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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Speech masking speech in everyday communication : The role of inhibitory control and working memory capacity / Tal som störning vid språklig kommunikation : Betydelsen av inhibitionskontroll och arbetsminneskapacitet

Stenbäck, Victoria January 2016 (has links)
Age affects hearing and cognitive abilities. Older people, with and without hearing impairment (HI), exhibit difficulties in hearing speech in noise. Elderly individuals show greater difficulty in segregating target speech from distracting background noise, especially if the noise is competing speech with meaningful contents, so called informational maskers. Working memory capacity (WMC) has proven to be a crucial factor in comprehending speech in noise, especially for people with hearing loss. In auditory scenes where speech is disrupted by competing speech, high WMC has proven to facilitate the ability to segregate target speech and inhibit responses to irrelevant information. People with low WMC are more prone to be disrupted by competing speech and exhibit more difficulties in hearing target speech in complex listening environments. Furthermore, elderly individuals with a HI experience more difficulties in switching attention between wanted and irrelevant stimuli, and they employ more resources and time to attend to the stimuli than do normally - hearing (NH) younger adults. This thesis investigated the importance of inhibitory control and WMC for speech recognition in noise, and perceived listening effort. Four studies were conducted. In the first study, the aim was to develop a test of inhibitory control for verbal content, and to investigate the relation between inhibitory control and WMC, and how these two abilities related to speech recognition in noise, in young normally – hearing (YNH) individuals. In the second study we aimed to investigate the same relationship as in the first study to further strengthen the validity of the inhibitory test developed, as well as the importance of lexical access. It was also an aim to investigate the influence of age and hearing status on lexical access and WMC, and their respective roles for speech recognition in noise in both YNH and elderly HI (EHI) individuals. Study one and two showed that, for YNH, inhibitory control was related to speech recognition in noise, indicating that inhibitory control can help to predict speech recognition in noise performance. The relationship between WMC and speech recognition in noise in YNH shifted in the studies, suggesting that this relationship is multifaceted and varying. Lexical access was of little importance for YNH, although for EHI individuals, both WMC and lexical access was of importance for speech recognition in noise, suggesting that different cognitive abilities were of importance for the YNH and EHI individuals Study three investigated the relationship between inhibitory control, WMC, speech recognition in noise, and perceived listening effort, in YNH and elderly, for their age, NH, individuals (ENH). In study four the same relationships as in study three were investigated, albeit in EHI individuals. Two speech materials with different characteristics, masked with four background noises were used. The results in study three showed that less favourable SNRs were needed for informational maskers than for maskers without semantic content. ENH individuals were more susceptible to informational maskers than YNH individuals. In contrast, in study four, more favourable SNRs were needed for informational maskers. In both studies, results showed that speech recognition in noise performance differed depending on the characteristics of the speech material. The studies showed that high WMC, compared to low WMC, was beneficial for speech recognition in noise, especially for informational maskers, and resulted in lower ratings of perceived effort. Varying results were found in study three and four regarding perceived effort and inhibitory control. In study three good inhibitory control was associated with lower effort rating, while in study four, individuals with a HI and good inhibitory control rated effort as higher. The results suggest that hearing status, age, and cognitive abilities, contribute to the differences in performance between YNH, ENH, and EHI individuals in speech – recognition – in – noise - and cognitive tasks. This thesis has, for the first time, demonstrated that a measure of inhibitory control of verbal content, is related to speech recognition in noise performance in YNH, ENH and EHI individuals. Results presented in this thesis also show that both WMC and inhibitory control are related to an individuals’ perception of how effortful a listening task is. It also adds to the literature that WMC is related to speech recognition in noise performance for ENH and EHI individuals, but that this relationship is not as robust in