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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Espaços negros na cidade pós-abolição: São Carlos, estudo de caso / Black spaces on the post abolition city: São Carlos, case study

Costa, Natalia Alexandre 15 May 2015 (has links)
Trata do processo de configuração dos núcleos de fixação urbana de ex-escravos, tendo como estudo de caso a cidade de São Carlos, do interior paulista, a partir de três bairros surgidos contemporaneamente à Abolição, com grande presença negra: Vila Isabel, Vila Nery e Vila Pureza. A historiografia sobre os escravos no período pós-abolição do Brasil vem se tornando cada vez menos rara, no entanto ainda é nebulosa a influência exercida pela herança cultural dos ex-escravos no ambiente da cidade por eles ocupado, considerando aspectos materiais e imateriais. O presente trabalho trata da relação entre os bairros e o espaço em que eles se inseriram, bem como as relações espaciais entre as habitações e outros equipamentos dentro dos próprios núcleos. Analisa, ainda, as moradias, notando a ocupação do lote, a distribuição interna dos ambientes, o uso e representação de cada espaço e as transformações ocorridas ao longo do tempo. Por fim, visa contribuir para ampliar a historiografia do negro em nosso país, a partir de uma perspectiva que o considera ativo e atuante no processo de construção das cidades após abolição. / This configuration process of urban fixing neighborhoods of former slaves, taking as a case study the city of São Carlos, in São Paulo State, from three districts emerged contemporaneously with the abolition of slavery, with large black presence: Vila Isabel, Vila Nery and Vila Pureza. The historiography of the slaves in the post-abolition period in Brazil is becoming less and less rare, however it is still cloudy the influence of the cultural heritage of the former slaves in the city environment they occupy, considering material and immaterial aspects. This paper deals with the relationship between the neighborhoods and the space in which they were inserted, and the spatial relationships between housing and other equipment inside the neighborhoods themselves. It also analyzes the Vilas, noting the lot occupation, the internal distribution of environments, the use and representation of each space and the changes occurring over time. Finally, it aims to contribute to enlarge the historiography of black people in our country, from a perspective that considers them active in the construction process of the cities after abolition (1888).

As Recordações de Itália (1852-1853), de A. P. Lopes de Mendonça: uma obra política: edição e estudo crítico / Recordações de Itália (1852-1853), de A.P.Lopes de Mendonça - a political work: editing and critical study

Julianna de Souza Cardoso Bonfim 16 April 2013 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / António Pedro Lopes de Mendonça, escritor romântico de postura liberal radical, que fez da literatura seu meio de subsistência, produziu uma escrita que flertou com muitos gêneros, da crônica-folhetim ao romance porém sempre permeada pelo viés político. Defendeu o Romantismo como um movimento extraliterário que ajudou a impulsionar transformações cruciais na sociedade portuguesa e, filiado à política jacobina, foi um dos precursores dos ideais socialistas em Portugal. Fez oposição à Regeneração, por entender que os esforços deste governo eram insuficientes às necessidades do país, e soube reconhecer, posteriormente, as mudanças promovidas por ele, defendendo os regeneradores em comparação com os absolutistas. Foi considerado ultrarromântico por muitos autores, o que consideramos uma classificação reducionista, por não ter em conta um aspecto fulcral da obra deste autor: o objetivo de formar leitores críticos, o compromisso civilizacional, de conscientizar e de ser combativo às injustiças de sua época. Usou a ironia a seu favor, como uma arma de pensamento, para acomodar, nas entrelinhas de seus romances, suas críticas à sociedade que se apresentava. Tendo percorrido uma Itália ainda não unificada, na viagem que inspirou as Recordações de Itália, pôde perceber como a falta de unidade dos grupos revolucionários em torno de um mesmo ideal era empecilho à unificação daquele país e convocou, por meio de seu jornal Eco dos Operários, as classes menos favorecidas à busca por justiça social, dando espaço a textos dos próprios trabalhadores e incutindo neles a importância da soma de forças por uma causa única. Morreu como louco, certamente não por não aceitar e por não se adequar às hipocrisias e injustiças que lhe eram impostas por aquela sociedade / António Pedro Lopes de Mendonça, a romantic writer with a liberal radical political position, who made his living out of literature, has left a written legacy which has flirted with many genres, from chronic to serial novels yet always permeated by a political bias. He has defended the extra-literary Romanticism as a movement that helped propel crucial changes in Portuguese society, affiliated to the Jacobin politics, and he was a precursor of socialist ideals in Portugal. He has made opposition to regeneration, understanding that the efforts of this government were inadequate to the needs of the country; but could recognize later changes promoted by him, advocating in favor of the regenerators when compared to the absolutists. He was considered ultra romantic by many authors, which we consider a reductionist classification, because it does not consider a essential aspect of the works of this author: the goal of forming critical readers, the civilizational commitment, educating and opposing the injustices of his time. Mendonça used irony in his favor, as a thinking strategy, to accommodate the lines of his novels, his criticism of the society he lived in. Having traveled throughout Italy while it was not yet unified, the trip that inspired Recordações de Itália. He could then see how the lack of unity of the revolutionary groups around a common ideal was a force against the unification of the country; and he called, through his newspaper Eco dos Operários, the lower classes to the quest for social justice, giving space to texts of the workers themselves and convincing them of the importance of the union of forces for a major cause. He died being considered crazy, certainly for not accepting and not fitting in the hypocrisies and injustices that were imposed by that society

