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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Närståendes behov vid nära anhörigs dödsfall : en litteraturstudie

Stahre, Emma, Bergström, Jenny January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva vilka behov närstående har vid nära anhörigs dödsfall. Litteratursökningar gjordes i databaserna Medline och Cinahl. Sökningarna resulterade i 19 artiklar med ett bortfall på 3 artiklar. Studiens resultat grundades på 16 vetenskapliga artiklar som granskades och analyserades. I resultatet framkom sex kategorier. De närstående hade ett behov av att få ärlig och förståelig <em>information </em>från sjuksköterskan samt att få försäkran om att sjukvårdspersonalen gjort sitt bästa för patienten. Att vara välinformerad hade en positiv effekt på de närståendes förmåga att bemästra sorgen. De närstående beskrev ett behov av att få <em>möta samma personal</em> för att känna trygghet och stöd. En <em>avskild plats</em> <em>och möjlighet till ett sista farväl</em> var högt värderat. Att få ett <em>respektfullt och empatiskt bemötande</em> av sjuksköterskan var betydelsefullt för de närstående samt att familjen och patienten betraktades som mänskliga. De närstående hade ett behov av att sjuksköterskan <em>gav dem tid</em> och var fullt närvarande. Många närstående upplevde ett behov av <em>hjälp i ensamheten</em> efter dödsfallet, denna hjälp kunde bestå av brev eller uppföljningssamtal. Sammanfattningsvis är det är av stor vikt att sjuksköterskan är medveten om närståendes behov vid nära anhörigs dödsfall samt det faktum att sörjande är en individuell process.</p> / <p>The aim of this literature study was to describe the needs of family members when a loved one dies. Searches were carried out in the databases Medline and Cinahl. This resulted in 19 scientific articles from which 3 were excluded. The results of this study were based on 16 scientific articles which were examined and analyzed. The result showed six categories. The family members had a need of getting honest and understandable <em>information</em> from the nurse and to get reassurance that everything has been done for the patient. When the family members were well informed, they could easier cope with their grief. The family members described a need of <em>meeting the same staff</em> to feel secure and supported. <em>A separate area and a possibility to say a last goodbye</em> were important needs. To be <em>met with respect and empathy</em> and to be treated as humans were valuable for the family members. The family members also expressed a need of having a <em>nurse who gave them time</em> and was fully present. The family members felt a need to be <em>helped in the lonely times</em> that can occur after the death of a loved one, letters and follow up calls were appreciated. In conclusion, it is very important that nurses are aware of the needs of the family members when their loved one dies and also the fact that grieving is an individual process.</p>

LIVET EFTER EN HJÄRTINFARKT- en litteraturstudie gällande patienters behov av stöd

Eriksson, Ann-Christine, Eriksson, Kristina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna kvalitativa litteraturstudie var att undersöka och sammanställa befintlig</p><p>forskning från 2000-talet om patienters behov av olika stöd efter en hjärtinfarkt.</p><p>Litteraturstudien innefattade14 vetenskapliga artiklar som analyserades. Resultatet visade två</p><p>huvudkategorier; individuellt/informationsstöd samt grupp/socialt stöd. Kategorin</p><p>individuellt/informationsstöd innehöll en önskan om mer information gällande hjärtat, dess</p><p>funktion och konsekvenserna av hjärtinfarkten. Råd och information angående förändringar i</p><p>livsstil, återanpassning till vardagsliv och stresshantering efterfrågades också liksom mer</p><p>information om läkemedlen och dess effekter. Allt detta skulle hjälpt till under</p><p>tillfrisknandefasen. Under kategorin grupp/socialt stöd framkom att stödgrupper och</p><p>rehabiliteringsprogram hade en betydande roll för tillfrisknandet efter hjärtinfarkten. Genom</p><p>att dela upplevelser med andra i samma situation, inte känna sig ensam och att ha en</p><p>kontinuerlig kontakt med professionell sjukvårdspersonal ökade också livsglädjen. Stöd från</p><p>familj och vänner hade också en viktig mening för tillfrisknandet.</p><p>Samtidigt framkom också ofta en överbeskyddarroll hos anhöriga vilket hos de flesta</p><p>upplevdes ha en negativ effekt och inverkan på tillfrisknandet. Slutsatsen visar att</p><p>sjuksköterskor har en betydande roll i att kunna hantera, bemöta, visa förståelse och stödja</p><p>varje individs individuella behov.</p><p>Nyckelord:</p> / <p>The aim of this literature review was to examine and compile existing research from the</p><p>beginning of the 21 st century about patients needs for different kind of support after a</p><p>myocardial infarction. This literature review included 14 scientific articles who where</p><p>analyzed. The result showed two main categories; individual/information support and</p><p>group/social support. Individual/information support showed a wish for more information</p><p>about the heart, its function and the consequences of the myocardial infarction. Advice and</p><p>information about lifestyle changes, readjustment to daily life and to cope with stress as well</p><p>as information about the medical treatment and its effects was asked for. That would have</p><p>helpt uring the process of recovery. Under the category of group/social support it emerged</p><p>that supportgroups and rehabilitationprograms had an significant part for the recovery after</p><p>the myocardial infarction. Through sharing experiences with others in the same situation, not</p><p>feeling alone and to have a continuous contact with health care professionals the zest for life</p><p>increased. Support from family and friends also had an important meaning for recovery. At</p><p>the same time it also often emerged an overprotective role in relatives that by most of the</p><p>patients seemed to have a negative effect and influence on the recovery. The conclusion</p><p>show´s that nurses have an important role to handle, treat, show understanding and support</p><p>every persons individual needs.</p><p>Keywords:</p>

