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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rap : ritmo e poesia : construção identitária do negro no imaginário do RAP brasileiro / Rap : rythme et poésie : construction identitaire du Noir dans l'imaginaire du RAP brésilien / Rap : rhythm and poetry : the Construction of Black Identities in the Brazilian RAP Imaginary

Righi, Volnei José 12 December 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objectif d’engager une discussion sur les processus deconstruction identitaire du sujet noir dans la société brésilienne actuelle à partir de l’étude desimages projetées par le RAP brésilien sur une période de 20 ans allant de 1990 à 2010. L’undes axes principaux de ce travail explore la thématique des “minorités” et ses conceptsafférents, comme les projets de “résistance” qui enferment et protègent ces “minorités” dansdes “ghettos” ou les éventuelles propositions de franchissement des frontières entre centre etpériphérie.Le RAP, constitué à partir des éléments “rythme et poésie” (de l’anglais rhythm and poetry),est l’héritier d’une longue tradition historique qui revisite et réélabore les chants, danses etbatuques (groupes de percussion) traditionnels dans la culture africaine depuis le XVIèmesiècle. Partant de cette tradition, le RAP apparaît à la Jamaïque et aux Etats-Unis dans lesannées 1960, avant d’arriver au Brésil vers la fin des années 1980.Dans ce travail, un chapitre préliminaire présente les origines du RAP et ses relations avec leHip Hop et les mouvements noirs, afin de contextualiser cette production et de fournir deséléments permettant de visualiser le panorama du RAP au Brésil. Le corps de la thèse estconstitué par l’analyse des paroles composées par quatre artistes de la tendance RAP: legroupe Racionais MC’s, de São Paulo, et les rappers MV Bill, de Rio de Janeiro, GOG, deBrasília, et Piá, de Porto Alegre.La thèse est divisée en quatre chapitres présentant chacun les spécificités des différentsartistes et des Régions du Brésil dont ils sont originaires et où ils sont plus particulièrementintégrés. Ils comportent une analyse de leur production musicale et des compositions jugéesles plus pertinentes qui met en évidence la thématique de la discrimination ethnique et sociale,ainsi que la violence urbaine qui résulte des trafics de drogue, des actes homicides, de laviolence et de la corruption policière, de la démission et de la négligence de l’Etat en tant quegarant de l’ordre public, de la corruption politique, d’un consumérisme exacerbé lié aucapitalisme, de la ségrégation sociale, et des processus qui entraînent le pays vers des formesde paupérisation et de “favélisation”.Cette recherche apprécie le caractère pédagogique du discours du RAP et discute lespropositions émanant d’un énonciateur qui se présente comme le porte-parole de lapériphérie. Elle analyse les projets et les contradictions de cette voix périphérique dans leprocessus de construction et de valorisation des référents identitaires de la périphérie et laplace réservée au Noir dans ce processus. Dans cette optique, elle se penche sur le caractèreéminemment oral des compositions, à l’origine d’un sociolecte qui, outre le fait d’être unmoyen de résister aux formes hégémoniques imposées par le centre, devient, au final, l’un desprincipaux référents identitaires de la communauté. / The objective of this dissertation is to critically assess the processes ofidentitarian construction of the black subject in contemporary Brazilian society, through thecareful analysis of images portrayed in Brazilian RAP during the course of a twenty-yearperiod (1990 – 2010). The central focus of the thesis problematizes and investigates the themeof “minorities” as well as the constructs attributed to them in a universe where projects of“resistance” function to maintain minorities in closed and protected “ghettos”. Ultimately, thisdissertation assesses possibilities for transposition of boundaries established between thecenter and the margins.RAP, constitutive of rhythm and poetry, is linked to a long historical tradition which revisitsand re-elaborates songs, dances, and drumming of black African culture since the sixteenthcentury. Based on this tradition, RAP emerges in Jamaica and the U.S. in the 1960s, arrivingin Brazil at the end of the 1980s.This dissertation attempts to contextualize this cultural production, providing themethodological