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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O inadimplemento antecipado do contrato no direito civil brasileiro / Anticipatory breach of contract in Brazilian civil law.

Luiz Philipe Tavares de Azevedo Cardoso 19 May 2014 (has links)
Esta tese tem como tema o inadimplemento antecipado do contrato no direito civil brasileiro. O ponto de partida para o estudo consiste na análise de jurisprudência que originariamente utilizou a figura, desprovida de consagração legal expressa. Posteriormente, é examinada a doutrina. Diante deste material, propõe-se um modelo teórico para o entendimento do inadimplemento antecipado do contrato, ajustando-o às categorias básicas do direito das obrigações brasileiro. São apresentados seus pressupostos, elementos constitutivos e efeitos. No decorrer do trabalho, são abordados aspectos do compromisso de compra e venda, a relação obrigacional complexa, deveres acessórios e laterais, fim contratual, inadimplemento, culpa e imputabilidade, impossibilidade, perda da função social, exceção de contrato não cumprido, resolução, indenização e demanda de cumprimento. / This work has as its theme the anticipatory breach of contract in the Brazilian civil law. The starting point for the study is the analysis of cases that originally used the figure, devoid of explicit legal recognition. Subsequently, the doctrine is examined. Faced with this material, we propose a theoretical model for understanding the anticipatory breach of contract, adjusting it to the basic categories of Brazilian law of obligations. Their assumptions, constitutive elements and effects are presented. Throughout his work, aspects of purchase and sale, the complex obligatory relationship, accessories and side duties, contractual order, breach of contract, non-performance, responsability, frustration, loss of social function, termination, rescission, and action for damages.

Le mariage mixte : une réalité antiochienne orthodoxe à réexaminer / Mixed marriage : an Antiochian orthodox reality to reexamine

Rabbat, Fadi 21 July 2015 (has links)
Le mariage, l’un des sacrements orthodoxes, préfigure l’Église qui accueille, nourrit et véhicule la communion de foi de ses fidèles. La foi est don de Dieu et réponse de celui qui la reçoit, trait d’union entre grâce divine et liberté humaine. Mais, l’unité de foi implique aussi l’unité sacramentelle, surtout dans le mariage. Dans ce sens, les mariages mixtes peuvent engendrer des problèmes conceptuels, juridiques et sociologiques. Pourtant, ils sont toujours célébrés. Cette thèse pose un certain nombre de questions. Faut-il mettre en garde les couples mixtes ? Sont-ils moins bien considérés que les « vrais » couples orthodoxes ? Les diverses positions orthodoxes liées aux mariages mixtes sont-elles vraiment conformes à l’esprit de l’Église universelle / Mysticum corpus Christi ? Pour l’Église orthodoxe, le mariage mixte est « incomplet » car il ne porte aucune unité de foi et n’est pas scellé par l’eucharistie, même s’il a les mêmes effets juridiques que le mariage ecclésial. Cette pratique ne risque-t-elle pas de porter atteinte à la liberté humaine ou de pousser certains fidèles à s’engager, malgré eux, dans une double appartenance confessionnelle ? C’est entre autres à ces questions que cette thèse tente de répondre. L’Église orthodoxe doit, à notre avis, s’interroger sur certains aspects pragmatiques des mariages mixtes. L’hétérogénéité du couple n’a au final pas grande importance par rapport à la miséricorde divine et l’amour des conjoints. Nous pensons que les couples mixtes sont parfois capables de réaliser leur unité dans le Christ, en instaurant un véritable dialogue œcuménique, basé sur l´expérience antiochienne de l’économie : oikonomia. / The marriage is one of the orthodox sacraments; being so, it prefigures the church that welcomes, nourishes and conveys the faith communion of its supporters. The faith is a grant from God and an answer to the one that receives it, and a link between divine grace and human liberty. But, the unity of faith also implies the sacramental unity, especially in the marriage. In this sense, the mixed marriages can generate conceptual, legal and sociological problems. Yet, they continue to be celebrated. This thesis asks some questions. Is it necessary to put in guard the mixed couples? Are they less well considered than the "true" orthodox couples? The distinct orthodox positions relative to the mixed marriages are really in conformity with the spirit of the universal church / Mysterious body of the Christ? The Orthodox Church considers the mixed marriage as "incomplete" because it doesn't concern a unity of faith and the Eucharist does not seal it. Yet, it carries the same legal effects that the ecclesiastic marriage. Doesn't this practice risk to undermine the human liberty or to push some supporters to enter, without wanting, into a double confessional adherence? This is one of those questions that this thesis tempts to answer. The Orthodox Church has, in our view, to reconsider some pragmatic aspects of mixed marriages.The heterogeneity of the couple doesn't have big importance compared to the God's mercy and love between spouses. Therefore, we think that the mixed couples are sometimes capable to achieve their unity in Christ, while instituting between them a real ecumenical dialogue, based on the Antiochian experience of economy: oikonomia

