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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekonomiska risker med ägarlägenheter : Ägarlägenheter, en möjlighet under ekonomisk nedgång? / Financial Risks Associated with Condominium Ownership

Creutzer, Sarah, Lönnheim, Clara January 2023 (has links)
Ägarlägenheter är en upplåtelseform som bygger på tredimensionell fastighetsindelning. Denmöjliggjordes i svensk lagstiftning år 2009 med syftet att bidra till en mångfaldig bostadsmarknad,samt erbjuda fastighetsägaren större frihet att förfoga över den egna bostaden. Upplåtelseformen ärvanlig utomlands, men har inte fått något större genomslag i Sverige. I dagsläget präglas den svenska ekonomin av inflation och snabba räntehöjningar. Denna rapportundersöker därför hur ekonomisk nedgång påverkar olika aktörers inställning till ägarlägenheter. Föratt kunna dra slutsatser kring detta identifieras faktorer som kan påverka den ekonomiska risken förbanker, privatpersoner och byggherrar, samt hur riskerna kan motverkas genom juridiska åtgärder.Med ekonomisk risk menas i denna rapport värdeutvecklingen på marknadens objekt, det vill sägarisken för minskad eller utebliven avkastning kopplat till lönsamhet. Resultatet bygger på intervju- och litteraturstudier. Slutsatsen som dras är att det kan identifieras fleramöjliga riskfaktorer som påverkar lönsamheten för aktörerna. Informationsbrist bland marknadensaktörer leder bland annat till begränsad efterfrågan, och därmed lägre lönsamhet för byggherrar.Finansieringsmöjligheterna för köp och byggnation av ägarlägenheter är också begränsade, vilketidentifieras som en risk för privatpersoner och byggherrar som riskerar sämre lånevillkor. Bristfälligakrav på en ekonomisk underhållsplan för samfällighetsföreningar utgör en risk för banker ochprivatpersoner då det blir svårt att förutspå framtida utgifter. Studien kommer därför fram till attytterligare lagkrav på ekonomiska underhållsplaner bör införas. För att minska ekonomiska risker medägarlägenheter identifieras även behov av lagstiftning som möjliggör ombildning av det befintligabostadsbeståndet till ägarlägenheter. Dessutom bör det ställas krav på kommuner att nyttjamarkanvisning i större omfattning, för att gynna upplåtelseformen. Slutligen dras slutsatsen att dagensekonomiska nedgång kan leda till att aktörerna ställer sig mer positiva till ägarlägenheter. Detta tillföljd av att höjda räntor synliggör risker med andra upplåtelseformer och gör hushållen merriskmedvetna. Utifrån detta är det möjligt att den ekonomiska nedgången resulterar i att ägarlägenheterökar i popularitet. / Condominium ownership (sv. ägarlägenheter), is a model based on three-dimensional propertydivision, where the apartments are regarded as property units and are owned individually.The concept was introduced in Swedish law in 2009. The purpose was to contribute to a diversehousing market and offer the owner, in principle, freedom to dispose of his own home. Thecondominium ownership model is common internationally but has not had any major impact inSweden. Today, the Swedish economy is characterized by inflation and rapidly increasing interest rates.Therefore, this report aims to examine how economic instability affects the attitude of various actorstoward condominium ownership. To conclude, factors are identified that can affect the financial riskfor banks, individuals, and developers, as well as how these can be counteracted by legal measures. Inthis report, economic risk is measured as volatility and profitability. The study concludes that several possible risk factors can be identified that affect profitability when itcomes to investing in condominium ownership apartments. Lack of information leads, among otherthings, to limited demand and thus lower profitability for real estate developers. The financingpossibilities for purchasing and constructing condominium ownership apartments are also limited,which is identified as a risk for customers and developers who risk higher interest rates. Inadequaterequirements for a financial maintenance plan pose a risk for banks and individuals as it becomesdifficult to predict future expenses. The study, therefore, identifies a need for additional legalrequirements on financial maintenance plans to be introduced. To reduce financial risks, a need forlegislation is also identified that enables the conversion of the existing housing stock intocondominium ownership apartments. In addition, there should be a requirement that municipalities useland instructions in a more efficient way to favor the condominium ownership model. Finally, it isconcluded that today's economic instability can lead to actors taking a more positive view ofcondominium ownership. This results from increased interest rates making risks with other housingalternatives visible and making households more aware of the risks. Based on this, the economicdownturn may result in the condominium ownership model increasing in popularity.