YNH individuals. / Ålder påverkar hörseln och de kognitiva förmågorna. Äldre personer, med och utan hörselnedsättning, uppvisar ofta svårigheter att höra tal i miljöer med bakgrundsljud. De uppvisar större svårigheter att urskilja en måltalare, speciellt om det omgivande ljudet består av annat tal med meningsfullt innehåll, så kallad informationsmaskering. Arbetsminne har visat sig vara en viktig faktor för att förstå tal – i – brus, framför allt för personer med hörselnedsättning. I ljudmiljöer där tal störs av andra talkällor är hög arbetsminneskapacitet av vikt för att understödja förmågan att urskilja måltalaren från de störande talkällorna genom att underlätta inhiberingen av irrelevant information. Individer med lägre arbetsminneskapacitet är mer benägna att störas av andra talkällor, och har svårare att uppfatta måltalaren i komplexa lyssningssituationer. Vidare upplever äldre personer med hörselnedsättning att det är svårare att skifta uppmärksamheten mellan relevant och irrelevant stimuli, och de använder mer resurser och tid till omgivande stimuli än, ex. yngre individer med normal hörsel. I den här avhandlingen undersöktes vikten av inhibitionskontroll och arbetsminne vid taluppfattning i brus och upplevelsen av lyssningsansträngning. Fyra studier genomfördes. Syftet med första studien var att utveckla ett test för verbal inhibitionskontroll, och att undersöka relationen mellan inhibitionskontroll, arbetsminneskapacitet, och deras koppling till taluppfattning i brus hos yngre normalhörande personer. I studie två undersöktes ovanstående relationer för att vidare styrka validiteten för testet av inhibitionskontroll, samt vikten av lexikal åtkomst. Vidare syfte var att undersöka ålderns och hörselns inverkan på lexikal åtkomst och arbetsminneskapacitet, och deras respektive roller för taluppfattning i brus hos både yngre normalhörande och äldre hörselnedsatta personer. Studie ett och två visade att inhibitionskontroll var relaterad till taluppfattning i brus för yngre normalhörande personer, vilket indikerar att inhibitionskontroll kan användas för att underlätta att förutsäga förmågan att uppfatta tal – i – brus. Relationen mellan arbetsminneskapacitet och taluppfattning i brus hos yngre normalhörande var inte solid, vilket tyder på att relationen är mångsidig och skiftande. Lexikal åtkomst var av mindre betydelse för yngre normalhörande personer, ehuru hos äldre hörselskadade personer var både arbetsminneskapacitet och lexikal åtkomst viktigt för taluppfattning i brus. Detta tyder på att olika kognitiva förmågor var betydelsefulla för taluppfattningen i brus för yngre normalhörande och äldre hörselskadade personer. Studie tre undersökte relationen mellan inhibitionskontroll, arbetsminneskapacitet, taluppfattning i brus, och upplevd lyssningsansträngning hos yngre och äldre, för sin ålder, normalhörande personer. Två talmaterial med olika karakteristika användes och maskerades med fyra olika bakgrundsbrus. Resultatet visade att mindre gynnsamma signal – brus - förhållanden uppnåddes när informationsmaskering användes jämfört med brus utan semantiskt innehåll. Äldre normalhörande personer var mer mottagliga för informationsmaskering än yngre normalhörande personer. Hög arbetsminneskapacitet och god inhibitionskontroll var förmånliga för taluppfattning i brus, och resulterade i mindre upplevd lyssningsansträngning, jämfört med personer med lägre arbetsminneskapacitet och sämre inhibitionskontroll. Resultaten talar för att åldersrelaterade tillbakagångar i hörförmåga och, vissa, kognitiva förmågor, bidrar till skillnaderna i prestation mellan yngre och äldre normalhörande personer när det gäller förmågan att uppfatta tal - i - brus. Studie fyra undersökte samma relationer som i studie tre, ehuru hos äldre personer med mild – måttlig sensorineural hörselnedsättning. Resultaten visade att förmågan att uppfatta tal - i - brus varierade beroende på talmaterialets karakteristika, samt vilket bakgrundsbrus som användes. Hög arbetsminneskapacitet och god inhibitionskontroll var fördelaktiga för taluppfattningen, i synnerhet när informationsmaskering användes. Personer med högt arbetsminne upplevde mindre lyssningsansträngning, medan god inhibitionskontroll associerades med högre upplevd lyssningsansträngning. I föreliggande avhandling har det, för första gången, påvisats att verbal inhibitionskontroll relaterar till förmågan att uppfatta tal – i – brus hos yngre och äldre normalhörande, och äldre personer med hörselnedsättning. Resultaten som presenterats i avhandlingen visar att både arbetsminneskapacitet och inhibitionskontroll är associerade med en individs upplevelse av hur ansträngande en lyssningssituation är. Avhandlingen stödjer även tidigare forskning som visar på att arbetsminneskapaciteten är relaterad till förmågan att uppfatta tal – i – brus hos äldre  normalhörande, och äldre hörselskadade personer, men att denna relation inte är lika solid för yngre normalhörande personer.