Tecnologia siderúrgica no Brasil do século XIX: conhecimento e técnica na aurora de um país (o caso da Fábrica de Ferro de São João do Ipanema) / Metallurgical technology in the nineteenth century Brazil: knowledge and technique in the dawn of a country (the case of Fábrica de Ferro de São João do Ipanema)

Marcos Eduardo Faciaben 22 June 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por pretensão estudar e analisar a transferência e a constituição de tecnologia no Brasil nas duas primeiras décadas do século XIX, para isso foi escolhido o caso da siderurgia e sua implementação no, então, território Luso-americano. Para tal fim a escolha foi a da Fábrica de Ferro de São João de Ipanema, aonde foi introduzida em maior escala de investimentos de tempo e capital. Para o sucesso da empreitada tida como muitos impossível de se concretizar no cenário tropical do Brasil foram mobilizados cientistas, técnicos, nacionais e estrangeiros, os quais contribuíram com a criação, manutenção e desenvolvimento de uma fábrica capaz de suprir ao império de Portugal com armas e equipamentos diversos de ferro, necessários ao desenvolvimento econômico. A hipótese a ser testada é que Ipanema fazia parte de um projeto maior do Império Português de modernização, por meio do conhecimento científico e da aplicação tecnológica de ponta, advindas do Iluminismo e das formas de governança ilustradas e ao estilo de desenvolvimento inglês que demonstrava os sucessos da industrialização. Porém este se fazia com uma série de elementos complicadores, advindos da própria estrutura social, econômica e política de Portugal e do Brasil, sua colônia em rápido processo de transformação. / This work has the intention to study and analyze the creation and transfer of technology in Brazil in the first two decades of the nineteenth century, it was chosen for the case of iron work and its implementation in the Luso-American\'s territory. The choice of this work are the Fábrica de Ferro de São João de Ipanema, where was introduced on a larger scale investment of time and capital. For the success of these efforts many regarded as impossible to achieve in the tropical setting of Brazil, were mobilized scientists, technicians, domestic and foreign, which contributed to the creation, maintenance and development of a plant capable of supplying the empire with guns and miscellaneous equipment of iron, necessary for economic development of Portugal. The hypothesis to be tested is that Ipanema was part of a larger project of modernization of the Portuguese Empire, through the application of scientific knowledge and technology, stemming from the Enlightenment and forms of governance and illustration, and in the english style that showed the development successes of industrialization. But this was done with a number of complicating elements, resulting from the social structure, economic and policy of Portugal and Brazil, its colony in a process of rapid transformation.

