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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ANA CLAUDIA OLIVEIRA DA SILVA PINHEIRO 20 September 2021 (has links)
[pt] No contexto atual, a desconstrução asilar tem sido um tema que trouxe, tanto no meio acadêmico como para a sociedade, várias discussões que enfatizaram a luta pela desinstitucionalização da loucura e pelo fim dos manicômios, bem como a constituição histórica e da memória da saúde e da doença mental. Nessa trajetória de desinstitucionalização da loucura, o Instituto Municipal Nise da Silveira (IMNS) tem atuado por meio de algumas frentes, que vão desde a reestruturação arquitetônica do Instituto à criação de dispositivos capazes de construir uma nova visão sobre a loucura na sociedade por meio da arte e da cultura. O presente estudo buscou compreender de que forma o Núcleo de Articulação e Intervenções Culturais (NAIC) do Instituto Nise da Silveira, por meio das suas práticas organizativas cotidianas, promove o processo de desconstrução asilar. Nesse contexto, a presente tese se filia ao paradigma interpretativo, visto que compreende que os fenômenos são construídos socialmente, e se constituem a partir das interações dos agentes sociais. Segundo Deetz (2001), as organizações são como um lugar social, onde as pessoas trocam características e seu objetivo é mostrar como a realidade é socialmente construída e mantida pelas conversas, interações, histórias e rituais. Sendo assim, esta pesquisa está alinhada com um paradigma interpretativo. Para a condução do presente estudo, optou-se por utilizar a Pesquisa Ação bem como métodos de inspiração etnográfica – a observação participante e as entrevistas em profundidade – buscando fazer parte da experiência vivida pelos usuários de serviços de saúde mental para compreender as práticas organizativas do Núcleo de Articulação e Intervenções Culturais (NAIC) do Instituto Nise da Silveira como organizing nesse processo de construção e desconstrução asilar. Neste estudo, adotou-se a proposta metodológica da Pesquisa Ação, que se constitui, enquanto objeto formal, em tripla sequência: (1) Investigação-ação; (2) Tematização; e (3) Programação – ação. A Pesquisa Ação é caracterizada por ser uma abordagem fundamentada na participação e com orientação para a ação direcionada pelos sujeitos da pesquisa, cujo principal objetivo é transformar uma determinada realidade social, proporcionando benefícios a todos os atores envolvidos no processo (LODI et al, 2017). Na primeira etapa, Investigação-ação, realizou-se inicialmente a elaboração de um marco teórico comum, a seleção de uma área estratégica, a aproximação da área e a investigação participante. Já na etapa de Tematização, a pesquisadora fez a redução teórica, depois em seguida redução temática e finalizou esta etapa com a elaboração dos programas para os dispositivos escolhidos, que foram: (1) o Loucura Suburbana, o bloco de carnaval do Instituto Municipal Nise da Silveira; e (2) o Programa Espaço da Diferença, que é um programa da rádio Revolução FM, onde os usuários têm espaço para se expressar semanalmente. Para finalizar esta pesquisa, realizou-se a execução e avaliação dos Projetos em Ação elaborados para os dispositivos estudados. Verificou-se aproximações e afastamentos em relação aos dispositivos estudados. Tais resultados sugerem ainda que a pesquisa sobre a desconstrução asilar por meio da cultura deve levar em conta a heterogeneidade destes dispositivos, evitando tratá-los de forma reducionista, como se tratasse de um dispositivo homogêneo. Percebe-se que no processo de desconstrução asilar, o IMNS tem promovido várias ações, como: (1) redução significativa dos leitos no hospital psiquiátrico, (2) novos serviços e experiências que ajudam a exercer o cuidado no território, (3) a garantia da transformação da atenção pública em saúde mental no Estado, (4) desenvolvimento de múltiplos projetos de arte, cultura e geração de renda, promovendo a autonomia dos usuários dos serviços de saúde mental, e (5) principalmente a disposição de lutar contra o que afeta a dignidade humana. Observa-se neste processo, o NAIC e seus dispositivos promovendo a construção de laços de afeto e de solidariedade, legado deixado pela Dra. Nise da Silveira. As principais contribuições desta pesquisa são: compreender as práticas organizativas do NAIC e seus dispositivos por meio da elaboração das etapas, fases e passos da Pesquisa Ação, trazendo contribuições teóricas e práticas para o Instituto. Além disso, as construções conceituais realizadas para atingir os objetivos específicos deste trabalho são importantes para as pesquisas de Sensemaking e Organizing nos Estudos Organizacionais. Por fim, esta pesquisa não se encerra ao término desta tese, pelo contrário é o início de uma jornada na luta por uma