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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lesão no código civil brasileiro e no direito comparado

Bonini, Paulo Rogério 18 October 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:21:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Paulo Rogerio Bonini.pdf: 1329908 bytes, checksum: 092335a6fbd369b8c866b9b62a51d415 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-10-18 / The juridic institut of injury has always avoided that one of the parties of the busyness relationship have a not proportional gain, takes advantage of the other. The balance among obligations reachs collective goals, resulting of observation of the good will and social function of contracts. The needs of hiring and lack of business knowledge take away willness conscience, considering the lesion like a bad conscience. The cancellation of the business isn t its general purpose, trying to make its conservation with the necessary corrections. There is variability of the effects of injury busyness, sometimes causing absolute nullity, sometimes causing relative nullity, sometimes causing the rescission of the busyness / O instituto jurídico da lesão sempre buscou evitar que uma das partes da relação negocial obtivesse um ganho desproporcional em relação à contraprestação devida, aproveitando-se da necessidade da outra parte. O equilíbrio das prestações atende interesses coletivos, como decorrência da observação do princípio da boa-fé e da função social do contrato. A necessidade de contratar e a inexperiência negocial retiram a plena consciência da vontade, enquadrando a lesão como vício do consentimento. A anulação do negócio lesvio não é seu fim primordial, devendo-se buscar a sua conservação com as correções necessárias. Há variação dos efeitos da lesão no negócio, ora gerando a nulidade absoluta, ora gerando a nulidade relativa, ora constituindo-se como causa de resolução do negócio.

Vícios do lançamento tributário

Guimarães, Marcela Cunha 13 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:23:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcela Cunha Guimaraes.pdf: 2205588 bytes, checksum: 51490e34dd34f8268a19e00e89d82668 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-13 / This paper, by using theory and pragmatism, aims to verify the elements and assumptions to the valid issuance of the administrative taxation act whilst normative source based on profound analysis of concrete scenarios widely discussed among Brazilian Courts of Justice and the administrative sphere. The inexistence of such elements shall cause the taxation act s own inexistence. Among these elements, we may highlight the subject, form, content and publicity. Such taxation act can exist, however its validity and effectiveness could be compromised due to the existence of deformities related to the subject, form, procedure, cause, motive and purpose. Following all guidelines herein mentioned, such deformity shall imply non validity or taxation act validity reestablished. Thus, the present paper intends not only refer to the deformities related to the taxation act, but also clarify the premises related to the limits on the revision of such taxation act, mainly in regard to the statutory period predicted on art. 173, II, from the Brazilian National Tax Code / O presente trabalho, utilizando o método teórico e pragmático, tem como objetivo verificar os elementos e pressupostos para válida expedição do ato administrativo de lançamento enquanto fonte normativa, com base em profunda análise de casos concretos, amplamente debatidos no Poder Judiciário e nos órgãos administrativos de julgamento. A inexistência dos elementos surtirá como consequência a própria inexistência do ato de lançamento. Como elementos, destacam-se sujeito, forma, conteúdo e publicidade. Diversamente, tal lançamento poderá existir, mas poderá ter sua validade e eficácia comprometidas, ante a existência de vícios relativos ao sujeito, forma, procedimento, causa, motivo e finalidade. Conforme diretrizes expostas na tese, tais vícios implicarão invalidação ou convalidação do lançamento. Indo além, esse trabalho terá por escopo não só versar sobre os vícios atinentes ao lançamento tributário, como também estabelecer premissas acerca dos limites da revisão do lançamento, notadamente no que diz respeito ao prazo decadencial previsto no artigo 173, II, do Código Tributário Nacional

Essai sur un critère de distinction des nullités en droit privé / Essay on a distinction criterion of nullities in private law

