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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Einflussgrößen der Nephrotoxizität eines Radiotracers am Beispiel der Radioimmuntherapie mit 188Re-anti-CD66

Oehme, Liane 02 December 2008 (has links)
Die Nephrotoxizität ist die wichtigste Nebenwirkung bei Applikation von Radioimmunkonjugaten zur Konditionierung des Knochenmarks bei der Leukämiebehandlung. Die Auswirkungen der Unsicherheiten bei der Dosisbestimmung der Niere, insbesondere durch individuelle Nierenmasse und regionale Aktivitätsunterschiede, wurden untersucht. Die biologische Strahlenwirkung wurde als Biologisch Effektive Dosis unter Berücksichtigung des Zeitverlaufs der Dosisapplikation quantifiziert. Berechnungen wurden neben 188Rhenium auch für andere therapierelevante Radionuklide durchgeführt.

Μελέτη της προφυλακτικής δράσης της παρστατίνης έναντι της νεφροτοξικότητας των ιωδιούχων σκιαγραφικών μέσων κατά τη διάρκεια εξετάσεων με ψηφιακή αφαιρετική αγγειογραφία

Διαμαντόπουλος, Αθανάσιος 11 October 2013 (has links)
Εισαγωγή: Τα ιωδιούχα σκιαγραφικά μέσα (ΣΜ) σήμερα χρησιμοποιούνται ευρέως τόσο για διαγνωστικούς λόγους όσο και κατά τη διάρκεια επεμβατικών πράξεων στην Επεμβατική Ακτινολογία ή/και την καρδιολογία. Δυστυχώς, η χρήση τους δεν στερείται επιπλοκών με την νεφροτοξικότητα (Νεφροτοξικότητα οφειλόμενη στα ΣΜ - ΝΣΜ) να είναι μία από τις πιο σοβαρές συνέπειες. Παρά το γεγονός ότι πολλές στρατηγικές με σκοπό τόσο την πρόληψη όσο και την θεραπεία έχουν προταθεί και δοκιμαστεί ευρέως τα τελευταία χρόνια στη μάχη κατά της ΝΣΜ, καμία δεν έχει καταφέρει να δείξει ισχυρά αξιόπιστα αποτελέσματα. Η Παρστατίνη είναι το αμινο τελικό 41-αμινοξέων πεπτίδιο που διασπάται και αποσπάται από τον υποδοχέα PAR1 όταν αυτός ενεργοποιείται από τη θρομβίνη. Οι χαμηλές δόσεις Παρστατίνης είναι γνωστό ότι εμφανίζουν προστατευτική δράση στο μυοκάρδιο αρουραίου μετά από βλάβη του τύπου της ισχαιμίας / επαναιμάτωσης. Η κύρια υπόθεση της μελέτης μας ήταν ότι η συγκεκριμένη ουσία μπορεί να ασκήσει προστατευτική δράση στους νεφρούς έναντι της ΝΣΜ. Για να ελεγχθεί αυτή η υπόθεση, χρησιμοποιήσαμε ένα πειραματικό μοντέλο ΝΣΜ σε θηλαστικά (Κόνικλους Νέας Ζηλανδίας). Υλικά και Μέθοδοι: Το πρώτο στάδιο της μελέτης αφορούσε στην ανάπτυξη ενός αξιόπιστου πειραματικού μοντέλου νεφροτοξικότητας μετά τη χορήγηση ιωδιούχων σκιαγραφικών μέσων. Το μοντέλο αναπτύχθηκε και αξιολογήθηκε εκτενώς σε μία σειρά από λευκούς κονίκλους Νέας Ζηλανδίας. Εν συνεχεία ακολούθησε η συστηματική δοκιμή της προστατευτικής δράσης της Παρστατίνης. Στο μέρος αυτό τα πειραματόζωα χωρίστηκαν σε τρεις υπό-ομάδες. Μια υπό-ομάδα έλαβε την υπό δοκιμή ουσία (Παρστατίνη) σε δόση 10μg/kg ακριβώς 15 λεπτά πριν από την έναρξη της ενδοφλέβιας έγχυσης του ΙΣΜ αντίθεσης. Σε αυτή τη φάση όλα τα πειραματόζωα της ομάδας ελέγχου προήλθαν από τα προκαταρκτικά πειράματα τα οποία είχαν λάβει ίσο όγκο φυσιολογικού ορού (NaCl 0,9%). Στις λοιπές δύο υπό-ομάδες χορηγήθηκε Παρστατίνη σε δόση είτε υποδεκαπλάσια (1μg/kg) είτε δεκαπλάσια (100μg/kg) της αρχικής. Ως κατώφλι για την αναγνώριση ανάπτυξης ΝΣΜ τέθηκε η τιμή της κρεατινίνης του ορού ίση ή άνω του 1,5mg/dl 48 ώρες μετά την έγχυση του ΣΜ. Ένα αντιπροσωπευτικό δείγμα πειραματόζωων υποβλήθηκε σε ευθανασία 48 ώρες μετά τη λήψη του ΣΜ με σκοπό την ιστολογική εξέταση/ανάλυση. Αποτελέσματα: Το πρώτο μέρος της μελέτης συμπεριέλαβε συνολικά 32 πειραματόζωα. Σε 7 εξ’ αυτών πραγματοποιήθηκε μόνο πείραμα προσομοίωσης (ομάδα sham) έτσι ώστε να οριστούν οι τιμές βάσης. Η μέση τιμή της κρεατινίνης ορού σε αυτή την ομάδα ήταν 0,90 mg/dl (Cl:0,80-1,10). Τα υπόλοιπα πειράματα έδειξαν ότι η μεγαλύτερη αναπαραγωγιμότητα του μοντέλου επιτυγχάνεται με ρυθμό έγχυσης του σκιαγραφικού μέσου αντίθεσης μεταξύ 2,5 έως 3,0 ml/min. Έτσι το σύνολο της σκιαγραφικής ουσίας χορηγείτο μεταξύ 28-35 λεπτών. Σε συνολικά 15 πειραματόζωα τα οποία αποτέλεσαν και την ομάδα ελέγχου και για τα λοιπά πειράματα (control group) η μέση τιμή της κρεατινίνης ορού ήταν 3,09 mg/dl (CI:2,40-4,00), ενώ το 86,7% αυτών ανέπτυξε κλινικά σημαντική ΝΣΜ. Όσον αφορά τα αποτελέσματα του δεύτερου μέρους αναγνωρίστηκε η θεραπευτική δράση της Παρστατίνης σε δόση ίση με 10μg/Kg. Ποίο συγκεκριμένα στην ομάδα πειραματόζωων (n=18) που έλαβε την ανωτέρο δόση η μέση τιμή της κρεατινίνης 48 ώρες μετά τη χορήγηση του ΙΣM ήταν 1,01mg/dl (CI:0,93-2,34) (Στατιστικά σημαντική διαφορά συγκριτικά με την ομάδα ελέγχου, p=0,012). Το αποτέλεσμα αυτό εξαλείφεται με τον δεκαπλασιασμό και με τον υπό-δεκαπλασιασμό της ανωτέρο δόσης. Στατιστικά σημαντικά μικρότερος ήταν και ο αριθμός των πειραματόζωων που ανέπτυξαν ΝΣΜ στην ομάδα της Παρστατίνης συγκριτικά με την ομάδα ελέγχου (27,8% έναντι 86,7%, p<0,001). Τα ιστολογικά αποτελέσματα έδειξαν