sociedade sem manicômios. / [en] In the current context, asylum deconstruction both in the academic environment and to society has been a theme that has brought several discussions that have emphasized the struggle for the deinstitutionalization of madness and for the end of asylums, as well as the historical constitution and memory of health and mental illness. In this trajectory of deinstitutionalization of madness, Instituto Municipal Nise da Silveira (IMNS) has acted on some fronts, ranging from the architectural restructuring of the Institute to the creation of devices capable of building a new vision of madness in society through art and culture. The present study has aimed at understanding how Núcleo de Articulação e Intervenções Culturais - NAIC (Articulation and Cultural Interventions Center) of Instituto Nise da Silveira, promotes the asylum deconstruction process through its daily organizational practices. Given what has been said, the present thesis joins the interpretative paradigm, since it understands that the phenomena are socially constructed, and are constituted from interactions of social agents. According to Deetz (2001), organizations are like a social place, where people exchange characteristics and their objective is to show how reality is socially constructed and maintained through conversations, interactions, stories and rituals. Therefore this research is in line with an interpretative paradigm. To conduct this study, the choice was the use of the Action Research as well as methods of ethnographic inspiration - participant observation and in-depth interviews - seeking to be part of the experience lived by users of mental health services to understand the organizational practices of Núcleo de Articulação e Intervenções Culturais – NAIC (Articulation and Cultural Interventions Center) of Instituto Nise da Silveira as organizing in this process of asylum construction and deconstruction. In the present study, the Action Research methodological proposal was adopted, which constitutes, as a formal object, in a triple sequence: (1) Action-research; (2) Thematization; and (3) Programming - action. Action Research is an approach based on participation and oriented towards action directed by the research subjects, whose main objective is to transform a given social reality, providing benefits to all actors involved in the process (LODI et al, 2017 ). In the first part, Action-Research, the development of a common theoretical framework was initially carried out, the selection of a strategic area, the approximation of the area and participant investigation. When it came to the Thematization stage, the researcher made the theoretical reduction, then thematic reduction and ended this stage with the elaboration of the programs for the chosen devices, which were: (1) Loucura Suburbana (Suburban Madness), the carnival group of Instituto Municipal Nise da Silveira; and (2) Espaço da Diferença Program (Difference Space Program), which is a Rádio Revolução FM program (Revolution Radio FM), where users find space to express themselves on a weekly basis. To end this research, Projects in Action developed for the studied devices were executed and evaluated. Approaching and distancing were verified in relation to the studied devices. Such results also suggest that research on asylum deconstruction through culture should take into account the heterogeneity of these devices, and avoid treating them in a reductionist way, as if it were a homogeneous device. It is noticed that in the asylum deconstruction process, IMNS has promoted several actions, such as: (1) significant reduction of beds in the psychiatric hospital, (2) new services and experiences that help to exercise care in the territory, (3) guarantee of transformation of public attention in mental health in the State, (4) development of multiple art, culture and income making projects, which has promoted the autonomy of users of mental health services, and (5) mainly, the willingness to fight against whatever affects human dignity. In this process it is observed that NAIC and its devices promote construction of affection and solidarity bonds, a legacy left by Dr. Nise da Silveira. The main contributions of this research are: to understand the organizational practices of NAIC and its devices through the elaboration of the stages, phases and steps of the Research Action, and to bring theoretical and practical contributions to the Institute. Moreover, the conceptual constructions carried out to achieve specific objectives of this work are important for the Sensemaking and Organizing research in Organizational Studies. Finally, this research does not end at the conclusion of this thesis, on the contrary, it is the beginning of a journey in the struggle for a society with no asylums.