Computational Studies of Protein Synthesis on the Ribosome and Ligand Binding to Riboswitches

Lind, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
The ribosome is a macromolecular machine that produces proteins in all kingdoms of life. The proteins, in turn, control the biochemical processes within the cell. It is thus of extreme importance that the machine that makes the proteins works with high precision. By using three dimensional structures of the ribosome and homology modelling, we have applied molecular dynamics simulations and free-energy calculations to study the codon specificity of protein synthesis in initiation and termination on an atomistic level. In addition, we have examined the binding of small molecules to riboswitches, which can change the expression of an mRNA. The relative affinities on the ribosome between the eukaryotic initiator tRNA to the AUG start codon and six near-cognate codons were determined. The free-energy calculations show that the initiator tRNA has a strong preference for the start codon, but requires assistance from initiation factors 1 and 1A to uphold discrimination against near-cognate codons. When instead a stop codon (UAA, UGA or UAG) is positioned in the ribosomal A-site, a release factor binds and terminates protein synthesis by hydrolyzing the nascent peptide chain. However, vertebrate mitochondria have been thought to have four stop codons, namely AGA and AGG in addition to the standard UAA and UAG codons. Furthermore, two release factors have been identified, mtRF1 and mtRF1a. Free-energy calculations were used to determine if any of these two factors could bind to the two non-standard stop codons, and thereby terminate protein synthesis. Our calculations showed that the mtRF’s have similar stop codon specificity as bacterial RF1 and that it is highly unlikely that the mtRF’s are responsible for terminating at the AGA and AGG stop codons. The eukaryotic release factor 1, eRF1, on the other hand, can read all three stop codons singlehandedly. We show that eRF1 exerts a high discrimination against near-cognate codons, while having little preference for the different cognate stop codons. We also found an energetic mechanism for avoiding misreading of the UGG codon and could identify a conserved cluster of hydrophobic amino acids which prevents excessive solvent molecules to enter the codon binding site. The linear interaction energy method was used to examine binding of small molecules to the purine riboswitch and the FEP method was employed to explicitly calculate the LIE b-parameters. We show that the purine riboswitches have a remarkably high degree of electrostatic preorganization for their cognate ligands which is fundamental for discriminating against different purine analogs.

