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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelando ocorrência e abundância de espécies arbóreas no entorno de uma usina hidroelétrica no sul do Brasil

Guarino, Ernestino de Souza Gomes January 2010 (has links)
Modelos de ocorrência e abundância de espécies são importantes ferramentas para a elaboração de estrategias para a conservação da biodiversidade. Nestes artigos aplicamos, pela primeira vez, modelos de distribuição e abundância no entorno de uma Usina Hidroelétrica no Sul do Brasil, com o objetivo de mostrar possíveis aplicações destas técnicas no planejamento de ações de coleta e conservação, in situ e ex situ, destas espécies. Nossos objetivos secundários foram (i) modelar a ocorrência e abundância de plantas em um trecho da bacia do rio Pelotas e (ii) verificar o efeito da detectabilidade em modelos de ocorrência. Para tanto dividimos a tese em dois capítulos e cinco questões. No primeiro capítulo procuramos responder as seguintes questões: (1) existe relação entre a probabilidade de ocorrência e a abundância observada? (2) Modelos baseados na abundância são melhores para predizer a ocorrência de espécies do que modelos baseados apenas na ocorrência das espécies? No segundo capítulo, tentamos responder se (3) amostragens exaustivas, com presenças e ausências bem descritas, produzem modelos de ocorrência mais precisos? (4) Se a relação entre a ocorrência da espécie e as variáveis ambientais que descrevem sua distribuição é alterada de acordo com a detectabilidade? (5) Qual o impacto de falsos zeros na área ocupada estimada para a espécie? O trabalho foi realizado no entorno da UHE Barra Grande, erguida no rio Pelotas, entre os Estados de Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul. Localizada na bacia do rio Pelotas, seu reservatório ocupa uma área de aproximadamente 90 km2 e seu entorno perfaz uma área aproximada de 4.600 km2, onde amostramos 388 parcelas georreferenciadas (10 x 50 m) distribuídas aleatoriamente. Em cada parcela contamos o número de indivíduos de nove espécies arborescente com altura ≥ 1,5 m. No primeiro artigo, modelamos, utilizando modelos lineares generalizados (GLM), a distribuição e abundância das nove espécies estudadas em relação a 15 variáveis ambientais, e demonstramos que modelos de ocorrência são mais precisos do que modelos de abundância. Demonstramos também que a probabilidade de ocorrência é positivamente correlacionada com a abundância observada, o que abre a possibilidade de utilizarmos a probabilidade de ocorrência como um indicador da abundância das espécies. No segundo capítulo, verificamos o impacto de falhas de detecção em modelos de distribuição de espécies, utilizando como espécie modelo A. angustifolia. Simulamos o impacto de falsos zeros na precisão dos modelos, na seleção das variáveis resposta (variáveis ambientais) e nas estimativas de área ocupada pela espécie. A redução da detectabilidade ocasionou alterações tanto na precisão dos modelos quanto na área estimada de ocorrência e nas variáveis ambientais que explicam a ocorrência de A. angustifolia. A área ocupada não apresentou padrão bem definido, porém mostrou tendência de elevação de acordo com a diminuição da detectabilidade, elevando com isso o erro de comissão dos modelos. A precisão dos modelos (AUC e correlação entre probabilidade de ocorrência e abundância observada), apresentou queda em relação ao redução da detectabilidade, enquanto apenas uma variável ambiental foi incluída em todos os modelos (pH do solo). Existe um grande possibilidade de uso destas técnicas como informação básica para planos de conservação, monitoramento e manejo da biodiversidade no entorno de empreendimentos