Caminho da piedade, caminhos de devoção: as irmandades de pretos no Vale do Paraíba Paulista - século XIX / Path of piety, devotion paths: the brotherhoods of blacks in Vale do Paraíba - São Paulo, nineteenth century

Fabia Barbosa Ribeiro 23 June 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo empreender um estudo sobre as irmandades de pretos constituídas na região do Vale do Paraíba paulista durante o século XIX. Analisálas no contexto da escravidão em uma região de característica predominantemente rural e com forte presença escrava. Avaliar o seu alcance social no que tange aos irmãos cativos, a sua importância na construção de sociabilidades e estratégias de sobrevivência, propiciando aos pretos espaços de luta, resistência e integração com a sociedade mais ampla. Delinear as suas características próprias, distintas ou não daquelas existentes nas irmandades presentes nas áreas ditas urbanas. / This paper aims to undertake a study of the black brotherhoods formed in the Vale do Paraíba during the nineteenth century. Analyze them in the context of slavery in a region of predominantly rural character and strong presence slave. Assess their social impact in relation to others captives, their importance in the development of sociability and survival strategies, allowing the black spaces of struggle, resistance and integration with the wider society. Outline its own characteristics, different or not present in the kindred of those existing in urban areas said.

O pecuarista familiar na campanha rio-grandense (Santana do Livramento / RS)

Fernandes, Valéria Dorneles January 2012 (has links)
A Campanha, no Rio Grande do Sul, tem como principais características a predominância de produção pastoril e grande concentração fundiária. Em 1998 o IBGE identificou um grupo numeroso de pequenos produtores que se dedicam à bovinocultura de corte e com características de agricultores familiares, os quais foram identificados como pecuaristas familiares. A literatura que aborda esta categoria social considera que este grupo tem, na sua origem, diferentes trajetórias e que estes processos se desenvolveram no período inicial do século XX, ou seja, o pecuarista familiar é originário do século XX. No entanto as pesquisas históricas recentes mostram que pequenos criadores de gado estavam presentes na Campanha desde, pelo menos, o início do século XIX. O presente trabalho busca avaliar a natureza da relação histórica entre os pequenos criadores de gado do século XIX e os pecuaristas familiares da região da Campanha hoje. O estudo focaliza principalmente o município de Santana do Livramento, visto que além de ter uma tradição na produção pecuária extensiva também se mostra um município com uma significante presença de pecuaristas familiares na atualidade. O estudo utiliza o conceito de sistemas agrários e se baseia principalmente em dados extraídos de entrevistas com os pecuaristas familiares do município e fontes documentais primárias: censo, processos crimes e cíveis e inventários post-mortem. Esta pesquisa permite identificar como principais resultados a existência de estabelecimentos agrícolas que desenvolviam a pecuária em uma complexidade de tipos, que variavam quanto à dimensão do estabelecimento, modo de acesso à terra e o estatuto social da mão de obra. Ressalta-se neste trabalho a identificação de um grupo de criadores existentes no século XIX que possuíam pequenos rebanhos de gado e utilizavam principalmente a mão de obra familiar, sendo que muitos deles não possuíam a propriedade da terra. Este grupo demonstra a persistência dos pecuaristas familiares como uma categoria social na Campanha desde o período do século XIX. / The principal characteristics of the Campanha region of Rio Grande do Sul are the predominance of livestock production and concentrated landholdings. In 1998, the IBGE (Brazilian Geography and Statistics Institute) identified a large group of small producers dedicated to raising beef cattle, with the characteristics of family farmers, who have been identified as family ranchers. The literature on this social category affirms that this group emerged from different trajectories and that these processes began in the early twentieth century. In other words, the family rancher is a product of the twentieth century. However, recent historical research shows that small-scale cattle ranchers were present in the Campanha since at least the beginning of the nineteenth century. This master’s thesis attempts to evaluate the nature of historical relations between small ranchers of the nineteenth century and the family ranchers of the Campanha region today. The study focuses principally on the municipality of Santana do Livramento, which in addition to having a tradition of land extensive livestock production also has a significant number of family ranchers today. The study uses the concept of agrarian systems and is based principally on data extracted from interviews with family ranchers in the municipality and from primary documentary sources: a census, criminal and civil court records, and probate records. This research allows identification of several types of livestock raising establishments, which varied in size, in forms of access to land and in the social and legal status of their workers. This work highlights the existence of a category of ranchers in the nineteenth century that had small herds of cattle and used primarily family labor, many of whom were not landowners. This group demonstrates the persistence of family ranchers as a social category in the Campanha since the nineteenth century.