Sadi, Damien 12 September 2013 (has links)
L’étude d’un critère de distinction des nullités est-elle désuète ? Tant s’en faut. S’inscrivant dans lecontentieux de la théorie des nullités, le critère de distinction actuel est couramment dénoncé.À ce jour, il est enseigné qu’une théorie « moderne » aurait renversé une théorie « classique »distinguant les nullités relatives et absolues selon la gravité du vice de l’acte. Aussi le critère actuel de« l’intérêt protégé » propose-t-il de scinder les nullités selon l’intérêt que la loi décide de préserver.Ici, la nullité est relative lorsque seul un intérêt particulier est protégé par le législateur. Là, unenullité absolue est préférable quand l’intérêt général a guidé l’objectif législatif dans l’édiction de larègle.Séduisant, ce critère n’en demeure pas pour autant convaincant. L’excès condamnable de rigidité ducritère organique laisse place à un excès de souplesse du critère de l’intérêt protégé tout aussiblâmable. Comment distinguer l’intérêt général de l’intérêt privé ? Bien plus, y a-t-il un intérêt àprotéger quand le législateur exige une condition matérielle de formation de l’acte comme la cause oul’objet ? Par où l’on voit qu’à l’insécurité juridique du critère s’adjoint l’artifice des classifications qu’ilengendre. Insatisfaisant, le critère de l’intérêt protégé doit être réprouvé.L’approche historique, essentielle pour comprendre l’origine de la distinction, dévoile la chronologieerronée des théories esquissées. S’ensuit l’abandon d’un critère palliatif pour la substitution d’uncritère plus effectif, dont le fondement n’instaure pas une hiérarchie entre les conditions de formationou les intérêts protégés. Mises sur un pied d’égalité, les nullités seraient distinctes en raison des vicesqui les provoquent, pris dans leur nature, et non dans leur gravité. Fondé sur la nature du vice,personnelle – si le vice affecte le consentement –, matérielle ou illicite – si le vice altère le contrat –,ce nouveau critère de distinction des nullités autoriserait une classification ternaire, avec un régimespécifique à chaque vice. Il permettrait également la redécouverte d’une pluralité de natures desnullités, en tant que sanction ou remède. L’harmonie des catégories s’en trouverait ainsi instaurée, labipolarité décriée abandonnée et la nature véritable des nullités restaurée. / Is the search for a distinction criterion of nullities obsolete ? Far from it. Lying within the litigation ofdoctrine of nullities, the current distinction criterion is frequently denounced.To date, it is taught that a "modern" theory would have reversed a "classical" theory, distinguishingrelative nullities (voidable) from absolute ones (void) according to the gravity of the act’s defect.Therefore, the "protected interest" criterion proposes dividing up nullities according to the interestthe law decides to protect. Here, nullity is relative when a specific interest alone is protected by thelawmaker. There, an absolute nullity is preferred, when general interest guided the legislative purposewhile enacting the rule.Appealing, this criterion does not remain, however, convincing. The blameworthy excess of rigidity ofthe organic criterion makes room for an as much blameful excess of flexibility of the protected interestcriterion. How to distinguish general interest from specific interest ? Furthermore, is there an interestto be protected when the lawmaker demands a material condition for the formation of the act such asthe cause or the object? In any case, to the juridical insecurity of the criterion is affixed the device ofbred classifications. Unsatisfactory, the protected interest criterion must be reprobated.Historical approach, essential for understanding the origin of the distinction, expose the erroneouschronology of the sketched theories. Follows the abandonment of a palliative criterion for a moreeffective one, whose foundation does not establish a hierarchy between the conditions of formation orthe protected interests. Treated on an equal footing, nullities would be distinct because of the defectsthat father them, taken in nature, not in their severity. Based on the nature of the defect, personal – ifthe defect affects the consent –, concrete or illicit – if the defect impairs the contract –, this newdistinction criteria of nullities would allow a ternary classification, with a specific plan for each vice. Itwould also allow the rediscovery of a plurality natures of nullity, as a sanction or remedy. Harmony ofcategories would find itself instituted, disparaged polarity abandoned and true nature of nullitiesrestored.

Le juge et le contrat de travail : essai sur la relecture judiciaire d'un contrat / The judge and the labor contract : essay on the judicial rereading of a contract

