Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conformal"" "subject:"conormal""
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Likelihood ratio tests of separable or double separable covariance structure, and the empirical null distributionGottfridsson, Anneli January 2011 (has links)
The focus in this thesis is on the calculations of an empirical null distributionfor likelihood ratio tests testing either separable or double separable covariancematrix structures versus an unstructured covariance matrix. These calculationshave been performed for various dimensions and sample sizes, and are comparedwith the asymptotic χ2-distribution that is commonly used as an approximative distribution. Tests of separable structures are of particular interest in cases when data iscollected such that more than one relation between the components of the observationis suspected. For instance, if there are both a spatial and a temporalaspect, a hypothesis of two covariance matrices, one for each aspect, is reasonable.
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Att främja normal förlossning : Barnmorskans främsta uppgift / Promotion of normal birth : The midwife's primary missionAdlers, Ann-Cathrine January 2011 (has links)
En graviditet och förlossning är i de allra flesta fall en normal livshändelse. De senaste decennierna har andelen instrumentella- och kejsarsnittsförlossningar ökat på bekostnad av den normala förlossningen. Trots fler interventioner ses ingen skillnad i den maternella och perinatala morbiditeten och mortaliteten. I barnmorskans arbetsområde ingår att handlägga den normala graviditeten och förlossningen. Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur barnmorskan kan främja en normal förlossning. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där 13 vetenskapliga artiklar, med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats, analyserades. I resultatet framkom tre kategorier som beskriver hur barnmorskan främjar normal förlossning. Barnmorskan skapar genom närhet en god relation till kvinnan och ger vägledning. Genom att använda sig själv som kunskapskälla bidrar barnmorskans sinnen, erfarenheter av tidigare förlossningar och formell kunskap till att fatta korrekta beslut. Barnmorskan stödjer och bekräftar det normala individuellt efter kvinnans behov, vilket skapar en säker miljö runt kvinnan och förhindrar onödiga interventioner. Då det råder en medicinsk kultur inom förlossningsvården, behöver barnmorskans arbete kring normal förlossning stärkas. Forskning behövs på organisationsnivå, eftersom omgivande system inverkar på barnmorskans arbete med att främja den normala förlossningen. / Pregnancy and childbirth are in most cases a normal life event. Over the past decades the rate of instrumental birth and caesarean sections has increased at the expense of normal birth. Despite more interventions no difference is seen in the maternal or perinatal morbidity or mortality. The midwife’s work encompasses the normal pregnancy and labour. The aim of this study was to describe how the midwife can promote normal birth. The study was conducted as a literature study in which 13 scientific articles, with both quantitative and qualitative approach, were analyzed. Three categories emerged that explained how the midwife promotes normal birth. The midwife creates through closeness a positive relationship to the woman and gives guidance. By using herself as a source of knowledge, the midwife’s senses, experiences from previous labours and formal knowledge, contribute to make correct decisions. The midwife supports and confirms the normalcy, from the woman’s individual needs, and thereby creates a safe environment for the woman that prevents her from unnecessary interventions. As there is a medical culture within the maternity care, the midwife’s work with normal birth needs to be strengthened. Since the organization has an impact on the midwife’s promoting work, further research is needed in this area.
