio (N) e fósforo (P). Ao mesmo tempo, medimos durante um ano a massa da serapilheira em cada fragmento e seu teor de nutrientes. Com essas informações pudemos estabelecer como essas áreas ciclam seus principais nutrientes limitantes e C. Finalmente, no último capítulo abordamos a partição dos estoques de C e nutrientes, acima e abaixo do solo, com o objetivo de avaliar a importância dos pools de C e nutrientes nos fragmentos de floresta e entender qual o papel desses fragmentos em um mundo que necessita urgentemente estocar C em um reservatório sustentável.
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Crescimento e marcha de absorção de nutrientes de crisântemo (Dendranthema grandiflora, Tzvelev.) cultivado em vaso / Growth and nutrients uptake curve of chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora, Tzvelev.) cultivated in potRodrigues, Marcelo Antonio 07 November 2013 (has links)
O crisântemo cultivado em vaso é um dos produtos floríferos mais vendidos na floricultura brasileira, possuindo grande diversidade de cores, formas e tamanhos de inflorescências, além de possuir alta durabilidade após a colheita. Para tanto, é necessário o atendimento das exigências nutricionais da planta para possibilitar expressar seu potencial ornamental. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram analisar o crescimento da planta e caracterizar a marcha de absorção de nutrientes no cultivo em vaso do crisântemo, variedade cultivada ,,Fine Time\". O experimento foi realizado na estufa climatizada do Setor de Floricultura do Colégio Politécnico da UFSM, Santa Maria - RS, no período de setembro a dezembro de 2012. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com oito tratamentos e seis repetições. As plantas foram coletadas e analisadas em intervalos que variaram de 7 a 14 dias dependendo da fase de desenvolvimento da planta. Os parâmetros de crescimento avaliados foram: comprimento das hastes, folhas e de raízes; número de folhas, raízes, brotações, botões florais e de inflorescências; largura e área das folhas; massa de matéria seca das folhas, raízes; botões florais; inflorescências, hastes e das plantas. Em relação aos nutrientes foi analisado teor, acúmulo e marcha de absorção de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn nas raízes, folhas, hastes, botões florais e inflorescências. Os parâmetros comprimento das hastes e raízes, número de folhas e raízes, massa de matéria seca de planta, haste e raiz foram crescentes em função do tempo, tendendo a estabilidade no final do ciclo produtivo. Os parâmetros comprimento e largura das folhas decrescem em função do tempo de cultivo. A ordem decrescente de acúmulo de massa de matéria seca dos órgãos foi: folhas > hastes > raízes > inflorescências > botões florais. A necessidade de N, P, S e Cu é semelhante durante a fase vegetativa e de florescimento. A necessidade de K, Mn e Zn nas plantas é maior na fase de florescimento. A necessidade de Ca, B, Fe e Mg nas plantas é maior na fase vegetativa. A necessidade dos macronutrientes durante a fase vegetativa e de florescimento da planta segue, respectivamente, a seguinte ordem de grandeza: Ca > Mg > N > S > P > K; e K > P > S > N > Mg > Ca. A necessidade dos micronutrientes durante a fase vegetativa e de florescimento da planta segue, respectivamente, a seguinte ordem decrescente de grandeza: B > Fe> Cu > Zn > Mn; e Mn > Zn > Cu > Fe > B. A sequência decrescente do acúmulo de nutrientes nas plantas de crisântemo em função do tempo foi: N > K > P > Ca > S > Mg > Fe > Mn > B > Zn > Cu. / The chrysanthemum cultivated in pot is one of the best seller floristic products in the Brazilian floriculture, having high colors diversity, forms and sizes of inflorescences, besides present high post-harvest durability. Therefore, it is necessary to attend the plant nutrition requirement for enabling to express its ornamental potential. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the plant growth and to characterize the nutrients uptake curve of chrysanthemum, cv. ,,Fine Time\", cultivated on pot. The experiment was carried out at greenhouse of the Floriculture Section, Polytechnic College, Federal University of ,,Santa Maria\" (UFSM), Santa Maria, ,,Rio Grande do Sul\" state, Brazil, from September to December 2012. The statistical design was complete randomized with eight treatments and six replications. The plants were sampled and analyzed in intervals of 7 to 14 days according to the plant development stage. The evaluated growth parameters were: length of stems, leaves and roots; number of leaves, roots, sproutings, buds and inflorescences; width and area of leaves; dry matter of leaves, roots, buds, inflorescences, stems and plants. In relation to the nutrients content, accumulation and uptake curve, the N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn on the roots, leaves, stems, buds and inflorescences were evaluated. The parameters stem and root length, number of leaves and roots, dry matter of plant, stems and roots were crescent as function of time, presenting a tendency of stability at end of the crop cycle. The parameters length and width of leaves decrease as function of cultivation time. The decrescente order of organ dry matter accumulation was: leaves > stems > roots > inflorescences > buds. The needs of N, P, S and Cu are equal during the vegetative phase and flowering. The needs of K, Mn and Zn in the plants are higher on the flowering phase. The plant demand of Ca, B, Fe and Mg is higher on the vegetative phase. The needs of macronutrients during vegetative phase and flowering obey, respectively, the following order: Ca > Mg > N > S > P > K and K > P > S > N > Mg > Ca. The needs of micronutrients during vegetative phase and flowering obey, respectively, the following decrescent order: B > Fe> Cu > Zn > Mn and Mn > Zn > Cu > Fe > B. The decrescent sequence of nutrient accumulation on the chrysanthemum plants as function of time was: N > K > P > Ca > S > Mg > Fe > Mn > B > Zn > Cu.
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