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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diagnostic prénatal et médecine fœtale : Du cadre des pratiques à l’anticipation du handicap. Comparaison France-Brésil / Prenatal diagnosis and foetal medicine : From medical practice framework to the anticipation of disability. Comparison between France and Brazil / Diagnóstico pré-natal e medicina fetal : do quadro das práticas médicas à antecipação da deficiência – estudo comparativo entre França e Brasil

Mirlesse, Véronique 23 September 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les pratiques du diagnostic prénatal (DPN) en France et au Brésil, entre mondialisation des savoirs et des techniques et régulations locales, à la recherche des modalités d’anticipation du handicap. Le DPN s’est développé dans les pays d’Europe et d’Amérique du Nord en lien direct avec les législations sur l’avortement. Il a pris ancrage dans le suivi des grossesses comme l’un des modes de prévention des handicaps à la naissance. Son expansion aux pays où l’accès à l’avortement est restreint oblige à des adaptations fonction des régulations locales. Les dispositifs réglementaires encadrent le travail professionnel (travail en réseau, pluridisciplinarité) et l’enregistrement des pratiques (omniprésent en France, absent au Brésil). Ils modulent, en France, l’expérience des femmes ayant vécu une interruption de grossesse pour pathologie fœtale, comme en témoigne l’analyse de questionnaires semi directifs soumis à deux groupes de femmes à deux époques différentes. En 1999 les femmes réclament plus d’autonomie dans la prise de décision d’interruption. En 2005, elles sollicitent plus volontiers une décision partagée avec les praticiens, mais considèrent que la décision leur revient plus spécifiquement lors des termes tardifs, dans les situations à risque de retard mental, de grande incertitude pronostique, ainsi que dans le cadre de situations spécifiquement recherchées lors du parcours anténatal (telle la trisomie 21). Ces dispositifs réglementaires conditionnent aussi l’usage des techniques et les informations délivrées aux couples. Au Brésil, dans un contexte d’accès restreint à l’avortement et de fortes inégalités sociales, l’échographie en situation de normalité foetale glorifie la « naissance sociale anticipée» de l’enfant et de sa famille. En cas d’anomalie fœtale, une rupture radicale se produit. A l’hôpital public, qui concerne la majorité des femmes, la poursuite obligée de la grossesse règle l’attitude des praticiens : l’étude ethnographique menée à Rio de Janeiro montre que les obstétriciens optent alors pour l’éducation des femmes (dans l’espoir d’un accès progressif à l’autonomie, chemin espéré vers une société plus juste). Les pédiatres provoquent pour leur part un glissement sémantique proposant une utilisation positive de l’incertitude médicale qui modifie le cadre de la réflexion préservant une approche dynamique de l’accueil de l’enfant. Dans le secteur privé au Brésil, les interruptions de grossesse possibles hors des cadres légaux, sont maintenues sous le sceau du secret et ne laissent que peu entrevoir la dynamique décisionnelle préalable. L’anticipation du handicap lors des consultations prénatales met partout en avant la crainte du retard mental et de la souffrance pour l’enfant, le couple ou la fratrie, mais le discours varie selon les contextes : l’analyse comparative des observations souligne qu’en France, les praticiens utilisent la médecine basée sur les preuves pour informer le couple et réduire risques et incertitude en vue d’un choix nécessaire et dans le respect de l’autonomie décisionnelle des couples. Au Brésil, à l’hôpital public, la hiérarchie des priorités diffère: devenir mère, avoir un enfant vivant passent au premier plan. Le risque est présenté comme faisant partie de la vie et l’incertitude dynamique préserve l’avenir de l’enfant malade au sein de sa famille. Ces approches différenciées du risque et du handicap amènent à évoquer les évolutions récentes du champs du handicap qui ont peu pénétré l’univers du DPN. Portées notamment par les « disability studies », études menées par les personnes elles mêmes concernées par le handicap, elles considèrent le handicap comme un processus dynamique résultant d’une interaction entre l’état de santé et une situation sociale donnés. La thèse suggère en conclusion un rapprochement des savoirs, des expériences et des pratiques entre l’univers du prénatal et celui du handicap par le biais d’un dialogue inter et transdisciplinaire. / In search of modes of anticipating disability, this thesis examines and compares prenatal diagnosis (PND) practices in France and Brazil. In Europe and North America, PND has developed directly in line with legislation on abortion and is rooted in the monitoring of pregnancy, as one of the ways of preventing disability at birth. Its expansion into countries where access to abortion is restricted, is led by the globalization of knowledge and techniques, and has to be adapted to suit local regulations. Regulatory frameworks govern professional work (networking, multidisciplinarity) and the recording of PND practices (omnipresent in France, non-Existent in Brazil). As can be seen from our analysis of semi-Directive questionnaires given to two groups of women at two different periods of time, in France such mechanisms modulate the experiences of women who have undergone an abortion due to a foetal pathology. In 1999 women wanted greater autonomy when deciding whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. In 2005 they were more readily in favour of sharing decision-Making with doctors, but felt that the decision was theirs to make when it was a question of late-Term pregnancies, of situations with a risk of mental retardation, of major prognostic uncertainty, and of situations subject to specific tests during the prenatal period (such as Down’s Syndrome). These regulatory mechanisms also affect how technical tools are used and the information given to couples. In Brazil, in a context of restricted access to abortion and of very significant social inequality, an ultrasound in a situation of foetal normality glorifies the “anticipated social birth” of the child and its family. When a foetal anomaly is diagnosed, a radical rupture occurs. In public hospitals – used by the majority of women – obligatory continuation of pregnancy regulates doctors’ attitudes: the ethnographic study carried out in Rio de Janeiro shows that obstetricians have opted for the education of women (in the hope of gradual access to autonomy, hopefully the road towards a fairer society). Paediatricians produce a semantic shift, encouraging a positive use of medical uncertainty, which modifies the decision-Making framework and maintains a dynamic approach to welcoming the child-To-Be. In the private sector in Brazil, terminations of pregnancy which are possible outside of any legal framework are kept behind a wall of secrecy, revealing next to nothing about the prior decision-Making process. During prenatal consultations, the anticipation of a disability systematically brings out fears of mental retardation and of the suffering which will be caused to the child, the couple or siblings, but the discourse varies, depending on the context: a comparative analysis of our observations shows that, in France, doctors use evidence-Based medicine to inform couples and to reduce risks and uncertainties with a view to making a necessary choice, whilst at the same time respecting the couple’s decision-Making autonomy. In public hospitals in Brazil, there is a different hierarchy of priorities: the primary focus is that of becoming a mother and having a life-Born child. Risk is presented as being part of life and the dynamic aspects of medical uncertainty safeguard the future of the “sick” child within its family. These differentiated approaches to risk and disability lead us to consider recent evolutions in the field of disability which has so far had little impact on PND. Led in particular by “disability studies” – studies carried out by people who are themselves affected by disability – these evolutions consider disability to be a dynamic process resulting from an interaction