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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Theory of Mind Development in Adolescence and its (Neuro)cognitive Mechanisms

Vetter, Nora 18 March 2013 (has links)
Theory of Mind (ToM) is the ability to infer others’ mental states and thus to predict their behavior (Perner, 1991). Therefore, ToM is essential for the adequate adjustment of behavior in social situations. ToM can be divided into: 1) cognitive ToM encompassing inferences about intentions and beliefs and 2) affective ToM encompassing inferences about emotions (Shamay-Tsoory, Harari, Aharon-Peretz, & Levkovitz, 2010). Well-functioning skills of both ToM aspects are much-needed in the developmental period of adolescence because in this age phase peer relationships become more important and romantic relationships arise (Steinberg & Morris, 2001). Importantly, affective psychopathological disorders often have their onset in adolescence. ToM development in adolescence might be based on underlying cognitive mechanisms such as the ability to inhibit one’s own thoughts in order to understand another person’s thoughts (Carlson & Moses, 2001). Another possible mechanism relates to functional brain development across adolescence (Blakemore, 2008). Therefore, neurocognitive mechanisms may underlie ongoing ToM development in adolescence. First studies indicate an ongoing behavioral and functional brain development of ToM (e.g. Blakemore, 2008). However, ToM development in adolescence and how this might relate to underlying (neuro)cognitive functions remains largely underexamined. The major aims of the current thesis were first to answer the overall question whether there is an ongoing development of ToM in adolescence. This question relates to both behavioral and functional brain development. As a second major aim, the present work sought to elucidate possible (neuro)cognitive mechanisms of ongoing ToM development across adolescence. Specifically, these cognitive mechanisms might be basic cognitive functions as well as executive functions. Additionally, the present work aimed at exploring potential (neuro)cognitive mechanisms through an integration of both behavioral and functional brain studies. The current experimental work spans three cross-sectional studies investigating adolescents (aged around 12-15 years) and young adults (aged around 18-22 years) to examine for the first time both the behavioral (studies I and II) and functional brain development of ToM (study III) in adolescence and its underlying (neuro)cognitive mechanisms. In all three studies, more complex, advanced ToM tasks were employed to avoid ceiling effects. Study I was aimed at investigating if cognitive and affective ToM continues to develop in adolescence and at exploring if basic cognitive variables such as verbal ability, speed of processing, and working memory capacity underlie such development. Hence, two groups of adolescents and young adults completed tasks of ToM and basic cognitive abilities. Large age effects were revealed on both measures of ToM: adolescents performed lower than adults. These age differences remained significant after controlling for basic cognitive variables. However, verbal ability covaried with performance in affective ToM. Overall, results support the hypothesis of an ongoing development of ToM from adolescence to adulthood on both cognitive and affective aspects. Results may further indicate verbal ability being a basic cognitive mechanism of affective ToM. Study II was designed to further explore if affective ToM, as measured with a dynamic realistic task, continues to develop across adolescence. Importantly, this study sought to explore executive functions as higher cognitive mechanisms of developing affective ToM across adolescence. A large group spanning adolescents and young adults evaluated affective mental states depicted by actors in video clips. Additionally, participants were examined with three subcomponents of executive functions, inhibition, updating, and shifting following the classification of Miyake et al. (2000). Affective ToM performance was positively related to age and all three executive functions. Specifically, inhibition explained the largest amount of variance in age related differences of affective ToM performance. Overall, these results indicate the importance of inhibition as key underlying mechanism of developing an advanced affective ToM in adolescence. Study III set out to explore the functional brain development of affective ToM in adolescence by using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The affective ToM measure was the behavioral developmentally sensitive task from study II. An additional control condition consisted of the same emotional stimuli with the instruction to focus on physical information. This study faced methodical challenges of developmental fMRI studies by matching performance of groups. The ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vMPFC) was significantly less deactivated in adolescents in comparison to adults, which might suggest that adolescents seem to rely more on self-referential processes for affective ToM. Furthermore, adolescents compared to adults showed greater activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) in the control condition, indicating that adolescents