Rouspide-Katchadourian, Marie-Noëlle 15 June 2013 (has links)
Selon l’article 5 du code civil, les juges ne peuvent « se prononcer par voie de disposition générale et règlementaire sur les causes qui leur sont soumises ». L’article 1134, alinéa 1er, du même code pose le principe de la force obligatoire du contrat. Or, la jurisprudence de la chambre sociale de la Cour de cassation est normative ; son immixtion dans le contrat de travail est patente. Déséquilibré, soumis à un ordre public spécifique, source d’un conflit de droits et de libertés, le contrat de travail présente certaines spécificités. Ces dernières paraissent guider l’action du juge. L’adaptation du contrat constitue l’une des principales manifestations de son intervention. Elle se caractérise par l’enrichissement de l’accord de volontés ou, à l’inverse, par son amputation. De nombreuses obligations sont ajoutées au contrat. Si le fondement avancé par le juge varie, les articles 1134, alinéa 3 et 1135 du code civil justifient, en réalité, cette addition. La soustraction revêt diverses formes. Elle est parfois la source d’un pouvoir créateur ; celui-ci n’est pas toujours susceptible d’être rattaché à la protection des libertés et droits fondamentaux. Au-delà, la réfection conduit le juge à rebâtir et réécrire le contrat. Ce dernier est rebâti sur le fondement de l’article 1134, alinéa 2, du code civil. La volonté des parties est objectivée ; leur volonté réelle n’est pas nécessairement respectée. La réécriture du contrat découle, notamment, de l’application de l’article 1152 du code civil. Mais elle s’étend au-delà de ce texte. Originale et audacieuse, la relecture judiciaire du contrat de travail est liée au particularisme de cet accord. / According to article 5 of the French civil code, the judges cannot « decide through the mean of general and statutory rules on the causes they are submitted with ». Article 1134 al.1 of the same civil code provides for the principle of the binding effect of the contract. Yet, the jurisprudence of the labor chamber of the French High Court (Cour de cassation) is normative ; its interference in the labor contract is obvious. Unbalanced, subject to a specific public order, source of conflict of rights and freedoms, the labor contract has certain particularities. These appear to guide the judge’s action. The adaptation of the contract is one of the principle manifestations of the judge’s intervention. It is characterized by the improvement of the agreement of the wills or, on the contrary, by its amputation. Many obligations are added to the contract. If the reasons exposed by the judge vary, actually, article 1134 al.3 and article 1135 of the French civil code justify these additions. This subtraction has different forms. It is the source of a creative power ; such creative power is not always linked to the protection of freedoms and fundamental rights. Besides, the rework leads the judge to the rebuilding and redrafting of the contract. Said contract is rebuilt in accordance with article 1134 al.2 of the French civil code. The willingness of the parties becomes objective ; their real willingness is not necessary complied with. The redrafting of the contract is the result of, in particular, article 1152 of the French civil code. However it can be extended beyond this article. Original and audacious, the judicial way to read the labor contract is linked to the sense of the identity of such labor contract.

Locus Standi in the Law of Administrative Process in Tax Matters / Legitimación Activa en la Ley del Proceso Contencioso Administrativo en Materia Tributaria

León Pinedo, Silvia 10 April 2018 (has links)
The article begins by recognizing that the Administrative Process in Peru is full jurisdiction, protects the legal situations in addition to control the legality of the administrative acts. Then the author examines the Tax Administration, specifically if SUNAT has active legitimacy to sue in a Contentious Administrative Process against the decision issued by the Tax Court that revoked or annulled their administrative acts, concluding that it does not have legitimacy but, exceptionally, according to article 157 of the Tax Code, can sue when SUNAT demonstrates that RTFs are not according to the parameters of article 10 of the General Administrative Procedure Act, confirming that the causal most used by SUNAT are those of the numeral 1 and 2, referred to the resolutions which cause serious disability vice, which, according to the author, is not the same as a different interpretative approach. Finally, the author concludes that for tax issues does not apply the second paragraph of Article 13 of the Law on Administrative Process; apply the article 157 of the Tax Code, as the special rule. / El presente artículo parte por reconocer que el proceso contencioso administrativo en el Perú es de plena jurisdicción, esto es, que protege las situaciones jurídicas de los administrados además de la legalidad del acto administrativo.Así, se lleva a cabo un análisis sobre la legitimidad activa de la Administración Tributaria, específicamente la SUNAT, para interponer una demanda contencioso administrativa contra la Resolución emitida por el Tribunal Fiscal (RTF) que revocó o anuló su acto administrativo concluyendo que no la tiene pero que, excepcionalmente, de acuerdo al artículo 157° del Código Tributario, podría demandar cuando demuestre fehacientemente que la RTF es nula de acuerdo a los parámetros del artículo 10° de la Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General (LPAG), constatándose que las causales más utilizadas por la SUNAT son las del numeral 1 y 2 de dicha norma, referidas a aquellas resoluciones que tengan un vicio grave de invalidez, lo que, según la autora, no es lo mismo que un distinto criterio interpretativo. Por último, se señala que en relación a los temas tributarios no resulta aplicable el segundo párrafo del artículo 13º de la Ley del Proceso Contencioso Administrativo si no el referido artículo 157° del Código Tributario, al ser la norma especial.

