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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La sécurisation des permis de construire contre les recours abusifs / To strengthen legal security of building permits against the excessive proceedings

Boussemart, Déborah 09 July 2015 (has links)
La présente thèse s'intéresse à la systématisation des menaces d'annulation des permis de construire. Elle a pour objet d'analyser la réalité des recours abusifs devant le juge administratif français. Le phénomène de multiplication des recours abusifs pose le problème de l'instrumentalisation du juge par des requérants malveillants. Cette instrumentalisation transforme le prétoire en une sorte de marché juridictionnel et se traduit en pratique par des coûts contentieux et transactionnels de plus en plus lourds pour les bénéficiaires d'autorisation d'urbanisme. Des instruments de régulation procédurale existent mais sont apparus insuffisants jusqu'à la réforme du contentieux d'urbanisme de 2013. Cette réforme apporte des solutions innovantes. L'optimisme pousse à croire que ces mesures seront efficaces, mais un brin de pessimisme conduit à l'analyse d'autres solutions. Ainsi, le but de cette thèse est, d'une part, d'analyser les écueils actuels qui ont conduit à l'insécurité des bénéficiaires d'autorisation d'urbanisme et, d'autre part, d'analyser la pertinence des instruments juridiques régissant le droit de l'urbanisme avec un focus particulier sur les apports de la réforme des procédures contentieuses en urbanisme de 2013. / The present dissertation is interested in the systematization of the threats of construction authorizations cancellation. This discussion examines the reality of overuses of the right of individual recourse in order to examine issues which could enhance the legal certainty of construction authorizations. The rapid growth of the overused recourses number leads to the manipulation of the law and of the judge. This transforms the courtroom in an odd market where the judge is the tool of a bad regulation. The result is significant. The reason for that is very simple: litigation is quite expensive and amicable settlements too. However, regulatory measures exist but they are not effective. The 2013 reform brought several innovative changes. Optimism leads us to believe these changes will be effective. But a more pessimistic viewpoint leads to highlight the other solutions. Hence, the purpose of this thesis work is to analyze the obstacles and limits of the existing tools which have led to insecure construction authorizations. Furthermore, it aims to analyze the relevance of existing legal instruments in urban planning law.

Adiktologické příčiny prohlášení neplatnosti manželství v současném kanonickém právu římskokatolické církve / Addictological causes of declaration of nullity of marriage in contemporary canon law of the Roman Catholic Church

Novák, Petr January 2021 (has links)
Addictological causes of declaration of nullity of marriage in contemporary canon law of the Roman Catholic Church Abstract This thesis presents in detail the addictological causes of marriage nullity in canon law of the Roman Catholic Church. According to the Canon Law (Codex iuris canonici, 1983) a marriage may be declared null because of psychological inability under certain conditions. The addiction (and addictive behavior) is one of the most serious mental illnesses. Pope Francis pointed out the addiction as a "new form of slavery" and a "wound in our society" which should be combated with education and rehabilitation. In many cases the legal proceedings are very difficult and the canonical lawyers need the expert report from the field of addictology, psychology and psychiatry. The aim of this thesis is to give the essential addictological and psychological knowledge connected with the regulations listed in canon 1095 of the actual canonlaw code.

Informe para la sustentación de expedientes: N° 03196-2011-0-0401-JR-CI-01 (Expediente privado) /N° 504745-2012/DSD (Expediente público)