σημαντικά μικρότερη σωληναριακή νέκρωση στην ομάδα των πειραματόζωων που έλαβαν θεραπεία με Παρστατίνη συγκριτικά με την ομάδα ελέγχου (13,13 Vs 26.60 στην ομάδα ελέγχου, ρ = 0.0007). Συμπέρασμα: Η υπό δοκιμή ουσία Παρστατίνη (Parstatin) αναστέλλει επιτυχώς την ανάπτυξη νεφροτοξικότητας μετά την χορήγηση σκιαγραφικών μέσων σε ένα πειραματικό in-vivo μοντέλο. Το παραπάνω αποτέλεσμα αποδείχτηκε τόσο με εργαστηριακές μετρήσεις της κρεατινίνης ορού όσο και μετά από ιστολογική μελέτη νεφρών. Το παραπάνω αποτελεί ένα πολύ αισιόδοξο μήνυμα. Παρόλα αυτά περαιτέρω μελέτες είναι αναγκαίες για την επικύρωση του προστατευτικού αυτού ρόλου. / Introduction: Iodinated Contrast Media (CM) are today widely used in routine non-invasive or percutaneous invasive imaging examinations and therapeutic interventions. Unfortunately, use of CM is not free of complications with nephrotoxicity (Contrast-Induced nephropathy – CIN) being one of the most severe. Although numerous preventing and/or therapeutic strategies have been proposed and widely tested during recent years in the battle against CIN, none of them manage to show strong reliable evidence that can prevent CIN development. Parstatin is the N-terminal-41-amino-acid peptide cleaved by thrombin from the protease-activated receptor-1. Low doses of Parstatin are known to have a protective effect in the rat myocardium after ischemia/reperfusion injury. The primary hypothesis of our study was that Parstatin may exert a nephroprotective role against the development of CIN. To test this hypothesis we used a mammalian experimental CIN model. Materials and Methods: The first stage of the study involved the development of a reliable experimental model of nephrotoxicity after administration of iodinated contrast media. The model was developed and extensively evaluated in a series of New Zealand white rabbits. The next stage involved the systematic testing of the protective effect of Parstatin. In this part the animals were divided into three sub-groups. A sub-group received the test substance (Parstatin) at a dose of 10mg/kg just 15 minutes before intravenous infusion of iodinated contrast medium. In the other two sub-groups Parstatin was administered at a dose of either subdivided by ten times (1mg/kg) or multiplied by ten times (100mg/kg) of the original. In this phase the control group was derived from the preliminary experiments of the first stage. As a threshold for the recognition of CIN development was the value of serum Creatinine equal to or more than 1,5 mg/dl 48 hours after injection of the CM. A representative sample of experimental animals was euthanized 48 hours after receiving the CM in order to perform histological examination and analysis. Results: The first part of the study included a total of 32 animals. In 7 of them only a simulation experiment was performed (group sham) to define baseline values of sCr. The mean serum Creatinine in this group was 0,90mg/dl (Cl:0,80-1,10). Following experiments showed that greater reproducibility of the model is achieved with injection rate of the contrast medium contrast between 2.5 έως 3,0 ml/min. Based on that the total contrast agent was administered between 28-35 minutes. In a total of 15 rabbits which were and the control group for the following experiments (control group) the mean sCr was 3,09 mg/dl (CI:2,40-4,00), while 86.7% of them developed clinically significant CIN. Regarding the results of the second part recognized that the maximum therapeutic effect of Parstatin is accomplished with a dose of 10mg/Kg. More specifically in the group of animals (Group P10, n=18) who received the abovementioned dose the mean sCr values 48 hours after administration of the CM was 1,01 mg/dl (CI:0,93-2,34) (Statistically significant difference compared with the control group, p=0,012). This therapeutic effect was eliminated when the dose was either multiplied or divided by 10. A significantly lower number of animals developed the CIN in the treatment group (Group P10) compared with the control group (27.8% vs. 86.7%, p<0.001). The histological results showed significantly less tubular necrosis in the group of animals treated with Parstatin compared to controls (13,13 Vs 26.60 in the control group, p = 0.0007). Conclusion: The test substance Parstatin successfully inhibits the development of contrast-induced nephrotoxicity in an in-vivo experimental model. The above result was verified both by laboratory measurements of serum Creatinine and after histological examination of kidney specimens. The above is a very optimistic message. Nevertheless, further studies are necessary to validate the protective role of Parstatin against contrast nephrotoxicity in both experimental and clinical settings.