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Turbulence Intensity in Complex Environments and its Influence on Small Wind Turbines / Turbulensintensitet i komplex miljö och dess påverkan på små vindkraftverkCarpman, Nicole January 2011 (has links)
The market of wind power as a sustainable energy source is growing, both on large and small scale. Conventional large scale wind turbines normally operate in uniform areas where expected wind speeds and turbulence characteristics are well investigated and the constructional design of the wind turbines is regulated by standard classes for different external conditions. Small scale wind turbines (SWT), on the other hand, are sometimes placed in more complex environments where the turbulence conditions are rougher. A larger amount of turbulence will generate a larger amount of fatigue loadings on the construction, increasing the risk of breakdown. It is therefore of major concern to perform more measurements and further investigate the turbulence characteristics in complex environments and the effect that these will have on small wind turbine construction. Thus, turbulence is measured with sonic anemometers at two sites with complex environments; at an urban site above a rooftop in a medium sized city (Uppsala, Sweden) and above a forest in Norunda (outside Uppsala) at two heights, near the treetops (z = 33 m) defined as complex and further up (z = 97 m) defined as more uniform. The turbulence data is analyzed and the results are compared to the normal turbulence model (NTM) as it is defined for the standard SWT classes by the International Electrotechnical Commission in the International standard 61400-2: Design requirements for small wind turbines (IEC, 2006). Measurements of minute standard deviations of longitudinal wind speed (σu) and turbulence intensity (TIu) are reported, as well as the distributions of TIu and of 10 minute mean wind speeds (um) for the different sites and stabilities. The results show that the NTM represents the turbulence at 97 m height above the forest only for light wind speeds, smaller than 10 m/s, but underestimates the turbulence for higher wind speeds. It should also be noted that the data is scattered and contain a number of occasions with extreme values of σu and TIu. For wind speeds higher than 10 m/s the number of observations is limited but the majority of the observations are more extreme than the NTM. At the complex sites (near the treetops and the rooftop) the NTM clearly underestimates both the magnitude and rate of change of σu with increasing wind speed, although the observed wind speeds close to these rough surfaces are low so the conclusions are limited. Average TIu at 97 m height is 19 %, compared to 41 % close above forest and 43 % above rooftop. Mean values of TIu above forest are generally 10 % lower during stable conditions (z/L > 0.05) while above rooftop, the wind material is sparse and 95 % of the observations had stable stratification so no dependence on stability can be seen. From these results it can be concluded that the turbulence characteristics close above treetops is similar to those above rooftop, but that the NTM, as it is defined for the standard SWT classes, is not valid in these complex and urban terrains and need to be modified to correctly estimate the turbulence intensities, and consequently also the loadings, affecting small wind turbines located at these kinds of sites. / Marknaden för vindkraft som en förnyelsebar energikälla växer snabbt, både stor- och småskaligt. Traditionella storskaliga vindkraftverk placeras normalt på homogena platser där vindklimatet och turbulensens karaktär är ganska väl kartlagda och konstruktionsstandarden regleras av standardklasser utifrån olika externa förhållanden. Små vindkraftverk (SWT) å andra sidan placeras ofta i mer komplex eller urban miljö där turbulensen är mer intensiv. En större andel turbulens genererar större utmattningslaster på konstruktionen vilket ökar risken att vindturbinen går sönder. Det är därför av stor vikt att utföra fler mätningar och ytterligare undersöka turbulensen i komplexa miljöer och vilken effekt den kommer ha på de små vindkraftverkens konstruktion. Med anledning av detta så har turbulensdata analyserats från mätningar med sonicanemometrar. Dels på en urban plats, ovanför ett hustak i en medelstor stad (Uppsala, Sverige). Dels vanför en skog i Norunda (utanför Uppsala) på två höjder, nära trädtopparna (33 m) som anses komplex och högre upp (97 m) som anes mer homogen. Resultaten är jämförda med den normala turbulensmodellen (NTM) så som den definieras för standard SWT klasserna av International Electrotechnical Commission i International standard 61400-2: Design requirements for small wind turbines (IEC, 2006). Mätningar av 10 minuters standardavvikelse av den longitudinella vindhastigheten (σu) och turbulensintensiteten (TIu) redovisas, liksom fördelningen av TIu och 10 minuters medelvinden (um) för olika stabilitet för de olika mätplatserna. Resultaten visar att NTM är representativ på 97 m höjd endast för låga vindhastigheter, under 10 m/s, medan modellen underskattar turbulensen för högre vindhastigheter. Det bör också noteras att spridningen är stor i data och att extrema värden av σu och TIu uppmätts vid flertalet tillfällen. För vindhastigheter över 10 m/s så är antalet mätvärden begränsade, men majoriteten av mätvärdena är högre än NTM. På de komplexa mätplatserna (nära trädtopparna och ovan hustaket) så underskattar NTM avsevärt både storleken av σu och dess förändring med ökad vindhastighet på de komplexa platserna (nära trädtopparna och ovan hustaket). Dock är de observerade vindhastigheterna låga såhär nära de skrovliga ytorna så slutsatserna är begränsade. På 97 m höjd är medelvärdet av TIu 19 %, jämfört med 41 % nära trädtopparna och 43 % ovan hustak. De är generellt 10 % lägre under stabila förhållanden (z/L > 0.05) över skog, medan ovan hustak där vindmaterialet är begränsat och 95 % av observationerna var stabilt skiktade så ses inte något stabilitetsberoende. Från dessa resultat kan slutsatserna dras att turbulensens karaktär nära trädtoppar liknar den ovan hustak, men att NTM, så som den definieras för standard SWT klasserna, inte gäller vid dessa komplexa och urbana platser och behöver modifieras för att korrekt uppskatta turbulensintensiteterna och därmed också de laster som påverkar små vindkraftverk placerade på den här typen av platser.