Optimal mass transport: a viable alternative to copulas in financial risk modeling? / Optimal masstransport som ett alternativ till copulas i finansiell riskmodellering

Orrenius, Johan January 2018 (has links)
Copulas as a description of joint probability distributions is today common when modeling financial risk. The optimal mass transport problem also describes dependence structures, although it is not well explored. This thesis explores the dependence structures of the entropy regularized optimal mass transport problem. The basic copula properties are replicated for the optimal mass transport problem. The estimation of the parameters of the optimal mass transport problem is attempted using a maximum likelihood analogy, but only successful when observing the general tendencies on a grid of the parameters. / Copulas som en beskrivning av simultanfördelning är idag en vanlig modell för finansiell risk. Optimala masstransport problemet beskriver också simultant beroende mellan fördelningar, även om det är mindre undersökt. Denna uppsats undersöker beroendestrukturer av det entropiregulariserade optimala masstransport problemet. De basala egenskaperna hos copulas är replikerade för det optimala masstransport problemet. Ett försök att skatta parametrarna i det optimala masstransport problemet görs med en maximum-likelihood liknande metod, men är endast framgångsrik i att uppsakata de generella tendenserna på en grid av parametrarna.

Mitigating Disruption Risks in Supply Chain Financing and Railway Transportation

Alavi, Seyyed Hossein January 2024 (has links)
This dissertation examines the challenges associated with disruptions in supply chain financing and the railway transportation network. The study is divided into six chapters: In Chapter 1, we introduce the core problems under investigation. Chapter 2 investigates supply chain financing, emphasizing trade credit and bank credit—two predominant external financing mechanisms. Given the inherent uncertainties in demand, interest rates, and supplier credit ratings, this chapter introduces a stochastic programming model accounting for demand uncertainty. Subsequently, a robust optimization program is applied, whose complexity demands a specialized solution methodology. By analyzing a case study centered around a prominent U.S. retailer, the research reveals key insights into decision-making processes related to financing, the effects of bargaining power on portfolio mix and profits, and the relative importance of interest rate uncertainties over supplier credit ratings. Chapter 3 introduces a game-theoretical model designed to hedge financing risks in supply chains, with a focus on the application of insurance for both trade and bank credits. To support the design of effective supply chain finance contracts, three distinct contracts are developed, aiming to synchronize both financial and material flows within the supply chain. A significant feature of this chapter is the data-driven approach employed to address the potential bankruptcy risks that can arise from borrowing loans. Alongside this, a novel solution algorithm is introduced to solve the proposed non-convex models. A case study involving Ford Motor Company and a Chicago-based retailer enriches the research with real-world context. The findings offer several managerial insights: the strategic advantages of different insurance services vary based on the risk attitudes and profit margins of participants. For example, when a retailer operates with a lower profit margin, the use of Trade Credit Insurance (TCI) is recommended in conjunction with a risk-seeking retailer, while a risk-averse retailer might diminish the benefits of TCI. Conversely, with high profit margin retailers, the adoption of Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) is advised under all conditions. In Chapter 4, a game-theoretical model for risk mitigation within railway transportation is introduced. This model addresses random disruptions by employing strategies like repair, re-routing, third-party services, and leasing capacity from competing rail companies. Through a U.S. case study, the efficacy of these strategies is examined, with renting railcars emerging as a particularly potent approach to enhance resilience and reduce third-party expenses. The research further suggests that negotiations extending delivery dates can significantly diminish post-disruption costs. Finally, Chapter 5 summarizes the primary contributions of this research, laying the groundwork for prospective studies in this domain. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Analysis of Estimation and Specification of Various Econometric Models Used to Assess Financial Risk / Análisis de la estimación y la especificación de diversos modelos econométricos utilizados para evaluar el riesgo financiero