Gravidez e nefrotoxidade causada pela ciclosporina A: um estudo experimental

Mendes, Glória Elisa Florido 28 November 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T12:51:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 gloriaelisa_tese.pdf: 873601 bytes, checksum: 4169d3e3662f4f5b0cb50f642bec7715 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-11-28 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Cyclosporine A (CsA) is a immunosuppressant drug, whose most serious toxic effect is chronic nephrotoxicity, characterized by decreased glomerular filtration rate and the development of irreversible renal fibrosis. It may go through the placenta to the developing fetus. Currently, a great number of women with childbearing potential is treated by CsA, increasing the chances of pregnancy under the effect of this drug. Our objectives were to assess CsA effects on the renal structure and function during pregnancy. The low-salt-diet (0.06%) model was used in pregnant (P/CsA) and virgin (V/CsA) Munich-Wistar female rats receiving CsA; in virgin (V/VH) and pregnant (P/VH) rats with vehicle at a dosage of 15 mg/kg/day of CsA subcutaneously or vehicle. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR, ml/min/100g) , renal blood flow (RBF, Doppler ultrasound, ml/min), renal vascular resistance (RVR, mmHg/ml/min), blood pressure (BP, intracarotid probe, mmHg), blood levels of CsA (BCsA, radioimmunoassay, ng/ml), urinary volume (UV, ml/min), plasma and urinary creatinine (mg/dl), urine sodium excretion (UNa, mEq/l), sodium excretion fraction (FeNa,%) urinary osmolality (UOsm, m/Osm/K), osmolar clearance (COsm, ml/min), urinary nitric-oxide (NO, griess, umol/mgCr), immunohistochemistry for angiotensin II-positive renal cells and renal histology were measured in the middle and at the end of the gestational period (21 days). Results are presented as mean ± standard error of mean and analyzed by ANOVA and Student-Neuman-Keuls test. After 10 days of treatment, the pregnancy caused significant increases of 27% in the GFR (GC; 1.19 ± 0.04 vs 0.94 ± 0.05 in V/C, p<0.05) and of 36% in RBF (G/C; 4.9 ± 0.2 vs 3.6 ± 0.1 in V/C, p< 0.001) and significant decreases of 13% in MBP (GC; 112 ± 4 vs 129 ± 5 in V/C, p<0.05) and of 29% in RVR ( GC; 24 ± 1 vs 34 ± 2 in VC, p<0.05) of vehicle treated animals. In contrast, in CsA-treated animals, there was no significant GFR increase in pregnancy (20%, G/CsA; 0.95 ± 0.07 vs 0.79 ± 0.07 in V/CsA, p>0.05) nor was there a significant MPB decrease (7%, G/CsA; 110 ± 3 vs 118 ± 4 in V/CsA, p>0.05). The significant RBF increase (38%, G/CsA; 3.3 ± 0.2 vs 2.4 ± 0.1 in V/CsA p<0,01) and significant RVR decrease ( 24%, G/CsA 38 ± 3 vs 50 ± 3 in V/CsA, p<0.05) were maintained in this group. Pregnancy caused a significant decrease of CsA serum levels (G/CsA; 544±58 vs 805±71 in V/CsA, p<0.01). CsA treated animals showed a trend to higher urinary nitric oxide levels, however, the difference was not statistically significant. There was no difference in urinary nitric oxide between virgin and pregnant rats. Pregnancy increased the number of angiotensin II-positive cells in the renal interstitium (3.9 ± 0.6 in G/CsA vs 2.5 ± 0.4 in V/CsA and 4 ± 1.4 in G/C vs 1.9 ± 0.86 in V/C), however these differences did not reach statistical significance. The number of angiotensin II-positive cells in the afferent arteriole was greater in pregnant rats when compared to virgin rats (G/C; 1.3 ± 0.3 vs 0.21 ± 0.2 in V/C) and greater in CsA-treated virgin rats when compared to vehicle-treated rats (V/CsA; 1 ± 0.3 vs 0.21 ± 0.2 in V/C), however these differences were not statistically significant. After 20 days, V and P rats had similar (NS) GFR and RBF decreases and CsA vs Control for GFR (p<0.001), for RBF (p<0.01), and a similar RVR increase (NS). MBP values showed similar decreases in V vs P rats (NS) and a decrease in Csa vs C animals (p<0.05). SCsA was lower in P vs V rats (p<0.001). AII expression in the interstice increased for V/CsA vs V/C rats (p<0.001) and for G/CsA vs P/C rats (p<0.05). The same was observed in the afferent arteriole, for V/CsA vs v/C (p<0.01); however it was not statistically significant for pregnant rats. Only the V/CsA group had an IF score of 0.2 ± 0.1 after 20 days. In the middle of normal pregnancy, CsA altered the renal hemodynamics, impairing both the increase of GFR and the decrease of BP, although the blood levels of the drug were lower in pregnant rats than in virgin rats. The NO urinary system does not seem to be connected to this phenomenon. AII expression in the interstice and in the afferent arteriole was greater for CsA treated-pregnant animals vs controls. Pregnancy did not impair CsA-induced interstitial fibrosis. / A ciclosporina A (CsA) é uma droga imunossupressora cujo efeito tóxico mais grave é a nefrotoxicidade, caracterizada pela queda da filtração glomerular e pelo desenvolvimento de fibrose intersticial renal irreversível. A CsA pode passar através da placenta para o feto em desenvolvimento. Atualmente, um grande número de mulheres em idade fértil são tratadas com CsA, aumentando a chance de gestação sob efeito desta droga. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar os efeitos da CsA sobre a função e estrutura renal durante a gravidez. Utilizou-se o modelo da manobra de restrição de sal na dieta (0,06%) em ratas Munich-Wistar, virgens que receberam CsA (V/CsA), grávidas com CsA (G/CsA), virgens com veículo (V/C) e grávidas com veículo (GIC), na dose de 15 mg/Kg/dia de CsA subcutâneo ou veículo. Avaliou-se na metade e no final do período gestacional a filtração glomerular (FGR, depuração de inulina, ml/min/100g), o fluxo sanguíneo renal (FSR, ultra-som Doppler, ml/min), a resistência vascular renal (RVR, mmHg/ml/min), a pressão arterial média (PAM, cateter intracarotídeo, mmHg), os níveis sanguíneos de CsA (SCsA, radioimunoensaio, ng/ml), o volume urinário (VU, l/min), a creatinina plasmática e urinária (mg/dl), a excreção urinária de sódio (UNa, mEqIl), a fração de excreção de sódio (FeNa,%), a osmolalidade urinária (Uosm, m/Osm/K), a depuração osmolar (Cosm, ml/min), o óxido nítrico urinário (NO, griess, pmol/mgCr), a imunohistoquímica para células renais positivas para angiotensina II (células/campo) e a histologia renal. Os resultados são apresentados como média erro padrão e comparados por ANOVA e StudentNeuman-Keuls. Após 10 dias de tratamento a gravidez provocou aumentos significantes de 27% na FGR (GC; 1,19 0,04 vs 0,94 0,05 em V/C, p<0,05) e de 36% no FSR (G/C 49 + 0,2 vs 36 + 0,1 em V/C, p< 0,001) e quedas significantes de 13% na PAM (GC; 112 4 vs 129 5 em V/C, p<0,05) e de 29% na RVR (GC; 24 1 vs 34 2 em VC, p<0,05) Nota de Resumo dos animais tratados com veículo. Em contraste, nos animais tratados com CsA, na gravidez não houve aumento significante da FOR (20%, G/CsA; 0,95 + 0,07 vs 0,79 + 0,07 em V/CsA, p>0,05) ou queda significante da PAM (7%, G/CsA; 110 3 vs 118 4 em V/CsA, p>0,05). Neste grupo manteve-se a elevação significante do FSR (38%, G/CsA; 3,3 0,2 vs 2 4 0,1 em V/CsA p<0,01) e a diminuição significante da RVR (24%, C/CsA 38 3 vs 50 3 em V/CsA, p<0,05). A gravidez provocou diminuição significante dos níveis séricos de CsA (G/CsA; 544 58 vs 805 71 em V/CsA, p<0,0 1). Os animais tratados com CsA apresentaram tendência a níveis mais elevados de óxido nítrico urinário, porém a diferença não foi estatisticamente significante. Não houve diferença de óxido nítrico urinário entre ratas virgens e grávidas. A gravidez causou aumento do número de células positivas para angiotensina II no interstício renal (3,90,6 em G/CsA vs 2,5 0,4 em V/CsA e 4 1,4 em C/C vs 1,9 0,86 em V/C), porém estas diferenças não alcançaram signíficância estatística. O número de células positivas para angiotensina li na arteríola aferente foi maior nas ratas grávidas quando comparadas às virgens (G/C; 1,3 0,3 vs O 21 + O 2 em V/C) e maior nas ratas virgens tratadas com CsA quando comparadas às tratadas com veículo (V/CsA 1 + 0,3 vs 021 + 02 em V/C), porém, estas diferenças não foram estatisticamente significantes. Após 20 dias, V e O apresentaram queda similares (NS) na FGR e FSR, sendo CsA vs Controle para FGR (p<0.001), para FSR (p<0.01), e aumentando similar na RVR (NS). Os valores da PAM apresentaram quedas similares, em V vs G (NS) e diminuição nos animais com CsA vs C (p<0,05). A SCsA foi menor em G vs V (p<0,01). A expressão de AII no interstício aumentou, para V/CsA vs V/C (p<0,001) e para G/CsA vs G/C (p<0,05). O mesmo aconteceu na arteríola aferente, para V/CsA vs V/C (p<0,01); todavia não foi estatisticamente significante para as ratas prenhes. Nota de Resumo Apenas o grupo V/CsA após 20 dias apresentou escore de 0,2 + 0,1 de IRF. A CsA alterou desfavoravelmente a hemodinâmica renal na metade da gravidez normal, prejudicando o aumento da FGR e prejudicando queda da PA na prenhez normal, apesar de as ratas prenhes apresentarem níveis sangüíneos da droga menores em relação às virgens. O NO não parece estar envolvido nesse fenômeno. A expressão da AII no interstício e na arteríola aferente foi maior para os animais com CsA e prenhes vs controles. A gravidez não prejudicou a fibrose intersticial causada pela CsA.