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Menneskelig svikt vs. systemfeil : - eller noe midt i mellom? / Human error vs. system failure : - or something in between?Meidell, Arve January 2010 (has links)
I ulykkessammenheng går to av de vanligste undersøkelsesmetodene ut på henholdsvis å kartlegge det juridiske ansvaret for ulykken og å klarlegge årsaksforholdene. I media får vi stort sett bare høre om førstnevnte i form av oppslag om at ulykken skyldes menneskelig svikt. Årsaksforholdene tar gjerne lengre tid å kartlegge og har heller ikke elementer av helt eller syndebukk i seg, og er således mindre interessante å skrive om. I forebyggende sammenheng er det likevel gjerne her det er mest å hente. I erkjennelsen av at mennesket er og blir feilbarlig, bør man nettopp gripe tak i disse bakenforliggende årsakene, gjerne kalt latente feil, som også kan medvirke til å avverge at et tilløp får lov å utvikle seg til en ulykke. I denne oppgaven blir det gjort rede for bakenforliggende årsaker til en alvorlig samferdselsulykke på Vestlandet i 1999, nemlig hurtigbåten MS Sleipners forlis. Det blir også vist hvordan ulykken kunne vært unngått, eller i det minste at skadeomfanget kunne vært vesentlig redusert, dersom det hadde vært større fokus på å avdekke slike latente forhold. For å få offentligheten til å forstå viktigheten av slik årsakskartlegging, og ikke minst at ansvarlige instanser følger opp funnene i ettertid, er det viktig at media griper fatt i problemstillingen og setter den på dagsorden. / Two of the most common forms of investigations after accidents are the search for the judicial aspects of guilt on the one hand and the investigation to find the causes of the accident on the other hand. Media mainly tell us the result of the first one, namely that “the cause of the accident was human error”. Usually it takes more time to establish an understanding of the underlying causes. This investigation does not point out a hero, neither a scapegoat. Therefore the real causes are less interesting to the media. Still, when it comes to accident prevention, this is where one should make an effort. By recognizing the fact that humans are eligible to fail, it is here one should try to take preventive measures. By recognizing these latent conditions one may succeed to avoid potentially dangerous situations from developing to serious accidents. In this paper the underlying causes related to a serious accident that struck public transportation in Western Norway will be presented. The accident is the shipwreck of the high speed craft MS Sleipner in 1999. It will also be shown how this accident could have been prevented, or at least how the extent of the damage could have been substantially reduced, if only latent conditions had been paid a little more attention to. To make the general public understand the importance of uncovering such latent conditions, not to say make sure that they who are responsible take action to remove these conditions, it is vital that the media put these questions on the agenda.
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This paper intend to find the proper hypothesis and test statistic for testing existence of bilaterally contamination when there exists nuisance parameter. The test statistic is based on method of moments estimators. Union-Intersection test is used for testing if the distribution of population can be implemented by a bilaterally contaminated normal model with unknown variance. This paper also developed a hierarchical normal mixture model (HNM) and applied it to birth weight data. EM algorithm is employed for parameter estimation and a singular Bayesian information criterion (sBIC) is applied to choose the number components. We also proposed a singular flexible information criterion which in addition involves a data-driven penalty.