George MacDonald and Victorian society

Smith, Jeffrey Wayne January 2013 (has links)
This thesis approaches the ways George MacDonald viewed and represented Victorian society in his novels by analysing select social issues which he felt compelled to address. Chapter One introduces the thesis. It contains a review of critical commentary on MacDonald’s work, as well as discussions on his non-fictional texts and essays, industrialism, and the great rural-urban divide of the nineteenth century. Chapter Two concentrates on MacDonald’s representations of the city in Robert Falconer (1868), The Vicar’s Daughter (1872), and Weighed and Wanting (1882) by underscoring parallels between Octavia Hill’s housing and environmental schemes and situations which he experienced firsthand. Chapter Three examines the influence of Nature on MacDonald’s theology and social views. Special emphasis is placed on Wordsworth and the development of MacDonald’s unique pantheism in his texts, such as the short story, ‘A Journey Rejourneyed’ (1865-6), Guild Court (1868), Wilfrid Cumbermede (1872), What’s Mine’s Mine (1886), and Home Again (1887). Chapter Four uncovers MacDonald’s involvement with the animal welfare movement during the latter part of the nineteenth century. Discussions on vivisection, vegetarianism, hunting, animal abuse, evolution, and degeneration are provided with a wide range of MacDonald’s texts, such as Alec Forbes of Howglen (1865), Paul Faber, Surgeon (1879), The Marquis of Lossie (1877), A Rough Shaking (1890), and Heather and Snow (1893). Chapter Five offers a short summation of the thesis. It affirms that MacDonald was deeply troubled by certain social issues that were raised within his society and would use his fiction to express his concerns. The conclusion also offers a few suggestive topics for ongoing research in the field of this thesis.

"Narrativas itinerantes. Aspectos franco-britânicos da ficção brasileira, em periódicos do século XIX". / "Itinerant Narratives: French-British aspects of brazilian fiction, in Nineteenth-Century periodicals"

Ramicelli, Maria Eulália 25 October 2004 (has links)
A escrita de ficção no Brasil iniciou-se definitivamente em fins da década de 1830. Jornais e revistas do Rio de Janeiro publicaram essas narrativas ao lado de ficção estrangeira (especialmente européia) traduzida. Este trabalho tem dois objetivos centrais: 1)apresentar criticamente o conjunto de textos ficcionais britânicos, traduzidos e publicados em periódicos do Rio de Janeiro, na primeira metade do século XIX, através da análise comparativa da tradução (aqui vista como processo e produto cultural) com os textos originais; 2)avaliar o papel dessa ficção britânica na produção de alguns dos nossos primeiros ficcionistas. O estudo implica discutir o lugar dessa ficção britânica nos jornais e revistas que foram seu meio de circulação: os periódicos britânicos, os brasileiros e a Revue Britannique, revista francesa que se coloca como importante intermediadora nesse percurso. Dessa forma, pretendo contribuir para a discussão das condições de circulação de ficção britânica no Brasil, no século XIX. / The writing of prose fiction in Brazil did not definitely start until the end of the 1830's. These narratives were published in periodicals from Rio de Janeiro side by side with translated (notably European) fiction. This thesis has two main purposes: 1)to critically present the collection of British fictional texts, translated and published in periodicals from Rio de Janeiro, during the first half of the nineteenth-century, by comparing their translation (here considered both as cultural process and product) with the original texts; 2)to evaluate the role of that British fiction in the production of some of the first Brazilian fiction writers. This study also discusses the insertion of such British fiction in the periodicals in which it circulated: in the British, and Brazilian periodicals, but also in the Revue Britannique, a French magazine that constitutes an important mediation in this process of circulation. Therefore, I intend to contribute to the discussion of the conditions in which British fiction circulated in nineteenth-century Brazil.