Cystatin C – ein potentieller früher Marker zur Erkennung der Nephrotoxizität bei Cisplatin-haltiger Chemotherapie / Cystatin C – an early marker for cisplatin-associated nephrotoxicity in patients before and during chemotherapy

Behrens, Gerrit 02 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Nefrotoxicidade associada à anfotericina B em pacientes de baixo risco / Amphotericin B-related nephrotoxicity in low-risk patients

Berdichevski, Roberto Herz January 2003 (has links)
Introdução: A anfotericina B é a droga de escolha para o tratamento de doenças fúngicas severas, estando associada, no entanto, a alta incidência de nefrotoxicidade. O uso de anfotericinas modificadas está associado a elevado custo. Em grupos de baixo risco o uso de sobrecarga hidrossalina pode ser suficiente para evitar perda severa de função renal. Métodos: Foram estudados prospectivamente pacientes internados em hospital universitário, com idade superior a 12 anos, e que estavam dentro das primeiras 24 horas de uso de anfotericina B. Foram excluídos pacientes em centros de terapia intensiva e que estivessem em uso de drogas vasoativas. Solução salina 0,9% (500 ml) foi infundida antes e após a anfotericina B. Foram coletados exames na inclusão e no término do tratamento. A dosagem de creatinina sérica foi repetida após 30 dias do término do tratamento. Resultados: Foram estudados 48 pacientes. A média de elevação da creatinina sérica foi de 0,3 (0,18-0,41) mg/dl., representando um decréscimo médio de 25 (12,8-36,9) ml/min na depuração de creatinina endógena (DCE). Insuficiência renal aguda (IRA), definida pela elevação maior do que 50% da creatinina basal, ocorreu em 15 pacientes (31,3%). Pacientes que utilizaram antibióticos e aqueles em status pós-quimioterapia ou submetidos a transplante de medula óssea foram os que apresentaram maior risco de desenvolverem IRA. A creatinina e a DCE após 30 dias do término do tratamento não diferiram de seus valores basais. Conclusão: Em pacientes de baixo risco, o uso de anfotericina B com adminstração profilática de solução fisiológica foi associado à alteração pequena e reversível da função renal. Devido ao alto custo, o uso de métodos mais dispendiosos nestes pacientes não parece justificado no momento. Ensaios clínicos randomizados são necessários nesta população. / Background: Amphotericin B is the drug of choice for treatment of severe fungal illnesses. It is, however, associated with a high incidence of nephrotoxicity. The use of modified amphotericins has a high economic cost. It is possible that in low-risk patients, saline loading is enough to prevent significant loss of renal function induced by the use of amphotericin B. Methods: Patients were prospectively enrolled in the study. They were older then 12 years, were within the first 24 hours of treatment with amphotericin B and had normal renal function. Patients at intensive care units or using vasoactive drugs were excluded. Sodium chloride 0.9% (500 ml) was infused before and after the amphotericin B. Blood and urine analysis were done for the evaluation of the renal function in the beginning and in the end of the treatment. Serum creatinine was repeated 30 days after the end of the amphotericin B treatment. Results: Forty-eight patients were studied. The mean rise of the serum creatinine was of 0.3 (0.18- 0.41) mg/dl, representing a mean decrease of 25 (12.8-36.9) ml/min of the creatinine clearance (CrCl). Acute renal failure (ARF), defined as a rise higher than 50% of the baseline creatinine, occurred in 15 patients (31.3%). Patients that were on antibiotics, in post-chemotherapy status or those submitted to bone marrow transplantation had the higher risk of developing ARF. Mean serum creatinine and the CrCl were no different from baseline values after 30 days. Conclusion: In low-risk patients, the use of amphotericin B with prophylactic sodium chloride loading was associated with a small and reversible decrease of the renal function. Due to its high cost the use of more expensive therapies in this group of patients does not seem to be justified at the moment. Prospective randomized trials are necessary in the low-risk population.

Experimentální a klinické aspekty nefrotoxicity kalcineurinových inhibitorů / Experimental and clinical aspect of calcineurin inhibitors-induced nephrotoxicity.

Hošková, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The introduction of calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) into immunosuppressive regimens significantly improved patients prognosis after heart transplantation. Some of the most significant complications have been recognized, such as the development of arterial hypertension and renal impairment due to calcineurin inhibitor toxicity. The aim of the study was to compare the effect of the dual blockade of the renin-angiotensin system (dual RAS combination) with standard antihypertensive medication on blood pressure control. The second aim was to evaluate whether effective antihypertensive combination therapy (dual RAS or a standard antihypertensive drugs combination) would reduce the progression of chronic kidney disease in patients with chronic immunosuppressive prophylaxis. Treatment of arterial hypertension involving the combination of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEi) and angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) was similarly effective compared to the standard combination of antihypertensives. Blood pressure treatment targets were achieved in both studies. Administration of antihypertensive combination therapy including dual blockade of RAS alleviated the progression of chronic renal disease in the experimental and clinical part, where the nephroprotective effect of dual RAS blockade...