The effects of termination of pregnancy on future reproduction

Männistö, J. (Jaana) 24 October 2017 (has links)
Abstract Termination of pregnancy (TOP) is the most common gynaecological procedure, each year approximately 9500 TOPs have been performed in Finland in recent years. In recent decades the termination practice has changed. In Finland the traditional surgical method has been largely replaced by medical method. Commonly, women undergoing TOP are at their best reproductive age, and a high proportion of them will be pregnant again later in life. There has been a concern that TOP might lead to adverse outcomes in following pregnancies, or could affect future fertility. However, the long-term reproductive health effects of TOP, and especially the effects of medical TOP, are not well established. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of medical TOP and the influence of inter-pregnancy intervals (IPIs) after TOP on the risk of adverse events in following pregnancies. The other part of the study assessed which factors are associated with future in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment after TOP. In this large nationwide register-based study, the risks of preterm birth, low birth weight, SGA (small-for-gestational-age) infants and placental complications were similar among women giving birth following a single first-trimester medical TOP (n = 3441) compared with surgical TOP (n = 4853), and after a single second-trimester medical TOP (n = 416) compared with first-trimester medical TOP (n = 3427). Women who conceived < 6 months after TOP (n = 2956) had a slightly but significantly increased risk of preterm birth compared with women who conceived at 18 to < 24 months (n = 2076). A higher age and a lower number of previous terminations and deliveries at the time of TOP were associated with the IVF treatments in the future. TOP-associated factors, such as method or complications of TOP or gestational age at TOP did not have an association with IVF. This study provides further evidence on the safety of medical TOP as regards the following pregnancy. Well-timed subsequent pregnancy after TOP may help to avoid potential harmful consequences associated with preterm birth. The factors found to be associated with IVF treatments after TOP are those generally recognized risk factors for infertility. / Tiivistelmä Raskaudenkeskeytys on yleisin gynekologinen toimenpide; viime vuosina Suomessa on tehty keskimäärin 9500 keskeytystä vuosittain. Kahden viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana raskaudenkeskeytysmenetelmien käytössä on tapahtunut merkittävä muutos. Lääkkeellinen menetelmä on lähes syrjäyttänyt perinteisen kirurgisen menetelmän Suomessa. Suurin osa keskeytykseen hakeutuvista naisista on nuoria ja huomattava osa suunnittelee raskautta myöhemmässä elämänvaiheessa. Tämä on herättänyt huolen siitä, onko raskaudenkeskeytyksellä vaikutusta seuraavan raskauden kulkuun tai myöhempään hedelmällisyyteen. Yhteneväistä laajaa näyttöä raskaudenkeskeytyksen, erityisesti lääkkeellisen menetelmän, pitkäaikaisvaikutuksista lisääntymisterveyteen ei kuitenkaan ole saatavilla. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää lääkkeellisen raskaudenkeskeytyksen sekä keskeytyksen ja seuraavan raskauden välisen ajan vaikutuksia mahdollisiin haitallisiin tapahtumiin keskeytystä seuraavassa raskaudessa. Lisäksi selvitettiin, ovatko keskeytykseen liittyvät tekijät yhteydessä mahdolliseen myöhempään koeputkihedelmöityshoitoon (in vitro fertilization, IVF). Tässä laajassa valtakunnallisessa rekisteripohjaisessa tutkimuksessa ennenaikaisen synnytyksen, vastasyntyneen matalan syntymäpainon, pienikokoisena syntyneen lapsen ja istukkaongelmien riski oli samankaltainen yhden lääkkeellisen (n = 3441) ja kirurgisen (n = 4853) ensimmäisen raskauskolmanneksen keskeytyksen jälkeen. Myöskään ensimmäisen (n = 3427) ja toisen raskauskolmanneksen (n = 416) lääkkeellisen keskeytyksen välillä ei havaittu eroja kyseisissä haittatapahtumissa. Ennenaikaisen synnytyksen riski lisääntyi hieman naisilla, joilla keskeytyksen ja seuraavan raskauden välinen aika oli alle kuusi kuukautta (n = 2956) verrattuna naisiin, joilla raskauksien välinen aika oli 18–23 kuukautta (n = 2076). IVF-hoitoja lisäsivät naisen korkeampi ikä ja matalampi aikaisempien keskeytysten ja synnytysten määrä keskeytyshetkellä. Raskaudenkeskeytykseen liittyvät tekijät, kuten keskeytysmenetelmä, komplikaatiot tai raskausviikot keskeytyshetkellä, eivät sen sijaan liittyneet myöhempään hoitojen tarpeeseen. Tutkimus antaa lisätietoa lääkkeellisen raskaudenkeskeytyksen turvallisuudesta. Hyvin ajoitettu seuraava raskaus keskeytyksen jälkeen voi vähentää ennenaikaisen synnytyksen riskiä. IVF-hoidot keskeytyksen jälkeen liittyvät aiemmin tunnettuihin lapsettomuuden riskitekijöihin.

Neplatné skončení pracovního poměru a související důsledky / Invalid Termination of Employment, and Related Consequences

Kučera, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation, entitled "Invalid Termination of Employment, and Related Consequences", aims to provide a comprehensive look into the issue of invalid employment termination by giving notice, immediately terminating an employment, or the employer cancelling employment during a trial period, and of the related consequences. The dissertation is divided into three main chapters. The first chapter briefly characterizes employment as a special private relationship, and industrial conduct as a legal fact which results in establishing, altering, and terminating employment. Special attention is paid to the individual aspects of industrial conduct whose fulfilment is a prerequisite for perfect industrial conduct. The second chapter focuses on the consequences of faults in industrial conduct, intending mainly to alert the reader to the necessity of differentiating between seemingly legal conduct and invalid legal conduct. The second chapter then identifies and analyses reasons which cause a court to determine the invalidity of a notice, immediate employment termination, or employment cancellation during a trial period by the employer. The third chapter contains an analysis of consequences which may arise if a notice, immediate employment termination, or employment cancellation during a trial period by the...