might be distracted by the emotional content and therefore needed to focus more on the physical content of the stimulus. These findings suggest affective ToM continues to develop on the functional brain level and reveals different underlying neurocognitive strategies for adolescents in contrast to adults. In summary, the current thesis investigated whether ToM continues to develop in adolescence until young adulthood and explored underlying (neuro)cognitive mechanisms. Findings suggest that there is indeed an ongoing development of both the cognitive and affective aspect of ToM, which importantly contributes to the conceptual debate. Moreover, the second benefit to the debate is to demonstrate how this change may occur. As a basic cognitive mechanism verbal ability and as an executive functioning mechanism inhibition was revealed. Furthermore, neurocognitive mechanisms in form of different underlying neurocognitive strategies of adolescents compared to adults were shown. Taken together, ToM development in adolescence seems to mirror a different adaptive cognitive style in adolescence (Crone & Dahl, 2012). This seems to be important for solving the wealth of socio-emotional developmental tasks that are relevant for this age span.:Abstract 1 1 General Introduction 4 1.1 Concept of ToM: cognitive and affective aspects 7 1.2 ToM Development 8 1.2.1 ToM Development until Adolescence 9 1.2.2 ToM Development in Adolescence 12 1.3 Cognitive Mechanisms 14 1.3.1 Basic Cognitive Functions 15 1.3.2 Executive Functions 17 1.4 Neurocognitive Mechanisms 19 1.4.1 Functional brain development of ToM 20 1.4.2 Integrating behavioral and functional brain studies 21 2 Outline and Central Questions 24 2.1 Does ToM continue to develop in adolescence? 24 2.1.1 Does ToM continue to develop on the behavioral level? 24 2.1.2 Does ToM continue to develop on the level of brain function? 25 2.2 What are (neuro)cognitive mechanisms of ToM development in adolescence? 26 2.2.1 What are basic cognitive and executive functioning mechanisms? 26 2.2.2 Can mechanisms be concluded from the integration of behavioral data and functional brain processes? 26 3 Study I – ToM Development in Adolescence and its Basic Cognitive Mechanisms 28 3.1 Introduction 28 3.2 Method 32 3.2.1 Participants 32 3.2.2 Materials 33 3.3 Results 36 3.3.1 Age Effects 36 3.3.2 Influence of puberty on social cognition 37 3.3.3 Controlling for Basic Cognitive Abilities 39 3.4 Discussion 40 3.4.1 Overview 40 3.4.2 Age differences in social cognition 40 3.4.3 Influence of puberty on social cognition 42 3.4.4 Covariates of age differences in social cognition 42 3.4.5 Conclusions 43 4 Study II – ToM Development in Adolescence and its Executive Functioning Mechanisms 45 4.1 Introduction 45 4.2 Method 49 4.2.1 Participants 49 4.2.2 Materials 49 4.3 Results 52 4.3.1 Decomposing the Age Effect in Affective Theory of Mind 54 4.4 Discussion 55 4.4.1 Overview 55 4.4.2 Conclusions 57 5 Study III – ToM Development in Adolescence and its Neurocognitive Mechanisms 59 5.1 Introduction 59 5.2 Method 61 5.2.1 Participants 61 5.2.2 Stimuli, design and procedure 62 5.2.3 Statistical analysis of behavioral data 65 5.2.4 Functional imaging 65 5.2.5 Statistical analysis of fMRI data 66 5.3 Results 67 5.3.1 Behavioral results 67 5.3.2 fMRI results 68 5.4 Discussion 71 5.4.1 Developmental differences in brain activations 71 5.4.2 Conclusions 74 6 General Discussion 75 6.1 Summary of empirical findings 75 6.2 Discussion and integration of the main empirical findings 76 6.2.1 Continued ToM development in adolescence 76 6.2.2 (Neuro)cognitive mechanisms of ToM development in adolescence 80 6.3 Implications and outlook 89 6.3.1 Current findings and their conceptual fit to present models of ToM 90 6.3.2 Underpinning the concept of cognitive and affective ToM 91 6.3.3 Conceptual and methodical implications of performance matching 92 6.3.4 The role of puberty on ToM 94 6.3.5 Predicting other’s economic behavior 95 6.3.6 Structural brain development 96 6.3.7 Applied perspective 97 6.4 Summary 98 References 99

Hyperactivation cérébrale et réseaux fonctionnels associés chez les individus à risque de développer la maladie d'Alzheimer

Corriveau-Lecavalier, Nick 12 1900 (has links)
La maladie d’Alzheimer (MA) est à l’origine de la majorité des cas de démence chez les personnes âgées. Son diagnostic précoce est essentiel pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes cérébraux sous-tendant la manifestation phénotypique de la maladie et développer des interventions conséquentes. Le fait d’étudier des individus à risque de développer la MA, par exemple ceux présentant un déclin cognitif subjectif (DCS) ou un trouble cognitif léger (TCL), offre l’opportunité d’examiner les processus neuropathophysiologiques qui précèdent le stade démentiel. Cela permettrait, entre autres, d’identifier des biomarqueurs avant-coureurs de la maladie. Cette thèse avait pour but d’investiguer la présence d’hyperactivation cérébrale chez des individus à risque de développer la MA, et d’examiner les réseaux cérébraux fonctionnels associés à l’hyperactivation. L’hyperactivation se définit par la présence de niveaux supérieurs d’activation cérébrale chez des personnes faisant partie de groupes à risque pour la MA (p.ex. DCS ou TCL), comparativement à des participants contrôles cognitivement