hidroelétricos, porém, para que possamos tirar inferências fortes sobre as espécies e ecossistemas em questão, devemos observar sempre a necessidade de levar em conta os impactos da detecção imperfeita das espécies. / Species occurrence and abundance models are important tools in the development of biodiversity conservation strategies. This study presents, for the first time, the application of distribution and abundance models in the environment surrounding a hydropower dam in southern Brazil. The aim is to demonstrate the possible application of these techniques in planning collection and conservation strategies of the species inhabiting the area, in situ and ex situ. We also aimed at (i) modeling the occurrence and abundance of plants in a section of the Pelotas River basin and (ii) verifying the effect of detectability in occurrence models. This thesis was therefore divided into two chapters and five questions. The first chapter is an attempt to answer the following questions: (1) Is there a relationship between occurrence probability and abundance? (2) Are models based on abundance better to predict the occurrence of species as compared to models that utilize only species occurrence? The second chapter addresses the questions: (3) Do exhaustive sampling procedures, with well-sampled presences and absences, lead to more accurate occurrence models? (4) Does detectability influence the relationship between species occurrence and environmental variables? (5) What is the impact of false zeros in the estimated area occupied by one given species? This study was conducted in the area surrounding the hydropower plant “Barra Grande”, in the Pelotas River, on the border of the Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina states. Located in the Pelotas River basin, the dam occupies an area of approximately 90 km². The surrounding area accounts for 4,600 km², where 388 plots with 10 x 50 m were randomly distributed and georeferenced. In each plot, individuals of nine selected tree species taller than 1.5 m were surveyed. In the first paper, we modeled the distribution and abundance of the species studied using generalized linear models (GLMs), utilizing 15 environmental variables. Occurrence models were proved to be more accurate than abundance models. The positive correlation between occurrence probability and observed abundance was also demonstrated, which opens the possibility to utilize occurrence probability as an indicator of species abundance. The second chapter reports the impact of failures in detection in species distribution models, using A. angustifolia as model species. We simulated the impact of false zeros in model accuracy, in the selection of response variables (environmental variables) and in estimates of the area occupied by A. angustifolia. The decrease in detectability caused changes in both model accuracy and in the environmental variables that explain the occurrence of A. angustifolia. The area occupied did not have a well-defined pattern, though it showed a trend towards elevation, in accordance with the decrease in detectability, thus raising the commission error in the model. The accuracy of models (AUC and correlation between occurrence probability and observed abundance) decreased with the decrease in detectability, while only one environmental variable was included in all models (soil pH). These techniques offer great potential in the collection of essential information in biodiversity conservation, monitoring and managements strategies in hydropower projects. However, robust inferences about species and ecosystems in question can only be drawn considering the need to evaluate the impact caused by defective species detection.