Acereda Serrano, Beatriz 25 July 2024 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyze some of the available methods that aid in risk estimation based on econometric models, as well as to propose some new ones. Some of the questions that are expected to be answered include which distribution to choose to obtain better risk estimates for series with abnormal behaviours, how to determine whether the distribution in parametric conditional models is a Student’s t, and how to assess whether an asset’s risk helps predict the risk of another asset. In Chapter 1, we estimate several cryptocurrencies’ Expected Shortfall using different error distributions and GARCH-type models for conditional variance. ur goal is to examine which distributions perform better and to check which component of the specification plays a more crucial role in estimating Expected Shortfall. The performance of the estimations is conducted using a backtesting technique with a rolling-window approach. Results show that, in the case of Bitcoin, it is important to use a distribution with at least two parameters that control its shape and an extension of the GARCH model, whether it be the NGARCH or the CGARCH model. On the other hand, other smaller cryptocurrencies yield good enough risk predictions with the Student’s t distribution and a GARCH model. The fact that the main measures of financial risk are focused on the tail of the distribution of returns highlights the importance of the choice of an appropriate distribution model. Chapter 2 develops a procedure for consistently testing the specification of a Student’s t distribution for the innovations of a dynamic model. This contributes to the existing literature by providing a test for Student’s t distributions in conditional mean and variance models with a parameter-free test statistic and, thus, a known asymptotic distribution, avoiding the use of more computationally costly resampling techniques such as bootstrapping. The specific expressions needed for the computation of the test statistic are obtained by adapting the generic test of Bai (2003), which is based on the Khmaladze (1988) transformation of the model residuals. Finally, in Chapter 3, the concept of Granger causality in Expected Shortfall (ES) is introduced, along with a testing procedure to detect this type of predictive relationship between return series. Granger causality in Expected Shortfall is here defined as the predictive ability of tail values of a series over future tail values of another series on average. This definition may help in analyzing whether past values of an asset in extreme risk affect future extreme risk values of another asset. The main contribution of this chapter is a test for detecting this type of causality, based on the test for Granger causality in VaR by Hong et al. (2009). An empirical application on financial institutions from different industries (banking, insurance, and diversified financials) is presented to analyze the risk spillovers in the US financial market. The contribution of this thesis to the field of financial econometrics focuses on the market risk of financial assets, both in its modeling through the metric known as Expected Shortfall suggested in the Basel III Accords and in its utility beyond capital requirements. The results highlight the importance of a good specification of the chosen distribution model for risk estimation - especially in high-risk assets such as cryptocurrencies - and a test is proposed to verify if the conditional distribution in parametric models used for risk predictions is or is not a Student’s t distribution. Finally, a Granger causality test in Expected Shortfall is proposed, which allows for studying risk propagation in tails of return distributions. The proposed test can be used to investigate interconnections within and between markets as a complement when evaluating systemic risk. Other potential applications include improving Expected Shortfall forecasts by including causing variables as regressors in estimations, studying the inclusion of certain asset pairs in the same portfolio based on how they interact in the riskiest situations, or constructing networks of extreme risk propagation. / Esta tesis doctoral ha sido financiada mediante una ayuda FPU por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (FPU17/06227).