sains. L’hyperactivation est le plus souvent mesurée par l’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf) en condition de réalisation de tâche. Dans cette thèse, le lecteur ou la lectrice sera d’abord exposée aux études ayant utilisé l’IRMf pour examiner les patrons d’activation cérébrale et de connectivité fonctionnelle chez les individus ayant reçu un diagnostic clinique de MA, de TCL ou présentant un DCS. Les modèles théoriques découlant de ces études seront ensuite présentés. Afin de mieux comprendre le phénomène d’hyperactivation et sa relation avec les patrons de connectivité fonctionnelle, les divers enjeux scientifiques qui demeurent à être abordés seront ensuite décrits (Chapitre 1). Trois articles exposant les études empiriques formant le corps de la thèse seront ensuite présentés. La première étude avait pour but de documenter la présence, la localisation et l’évolution longitudinale de l’hyperactivation iv associée à une tâche de mémoire épisodique chez des individus qui rencontrent les critères de TCL et qui ont ultérieurement progressé vers une démence (Chapitre 2). La deuxième étude visait à déterminer la trajectoire de l’activation cérébrale associée à une tâche de mémoire associative en fonction du degré de sévérité de la maladie chez un groupe d’individus à risque de développer la MA. Elle avait également pour but de déterminer la présence d’hyperactivation chez des personnes rencontrant les critères de DCS plus (ou DCS+), qui sont des individus présentant une plainte de mémoire ainsi que des marqueurs génétiques et/ou de neurodégénérescence pour la MA (Chapitre 3). La troisième étude avait pour but d’examiner les réseaux cérébraux fonctionnels associés aux régions montrant de l’hyperactivation chez des individus à risque de développer la MA. Elle avait également pour objectif d’évaluer comment l’hyperactivation et ces réseaux cérébraux fonctionnels sont reliés aux performances en mémoire (Chapitre 4). Les résultats découlant de l’étude 1 ont permis de mettre en évidence la présence d’hyperactivation chez des individus présentant un TCL et ayant ultérieurement progressé vers le stade de démence. Les trouvailles de l’étude 2 indiquent qu’une fonction quadratique décrit la relation entre des indices de sévérité de la maladie et l’activation pariétale supérieure gauche chez un groupe d’individus à risque de développer la MA (DCS+ et TCL). Par ailleurs, des niveaux supérieurs d’activation, c’est-à-dire de l’hyperactivation, étaient retrouvés dans les hippocampes + et plusieurs régions temporo-pariétales dans le groupe d’individus DCS . Une hypoactivation pariétale supérieure gauche était plutôt retrouvée chez les individus TCL. Enfin, les résultats de l’étude 3 indiquent que l’hyperactivation de régions prédéterminées est associée à la dysfonction de réseaux cérébraux fonctionnels impliqués dans les processus de mémoire associative dans le DCS+ et le TCL. De plus, ces interactions hyperactivation-réseaux étaient associées à une symptomatologie cognitive croissante. Les implications de cette thèse et ses limites sont abordées dans la discussion (Chapitre 5). / Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia in older adults. Its early diagnosis is essential to better understand the brain mechanisms underlying the phenotypical manifestation of the disease and develop consequent interventions. The study of individuals at risk of AD, for example those presenting with subjective cognitive decline (SCD) or mild cognitive impairment (MCI), offers the opportunity to examine the neuropathophysiological processes preceding the dementia stage. This would allow, among other things, to identify early biomarkers of the disease. The general aim of this thesis was to determine the presence of cerebral hyperactivation and to assess functional brain networks associated with hyperactivation. Hyperactivation is defined by the presence of higher levels of brain activation in individuals at risk of AD (i.e. SCD, MCI) in comparison to cognitively healthy controls. Hyperactivation is most often measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while participants perform a cognitive task. In this thesis, the reader will first be exposed to the studies which used fMRI to examine patterns of brain activation and connectivity in individuals with a clinical diagnosis of AD, MCI or presenting with SCD. Theoretical models resulting from these studies will then be presented. The scientific issues remaining to be addressed to better understand the phenomenon of hyperactivation and its relation to functional brain networks will then be described (Chapter 1). Three empirical studies forming the core of this thesis will be presented. The first study aimed to assess the presence, localization and longitudinal evolution of hyperactivation associated with an episodic memory task in individuals meeting criteria for MCI and having subsequently progressed towards dementia (Chapter 2). The second study aimed to determine the trajectory of brain activation associated with an associative memory task as a function of disease severity in a group of individuals at risk of AD. It also aimed to determine if hyperactivation is present in viii participants meeting criteria for SCD plus (or SCD+), who are individuals presenting with memory complaint in addition to genetic and/or neurodegeneresence