Jämförelse av statiska kodanalysverktyg : En fallstudie om statiska kodanalysverktygs förmåga att hitta sårbarheter i kod / Comparison of static code analysis tools: A case study of static code analysis tools ability to find code vulnerabilities

Holmberg, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Security deficiencies that occur in web applications can have major consequences. PHP is a language that is often used for web applications and it places high demands on how the language is used to ensure it is safe. There are several features in PHP that should be handled with care to avoid security flaws. Static code analysis can help find vulnerabilities in code, but there are some drawbacks that can occur with static code analysis tools. One disadvantage is false positives which means that the tool reports vulnerabilities that do not exist. There are also false negatives which means the tool cannot find the vulnerability at all which can lead to a false sense of security for the user of the tool. With the help of completed test cases, three tools have been investigated in a case study to find out if the tools differ in their ability to avoid false positives and false negatives. The study also examines whether the tools' rules consider the PHP language's vulnerable functions. To answer the research question, a document collection was conducted to obtain information about the tools and various vulnerabilities. The purpose of this study is to compare the ability of static code analysis tools to find PHP code vulnerabilities. The tools that were investigated were SonarQube, Visual Code Grepper (VCG) and Exakat. The study's analysis shows that VCG found the most vulnerabilities but failed to avoid false positive vulnerabilities. Exakat had zero false positives but could not avoid false negatives to the same extent as VCG. SonarQube avoided all false positives but did not find any of the vulnerabilities tested in the test cases. According to the rules of the tools, VCG had more consideration for the risky functions found in PHP. The study's results show that the tools' ability to avoid false positives and false negatives differed and their adaptation to the PHP language's vulnerable functions. / Säkerhetsbrister som förekommer i webbapplikationer kan leda till stora konsekvenser. PHP är ett språk som ofta används för webbapplikationer och det ställer höga krav på hur språket används för att det ska vara säkert. Det finns flera funktioner i PHP som bör hanteras varsamt för att inte säkerhetsbrister ska uppstå. Statisk kodanalys kan hjälpa till med att hitta sårbarheter i kod men det finns vissa nackdelar som kan uppkomma med statiska kodanalysverktyg. En nackdel är falska positiva vilket betyder att verktyget rapporterar in sårbarheter som inte finns. Det finns också falska negativa som betyder att verktyget inte hittar sårbarheten alls vilket kan leda till en falsk trygghetskänsla för användaren av verktyget. Med hjälp av färdiga testfall så har tre verktyg utretts i en fallstudie för att ta reda på om verktygen skiljer sig i sin förmåga till att undvika falska positiva och falska negativa. Studien undersöker också om verktygens regler tar PHP-språkets sårbara funktioner i beaktning. För att kunna besvara forskningsfrågan har en dokumentsinsamling genomförts för att få information om verktygen och olika sårbarheter. Studiens syfte är att jämföra statiska kodanalysverktygs förmåga att hitta sårbarheter i PHP-kod. De verktyg som utreddes var SonarQube, Visual Code Grepper (VCG) och Exakat. Studiens analys visar att VCG hittade mest sårbarheter men lyckades inte undvika falska positiva sårbarheter. Exakat hade noll falska positiva men kunde inte undvika falska negativa i lika stor utsträckning som VCG. SonarQube undvek alla falska positiva men hittade inte någon av de sårbarheter som testades i testfallen. Enligt verktygens regler visade sig VCG ta mest hänsyn till de riskfyllda funktioner som finns i PHP. Studiens resultat visar att verktygens förmåga att undvika falska positiva och falska negativa och deras anpassning för PHP språkets sårbara funktioner skiljde sig åt.

Effects of the First Language on Japanese ESL Learners' Answers to Negative Questions

Kanda, Kosuke 28 April 2014 (has links)
This study investigates how Japanese learners of English respond to English negative questions. Previous research has reported that Japanese learners of English make errors in yes/no responses to English negative questions due to the first language (L1) influence (Kang & Lim-chang, 1998; Takashima, 1989). From the perspective of L1 influence, there are two learning pitfalls: different functions of the yes/no response and different interpretations of negative questions. Both of these influences were examined in this study. This study involved 8 Japanese learners of English, 4 females and 4 males, attending Portland State University (PSU). In order to elicit data that reflect the effect of Japanese English Language Teaching (ELT), the subjects were chosen so that at the time of data elicitation, they had less than 6 months of experience in an English-speaking environment. In addition, all the participants had English instruction in Japan at least through high school. In order to see how the L1 influenced their yes/no answers to negative questions, I used two data elicitation methods: an oral interview with a native speaker and a retrospective protocol analysis of the interview. The results indicated the following: First, the participants appeared to respond to English negative questions fairly consistently with the English norm. Deviation was observed only when a negative question had a negative expected answer. Particularly, the stronger the expectation for a negative answer was, the more likely it was that the negative question elicited an incorrect yes/no response. Secondly, the participants interpreted the polarity of the expected answer based on the Japanese norm. With the help of context, they usually interpreted the stimulus sentence correctly. However, when an expected answer was ambiguous for any reason, the participants interpreted the stimulus sentence as having a negative expected answer, which is the default interpretation for Japanese negative questions. This study shows that the influence of the L1 on answers to negative questions requires complex analysis. That is, superficially the participants appeared to answer questions correctly, but a deeper analysis revealed that they still relied on an L1 interpretation norm.

Botanik brut: Fotografischer Beton

Mielke, Mirko 17 November 2023 (has links)
“Botanik brut“ ist eine Serie botanischer Fotografien, die analog auf Beton belichtet und entwickelt wurden. Vorliegend eine Ausarbeitung von ca. 320 Schwarz-Weiß-Kleinbildnegativen aus den Jahren 2019 bis 2022. Entstanden sind diese in den botanischen Gärten Berlin, Lissabon, Paris, Zürich und Makarska. Es ist der Versuch, die Poesie und Einzigartigkeit zwischen Natur und Kultur künstlerisch zu erforschen.

