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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Why Do They Talk That Way?: Teachers' Perceptions of the Language Young Students Bring into the Classroom

Smith-Price, Julie 15 May 2009 (has links)
The language children bring to the classroom (home language) is often different from the language that is expected or accepted in schools. These language differences are often met with a variety of reactions from teachers. The purpose of this research is threefold: (a) to apply a narrative inquiry design to explore how teachers respond to the language that children bring (home language) to the early childhood classroom and the effects this response has on their work with children; (b) to engage in research efforts that will explore how differences in language may affect or be affected by pedagogy, curriculum development, and teachers' expectations; (c) to understand how teachers feel about their preparation and capacity to address the issue of language diversity. The 4 participants in this study are either current or former teachers of children between the ages of 4 to 8 years. Through the use of narrative inquiry, I have acquired stories from each of the 4 participants. The stories provide insight into these teachers' perceptions of children's language in the classroom. The stories also open discussions on language diversity and the role it plays in early childhood education classrooms as well as how prepared teachers are to deal with language differences. With this study I hope to contribute to the research that focuses on language and language diversity in early childhood education. I would also hope to prompt further research on issues such as teachers' approaches to children's language differences within the classroom, the affects of different approaches to language diversity on pedagogy and curriculum, and finally on culturally sensitive pedagogy.

Evaluating the Role of Environmental Stressors and Sensitive Parenting on the Emergence of Behavior Problems during Early Childhood

Sapotichne, Brenna 15 December 2012 (has links)
Repeatedly, parenting quality has been shown to affect children’s level of behavior problems during early childhood (e.g., Bayer, Sanson, & Hemphill, 2006; Shaw, Gilliom, Ingoldsby, & Nagin, 2003). However, the parent-child relationship exists within a broader social context (Bronfenbrenner, 1986). Therefore, social contextual stressors such as financial strain, neighborhood danger, and residential overcrowding may affect children’s adjustment through parenting. Based on The Family Stress model (Conger & Elder, 1994), the current study tests the theory that sensitive parenting mediates the relationship between these three environmental stressors (i.e., financial strain, neighborhood danger, and residential overcrowding) and children’s behavior problems from ages 2 to 4 years. Results did not support this hypothesis. Though, alternative analyses provided some support for interactive effects of sensitive parenting and neighborhood danger on children’s externalizing problems. When families experienced less neighborhood danger, sensitive parenting was associated with less externalizing problems.

The Interaction of Post-Partum Depression and Maternal Knowledge of Infant Development on Change in Sensitive and Responsive Parenting during Early Infancy

Weiss, Julie 20 December 2013 (has links)
Sensitive and responsive parenting during early infancy is highly understudied, particularly in families with a low socioeconomic status. Longitudinal data from 41 mothers and their 4 to 16 week old infants found that accurate maternal knowledge of infant development positively affected parenting contemporaneously and over time while depression did not affect parenting in this sample. Implications for intervention and research are discussed.

Algoritmos eficientes para o problema do orçamento mínimo em processos de decisão Markovianos sensíveis ao risco / Efficient algorithms for the minimum budget problem in risk-sensitive Markov decision processes