Entre intensidades do trabalhar : uma clínica da atividade nas tramas da Oficina de Criatividade do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro

Souza, Vera Lúcia Inácio de January 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação aborda o encontro entre fazeres intensivos que envolvem o trabalhar, o pesquisar e o ativar-se, buscando ser, sob cada instante presente, uma linha delicada entre fazer e pensar a atividade que fazemos. Por essa via, nosso problema de pesquisa percorre as expressividades que surgem co-implicadas nos mais imperceptíveis gestos e palavras que compõem os fazeres que realizam e desrealizam, através de um real da atividade capaz de incitar o pensar e o agir, sobretudo, pelas intensidades que advém de um território. Acerca deste, situamos a pesquisa junto aos trabalhadores da Oficina de Criatividade do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro, o que se faz em indissociabilidade entre usuário, pesquisadora e o agenciamento que os produz. Nesse percurso, tomamos a atividade, a partir dos campos da Clínica da Atividade e da Ergologia, como uma intercessora para compor e desdobrar as expressividades dos modos de trabalhar. Para tanto também discorremos, sobretudo, através do conceito de territorialização, advindo da Filosofia da Diferença, em que se engendra um tempo que se repete, passível de ser amplificado em sua potência de diferir. Como procedimentos metodológicos, propomos um Dispositivo Clínico-Institucional de Análise da Atividade, em que suas linhas desdobram-se através da escrita da pesquisa, do acompanhamento das situações de trabalho e da análise coletiva da atividade. Pinçamos movimentos em desterritorialização, vislumbrando um plano comum de análise da atividade, através do qual se tornam visíveis algumas de nossas problemáticas, entre as quais, a indiscernibilidade da imagem, da loucura, dos enunciados e gestos que se contraem e se expandem sob os modos de trabalhar; as territorializações de um gênero (multi)profissional e suas estilizações - entre cuidado, expressão e clínica- no encontro com usuários, componentes arquitetônicos e, sobretudo, com os movimentos da reforma psiquiátrica; e, as análises da atividade coletiva como instrumento sutil e amplificador das ações do coletivo de trabalho. Por essas vias, tramamos essa escrita com vistas a fazer proliferar a potência clínica de uma memória coletiva do trabalho e, também, apostando no que segue diferindo, sob cada instante móvel, no cotidiano das vidas que se produzem nesse território. / This thesis focuses on the intersectionality of intensive processes involving work activity, research activity and a self reflexive ethical activity, by looking forward to trace the tenuous line between act and thought of the performed activity. In this way, this research highlights the expressivities that emerge in a co-implied interaction co-implied in the most untraceable gestures and words which compose the set of tasks that perform and des-held the activity itself. The real activity is able to incite thinking and acting processes, through the intensities conferred by a territory. Having this in mind, this research deals with a specific group of workers. They are workers of a Creative Workshop situated in the Psychiatric Hospital São Pedro. It is also important to stress the intertwined relations that involves this specific group of workers, the final user of mental care, the researcher and the agency that produces the research scene itself. In this study, the activity is understood through the framework proposed by Ergology and Clinic of Activity, this in order to compose and trace the expressivities that are inherent regarding pluralistic modes of work. Taking this aim into consideration, I highlight as well the important role played by the concept of territorialization - from Philosophy of Difference -, which enable us to see how a time is engendered in repetition, which can be amplified concerning its potential of differing. As methodological procedures, I propose a clinic-institutional device for the analysis of activity. This method implies on the research writing process itself, the field work conducted through observation of work situations and a focused group analysis of this workers. This research aims to track the deterritorialization movements performed by this group of workers, envisioning a common plan of activity analysis, through which some of the problematics become visible, including an indiscernibility of image, madness, statements and gestures which can be expanded or contracted regarding the different ways of working. In addition, I would like to put in evidence (multi) professional territorializations and its esthetics - between care, expression and clinic- regarding the encounter with mental care users, architectural aspects and the movements of the psychiatric reform in Brazil. Moreover, I also stress the relevance of the collective analysis of activity, since it emerged as an important subtle tool concerning the actions and elaborations produced within the group. Taking all these elements into consideration, this study aims to proliferate the clinical potential expressed by a collective memory of work, by highlighting the points of difference considering the daily life produced by this territory.

O sentido-resistência da oficina de criatividade em um contexto manicomial

Avila, Maria de Fátima Lima de January 2006 (has links)
Il s´agit de montrer la Oficina de Criatividade do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro comme un espace de l´heterotopie et de la résistance, où il y a la possibilite et la permission au fou envers um contact avec monde, au moyen de sa production plastique. L'Oficina se déplace de la position que la clinique se propose comme remplancement proporcionée à la folie, pour un outre contexte, que se laisse afecter par singularités et devenirs, entren de chercher créer relations d”amitié dans son sens guerrier et de liberation. / Trata-se de mostrar a Oficina de Criatividade do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro como um espaço da heterotopia e da resistência, onde há possibilidade e permissão ao louco para um contato com o mundo, através de sua produção plástica. A Oficina se desloca da posição em que a clínica se propõe como mera suplência institucional proporcionada à loucura, para um outro contexto, que se deixa afetar por singularizações e devires, buscando criar vínculos de amizade em seu sentido guerreiro e libertador.

O sentido-resistência da oficina de criatividade em um contexto manicomial

Avila, Maria de Fátima Lima de January 2006 (has links)
Il s´agit de montrer la Oficina de Criatividade do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro comme un espace de l´heterotopie et de la résistance, où il y a la possibilite et la permission au fou envers um contact avec monde, au moyen de sa production plastique. L'Oficina se déplace de la position que la clinique se propose comme remplancement proporcionée à la folie, pour un outre contexte, que se laisse afecter par singularités et devenirs, entren de chercher créer relations d”amitié dans son sens guerrier et de liberation. / Trata-se de mostrar a Oficina de Criatividade do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro como um espaço da heterotopia e da resistência, onde há possibilidade e permissão ao louco para um contato com o mundo, através de sua produção plástica. A Oficina se desloca da posição em que a clínica se propõe como mera suplência institucional proporcionada à loucura, para um outro contexto, que se deixa afetar por singularizações e devires, buscando criar vínculos de amizade em seu sentido guerreiro e libertador.

Entre intensidades do trabalhar : uma clínica da atividade nas tramas da Oficina de Criatividade do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro

Souza, Vera Lúcia Inácio de January 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação aborda o encontro entre fazeres intensivos que envolvem o trabalhar, o pesquisar e o ativar-se, buscando ser, sob cada instante presente, uma linha delicada entre fazer e pensar a atividade que fazemos. Por essa via, nosso problema de pesquisa percorre as expressividades que surgem co-implicadas nos mais imperceptíveis gestos e palavras que compõem os fazeres que realizam e desrealizam, através de um real da atividade capaz de incitar o pensar e o agir, sobretudo, pelas intensidades que advém de um território. Acerca deste, situamos a pesquisa junto aos trabalhadores da Oficina de Criatividade do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro, o que se faz em indissociabilidade entre usuário, pesquisadora e o agenciamento que os produz. Nesse percurso, tomamos a atividade, a partir dos campos da Clínica da Atividade e da Ergologia, como uma intercessora para compor e desdobrar as expressividades dos modos de trabalhar. Para tanto também discorremos, sobretudo, através do conceito de territorialização, advindo da Filosofia da Diferença, em que se engendra um tempo que se repete, passível de ser amplificado em sua potência de diferir. Como procedimentos metodológicos, propomos um Dispositivo Clínico-Institucional de Análise da Atividade, em que suas linhas desdobram-se através da escrita da pesquisa, do acompanhamento das situações de trabalho e da análise coletiva da atividade. Pinçamos movimentos em desterritorialização, vislumbrando um plano comum de análise da atividade, através do qual se tornam visíveis algumas de nossas problemáticas, entre as quais, a indiscernibilidade da imagem, da loucura, dos enunciados e gestos que se contraem e se expandem sob os modos de trabalhar; as territorializações de um gênero (multi)profissional e suas estilizações - entre cuidado, expressão e clínica- no encontro com usuários, componentes arquitetônicos e, sobretudo, com os movimentos da reforma psiquiátrica; e, as análises da atividade coletiva como instrumento sutil e amplificador das ações do coletivo de trabalho. Por essas vias, tramamos essa escrita com vistas a fazer proliferar a potência clínica de uma memória coletiva do trabalho e, também, apostando no que segue diferindo, sob cada instante móvel, no cotidiano das vidas que se produzem nesse território. / This thesis focuses on the intersectionality of intensive processes involving work activity, research activity and a self reflexive ethical activity, by looking forward to trace the tenuous line between act and thought of the performed activity. In this way, this research highlights the expressivities that emerge in a co-implied interaction co-implied in the most untraceable gestures and words which compose the set of tasks that perform and des-held the activity itself. The real activity is able to incite thinking and acting processes, through the intensities conferred by a territory. Having this in mind, this research deals with a specific group of workers. They are workers of a Creative Workshop situated in the Psychiatric Hospital São Pedro. It is also important to stress the intertwined relations that involves this specific group of workers, the final user of mental care, the researcher and the agency that produces the research scene itself. In this study, the activity is understood through the framework proposed by Ergology and Clinic of Activity, this in order to compose and trace the expressivities that are inherent regarding pluralistic modes of work. Taking this aim into consideration, I highlight as well the important role played by the concept of territorialization - from Philosophy of Difference -, which enable us to see how a time is engendered in repetition, which can be amplified concerning its potential of differing. As methodological procedures, I propose a clinic-institutional device for the analysis of activity. This method implies on the research writing process itself, the field work conducted through observation of work situations and a focused group analysis of this workers. This research aims to track the deterritorialization movements performed by this group of workers, envisioning a common plan of activity analysis, through which some of the problematics become visible, including an indiscernibility of image, madness, statements and gestures which can be expanded or contracted regarding the different ways of working. In addition, I would like to put in evidence (multi) professional territorializations and its esthetics - between care, expression and clinic- regarding the encounter with mental care users, architectural aspects and the movements of the psychiatric reform in Brazil. Moreover, I also stress the relevance of the collective analysis of activity, since it emerged as an important subtle tool concerning the actions and elaborations produced within the group. Taking all these elements into consideration, this study aims to proliferate the clinical potential expressed by a collective memory of work, by highlighting the points of difference considering the daily life produced by this territory.

Entre intensidades do trabalhar : uma clínica da atividade nas tramas da Oficina de Criatividade do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro

Souza, Vera Lúcia Inácio de January 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação aborda o encontro entre fazeres intensivos que envolvem o trabalhar, o pesquisar e o ativar-se, buscando ser, sob cada instante presente, uma linha delicada entre fazer e pensar a atividade que fazemos. Por essa via, nosso problema de pesquisa percorre as expressividades que surgem co-implicadas nos mais imperceptíveis gestos e palavras que compõem os fazeres que realizam e desrealizam, através de um real da atividade capaz de incitar o pensar e o agir, sobretudo, pelas intensidades que advém de um território. Acerca deste, situamos a pesquisa junto aos trabalhadores da Oficina de Criatividade do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro, o que se faz em indissociabilidade entre usuário, pesquisadora e o agenciamento que os produz. Nesse percurso, tomamos a atividade, a partir dos campos da Clínica da Atividade e da Ergologia, como uma intercessora para compor e desdobrar as expressividades dos modos de trabalhar. Para tanto também discorremos, sobretudo, através do conceito de territorialização, advindo da Filosofia da Diferença, em que se engendra um tempo que se repete, passível de ser amplificado em sua potência de diferir. Como procedimentos metodológicos, propomos um Dispositivo Clínico-Institucional de Análise da Atividade, em que suas linhas desdobram-se através da escrita da pesquisa, do acompanhamento das situações de trabalho e da análise coletiva da atividade. Pinçamos movimentos em desterritorialização, vislumbrando um plano comum de análise da atividade, através do qual se tornam visíveis algumas de nossas problemáticas, entre as quais, a indiscernibilidade da imagem, da loucura, dos enunciados e gestos que se contraem e se expandem sob os modos de trabalhar; as territorializações de um gênero (multi)profissional e suas estilizações - entre cuidado, expressão e clínica- no encontro com usuários, componentes arquitetônicos e, sobretudo, com os movimentos da reforma psiquiátrica; e, as análises da atividade coletiva como instrumento sutil e amplificador das ações do coletivo de trabalho. Por essas vias, tramamos essa escrita com vistas a fazer proliferar a potência clínica de uma memória coletiva do trabalho e, também, apostando no que segue diferindo, sob cada instante móvel, no cotidiano das vidas que se produzem nesse território. / This thesis focuses on the intersectionality of intensive processes involving work activity, research activity and a self reflexive ethical activity, by looking forward to trace the tenuous line between act and thought of the performed activity. In this way, this research highlights the expressivities that emerge in a co-implied interaction co-implied in the most untraceable gestures and words which compose the set of tasks that perform and des-held the activity itself. The real activity is able to incite thinking and acting processes, through the intensities conferred by a territory. Having this in mind, this research deals with a specific group of workers. They are workers of a Creative Workshop situated in the Psychiatric Hospital São Pedro. It is also important to stress the intertwined relations that involves this specific group of workers, the final user of mental care, the researcher and the agency that produces the research scene itself. In this study, the activity is understood through the framework proposed by Ergology and Clinic of Activity, this in order to compose and trace the expressivities that are inherent regarding pluralistic modes of work. Taking this aim into consideration, I highlight as well the important role played by the concept of territorialization - from Philosophy of Difference -, which enable us to see how a time is engendered in repetition, which can be amplified concerning its potential of differing. As methodological procedures, I propose a clinic-institutional device for the analysis of activity. This method implies on the research writing process itself, the field work conducted through observation of work situations and a focused group analysis of this workers. This research aims to track the deterritorialization movements performed by this group of workers, envisioning a common plan of activity analysis, through which some of the problematics become visible, including an indiscernibility of image, madness, statements and gestures which can be expanded or contracted regarding the different ways of working. In addition, I would like to put in evidence (multi) professional territorializations and its esthetics - between care, expression and clinic- regarding the encounter with mental care users, architectural aspects and the movements of the psychiatric reform in Brazil. Moreover, I also stress the relevance of the collective analysis of activity, since it emerged as an important subtle tool concerning the actions and elaborations produced within the group. Taking all these elements into consideration, this study aims to proliferate the clinical potential expressed by a collective memory of work, by highlighting the points of difference considering the daily life produced by this territory.

O sentido-resistência da oficina de criatividade em um contexto manicomial

Avila, Maria de Fátima Lima de January 2006 (has links)
Il s´agit de montrer la Oficina de Criatividade do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro comme un espace de l´heterotopie et de la résistance, où il y a la possibilite et la permission au fou envers um contact avec monde, au moyen de sa production plastique. L'Oficina se déplace de la position que la clinique se propose comme remplancement proporcionée à la folie, pour un outre contexte, que se laisse afecter par singularités et devenirs, entren de chercher créer relations d”amitié dans son sens guerrier et de liberation. / Trata-se de mostrar a Oficina de Criatividade do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro como um espaço da heterotopia e da resistência, onde há possibilidade e permissão ao louco para um contato com o mundo, através de sua produção plástica. A Oficina se desloca da posição em que a clínica se propõe como mera suplência institucional proporcionada à loucura, para um outro contexto, que se deixa afetar por singularizações e devires, buscando criar vínculos de amizade em seu sentido guerreiro e libertador.

Psicologia Analítica no Brasil Contribuições para a sua história

Motta, Arnaldo Alves da 13 May 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:31:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao integral.pdf: 1828407 bytes, checksum: 5ae4f33e879a658e67f1ba3bedfa29f0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-05-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Abstract The purpose of this work is to study the formation of analytical psychology in Brazil. To this end, a social approach in the history of psychology was used seeking to place people and facts in a general context once history is inserted in a certain time and place. Three figures considered pioneers in this field in the country were identified Nise da Silveira, Pethö Sándor and Leon Bonaventure whose personal and professional paths are addressed. At the same time, also noted, are the possible related broader events and situations that may be related to their being responsible for their role as pioneers. In mapping the contributions made by these professionals in the field of analytical psychology, one perceives the development of a creative work not limited to the dissemination of Carl Gustav Jung s concepts, but to the proposition of their own methods and techniques. Furthermore, particularly in the work of the two first pioneers researched, one observes the collaboration toward the birth of a Brazilian analytical psychology. / O objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo da constituição da psicologia analítica no Brasil. Para esse fim, utilizou-se a abordagem social em história da psicologia buscando situar personagens e fatos no contexto geral, na medida em que se entende que a história está inserida em determinado tempo e lugar. Foram identificados três personagens considerados pioneiros da disciplina no país Nise da Silveira, Pethö Sándor e Leon Bonaventure, cujos percursos pessoais e profissionais são abordados, ao mesmo tempo em que são apontados eventos e situações mais amplos que podem estar relacionadas ao processo que levou tais pessoas a assumirem o papel de pioneiros. Ao mapear-se a contribuição desses profissionais, para o campo da psicologia analítica, percebe-se o desenvolvimento de um trabalho criativo que não se limita à disseminação, no país, dos conceitos de Carl Gustav Jung, propondo métodos e técnicas próprias. Além disso, particularmente na obra dos dois primeiros pioneiros pesquisados, observa-se a colaboração para a constituição de uma psicologia analítica brasileira.