The relationship between financial literacy and financial risk tolerance in Sri Lanka

Mendis, Balapuwaduge Venuri Gayana, Surangani, Ilanda Warna Iresha January 2024 (has links)
This study investigates the relationship between financial literacy and financial risk tolerance among finance students at the University of Jayewardenepura in Sri Lanka, a  developing country. The research focuses on understanding how financial literacy influences financial risk tolerance within this specific student population. The majority of students exhibit similar levels of financial literacy and financial risk tolerance, with notable variations in financial knowledge compared to other dimensions of financial literacy such as financial attitude and financial behaviour. Correlation analysis reveals a strong positive relationship between financial literacy and financial risk tolerance, with financial knowledge showing a particularly strong association. Financial attitude and financial behaviour show moderate correlations with risk tolerance. Regression analysis indicates that financial attitude is the most influencing factor affecting financial risk tolerance.Furthermore, controlling variables like age, gender, and year of study does not significantly impact financial literacy levels among the participants. When comparing with previous studies, it shows that financial literacy and financial risk tolerance are crucial regardless of a country's development status and both types of nations showing a positive link between them. While developed countries often focus on gender's role in finance, developing onestend to minimize its significance by highlighting the need for strategies to enhance financialliteracy in each country. Thus, this study provides valuable understanding about thedynamics of financial literacy and risk tolerance among university students in Sri Lanka bycontributing to the existing literature on financial education and decision-making behaviours.

Determinants of credit risk mitigation in lending to Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) companies, from a banker's perspective / A Banker's perspective on the determinants of credit risk mitigation in lending to Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) companies

Meyer, Petrus Gerhardus 08 May 2009 (has links)
Credit risk mitigation that can be applied by commercial banks in assessing the lending decision /credit risk when advances and equity investments are considered for BEE classified companies. / A research report presented to the Graduate School of Business Leadership, University of South Africa / The previous political dispensation limited black people’s participation in the South African economy. Poor credit records, lack of training, resulting in skills and capacity gaps further limited entry into the lending market. These aspects are considered the main limitations in obtaining finance for the Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs). This research report focuses on how credit risk can be mitigated by commercial banks in lending to Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) companies in the medium to large market. Exploratory research was conducted using various methods to achieve methodological triangulation. These methods consisted of a literature review, interviewing experts in the field and case studies. A qualitative research approach was followed. It was found that the lack of own contribution and security were still prevalent in the medium to large market, but the quality of management (little training and skills) was deemed not to be a limitation as suitable credit risk mitigants were identified. No credit risk mitigants were identified to mitigate poor credit records. It is postulated that by adopting and applying the identified credit risk mitigants, commercial banks can increase their success rate in lending to BEE companies. It will further assist in the transformation of black people and compliance with the Financial Services Charter. It is recommended that a similar study be conducted in the agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing industry. The reasons why BEE companies applications are declined could also be investigated. Further studies could also explore other external factors such as economical, legal and social that could have an influence on the funding of BEE companies.

Finansiella risker : En studie om konkursrisken på nordiska företag

Sriwi, Yusra, Ben Abla, Josef January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka huruvida ett lands finansiella system har en effekt på företagssektorns finansiella risker Studien bygger på en kvantitativ ansats där vi samlat in data genom årsredovisningar och annan offentlig marknadsdata. I det empiriska material som togs fram presenterades en förutsägelse för konkurs på över 100 företag under totalt 467 observationer de senaste fem åren (2011-2015). Resultatet visade att företagen i de marknadsorienterade länderna påvisade en högre risk för att hamna i konkurs än de bankorienterade. / The purpose of this study is to investigate whether a country's financial system has an impact on the corporate sector's financial risks. The study is based on a quantitative approach in which we collected data from annual reports and other public market data. In the empirical material that was produced we presented a prediction of bankruptcy over 100 companies with a total of 467 observations over the past five years (2011-2015). The results showed that companies in the marketoriented countries have a higher risk of ending up in bankruptcy than in the bank-oriented countries.