Dom är så oroliga : En studie om skolpersonals tal om elever i relationssvårigheter

Larsson, Hans January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p> </p><p>This licentiate’s dissertation is about how school staff talk about pupils having difficulties in relating to teachers and other pupils. It’s specific focus is on pupils which are described as “disturbing”, “troublesome”,”unruly”, “unconcentrated” or characterised by similar concepts. The main aim is to elucidate and discuss how school staff explain pupils’ difficulties, what measures they state that they undertake and what measures they consider necessary.</p><p>The study is based on a social constructive approach. This means that the way we understand the world we live in is seen as shaped by social and cultural processes mediated through language. A consequence of this is that the way the staff talk about pupils in difficulties will influence how they relate to those children and how they work at solving the problems.</p><p>The empirical material consists of interviews with six principals, six Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators and six class teachers from six different schools. 15 of the people interviewed work with 11–13 year olds and three of them with 7–9 year olds. The material from the interviews is categorised into themes and further analysed in order to present a systematic overview of the ways in which the staff talk about children in difficulties.</p><p>The result shows that the problems are understood as complex and full of nuances. Explanations of the problems from medical/psychological perspectives have no distinguished status. It is more common that the problems are related to social conditions, family situation and school environment.</p><p>The study also shows that different professional groups usually place the responsibility for solving the problems with other professional groups. The way the concerned principal looks upon the problem seems be important for the way the problem is dealt with.</p><p>The way the staff studied talk about the school activities indicates that schools differ concerning issues like organisation, the role of the Special Needs Co-ordinator, co-operation between different professional groups etc. As a consequence pupils having difficulties in relating to other people will be subjected to different conditions depending on what school they attend. The school as an arena of identity creation and citizenship education will offer hence different opportunities to different children in difficulties.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>Keywords:</em><strong> </strong>special educational needs, social constructionism, children in need of support,</p><p>problem behavior in schools</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p>Hans Larsson, Department of Education,</p><p>Örebro University, SE-701 82 Örebro, Sweden, hans.larsson@oru.se</p>

Lärares tankar kring motivation i den dagliga undervisningen / Teachers thoughts about motivation i the daily teaching

Olsson Thorén, Ida January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med min studie är att kartlägga hur man som lärare kan arbete för att motivera sina elever i den dagliga undervisningen. Detta sett ur ett pedagogperspektiv. Resultatet är baserat på kvalitativa intervjuer med tre aktiva lärare. Resultat tillsammans med förankring i för studien aktuell litteratur utgör grund för diskussion. Resultatet tillsammans med litteraturen visar att arbete med att främja individers motivation är komplex och att det inte finns några enkla lösningar på hur man skall gå tillväga. En viktig insikt man bör ha som lärare då man arbetar inom pedagogisk verksamhet är att alla individer har olika behov och försättningar vilket bör ligga till grund för individualiserad anpassningen i undervisningen.</p><p>Slutsatsen i min studie är att man med tydlighet, konkreta målformuleringar och med en positiv inställning medvetet bör arbeta för att stärka samtliga elevers positiva och konstruktiva sidor.</p> / <p>The aim of this study is to investigate how you as a teacher from an educational perspective can motivate pupils in the daily education. The results are based on qualitative interviews with three active teachers. These results together with impressions from relevant literature constitute the base for the discussion and shows that facilitating individuals motivation is complex and that there are no simple solutions how to act. As a teacher it is an important insight that in educational situations all individuals have different needs and qualifications and that these conditions have to be considered for individually adjusted education.</p><p>The conclusion of this study shows that clarity, concrete goals and a positive attitude is important to encourage all pupils.</p>