Contrôle attentionnel et vieillissement normal : contribution à la mémoire de travail et variabilité interindividuelle

Sylvain-Roy, Stéphanie 03 1900 (has links)
Dans le contexte actuel du vieillissement de la population, il importe de s’intéresser aux changements qui surviennent avec l’avancement en âge. Le vieillissement s’accompagne de modifications pour différentes fonctions cognitives, dont la mémoire de travail (MdeT), un système permettant le maintien temporaire et la manipulation d’une petite quantité d’informations. Les travaux de cette thèse portent sur le vieillissement normal de la MdeT et des fonctions de contrôle attentionnel (FCA) qui la sous-tendent (l’alternance, l’inhibition et la mise à jour). D’abord, la première étude (Chapitre II) visait à préciser l’effet du vieillissement normal sur la MdeT et sur chacune des FCA qui la sous-tendent. Elle avait également pour but d’identifier les FCA qui contribuent à la réalisation de différentes tâches de MdeT, et si cette contribution diffère selon le groupe d’âge. Des tâches mesurant chacune des FCA ainsi que des tâches de MdeT ont été administrées à des personnes âgées et à des jeunes adultes. Les analyses contrôlant pour le ralentissement cognitif ont révélé que les habiletés d’alternance et de mise à jour sont préservées chez les personnes âgées, mais que l’inhibition est atteinte comparativement aux jeunes adultes. Les analyses ont également montré que l’impact du vieillissement sur la MdeT dépend de la tâche utilisée. Enfin, les résultats ont indiqué que la contribution des FCA à la MdeT dépend à la fois de la tâche de MdeT et du groupe d’âge. En particulier, la mise à jour contribue davantage à la MdeT des personnes âgées qu’à celle des jeunes, ce qui pourrait refléter une tentative de compensation. La seconde étude (Chapitre III) avait pour objectif de caractériser la variabilité interindividuelle au niveau des FCA, pour les personnes âgées et pour les jeunes adultes. Des analyses hiérarchiques en grappes réalisées sur les habiletés d’alternance, d’inhibition et de mise à jour, ont permis de déterminer si différents profils de contrôle attentionnel étaient présents. L’étude cherchait également à déterminer si les individus appartenant à des profils de contrôle attentionnel distincts diffèrent quant à certaines variables intellectuelles ou de santé. Les analyses ont mis en évidence trois profils de contrôle attentionnel distincts parmi les personnes âgées, l’inhibition étant une FCA critique pour distinguer entre les trois sous-groupes. Trois profils de contrôle attentionnel ont également été identifiés chez les jeunes adultes, et ces profils étaient caractérisés par moins de variabilité intra-individuelle que ceux des âgés. Les analyses ont par ailleurs montré que les profils de contrôle attentionnel se distinguent sur certaines variables intellectuelles et de santé. Les implications théoriques et cliniques de ces résultats seront discutées en fin de thèse (Chapitre IV). / As the population is aging, it is increasingly important to study the changes that occur with advancing age. Normal aging is characterized by changes in various cognitive functions, such as working memory (WM), a limited capacity system that temporarily holds and manipulates a small quantity of information. The work presented in this thesis focused on the normal aging of WM and of the attentional control functions (ACFs) that underlie this system (shifting, inhibition, and updating). The first study (Chapter II) aimed at exploring the impact of normal aging on WM and on each of the ACFs. We also sought to determine which ACFs contribute to performance on different WM tests, and whether age group has an impact on those contributions. Tasks measuring each ACF as well as WM tasks were administered to healthy older adults and to younger adults. The analyses controlling for cognitive slowing revealed that older adults’ shifting and updating abilities are preserved, but that their inhibition abilities are impaired compared to younger adults. Moreover, the impact of normal aging on WM is task-dependent. The results also indicated that the relative contribution of the ACFs to WM depends on both the WM task used and the age group. In particular, older adults relied more than younger adults on updating to perform WM tasks, which might reflect a compensation attempt. The second study (Chapter III) aimed at characterizing interindividual variability in the ACFs of both older and younger adults. Cluster analyses were performed on the shifting, inhibition, and updating abilities, in order to determine whether different attentional control profiles were present. This study also explored whether the individuals that belonged to distinct attentional control profiles differed as to intellectual and health variables. The analyses revealed three attentional control profiles among older adults, and inhibition was the ACF for which the three profiles differed the most. Three attentional control profiles were also identified among younger adults, and their profiles were characterized by less intra-individual variability than those of older adults. The results also showed that individuals belonging to different attentional control profiles differed on some intellectual and health variables. The theoretical and clinical implications of those findings are discussed in Chapter IV.