The Role of Socio-Affective and Socio-Cognitive Mechanisms in the Processing of Witnessed Traumatic Events

Trautmann, Sebastian, Wittgens, Charlotte, Muehlhan, Markus, Kanske, Philipp 18 April 2024 (has links)
Experiencing traumatic events has a high lifetime prevalence ranging between 60.7 and 76.2% across different countries (1). Exposure to traumatic events is associated with a higher risk for various mental disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder (2, 3), which are related to high individual and societal costs (4). The development of interventions to prevent adverse mental health consequences following traumatic event exposure is therefore of vital importance. This, however, requires detailed knowledge about the underlying biological and psychological mechanisms involved in the association between traumatic events and psychopathology. Various risk factors at different levels have already been described in the last decades (5). Biological risk factors include genetic and epigenetic variations (6), alterations in the function of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis (7, 8) and the autonomic nervous system (9) as well as changes in brain structure and functioning (10). Psychological risk factors include impairments in cognitive abilities (11) and specific personality traits such as high trait anxiety (12) and maladaptive emotion regulation (13). Social risk factors include impaired interpersonal relations and stigmatization (14, 15). Further, clinical risk factors such as mental health history as well as previous traumatic experiences may also increase the risk for psychopathology after trauma exposure (16). Most of these factors are supposed to be associated with risk of psychopathology independent of the type of traumatic event. However, it is likely that specific traumatic events are associated with different constellations of risk factors, which has so far received little attention in the existing literature. Importantly, traumatic events explicitly include not only events that are personally experienced but also events that are witnessed by an observer (17). This includes witnessing someone being seriously hurt, seeing atrocities or witnessing dead bodies. Witnessed traumatic events are among the most frequent traumatic experiences (1). They are also of high current relevance in the contexts of natural disasters, terrorist attacks and military crises (16, 18, 19). The fact that individuals can develop psychopathological reactions to events that are actually experienced by others raises the question how the suffering of others is being processed. Based on theoretical models and findings from social cognition and neuroscience research, we propose that socio-affective and socio-cognitive mechanisms are involved in the processing and pathological consequences of witnessing traumatic events and could contribute to a better understanding of adverse reactions to this type of traumatic events.

A Study on Comparison Websites in the Airline Industry and Using CART Methods to Determine Key Parameters in Flight Search Conversion / En studie av jämförelsehemsidor i flygbranschen och tillämpningen av CART metoder för att analysera nyckelparametrar i konvertering av flygsökningar.

Hansén, Jacob, Gustafsson, Axel January 2019 (has links)
This bachelor thesis in applied mathematics and industrial engineering and management aimed to identify relationships between search parameters in flight comparison search engines and the exit conversion rate, while also investigating how the emergence of such comparison search engines has impacted the airline industry. To identify such relationships, several classification models were employed in conjunction with several sampling methods to produce a predictive model using the program R. To investigate the impact of the emergence of comparison websites, Porter's 5 forces and a SWOT - analysis were employed to analyze findings of a literature study and a qualitative interview. The classification models developed performed poorly with regards to several assessments metrics which suggested that there were little to no significance in the relationship between the search parameters investigated and exit conversion rate. Porter's 5 forces and the SWOT-analysis suggested that the competitive landscape of the airline industry has become more competitive and that airlines which do not manage to adapt to this changing market environment will experience decreasing profitability. / Detta kandidatexamensarbete inriktat på tillämpad matematik och industriell ekonomi syftade till att identifiera samband mellan sökparametrar från flygsökmotorer och konverteringsgraden för utträde till ett flygbolags hemsida, och samtidigt undersöka hur uppkomsten av flygsökmotorer har påverkat flygindustrin för flygbolag. För att identifiera sådana samband, tillämpades flera klassificeringsmodeller tillsammans med stickprovsmetoder för att bygga en predikativ modell i programmet R. För att undersöka påverkan av flygsökmotorer tillämpades Porters 5 krafter och SWOT-analys som teoretiska ramverk för att analysera information uppsamlad genom en litteraturstudie och en intervju. Klassificeringsmodellerna som byggdes presterade undermåligt med avseende på flera utvärderingsmått, vilket antydde att det fanns lite eller inget samband mellan de undersökta sökparametrarna och konverteringsgraden för utträde. Porters 5 krafter och SWOT-analysen visade att flygindustrin hade blivit mer konkurrensutsatt och att flygbolag som inte lyckas anpassa sig efter en omgivning i ändring kommer att uppleva minskande lönsamhet.