La grossesse suivant une interruption médicale de grossesse : quelles traces du deuil prénatal dans le lien à l'enfant suivant ? : de la préoccupation maternelle mélancolique à la préoccupation maternelle primaire / The pregnancy following a termination of pregnancy : what are the tracks of the prenatal mourning in the link to the following child ? : from the melancolic maternal concern to the primary maternal concern

Warnier de Wailly, Diane 19 October 2015 (has links)
L'objet de ce travail est d'analyser l'évolution du processus de deuil lors d'une grossesse suivant une interruption médicale de grossesse (IMG). 8461 enfants sont nés sans vie en France en 2012 et 59 à 86% des femmes démarre,t une nouvelle grossesse dans les 6 mois suivant la perte; le deuil périnatal constitue un problème de santé publique puisque 25% évoluent vers un deuil pathologique. Le statut de l'objet perdu et la représentation que s'en font les mères participent du destin de ce foetus perdu; l'évolution des pratiques favorisant l'humanisation du foetus et l'objectalisation de ce dernier est critiquée par certains auteurs. Nous relevons un maque de consensus dans la littérature sur l'impact de cette nouvelle grossesse sur le processus de deuil; selon certains, elle pourrait interrompre le travail de deuil, pour d'autres au contraire favoriser une reprise élaborative. Ces grossesses suivantes, teintées du deuil, semblent représenter un facteur de risque dans l'attachement prénatal avec des conséquences sur le lien à l'enfant puîné. Nous interrogeons donc la relation entre le processus de deuil périnatal et le processus d'investissement de l'enfant à venir lors d'une grossesse suivante. Méthodologie utilisée: suivi longitudinal de 7 femmes enceintes lors d'une grossesse suivant une IMG après 15 SA, aux 3 trimestres de la grossesse et aux 3 mois de l'enfant suivant, selon une analyse qualitative au moyen d'entretiens de recherche clinique et une analyse quantitative de la dépression (EPDS), anxiété (STAI), deuil périnatal (PGS) et attachement prénatal (PAI) au moyen d'autoquestionnaires. Les résultats qualitatifs, traités de façon singulière selon une analyse psychodynamique, sont regroupés ensuite en fonction de nos hypothèses. Les résultats quantitatifs sont intégrés dans un corpus plus large pour permettre une analyse statistique des données. Résultats: entre le normal et le pathologique, les affects, les émotions, les représentations oscillent sur ce continuum, au fil de la grossesse, des termes et dates anniversaires, des manifestations sensorielles éprouvées. La grossesse suivante permet de revisiter la grossesse précédente; elle donne l'opportunité aux mères endeuillées de mettre en mots les affects brutes consécutifs à la perte, de mettre du sens pour inscrire cet événement traumatique dans l'histoire individuelle, conjugale et familiale. Certaines patientes, pour qui le travail de deuil pouvait sembler figé, ont pu mettre la transparence psychique de cette nouvelle grossesse à profit pour ré-élaborer la perte précédente et donner une juste place à chacun des deux bébés. L'actualisation du processus de deuil lors de la grossesse suivante sera fonction de la structure psychique des patientes; la dépression et l'angoisse sont également des marqueurs de l'élaboration de la perte et de la place faite à l'enfant puîné. L'analyse quantitative des données statistiques montre la présence d'anxiété particulièrement au début de la grossesse suivante. / The objet of this work is to analyze the evolution of the process of mourning during a pregnancy following a termination of pregnancy (TOP). 8461 children were born dead in France in 2012 and 59 to 86% of women start a new pregnancy in the six months following the loss; the perinatal mourning constitutes a problem of public health because 25% lead to a pathological mourning. The status of the lost object and maternal representations participate in the fate this lost foetus. The evolution of the practices favoring the humanization of the foetus and the objectalisation of the latter is criticized by some authors. We find a lack of consensus in the literature on the impact of this new pregnancy on the process of mourning. According to certain authors, she could interrupt the work of mourning, for others on the contrary, favor a elaborative resumption. These following pregnancies, tinged with the mourning, seem to represent a risk factor in the prenatal attachment with consequences on the link to the puisne child. We thus question the relation between the process of perinatal mourning and the process of investment of the child coming during a following pregnancy. Used methodology: longitudinal follow-up of seven pregnant women during pregnancy following a TOP after 15 weeks, three times during the pregnancy and at three months after the birth of the subsequent child according to a qualitative analysis (interview of clinical research) and a quantitative analysis of depression (EPDS), anxiety (STAI), perinatal mourning (PGS) and prenatal attachment (PAI) by means of auto-questionnaires. The qualitative results, treated in a singular way according to a psychodynamic analysis, are then included according to our hypotheses. The quantitative results are integrated into a wier corpus to allow statistical analysis of the data. Results: between the normal and the pathological, affects, feelings and representations oscillate on this continuum, in the course of the pregnancy, the terms and anniversaries, the proven sensory demonstrations. The following pregnancy allows to revisit the previous pregnancy; she gives the opportunity to the mothers saddened to put into words the gross affects consecutive to the loss, to put of the sens to register this traumatic event in the individual, conjugal, and family history. Somme women,for whom the work of mourning could seem motionless, were able to put the psychic transparency of this new pregnancy in profit to redevelop the previous loss and to give a just place to each of both babies. The updating of the process of mourning during the following pregnancy will be function of the psychic structure of the woman. The depression and the anxiety are also markers of the elaboration of the loss and the place made for the puisne child. The quantitaive analysis of the statistical data shows the presence of anxiety, particularly at the begining of the following pregnancy.

