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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les discours d'enseignement en français langue seconde : le cas de la compréhension des textes expositifs d'histoire et de géographie par les élèves allophones nouvellement arrivés en France et scolarisé au cycle 3 / Teaching discourses of French as a second language : case study understanding expositive History and Geography texts for newly-arrived allophone children in the French schooling system

Corny, Laurence 17 November 2016 (has links)
La recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre de la didactique du français langue seconde en contexte scolaire. Elle a pour objet d’étude les textes expositifs, c’est-à-dire ceux qui synthétisent les éléments de savoirs à acquérir. A partir de l’analyse d’un corpus de textes expositifs extraits de manuels scolaires de cycle 3 d’histoire et de géographie, la recherche se propose de définir une démarche explicite de la compréhension adaptée aux compétences et aux besoins des élèves allophones nouvellement arrivés. Pour cela, les facteurs d’hétérogénéité, le contexte de la scolarisation, les caractéristiques de ces textes et le processus de compréhension en lecture en langue seconde sont explorés. La démarche envisagée se veut active et collaborative et comprend deux étapes essentielles : un enrichissement préalable des connaissances linguistiques orales des élèves puis des activités variées qui permettent des manipulations sur le texte, notamment expansion, reformulation, surlignage ou déplacement d’éléments linguistiques et développement progressif de la complexité syntaxique. Dans une troisième étape, complémentaire, le texte expositif devient un support privilégié pour initier les élèves allophones à l’étude du fonctionnement de la langue française, les apprentissages menés venant soutenir, dans un mouvement de va-et-vient la compréhension en lecture.La recherche se veut conjointement une contribution à l’étude des discours d’enseignement dans leur modalité écrite et à la réflexion méthodologique de la didactique du français langue seconde dans le système éducatif français. / The research is related to didactics of French as a second language in a schooling context. It is based on the study of expositive texts, those which synthetize the parts of knowledge to be acquired. Based on the analysis of a corpus of expositive texts taken from primary school Geography and History books, the research subject tries to define an explicit teaching approach adapted to skills and needs of newly-arrived allophone pupils.For that purpose, shared mixed factors in the audience, the context in which pupils attend school, characteristics of expositive texts (for which we provide a typology), and the process in reading comprehension as a second language will be deeply studied. The approach which will be then considered tends to be active and collaborative and has two essential steps : first an enrichment of the pupils' oral linguistic knowledge, then various activities enabling to apprehend the text such as expanding it, rephrasing it, highlighting linguistic phrases or moving them in the text, and finally developing syntactic complexity in a progressive way.In a third step, which will be complementary, the expositive text becomes the major medium to initiate allophone pupils to the study of the functioning of French language, bearing in mind that carried out learnings will constantly help reading comprehension throughout the lesson.The research also wants to contribute to the study of written teaching methods and a methodological thought concerning didactics of French as a second language in the French educational system.

Dominance or not in the Classroom? : A synchronic study on gender differences in a Swedish classroom in the subject of English

Bengtsson, Marie January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

The Albanian Linguistic Journey from Ancient Illyricum to EU : Lexical Borrowings

Kulla, Ariola January 2010 (has links)
<p>Where does a language come from? Every language has its own history and during the course of that history, it might change, evolve or even die. Why do languages borrow from each other? Borrowing seems to be true for every language that has contact with another, even for major cultural languages such as Greek. Every case though is unique in itself. From which languages can a language borrow? Speakers of a certain language borrow from the people that they come in contact with, face-to-face or otherwise. How do languages incorporate those borrowings?</p><p>Lexical borrowings are responsible for as much as ninety percent of the Albanian vocabulary and due to globalization, this percentage is about to grow even more. With a great history of three thousand years behind it and being neighbor to the two great civilizations of the then known world, Ancient Greece and Rome, Albanian has borrowed more words than any other European language.Lexical borrowings are tightly connected to the history and culture of this nation. Depending on the presence of which foreign power ruled in the Albanian territories at which time, these borrowings have had as a primary source either Greek (Ancient, Middle or New), Latin or Turkish with a few minor interferences from Gothic and Slavic languages.Every language has its own reasons for borrowing from another language. There are two main reasons: prestige and need. Albanian is not an exception. Albanian has borrowed from Greek and Latin both on the basis of need and on the basis of prestige.</p><p>The primary objective for this master thesis is the identification of the vast numbers of lexical borrowings in the Albanian language, which languages they primarily come from, why the Albanian language has borrowed so many words during the course of its history and how those borrowings are incorporated in the Albanian language.</p>