tools to comprehend the panorama of RAP in Brazil and its connections toHip Hop and other black movements. The bulk of this project engages in a close reading oflyrics of selected songs composed by four RAP musicians: The band Racionais MCs, fromSão Paulo, and the following rappers: MV Bill, of Rio de Janeiro, GOG, from Brasília, andPiá, originating in Porto Alegre.The dissertation is divided into four chapters, each one dedicated to presenting specificcharacteristics of each of the artists within their respective geographic locales throughoutBrazil. In analyzing the musical production of the rappers, I selectively examine compositionsdeemed most pertinent to this work; i.e., those which highlight themes of ethnic and socialdiscrimination, urban violence incited by drug trafficking and murder, police corruption andbrutality, the negligence of the State in its role to uphold public order, political corruption,excessive consumerism as a marker of capitalism and social segregation, and finally, theprocesses which provoke the suffering and impoverishment of the country.This project explores the pedagogical roles of the discourse of RAP, examining proposalsvoiced from the artist designating himself as the spokesperson of the periphery, mostlyassessing the often contradictory proposals of the voice representing the margins, developingand empowering identitarian points of reference. I place special emphasis on representationsof the black artist in this process. To this end, the dissertation reflects upon the eminently oralnature of the compositions, founding a sociolect which manages to constitute itself as one ofthe principal identitarian referents of the community as a while simultaneously cultivatingresistance against hegemonic forms imposed by the center. / Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo propor uma discussão acerca dos processos deconstrução identitária do sujeito negro na sociedade brasileira atual, a partir do exame dasimagens projetadas pelo RAP brasileiro no transcurso temporal de vinte anos (1990-2010). Ofoco central perpassa, ainda, uma investigação sobre a temática das “minorias” e os conceitosque lhes são atribuídos, os projetos de “resistência” que fazem com que essas “minorias”permaneçam fechadas e protegidas em “guetos” e eventuais propostas de transposição dasfronteiras entre o centro e a periferia.O RAP, constituído a partir dos elementos “ritmo e poesia” (do inglês rhythm and poetry),está vinculado a uma longa tradição histórica que revisita e reelabora cantos, danças ebatuques da cultura negra africana desde o século XVI. Na esteira dessa tradição, o RAPsurge na Jamaica e nos Estados Unidos na década de 1960, chegando ao Brasil no final dosanos 1980.Neste trabalho, um capítulo inicial apresenta as origens do RAP e suas relações com o HipHop e os movimentos negros, procurando contextualizar essa produção e fornecer elementospara visualizar o panorama do RAP no Brasil. O corpo da tese é dedicado à análise de letrascompostas por quatro artistas do segmento RAP: o grupo Racionais MC’s, de São Paulo, e osrappers MV Bill, do Rio de Janeiro, GOG, de Brasília, e Piá, de Porto Alegre.A tese está dividida em quatro capítulos, cada um dedicado a apresentar as especificidadesdos artistas inseridos em suas respectivas Regiões do Brasil, a produção musical dos rapperse uma análise das composições julgadas mais pertinentes, destacando a temática dadiscriminação étnica e social, da violência urbana envolvendo o tráfico de drogas e açõeshomicidas, da violência e corrupção de policiais, da omissão e da negligência do Estado comogestor da ordem pública, da corrupção na política, do consumismo exacerbado como marcado capitalismo e da segregação social, além dos processos de miserabilização e de favelizaçãodo país.Esta pesquisa examina o caráter pedagógico do discurso do RAP, discutindo as propostas queemanam do enunciador que se apresenta como porta-voz da periferia. Analisa os projetos e ascontradições dessa voz periférica no processo de construção e de valorização das referênciasidentitárias da periferia e o lugar reservado ao negro nesse processo. Nesse sentido, debruçasesobre o caráter eminentemente oral das composições, dando origem a um socioleto quetermina por se constituir em um dos principais referentes identitários da comunidade, além derepresentar um recurso de resistência às formas hegemônicas impostas pelo centro.