Palladium and Nickel Chalcogenides as Electrocatalysts

Kukunuri, Suresh January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest on renewable energy sources as substitute to fossil fuels. Among various processes of energy generation, electrochemical methods such as storage and conversion systems, electrolysis of water (production of H2 and O2), fuel cells, batteries, supercapacitors and solar cells have received great attention. The core of these energy technologies is a series of electrochemical processes, which directly depend on the nature of ‘electro catalyst’. The design and preparation of an electro catalyst is based on new concepts such as controlled surface roughness, atomic topographic profiles, defined catalytic sites, atomic rearrangements, and phase transitions during electrochemical reactions. Good electro catalysts should possess low over potential, high exchange current density, high stability, low cost and high abundance. The most fundamental reactions in the area of electrochemistry are hydrogen evolution (HER) and oxygen reduction (ORR) reactions. They are important in different energy systems such as fuel cells and batteries. Platinum has been a favoured electro catalyst due to its high activity, favourable density of states at Fermi level and chemical inertness. The low abundance, however, limits its large scale applications. Alternate materials with high catalytic activities are always required. In this particular direction, metal chalcogenides such as sulphides and selenides have attracted attention in recent years. The present thesis describes the synthesis of different phases of palladium and nickel chalcogenides and their applicability in various electrochemical reactions, both in aqueous and organic media. First part includes the synthesis of highly crystalline palladium selenide phases namely Pd17Se15, Pd7Se4 and Pd4Se by employing facile single source molecular precursor method. Pure palladium selenide phases are prepared by thrombolysis of highly processable intermediate complexes formed from metal and selenium precursors. Continuous films of different dimensions on various substrates (glass, ITO, FTO etc.) could be prepared (figure 1). This is one of the requirements for processing any new material. Thickness of the films could be altered by changing the volume of precursor complex coated on the substrate. All the phases are found to be metallic in nature with resistivity values in the range of 30 to 180 µΩ.cm. Figure 1. (a) Scanning electron micrograph and (b) photographic image of Pd17Se15 prepared on different substrates glass (1), Si (2), fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) (3) and DSSC solar cell fabricated using FTO coated Pd17Se15 as the counter electrode (4). Other components of DSSC are given in the experimental section. All the palladium selenides phases are shown to be catalytically active towards electrochemical reactions such as HER and ORR. It is observed that the activities of the phases depend on the stoichiometric ratio of palladium to selenium. Higher the palladium content in the phase, higher is the catalytic activity observed. Therefore, the activities of the chalcogenides can be easily tuned by varying the ratio of metal to chalcogen. Tafel slopes of 50–60 mV/decade are observed for all three phases towards HER indicating that Volmer- Heyrovsky mechanism is operative. The exchange current densities are in the range of 2.3 x 10-4 A cm-2 to 6.6 x 10-6 A cm-2 (figure 2a). Figure 2. (a) Linear sweep voltammograms of Pd17Se15, Pd7Se4 and Pd4Se in 0.5 M H2SO4 (HER) and (b) 0.1 M KOH (ORR) at a scan rate of 2 mVs-1. These phases are found to be highly robust and stable under different pH conditions. Stability of the phases is confirmed by characterizing the catalysts post-HER process, using various techniques such as XPS, XRD and SEM. High activities observed for Pd4Se is explained based on electrochemically active surface area values determined from under potential deposition studies and also based on DFT calculations. Computational studies reveal the presence of different charge distribution on palladium in all the three phases which is likely to be another reason for varied activities. Palladium selenides are also explored as catalysts towards ORR in alkaline medium. Kinetic parameters and reaction mechanism are determined using RDE studies. All the three phases are found to be active and Pd4Se shows the highest activity, following a direct 4 electron reduction pathway (figure 2b). Other two phases follow 2 electron pathway terminating at hydrogen peroxide stage. Catalytic activity of Pd17Se15 is further improved by Nano structuring of the material and by synthesizing the material on active supports such as rGO, acetylene black and today carbon. ORR plays an important role in metal-air batteries. The