Le français langue seconde comme langue de scolarisation. Théorisation, description et analyse d’interactions didactiques en classe d'accueil. / French as a second language and as a schooling language. Theorization, description and didactic interactions analysis

Le Ferrec, Laurence 06 December 2011 (has links)
La recherche envisage le français langue seconde comme langue de scolarisation à partir d’une réflexion sur la situation d’enseignement/apprentissage du français par des élèves allophones scolarisés dans le système éducatif français en classe d’accueil de collège. La notion de langue de scolarisation, utilisée à l’origine à propos de l’enseignement scolaire dans les pays de français langue seconde, est mise au cœur de l’étude et fait l’objet d’une analyse didactique et linguistique s’attachant à en identifier les composantes. A partir d’une réflexion sur les usages de la langue à l’école, la recherche tente de délimiter le champ d’application de la langue de scolarisation et suggère un recentrage sur les discours d’enseignement dont elle propose une description. Ces discours s’apparentent à des discours spécialisés que mettent en œuvre les différentes disciplines scolaires et qui nécessitent un traitement didactique spécifique pour faciliter l’intégration des élèves allophones en classe francophone. L’étude empirique porte sur un corpus d’interactions didactiques enregistrées en classe d’accueil de collège et transcrites. Elle mobilise les outils et méthodes de la linguistique des interactions verbales et s’attache à montrer les modalités de transmission des connaissances en s’intéressant aux formes d’énonciation des savoirs et à leur construction collaborative, en relation avec les supports écrits utilisés comme auxiliaires du discours de l’enseignant. La recherche se veut conjointement une contribution à l’étude des discours de transmission de connaissances et à la réflexion méthodologique de la didactique du français langue seconde dans le système éducatif français. / This research examines French as a schooling language for pupils with a different mother tongue, by focusing on the way it is taught in the French educational system by students who attend French "collèges" (the first four years of secondary education) in what are known as "classes d’accueil", i. e. special classes where these students are taught French as a foreign (or second) language. The concept of a schooling language, originally used about school teaching in countries where French was not the mother tongue, is central to this study and is analyzed in both didactical and linguistic terms in order to identify and define its components. Starting with a reevaluation of the way language is used in school, this research tries to map out the field in which the schooling language is applied and suggests focusing on the teaching discourses which are then described. They are akin to specialized discourses on the various school subjects but require a specific didactic treatment, in order to facilitate the integration of classes d’accueil pupils into regular classes for French-speaking pupils. The empirical study analyses a corpus of didactical interactions recorded in "classes d’accueil" and later transcribed. It uses the tools and methodologies usually pertaining to the linguistics of verbal interaction and strives to show how knowledge is transmitted through both formal enunciation of knowledge and its co-construction, in relation with the written material used to help the teacher’s discourse. This research has a twofold aim: to contribute to the study of knowledge transmission discourses and to the methodology of French as a second language within the French system of education.

Linguistic interference in translated academic texts: : A case study of Portuguese interference in abstracts translated into English

Galvao, Gabriela January 2009 (has links)
<p>AbstractThis study deals with linguistic interference in abstracts of scientific papers translated fromPortuguese into English collected from the online scientific database SciELO. The aim of thisstudy is to analyze linguistic interference phenomena in 50 abstracts from the field ofhumanities, history, social sciences, technology and natural sciences. The types ofinterference discussed are syntactic/grammatical, lexical/semantic and pragmatic interference.This study is mainly qualitative. Therefore, the qualitative method was used, in order to findout what kinds of interference phenomena occur in the abstracts, analyze the possible reasonsfor their occurrence and present some suggestions to avoid the problems discussed. Besides, aquantitative analysis was carried out to interpret the results (figures and percentages) of thestudy. The analysis is aimed at providing some guidance for future translations. This studyconcluded that translations from a Romance language (in this case Portuguese) into aGermanic language (English) tend to be more objective and/or sometimes lose originalmeanings attributed in the source text. Another important finding was that abstracts from thehumanities, history and social sciences present more cases of interference phenomena than theones belonging to technology and natural sciences. These findings imply that many abstractswithin these areas have high probability to be subject to the phenomena discussed and,consequently, have parts of their original meaning lost or misinterpreted in the target texts.Keywords: abstracts, bilingualism, cross-linguistic influence, linguistic interference, linguistictransfer, non-native speakers of English, Portuguese-English interference, source text, targettext, translation.</p> / Study on linguistic interference