Neoformalistisk analys av Sin City

Danneman Lundkvist, Manne January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med min analys är att se via en neoformalistisk stilanalys vilka grepp som filmen Sin City har hämtat från film noir. Jag ser även via intertextuella kopplingar vad Sin City har hämtat från serietidningen som filmen baseras på. Fokus i analysen ligger dock på fyra grepp som jag anser är de mest klassiska film noirgreppen; Ljussättning, Femme fatale, en mörk värld och protagonisten. Jag kommer bl.a. fram till att Sin Citys använder sig av klassiska film noirstilgrepp men drar dem till det extrema, kanske för att passa in på den serievärld som filmen är länkad till. Filmen använder sig även flitigt av hypermarkerade objekt för att leda in åskådaren på mer estetiska tankebanor.

High-performance electrochemical detection of reactive oxygen/nitrogen species inside microfluidic devices : application for monitoring oxidative stress from living cells / Détection électrochimique à haute performance d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène et de l’azote à l’Intérieur de dispositifs microfluidiques : application au stress oxydant de cellules vivantes

Li, Yun 17 September 2014 (has links)
Avec les avantages intrinsèques de l'électrochimie et les progrès sans précédent dans l'instrumentation, les microélectrodes jouent un rôle de premier plan dans l'analyse du comportement de cellules vivantes. Aujourd'hui, la microfluidique gagne également en popularité en raison de la possibilité d'effectuer l'ensemble de l'expérience de bioanalyse dans un dispositif automatisé. Dans cette thèse, la fabrication de microbandes Pt/noir-Pt a été optimisée pour détecter les espèces ROS/RNS durant le stress oxydant. Celles-Ci ont été intégrées dans des microdispositifs en PDMS-Verre afin d'analyser la libération de quatre composés clés (i.e., H2O2, ONOO-, NOo, et NO-2) à partir de populations de cellules. Les performances analytiques ont été évaluées suivant la géométrie des dispositifs et les conditions hydrodynamiques. Le contrôle des réponses électrochimiques par le transport de masse a été validé par comparaison avec des prédictions théoriques. Des détections simultanées de ROS/RNS libérées par des macrophages ont ensuite été réalisées sous deux configurations différentes de dispositifs. Des résultats reproductibles et statistiquement pertinents ont été obtenus en seulement quelques expériences. Ces microdispositifs permettent de caractériser facilement le comportement moyen de populations de cellules. Cette étude préalable ouvre la voie à un très large champ d'applications bioanalytiques intégrant des détections électrochimiques à haut débit pour le suivi de cellules vivantes. / With intrinsic benefits of electrochemistry and unprecedented progress in instrumentation, microelectrodes are playing prominent roles in the analysis of living cells behaviors. Nowadays, microfluidics also gains in popularity due to the feasibility of performing the entire bioanalytical experiment within an automated device. In this thesis, fabrication of Pt/Pt-Black microband electrodes was thus optimized to detect ROS/RNS species during oxidative stress. They were integrated into PDMS-Glass microdevices in order to analyze four key compounds (i.e., H2O2, ONOO–, NO•, and NO–2) released from cells populations. High analytical performances were first evidenced according to the devices geometry and hydrodynamic conditions. The control of the electrochemical responses by mass transport was validated through comparison with theoretical predictions. Simultaneous detections of ROS/RNS release from macrophages were then carried out under two different configurations of microdevices. Reproducible and statistically relevant results were obtained within only few experiments. These microdevices allow for easy characterizations of average behaviors of cells populations. This study paves the way to a very broad field of bioanalytical applications integrating electrochemical detections for high-Throughput monitoring of living cells

Pulping the Black Atlantic : race, genre and commodification in the detective fiction of Chester Himes