Vasquez Solis Duran, Gianfranco 24 August 2021 (has links)
El presente informe versa el expediente civil N° 03196-2011-0-0401-JR-CI-01, proceso iniciado por Héctor Orestes Rondón Rivas, quien interpone demanda contra Belia Perfecta Guillen, Asociación de Vivienda las Buganvillas de Arequipa y Centro de Conciliación para la Paz Social, con la finalidad de declarar la Nulidad del Acto Jurídico del acuerdo conciliatorio contenido en el Acta de Conciliación N° 1540-2011, mediante el cual la Sra. Belia se inscribió como asociada en la ficha de Padrón del Centro de Conciliación. Las causales de nulidad planteadas fueron: falta de manifestación de voluntad (al transmitirse su derecho de asociado sin su consentimiento) y nulidad virtual (vulneración a la Ley Electoral y Ley N° 26872). Por otro lado, la demandada planteó como respuesta, que el acto jurídico contenido en el acta conciliatoria tenía como finalidad regularizar sus derechos como propietaria, reputando la validez del acto, siendo este ejercido en amparo de una anterior sentencia expedida por el Juzgado de Familia, la cual disolvió el vínculo matrimonial con el demandante y se dispuso el 50.00% para cada cónyuge del único inmueble que pertenecía a la sociedad de gananciales. Al respecto, el juzgado de primera instancia declaró infundada la demanda considerando que el inmueble adquirido se produjo durante la vigencia del vínculo matrimonial entre las partes, no presentándose causal de nulidad invocada; decisión respecto del cual se interpuso recurso de apelación señalando falta de motivación, apelación que ha sido concedida y elevado al Superior Jerárquico, quienes revocaron la sentencia de primer grado y declararon fundada la demanda. / This report deals with a civil proceeding N° 03196-2011-0-0401-JR-CI-01, where Héctor Orestes Rondón Rivas files a lawsuit against Belia Perfecta Guillen, Las Buganvillas de Arequipa Housing Association and Conciliation Center for Social Peace, in order to declare the Nullity of the Legal Act of the conciliation agreement contained in the Conciliation Act No. 1540-2011, through which Mrs. Belia registered as an associate in the Register of the Conciliation Center. The grounds for nullity raised were due to a lack of expression of will (when his right to associate was transferred without his consent) and virtual nullity (violation of the Electoral Law and Law No. 26872). On the other hand, the defendant raised in response, that the legal act contained in the conciliation act was intended to regularize her rights as owner, presuming the validity of the act, being this exercised under a previous ruling issued by the Family Court, which dissolved the marriage bond with the plaintiff and 50.00% was provided for each spouse of the only property that belonged to the marriage. In this regard, the court of first instance declared the claim unfounded, considering that the property acquired was produced during the validity of the marriage bond between the parties, with no grounds for nullity invoked; decision regarding which an appeal was filed indicating lack of motivation, an appeal that has been granted and raised to the Hierarchical Superior, who revoked the first degree sentence and declared the claim founded. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

Žaloba na obnovu řízení a pro zmatečnost / Action for retrial and for nullity

Váňa, Pavel January 2021 (has links)
Action for retrial and for nullity Abstract This diploma thesis presents two institutes of Czech civil procedural law - an action for retrial and an action for nullity. Both actions are considered extraordinary remedies under Czech law and both can challenge a final court decision. An action for retrial serves to rectify defects in factual findings; an action for nullity serves to rectify procedural defects. Specific court decisions of the district, regional, and high courts are demonstrated in the thesis and prove that despite the scarce employment, the position of the actions within the legal system is justified and deserved. Both actions can further be found, slightly modified, in the upcoming new Civil Procedure Code, which should in the future replace the current Civil Procedure Code. The thesis presents several partial aims and one main aim. The partial aims are to introduce to the reader the actions for retrial and for nullity, to analyse their frequency and the reasons for which the actions were granted, and to make a comparison of Czech and Swedish civil procedural law. Fulfilling the partial aims accomplishes the main goal of the thesis: to provide a critical analysis of the substantive intent of the Civil Procedure Code based on the acquired knowledge. The diploma thesis is divided into six...

Conteúdo do provimento e limites objetivos e subjetivos do provimento e da coisa julgada na impugnação de deliberações de assembleias de sociedades por ações / Content of the judgement and objective and subjective limites of the judgement and res judicata in the challenge of shareholders meetings

Pereira, Guilherme Setoguti Julio 24 April 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho propôs-se a estudar, mediante abordagem crítica e multidisciplinar, questões processuais que surgem na impugnação de deliberações de assembleias de sociedades por ações, procurando não só comprovar a ideia de que o direito processual civil deve responder a especificidades vindas do direito material, mas tecer conclusões a respeito de qual maneira o processo civil, neste âmbito específico do direito material, atende a essas peculiaridades. Por entendermos que existe um fio condutor lógico que une conteúdo do provimento, objeto do provimento e limites objetivos e subjetivos da coisa julgada, foram eleitas algumas questões processuais como objeto principal da pesquisa, sintetizadas nas seguintes indagações: (i) qual o conteúdo do provimento jurisdicional que desconstitui deliberações de assembleias gerais de sociedades por ações?; (ii) quais os limites objetivos desse provimento e da coisa julgada que sobre ele incide?; e (iii) quais os limites subjetivos desse mesmo provimento e da coisa julgada que o acoberta? O escopo principal desta dissertação, assim, foi responder a essas perguntas, embora, para que se atingisse esse intuito, outras indagações também tenham sido respondidas. / This work aims at studying, through a critical and multidisciplinary approach, procedural matters arising out of claims that request the annulment of shareholder meetings resolutions, seeking not only to evidence the idea that the civil procedural law should correspond to specific issues of the substantive law, but also draw conclusions on how the civil procedure, within the specific ambit of the substantive law, answers to these peculiarities. Since we understand there is a logical guiding thread that links the judgment, its subject matter and the objective and subjective limits of the judgement and of the res judicata, we have chosen a few procedural issues as main object of our research, summarized in the following questions: (i) what is the content of the judgement that annuls the shareholder meetings deliberations?; (ii) what are the objective limits of this judgement and of the res judicata, which affect such deliberations?; and (iii) what are the subjective limits of this same judgement and of the res judicata, which restrict their interference in said deliberations? The main scope of this dissertation was, therefore, to answer these questions, although, in doing so, other questions have ended being answered.