Moreira, Daniel Augusto de Melo 06 November 2018 (has links)
O principal critério de otimização utilizado em Processos de Decisão Markovianos (mdps) é minimizar o custo acumulado esperado. Embora esse critério de otimização seja útil, em algumas aplicações, o custo gerado por algumas execuções pode exceder um limite aceitável. Para lidar com esse problema foram propostos os Processos de Decisão Markovianos Sensíveis ao Risco (rs-mdps) cujo critério de otimização é maximizar a probabilidade do custo acumulado não ser maior que um orçamento limite definido pelo usuário, portanto garantindo que execuções custosas de um mdp ocorram com menos probabilidade. Algoritmos para rs-mdps possuem problemas de escalabilidade quando lidam com intervalos de custo amplos, uma vez que operam no espaço aumentado que enumera todos os possíveis orçamentos restantes. Neste trabalho é proposto um novo problema que é encontrar o orçamento mínimo para o qual a probabilidade de que o custo acumulado não exceda esse orçamento converge para um máximo. Para resolver esse problema são propostas duas abordagens: (i) uma melhoria no algoritmo tvi-dp (uma solução previamente proposta para rsmdps) e (ii) o primeiro algoritmo de programação dinâmica simbólica para rs-mdps que explora as independências condicionais da função de transição no espaço de estados aumentado. Os algoritmos propostos eliminam estados inválidos e adicionam uma nova condição de parada. Resultados empíricos mostram que o algoritmo rs-spudd é capaz de resolver problemas até 103 vezes maior que o algoritmo tvi-dp e é até 26.2 vezes mais rápido que tvi-dp (nas instâncias que o algoritmo tvi-dp conseguiu resolver). De fato, é mostrado que o algoritmo rs-spudd é o único que consegue resolver instâncias grandes dos domínios analisados. Outro grande desafio em rs-mdps é lidar com custos contínuos. Para resolver esse problema são definidos os rs-mdps híbridos que incluem variáveis contínuas e discretas, além do orçamento limite definido pelo usuário. É mostrado que o algoritmo de programação dinâmica simbólica (sdp), existente na literatura, pode ser usado para resolver esse tipo de mdps. Esse algoritmo foi empiricamente testado de duas maneiras diferentes: (i) comparado com os demais algoritmos propostos em um domínio em que todos são capazes de resolver e (ii) testado em um domínio que somente ele é capaz de resolver. Os resultados mostram que o algoritmo sdp para rs-mdp híbridos é capaz de resolver domínios com custos contínuos sem a necessidade de enumeração de estados, porém em troca do aumento do custo computacional. / The main optimization criterion used in Markovian Decision Processes (mdps) is to minimize the expected cumulative cost. Although this optimization criterion is useful, in some applications the cost generated by some executions may exceed an acceptable threshold. In order to deal with this problem, the Risk-Sensitive Markov Decision Processes (rs-mdps) were proposed whose optimization criterion is to maximize the probability of the cumulative cost not to be greater than an user-defined budget, thus guaranteeing that costly executions of an mdp occur with least probability. Algorithms for rs-mdps face scalability issues when handling large cost intervals, since they operate in an augmented state space which enumerates the possible remaining budgets. In this work, we propose a new challenging problem of finding the minimum budget for which the probability that the cumulative cost does not exceed this budget converges to a maximum. To solve this problem, we propose: (i) an improved version of tvi-dp (a previous solution for rs-mdps) and (ii) the first symbolic dynamic programming algorithm for rs-mdps that explores conditional independence of the transition function in the augmented state space. The proposed algorithms prune invalid states and perform early termination. Empirical results show that rs-spudd is able to solve problems up to 103 times larger than tvi-dp and is up to 26.2 times faster than tvi-dp (in the instances tvi-dp was able to solve). In fact, we show that rs-spudd is the only one that can solve large instances of the analyzed domains. Another challenging problem for rs-mdps is handle continous costs. To solve this problem, we define Hybrid rs-mdps which include continous and discrete variables, and the user-defined budget. In this work, we show that Symbolic Dynamic Programming (sdp) algorithm can be used to solve this kind of mdps. We empirically evaluated the sdp algorithm: (i) in a domain that can be solved with the previously proposed algorithms and (ii) in a domain that only sdp can solve. Results shown that sdp algorithm for Hybrid rs-mdps is capable of solving domains with continous costs, but with a higher computational cost.

Norepinephrine-evoked renal regulation of sodium homeostasis in salt-sensitive hypertension