palladium chalcogenides are used as electrodes in metal-air batteries. Specific energy density observed in the case of Mg-air primary batteries is higher for Pd4Se than the other two phases (figure 3a). Figure 3. (a) Discharge curves of Mg-O2 battery with different phases of palladium selenides as cathodes. Constant current density of 0.5 mA cm-2 is used for discharge. (b) Characteristic J–V curves of DSSCs with Pd17Se15, Pd7Se4 and Pt as counter electrodes. Versatility of these phases is further studied towards redox reaction in non-aqueous medium (I3-/I-). This reaction plays a crucial role in the regeneration of the dye in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). Palladium selenide phases prepared on FTO plates are employed as counter electrodes in DSSC. The solar light conversion efficiencies are found to be 7.45 and 6.8% for Pd17Se15 and Pd7Se4 respectively and are comparable to that of platinum (figure 3b). The reason for high activities may be attributed to high electronic conductivity and low work function of the phases. The following chapter deals with the synthesis of palladium sulphide phases (Pd4S and Pd16S7) using both hydrothermal and single source precursor methods. Electro catalytic activities of the phases are shown towards HER and ORR and Pd4S exhibits better catalytic activities than that of Pd16S7 phase. Direct electrochemistry of cytochrome c is achieved on Pd4S with ∆E of ~64 mV (figure 4a). Electrochemical oxidation of ethanol, ethylene glycol (EG) and glycerol are also studied on the Pd4S phase and the activity is found to follow the order, glycerol > ethylene glycol > ethanol (figure 4b). Figure 4. (a) Cyclic voltammograms of Pd4S in (1) 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.0) and (2) in presence of 0.2 mM cytochrome c at a scan rate of 50 mVs-1 and (b) Voltammograms of Pd4S in presence of different alcohols (ethanol, EG and glycerol) in 1 M KOH solution at sweep rate of 50 mVs-1. Concentration of alcohols used is 0.1 M. The effect of dimensionality on the electro catalytic activity of nickel selenide phases forms part of the next chapter. Nickel selenide (NiSe) nanostructures possessing different morphologies of wires, spheres and hexagons are synthesized by varying the selenium precursors namely, selenourea, selenium dioxide (SeO2) and potassium selenocyanate (KSeCN), respectively using hydrothermal method. The different selenium precursors result in morphologies that are probably dictated by the by-products as well as relative rates of amorphous selenium formation and dissolution. The three different morphologies are used as catalysts for HER, ORR and glucose oxidation reactions. The wire morphology is found to be better than that of spheres and hexagons for all the reactions. Among the reactions studied, NiSe is found to be good for HER and glucose oxidation while ORR seems to terminate at the peroxide stage. In alkaline medium, nickel forms hydroxides and oxy-hydroxides and these oxyhydroxides are catalytically active towards the oxidation of glucose. Therefore, nickel selenides are employed as highly selective non-enzymatic glucose sensors and detection limit of 5 µM is observed. Electrical measurements on a single nanowire and a hexagon morphology of NiSe are carried out on devices fabricated by focused ion beam (FIB) technique (figure 5). The semiconducting nature of NiSe is revealed in the I-v measurements. The band gap of the material is found to be 1.9 eV and hence the single nanowire and hexagon are shown to act as visible light photodetector. Figure 5. SEM images of (a) single NiSe nanowire and (b) single NiSe hexagon with Pt contacts fabricated by FIB technique. Figure 6. Cyclic voltammograms of NiSe nanowires in 0.5 M aqueous NaOH in the (i) absence and (ii) the presence of 0.5 mM glucose, at a scan rate of 20 mVs-1 and (b) Galvanostatic discharge performance of Ni3Se2 with different morphologies (A, B and C represent Ni3Se2 prepared from SeO2, selenourea and KSeCN respectively). The next chapter includes the synthesis of different morphologies of Ni3Se2 using three different selenium precursors (SeO2, KSeCN and selenourea) and the study of their activities towards electrochemical reactions such as HER and glucose oxidation (figure 6a). Electrical measurements demonstrated the metallic behaviour of the material. These are also shown to be efficient electrode materials in energy storage devices such as supercapacitors with high specific capacitance of 2200 F/g (figure 6b). The studies are summarized in the last chapter with scope for further work. The appendixes show preliminary studies on electrooxidation of glycerol and propanol on Pd supported on TiN, synthesis of other selenides of Ni, Cu, Ag and Ti, and electro synthesis of metal-organic frameworks. (For figures pl refer the abstract pdf file)