Conteúdo do provimento e limites objetivos e subjetivos do provimento e da coisa julgada na impugnação de deliberações de assembleias de sociedades por ações / Content of the judgement and objective and subjective limites of the judgement and res judicata in the challenge of shareholders meetings

Guilherme Setoguti Julio Pereira 24 April 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho propôs-se a estudar, mediante abordagem crítica e multidisciplinar, questões processuais que surgem na impugnação de deliberações de assembleias de sociedades por ações, procurando não só comprovar a ideia de que o direito processual civil deve responder a especificidades vindas do direito material, mas tecer conclusões a respeito de qual maneira o processo civil, neste âmbito específico do direito material, atende a essas peculiaridades. Por entendermos que existe um fio condutor lógico que une conteúdo do provimento, objeto do provimento e limites objetivos e subjetivos da coisa julgada, foram eleitas algumas questões processuais como objeto principal da pesquisa, sintetizadas nas seguintes indagações: (i) qual o conteúdo do provimento jurisdicional que desconstitui deliberações de assembleias gerais de sociedades por ações?; (ii) quais os limites objetivos desse provimento e da coisa julgada que sobre ele incide?; e (iii) quais os limites subjetivos desse mesmo provimento e da coisa julgada que o acoberta? O escopo principal desta dissertação, assim, foi responder a essas perguntas, embora, para que se atingisse esse intuito, outras indagações também tenham sido respondidas. / This work aims at studying, through a critical and multidisciplinary approach, procedural matters arising out of claims that request the annulment of shareholder meetings resolutions, seeking not only to evidence the idea that the civil procedural law should correspond to specific issues of the substantive law, but also draw conclusions on how the civil procedure, within the specific ambit of the substantive law, answers to these peculiarities. Since we understand there is a logical guiding thread that links the judgment, its subject matter and the objective and subjective limits of the judgement and of the res judicata, we have chosen a few procedural issues as main object of our research, summarized in the following questions: (i) what is the content of the judgement that annuls the shareholder meetings deliberations?; (ii) what are the objective limits of this judgement and of the res judicata, which affect such deliberations?; and (iii) what are the subjective limits of this same judgement and of the res judicata, which restrict their interference in said deliberations? The main scope of this dissertation was, therefore, to answer these questions, although, in doing so, other questions have ended being answered.

Libertà interna e libertà esterna nel consenso matrimoniale canonico. L'incidenza delle condotte pre e para suicidarie / LIBERTA' INTERNA E LIBERTA' ESTERNA NEL CONSENSO MATRIMONIALE CANONICO: L'INCIDENZA DELLE CONDOTTE PRE E PARA SUICIDARIE / Internal freedom and external freedom in the canonic matrimonial consent. The incidence of pre and para suicidal behaviors