Turner, William Blackmore January 2011 (has links)
The career path of African American novelist Chester Himes is often characterised as a u-turn. Himes grew to recognition in the 1940s as a writer of the Popular Front, and a pioneer of the era's black 'protest' fiction. However, after falling out of domestic favour in the early 1950s, Himes emigrated to Paris, where he would go on to publish eight Harlem-set detective novels (1957-1969) for Gallimard's La Série Noire. Himes's 'black' noir fiction brought him critical and commercial success amongst a white European readership, and would later gain a cult status amongst an African American readership in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Himes's post-'protest' career has been variously characterised as a commercialist 'selling out'; an embracing of black 'folk' populism; and an encounter with Black Atlantic modernism. This thesis analyses the Harlem Cycle novels in relation to Himes's career, and wider debates regarding postwar African American literature and race relations.Fundamentally, I argue that a move into commercial formula fiction did not curtail Himes's critical interest in issues of power, exploitation, and racial inequality. Rather, it refocused his literary 'protest' to representational politics itself, and popular culture's ability to inscribe racial identity, resistance and exploitation. On the one hand, Himes's Harlem fiction meets a formulaic and commercial demand for images of 'pathological' black urban criminality. However, Himes, operating 'behind enemy lines', uses the texts to dramatise this very dynamic. Himes's pulp novels depict a heightened Harlem that is thematically 'pulped' by a logic of capitalist exploitation, and a fetishistic dominant of racial difference. In doing so, Himes's formula fiction makes visible certain anti-progressive shifts in the analysis and representation of postwar race relations. My methodology mirrors the multiple operations of the texts, placing Himes's detective fiction in relation to a diverse and interdisciplinary range of sources: literary, historical, and theoretical. Using archival material, I look in detail at Himes's public image and contemporary reception as a Série Noire writer, his professional correspondence with French and U.S. literary agents, and his private thoughts and later reflections regarding his career. This methodology attempts to get to grips with a literary triangulation between Himes's progressive authorial intentions, the demands placed upon him as a Série Noire writer, and the wider ideological shifts of the postwar era. By exploring these different historical, geographical and literary contexts, this thesis offers a wide-reaching analysis of how cultural and racial meanings are produced and negotiated within a commodity form.

Desperate Times Call

Duarte, Hector, Jr 07 March 2017 (has links)
DESPERATE TIMES CALL is a collection of short stories and a novella about people whose lives intersect with violence. The young girl in Of Course She Would is forced to leave her home after finding her meth-addicted father dead of a heart attack. Tomas Mangual, the main character of She Said Two, sets off on a blind date to discover his counterpart has recently been the victim of a disturbing hate crime. The featured novella, Diablo Corrido, raises the question: How far would someone chase their ambition to see a life-long dream come true? Using the intimate perspectives of first-person and close third-person points of view, DESPERATE TIMES CALL offers glimpses of characters chasing dreams of success, romance, wealth, even normalcy, but coming up empty-handed.

Zobrazení severského státu blahobytu v žánru nordic noir: případ Dánska / The depiction of Nordic model of welfare state in nordic noir: the case of Denmark

Michalková, Dominika January 2019 (has links)
Nordic noir is a distinctive component of the current Nordic cultural export, which has become increasingly popular in recent years not only in Europe. One of the main characteristics of this genre is the description of tensions between the seemingly insignificant and peaceful social climate in the Nordic environment and the murders, racism, inequality and other malfunctioning mechanisms that occur beneath the surface. This creates an ideal spare for criticizing the welfare state. Denmark, as a representative of its Scandinavian model, is also one of the countries where nordic noir has spread very quickly. Therefore, this master thesis will be devoted to analyzing the criticism of the welfare state in the Danish series The Killing in order to demonstrate socio-critical tendencies in the aforementioned genre. It will further examine how they are approached and what specific aspects are subjected to criticism. The work aims to contribute to the current debate by presenting specific examples based on a detailed analysis of the selected case.