Substrats neuronaux du traitement visuel et sémantique des mots dans le vieillissement normal : apports de la MEG

Lacombe, Jacinthe 09 1900 (has links)
Bien que l’on ait longtemps considéré que les substrats cérébraux de la mémoire sémantique (MS) demeuraient intacts au cours du vieillissement normal (VN), en raison d’une préservation de la performance des personnes âgées à des épreuves sémantiques, plusieurs études récentes suggèrent que des modifications cérébrales sous-tendant le traitement sémantique opèrent au cours du vieillissement. Celles-ci toucheraient principalement les régions responsables des aspects exécutifs du traitement sémantique, impliqués dans les processus de recherche, de sélection et de manipulation stratégique de l’information sémantique. Cependant, les mécanismes spécifiques régissant la réorganisation cérébrale du traitement sémantique au cours du VN demeurent méconnus, notamment en raison de divergences méthodologiques entre les études. De plus, des données de la littérature suggèrent que des modifications cérébrales associées au vieillissement pourraient également avoir lieu en relation avec les aspects perceptifs visuels du traitement des mots. Puisque le processus de lecture des mots représente un processus interactif et dynamique entre les fonctions perceptuelles de bas niveau et les fonctions de plus haut niveau tel que la MS, il pourrait exister des modifications liées à l’âge au plan des interactions cérébrales entre les aspects perceptifs et sémantiques du traitement des mots. Dans son ensemble, l’objectif de la présente thèse était de caractériser les modifications cérébrales ainsi que le décours temporel du signal cérébral qui sont associés au traitement sémantique ainsi qu’au traitement perceptif des mots en lien avec le VN, ainsi que les relations et les modulations entre les processus sémantiques et perceptifs au cours du VN, en utilisant la magnétoencéphalographie (MEG) comme technique d’investigation. Dans un premier temps (chapitre 2), les patrons d’activation cérébrale d’un groupe de participants jeunes et d’un groupe de participants âgés sains ont été comparés alors qu’ils effectuaient une tâche de jugement sémantique sur des mots en MEG, en se concentrant sur le signal autour de la N400, une composante associée au traitement sémantique. Les résultats démontrent que des modifications cérébrales liées à l’âge touchent principalement les structures impliquées dans les aspects exécutifs du traitement sémantique. Une activation plus importante du cortex préfrontal inférieur (IPC) a été observée chez les participants jeunes que chez les participants âgés, alors que ces derniers activaient davantage les régions temporo-pariétales que les jeunes adultes. Par ailleurs, le lobe temporal antérieur (ATL) gauche, considéré comme une région centrale et amodale du traitement sémantique, était également davantage activé par les participants âgés que par les jeunes adultes. Dans un deuxième temps (chapitre 3), les patrons d’activation cérébrale d’un groupe de participants jeunes et d’un groupe de participants âgés sains ont été comparés en se concentrant sur le signal associé au traitement perceptif visuel, soit dans les 200 premières millisecondes du traitement des mots. Les résultats montrent que des modifications cérébrales liées à l’âge touchent le gyrus fusiforme mais aussi le réseau sémantique, avec une plus grande activation pour le groupe de participants âgés, malgré une absence de différence d’activation dans le cortex visuel extrastrié entre les deux groupes. Les implications théoriques des résultats de ces deux études sont ensuite discutées, et les limites et perspectives futures sont finalement adressées (chapitre 4). / While it has long been assumed that the organization of the brain network underlying semantic processing remains intact in normal aging, mainly due to older adults’ intact behavioral performance on semantic tasks, several recent studies suggest that brain changes underlying semantic processing operate during aging. These changes appear to affect mainly the brain regions responsible for the executive aspects of semantic memory (SM), involved in semantic search and selection processes, as well as the strategic manipulation of semantic knowledge. However, the specific mechanisms underlying cerebral reorganization of semantic processing in normal aging are not well understood, partly because of methodological differences among studies. Recent literature also suggests that brain changes may be observed in relation to visual perceptual aspects of word processing in older adults. Since reading words is a dynamic interactive process between low-level perceptual functions and higher-order processes such as semantic processing, there may be age-related changes in terms of brain interactions between perceptual and semantic aspects of word processing. The general aim of this thesis was to characterize the cortical changes and the time course of brain signal associated with semantic and perceptual processing of words, as well as the modulations between semantic and perceptual processes in normal aging, using magnetoencephalography (MEG) as the investigative method. Firstly (Chapter 2), the patterns of brain activation of two groups of healthy younger and older adults were compared relative to a semantic task participants carried out during MEG acquisition, by focusing on the signal around the N400, a component associated with semantic processing. The results indicate that brain changes associated with normal aging mainly affect structures involved in the executive aspects of semantic processing. Greater activation was observed in prefrontal cortex for younger relative to older adults, while the latter group of participants activated the temporoparietal region to a greater extent than young adults. Moreover, the left anterior temporal lobe (ATL), considered to be a central and amodal region of semantic processing, was also more activated by older than younger participants. Secondly (Chapter 3), specific patterns of brain activation of younger and healthy older adults were compared in relation to visual perceptual processing, by focusing on the 200 first milliseconds of cortical signal during word processing. The results show that the age-related brain changes affect the fusiform gyrus, as well as the semantic network, with greater activation found in these regions in the group of older participants relative to younger participants, while no difference in activation of the visual extrastriate cortex was found between groups. The theoretical implications of the results of these two studies are discussed. Finally, limitations of this thesis and future perspectives are addressed (Chapter 4).