markers of AD (Chapter 3). The third and last study aimed to examine patterns of functional connectivity related to regions of hyperactivation, and to assess how hyperactivation and its associated functional networks relate to memory performance in individuals at risk of AD (Chapter 4). Results from the first study highlighted the presence of hyperactivation in individuals with MCI who subsequently progressed to the dementia stage. Findings from the second study revealed a quadratic function describing the relationship between proxies of disease severity (neurodegeneration, memory performance) and left superior parietal activation in a group of individuals at risk of AD (SCD+ and MCI). Moreover, higher levels of activation, i.e. hyperactivation, were found in hippocampal and temporo-parietal regions in the SCD+ group. Hypoactivation was rather found in the left superior parietal area in the MCI group. Finally, results from the third study revealed that hyperactivation of predetermined regions was associated with dysfunction of functional brain networks underlying associative memory in SCD+ and MCI. Moreover, these hyperactivation-network interactions were associated with increasing symptomatology. The implications of this thesis and its limits are addressed in the discussion section (Chapter 5).

Association entre les mouvements périodiques des jambes au cours du sommeil et l’intégrité de la matière blanche cérébrale

Gareau, Marc-André D. 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

PCA based dimensionality reduction of MRI images for training support vector machine to aid diagnosis of bipolar disorder / PCA baserad dimensionalitetsreduktion av MRI bilder för träning av stödvektormaskin till att stödja diagnostisering av bipolär sjukdom

Chen, Beichen, Chen, Amy Jinxin January 2019 (has links)
This study aims to investigate how dimensionality reduction of neuroimaging data prior to training support vector machines (SVMs) affects the classification accuracy of bipolar disorder. This study uses principal component analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction. An open source data set of 19 bipolar and 31 control structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI) samples was used, part of the UCLA Consortium for Neuropsychiatric Phenomics LA5c Study funded by the NIH Roadmap Initiative aiming to foster breakthroughs in the development of novel treatments for neuropsychiatric disorders. The images underwent smoothing, feature extraction and PCA before they were used as input to train SVMs. 3-fold cross-validation was used to tune a number of hyperparameters for linear, radial, and polynomial kernels. Experiments were done to investigate the performance of SVM models trained using 1 to 29 principal components (PCs). Several PC sets reached 100% accuracy in the final evaluation, with the minimal set being the first two principal components. Accumulated variance explained by the PCs used did not have a correlation with the performance of the model. The choice of kernel and hyperparameters is of utmost importance as the performance obtained can vary greatly. The results support previous studies that SVM can be useful in aiding the diagnosis of bipolar disorder, and that the use of PCA as a dimensionality reduction method in combination with SVM may be appropriate for the classification of neuroimaging data for illnesses not limited to bipolar disorder. Due to the limitation of a small sample size, the results call for future research using larger collaborative data sets to validate the accuracies obtained. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur dimensionalitetsreduktion av neuroradiologisk data före träning av stödvektormaskiner (SVMs) påverkar klassificeringsnoggrannhet av bipolär sjukdom. Studien använder principalkomponentanalys (PCA) för dimensionalitetsreduktion. En datauppsättning av 19 bipolära och 31 friska magnetisk resonanstomografi(MRT) bilder användes, vilka tillhör den öppna datakällan från studien UCLA Consortium for Neuropsychiatric Phenomics LA5c som finansierades av NIH Roadmap Initiative i syfte att främja genombrott i utvecklingen av nya behandlingar för neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar. Bilderna genomgick oskärpa, särdragsextrahering och PCA innan de användes som indata för att träna SVMs. Med 3-delad korsvalidering inställdes ett antal parametrar för linjära, radiala och polynomiska kärnor. Experiment gjordes för att utforska prestationen av SVM-modeller tränade med 1 till 29 principalkomponenter (PCs). Flera PC uppsättningar uppnådde 100% noggrannhet i den slutliga utvärderingen, där den minsta uppsättningen var de två första PCs. Den ackumulativa variansen över antalet PCs som användes hade inte någon korrelation med prestationen på modellen. Valet av kärna och hyperparametrar är betydande eftersom prestationen kan variera mycket. Resultatet stödjer tidigare studier att SVM kan vara användbar som stöd för diagnostisering av bipolär sjukdom och användningen av PCA som en dimensionalitetsreduktionsmetod i kombination med SVM kan vara lämplig för klassificering av neuroradiologisk data för bipolär och andra sjukdomar. På grund av begränsningen med få dataprover, kräver resultaten framtida forskning med en större datauppsättning för att validera de erhållna noggrannheten.