Gestalttendenzen in Neuer Musik. Eine Analyse von ”Le merle noir” von Olivier Messiaen

Spahlinger-Ditzig, Ursula 13 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Lågkostnadssystem för automatiserad NDVI analys av växter

Månsson, Petter January 2019 (has links)
Detta arbete utvärderar ett kamerasystem som kan ta bilder för analys av växters välmående. Kamerasystemet bygger på en Raspberry pi model 3 b+, en PInoIR kamera modul v2 och ett blått filter. Kameran kan övervaka växter genom att den inte har något infrarött filter. Då kan matematiska uträkningar utföras på allt kamerans sensorer kan ta in. Ett experiment har designats för att skapa mätvärden som används i utvärdering av kamerans funktionalitet. Kamerasystemet bedöms fungera enligt det förespråkade ramverket och den programstack det bygger på. Det analyserade resultatet visar att kamerasystemet kan se skillnad på hydroponiska odlingar med olika tillgång till näring. / This work evaluates a camera system that can take pictures for the analysis of plants' well-being. The camera system is based on a Raspberry pi model 3 b+, a PInoIR camera module v2 and a blue filter. The camera can monitor plants because it does not have an infrared filter. This enables mathematical calculations to be performed on light registered by the camera's sensors. An experiment has been designed to create metrics that are used in evaluating the camera's functionality. The camera system is preforming well by using the proposed framework and program stack. The analyzed results show that the camera system is able to spot the difference between hydroponic cultures with access to differents amounts of nutrition.

Caractérisation du phosphore noir pour des applications optoélectroniques hyperfréquences / Black phosphorus characterization for optoelectronic applications at high frequency range

Penillard, Anne 09 March 2018 (has links)
Les dispositifs à base de silicium, industrialisés aujourd’hui pour les systèmes électroniques, atteignent leurs limites en termes de miniaturisation et de performances. La course à l’innovation et à la miniaturisation vise aujourd’hui à dépasser cette limite en intégrant de nouveaux matériaux dans les dispositifs, en couplant d’autres phénomènes physiques de l’optique à l’électronique haute fréquence. Le travail conduit pendant cette thèse porte sur la caractérisation du phosphore noir (bP) pour des applications dans le domaine de l'optoélectronique hyperfréquence avec une application spécifique aux interrupteurs microondes pilotés optiquement à 1,55 µm. La caractérisation du bP passe par le développement de techniques de fabrication de couches bidimensionnels de bP et également par la détermination de l'influence des matériaux annexes utilisés sur les propriétés de la couche. Cela a été couplé à une étude optique pour connaitre la réponse du bP à une excitation laser à 1,55 µm. La détermination de paramètres intrinsèques spécifiques du matériau tels que le temps de vie des photoporteurs, la résistivité et la permittivité a été conduite par l'intermédiaire d'expériences de caractérisation dans le domaine optique, radiofréquence et électronique (DC). Les résultats obtenus confirment l’intérêt du bP pour ce genre d'application et ont permis l'intégration du matériau dans le dispositif hyperfréquence visé. Les résultats obtenus lors de tests préliminaires présentés dans ce mémoire sont très encourageants et ouvre la voie à de nombreuses applications ultra-rapide à haute fréquence. / The research project conducted focuses on the optoelectronic and high frequency characterization of black phosphorus. The context of this project is the trend of downscaling and multi-physical coupling seen today in industrial electronics. The characterization carried out is directed for a specific application, the realisation of microwave photoswitch controlled by a laser optical excitation at 1.55 µm. For this purpose, during this PhD a production process of thin and large bi-dimensional layers of black phosphorus has been performed, along with the fabrication of characterization devices, and a discussion to determine suitable appendices for substrate, capping layer and metallization. The technological development is coupled with optical, electronic (DC) and radiofrequency characterizations of the bi-dimensional layers for the determination of inherent black phosphorus properties like the photogenerated carrier lifetime, the material permittivity, the resistivity and the mobility of the carriers. Those parameters are essential to understanding design and simulate high frequency optoelectronic devices on black phosphorus such as the microwave photoswitch controlled at 1.55 µm. The obtained results assert black phosphorus as a promising material for this kind of application. The first performances obtained with the use of bP as an active material for photoconductive switching are very encouraging and open the way for high frequency and high speed applications.

Le visage stendhalien : communication non-verbale dans Le rouge et le noir

Durocher, Barbara. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

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