Inclusions différentielles d'évolution associées à des ensembles sous-lisses / Evolution differential inclusions associated with subsmooth sets

Noel, Jimmy 23 May 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude d'existence de solutions pour certains problèmes d'évolution. Il s'agit de processus de rafle perturbés associés d'une part à des ensembles prox-réguliers et d'autre part à des ensembles sous-lisses. Les ensembles sont supposés évoluer de façon lipschitzienne ou absolument continue. / This dissertation is devoted to the study of the existence of solutions for some evolution problems. The study is concerned with perturbed sweeping processes associated on the one hand with prox-regular sets and the other hand with subsmooth sets. It is assumed that the sets move either in a Lipschitz way or in an absolutely continuous way.

A distribuição Kumaraswamy normal: propriedades, modelos de regressão linear e diagnóstico / The Kumaraswamy normal distribution: properties, linear regression models and diagnosis

Machado, Elizabete Cardoso 28 May 2019 (has links)
No presente trabalho, são estudadas propriedades de uma distribuição pertencente à classe de distribuições Kumaraswamy generalizadas, denominada Kumaraswamy normal, formulada a partir da distribuição Kumaraswamy e da distribuição normal. Algumas propriedades estudadas são: expansão da função densidade de probabilidade em série de potências, função geradora de momentos, momentos, função quantílica, entropia de Shannon e de Rényi e estatísticas de ordem. São construídos dois modelos de regressão lineares do tipo localização-escala para a distribuição Kumaraswamy normal, um para dados sem censura e o outro com a presença de observações censuradas. Os parâmetros dos modelos são estimados pelo método de máxima verossimilhança e algumas medidas de diagnóstico, como influência global, influência local e resíduos são desenvolvidos. Para cada modelo de regressão é realizada uma aplicação a um conjunto de dados reais. / In this work, properties of a distribution belonging to the class of generalized Kumaraswamy distributions, called Kumaraswamy normal, are studied. The Kumaraswamy normal distribution is formulated from the Kumaraswamy distribution and from the normal distribution. Some properties studied are: expansion of the probability density function in power series, moment generating function, moments, quantile function, Shannon and Rényi entropy, and order statistics. Two location-scale linear regression models are constructed for the Kumaraswamy-normal distribution, one for datas uncensored and the other with the presence of censoreds observations. The parameters of these models are estimated by the maximum likelihood method and some diagnostic measures such as global influence, local influence and residuals are developed. For each regression model an application is made to a real data set.

Frames of ideals of commutative f-rings

Sithole, Maria Lindiwe 09 1900 (has links)
In his study of spectra of f-rings via pointfree topology, Banaschewski [6] considers lattices of l-ideals, radical l-ideals, and saturated l-ideals of a given f-ring A. In each case he shows that the lattice of each of these kinds of ideals is a coherent frame. This means that it is compact, generated by its compact elements, and the meet of any two compact elements is compact. This will form the basis of our main goal to show that the lattice-ordered rings studied in [6] are coherent frames. We conclude the dissertation by revisiting the d-elements of Mart nez and Zenk [30], and characterise them analogously to d-ideals in commutative rings. We extend these characterisa-tions to algebraic frames with FIP. Of necessity, this will require that we reappraise a great deal of Banaschewski's work on pointfree spectra, and that of Mart nez and Zenk on algebraic frames. / Mathematical Sciences / M. Sc. (Mathematics)

Contribuições sobre o envelope simulado na análise de diagnóstico em modelos de regressão / Contributions on the simulated envelope for diagnostic analysis in regression models