between a given state of health and a given social situation. In its conclusion, the thesis suggests that the knowledge, experiences and practices of the prenatal world and that of disability be brought together through inter and transdisciplinary dialogue. / Essa tese analisa as práticas de diagnóstico pré-natal (DPN) na França e no Brasil, entre a mundialização de saberes, técnicas e regulações locais, focando as modalidades de antecipação da deficiência. O DPN desenvolveu-se nos países da Europa e América do Norte de forma diretamente relacionada com as leis sobre o aborto. Enraizou-se no monitoramento da gravidez como um dos modos de prevenção das deficiências. Sua expansão em países onde o acesso ao aborto é restrito leva a adaptações de acordo com as regulamentações locais. Disposições regulamentares enquadram o trabalho profissional (em rede, pluridisciplinar) e o registro das práticas (onipresente na França e ausente no Brasil). Elas modulam, na França, a experiência de mulheres que se submeteram ao aborto devido a uma patologia fetal, conforme evidenciado pela análise de questionários semi-estruturados aplicados em dois grupos de mulheres em duas épocas diferentes. Em 1999, as mulheres exigiam mais autonomia na tomada de decisões de interrupção. Em 2005, elas procuravam mais frequentemente uma decisão compartilhada com os médicos, porém consideravam que a decisão cabia a elas, especificamente em gestações mais adiantadas, em situações com risco de retardo mental, com elevada incerteza prognóstica, e no contexto de situações específicas rasteadas ao longo do percurso pré-natal (tal como a síndrome de Down).Estes mecanismos reguladores também condicionam o modo de utilização das técnicas e as informações fornecidas para os casais. No Brasil, em um contexto de acesso restrito ao aborto e de fortes desigualdades sociais, a ultrassonografia em situações de normalidade fetal glorifica o "nascimento social antecipado" da criança e a « ampliação » da família. Em caso de anomalia fetal, uma ruptura radical se produz.No hospital público, para onde vai a maioria das mulheres, a impossibilidade de interromper a gestação define a atitude dos profissionais: o estudo etnográfico realizado no Rio de Janeiro mostra que os obstetras optam então pela educação das mulheres (na esperança de um ganho progressivo de autonomia, em direção a uma sociedade mais justa). Os pediatras realizam, por sua vez, uma mudança semântica, proporcionando um uso positivo da incerteza médica que muda o contexto do debate, preservando uma abordagem dinâmica sobre a chegada da criança. No setor privado no Brasil, a interrupção da gravidez, possível fora dos quadros jurídicos, é mantida sob o selo do segredo e dá pequeno vislumbre da dinâmica anterior da decisão.A antecipação da deficiência durante o pré-natal dissemina o medo do retardo mental, do sofrimento para a criança, para o casal ou irmãos, mas o discurso varia de acordo com o contexto: a análise comparativa de observações destaca que na França, os médicos utilizam a medicina baseada em evidências para informar o casal e reduzir o risco e a incerteza, tendo em vista uma escolha necessária e o respeito à autonomia das decisões dos casais. No Brasil, no hospital público, a hierarquia de prioridades é diferente: tornar-se mãe, ter um filho vivo vêm em primeiro plano. O risco é apresentado como parte da vida e a dinâmica da incerteza salvaguarda o futuro do filho doente no seio de sua família. Estas abordagens diferenciadas de risco e deficiência nos remetem ainda mais aos recentes achados nas áreas da deficiência, que pouco penetraram no universo do DPN. Impulsionados principalmente pela área dos « disability studies », pesquisas conduzidas pelas próprias pessoas afetadas pela deficiência, esses estudos consideram a deficiência como um processo dinâmico, resultante de uma interação entre um estado de saúde e uma situação social determinada. A tese apresenta como conclusao a necessidade da aproximaçao entre o universo do pré-natal e o da deficiência, por meio de um diálogo inter e transdisciplinar, compartilhando conhecimentos, experiências e práticas.