La sanction de la violation du droit de la consommation dans les contrats de consommation / Sansctions for consumer law violation in consumer contracts

Douche-Doyette, Nathalie 30 November 2012 (has links)
La seconde moitié du XXème siècle a été marquée par l'avènement de la sociétéde consommation et, corrélativement, par l'apparition d'un droit nouveau dont l'objectif est de protéger les consommateurs : le droit de la consommation. Il se définit par sa finalité comme l'ensemble des règles dont l'objet est de protéger les intérêts des consommateurs et s'applique essentiellement dans les contrats de consommation. Aucun régime général de la sanction de la violation des dispositions consuméristes n'a été organisé par le législateur. Les sanctions prévues sont majoritairement des sanctions pénales, les sanctions civiles sont alors celles du droit commun des contrats.A partir du droit positif, l'étude cherche à construire un régime spécial de la sanction, commun à tous les contrats de consommation. L'étude est orientée vers la recherche de sanctions efficaces, qui permettent de renforcer l'effectivité de la règle de droit et la protection des consommateurs. Elle distingue nécessairement l' analyse de l'efficacité de la fonction réparatrice de la sanction, qui est conditionnée par la prise en compte de la situation de la victime du comportement sanctionné, et l'analyse de l'efficacité de la fonction dissuasive de la sanction qui est conditionnée par la prise en compte de la situation de l'auteur du comportement sanctionné. / The second half of the 20th century has been marked by the emergence ofconsumer society and correspondingly by the evolution of a new area of law: consumer law. This field of law can be defined as a body of rules aiming at protecting the interests of consumers and which is essentially applied in the context of consumer contracts. The legislator has not established a general system of sanctions for the violation of consumer law provisions. The sanctions are mostly criminal in nature, while the civil sanctions are those provided for by general contract law.On the basis of the existing rules this thesis aims to establish a specific system ofsanctions common to all consumer contracts. The thesis is governed by the search for adequate sanctions which would increase the effectiveness of the legal rules as well as the effectiveness of the protection of consumers. The effectiveness of the reparative function of the sanctions is analysed separately from the effectiveness of their deterrent function. This distinction is necessary, since the reparative function of sanctions is determined by the situation of the victim of the violation of the rules, whereas the deterrent function of sanctions takes into account the situation of the person responsible for the violation.

Domicile and jurisdiction as criteria in external conflict of laws with particular reference to aspects of the South African law of persons

Schoeman, Elsabe 01 1900 (has links)
This thesis explores the use of domicilium as a criterion in choice of law and jurisdiction in South African law with special reference to private-law status. In this area of the law adherence to the status theory has, in the recent past, resulted in the use of domicile as an exclusive ratio jurisdictionis. This has impacted negatively on choice of law issues in status matters: since domicile constituted the sole jurisdictional criterion, little attention was devoted to choice of law. Even though the lex domicilii was, in actual fact, applied to choice of law issues concerning private-law status, it happened only as a result of the assumption of jurisdiction by the forum domicilii. With the emergence of alternative jurisdictional criteria, such as ordinary residence, choice of law issues will have to be addressed from a conflict of laws perspective, since the jurisdictional criteria will no longer ensure the application of the appropriate lex causae. In this regard recognition of the functional diversification of jurisdictional and conflicts connecting factors is crucial: different principles and policies underlie the fields of jurisdiction and choice of law and this must be borne in mind when a connecting factor is selected. In view of the prominence of domicilium as a connecting factor, problem areas in regard to the interpretation and ascertainment of domicile, especially the domicile of choice, is investigated within the context of the Domicile Act 3 of 1992 and with a view to future reform. It is submitted that the subjective animus requirement for the acquisition of a domicile of choice remains uncertain and undefined. Since domicile constitutes such an important connecting factor in issues pertaining to private-law status, as well as other non-status matters, it is essential that it should be readily and easily ascertainable. In this regard certain concrete proposals for future reform are advanced. Ultimately the domicile of an individual should indicate the community to which he/she truly belongs: only then will domicile constitute a conflicts connecting factor which satisfies the demands of conflicts justice. / Private Law / LL. D. (Law)