Pedagogens roll och betydelse i arbetet med invandrarelever : - hur man på bästa sätt kan stödja och främja dessa elevers utveckling / The teachers role and significance when working with immigrant pupils : - the best way to support and promote these pupils developement

Skoog, Linnea January 2006 (has links)
<p>Elever som är födda i ett annat land än Sverige, eller som har föräldrar som är födda i ett annat land, har särskilda behov som det är viktigt att ha kunskap om för att på bästa sätt kunna möta dem i undervisningen. Mitt huvudsakliga syfte med detta arbete är att belysa pedagogens roll och betydelse i arbetet med invandrarelever. Mina frågeställningar är:</p><p>- Hur ser invandrarelevers möte med den svenska skolan ut?</p><p>- Hur kan man som lärare främja dessa elevers utveckling?</p><p>- Hur kan man arbeta i skolan för att öka kulturkompetensen och förståelsen för andra kulturer samt motverka fördomar och rasism bland eleverna?</p><p>Mot bakgrund av mitt syfte samt mina frågeställningar valde jag att göra en kvalitativ intervjustudie med tre lärare som alla undervisar, eller har undervisat, i svenska som andraspråk. Genom dessa intervjuer samt genom att studera befintlig litteratur har jag funnit ett klart samband mellan identitet, känslor och språk. Lika viktigt som det är att öka samarbetet mellan modersmålslärare, svenska som andraspråkslärare och klasslärare, lika viktigt är det att arbeta med elevernas självkänsla och få dem att känna att de du duger som de är. Det är viktigt att eleverna är stolta över sitt ursprung och inte skäms över vem de är.</p><p>För att på bästa sätt stödja och främja invandrarelevers utveckling anser jag att vi i skolan måste bli bättre på att bejaka det annorlunda och se mångfalden som något positivt.</p> / <p>Pupils who are born in another country than Sweden, or has parents who are born in another country, have special needs in which it’s important that we have knowledge about so that we are able to meet them in school. My primary purpose with this essay is to elucidate the teachers role and significance in the work with immigrant pupils. My questions at issue are:</p><p>- How does the immigrant pupils meeting with the Swedish school look like?</p><p>- How can you as a teacher promote these pupils development?</p><p>- How can you work in school to increase cultural comprehension and understanding for other cultures and counteract prejudice and racism amongst the pupils?</p><p>On the basis of my purpose with the essay, and my questions at issue, I choose to perform a qualitative study through interviews with three teachers, who all teach, or have taught, in the subject “Swedish as a second language”. Through these interviews and by studying the available literature, I have found a very strong connection between identity, emotion and language. As important as is to increase the collaboration between teachers in mother tongue, “Swedish as a second language” and class teachers, is it to work with the self-esteem of the pupils and make them feel that they are good enough as they are. It is important that the pupils are proud of their heritage and not to feel ashamed of who they are.</p><p>The best way to support and promote the immigrant pupils development, according to me, is for us at the schools to be better at recognise and accept differences and look upon multitude as something positive.</p>

Mot en beskrivning av miljömedvetna konsumenters informationsbehov

Norblad, Lars January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The aim of this Master thesis is to explore why some Swedes want to consume”eco-friendly” and whether this fact gives rise to articulated information needs. Two possible explanations for this ”eco conscious” consumption are being tested, either if it is based on a normative belief that it is the right thing to do if you, as a consumer, want to do something about the environmental degradation, or that it is a reaction to a perceived risk, due to the environmental degradation. The method chosen by the author in this thesis is a qualitative text analysis of five Swedish journals. The author also tries to find articulated expressions for information needs based on the will to consume ”eco friendly” that could either be a result of a perceived risk or a feeling of normative rightness. The findings of this thesis are the following: the opinion among Swedish consumers that it is normatively right to select products perceived to be good for the environment, is the most commonly expressed in the  material examined followed by the view that they (the consumers) need more information as to what products to chose if the they are to satisfy their “environmental ambitions”.</p><p> </p>

EU-information : Studenters behov och sökning, EU:s informationsresurser / EU-information : students information needs and search, EU's information resources