The challenges experienced by the people living with HIV on the termination of temporary disability grant in a semi-urban area in Gauteng

Moetseloa, Mpolokeng Cecilia 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The South African government provides people living with HIV Temporary Disability Grants to assist them with money when they cannot work due to being disabled by HIV. The toll of the disease has contributed to the inability to be employed among black South Africans. The aim of this exploratory qualitative study was to investigate the challenges experienced by people living with HIV when their Temporary Disability Grants are terminated in the semi-urban area of Gauteng. The temporary disability grant is terminated after six months of receiving it. In-depth interviews were conducted with people who live with HIV who are members of Ekupholeni Mental Health and Trauma Centre support group. Thematic analysis was used to analyse data. The findings of the study revealed that the termination of Temporary Disability Grant affects the running of the households of people living with HIV, causes poor management of the disease, non-adherence to treatment which leads to viral rebound, poor nutrition as a result of poor finances. The findings of this study are significant for the policy review on how long a person should receive the disability grant and the criteria used to apply for a disability grant, and to encourage the people living with HIV to start their own gardening programmes for food supply. Moreover, to encourage the introduction of a Chronic Disease Grant (CDG) for people who live with HIV. / OKUFINYEZIWE Uhulumeni waseNingizimu Afrika uhlinzeka abantu abaphila ne-HIV Izibonelelo Zesikhashana Zabaphila Nokukhubazeka, ama-Temporary Disability Grants, ukubasiza ngemali ngesikhathi bengakwazi ukuthi bayosebenza ngesizathu sokukhubazeka ngenxa ye-HIV. Ubunzima balesi sifo sebubenomthelela wokuthi kube nokungaqasheki kwabantu abamnyama baseNingizimu Afrika. Injongo yalolu cwaningo oluchaza kabanzi kwakuwukuphenya ngezinselelo ezibhekana nabantu abaphila ne-HIV uma Izibonelelo Zesikhashana Zabaphila Nokukhubazeka zinqanyulwa endaweni yasemalokishini aseGauteng. Isibonelelo sesikhashana sabaphila nokukhubazeka sinqanyulwa emva kokutholakala kwaso izinyanga eziyisithupha. Ukuxoxisana okunzulu kwenziwa nabantu abaphila ne-HIV abangamalungu esikhungo Sezempilo Yangokomqondo, Ekupholeni nabayiqembu lokusekelana Lesikhungo Sokuphazamiseka Emqondweni. Ukuhlaziywa kwale ndikimba kwenziwa ukucwaninga imininingwane eyayiqoqiwe. Okwatholwa yisifundo kwaveza ukuthi ukunqanyulwa Kwesibonelelo Sesikhashana Sabaphila Nokukhubazeka kuthikameza ukuqhubeka ngendlela efanele kwamakhaya abantu abaphila ne-HIV, kubangele ukungalawuleki kahle kwesifo, ukungabambeleli ekuphuzweni kwemithi okubangela ukuthi igciwane lihlasele kabusha, ukungadli ngokufanele ngenxa yokuswela imali. Okutholakala kulolu cwaningo kusemqoka ekubuyekezweni kwenqubomgomo yokuthi kumele umuntu anikezwe isibonelelo sokuphila nokukhubazeka isikhathi esingakanani kanye nemigomo esetshenziswayo ukufaka isicelo semali yesibonelelo sokuphila nokukhubazeka, kanye nokukhuthaza abantu abaphila ne-HIV ukuthi baqale izinhlelo zabo zezingadi ukuze bathole ukudla. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ukukhuthaza ukuqala ukusebenzisa Isibonelelo Sezifo Ezingelapheki, i-Chronic Disease Grant (i-CDG) sabantu abaphila ne-HIV. / KGUTSUFATSO Mmuso wa Afrika Borwa o fana ka Dithuso tsa Nakwana ho batho tshwerweng ke HIV le ba Koafetseng ho ba thusa ka tjhelete nakong eo ba sa sebetseng ka lebaka la ho tshwarwa ke HIV le ho koafala. Sekgahla sa kokwana se bakile bothata ba ho hloka mesebetsi ka hara batho ba batsho ka hara Afrika Borwa. Maikemisetso a dipatlisiso tsena ke ho hlahloba diphephetso tseo batho ba phelang ka HIV ba kopanang le tsona nakong eo Dithuso tsa Nakwana tsa ho Kowafala di felang dibakeng tsa seka-ditoropo Gauteng. Dithuso tsa Nakwana tsa ho kowafala di fihla pheletsong ka moea dikgwedi tse tsheletseng ka mora ho di fumantshwa. Di-inthavu tse tebileng di ile tsa tshwarwa le batho ba phelang ka HIV bao e leng ditho tsa sehlopha se tshehetsang sa Ekupholeni Mental Health and Trauma Centre. Manollo ya mookotaba o ile wa sebediswa bakeng sa ho sekaseka lesedi. Tse fumanweng ka hara dipatlisiso tsena di hlahisa hore ho fela ha Dithuso tsa Nakwana tsa Ditjhelete di ama tsamaisong ya malapa a batho ba phelang ka HIV, di baka taolo e fokolang ya bohloko, ho se ikamahanye le phekolo ho etsang hore bohloko bo kgutle hape, phepo e sa lokang e bakwang ke tjhelete e nyane. Tse fumanwanwang ka hara dipatlisiso tsena ke tsa bohlokwa bakeng sa hore maano a shejwe hape mabapi le hore e k aba nako e kae moo mokudi a lokelang ho fumantshwa thuso, mmoho le tsela e sebediswang ho etsa kopo ya dithuso tsa bokowa, le ho kgothalletsa batho ba phelang ka HIV hore ba iqalle manane a temo bakeng sa phepelo ya dijo. Ho feta moo, ho kgothaletsa ho hlahiswa ha Dithuso tsa Mahloko a sa foleng (Chronic Desease Grant) bakeng sa batho ba phelang ka HIV. MANTSWE A SEHLOOHO Bokowa, dithuso tsa bokowa, baamohedi ba dithuso tsa bokowa, batho ba phelang ka HIV le AIDS, ho fela ha dithuso tsa bokowa le phekolo ka dipidisi tsa anthiritrovaerale. / Sociology / M.A. (Sociology (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV and AIDS))