Nefrotoxicidade associada à anfotericina B em pacientes de baixo risco / Amphotericin B-related nephrotoxicity in low-risk patients

Berdichevski, Roberto Herz January 2003 (has links)
Introdução: A anfotericina B é a droga de escolha para o tratamento de doenças fúngicas severas, estando associada, no entanto, a alta incidência de nefrotoxicidade. O uso de anfotericinas modificadas está associado a elevado custo. Em grupos de baixo risco o uso de sobrecarga hidrossalina pode ser suficiente para evitar perda severa de função renal. Métodos: Foram estudados prospectivamente pacientes internados em hospital universitário, com idade superior a 12 anos, e que estavam dentro das primeiras 24 horas de uso de anfotericina B. Foram excluídos pacientes em centros de terapia intensiva e que estivessem em uso de drogas vasoativas. Solução salina 0,9% (500 ml) foi infundida antes e após a anfotericina B. Foram coletados exames na inclusão e no término do tratamento. A dosagem de creatinina sérica foi repetida após 30 dias do término do tratamento. Resultados: Foram estudados 48 pacientes. A média de elevação da creatinina sérica foi de 0,3 (0,18-0,41) mg/dl., representando um decréscimo médio de 25 (12,8-36,9) ml/min na depuração de creatinina endógena (DCE). Insuficiência renal aguda (IRA), definida pela elevação maior do que 50% da creatinina basal, ocorreu em 15 pacientes (31,3%). Pacientes que utilizaram antibióticos e aqueles em status pós-quimioterapia ou submetidos a transplante de medula óssea foram os que apresentaram maior risco de desenvolverem IRA. A creatinina e a DCE após 30 dias do término do tratamento não diferiram de seus valores basais. Conclusão: Em pacientes de baixo risco, o uso de anfotericina B com adminstração profilática de solução fisiológica foi associado à alteração pequena e reversível da função renal. Devido ao alto custo, o uso de métodos mais dispendiosos nestes pacientes não parece justificado no momento. Ensaios clínicos randomizados são necessários nesta população. / Background: Amphotericin B is the drug of choice for treatment of severe fungal illnesses. It is, however, associated with a high incidence of nephrotoxicity. The use of modified amphotericins has a high economic cost. It is possible that in low-risk patients, saline loading is enough to prevent significant loss of renal function induced by the use of amphotericin B. Methods: Patients were prospectively enrolled in the study. They were older then 12 years, were within the first 24 hours of treatment with amphotericin B and had normal renal function. Patients at intensive care units or using vasoactive drugs were excluded. Sodium chloride 0.9% (500 ml) was infused before and after the amphotericin B. Blood and urine analysis were done for the evaluation of the renal function in the beginning and in the end of the treatment. Serum creatinine was repeated 30 days after the end of the amphotericin B treatment. Results: Forty-eight patients were studied. The mean rise of the serum creatinine was of 0.3 (0.18- 0.41) mg/dl, representing a mean decrease of 25 (12.8-36.9) ml/min of the creatinine clearance (CrCl). Acute renal failure (ARF), defined as a rise higher than 50% of the baseline creatinine, occurred in 15 patients (31.3%). Patients that were on antibiotics, in post-chemotherapy status or those submitted to bone marrow transplantation had the higher risk of developing ARF. Mean serum creatinine and the CrCl were no different from baseline values after 30 days. Conclusion: In low-risk patients, the use of amphotericin B with prophylactic sodium chloride loading was associated with a small and reversible decrease of the renal function. Due to its high cost the use of more expensive therapies in this group of patients does not seem to be justified at the moment. Prospective randomized trials are necessary in the low-risk population.

Efeito da tepoxalina sobre as funções renal e hepática em Gatos submetidos à hipotensão com isofluorano / Renal and hepatic effect of tepoxalin in dogs submitted to hypotension with isoflurane

Freitas, Gabrielle Coelho 13 December 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this study was to evaluate acute and subacute renal and hepatic toxicity of the oral administration of tepoxalin in cats submitted to hypotension with isoflurane. Eighteen adult male mongrel cats were used in this study, weighing between 3 and 5 kg and clinically healthy. The animals were divided into three groups, which were anesthetized and submitted to hypotension with isoflurane (CON), or which, in addition, tepoxalin was administered two hours prior to the hypotension procedure (PRE) or after the hypotension procedure (POS). The animals from groups PRE and POS also received the same doses of tepoxalin every 24 hours, during the five days following the procedure. In order to achieve a condition of moderate hypotension, animals were induced and maintained with isoflurane in variable concentration, for maintenance of mean arterial pressure (MAP) between 45 and 60 mmHg, during 60 minutes. Complete blood count and serum concentrations of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (FA) and urea (U) were evaluated at baseline and 24 hours, 48 hours and 7 days after hypotension. Serum concentration of creatinine (Cr), fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) and urinary concentrations of Cr, gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), proteinuria and albuminuria were evaluated at baseline and 24 hours, 48 hours and 7 days after hypotension. The model chosen was efficient in maintaining the proposed condition of hypotension. No physiological changes were observed in complete blood count, serum biochemistry profile (ALT, FA, U and Cr), FENa and urinary GGT. An increase in urine protein-creatinine ratio was observed in CON and PRE at 24 and 48 hours after hypotension. Urine albumin-creatinine ratio showed increase in CON at 24 hours and maintained elevated values with regard to the other groups until 7 days after hypotension. The authors conclude that administration of tepoxalin does not cause changes in hepatic parameters, urea, creatinine, fractional excretion of sodium and urinary GGT in cats submitted to anesthetic hypotension. However, there is a risk of mild renal injury by administering the drug prior to the hypotensive procedure. / Este estudo objetivou avaliar a toxicidade renal e hepática, aguda e subaguda, da administração oral da tepoxalina em gatos submetidos à hipotensão com isofluorano. Foram utilizados 18 gatos, machos, adultos, sem raça definida, com peso entre 3 e 5 kg e comprovadamente hígidos. Os animais foram alocados em três grupos, os quais foram anestesiados e submetidos à hipotensão com isofluorano (CON), ou que ainda receberam tepoxalina duas horas antes do procedimento de hipotensão (PRÉ) ou após a recuperação anestésica do procedimento de hipotensão (PÓS). Os animais dos grupos PRÉ e PÓS também receberam as mesmas doses de tepoxalina a cada 24 horas, durante cinco dias pós procedimento. Para a caracterização de um quadro de hipotensão moderada, os animais foram induzidos e mantidos anestesiados com isofluorano em vaporização variável, para a manutenção da pressão arterial média (PAM) entre 45 e 60 mmHg durante 60 minutos. Foram avaliados hemograma e concentrações séricas de alanina amino-transferase (ALT), fosfatase alcalina (FA) e ureia (U) no período basal e 24 horas, 48 horas e 7 dias após a hipotensão. A concentração sérica de creatinina (Cr), a fração de excreção de sódio (FENa) e as concentrações urinárias de Cr, gama-glutamiltransferase (GGT), proteínas totais e albumina foram avaliadas no momento basal e 24 horas, 48 horas e 7 dias após a hipotensão. O modelo escolhido foi eficiente na manutenção do quadro de hipotensão proposto. Não foram observadas alterações fisiológicas no hemograma, bioquímica sérica (ALT, FA, U e Cr), FENa e na GGT urinária. Observou-se elevação estatística na razão proteína-creatinina na urina no CON e no PRÉ em relação ao PÓS às 24 e às 48 horas de avaliação. A razão albumina-creatinina na urina apresentou elevação estatística no CON em relação aos demais à partir das 24 horas de avaliação, mantendo essa elevação até os 7 dias de avaliação. Concluiuse que a administração de tepoxalina não causou alterações de parâmetros hepáticos, ureia, creatinina, FENa e GGT urinária em gatos submetidos à hipotensão anestésica, entretanto há o risco de ocorrência de injúria renal discreta devido à proteinúria observada no grupo em que a tepoxalina foi administrada antes do procedimento hipotensor.