Zoorehabilitace v pedagogické praxi / Zoorehabilitation in process of education

Bravencová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with breeding and visiting programs with animals (options, reasons, positives and negatives, evaluation of parents and staff) in kindergartens in the two most populous regions in the Czech Republic. Further it provides an in depth analysis of influence of selected invertebrate animals on preschool children in two specified kindergartens and looks into parent's attitudes and evaluation of animal breeding in the chosen classes. It is a combinated empirical applied research whose methods are directly participated unstructured observation of individuals or groups, video recording, explorative method - questionnaire (for the children's parents in the class and for the kindergartens) and analysis of qualitative data from the questionnaires and evaluation of the results. The thesis is divided into three parts according to the target group on which the research is focused. Both the results and the specified literature confirm the importance of continuous presense of animals in the proximity of preschool aged children in several areas of their personality development (emotions, environmental feelings, communication, motivation, responsibility, thoughtfulness, concentration, attention, senses, interest, calming down, cognition - the cycle of life and animal characteristics). Staff and...

Infrações penais de menor potencial ofensivo à luz dos princípios constitucionais

Gênova, Jairo José 06 November 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:26:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jairo Jose Genova.pdf: 531982 bytes, checksum: 321d2958a5855bafa6268c8c393ea5d8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-11-06 / We developed an ultima ratio Criminal Law, with sanctions more suitable to human dignity. In the procedural field, the hierarchical relationship of the State to those whom commit a transgression begins to give a consensus to the scope of the law, especially between the offender and the victim of a crime of minor seriousness: this consent will determine that Criminal Law then performs the special role of social pacifier. This tendency follows from the constitutional principles of the Criminal Law, especially ancillary, offense, proportionality, insignificance which aims to give protection to the larger judicial system and the use of alternative punishment instead of deprivation freedom. We have now have a legal concept but to reduce anything potentially prejudicial, it is needed to establish some flexibility of this concept: letting those who apply the Law the incumbency of rating, in each factual case, the greater or lesser seriousness of the offense of the case. We propose the choice of positive requisites (availability of the legal assets, favored features of inheritance/ancestral law, punishment in perspective and reparation to the injured party). Also to consider some crimes of lesser seriousness with a maximum punishment over two years, assets of negative requisite (Human Rights) in order to exclude from this list crimes with a maximum penalty less than two years / Evoluímos para o Direito Penal de ultima ratio, com sanções mais adequadas à dignidade humana. No campo processual, a relação hierarquizada do Estado para com o autor da infração está cedendo lugar para o consenso no âmbito penal, em especial entre autor e vítima dos crimes de menor gravidade, consenso esse determinante para que o Direito Penal cumpra seu papel de pacificação social. Essa tendência decorre da fundamentação do Direito Penal nos princípios constitucionais, em especial os da subsidiariedade, da ofensividade, da proporcionalidade e da insignificância e visa, precipuamente, à proteção dos bens jurídicos mais relevantes e à aplicação de penas alternativas à privação da liberdade. Temos um conceito legal e rígido de menor potencialidade lesiva, mas é preciso criar mecanismos para flexibilizar o conceito, deixando aos aplicadores do Direito a incumbência de aferir, em cada caso concreto, a maior ou menor gravidade do fato. Propomos a adoção de requisitos positivos (disponibilidade do bem jurídico, formas privilegiadas dos crimes patrimoniais, pena em perspectiva e a reparação do dano) para considerar de menor potencialidade lesiva alguns crimes com pena máxima superior a dois anos, bem de requisito negativo (a dignidade humana) para excluir desse rol crimes com pena máxima inferior a dois anos