LOBIATI, PAOLO GIUSEPPE MARIA 14 May 2021 (has links)
Nello studio si approfondisce il rapporto tra due realtà: l’una giuridica, il consenso matrimoniale, e l’altra appartenente all’ambito del fatto, la condotta pre e para suicidaria. La necessità concreta è stata comprendere in modo univoco l’interazione tra la libertà del consenso – quale dimensione fondamentale affinché questo possa dispiegare effetti giuridici – ed alcune condotte poste in essere da uno dei due nubenti o da terzi, così da valutare come queste possano incidere sulla validità dell’atto. Si sono considerati due capi di nullità – il metus ed il gravis defectus discretionis iudicii – che dottrina e giurisprudenza considerano quelli che coinvolgono la facoltà volitiva, approfondendo nella prima parte il rapporto tra le condotte di fatto e la libertà esterna mentre nella seconda in merito alla libertà interna. Il metodo è stato quello di analisi della giurisprudenza quale fonte che permette sia di interpretare la norma sia di precisarne ed incarnarne le fattispecie. Conclusione è che le condotte pre e para suicidarie non possano inserirsi tra le circostanze che rendono manifesta la nullità del matrimonio in relazione alla libertà del consenso, infatti non è possibile sostenerne il valore presuntivo ma è necessario, volta per volta, confrontarle con gli altri fatti riportati nelle tavole processuali. / The study examines the relationship between two realities: one legal, marriage consent, and the other belonging to the context of the fact, pre and para suicidal conduct. The concrete need was to understand in a univocal way the interaction between the freedom of consent - as a fundamental dimension for this to have legal effects - and some behaviors put in place by one of the two engaged or by third parties, so as to evaluate how these can affect on the validity of the deed. Two heads of nullity have been considered - the Grave fear and the Lake of discretion of judgment - which doctrine and jurisprudence consider those that involve the willful faculty, deepening in the first part the relationship between conduct and external freedom while in the second on the internal freedom. The method was to analyze the jurisprudence as a source that allows both to interpret the law and to specify and embody the cases in point. The conclusion is that the pre- and para-suicidal behaviors cannot be inserted among the circumstances that make the nullity of the marriage manifest in relation to the freedom of consent, in fact it is not possible to support the presumptive value but it is necessary, every time, to compare them with the other facts. reported in the procedural tables.

Domicile and jurisdiction as criteria in external conflict of laws with particular reference to aspects of the South African law of persons

Schoeman, Elsabe 01 1900 (has links)
This thesis explores the use of domicilium as a criterion in choice of law and jurisdiction in South African law with special reference to private-law status. In this area of the law adherence to the status theory has, in the recent past, resulted in the use of domicile as an exclusive ratio jurisdictionis. This has impacted negatively on choice of law issues in status matters: since domicile constituted the sole jurisdictional criterion, little attention was devoted to choice of law. Even though the lex domicilii was, in actual fact, applied to choice of law issues concerning private-law status, it happened only as a result of the assumption of jurisdiction by the forum domicilii. With the emergence of alternative jurisdictional criteria, such as ordinary residence, choice of law issues will have to be addressed from a conflict of laws perspective, since the jurisdictional criteria will no longer ensure the application of the appropriate lex causae. In this regard recognition of the functional diversification of jurisdictional and conflicts connecting factors is crucial: different principles and policies underlie the fields of jurisdiction and choice of law and this must be borne in mind when a connecting factor is selected. In view of the prominence of domicilium as a connecting factor, problem areas in regard to the interpretation and ascertainment of domicile, especially the domicile of choice, is investigated within the context of the Domicile Act 3 of 1992 and with a view to future reform. It is submitted that the subjective animus requirement for the acquisition of a domicile of choice remains uncertain and undefined. Since domicile constitutes such an important connecting factor in issues pertaining to private-law status, as well as other non-status matters, it is essential that it should be readily and easily ascertainable. In this regard certain concrete proposals for future reform are advanced. Ultimately the domicile of an individual should indicate the community to which he/she truly belongs: only then will domicile constitute a conflicts connecting factor which satisfies the demands of conflicts justice. / Private Law / LL. D. (Law)

La théorie des nullités dans la doctrine après le Code civil / The theory of nullity in the doctrine after the Civil Code