Forsberg, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this master thesis was to examine the European Commission's information resources from a user perspective in order to clarify the needs and circumstances of the search of EU-information among students at Örebro University. 41 students participated in a survey, and four of them was interviewed. On the basis of Pendelton- and Chatmans theories of information behaviour in small worlds, it were assumed that the students' education and citizenship in the European Union affected their needs and the search of EU information.</p><p>The study showed that the students needs for EU-related information has increased, with the current education, but also been linked to earlier educations. The students Citizens need were mainly associated with elections such as the EMU-election, but also in some cases to a need of the general knowledge.</p><p>A review of the European Commission's information resources were made with an emphasis on European Documentation Centre, EDC. The survey showed that most students used the EDC and the EU-databases that was made available by the European Commission through the EDC and the university library but were not aware that they used EDC.</p><p>The survey also showed that students made use of familiar sources and resources when they searched the EU-information, such as the library's regular database list, the library catalogue and search engine on the internet are not requested of other resources. In line with Pendelton and Chatmans's theory the students did not seek information if it was not consider necessary.</p>

Needs of Support and Service in Mentally Disabled Clients : Population-Based Studies in a Swedish County

Jansson, Lennart January 2005 (has links)
<p>The general aim of the present thesis is to investigate needs of support and service in clients with long-term mental disabilities living in the community. A further aim is to study changes in these client needs during a 3.5-year follow-up. </p><p>A questionnaire, The Need of Support and Service Questionnaire (NSSQ), was developed to provide staffs in psychiatric care and social services with a brief instrument to assess how their clients live in the community and to identify their needs. </p><p>The results are based on 1,759 clients. The prevalence of clients in urban and rural areas was 6.4/1,000 and 4.5/1,000 inhabitants, respectively. The clients living in the urban setting were more frequently male, older, with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and needed more support in activities of daily living than rural clients. </p><p>Clients identified by staff in psychiatric care only were more often living with a partner, with children living at home and more often had a rehabilitation allowance than clients identified by social services staff. In clients assessed by both organizations similar needs at a group level were identified. However, agreements were lower at the individual level. </p><p>Although clients reported fewer needs than staff in psychiatric care, the reported needs were in the same areas.</p><p>A majority of the clients with unmet needs of service at baseline had their needs met at the 3.5-year follow-up. New unmet needs were also identified at the follow-up, however. The results demonstrate less improvement in clients with schizophrenia as compared with non-schizophrenic clients.</p><p>In conclusion, needs of support and service present a dynamic process and both psychiatric care and social services should critically evaluate assessments of these needs.</p>

Interpretations of reality : cross-cultural encounters of Asian students with healthcare at Oregon State University

Barclay, Julie Hanson 16 November 1993 (has links)
Enrollments of international students have increased dramatically in the last several decades. The delivery of health care to these students has become a topic of study for college health care providers and medical researchers across the country. The purpose of this study was to explore how Asian international students cope with illness while in school at Oregon State University. Interviews were held with international students from Japan, Korea, China and selected health care providers from the Oregon State University health center. Information was sought describing health care issues, and perspectives on medical care. The interplay between the student's perspectives and experiences and those of health care providers was explored as they revealed the role of culture in the cross-cultural medical situation. In contrast to other findings I maintain that it is the effects of culture, that is, the envisioning of different realities, in similar situations, that affect both patients and practitioners in the cross-cultural medical encounter. American core cultural values, in conjunction with a biomedical paradigm, formulate a base from which university health care providers interpret their clinical reality. Asian international students bring with them to the medical encounter a different paradigm that, for them, provides a definitive view of illness and health care. It also is grounded in meanings learned from cultural experiences. The anthropological views presented here are powerful and of considerable value in clinical settings because they assist individuals in moving beyond culture-bound realities in order develop a pluralistic perspective that validates the existence of different illness realities in the cross-cultural medical encounter. / Graduation date: 1994

Architecting and Innovating

Campbell, Ronald B. Jr. 14 April 2004 (has links)
Innovating is essential to sustained industrial growth and profitability. But experience amply demonstrates how difficult innovation is, especially for large companies. The synthesis of valued offerings by aligning customer needs with technology possibilities lies at the heart of innovation. System architects working at the strategic level are ideally positioned, as a consequence of their experience and training, to play a key and even a leadership role in enabling, energizing, and leading this synthesis. The scope of the architecting effort must include the process architecture of the entire value chain as well as the more conventional product architecture to address all potential wellsprings of innovation. This paper outlines an architecture-centric approach to innovation, based on the concept of the system platform architecture. / Center for Innovation in Product Development, MIT

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