Application de l’EEG-SPIRf aux soins intensifs neurologiques : une nouvelle approche multimodale d’enregistrements à long terme de l’activité épileptiforme

Kassab, Ali 11 1900 (has links)
La spectroscopie proche infrarouge fonctionnelle (SPIRf) est une technique de neuro-imagerie noninvasive permettant de mesurer les changements de concentration d’hémoglobine oxygéné (Δ[HbO]) et désoxygéné (Δ[HbR]). Au cours des deux dernières décennies, notre groupe (et d’autres) ont combiné la SPIRf avec l'électroencéphalographie (EEG) pour effectuer des enregistrements chez des patients avec épilepsie réfractaire afin d’évaluer son potentiel comme 1) technique de cartographie cérébrale noninvasive (par exemple, localisation des aires impliquées dans le langage et localisation du foyer épileptique) et 2) comme approche noninvasive pour étudier le couplage neurovasculaire pendant les pointes épileptiques interictales ainsi que lors des crises épileptiques. Malgré des résultats prometteurs, de nombreux enjeux demeurent avant que la EEG-SPIRf puisse être implantée en pratique clinique. En effet, l’installation de l’équipement prend encore trop de temps, l’obtention de signaux de qualité nécessite encore une surveillance serrée et un certain inconfort apparaît au fur et à mesure que les enregistrements progressent dans le temps. C’est d’ailleurs pourquoi les enregistrements EEG-SPIRf ont, jusqu’à maintenant, été généralement de courte durée (c. à d. rarement plus de deux heures) avec une couverture limitée du cortex cérébral (c. à d. généralement une ou deux aires corticales) et dans un milieu contrôlé de recherche (plutôt qu’au chevet dans un milieu clinique). Compte tenu de son potentiel clinique, il y a lieu de poursuivre les efforts pour développer la EEG-SPIRf pour usage clinique. Notamment, un grand potentiel est pressenti pour la EEG-SPIRf aux soins intensifs neurologiques. D’une part, les patients qui y sont admis étant souvent comateux et/ou sous sédation, l’inconfort relié au port d’électrodes et d’optodes n’est plus en enjeu. D’autre part, ces patients présentent généralement des pathologies graves souvent associées à des anomalies épileptiformes fréquentes à l’EEG (décharges périodiques, crises subcliniques, état de mal non convulsif) dont l’impact hémodynamique sur cerveau tout comme leur prise en charge demeurent controversés. Les techniques actuellement utilisées aux soins intensifs (moniteur de pression intracrânienne, sonde de saturation veineuse jugulaire en oxygène, doppler transcrânien, EEG seul sans SPIRf) présentant des limitations, l’ajout d’une composante de SPIRf à l’EEG permettrait possiblement d’élucider l’impact de certaines de ces anomalies épileptiformes, guider leur traitement et en améliorer leur surveillance. Ainsi, cette thèse visait à 1) développer et valider un système d’EEG-SPIRf compact, sans fil et couvrant toute la tête, destinée à une surveillance à long terme de patients souffrant de divers troubles neurologiques; 2) évaluer la faisabilité et le potentiel d’une surveillance vidéo-EEG-SPIRf (vEEG-SPIRf) à long terme auprès de patients comateux admis aux soins intensifs neurologiques présentant des décharges périodiques, des crises ou un patron électrophysiologique de bouffées-suppression; et 3) étudier la dynamique neurovasculaire associée à l'état de mal épileptique non convulsif chez des patients comateux. La première et la deuxième partie du projet décrivent le développement et la validation d'un système EEG-SPIRf hybride et de "casques" EEG-SPIRf personnalisés destinés à surveiller l'hémodynamique corticale entière chez les patients neurologiques. Nous avons d'abord démontré sa performance globale chez des participants sains effectuant deux tâches cognitives spécifiques (c.-à-d. des tâches linguistiques et visuelles) en position assise (pour la première) et en pédalant sur une bicyclette (pour la seconde). Les mesures électrophysiologiques et hémodynamiques ont été validées à l'aide de deux systèmes commerciaux et ont montré, chez tous les participants, une sensibilité et une spécificité spatiotemporelle élevées. Nous avons ensuite démontré le potentiel clinique de notre système chez quatre patients souffrant de divers troubles neurologiques (par exemple, épilepsie réfractaire et maladies vasculaires cérébrales). Nous avons ainsi réalisé avec succès des enregistrements prolongés vEEG-SPIRf au chevet de tous ces patients et observé des changements hémodynamiques cliniquement pertinents et en concordance avec d’autres modalités de neuro-imagerie fonctionnelle. Une originalité particulière de ce projet réside dans sa capacité à "personnaliser" une technique d’imagerie fonctionnelle prometteuse à un environnement clinique (c.