The development of a neonatal communication intervention tool

Strasheim, Esedra 06 August 2010 (has links)
Comprehensive management in the neonatal nursery involves medical treatment of the infant, as well as developmental care and the provision of guidance, counselling and information to the family who are part of the decision-making process regarding the infant’s care. Neonatal communication intervention is of utmost importance in a country such as South Africa, which has an increased prevalence of infants at risk for disabilities and where the majority of these infants live in poverty. Speech-language therapists fulfil an important role in the neonatal nursery and are an integral part of the team involved with the high risk neonatal population. Local literature showed a dearth of information on the current service delivery and roles of speech-language therapists and audiologists in neonatal nurseries in the South African context. From an asset-based perspective it appears that the South African population receiving services in neonatal nurseries have unique characteristics. This provides speech-language therapists with ample opportunity to intervene, providing that intervention is well-timed in the neonatal nursery context. The country-wide initiative to implement the evidence-based technique of kangaroo mother care indicates that speech-language therapists should recognise its importance and develop communication based materials and tools to complement this successful neonatal intervention. The aim of the research was to establish whether speech-language therapists have needs for assessment and intervention tools/materials in this context. The study furthermore aimed to compile a locally relevant neonatal communication intervention instrument/tool for use by speech-language therapists in the neonatal nurseries of public hospitals in South Africa in order to propose a solution to address the shortage of tools in the public health context. The study entailed descriptive, exploratory research. During Phase 1, a survey was received back from 39 speech-language therapists and two audiologists in six provinces. The data revealed that participants performed different roles in neonatal nurseries, which were determined by the environment, tools, materials and instrumentation available to them. Many participants were inexperienced, but were resourceful in their attempts to develop and adapt tools/materials. Participants expressed a need for culturally appropriate and user-friendly instruments for parent guidance and staff/team training on the topic of developmental care. During Phase 2 a tool for parent guidance titled “Neonatal communication intervention programme for parents” was compiled for use by speech-language therapists and justified by participants’ roles and needs as well as current early communication intervention (ECI) literature. The programme was piloted by three participants. Certain suggestions for enhancements of the programme were made such as providing a glossary of terms, adapting the programme’s language and terminology, and providing more illustrations. The programme complied with the guiding principles for best practice in ECI (ASHA, 2008) and can therefore contribute to neonatal care of high risk infants in South Africa. Speech-language therapists and audiologists must contribute to neonatal care of high risk infants to facilitate optimal health and development and to support their families. AFRIKAANS : Omvattende intervensie in die neonatale sorgeenheid behels mediese behandeling van die neonaat, sowel as ontwikkelingstoepaslike sorg en die verskaffing van leiding, berading en inligting aan die gesin wat deel is van die besluitnemingsproses rakende die baba se sorg. Neonatale kommunikasie intervensie is van uiterste belang in Suid-Afrika aangesien daar ‘n hoër prevalensie van babas is wat ‘n risiko het vir ontwikkelingsafwykings en aangesien die meerderheid van hierdie babas in armoede leef. Spraak-taalterapeute vervul ‘n belangrike rol in die neonatale sorgeenheid en is ‘n integrale deel van die span wat betrokke is by die hoërisiko neonatale populasie. Plaaslike literatuur dui op ‘n tekort aan inligting rakende die huidige dienslewering van die spraak-taalterapeut en oudioloog in neonatale sorgeenhede in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Vanuit ‘n bate-benadering kom dit voor of die Suid-Afrikaanse populasie wat dienste in neonatale sorgeenhede ontvang, unieke eienskappe het. Dit bied genoegsame geleenthede aan spraak-taalterapeute om intervensie te verskaf, solank die behandeling betyds in die neonatale sorgeenheid konteks aanvang neem. Daar is ‘n landswye inisiatief om die bewysgerigte tegniek van kangeroe moedersorg toe te pas. Spraak-taalterapeute moet dus die belang daarvan herken en kommunikasie gebasseerde terapiemateriaal ontwikkel om hierdie suksesvolle neonatale intervensie te komplementeer. Die navorsing se doel was om vas te stel hoe wyd spraak-taalterapeute en oudioloe ‘n behoefte aan evaluasie en intervensie instrumente en –materiaal in hierdie konteks het. Die navorsing het verder ten doel gestel om ‘n relevante terapie instrument saam te stel vir spraak-taalterapeute in die neonatale sorgeenhede as ‘n moontlike oplossing vir die tekort aan relevante terapiemateriaal in die plaaslike publieke gesondheidsorgkonteks. Die studie het beskrywende, eksplorerende navorsing behels. Gedurende Fase 1 is ‘n vraelys terug ontvang van 39 spraak-taalterapeute en twee oudioloë in ses provinsies. Die data het aangedui dat deelnemers verskillende rolle in hierdie konteks vervul, wat beïnvloed was deur die omgewing, die instrumentasie en materiaal wat tot hulle beskikking was. Die meerderheid van die deelnemers was onervare, maar was vindingryk in hulle pogings om terapiemateriaal aan te pas en te ontwikkel. Deelnemers het ‘n behoefte vir kultureel toepaslike- en gebruikersvriendelike instrumente en materiaal uitgedruk met die oog op ouerleiding en personeel/span opleiding oor die onderwerp van ontwikkelingstoepaslike sorg. Gedurende Fase 2 is ‘n terapie instrument naamlik “Neonatale kommunikasie intervensie program vir ouers” saamgestel vir die gebruik in die neonatale sorgeenhede deur spraak-taalterapeute. Die samestelling van hierdie program is verantwoord deur die deelnemers se rolbeskrywing en behoeftebepaling van Fase 1, sowel as deur huidige vroeë kommunikasie intervensie (VKI) literatuur. Die program is deur drie deelnemers in ‘n loodsstudie geëvalueer. Voorstelle vir die verbetering van die program is verskaf, naamlik die byvoeging van ‘n terminologielys, aanpassing van die program se taalgebruik en terminologie en verskaffing van meer illustrasies. Die program het ooreengestem met die beginsels vir beste praktyk in VKI (ASHA, 2008) en kan daarom tot neonatale sorg van hoërisikobabas in Suid-Afrika bydra. Spraak-taalterapeute en oudioloë moet bydra tot neonatale sorg van hoërisiko neonate om sodoende optimale gesondheidsorg en ontwikkeling te fasiliteer en gesinne te ondersteun. Copyright / Dissertation (MCommunication Pathology)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / unrestricted

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