Toxicidade renal e hepática da tepoxalina em cães submetidos à hipotensão com isofluorano / Renal and hepatic toxicity of tepoxalin in dogs submitted to hypotension with isoflurane

Lopes, Carlize 28 February 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study aimed to evaluate the possible renal and hepatic toxicities, acute and subacute, of the administration of tepoxalin in dogs submitted to hypotension with isoflurane. A total of 12 dogs were used, which received 10 mg kg-1 of tepoxalin PO two hours before induction of hypotension (T) or were only submitted to hypotension with isoflurane (C). For the subacute study, animals in T were treated with tepoxalin during 5 days, following the hypotensive procedure. The dogs were submitted to hypotension (MAP= 50-60mmHg) for isoflurane in a circular circuit valve, with adjusted FR for the ETCO2 remained between 35-45mmHg. ToC was maintained between 37 and 38oC. HR, SAP, MAP, DAP, CVP, ETCO2 and ETIso were evaluated at 0, 10 and every 10 min up to 60min of hipotension. pH, PaO2, PaCO2, SaO2, HCO3-, BD, Na+, K+, Ca2+ and bleeding time evaluations were carried out before hypotension and at 30 and 60min of hipotension. For renal and hepatic evaluation, serum levels of U, Cr, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, GGT and urinary levels of GGT, Cr and GGT:Cr ratio were determined at 12h, 24h and seven days after the procedure. During the anesthetic procedure, only CVP presented elevation in relation to 0min in both groups at 50 and 60min of evaluation. In blood gas and electrolyte measurement, only Na+ presented levels below to basal at 60min in T, and this same group showed increased values at all intervals, in comparison between groups. Moreover, bleeding time was shown to be more elevated at 30min of evaluation in animals in T, when compared to the ones in C. The variables corresponding to creatinine depuration, GGT:Cr ratio and UV remained stable during the evaluations; however, urinary GGT levels presented increased values in animals in C when compared to T, at 60min of evaluation. At this same interval, urinary Cr values were elevated in T. Serum levels of ALT, alkaline phosphatase, U and Cr presented minor alterations, remaining within reference values; however, GGT presented increased values at 60min of evaluation, when compared to 0min. On the seventh day of evaluation, a reduction in leukocyte number was observed in animals in T, when compared to C. Side effects were not observed in both groups. The prior administration of tepoxalin in healthy dogs submitted to hypotension did not cause significant effects upon renal and hepatic functions. Moreover, daily administrations during five days, following the anesthetic procedure, did not alter the functions of the organs mentioned. Therefore, tepoxalin showed to be a safe NSAID to be used in healthy dogs, submitted to hypotension during anesthesia with isoflurane. / Objetivou-se avaliar as possíveis toxicidades renal e hepática, aguda e subaguda, da administração de tepoxalina em cães submetidos à hipotensão com isofluorano. Foram utilizados 12 cães, os quais receberam 10mg kg-1 de tepoxalina VO duas horas antes da indução da hipotensão (T) ou somente foram submetidos à hipotensão com isofluorano (C). Para o estudo subagudo, os animais do T foram tratados com tepoxalina, durante cinco dias, seguidos ao procedimento hipotensor. Os cães foram submetidos à hipotensão (PAM = 50-60mmHg) por isofluorano em circuito circular valvular, com FR ajustada para que o ETCO2 permanecesse entre 35-45mmHg. A TºC foi mantida entre 37 e 38ºC. Avaliaram-se FC, PAS, PAM, PAD, PVC, ETCO2, e ETIso em 0, 10 e a cada 10min até 60min da hipotensão. As avaliações de pH, PaO2, PaCO2, SaO2, HCO3-, DB, Na+, K+ e Ca2+ e tempo de sangramento foram realizadas antes da hipotensão e aos 30 e 60min da hipotensão. Para a avaliação renal e hepática foram determinados os níveis séricos de U, Cr, ALT, FA, GGT e os níveis urinários de GGT, Cr e a proporção GGT:Cr em 12h, 24h e sete dias após o procedimento. Durante o procedimento anestésico somente a PVC apresentou elevação em relação aos 0min, em ambos os grupos aos 50 e 60min de avaliação. Na mensuração dos gases sanguíneos e eletrólitos, apenas o Na+ demonstrou níveis menores que o basal aos 60min no T, e este mesmo grupo apresentou valores aumentados em todos os momentos, na comparação entre os grupos. Ainda, o tempo de sangramento foi maior aos 30min de avaliação, nos animais do T, quando comparado aos do C. As variáveis correspondentes à depuração da creatinina, razão GGT:Cr e DU permaneceram estáveis durante as avaliações, porém, os níveis de GGT urinária apresentaram valores aumentados nos animais do C, quando comparados ao T, aos 60min de avaliação. Nesse mesmo momento, os valores de Cr urinária estavam aumentados dentro do T. Os níveis séricos de ALT, FA, U e Cr apresentaram poucas alterações, permanecendo dentro dos limites de referência, porém, a GGT apresentou valores aumentados aos 60min de avaliação, comparando-se com 0min. No sétimo dia de avaliação, observou-se redução do número de leucócitos nos animais do T, quando comparados aos do C. Não foram observados efeitos colaterais em ambos os grupos. A administração prévia de tepoxalina em cães hígidos submetidos à hipotensão, não ocasionou efeitos significativos sobre as funções renal e hepática dos mesmos. Da mesma forma, administrações diárias durante cinco dias, seguidas ao procedimento anestésico, não alteraram as funções dos referidos órgãos. Portanto, a tepoxalina demonstrou ser um AINE seguro para utilização em cães hígidos, submetidos à hipotensão durante anestesia com isofluorano.