Le mutuus dissensus : notion, domaine, régime

Siri, Aurélien 30 September 2011 (has links)
Le mutuus dissensus est une locution latine de droit positif français. Elle est utilisée par la doctrine civiliste depuis la fin du XIXème siècle pour désigner une notion fondamentale du droit des conventions. La notion juridique de mutuus dissensus peut être définie comme la convention par laquelle toutes les parties consentent à la révocation de la convention qu’elles ont conclue antérieurement. La notion de mutuus dissensus présente une unité. Elle repose sur la réunion de deux éléments constitutifs essentiels. Le premier est une procédure classique : une convention. La convention de mutuus dissensus est une véritable convention extinctive plutôt qu’un nouveau contrat identique en sens inverse du contrat révoqué. Le second est un effet de droit spécifique : la révocation. La révocation par mutuus dissensus est plutôt une résiliation du contrat opérant uniquement pour l’avenir qu’une prétendue résolution d’un contrat à effet rétroactif. La notion de mutuus dissensus a un domaine très large en droit positif. La révocation par mutuus dissensus est un principe général du droit des conventions fondé sur l’article 1134, alinéa 2, du Code civil, qui a vocation à s’appliquer à toutes les conventions et dans toutes les matières. La notion de mutuus dissensus détermine un régime juridique spécifique. Les parties sont libres de déterminer les effets de la révocation par mutuus dissensus. Le principe de la liberté des parties est limité par l’ordre public. La sécurité des tiers est assurée par une protection générale et des protections spéciales reposant principalement sur le mécanisme de l’inopposabilité. / Mutuus dissensus is a latin expression in the French positive law. It has been used by civil doctrine since the end of the nineteenth century to designate a basic notion of Contract Law. The juridic notion of mutuus dissensus may be defined as an agreement between all the parties to rescind their precedent contract. The notion of mutuus dissensus has an unity. It stands on two essentials constituent elements. The first one is a classical procedure: an agreement. Mutuus dissensus agreement is a real subsequent agreement to end a contract, rather than a new identical contract but opposite to the rescinded contract. The second one is an effect of specific right: the rescission. Rescission by mutuus dissensus is the termination of a contract for the future rather than a supposed discharge of a contract with a retroactive effect. The notion of mutuus dissensus has a very wide field in positive law. Rescission by mutuus dissensus is a general principle of law of contracts based on section 1134, subsection 2, of the French civil code, which is to apply to every contract and in every subject. The notion of mutuus dissensus determines a specific juridical system. Parties are free to decide the effects of the rescission by mutuus dissensus. The principle of freedom of parties is limited by law and order. The protection of third parties is ensured by a general protection and special protections which limit the effects of the rescission of contract by mutuus dissensus.

The substance and context of Paracas ceramic ritual offerings / La sustancia y el contexto de las ofrendas rituales de la cerámica paracas