La psicoterapia di coppia e la sua valutazione. Prove di efficacia e di efficienza / The evaluation of couples therapy. Evidence of efficacy and effectiveness

ESPOSITO, LUCIA ISABELLA 13 March 2009 (has links)
Il presente lavoro di tesi si colloca all’interno della tradizione di ricerca nota come Empirically Supported Therapy Relationships, un modello d’indagine centrato sulla natura e sulla funzione della relazione al di là della contrapposizione tra ricerca sugli esiti e ricerca sul processo. I tre studi in cui si articola il lavoro assumono come focus d'indagine porzioni progressive del trattamento: la prima seduta, le prime due sedute, l’intero percorso. Nel primo studio sono messi a confronto differenti esiti terapeutici per verificare se le ricadute sul piano clinico del metodo interpretativo siano riconducibili ad un criterio di presenza/assenza o da ricercare nell’intreccio con altri fattori caratterizzanti il percorso di cura. Il secondo studio si propone di affrontare casi di interruzione prematura del trattamento, differenziati in funzione del raggiungimento o meno della stipulazione di un contratto terapeutico: l’obiettivo è quello di evidenziare le caratteristiche connesse alla diversa fase di abbandono del contesto di cura. Infine il terzo studio, nella forma del single-case study, è incentrato sui momenti di frattura dell’alleanza terapeutica lungo un intero processo terapeutico di quaranta sedute. / The present dissertation refers to the theoretical background known in the literature as Empirically Supported Therapy Relationships, a research tradition focused on the relationship and its nature, beyond the outcome and process research opposition. The three studies included in this work focused on different portions of treatment: respectively the initial intake session, the first two sessions, and the overall treatment. In the first study different outcomes were compared in order to examine if the effects of interpretations were connected to specific factors of psychotherapeutic process. The second study aimed to assess clinical cases of premature termination, differentiated on the basis of the contract attainment: the purpose was to depict specificities due to the different phase of dropping out. Finally, the third study was a single-case research examining alliance ruptures within an entire clinical process of forty sessions.

Radical Polymerization Kinetics in Systems with Transfer Reactions Studied by Pulsed-Laser-Polymerization and Online EPR-Detection / Studien zur Kinetik radikalischer Polymerisationen mit zwei Sorten von Radikalspezies durch Pulslaser Polymerisation mit Online EPR-Spektroskopie

Barth, Johannes 25 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Detailed Investigations into the Propagation and Termination Kinetics of Bulk Homo- and Copolymerization of (Meth)Acrylates / Detaillierte Untersuchungen der Wachstums- und Terminierungskinetik von (Meth)Acrylat Homo- und Copolymerisationen in Substanz

Müller, Elena 28 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Įgyjamoji senatis kaip nuosavybės teisės atsiradimo pagrindas / Acquisitive prescription as a foundation of the acquisition of the ownership