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This study aims to investigate and comprehend the movements and functionings that make
emerge the heterogeneity in the discourse that preface the grammar, that is, how the
different is presented in the same , in the normative grammar. The object that was selected
to be analyzed is made up of four editions of the Normative Grammar of Portuguese
Language (NGPL), by Carlos Henrique da Rocha Lima, as corpus. The proposal is
developed according to the theoretical - methodological perspective of Discourse Analysis,
placed in relation with some proper notions to the carried out studies under the aegis of the
History of Linguistic Ideas. The study is sub-divided into three parts, named and constituted
as: In Part I, The different in the same : the object of look under a discursive point of view ,
the theme and the theoretical research conducted are presented, electing the concepts and the references that support the analytical device. In Part II, And the Normative Grammar is arising... , the ircumstantialization process of the analysis object is set out, considering so
the historical-discursive elements, as an attempt to bring out the theoretical over turns of the NGPL production and the conditions of production in which the grammatical subject is inserted. In Part III, Returning from Rocha Lima to Normative Grammar , we developed our gesture of interpretation into two movements of analysis. We started by the covers reading of our object of study, observing the differences and similarities among the imagetic
compositions and how they transform themselves into the time line, in a regressive way, returning to its appearance. In the second movement, we saved space to what preface the NGPL in verb and no longer in image, observing and analyzing how the different moves itself and functions in the same . In a succinct way, we can say that in relation to the analyzed discursivities, we observed the functioning of the different in the same in several moments: in the covers we have the verbal regularization as well as the graphic-imagetic renewal which show the functioning of the different directions, affected by the production conditions of the doing grammatical normative in Brazil; in the texts that compose the prefacing of NGPL, we identified marks of resistance and memory as well. The different shows itself by the resistance marked by the position of the grammatical subject in relation to the Brazilian Grammatical Nomenclature (BGN); and by the entrance of the Linguistic science knowledge. The same shows itself by the maintenance, by the grammatical regularity of
the discourse where the memory of knowledge about the language emerges. The analyze of these discursive materialities shows us that the imaginary project of the normative grammar also constitute itself by the failures in the language, as the heterogeneous appears, slips
and functions, therefore moves in the same , since the different is constitutive of the language grammar. / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo investigar e compreender os movimentos e funcionamentos que fazem emergir a heterogeneidade no discurso que prefacia a
gramática, ou seja, como se apresenta o diferente no mesmo , na gramática normativa. O objeto que selecionamos para análise constitui-se de quatro edições da Gramática Normativa da Língua Portuguesa (GNLP), de Carlos Henrique da Rocha Lima, enquanto corpus. A proposta é desenvolvida de acordo com a perspectiva teórico-metodológica da Análise de Discurso, posta em relação com algumas noções próprias aos estudos realizados sob a égide da História das Ideias Linguísticas. O trabalho está subdividido em três partes, assim nomeadas e constituídas: na Parte I, O diferente no mesmo : o objeto do olhar sob
um ponto de vista discursivo , apresentamos o tema e a pesquisa teórica realizada, elegendo os conceitos e as referências que sustentam o dispositivo analítico. Na Parte II, E a Gramática Normativa vai surgindo... , explicitamos o processo de circunstancialização do objeto de análise, considerando para tanto elementos histórico-discursivos, numa tentativa de resgatar os entornos teóricos de produção da GNLP e as condições de produção nas quais se insere o sujeito gramático. Na Parte III, Remontemo-nos de Rocha Lima à Gramática Normativa , desenvolvemos nosso gesto de interpretação em dois movimentos de análise. Iniciamos pela leitura das capas de nosso objeto de estudo, observando as
diferenças e semelhanças entre as composições imagéticas e de como elas se transformam na linha do tempo, de maneira regressiva, remontando ao seu surgimento. No segundo
movimento, reservamos espaço para o que prefacia a GNLP em verbo e não mais em imagem, observando e analisando como o diferente movimenta-se e funciona no mesmo .