Walsh, Kathryn 15 June 2016 (has links)
Hypertension affects 1 in 3 adults and is the single greatest risk factor for premature death. Salt-sensitive hypertension occurs in approximately 50% of hypertensive patients and results in a 3-fold increase in the risk of adverse cardiovascular events. However, the pathophysiology of salt-sensitive hypertension remains to be fully elucidated. There has been increased interest in the interaction between the sympathetic nervous system and the kidney and how that interaction mediates sodium excretion to drive the development of salt-sensitivity. Previous studies show that sympathetic over-activity increases expression of the sodium chloride cotransporter (NCC) resulting in increased NCC-mediated sodium reabsorption, and the development of salt-sensitive hypertension. In this thesis, I show the effect of increased norepinephrine (NE) and high salt intake in salt-resistant vs. salt-sensitive rat phenotypes on blood pressure regulation, NCC activity, and the adrenoreceptor-mediated regulatory kinase network signal transduction pathway. A high salt diet 1) exacerbates NE-induced hypertension in salt-resistant Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats and 2) results in hypertension in Dahl salt-sensitive (DSS) rats. In contrast to salt-resistant phenotypes (SD & Dahl salt-resistant), dietary sodium-evoked suppression of NCC expression and activity is prevented in salt-sensitive rats (SD-NE infusion & DSS) - I show that this occurs through a failure of a high salt intake to suppress renal OxSR1, SPAK, and WNK1 (NCC regulatory proteins). I demonstrate that α1-adrenoreceptors are responsible for mediating the salt-sensitive component of hypertension and restore dietary sodium-evoked suppression of the NCC via a predominant OxSR1 pathway. Chronic β-adrenoreceptor antagonism significantly reduces blood pressure in NE-mediated hypertension. How the body senses salt remains unknown, but my data show that selective removal of the afferent renal nerves prevents dietary sodium-evoked suppression of NCC expression and activity resulting in salt-sensitive hypertension, suggesting that the afferent renal nerves play an important role as a sodium-sensing mechanism. Overall, these data demonstrate that attenuated afferent renal nerve feedback drives renal efferent nerve release of NE to prevent the downregulation of the NCC via an α1-adrenergic receptor-gated WNK1-OxSR1 signal transduction pathway to evoke the development of salt-sensitive hypertension.

O filosófo e a morte: um estudo sobre a Phroneis no Fédon de Platão / The philosopher and the death: a study on Phronesis in Plato\'s Phaedo

Silva, Sheila Paulino e 12 March 2010 (has links)
Em nossa leitura do diálogo Fédon, partiremos da análise dos motivos que Sócrates apresenta para não temer a morte, os quais se baseiam no discurso acerca da natureza da alma, para analisar os indícios que a racionalidade, mais precisamente a phronesis, oferece acerca dos limites entre o domínio supra-sensível e o domínio da vida humana. Tal reflexo, ao mesmo tempo em que denuncia sua natureza e orienta o homem verso ao exercício de filosofar, dá indicações acerca das limitações do intelecto para dizer sobre esse domínio, distinto do domínio da sensibilidade. Verificaremos a colaboração da phronesis na elaboração do discurso sobre a imortalidade, o qual justifica o destemor da morte, e os vários sentidos em que podemos compreendê-la no diálogo. / In our searching of the dialogue Phaedo, we will start by analyzing the reasons that Socrates presents to not fear death, wich are based on discourse about the nature of the soul, to examine the evidence that rationality, specifically the phronesis, offers about the boundaries between the area of the super-sensitive and the human life´s area. Such reflection, while denouncing their nature and guides the man towards to the exercise of philosophy, also provides at same time references about the limitations of the intellect to say about this area, distinct of the area of sensitivity. We will check the collaboration of phronesis in the development of the discourse on immortality, wich justifies the fearlessness of the death, and the various ways in which we can understand it in dialogue.

Efeitos das variações do binômio tempo/temperatura sobre embriões da linhagem mutante tsl Viena 8 de Ceratitis capitata (Wiedmann, 1824) (Díptera: Tephritidae) / Effects of the variations of the binomial time/temperature on embryos of the tsl Vienna 8 strain of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedmann, 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae)