Selvestravičiūtė, Indrė 24 November 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe nagrinėjamas dar senovės Romos teisėje suformuotas vienas iš nuosavybės teisės įgijimo pagrindų – įgyjamosios senaties institutas, jo taikymo sąlygos. Darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti įgyjamosios senaties instituto taikymo sąlygų, t.y. sąžiningai atsiradusio bei sąžiningo, teisėto, atviro bei nepertraukiamo valdymo bei daikto valdymo kaip savo, turinį, apibendrinti Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo praktiką. Darbe analizuojama daikto valdymo kaip faktinės būsenos ir kaip savarankiškos daiktinės teisės samprata, jų atsiradimo ir pasibaigimo momentų ir pagrindų santykis. Didelis dėmesys yra skiriamas teismų praktikoje kilusioms įgyjamosios senaties instituto taikymo problemoms, pateikiami jų pavyzdžiai ir galimi sprendimo būdai. / This study is devoted to the analysis of the acquisitive prescription (its conditions) as the foundation of the acquisition of ownership. Acquisitive prescription derives from Roman law. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the subject-matter of conditions of the acquisitive prescription – the acquisition of the thing in good faith, the possession of it in good faith, legitimately, openly, continuously as its own, to summarize the practice of the Supreme Court of Lithuania. The fact of possession itself, also the possession as an independent right in rem, the relation of the acquisition and the termination moments and grounds are also analyzed. The extensive attention is given to problems araised from the practice of the Supreme Court of Lithuania, the examples of such problems and its possible solutions also are given.

Implementation of high voltage Silicon Carbide rectifiers and switches

Berthou, Maxime 18 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this document, we present ou study about the conception and realization of VMOS and Schottky and JBS Diodes on Silicon Carbide. This work allowed us optimize and fabricate diodes using Tungsten as Schottky barrier on both Schottky and JBS diodes of different blocking capability between 1.2kV and 9kV. Moreover, our study of the VMOS, by considering the overall fabrication process, has permitted to identify the totality of the problems we are facing. Thusly we could ameliorate the devices and try new designs as the VIEMOS or the monolithic integration of temperature and current sensors.

Le Mur dans la tête, vingt ans plus tard : législation sur l'avortement et discours féministes