Fernandes, Victor Vinicius 30 April 2019 (has links)
O envelope simulado é um método da análise de diagnóstico, utilizado para avaliar a veracidade da hipótese referente a distribuição de probabilidade assumida para a variável resposta em um modelo de regressão. Neste trabalho, descrevemos alguns procedimentos para a sua obtenção e, posteriormente, propomos um método para a rejeição do modelo a partir do envelope. No intuito de comparar nosso procedimento com as demais propostas, realizamos um estudo de simulação de Monte Carlo em duas classes de modelos de regressão. Os resultados apontam que o método proposto apresenta boa performance, uma vez que o mesmo fornece taxas estáveis de rejeição do modelo sob a distribuição correta. Já para as demais metodologias, além de possuírem um custo computacional maior, a taxa de rejeição do modelo correto cresce conforme aumenta-se o tamanho amostral. Complementando os resultados, realizamos também a comparação do gráfico de probabilidade normal e meio normal com envelope através de simulações de Monte Carlo. Os estudos sugeriram que, de maneira geral, o gráfico normal demonstrou melhor desempenho, principalmente com a utilização do procedimento proposto. Por fim, aplicamos a dados reais, provenientes da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS) de 2013, nosso método de rejeição do modelo e as demais propostas. Constatou-se que para estes dados, nosso método sugeriu uma decisão contrária a fornecida pelos outros procedimentos. / The simulated envelope is a diagnostic analysis method used to evaluate the hypothesis about the probability distribution assumed for the response variable in a regression model. In this work, we describe some procedures to obtain the simulated envelope and, later, we propose a method to decide if we should reject a model using the envelope. In order to compare our procedure with other proposals, we performed a Monte Carlo simulation study in two classes of regression models. The results indicate that the proposed method presents good performance, since it provides stable rejection rates of the model under the correct distribution. About other methodologies, besides having a higher computational cost, the rejection rate under the correct model increases as the sample size rises. In addition, we also compare the full normal plot and the half normal plot with envelope using Monte Carlo simulations studies. The results suggest that, in general, the full normal plot performs better, especially with the proposed procedure. Finally, we apply our decision method and the other proposals to real data from the National Health Survey (Brazil) of 2013. To these data, our method suggested a different decision from that one provided by the other procedures.

Educação musical escolar em Sergipe: uma análise das práticas da disciplina  Canto Orfeônico na Escola Normal de Aracaju (1934-1971) / School music education in Sergipe: an analysis of the practices of the subject Choral Music in the Normal School of Aracaju (1934-1971).