Nefrotoxicidade associada à anfotericina B em pacientes de baixo risco / Amphotericin B-related nephrotoxicity in low-risk patients

Berdichevski, Roberto Herz January 2003 (has links)
Introdução: A anfotericina B é a droga de escolha para o tratamento de doenças fúngicas severas, estando associada, no entanto, a alta incidência de nefrotoxicidade. O uso de anfotericinas modificadas está associado a elevado custo. Em grupos de baixo risco o uso de sobrecarga hidrossalina pode ser suficiente para evitar perda severa de função renal. Métodos: Foram estudados prospectivamente pacientes internados em hospital universitário, com idade superior a 12 anos, e que estavam dentro das primeiras 24 horas de uso de anfotericina B. Foram excluídos pacientes em centros de terapia intensiva e que estivessem em uso de drogas vasoativas. Solução salina 0,9% (500 ml) foi infundida antes e após a anfotericina B. Foram coletados exames na inclusão e no término do tratamento. A dosagem de creatinina sérica foi repetida após 30 dias do término do tratamento. Resultados: Foram estudados 48 pacientes. A média de elevação da creatinina sérica foi de 0,3 (0,18-0,41) mg/dl., representando um decréscimo médio de 25 (12,8-36,9) ml/min na depuração de creatinina endógena (DCE). Insuficiência renal aguda (IRA), definida pela elevação maior do que 50% da creatinina basal, ocorreu em 15 pacientes (31,3%). Pacientes que utilizaram antibióticos e aqueles em status pós-quimioterapia ou submetidos a transplante de medula óssea foram os que apresentaram maior risco de desenvolverem IRA. A creatinina e a DCE após 30 dias do término do tratamento não diferiram de seus valores basais. Conclusão: Em pacientes de baixo risco, o uso de anfotericina B com adminstração profilática de solução fisiológica foi associado à alteração pequena e reversível da função renal. Devido ao alto custo, o uso de métodos mais dispendiosos nestes pacientes não parece justificado no momento. Ensaios clínicos randomizados são necessários nesta população. / Background: Amphotericin B is the drug of choice for treatment of severe fungal illnesses. It is, however, associated with a high incidence of nephrotoxicity. The use of modified amphotericins has a high economic cost. It is possible that in low-risk patients, saline loading is enough to prevent significant loss of renal function induced by the use of amphotericin B. Methods: Patients were prospectively enrolled in the study. They were older then 12 years, were within the first 24 hours of treatment with amphotericin B and had normal renal function. Patients at intensive care units or using vasoactive drugs were excluded. Sodium chloride 0.9% (500 ml) was infused before and after the amphotericin B. Blood and urine analysis were done for the evaluation of the renal function in the beginning and in the end of the treatment. Serum creatinine was repeated 30 days after the end of the amphotericin B treatment. Results: Forty-eight patients were studied. The mean rise of the serum creatinine was of 0.3 (0.18- 0.41) mg/dl, representing a mean decrease of 25 (12.8-36.9) ml/min of the creatinine clearance (CrCl). Acute renal failure (ARF), defined as a rise higher than 50% of the baseline creatinine, occurred in 15 patients (31.3%). Patients that were on antibiotics, in post-chemotherapy status or those submitted to bone marrow transplantation had the higher risk of developing ARF. Mean serum creatinine and the CrCl were no different from baseline values after 30 days. Conclusion: In low-risk patients, the use of amphotericin B with prophylactic sodium chloride loading was associated with a small and reversible decrease of the renal function. Due to its high cost the use of more expensive therapies in this group of patients does not seem to be justified at the moment. Prospective randomized trials are necessary in the low-risk population.

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