Občanský rozvod a církevní nulita manželství / The Civil Divorce and Ecclesiastical Nullity of Marriage

POPILKOVÁ, Miloslava January 2008 (has links)
Content of graduation theses is focused on civil divorce and church nullity of marriage. Graduation theses are divided in three Themes, secular law, canon law and comparison. First part is aimed at civil law which regulates divorce. Second part is focused on canon law. It conducts a study of church nullity of marriage in consequence of marriage agreement failure, canon form or impedimenta presence. Third part compares ways of marriage termination in Czech secular law and ways of marriage cessation in catholic canon law. It tries to find their equivalent components, their dissimilarities and relationship. The canon law is a base of comparison. Secular law is based upon the tenet of marriage dissolvability. Canon law is based upon the tenet of marriage indissolubleness. Marriage divorce in the civil law is ineffective in the canon law respectively church nullity of marriage is ineffective in the secular law of the Czech Republic.

Brief notes on the “manifested nullity” as material presuppose of its “appreciabillity” ex officio in the peruvian legal system / Breves apuntes respecto de la “nulidad manifiesta” como presupuesto material de su “apreciabilidad” de oficio en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano

Campos García, Héctor Augusto 30 April 2018 (has links)
One of the main objectives of any legal system is legal certainty, which is understood as the provision of decisions in the work of the courts. To this end, in order to standardize the diversity of decisions of courts for the same conflict, there are meetings of supreme judges who seek to give a unique sense of resolution to the same conflict. Those meetings are called Cassation Plenaries.In this article, the author comments and develops the decision taken at the IX Civil Cassation Plenary. At that meeting a broad criterion of manifested nullity has been chosen, whenever the causal is “easy to warn”. However, throughout the text the author highlights the methodological vices of the Supreme Court to reach this conclusion and, using a legal comparison, proposes a different criterion of manifest nullity, demonstrating that for our legal system this should not be restricted to an “easy to warn” causation. / Uno de los objetivos principales de todo sistema normativo es la seguridad jurídica, la cual se entiende como la previsión de las decisiones en la labor de las cortes judiciales. Con dicho propósito, a fin de uniformizar la diversidad de decisiones de las cortes para un mismo conflicto, existen reuniones de jueces supremos las cuales buscan dar un sentido único de resolución a un mismo conflicto. Aquellas reuniones son denominadas Plenos Casatorios.En el presente artículo, el autor comenta y desarrolla la decisión tomada en el IX Pleno Casatorio Civil. En dicha reunión se ha optado por un criterio amplio de nulidad manifiesta siempre que la causal sea “fácil de advertir”. Sin embargo, a lo largo del texto el autor pone en evidencia los vicios metodológicos de la Corte Suprema para llegar a esta conclusión y, recurriendo a la comparación jurídica, propone un criterio distinto de nulidad manifiesta, demostrando que para nuestro ordenamiento jurídico esta no se debe restringir a una causal “fácil de advertir”.

Informe para la sustentación de expedientes: No. 1472-2014-0-1501-JR-CI-05 / No. 532-2016/CC2

Bustamante Avanzini, Katia Irene 25 March 2021 (has links)
En los presentes informes se expondrán las principales piezas procesales tanto del expediente privado como público. Respecto al expediente privado, se discute la materia de desalojo por ocupación precario, si efectivamente a la demandante le corresponde la restitución del inmueble, materia litis. Puesto que existen otros procesos de prescripción adquisitiva de dominio y nulidad de acto jurídico. Por otro lado, en el expediente público se discute si hay o no infracción por idoneidad al Código de defensa y protección al Consumidor, puesto que se incumplió con la entrega del inmueble en el plazo pactado debido a que la demora fue por culpa no imputable a la parte denunciada. / These reports will expose the main procedural pieces from both the private and public files. Regarding the private file, the matter of eviction for precarious occupation is discussed, if indeed the plaintiff is entitled to the restitution of the property, litis matter. Since there are other processes of acquisitive prescription of domain and nullity of legal act. On the other hand, in the public file it is discussed whether or not there is an infringement due to the suitability of the Consumer Protection and Defense Code, since the delivery of the property was breached within the agreed period because the delay was due to fault not attributable to the denounced party. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

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