An investigation into the operational budget risk approach of business units in Exxaro resources

Ballot, Christiaan Conrad 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The budgeting process is an integral part of the annual business cycle of most organisations. The budget consists of numerous uncertain inputs, which are frequently used to produce a single EBIT figure. This implies that there is a risk of not achieving the budget that is not quantified and apparent from the prepared budget. In this report, the differences between the budgets of two business units of Exxaro Resources were analysed to gain a better understanding of the information hidden beyond the figures quoted on the surface. The budgets of Exxaro KZN Sands, a heavy minerals producer, and Zincor, a zinc refinery, were analysed to compare the respective risk approach of each. Simplified deterministic models were first constructed that contained the most important budget risk drivers. These were validated with comparisons to the official budgets. Historical actual data from 2006 and 2007 was then obtained from the business archives for the risk drivers. Probability distributions were then generated that fit the distributions of the historical data. These risk distributions were then used as input variables in a Monte Carlo simulation, performed in Crystal Ball. The EBIT for each business was thus simulated as a probability distribution. The simulation showed that the two business units applied very different approaches to budget risk. The actual budgeted EBIT of Exxaro KZN Sands of a loss of R167 579 945 had a more than 99% chance of being exceeded, showing a very conservative, worst case approach to budgeting. Zincor had only a 29% probability of exceeding their budgeted EBIT of R202 783 091, and incorporated a much larger risk of not achieving EBIT into the budget. The budgets of both business units were not suitable for the most important functions of budgeting, namely target setting, strategic planning and valuation of the business. It is recommended that Exxaro implements a procedure to standardise the risk approach to budgeting in the organisation. The budget process must firstly have guidelines to indicate how risk drivers’ values should be chosen for the official budget. Recommendations regarding average values, best three months or any other methodology will ensure that different business units follow a comparable approach. Secondly, Monte Carlo simulation must be performed on simplified business models. The KPI trees currently being used for continuous improvement provide a base model for this purpose. The Monte Carlo simulation will provide a more sophisticated and quantified analysis of risk, and give a further indication of the inherent variability of a specific business unit. Lastly, scrutiny of the Monte Carlo can indicate the biggest drivers of risk. Measures can then be implemented to better understand, or reduce, the variability of the main risk drivers. This will lead to more accurate budgeting, and a better understanding of the inherent budget risk. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die begrotingsproses is ‘n integrale deel van die jaarlikse besigheidsiklus van meeste organisasies. Die begroting bestaan uit etlike onseker insette, maar word meestal gebruik om ‘n enkele syfer vir inkomste te bereken. Dit beteken dat daar ‘n risiko is dat die begroting nie behaal gaan word nie, wat nie duidelik na vore tree in die begroting nie. In hierdie verslag word die verskille tussen die begrotings van twee besigheidseenhede van Exxaro Resources geannaliseer om insig te verkry rakende die inligting versteek agter die ooglopende getalle. Die begrotings van Exxaro KZN Sands, ‘n swaar minerale produsent, en Zincor, ‘n zink rafinadery, is geannaliseer om die onderskye risikobenaderings te vergelyk. Die eerste stap was om vereenvoudigde deterministiese modelle te bou wat die belangrikste begrotingsrisikodrywers bevat het. Die modelle is gevalideer deur die winste te vergelyk met die amptelike besigheidsbegrotings. Historiese data van 2006 en 2007 is versamel van die risikodrywers. Verdelings van waarskynlikheid is toe gekies wat die historiese data beskryf het. Die verdelings is gebruik as inset veranderlikes in ‘n Monte Carlo simulasie, gedoen in Crystal Ball. Die wins van elke besigheid is dan as ‘n waarskynlikheidsverdeling gegenereer. Die simulasie het aangetoon dat die twee besighede uiteenlopende benaderings tot begrotingsrisiko het. Die begrote verlies van R167 579 945 van Exxaro KZN Sands het ‘n hoër as 99% kans gehad om behaal te word. Dit dui op ‘n uiters konserwatiewe benadering, met die mees pessimistiese waardes vir risiko drywers in die begroting. Zincor het sleg ‘n 29% waarskynlikheid gewys om die begrote wins van R202 783 091 te behaal, en het aansienlik meer risiko in die begroting ingebou. Beide die benaderings was nie geskik vir meeste van die funksies waarvoor begrotings gebruik word nie, naamlik doelwitstelling, strategiese beplanning en waardasie van die besigheid. Dit word aanbeveel dat Exxaro ‘n prosedure implementeer om die risikobenadering te standariseer. Die begrotingsproses moet eerstens riglyne hê rakende die benadering tot risikodrywers. Daar moet aanbeveel word of gemiddelde waardes, beste drie maande of ‘n ander benadering gevolg moet word, om seker te maak dat verskillende besigheidseenhede dit vergelykbaar uitvoer. Tweedens moet Monte Carlo simulasie gedoen word op vereenvoudigde besigheids modelle. Die KPI bome wat tans vir deurlopende verbetering gebruik word is ‘n ideale basis vir die proses. Die Monte Carlo simulasie bied ‘n meer kwantifiseerbare benadering tot risiko analise, en dui ook aan wat die verwagte afwyking in ‘n besigheid se inkomste is. Laastens gee die Monte Carlo simulasie ‘n aanduiding oor wat die groot risikodrywers in die besigheid is. Stappe kan dan geimplimenteer word om die risikos te bestuur. Die resultaat sal meer akurate begrotings wees, asook meer insig in die inherente risiko in die begroting.