Héroux, Geneviève 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur l’avortement en Allemagne depuis les vingt dernières années. La première partie s’attardera d’une part, aux différentes lois en matière d’avortement des deux États allemands avant les événements de 1989 et d’autre part, à l’analyse du discours tenu par le mouvement féministe ouest-allemand et est-allemand face à l’avortement. La deuxième partie examinera le débat qui entoura l’avortement lors du processus de la Réunification. En effet, la loi sur l’avortement de la République démocratique allemande était beaucoup plus libérale que celle de la République fédérale d’Allemagne et la majorité des citoyens et politiciens d’ex-RDA refusèrent que la loi restrictive ouest-allemande soit tout simplement étendue à l’Allemagne réunifiée. Il s’ensuivit un débat qui devint rapidement une sorte de symbole du clivage présent entre les Allemands de l’Est et ceux de l’Ouest, mais aussi entre les féministes des nouveaux et des anciens Länder. C’est finalement en 1995 qu’une nouvelle loi fut votée par le Parlement, loi qui, encore aujourd’hui, régit l’avortement. Vingt ans après la chute du Mur, le débat sur l’avortement reprit sa place dans l’actualité avec un nouveau projet de loi visant à restreindre l’accès aux avortements pratiqués après la 12e semaine de grossesse. La troisième partie portera donc sur ce débat plus actuel et examinera si le clivage Est-Ouest face à l’avortement à l’époque de la Réunification, est toujours présent aujourd’hui en Allemagne, ce qui, selon les conclusions de ce mémoire, semble bien être le cas. / This MA thesis is about abortion in Germany over the past twenty years. The first part will focus on one hand on the different laws regarding abortion in the two German states before the events of 1989 and on the other hand on the analysis of the discourse held by West and East German feminist movements regarding abortion. The second part will examine the debate surrounding abortion during the Reunification process. Indeed, the abortion law of the German Democratic Republic was much more liberal than the one of the Federal Republic of Germany and the majority of citizens and politicians of the former GDR refused that the West German restrictive law was simply to be extended to the reunified Germany. A debate followed that quickly became a kind of symbol of the division that existed between East and West Germans but also between feminists from the new and old Länder. Finally, in 1995, a new law was passed by Parliament, legislation that still governs abortion today. Twenty years after the Berlin Wall fell, the debate about abortion rose up in the headlines again with a new bill aimed at restricting abortion access after the 12th week of pregnancy. The third part will therefore focus on this more topical debate and examine whether the East-West division regarding abortion at the time of the Reunification still exists today in Germany which, according to the findings of this MA thesis, seems to be quite the case. / Diese Magisterarbeit bezieht sich auf Abtreibung in Deutschland in den letzten zwanzig Jahren. Der erste Teil beschäftigt sich einerseits mit den unterschiedlichen Gesetzen der zwei deutschen Staaten bezüglich Abtreibung vor den Ereignissen von 1989 und andererseits mit der Analyse des jeweiligen feministischen Diskurses zu Abtreibung in Ost- und Westdeutschland. Der zweite Teil wird die Debatte über Abtreibung während des Wiedervereinigungsprozesses untersuchen. In der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik war das Abtreibungsgesetz liberaler als in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die Mehrheit der Bürger und Politiker der ehemaligen DDR lehnte es ab, das restriktive westdeutsche Gesetz auf das wiedervereinigte Deutschland einfach auszudehnen. Es folgte eine Debatte, die schnell eine Art Symbol der Spaltung wurde, nicht nur zwischen den Ost- und Westdeutschen, sondern auch zwischen den Feministinnen der neuen und alten Länder. 1995 verabschiedete schlieβlich das Parlament ein neues Gesetz, das bis heute die Abtreibung regelt. Zwanzig Jahre nach dem Mauerfall ist die Debatte über die Abtreibung durch einen Gesetzentwurf wieder entflammt, der die Verschärfung der Abtreibungsbestimmungen nach der 12. Schwangerschaftswoche vorsieht. Der dritte Teil der Magisterarbeit wird sich auf diese aktuelle Debatte beziehen und untersuchen, ob die Ost-West-Spaltung bezüglich der Abtreibung zur Zeit der Wiedervereinigung noch heute vorhanden ist. Nach den Schlussfolgerungen dieser Magisterarbeit scheint das der Fall zu sein.

Terminuotos darbo sutarties sudarymo ir nutraukimo ypatumai / The Peculiarities of Conclusion and Termination of fixed-term Work Agreements

Bagdonaitė - de Jesus, Kristina 06 June 2005 (has links)
Conclusion and termination of fixed-term work agreements has influence on legal status of employees, work quality, efficiency of undertaking’s activity as well as provides parties with opportunities to individualize operating conditions and implement reasonable objectives, increases employment. In addition to common labour law norms, according to peculiarities of employment relations there are also rights and guaranties determined by special legal norms applied to fixed-term work agreements. With reference to summarized experience of national legal regulation in Lithuania and other foreign countries, European Union labour law acts, judicial practice and research work results of other authors this work deals with legal employment relationship existing between employer and employee in the process of conclusion and termination of a fixed-term work agreement and paying the main attention to their particularities in the whole of similar relations. It analyzes the machinery of given legal relations’ regulation. There is a conception of a fixed-term work agreement presented. It determines the parties of this legal relation and the content of a fixed-term agreement settled by them. Fixed-term employment meets labour market requirements in upsurge of flexible work organization forms. One of these forms is also a fixed-term work agreement.

Išbandymas sudarant darbo sutartį : jo reguliavimo Lietuvoje ir ES valstybėse - narėse lyginamoji analizė / The comparative analysis of probation clause in a contract of employment in Lithuania and the members of the EU

Šilinskaitė, Jurga 16 March 2006 (has links)
By means of comparative analysis the features of regulation of probationary period in a contract of employment in the law of Lithuania and the members of the EU are revealed. The problem of evaluation of the results of probationary period as well as the right to dispute the dismissal due to the negative outcome of probationary period are considered. The author also discusses some law cases of the Supreme Court of Lithuania to reveal the problems, related to probation clause.

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