-à-d., à l’étage de neurologie et à l’unité de soins intensifs dans notre cas). Cette étude est la première à rapporter avec succès des changements hémodynamiques sur l’ensemble du cortex chez des patients neurologiques à l'aide d’une surveillance vEEG-SPIRf prolongée au chevet. Par la suite, nous avons évalué la faisabilité de la surveillance vEEG-SPIRf à long terme dans un environnement plus ardu : les soins intensifs neurologiques. Nous avons réalisé avec succès de multiples sessions de surveillance vEEG-SPIRf de très longue durée auprès de 11 patients comateux présentant différentes anomalies épileptiformes. Une augmentation significative de [HbO] et une diminution de [HbR] était présentes lors des crises. De plus, ces changements étaient relativement proportionnels à la durée des crises. Bien qu’elles étaient de moins grande amplitude, de similaires Δ[HbO] et de Δ[HbR] était présents durant les bouffées lors de patrons de bouffées-suppression et lors de décharges périodiques de basses fréquences (i.e., < 2Hz). Finalement, dans une étude subséquente, nous avons exploré l'hémodynamique corticale chez 11 patients comateux en état de mal épileptique non convulsif. Nous avons observé dans la majorité des cas, une augmentation de [HbO], du volume sanguin cérébral et du débit sanguin cérébral, mais avec des changements variables de [HbR] lors de courtes crises (inférieure à 100s). Cependant, lors de longues crises (plus de 100s), une augmentation de [HbR] était observée. Ces résultats préliminaires suggèrent que les mécanismes de couplage neurovasculaire pendant l’état de mal épileptique peuvent être dysfonctionnels chez certains patients et induire un état hypoxique, notamment lors de crises prolongées. En conclusion, les observations rapportées dans cette thèse confirment le potentiel clinique de la vEEG-SPIRf chez l'adulte, notamment pour la surveillance des patients admis aux soins intensifs neurologiques à haut risque de décharges épileptiformes. La poursuite de son développement pourrait éventuellement fournir aux neurologues et intensivistes un autre outil de surveillance neurologique. / Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a noninvasive neuroimaging technique that measures concentration changes in oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin (Δ[HbO] and Δ[HbR]) associated with brain activity. Over the past two decades, our group (and others) have combined fNIRS with electroencephalography (EEG) to record patients with refractory epilepsy and evaluate its potential as 1) a noninvasive brain mapping technique (e.g., language area localization and localization of epileptic foci) and 2) as a noninvasive approach to study neurovascular coupling during interictal spikes as well as during seizures. Despite promising results, many challenges remain before the EEG-fNIRS can be implemented in clinical practice. Indeed, installing the equipment still takes too much time, obtaining and maintaining good signal quality still requires close monitoring, and the appearance of discomfort as the recordings progress in time. For those reasons, EEG-fNIRS recordings to date have generally been of short duration (i.e., rarely more than two hours) with limited coverage of the cerebral cortex (i.e., typically one or two cortical areas) and in a controlled research setting (rather than at the bedside in a clinical setting). Given its clinical potential, there is a need for continued efforts to develop fNIRS-EEG for clinical use. In particular, fNIRS-EEG has great potential in neurological intensive care. On the one hand, since patients admitted to the ICU are often comatose and/or sedated, the discomfort of wearing electrodes and optodes is no longer an issue. On the other hand, these patients generally present serious pathologies often associated with frequent epileptiform abnormalities on the EEG (periodic discharges, nonconvulsive seizures and status) whose hemodynamic impact on the brain, as well as their management remain controversial. The techniques currently used in intensive care units (intracranial pressure monitor, jugular venous oxygen saturation probe, transcranial Doppler, EEG alone without fNIRS) have limitations. Adding an fNIRS component to the EEG could perhaps elucidate the impact of some of these epileptiform abnormalities, guide their treatment and improve their monitoring. Thus, this thesis aimed to 1) develop and validate a compact, wireless, whole-head EEG-fNIRS system for long-term monitoring of patients with various neurological disorders; 2) to evaluate the feasibility and potential of long-term video EEG-fNIRS (vEEG-fNIRS) monitoring of comatose patients admitted to the neurological intensive care unit with periodic discharges, seizures or an electrophysiological pattern of burst-suppression; and 3) to study the neurovascular dynamics associated with nonconvulsive status epilepticus in comatose patients. The first and second parts of the project describe the development