Colletti, Maria Paula Bueno 25 September 2007 (has links)
As moscas-das-frutas são consideradas importantes pragas da fruticultura mundial, causando perdas significativas à produção e ao livre trânsito de frutas. Com a preferência por alimentos com baixos níveis de agrotóxicos, pesquisas estão buscando alternativas ecológica, social e econômica viáveis para o controle destas pragas. A Técnica do Inseto estéril (TIE) é uma técnica onde os insetos são criados, esterilizados e liberados em áreas infestadas, reduzindo a fertilidade da população selvagem, além de ser um método não poluente e não agressivo ao ambiente. Com o desenvolvimento de novos estudos da metodologia da TIE, foi introduzida uma nova linhagem mutante a Sensibilidade a Letal Temperatura (tsl) Viena-8, cujas fêmeas são sensíveis à alta temperatura, podendo ser eliminadas já na fase embrionária, no início da criação massal, agregando mais benefícios a este método de controle e/ou supressão de praga. Com diferentes testes de incubação de ovos da linhagem tsl, com temperaturas e tempos combinados e variados, comprovou-se a extrema sensibilidade às mudanças de temperatura. A temperatura ideal para a incubação dos ovos dessa linhagem está entre 24ºC a 26ºC pelo período de 24 a 48 horas. Deve-se tomar o máximo de cuidado com a elevação da temperatura acima de 26ºC durante a manutenção e multiplicação dessa linhagem em condições de laboratório ou massalmente. Acima de 26ºC, há sérios riscos de comprometer a qualidade dos insetos produzidos. O curto período de 6 horas a uma temperatura de 34ºC, já é suficiente para alterar negativamente a proporção de fêmeas de ovos tratados termicamente / The fruit flies are considered important pests of the world horticulture, causing significant loses to the production and the free traffic of fruits. With the preference for foods with low levels of pesticides, researches are looking for alternatives ecological, social and economical viable for the control of these pests. The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is a technique where the insects are reared, sterilized and release in infested areas, reducing the fertility of the wild population, and is a method no pollutant and no aggressive to the environment. With the development of new studies of the methodology of SIT, a new mutation, Temperature Sensitive Lethal (tsl) Vienna 8, whose females are sensitive to the high temperature, could already be eliminated in the embryonic phase, in the beginning of the mass-rearing, resulting in more benefits to the control/suppression this pests. Different tests of incubation with eggs of tsl strain, with variation of time and temperature was done and proved a very sensitive to temperature changes. The ideal temperature for the incubation of the eggs is among 24ºC to 26ºC by the period from 24 to 48 hours. The maximum of care should be taken with the elevation of the temperature above 26ºC during the maintenance and multiplication in laboratory conditions or mass-rearing. Above this temperature it can commit the quality of the produced insects. The short period of 6 hours with temperature to 34ºC, is enough to change negatively the proportion of females of eggs in the thermal treatment

Repensar os audiovisuais em uma proposta metapórica: em busca do sensível / Rethinking audiovisuals in a metaporous proposal: searching for the sensitive

Santos, Vanessa Matos dos 11 April 2017 (has links)
Permeadas pelos audiovisuais, as sociedades contemporâneas se veem cada vez mais envoltas por eles. Diferentemente do que se verificava até bem pouco tempo atrás, época em que o ato de assistir a um audiovisual implicava adequar-se às grades das emissoras ou cinemas e estar localizado geograficamente em um lugar que dispusesse de aparato técnico para aguardar o momento da exibição, hoje as telas invadiram todos os espaços e seus conteúdos são visualizados facilmente por meio de diferentes dispositivos móveis (celulares, tablets, entre outros) a qualquer momento. Mesmo num cenário marcado pela aceleração, tais materiais têm o potencial de despertar nas pessoas a sensação de que o tempo parou, resgatando memórias, possibilitando novas visões sobre assuntos que não estavam pautados para aquele momento. Partindo da hipótese de que os audiovisuais são instâncias que permitem a ampliação do olhar racional porque conseguem penetrar no sensível, esta investigação apresenta uma forma inovadora de sentir essa experiência. A partir deste ponto, não cabe mais apenas a expressão assistir, mas, sim, sentir. O métaporo, como procedimento de pesquisa no âmbito da Nova Teoria da Comunicação, permitiu que, por meio de relatos, fosse possível observar o fenômeno comunicacional em situações de ensino-aprendizagem. Finalmente, e ensejando um movimento de metaporização do metáporo, a pesquisa revela também as ressonâncias resultantes dessas vivências tendo por base o ponto de vista do sujeito (o professor) que relata e revive as experiências no momento em que as registra. / Permeated by audiovisuals, contemporary societies are increasingly surrounded by them. Unlike what happened until a very short time ago, when the act of watching an audiovisual implied adjusting to the grids of the broadcasters or cinemas and being located geographically in a place that had the technical apparatus to wait for the moment of the exhibition, today the screens have invaded all spaces and their contents are easily visualized through different mobile devices (cell phones, tablets, among others) at any time. Even in a scenario marked by acceleration, such materials have the potential to awaken in people the feeling that time has stopped, retrieving memories, enabling new visions on subjects that were not scheduled for that moment. Starting from the hypothesis that the audiovisuals are instances that allow the amplification of the rational look because they can penetrate the sensitive, this investigation presents an innovative way to feel this experience. From this point on, it is no longer just the use of the expression to watch, but to feel. Metaporo, as a research procedure in the scope of the New Theory of Communication, allowed that, through reports, it was possible to observe the communicational phenomenon in teaching-learning situations. Finally, and by fostering a metaporalization movement of the metáporo, the research also reveals the resonances resulting from these experiences based on the point of view of the subject (the teacher) who reports and relives the experiences at the moment of registering them.