Barry, Mohamed 30 September 2013 (has links)
Peut-on parler d’une théorie des nullités dans la doctrine après le Code civil ? C’est à cette question que l’on a cherché à répondre dans ce travail. En effet, la réponse, habituellement, apportée à cette dernière appelle des précisions. Selon cette réponse, après le Code civil, il y a eu une théorie des nullités dans la doctrine. D’abord, il y a eu une doctrine classique qui est composée, majoritairement, d’auteurs du XIXème siècle. Ensuite, à coté de cette doctrine, il y a eu une doctrine dite moderne, composée majoritairement d’auteurs du XXème siècle. Si, pour construire une théorie générale des nullités, la doctrine classique a utilisé l’état de l’acte, la doctrine moderne elle, elle a utilisé le critère lié au but de la règle violée. Dans ce travail, on a cherché à renouveler cette réponse, d’une part en mettant en évidence les limites de l’idée d’une doctrine classique ou moderne et d’autre par en montrant l’inadéquation de ces théories générales, construites par les auteurs après le code civil, au droit positif. Ce qui nous a permis de proposer d’abandonner toute vision globale sur doctrine et sur la théorie des nullités. Aussi, on a proposé de remplacer cette vision globale par une conception diverse des nullités. Une conception diverse d’abord, en ce qui concerne la doctrine, dans la mesure où il n’y a pas d’un coté la doctrine classique et de l’autre la doctrine moderne. Mais aussi une conception diverse en ce qui concerne la théorie des nullités elle-même, dans la mesure où il n’y a pas une seule théorie pour tous les types de contrats, mais des théories diverses qui épousent les spécificités de chaque contrat. Telles sont les conclusions auxquelles nous sommes parvenus à l’issue de ce travail. / Can we speak of a theory of nullity in the doctrine after the Civil Code? This is the question we sought to answer in this work. Indeed, the answer usually given to the latter requires clarification. According to the response after the Civil Code, there was a theory of nullity in the doctrine. First, there was a classical doctrine which is composed mainly of lawyers of the nineteenth century. Then, next to this doctrine, there was a doctrine called modern, composed mainly of lawyers of the twentieth century. If, to construct a general theory of nullity, the classical doctrine has used the state of the act, the modern doctrine, she has used the criterion related to the purpose of the rule breached.In this study, we sought to renew this response, first by highlighting the limits of the idea of a classic or modern doctrine and the other by showing the inadequacy of these general theories, built by the authors after the Civil Code, the positive law. This allowed us to propose to abandon any overall vision and doctrine on the theory of nullity. Also, it was proposed to replace this global vision by various design nonentities. A diverse design first, with regard to doctrine, to the extent that there is no one side the classical doctrine and other modern doctrine. But also various design regarding the theory of nullity itself, insofar as there is no single theory for all types of contracts, but various theories that espouse the specifics of each contract.These are the conclusions we have reached the end of this work.

Reflexões acerca da modulação de efeitos: decisões proferidas pelo STF em matéria tributária

Farias, Érika Dias Machado Costa de 17 October 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:20:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Erika Dias Machado Costa De Farias.pdf: 516302 bytes, checksum: c6e8f98c47ed9d92aed68b0ae8b2d920 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-10-17 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Currently many judged the modulation effects of the decision of unconstitutionality on tax matters in the Supreme Court, as provided in Article 27 of Law 9.868/99 have been seen. For the examination of the topic, we analyze the theories of nullity and voidableness. The modulation of temporal effects is a form of mitigation to the theory of nullity of the act unconstitutionality, for it prevents the adoption retroactive effectiveness of the decisions as unconstitutional, assuming that an unconstitutional norm is to be valid and effective until its declaration of incompatibility with the Constitution or even from other time established by the Supreme Court. The consequences of decisions by the Supreme Court at various stages of the cycle of positive tax responsible for the creation, modification and termination of normative acts in the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality impact directly on understanding the effects of their decisions on the legal system. In this context, we intend to analyze more closely the controversial issues regarding the temporal modulation of the effects of the declaration of unconstitutionality, in the tax field, aiming to promote a solution in the cases analyzed IPI's credit-premium, IPI zero rate, COFINS exemption on gross operating revenues of uniprofessional societies, unconstitutionality of COFINS and PIS basis of calculation inclusion in ICMS / Atualmente tem-se verificado grande número de julgados contendo a modulação de efeitos da decisão de inconstitucionalidade em matéria tributária no Supremo Tribunal Federal, conforme disposto do artigo 27 da Lei 9.868/99. Para o exame do tema, faz-se uma análise das teorias da anulabilidade e nulidade. A modulação dos efeitos temporais é uma forma de atenuação à teoria da nulidade do ato inconstitucional, pois impede a adoção de eficácia retroativa das decisões de inconstitucionalidade, admitindo-se que uma norma inconstitucional seja válida e eficaz até a sua declaração de incompatibilidade com a Constituição ou mesmo a partir de outro momento estabelecido pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal. Os reflexos das decisões proferidas pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal nas diversas etapas do ciclo de positivação responsáveis pela criação, modificação e extinção dos atos normativos em sede da Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade impactam, diretamente, na compreensão dos efeitos de suas decisões sobre o ordenamento jurídico. Nesse contexto, pretende-se analisar mais detidamente as questões controversas a respeito da modulação temporal dos efeitos da declaração de inconstitucionalidade, no campo tributário, com o intuito promover uma solução nos casos analisados de Crédito Prêmio de IPI, IPI alíquota zero, isenção da COFINS incidente sobre as receitas das sociedades uniprofissionais, inconstitucionalidade da inclusão da base de cálculo da COFINS e do PIS no ICMS

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