DeLeonardis, Lisa 10 April 2018 (has links)
The Paracas (900 BC-AD 1) of south coastal Peru are widely recognized for ceramics bearing patterned designs created fromincised clay that was often post-fire painted. Analyses of containers, effigies, figurines and musical instruments recovered intactin tombs, have centered largely on temporal and iconographic concerns, and in evaluating prestige. A number of archaeologicalcontexts offer an alternative view of ceramics and their role in public and domestic spheres. In this paper, the role of ceramics inritual offerings is discussed and analyzed in tandem with the other forms and mediums they accompany. The contexts for theseofferings differ from those of funerary ritual in which whole vessels are placed with the dead. These analyses indicate that the endcycle of ceramics is diverse, that their substance is valued in whole and fragmentary form, and that their spatial orientation issignificant. Insights are offered into how ceramics as substances interact and complement other materials in offerings and howthis bears upon our interpretation of specific iconographies and design symbols and their respective meanings. / Los paracas (900 a.C.-1 d.C.) son ampliamente reconocidos por su cerámica, que luce patrones de diseño que van desde la arcillaincisa hasta la pintura post cocción. El análisis de las vasijas, efigies, figurillas e instrumentos musicales intactos recuperados enlas tumbas centró durante mucho tiempo la atención en asuntos cronológicos e iconográficos, y en la evaluación del prestigio de lasmismas. Diversos contextos arqueológicos nos ofrecen una  imágen alternativa de la cerámica y su significado en las esferas públicay doméstica. En este trabajo, examinaré el papel de la cerámica en ofrendas rituales y la analizaré conjuntamente con las otrasformas y medios que la acompañaban. El contexto de estas ofrendas difiere de aquellos rituales funerarios en los cuales se enterraronobjetos enteros con los muertos. El análisis indica que el ciclo terminal de la cerámica era diverso, que ella era en esencia valoradaen sus formas entera y fragmentaria, y que su orientación espacial era importante. Este artículo ofrece una nueva perspectiva decómo la cerámica, como sustancia, complementa a —e interactúa con— los restantes materiales de las ofrendas, y cómo esto se transmite en la interpretación que hacemos de iconografías y símbolos de diseño específicas, y sus significados respectivos.

Verkenning van faktore wat lei tot voortydige terminering van terapeutiese dienslewering aan seksueel-mishandelde kinders by Tygerbeer eenheid

Visagie, Elizabeth Ann 02 1900 (has links)
Exploration of factors that lead to early termination of therapeutic services to sexually abused children at TygerBear Unit. Some children referred to TygerBear Unit because of sexual abuse did not complete their therapeutic intervention programmes and possibly did not receive sufficient time to work through the trauma of sexual abuse. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore and describe the factors that result in the early termination of sexually abused children’s therapeutic services at TygerBear Unit. Applied research that is exploratory and descriptive in nature, with the case study method as strategy, was followed. Data were collected through telephonic and/or one-on-one semi-structured interviews, in addition to the use of notes in personal records. Respondents included parents and/or caregivers of children whose therapy was terminated early, as well as social workers involved with play therapeutic service delivery to these children. Information was analysed with reference to the Field Theory, Ecological Theory and the relevant literature. Several factors that influenced parents and/or caregivers to terminate therapeutic services early were identified. / Die verkenning van faktore wat lei tot voortydige terminering van terapeutiese dienslewering aan seksueel-mishandelde kinders by TygerBeer Eenheid. Sommige kinders wat na TygerBeer Eenheid verwys word weens seksuele mishandeling, voltooi nie hul terapeutiese intervensieprogramme nie. Die kinders is moontlik nie genoeg tyd gegun om deur die trauma van seksuele mishandeling te werk nie. Die doel van hierdie kwalitatiewe studie was om faktore te verken en te beskryf wat lei tot die voortydige terminering van terapeutiese dienslewering aan seksueel-mishandelde kinders by die TygerBeer Eenheid. Toegepaste navorsing van 'n verkennende en beskrywende aard is gebruik, met die gevallestudiemetode as strategie. Data is versamel deur middel van telefoniese en/of een-tot-een semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en persoonlike rekords. Respondente het bestaan uit ouers en/of versorgers wat hul kinders of voogde se terapie voortydig termineer het, asook maatskaplike werkers betrokke by spelterapeutiese dienslewering aan kinders. lnligting is ontleed met verwysing na die Veldteorie en Ekologiese Teorie, asook die relevante literatuur. Verskeie faktore is geidentifiseer wat ouers en/of versorgers noodsaak om terapeutiese dienste voortydig te termineer. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Srovnání obvyklé ceny věcného břemene s cenami podle vnitřních předpisů obcí / A comparison of normal value of the easement to the prices according to the internal regulations of municipalities

Hladká, Helena January 2014 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the value of the easement at the usual price and the price determined in accordance with the internal regulations of municipalities. The theoretical part is focused on general analysis of the easements, their legislation and the most important changes in the legislation, the difference between servitudes and real loads, the cause of its constitution, modification and terminativ. It also describes the methodology of valuation of easements, the distinction between price and value of their species, determining the annual benefit or detriment of the easement and the definition of the methods used for the valuation of easements. In the practical part of these findings are applied to specific value encumbrances arising in connection with the engineering lines.

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