and validation of a hybrid EEG-fNIRS system and personalized EEG-fNIRS "caps" to monitor whole cortical hemodynamics in neurological patients. We first demonstrated its overall performance in healthy participants performing two specific cognitive tasks (i.e., language and visual tasks) while sitting (for the former) and pedalling a bicycle (for the latter). Electrophysiological and hemodynamic measurements were validated using two commercial systems and showed, in all participants, high sensitivity and spatiotemporal specificity. We then demonstrated the clinical potential of our system in four patients suffering from various neurological disorders (e.g., refractory epilepsy and cerebrovascular diseases). We successfully performed prolonged vEEG-fNIRS recordings at the bedside of all these patients and observed clinically relevant hemodynamic changes* in agreement with other functional neuroimaging modalities. A particular originality of this project is its ability to "customize" a promising functional imaging technique specific clinical settings (i.e., neurology ward, epilepsy monitoring unit, and intensive care unit in our case). This study is the first to successfully report hemodynamic changes across the cortex in neurological patients using extended bedside vEEG-fNIRS monitoring. Subsequently, we evaluated the feasibility of long-term vEEG-fNIRS monitoring in a more challenging environment: the neurological intensive care unit. We successfully performed multiple sessions of very long-term vEEG-fNIRS monitoring in 11 comatose patients with different epileptiform abnormalities. During seizures, a significant increase in [HbO] and a decrease in [HbR] were present. Moreover, these changes were relatively proportional to the duration of the seizures. Although they were of lesser magnitude, similar changes in [HbO] and [HbR] were present during bursts in burst-suppression patterns and with low-frequency (i.e., < 2Hz) periodic discharges. Finally, in a subsequent study, we explored cortical hemodynamics in 11 comatose patients in nonconvulsive status epilepticus. We observed in the majority of cases an increase in [HbO], CBV and CBF, but with variable changes in [HbR] during short seizures (less than 100s). However, during prolonged seizures (more than 100s), an increase in [HbR] was seen. These preliminary results suggest that neurovascular coupling mechanisms during status epilepticus may be dysfunctional in some patients and induce a hypoxic state, especially during protracted seizures. In conclusion, the observations reported in this thesis confirm the clinical potential of vEEG-fNIRS in adults, especially for monitoring patients admitted to neurological intensive care units at high risk of epileptiform discharges. Further development could eventually provide neurologists and intensivists with another tool for neurological monitoring.

Detailing radio frequency controlled hyperthermia and its application in ultrahigh field magnetic resonance

Winter, Lukas 06 August 2014 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die grundsätzliche Machbarkeit, Radiofrequenzimpulse (RF) der Ultrahochfeld (UHF) Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) (B0≥7.0T) für therapeutische Verfahren wie die RF Hyperthermie oder die lokalisierte Freigabe von Wirkstoffträgern und Markern zu nutzen. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurde ein 8-Kanal Sened/Empfangsapplikator entwickelt, der bei einer Protonenfrequenz von 298MHz operiert. Mit diesem weltweit ersten System konnte in der Arbeit experimentell bewiesen werden, dass die entwickelte Hardware sowohl zielgerichtete lokalisierte RF Erwärmung als auch MR Bildgebung und MR Thermometrie (MRTh) realisiert. Mit den zusätzlichen Freiheitsgraden (Phase, Amplitude) eines mehrkanaligen Sendesystems konnte aufgezeigt werden, dass der Ort der thermischen Dosierung gezielt verändert bzw. festgelegt werden kann. In realitätsnahen Temperatursimulationen mit numerischen Modellen des Menschen, wird in der Arbeit aufgezeigt, dass mittels des entwickelten Hybridaufbaus eine kontrollierte und lokalisierte thermische Dosierung im Zentrum des menschlichen Kopfes erzeugt werden kann. Nach der erfolgreichen Durchführung dieser Machbarkeitsstudie wurden in theoretischen Überlegungen, numerischen Simulationen und in ersten grundlegenden experimentellen Versuchen die elektromagnetischen Gegebenheiten von MRT und lokal induzierter RF Hyperthermie für Frequenzen größer als 298MHz untersucht. In einem Frequenzbereich bis zu 1.44GHz konnte der Energiefokus mit Hilfe spezialisierter RF Antennenkonfigurationen entscheidend weiter verkleinert werden, sodass Temperaturkegeldurchmesser von wenigen Millimetern erreicht wurden. Gleichzeitig konnte gezeigt werden, dass die vorgestellten Konzepte ausreichende Signalstärke der zirkular polarisierten