Santos, Elias Souza dos 25 September 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho objetiva analisar as práticas da disciplina Canto Orfeônico, na Escola Normal de Aracaju, no período de 1934 a 1971. A importância desta investigação consiste no fato de que procura informar, através dos indícios, a existência do ensino musical escolar, ainda no período imperial. Tal ensino, aos poucos, foi se desenvolvendo, assumiu objetivos, métodos, funcionamentos diferentes, produziu materiais didáticos, recebeu várias denominações e, nos primeiros anos da Revolução de 1930, se denominou Canto Orfeônico constituindo-se, assim, uma disciplina obrigatória no currículo da escola brasileira até 1971. O estudo ancora-se nos autores da Cultura Escolar - Chervel (1990), Goodson (1990), Julia (2001), Forquin (1992), Viñao Frago (2008), Bittencourt (2003), Faria Filho (2002), Oliveira (2007), Souza (2005), Bencostta (2010), Ranzi (2007), Valdemarin (2007), entre outros - e tem como pressuposto teórico-metodológico as abordagens da História Cultural, sobretudo os conceitos defendidos por Le Goff (1984). Trabalhamos com as categorias cultura escolar, cultura material escolar e disciplina escolar. Para tanto, utilizamos um corpus documental diversificado (fontes escritas, como livros, dissertações, teses, jornais, leis, decretos, ofícios, diplomas, certificados, autobiografias e orais, entrevistas com ex-normalistas, ex-professores e, por fim, iconográficas), tendo como propósito uma apreensão mais alargada do objeto de investigação. O exame das fontes demonstrou que, depois da década de 30, a educação musical escolar, na modalidade do Canto Orfeônico, no Brasil e em Sergipe, foi muito bem planejada, articulada ao sistema político de governo, mobilizou massas escolares e concebeu um profissional docente especializado (professor de música). Alguns aspectos das histórias de vida e percursos de formação de professores (as) de Canto Orfeônico foram discutidos com base em Goodson (2000), Lawn (2000), Moita (2000), Nóvoa (2000), Huberman (2000), Sirinelli (2003), entre outros. O processo de institucionalização da profissão docente mobilizou os (as) professores (as) sergipanos (as), no sentido da obtenção de certificados de sua profissão. As práticas orfeônicas em Sergipe seguiram as determinações da legislação federal, mas, pelas peculiaridades da cultura local, assumiu características diferentes de outros estados do Brasil. Contudo, o ritual do culto à pátria - hinos e canções patrióticas -, a valorização dos heróis sergipanos, brasileiros e dos símbolos nacionais são características que marcaram as práticas dessa disciplina em quase todos os estados do Brasil. Em Sergipe, as práticas dessa disciplina foram inseridas, primeiramente, no currículo da Escola Normal de Aracaju e, posteriormente, nos demais estabelecimentos de ensino. A disciplina alcançou um período de êxito (1934 a 1955), porém, em 1956, começou a decair, chegando a ser extinta em 1971. A análise dos documentos oficiais (governo federal), dos documentos normativos (Escola Normal) e dos depoimentos (fontes orais) denotou contradições, ou seja, nem sempre as determinações dos documentos oficiais (currículo pré-ativo) se efetivaram na prática cotidiana da sala de aula (currículo ativo). De um modo geral, no período de 1934 a 1971, a história da disciplina Canto Orfeônico em Sergipe revelou continuidades, rupturas e contradições, mas, mesmo assim, o ensino cumpriu com seus objetivos, pois incutiu uma representação patriótica e nacionalista no imaginário social de muitas gerações de escolares. / This paper aims to analyze the practices of the subject Choral Music in the Normal School of Aracaju, in the period 1934 to 1971. The importance of this research is in the fact of informing, through of evidence, the existence of school music education, still in the imperial period. This teaching, gradually, has developed, assumed goals, methods, different operations, produced educational materials, had several names and, in the early years of the Revolution of 1930, was called Choral Music and from this period became a compulsory subject in the Brazilian school until 1971. For the construction of this paper were used authors of School Culture as a - Chervel (1990), Goodson (1990), Julia (2001), Forquin (1992), Nóvoa (2000), Viñao Frago (2008), Bittencourt (2003), Faria Filho (2002), Oliveira (2007), Souza (2005), Bencostta (2010), Ranzi (2007), Valdemarin (2007), among others - and is based on the theories and methods of Cultural History, especially the concepts defended by Le Goff (1984). We work with the categories: school culture, school material culture and subject school. Were used several documents (written sources, such as books, dissertations, theses, newspapers, laws, decrees, written and formal communication, diplomas, certificates, autobiographies and oral, interviews with former students, former teachers and, finally, iconographies), with the objective of having a broad knowledge of the object of study. The study of the sources showed that after the 30s, the school music education of Choral Music in Brazil and Sergipe, was very well planned, jointed with the political system of government, mobilized the schools and formed a professional school skilled (music teacher). Some aspects of life histories and trajectories of the formation of teachers of Choral Music were discussed based on Goodson (2000), Lawn (2000), Moita (2000), Nóvoa (2000), Huberman (2000), Sirinelli (2003), among others. The process of establishment of the teaching profession mobilized the teachers in Sergipe, with the objective to obtain certification of the profession. The process of instituting the role of music teacher caused a mobilization between the teachers of Sergipe, who sought to build the certification of their profession. The practices of Choral Music in Sergipe obeyed the determinations of governmental law, but by the peculiarities of local culture, took on different characteristics from other states in Brazil. However, the ritual of devotion to country - hymns and patriotic songs - and the appreciation of heroes of Sergipe and Brazil, and national symbols are characteristics that marked the practice of this subject in almost all states of Brazil. In Sergipe, the practices of this subject were introduced first, in the curriculum of the Normal School of Aracaju and later in other schools. The subject has reached a successful period (1934-1955), but in 1956 began to decline, becoming extinct in 1971. The analysis of official documents (government), documents of Normal School, and testimony (oral sources) showed inconsistencies, in other words, not always the determination of official documents reached to the classroom. In general, the period from 1934 to 1971, the history of the subject Choral Music in Sergipe exposed continuities, severances and contradictions, but, the school fulfilled its objectives, because transmitted a patriotic and nationalist representation in the social imaginary of many generations of students.

The new class of Kummer beta generalized distributions: theory and applications / A nova classe de distribuições Kummer beta generalizada: teoria e aplicações