O vestuário e seus acessórios em São Paulo em meados do século XIX: uma construção de vocabulário para compreender indumentária / The clothing and acessories in São Paulo in the mid-nineteenth century: a building vocabulary to understand clothing

Puelles, Alice Aparecida Labarca 11 September 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a elaboração de um vocabulário para compreensão de indumentária do século XIX, inserindo-se no campo da Documentação Museológica. Partindo da análise de anúncios de lojas e comércios de tecidos e vestuário, publicados no jornal Correio Paulistano, em São Paulo, em meados do século XIX, visa identificar vestuário e acessórios utilizados na época, a fim de reconhecer a moda usada pela sociedade paulistana naquele período. Moda, aqui, entendida como uma necessidade social, tanto de individualidade do ser, expressando personalidade através de detalhes, como de aceitação em um grupo de pessoas que compartilham dos mesmos anseios. Trata-se, assim, da construção de um instrumento de curadoria museológica a partir do desenvolvimento de conhecimento novo sobre o contexto histórico cultural de São Paulo no período estudado. Há poucas publicações nacionais sobre têxtil e moda, fazendo com que pesquisadores recorram continuamente a publicações estrangeiras, que não retratam fielmente o nosso país e menos ainda a região paulista. / The present work has as aim the preparation of a vocabulary to garment comprehension of the nineteenth century, adapting into the Museum Documentation field. From the analysis of shops announcements and fabric and clothing trades, published in Correio Paulistano newspaper, in São Paulo around the nineteenth century, aim identify clothing and accessories used at that time, in order to recognize the fashion used by the paulista society in the period. Fashion, here, understood as a social need, such as individuality, expressing personality through details, as approval in a group who share the same anxious. It\'s about the instrument construction of a museological curatorship since the new knowledge development about the São Paulo cultural and historical contexts in the period studied. There are few national publications about textile and fashion, making researchers appeal continually to foreign publications that not portray faithfully our country and much less the São Paulo region.

Salvage historiography: viewing, special effects, and Norman O. Dawn's unpreserved archive

DeLassus, Leslie Marie 01 January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation excavates the work of early special effects cinematographer Norman O. Dawn in order to explore film spectatorship, the ephemerality of the cinematic image, and motion picture preservation and archival practices. Best known for his innovations of glass and matte shot techniques, Dawn produced 861 composite images while working in the U.S. film industry between 1906 and 1954. Although technological film historians acknowledge the importance of Dawn’s innovations to the development of motion picture special effects, the composite images themselves as well as the films for which they were produced remain in relative obscurity. Rather than attempting to recover these objects for inclusion in an existing film canon, my research interrogates their obscurity by analyzing Dawn’s special effects processes against the broader economic concerns that inform the dominant practices of the US film industry during the first half of the twentieth-century. My research begins with the Norman O. Dawn collection housed at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, which is the most comprehensive historical record of Dawn’s work in the film industry. Constructed by Dawn himself between 1962 and 1974, this collection consists of 164 poster-sized collages of archival ephemera that illustrate the special effects processes employed in the production of 235 composite images for eighty-five films. While these eighty-five film titles constitute a tentative corpus upon which to base my research, seventy of these films are lost, which raises questions concerning the relationship between motion picture preservation and film history, specifically why these films have not been preserved while others have and to what extent the economic imperatives of the film industry have determined these conditions. I address these questions in my analysis of archival material related to these films, finding that they traverse several distinct domains of film practice—including early scenic footage for newsreels and the amusement park ride Hale’s Tours of the World, early one-reel travel films, silent-era studio shorts, serials, and B features, and poverty row and independently-produced silent and sound feature-length films—thereby situating Dawn’s special effects at the intersection of the early and contemporary cinematic modes often aligned in studies of cinematic special effects. I argue that this heterogeneous corpus points to a studio-era Hollywood cinema alternative to the classical model, largely forgotten because it is dominated by low-budget product intended to supplement more costly feature films. In contrast to the classical model, this alternate cinematic mode emphasizes the scenic and thrilling elements that characterize both early exhibitionist films and contemporary effects-driven blockbusters. In this context, Dawn’s special effects processes constitute a historically marginalized practice precisely because they are non-routine techniques that provide cost-effective means to produce otherwise economically infeasible scenes, and, as such, operate on the periphery of conventional film production.