De modo sucinto, podemos dizer que, em relação às discursividades analisadas, observamos o funcionamento do diferente no mesmo em vários momentos: nas capas
tem-se a regularização verbal e renovação gráfico-imagética que mostram o funcionamento de sentidos diferentes, afetados pelas condições de produção do fazer gramática normativa no Brasil; nos textos que compõem o pré-faciamento da GNLP, identificamos marcas de resistência e de memória. O diferente mostra-se pela resistência marcada pela posição do sujeito gramático em relação à Nomenclatura Gramatical Brasileira (NGB); e pela entrada dos saberes da ciência Linguística. O mesmo mostra-se pela manutenção, pela regularidade do discurso gramatical em que emerge a memória do saber sobre a língua. A análise dessas materialidades discursivas mostra-nos que o projeto imaginário de gramática normativa também se constitui pelo o que falha na língua, pois o heterogêneo emerge, desliza e funciona, logo, movimenta-se no mesmo , uma vez que o diferente é constitutivo da gramática da língua.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work evaluates the level of energy efficiency standard pattern, located in the brazilian bioclimatic zone 2, through the application of Quality Technical Regulation for Energy Level of Residential Buildings ( RTQ -R ) Efficiency detached buildings, having as a basis for the study city of Santiago-RS. To define the pattern of residences were adopted conceptions of NBR 12721 (ABNT, 2006), which deals with the evaluation of construction costs for real estate development , together with research and analysis project in the city of Santiago-RS. Thus, we assessed the level of energy efficiency of buildings analyzed using prescriptive methods and simulation RTQ-R being used for simulations and computational program DesignBuilder. We defined four buildings objects of study, two elongated rectangular shape with areas of 99,88m² and 142,05m², and two compact rectangular shape of 100,00m² and 168,65m². The name used for this study was based on the shape of the floor plan of the residences. The residences of elongated rectangular presented Level B and compact rectangular Level C in the envelope energy efficiency. Similarities were found in the results obtained by the two methods, especially in energy consumption for heating, presenting Levels A and B, since the degree-hour cooling was variable between levels B and C. It was observed that the buildings have discomfort during the summer. We also evaluated the influence of the thermal properties considered as prerequisites of opaque vertical locks, for it was chosen one of the residences to make alterations to the values of thermal transmittance, absorptance and solar thermal capacity. Starting from the actual data of the external walls of the building, stipulated the values to be simulated, totaling 18 simulations for determining the number of cooling degree-hours and energy consumption for heating and cooling. Thus, there was consistency in the limits of the prerequisites of the RTQ-R, however, it was observed that with low solar absorptance, increased thermal transmittance slightly affected the results, indicating greater consistency in the adoption of prerequisites that involving the thermal characteristics of the closures. / Este trabalho avalia o nível de eficiência energética de edificações unifamiliares padrão normal, localizadas na zona bioclimática 2 brasileira, através da aplicação do Regulamento Técnico da Qualidade para o Nível de Eficiência Energética de Edificações Residenciais (RTQ-R), possuindo como base de estudo a cidade de Santiago-RS. Para a definição do padrão das residências adotaram-se as concepções da NBR 12721 (ABNT, 2006), que trata da avaliação de custos de construção para incorporação imobiliária, juntamente com pesquisas e análises de projeto na cidade de Santiago-RS. Dessa forma, avaliou-se o nível de eficiência energética das edificações analisadas com base nos métodos prescritivo e de simulação do RTQ-R, sendo utilizado para as simulações o programa computacional DesignBuilder. Definiram-se quatro edificações objetos de estudo, sendo duas de formato retangular alongado com áreas de 99,88m² e 142,05m², e duas de formato retangular compacto de 100,00m², e 168,65m². A denominação usada para este trabalho baseou-se no formato da planta baixa das residências. As residências de formato retangular alongado apresentaram Nível B e as de formato retangular compacto Nível C na eficiência energética da envoltória. Foram encontradas similaridades nos resultados obtidos pelos dois métodos, principalmente, no consumo de energia para aquecimento, apresentando Níveis A e B, já a variável graus-hora de resfriamento alternou entre Níveis B e C. Foi observado que as edificações possuem desconforto no período de verão. Também foi verificada a influência das propriedades térmicas consideradas como pré-requisitos dos fechamentos opacos verticais, para isto escolheu-se uma das residências para realizar as alterações dos valores de transmitância térmica, capacidade térmica e absortância solar. Partindo dos dados reais das paredes externas da edificação, estipularam-se os valores a serem simulados, totalizando 18 simulações para a determinação do número de graus-hora de resfriamento e consumo de energia para aquecimento e refrigeração. Diante disso, verificou-se a coerência dos limites dos pré-requisitos do RTQ-R, porém, foi observado que com a baixa absortância solar, o aumento da transmitância térmica pouco afetou os resultados, indicando maior conformidade na adoção de pré-requisitos que associem as características térmicas dos fechamentos.