Pescim, Rodrigo Rossetto 06 December 2013 (has links)
In this study, a new class of generalized distributions was developed, based on the Kummer beta distribution (NG; KOTZ, 1995), which contains as particular cases the exponentiated and beta generators of distributions. The main feature of the new family of distributions is to provide greater flexibility to the extremes of the density function and therefore, it becomes suitable for analyzing data sets with high degree of asymmetry and kurtosis. Also, two new distributions belonging to the new class of distributions, based on the Birnbaum-Saunders and generalized gamma distributions, that has as main characteristic the hazard function which assumes different forms (unimodal, bathtub shape, increase, decrease) were studied. In all studies, general mathematical properties such as ordinary and incomplete moments, generating function, mean deviations, reliability, entropies, order statistics and their moments were discussed. The estimation of parameters is approached by the method of maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis and the observed information matrix is derived. It is also considered the likelihood ratio statistics and formal goodness-of-fit tests to compare all the proposed distributions with some of its sub-models and non-nested models. The developed results for all studies were applied to six real data sets. / Neste trabalho, foi proposta uma nova classe de distribuições generalizadas, baseada na distribuição Kummer beta (NG; KOTZ, 1995), que contém como casos particulares os geradores exponencializado e beta de distribuições. A principal característica da nova família de distribuições é fornecer grande flexibilidade para as extremidades da função densidade e portanto, ela torna-se adequada para a análise de conjuntos de dados com alto grau de assimetria e curtose. Também foram estudadas duas novas distribuições que pertencem à nova família de distribuições, baseadas nas distribuições Birnbaum-Saunders e gama generalizada, que possuem função de taxas de falhas que assumem diferentes formas (unimodal, forma de banheira, crescente e decrescente). Em todas as pesquisas, propriedades matemáticas gerais como momentos ordinários e incompletos, função geradora, desvios médio, confiabilidade, entropias, estatísticas de ordem e seus momentos foram discutidas. A estimação dos parâmetros é abordada pelo método da máxima verossimilhança e pela análise bayesiana e a matriz de informação observada foi derivada. Considerou-se, também, a estatística de razão de verossimilhanças e testes formais de qualidade de ajuste para comparar todas as distribuições propostas com alguns de seus submodelos e modelos não encaixados. Os resultados desenvolvidos foram aplicados a seis conjuntos de dados.

Aplicações estatísticas na área industrial / Statistical applications in the industrial area

Silva, Gecirlei Francisco da 10 June 2009 (has links)
Apresentamos algumas aplicações de ferramentas estatísticas que são comumente utilizadas na melhoria da qualidade de processos industriais. Inicialmente, desenvolveu-se procedimentos para testar a competência de laboratórios que participam de programas de ensaios de proficiência. Em situações onde os laboratórios medem várias vezes no mesmo ponto, utilizou-se o modelo de erros de medição, proposto por Jaech [39](1985). Além disso, a inferência sobre os parâmetros de tendência aditiva foi generalizada para a classe de distribuições elípticas. A competência dos laboratórios é avaliada pelo teste da razão de verossimilhança generalizada, do qual, obtemos a distribuição exata para a estatística proposta. Em situações onde os laboratórios medem várias vezes em vários pontos e a variável em análise apresenta variações naturais, utilizou-se o modelo com erro nas variáveis. Diante disso, vamos estender o modelo estrutural definido em Barnett [13] (1969) para o modelo ultra-estrutural com réplicas. Neste caso, vamos avaliar não somente a tendência aditiva, mas também, a tendência multiplicativa, ou seja, avaliar a linearidade das medições. As estimativas dos parâmetros foram obtidas via procedimento do algorítmo EM, com isso, desenvolvemos os teste de Wald, razão de verossimilhança e escore para avaliar a competência dos laboratórios. Nos dois modelos propostos, generalizamos o erro normalizado (En) sugerido pelo Guia 43 [37] para testar a competência dos laboratórios participantes de programas de ensaio de proficiência. Apresentamos também, um procedimento para calcular índices de performance para processos univariados e multivariados. Nestes casos, consideramos que a distribuição dos dados segue uma distribuição Normal assimétrica. Além disso, apresentamos uma análise de simulação onde concluímos que a presença de assimetria nos dados pode causar interpretações erradas sobre o processo, quando a distribuição assumida para os dados é a Normal / We present some applications of statistical tools that are used in the improvement of the quality of industrial processes. Initially, we develop procedures to test the ability of laboratories that participate of programs of proficiency test. In situations where the laboratories measure several times in the same point, we use the model of errors of measurement, considered for Jaech [39](1985). Moreover, the inference on the parameters additive bias was generalized for the class of elliptical distributions. The ability of the laboratories is evaluated by the generalized likelihood ratio test, of which, we get the accurate distribution for the statistics proposal. In situations where the laboratories measure some times in some points and the variable in analysis presents natural variations, uses the model with error in the variable. With this, we go to extend the model structural defined in Barnett [13] (1969) for the ultrastructural model with replicate. In this case, we go to not only evaluate the bias additive, but also, the bias multiplicative, that is, to evaluate the linearity of the measurements. The estimates of the parameters had been gotten by the procedure of the EM algorithm, with this, develop of Wald, likelihood ratio and score test to evaluate the ability of the laboratories. In the two considered models, we generalize the normalized error (En) suggested for Guide 43 [37] to test the ability of the participant laboratories of programs of proficiency test. We also present, a procedure to calculate index of performance for univariate and multivariate processes. In these cases, we consider that the distribution of the data follows a skew Normal distribution. Moreover, we present a simulation analysis where we conclude that the presence of asymmetry in the data can cause interpretations missed on the process, when the distribution assumed for the data is the Normal

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