Spinanregungsfelder bei akzeptabler oberflächlicher Energieabsorption erzeugen, um eine potentielle Machbarkeit von in vivo MRT bei B0=33.8T oder in vivo Elektronenspinresonanz (ESR) im L-Band zu demonstrieren. / The presented work details the basic feasibility of using radiofrequency (RF) fields generated by ultrahigh field (UHF) magnetic resonance (MR) (B0≥7.0T) systems for therapeutic applications such as RF hyperthermia and targeted drug delivery. A truly hybrid 8-channel transmit/receive applicator operating at the 7.0T proton MR frequency of 298MHz has been developed. Experimental verification conducted in this work demonstrated that the hybrid applicator supports targeted RF heating, MR imaging and MR thermometry (MRTh). The approach offers extra degrees of freedom (RF phase, RF amplitude) that afford deliberate changes in the location and thermal dose of targeted RF induced heating. High spatial and temporal MR temperature mapping can be achieved due to intrinsic signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gain of UHF MR together with the enhanced parallel imaging performance inherent to the multi-channel receive architecture used. Temperature simulations in human voxel models revealed that the proposed hybrid setup is capable to deposit a controlled and localized RF induced thermal dose in the center of the human brain. After demonstrating basic feasibility, theoretical considerations and proof-of-principle experiments were conducted for RF frequencies of up to 1.44GHz to explore electrodynamic constraints for MRI and targeted RF heating applications for a frequency range larger than 298MHz. For this frequency regime a significant reduction in the effective area of energy absorption was observed when using dedicated RF antenna arrays proposed and developed in this work. Based upon this initial experience it is safe to conclude that the presented concepts generate sufficient signal strength for the circular polarized spin excitation fields with acceptable specific absorption rate (SAR) on the surface, to render in vivo MRI at B0=33.8T or in vivo electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) at L-Band feasible.

Advanced Modeling of Longitudinal Spectroscopy Data

Kundu, Madan Gopal January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy is a neuroimaging technique. It is widely used to quantify the concentration of important metabolites in a brain tissue. Imbalance in concentration of brain metabolites has been found to be associated with development of neurological impairment. There has been increasing trend of using MR spectroscopy as a diagnosis tool for neurological disorders. We established statistical methodology to analyze data obtained from the MR spectroscopy in the context of the HIV associated neurological disorder. First, we have developed novel methodology to study the association of marker of neurological disorder with MR spectrum from brain and how this association evolves with time. The entire problem fits into the framework of scalar-on-function regression model with individual spectrum being the functional predictor. We have extended one of the existing cross-sectional scalar-on-function regression techniques to longitudinal set-up. Advantage of proposed method includes: 1) ability to model flexible time-varying association between response and functional predictor and (2) ability to incorporate prior information. Second part of research attempts to study the influence of the clinical and demographic factors on the progression of brain metabolites over time. In order to understand the influence of these factors in fully non-parametric way, we proposed LongCART algorithm to construct regression tree with longitudinal data. Such a regression tree helps to identify smaller subpopulations (characterized by baseline factors) with differential longitudinal profile and hence helps us to identify influence of baseline factors. Advantage of LongCART algorithm includes: (1) it maintains of type-I error in determining best split, (2) substantially reduces computation time and (2) applicable even observations are taken at subject-specific time-points. Finally, we carried out an in-depth analysis of longitudinal changes in the brain metabolite concentrations in three brain regions, namely, white matter, gray matter and basal ganglia in chronically infected HIV patients enrolled in HIV Neuroimaging Consortium study. We studied the influence of important baseline factors (clinical and demographic) on these longitudinal profiles of brain metabolites using LongCART algorithm in order to identify subgroup of patients at higher risk of neurological impairment. / Partial research support was provided by the National Institutes of Health grants U01-MH083545, R01-CA126205 and U01-CA086368

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