Le dispositif intégré DNL en français/cours de FOS et de FOU dans les FUF bi-plurilingues pour la réussite des étudiants allophones / A framework integrating non-linguistic subject(s) (DNL) in French and French for Specific Purposes (FSP)/French for Academic Purposes (FAP) courses in bi-multilingual French-language University Courses for success of allophone students

Bordo, Widiane 27 June 2016 (has links)
La mondialisation économique et l'internationalisation des échanges ont engendré l'ouverture des frontières et la mobilité professionnelle. Par conséquent, de nouveaux besoins communicatifs émergent. En effet, les institutions, les organismes, les administrations et les entreprises recrutent, aujourd'hui, des professionnels capables de communiquer en plusieurs langues lors de leurs activités professionnelles. Pour répondre à cette demande, des établissements scolaires et universitaires ont mis en œuvre des dispositifs d'enseignement bi-plurilingue. La présente thèse s'intéresse aux Filières Universitaires Francophones (FUF) bi-plurilingues, et a pour objectif d'analyser le dispositif Discipline(s) Non Linguistique(s) (DNL)/cours de français, censé garantir la réussite universitaire et professionnelle des étudiants allophones. Ainsi, nous avons mené une enquête de terrain au sein d'une FUF d'économie en Egypte pour y étudier les pratiques linguistiques et didactiques. Notre recherche montre que l'intégration d'un cours de Français sur Objectif Universitaire (FOU) et de Français sur Objectif Spécifique (FOS) dans le programme de formation des FUF vise la réussite des étudiants. Par ailleurs, les résultats de notre investigation nous ont conduite à élaborer différents outils permettant aux enseignants de français d'élaborer plus facilement des cours de FOS/FOU. Il s'agit précisément de la conception d'un référentiel de compétences langagières, d'un programme de formation de FOS/FOU et d'activités pédagogiques. / The economic globalization and internationalization of exchanges led to the opening of borders and professional mobility. As a result, new communication needs are emerging. Indeed, institutions, organizations, administrations and enterprises are nowadays recruiting professionals who can communicate in different languages during their workplace activities. To meet this demand, schools and universities have implemented bi-multilingual teaching. This thesis focuses on bi-multilingual French-language University Courses (FUF) and aims to analyze the framework including non-linguistic subject(s) (DNL) in French and French courses, which is intended to ensure the academic and professional success of allophone students. Thus, we conducted a field survey within the Economics courses of a FUF in Egypt so as to study the linguistic and teaching practices. Our research shows that the integration of French for Specific Purposes (FSP) and French for Academic Purposes (FAP) courses in the FUF’s academic program aims at student achievement. Furthermore, the results of our investigation led us to develop different tools which will enable French teachers to create FSP/FAP courses more easily. More specifically, it is the construction of a competency framework, the design of a training program and educational activities.

The Perception of Lexical Similarities Between L2 English and L3 Swedish

Utgof, Darja January 2008 (has links)
<p>The present study investigates lexical similarity perceptions by students of Swedish as a foreign language (L3) with a good yet non-native proficiency in English (L2). The general theoretical framework is provided by studies in transfer of learning and its specific instance, transfer in language acquisition.</p><p>It is accepted as true that all previous linguistic knowledge is facilitative in developing proficiency in a new language. However, a frequently reported phenomenon is that students see similarities between two systems in a different way than linguists and theoreticians of education do. As a consequence, the full facilitative potential of transfer remains unused.</p><p>The present research seeks to shed light on the similarity perceptions with the focus on the comprehension of a written text. In order to elucidate students’ views, a form involving similarity judgements and multiple choice questions for formally similar items has been designed, drawing on real language use as provided by corpora. 123 forms have been distributed in 6 groups of international students, 4 of them studying Swedish at Level I and 2 studying at Level II. </p><p>The test items in the form vary in the degree of formal, semantic and functional similarity from very close cognates, to similar words belonging to different word classes, to items exhibiting category membership and/or being in subordinate/superordinate relation to each other, to deceptive cognates. The author proposes expected similarity ratings and compares them to the results obtained. The objective measure of formal similarity is provided by a string matching algorithm, Levenshtein distance.</p><p>The similarity judgements point at the fact that intermediate similarity values can be considered problematic. Similarity ratings between somewhat similar items are usually lower than could be expected. Besides, difference in grammatical meaning lowers similarity values significantly even if lexical meaning nearly coincides. Thus, the obtained results indicate that in order to utilize similarities to facilitate language learning, more attention should be paid to underlying similarities.</p>

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