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Teoria de singularidades e classificação de problemas de bifurcação Z2-equivariantes de Corank 2Pereira, Miriam da Silva [UNESP] 07 February 2006 (has links) (PDF)
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pereira_ms_me_sjrp.pdf: 2071399 bytes, checksum: 9f8844443f17c4fa7a041cc8bc621d54 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Neste trabalho classificamos problemas de bifurcação Z2-equivariantes de corank 2 até co- dimensão 3 via técnicas da Teoria de Singularidades. A abordagem para classificar tais problemas é baseada no processo de redução à forma normal de Birkhoff para estudar a interação de modos Hopf-Pontos de Equilíbrio. O comportamento geométrico das soluções dos desdobramentos das formas normais obtidas é descrito pelos diagramas de bifurcação e estudamos a estabilidade assintótica desses ramos. / In this work we classify the Z2-equivariant corank 2 bifurcation problems up to codimension 3 via Singularity Theory techniques. The approach to classify such problems is based on the Birkhoff normal form to study Hopf-Steady- State mode interaction. The geometrical behavior of the solutions of the unfolding of the normal forms is described by the bifurcation diagrams and we study the asymptotic stability of such branches.
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Técnicas não-paramétricas e paramétricas usadas na análise de sobrevivência de Chrysoperla externa (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) / Non-Parametric and Parametric Techniques used in the survival analysis of Chrysoperla externa (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)Miranda, Marconi Silva 13 March 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-13 / In survival analysis, the response variable is the time of occurrence of an event of interest, denominated failure time. Another characteristic of the survival analysis is to incorporate to the study incomplete sample data, in which for a
determined reason the occurrence of the event was not verified, being these data defined as censured. The objective of this paper was to compare the use of the parametric and non-parametric techniques to estimate the survival time of C. externa (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), predator insect which feed on other insects as well as mite, under the effect of three commercial products nim-based: Neempro (10 g of
azadirachtina L-1), Organic neem (3,3 g of Azadirachtina L-1) and Natuneem (1,5 g of azadirachtina L-1). With this objective the survival functions for the different concentrations of each product, through the non-parametric method of Kaplan-Meier
were estimated and compared by the logrank test and by parametric techniques, using the Weibull and log-normal exponential tests. Besides that, a study in order to select the most parsimonious model was done, using for that the likelihood ratio test (LRT) as well as the Akaike information criterion (AIC). The estimates of the selected parametric model were used to determine the survival functions in the
concentrations of the three products, with the purpose of comparing with the nonparametric estimator Kaplan-Meier. Once the best model was defined the median survival time of C. externa was calculated in the tested concentrations of the
products. Taking into consideration the conditions described in this experiment, one can conclude that the concentrations of the nim-based products have influence in the survival of C. externa. The higher the concentration of the used products, the lower was the survival time and among the evaluated products, Neempro was the one which presented the least lethal to the natural predator. / Em análise de sobrevivência, a variável resposta é o tempo de ocorrência de um evento de interesse, denominado tempo de falha. Outra característica da análise de sobrevivência é incorporar ao estudo dados amostrais incompletos, que por algum motivo a ocorrência do evento não foi verificada, dados estes definidos como censurados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o uso das técnicas paramétricas e não-paramétricas para estimar o tempo de sobrevivência de C. externa (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), inseto predador que se alimenta de outros insetos e ácaros, sob efeito de três produtos comerciais à base de nim: Neempro (10 g de azadirachtina L-1), Organic neem (3,3 g de Azadirachtina L-1) e Natuneem (1,5 g de azadiractina L-1). Com esse objetivo foram estimadas as funções de sobrevivência para as diferentes
concentrações de cada produto, por meio do método não-paramétrico de Kaplan-Meier, e comparadas pelo teste logrank e por meio das técnicas paramétricas, utilizando os modelos exponencial, de Weibull e log-normal. Foi realizado ainda, um
estudo com a finalidade de selecionar o modelo mais parcimonioso, utilizando para isto o teste da razão de verossimilhança (TRV) e o critério de informação de Akaike
(AIC). As estimativas do modelo paramétrico selecionado foram usadas para determinar as funções de sobrevivência nas concentrações dos três produtos, com o objetivo de comparar com o estimador não-paramétrico de Kaplan-Meier. Definido o
melhor modelo foi calculado o tempo mediano de sobrevivência do C. externa nas concentrações testadas dos produtos. Levando em consideração as condições descritas neste experimento, pode-se concluir que as concentrações dos produtos a base de nim possuem influencia na sobrevivência de C. externa. Quanto maior foi a concentração dos produtos utilizados, menor foi o tempo de sobrevivência e entre os
produtos avaliados o Neempro foi o que apresentou ser o menos letal ao predador natural.
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Entraîner le contrôle attentionnel chez la personne âgée : perspective comportementale et cérébraleBier, Bianca 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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