劉靜芬, Liou, Jing Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要探討股票選擇權的隱含波動率是否能夠有效反應公司的財務風險與違約風險,並使用Merton (1974)與Black and Scholes (1973)的選擇權評價模型推導出每日的負債權益比率,作為公司財務風險的代理變數;違約風險的代理變數則是使用Bandyopadhyay (2007)的風險中立違約機率與真實世界違約機率。首先,本文觀察到隱含波動率和股票報酬率之間的確存在負向關係,除此之外,也發現非系統隱含波動率與股票報酬率之間也有負向關係。進一步研究非系統隱含波動率是否能夠反應公司風險,結果顯示當公司的財務風險與違約風險增加時,非系統隱含波動率會上升。最後,本文比較非系統隱含波動率與GARCH模型的波動率對公司財務風險與違約風險的資訊內涵,並執行包圍檢定、工具變數兩階段迴歸分析與非包覆模型的檢定,發現非系統隱含波動率的資訊內涵無法包圍GARCH模型的波動率,但兩者的資訊內涵互相交集。

Competition, profitability and risk in US banking

McMillan, Fiona Jayne January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the relationships between profit, profit persistence, risk and competition within the US commercial bank sector. In particular, the thesis asks three questions: how profit and profit persistence are affected by changes in regulation designed to enhance competition; how profit persistence varies over time according to changes in market and economic conditions; how different aspects of banks' risk is affected by competition and market structure. Understanding the nature of these relationships is important given the prominent role banks play in the allocation of resources, the provision of capital to the economy and the stability of the financial system. Moreover, these roles in turn, have an effect on bank performance and wider economic growth and stability. Such issues have especially come to prominence following the financial crisis and thus there is a need for empirical evidence on which to base policy. To examine these relationships the thesis implements panel estimation techniques and obtains data on all commercial banks, primarily over the period 1984-2009, thus including births and deaths. The key findings show, first, that profit persistence is relatively low compared to previous US banking studies and compared to manufacturing firms. Moreover, persistence varies with regulatory changes, although not always in the expected direction, notably the increase in persistence following the 1999 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Second, additional time-variation in persistence is linked to bank specific, market structure and economic factors. Notably, persistence varies with bank size and market share, market concentration and output growth, but the precise nature of these relationships varies across the sample and by bank size. Third, that there is a difference in the nature of the relationship between competition and loan risk on the one hand and competition and total risk and leverage on the other. We also find that the relationship between risk and market structure varies according to bank size and that the economic cycle influences banks' risk. The implications and contribution of this thesis lie in establishing empirical evidence for understanding the nature of the relationships between competition, profits and risk. This is particularly prescient given the move towards new regulation following the financial crisis. Key results here show that no simple relationship exists between bank size or market concentration and competition and risk, therefore policy should account for such differences, whether according to bank size or type of risk.

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