Dimensão sensível: a possibilidade de encontro no espaço \"entre\" analista/analisante / Not informed by the author

Durski, Ligia Maria 24 June 2016 (has links)
Dois foram os pontos disparadores desta tese: 1) a consideração do acontecer humano pelo vértice da criatividade, que concebe que a existência experiencial do humano ocorre no espaço entre a realidade subjetivamente criada e a realidade objetivamente percebida, fazendo com que a criatividade se relacione com a possibilidade de sentir a vida como real e como digna de ser vivida; 2) a problemática referente à emergência de processos criativos na clínica psicanalítica. A partir do estudo e aprofundamento sobre quais seriam as bases que sustentam os dois referidos pontos, aproximei-me do conceito de espaço potencial winnicottiano que, em linhas gerais e nos termos do desenvolvimento emocional primitivo, designa uma área de afetação mútua entre mãe/bebê. O conceito assinala também um campo intermediário, uma terceira área da experiência associada aos fenômenos e objetos transicionais que se relaciona com a perpétua tarefa humana de manter as realidades interna e externa separadas, ainda que inter-relacionadas. Área intermediária, fora da qual não há a ilusão do contato necessária para o alcance do sentimento de realização de si. No contexto da clínica, a pertinência dessa área, de um espaço entre analista/analisante, despontou questões referentes ao manejo clínico, à sensibilidade do/a analista e ao estabelecimento da relação (contra)transferencial. Como resultado do esclarecimento de elementos inerentes e/ou daí decorrentes, adveio a proposição da Dimensão Sensível. Os fatores elencados nesta tese, para sua descrição, foram: a conquista da confiança; sinceridade; espelhamento; disponibilidade e devoção; preocupação/concern; empatia e brincar compartilhado. O problema de pesquisa surgiu, pois, de minha experiência clínica e meus principais autores de referência e diálogo foram Sándor Ferenczi e Donald W. Winnicott. O trabalho está dividido em quatro partes, sendo que as três primeiras se constituíram no sentido de esclarecer o que nomeio de espaço entre analista/analisante, espaço que funciona como sustentação da proposição da Dimensão Sensível e que anuncia, em termos de direção do tratamento, o encontro com a alteridade. A quarta e última parte do trabalho objetivou a descrição propriamente dita da Dimensão Sensível a partir de fatores que nela incidem e/ou dela advém (fatores acima elencados). Em síntese, com a Dimensão Sensível, sublinhei a importância do/a analista estar-com o outro/paciente em comunidade de destino, uma vez que tal é a própria condição do devir humano / Two were the initial points of this thesis: 1) the consideration of the human becoming by the vertex of creativity, which conceives that the experiential existence of the human occurs in the space between the reality subjectively created and the reality objectively perceived, linking creativity with the possibility of feeling life as something real and as something worth living, and; 2) the issues related to the emergence of creative processes in the psychoanalytic clinic. From the study on what are the foundations that support those two points, I approached the concept of Winnicott`s potential space that, in general lines and in the context of the primitive emotional development, means a mutual affectation area between mother/infant. This concept means also an intermediate field, a third area of experience associated with the transitional phenomena and transitional objects related with the perpetual human need to maintain the internal and external realities separated, yet interrelated. Intermediate area outside of which there is not the illusion of contact necessary to achieve the feeling of self-realization. In the clinical context, the relevance of this area, of a space in-between analyst/analysand, emerged questions about the clinical management, about the analyst`s sensibility and about the establishment of the (counter)transference relationship. As a result of the explanation of inherent elements therefrom, stemmed the proposition of the Sensitive Dimension. The factors listed in this thesis, for its description, were: the conquest of confidence; sincerity; mirroring; availability and devotion; concern; empathy, and; shared play. The research problem occurred, therefore, from my clinical experience and my main authors of reference and dialogue were Sandor Ferenczi and Donald W. Winnicott. The work is divided into four parts, of which the first three were constituted to clarify what I named of space in-between analyst/analysand, space which works as support of the proposition of the Sensitive Dimension and which announces, in terms of treatment direction, the encounter with otherness. The fourth and final part of the work aimed at the description of the Sensitive Dimension from factors that affect it and/or it comes (above listed factors). In short, with the Sensitive Dimension, I emphasized the importance of the analyst be-with the other/patient, by a community of destiny, since this is the very condition of human becoming