La négation simple et la négation composée en français préclassique / Simple negation and compound negation in pre-classical French

Lafond-Zine, Claire 22 November 2014 (has links)
La question du système des morphèmes de la négation simple ou composée en français suscite depuis toujours l’intérêt de la linguistique mais reste traitée de manière fluctuante par la linguistique diachronique qui l’étudie de façon inégale selon les périodes de l’histoire du français. En effet, concernant la période préclassique (1550-1630), si cette question est régulièrement abordée, aucune étude approfondie et détaillée du système de la négation n’existe à ce jour. Ainsi, ce travail s’inscrit au croisement d’une double visée de la recherche en linguistique : d’une part, celle d’un éclairage nouveau sur la question des marques grammaticales de la négation en français ; d’autre part, celle d’une réactualisation des questionnements sur la langue préclassique qui, longtemps négligée, jouit depuis une vingtaine d’années d’un regain d’intérêt croissant. La finalité de cette étude est de proposer une description précise de l’organisation et du fonctionnement du système des signes grammaticaux de la négation simple et de la négation composée (non, ne, ne…pas, ne…point, ne…jamais, etc.) à travers leurs divers emplois et leurs jeux de concurrence, tels qu’ils apparaissent dans un vaste corpus de textes de la période préclassique (1550-1630). Les méthodes de la morphosyntaxe et de la sémantique se sont avérées ici tout à fait adéquates, tout comme le cadre théorique de la psychomécanique du langage dont les postulats permettent de traiter en profondeur les enjeux et les subtilités impliqués par cette recherche. / The issue of simple and compound negation morphemes system in French language has always attracted a lot of interest. However, diachronic linguistics tackles this question in an uneven way according to different periods of French language’s history. Thus, although it is regularly mentioned, no detailed study about system of negation in pre-Classical French (1550-1630) exists so far.Therefore, this work has dual benefits for linguistics research: on the one hand it sheds a new light on the question of grammatical markers of negation in French; on the other hand it renews questions on the pre-Classical French language, which has been a topic of growing interest over the last two decades.The goal of this research is first to offer a detailed description of the organisation and operation of the system of simple and compound negation grammatical markers (non, ne, ne…pas, ne…point, ne…jamais, etc.) according to their different usages as they appear in a large text corpus of pre-Classical period (1550-1630). Their competition is also investigated. Morphosyntax and semantic methods turned out to be very efficient, as well as the theoretical framework of language psychomecanics whose postulates allow an in depth analysis of the issues and intricacies involved in this research.

Mechanisms of Controlling Colour and Aesthetic Appearance of the Photographic Salt Print

Young, Eleanor Dawn, ellie@goldstreetstudios.com.au January 2008 (has links)
Abstract The salt print is an important part of photography, both in its historic value and in the tonal range it can provide. This tonal range is greater than any other photographic printing process available to date attributed to the inherent masking ability of the metallic silver. However the intrinsic production problems have made it a 'forgotten' process. There are five key problems. 1. The difficulties in achieving the potential extensive tonal range. 2. The varying colour of the print. 3. Staining that appears in the print, during and after processing. 4. Instability and longevity of the salt print. 5. Contradictory and inaccurate information in material published on the salt print. Although the emphasis of the research is on exploring and controlling the colour and tonal range, the staining problems and stability of the print are also addressed. The materials used for contact negatives today vary in both capture and output, from analogue film processed in the traditional wet darkroom to a variety of transparent film printed from digital files. Inadequate density and tonal range can affect all types of negatives. To provide sufficient exposure time for the salt prints extended tonal range adjustments to the negative were necessary. These long exposures then converted sufficient silver salts to the image making metallic silver, utilising the intrinsic self-masking process. Ultimately this research has uncovered ways to control colour and tonal range and certain aesthetic qualities of the salt print, while simultaneously resolving some of the conflicts in published information. Accurate and consistent methods of processing eliminate staining, providing some stability to the print. The activities and steps carried out to make a salt print are manual; precise duplication is therefore almost unattainable. Nevertheless, although tests on a densitometer may display numeric differences, visual differences are barely noticeable.

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