La contribution de William Godwin au débat sur l'éducation des pauvres en Angleterre (1783-1831) / William Godwin’s contribution to the debate on the education of the poor in England (1783-1831)

Golven, Amélie 10 December 2014 (has links)
En Angleterre, à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, le débat sur l’éducation des pauvres s’intensifie. La pauvreté, grandissante, est vue comme une menace pour la sécurité publique. L’éducation apparaît alors comme un moyen de la réguler et de résoudre les problèmes moraux qu’elle engendre. William Godwin, écrivain, philosophe et éducateur, prend part à ce débat qui articule éducation, pauvreté et politique. Ce travail se fixe pour objectif de réaliser une lecture de la philosophie politique et éducative de William Godwin à partir des positions qu’il a tenues sur la question de la pauvreté. Bien qu’il n’ait jamais explicitement indiqué que sa pensée éducative et sa pensée politique étaient destinées aussi aux couches défavorisées de la société, nous faisons l’hypothèse qu’une lecture cohérente de son œuvre peut être réalisée si on le suppose. Pour définir sa contribution au débat sur l’éducation des pauvres, réaliser un état des lieux du système éducatif existant a été nécessaire. Dans un second temps, a été menée une analyse du plan d’éducation godwinien qui s’oppose nettement à cette éducation. Axé sur l’égalité naturelle, le potentiel de progrès et le développement des différentes dimensions humaines, un tel projet éducatif permet à chacun d’atteindre l’autonomie et de vivre harmonieusement avec ses semblables. Enfin, éduquer, c’est former de nouveaux hommes capables de vivre dans une nouvelle société. Pour Godwin, la société du futur est une société où les hommes seront suffisamment éduqués et autonomes pour se passer d’État. Au terme de ces analyses, il apparaît légitime d’affirmer qu’il n’y a pas, chez Godwin, une société pour les riches ou une société pour les pauvres ni une éducation pour les riches et une éducation pour les pauvres, mais bien, une éducation et une société pour tous. / In England, at the end of the eighteenth century, the debate on the education of the poor gets stronger. Poverty is increasing and it is perceived as a threat to people’s safety. In that context, education appears as a means to regulate and solve the moral problems it triggers. William Godwin, a writer, a philosopher but also an educator takes part in the debate which articulates education, poverty and politics. The present research aims at carrying out a reading of William Godwin’s political and educationnal philosophy from the views he expressed, separately, on the issue of poverty.Though he never clearly mentioned that his educational and political thinking was also meant for the lower ranks of society, we believe that a coherent reading of his work can be performed if we suppose that his thinking was effectively destined for the poor. Defining Godwin’s contribution to the debate on education for all first implies to propose a description of the educational system in Godwin’s time. Then, an analysis of his educational plan that stands in total opposition to the education of his time has been suggested. Based on equality among men, their potential of progress and the developement of all human qualities, it intends to form independent human beings able to live harmoniously with other people. Eventually, educating means forming new men able to live in a new society. To Godwin, the new society is a place where people are educated and autonomous enough to get rid of the state. At the end of our study, it seems legitimate to assert that, in Godwin’s thinking, there is neither a society for rich people or a society for the poor, or an education for the rich and another one for the poor but rather an education and a society for everybody.

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