Caracterização genotípica dos fatores de virulência e seu regulador \"agr\" em cepas de \"Staphylococcus aureus\" sensíveis à oxacilina / Genotipic characterization of virulence factors and agr of Staphylococcus aureus oxacillin sensitive

Vianello, Marco Aurélio 26 September 2006 (has links)
A capacidade do Staphylococcus aureus escapar do sistema imune do hospedeiro é atribuída à existência de algumas exotoxinas, as quais são codificadas por genes acessórios. A expressão de genes codificadores de exotoxinas é controlada por reguladores, tais como o agr (acessory gene regulator), sendo identificados 4 tipos polimórficos deste regulador. Neste estudo, foram utilizadas 37 isolados de Staphylococcus aureus, sensíveis à oxacilina, originados de laboratórios e hospitais públicos e privados brasileiros. Utilizou-se a técnica de PCR para a amplificação dos genes codificadores dos fatores de virulência estudados e do tipo de agr presente em cada cepa. A técnica da eletroforese em campo pulsado (PFGE) foi utilizada para se verificar a existência clonal entre os isolados. Observou-se que o gene codificador de enterotoxina mais freqüentemente isolado foi o gene sea, todos relacionados com o tipo III de agr. Observou-se, também, alguns pontos divergentes com publicações anteriores como a presença dos genes seb e tst na mesma cepa (33%), cuja relação julgava-se não ser muito freqüente, o mesmo acontecendo com os genes tst e lukElukD. Não se encontrou isolado portador dos genes codificadores das toxinas esfoliatinas. Segundo a técnica de PFGE, não houve relação clonal entre os isolados. Conclui-se, portanto, que as bases moleculares da patogenicidade do S. aureus são multi-fatoriais, dependendo não somente da presença como também da expressão de alguns genes acessórios como também do tipo de agr presente. / The capacity of the Staphylococcus aureus to escape from the immune system of the host is conferred to the existence of some exotoxins, which are codified by accessory genes. The expression of the genes of exotoxins is controlled by regulators, such as agr (acessory gene regulator), being identified four different types of this regulator. In this study, it had been used 37 strains of Staphylococcus aureus, sensible to the oxacillin, proceeding from public and private Brazilians laboratories. It had been used the PCR technique for detention of the genes of the virulence factors and the agr type present in each strain. The PFGE had been used for detectation of clonal relationship between the strains. Thus, it was observed that the most frequently determined gene coder of enterotoxin was sea (100% were related as type of agr III). it was observed divergent points to the studies carried through in other countries, like strains with coders genes of seb and tst (33%).This correlation, the literature judged not to be frequent, the same happening for the simultaneous presence of tst and lukE-lukD. It was not found in this study strains carrying of exfoliatin toxins. According to PFGE, there wasn\' t evidence of clonal relationship between the strains. It is concluded, therefore, that the molecular bases of the pathogenicity of the S. aureus are multifactorial, depending not only on the presence, as also of the expression of some accessory genes and the agr type present.

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