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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Guided imagery: A nursing intervention for symptoms related to infection with human immunodeficiency virus

Eller, Lucille Sanzero January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

Undernäring hos äldre : Hur förebygger och minskar sjuksköterskan lidandet hos patienten?

Johansson, Ida, Appel, Madeleine January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund Undernäring uppstår om en individs näringsintag är mindre än dennes näringsbehov och är vanligt förekommande hos äldre patienter. Sjuksköterskan har ett viktigt ansvar att identifiera patienter med risk för undernäring och förebygga undernäring, då det skapar ett onödigt lidande för patienten. Syfte Syftet var att genom en litteraturstudie undersöka vilka åtgärder sjuksköterskan vidtar kliniskt och effekten av att åtgärder sätts in vid risk för undernäring, samt sjuksköterskors grundläggande kunskap om nutrition för att förhindra att lidande till följd av undernäring hos äldre uppstår. Metod Originalartiklar söktes i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Abstracts lästes igenom för att identifiera artiklar som svarade på denna studies syfte. Artiklarna kvalitetsbedömdes och deras resultat granskades. Resultat Sjuksköterskor förhindrar undernäring genom att tidigt göra en riskbedömning, där viktutveckling, BMI och ätsvårigheter uppmärksammas. Genom att administrera näringsberikad kost och mellanmål, kan sjuksköterskan förebygga undernäring hos äldre patienter, vilket kunde noteras på ett förbättrat BMI och MNA-poäng. Sjuksköterskor upplever sig inte ha den grundläggande kunskapen om nutrition som krävs. Slutsats Energi- och proteinberikning kan vara en effektiv åtgärd för att minska risken för undernäring. Om åtgärder sätts in redan vid risk för undernäring, kan en effekt noteras i ett ökat BMI och MNA-poäng. Sjuksköterskor upplever att de saknar kunskap om nutrition. / Background Malnutrition is developed if a person’s food intake is less than the nutritional requirements and is common among elderly patients. The nurse has an important role to identify patients with risk of malnutrition and to prevent malnutrition, since it is an unnecessary suffering for the patient. Objective A literature study was performed to investigate which nursing interventions nurses use, the effect if these interventions start at an early point and nurses’ knowledge about nutrition to prevent malnutrition and suffering. Method Original articles were searched for in the data bases PubMed and Cinahl. Abstracts were read through, to identify articles that answered this study’s objective. The qualities of the articles were valued and the results were analysed. Just the results that is relevant for this study is present. Results Nurses can prevent malnutrition by using risk assessment tools, where the patients’ weight development, BMI and eating difficulties are continuously registered. There is some evidence that energy and protein fortification can decrease a patient’s risk of getting malnourished. This could be presented with an improved BMI and MNA score. Nurses believe that they have a lack of knowledge about nutrition. Conclusion Nurses can prevent malnutrition by doing a risk assessment. Energy and protein fortification can serve as an effective intervention to prevent malnutrition in the elderly, which could be seen as an increased BMI and MNA score. Nurses believe that they have a lack of knowledge about nutrition.

Omvårdnadsåtgärder vid beteendemässiga och psykiska symptomvid demenssjukdom : En litteratur studie / Nursing interventions for behavioural and psychological symptomsin dementia : A literature study

Kianpoor, Fariba, Luokkala, Peter January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund:I takt med att antalet äldre i Sverige ökar, ökar också antalet insjuknade i demens. Nio av tio personer som drabbas av demenssjukdom kommer att uppvisa beteendemässiga eller psykiska symtom någon gång under sjukdomsförloppet. Dessa symtom har visat minska livskvalitén och utgör den vanligaste orsaken till att personer med demenssjukdom flyttar till ett särskilt boende då belastningen på anhöriga och omgivningen blir alltför stor. Syfte:Att beskriva omvårdnadsåtgärder i arbetet med patienter som uppvisarbeteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid demenssjukdom. Metod:Studien är en litteraturstudie baserad på niovetenskapliga artiklar med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats som sökts fram via databasen Cinahl. Artiklarna har analyserats med fokus på att finna likheter och skillnader i resultatet av de valda studierna.. Analysarbetet resulterade i fyra huvudkategorier som visade sig vara viktiga faktorer som påverkar omvårdnadsåtgärder för denna patientgrupp: utbildning, personcentrerad omvårdnad, musik, dans och beröring. Resultatet kommer att diskuteras med hjälp av Katie Erikssons teori kring lidandet som också utgör studiens teoretiska referensram. Resultat:Utbildning och användandet av en mer personcentrerad omvårdnad är två sätt att skapa goda förutsättningar för att kunna lindra, förebygga och behandla beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid demenssjukdom. Vidare behandlar resultatet dans, musik och beröring som tre mer eller mindre effektiva omvårdnadsåtgärder som omvårdnadspersonal kan använda i sitt arbete med patienter som uppvisar beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom i sin demenssjukdom. Diskussion:Beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid demenssjukdom utgör både ett lidande för patienten och vårdpersonalen. Denna aspekt lyfts i resultatdiskussionen och relateras till Erikssons sätt att se på lidande. Diskussion sker kring de omvårdnadsåtgärder som framkom i resultatet med utgångspunkt i lidande.

Effekten av musik som åtgärd vid preoperativ ångest och oro : En litteraturöversikt / The effect of music intervention on preoperative anxiety : A literature review

Asplind, Anna, Friberg, Annika January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ångest och oro är vanligt förekommande hos patienter inför kirurgiska ingrepp. Studier har visat att högre grad av preoperativ ångest och oro är associerat med större behov av lugnande premedicinering, högre doser av narkosläkemedel, förhöjt blodtryck, ökad hjärtfrekvens, högre postoperativ smärta samt en långsammare och mer komplicerad postoperativ återhämtning. Den preoperativa vårdmiljön är väl lämpad för alternativa, icke-farmakologiska åtgärder där musikintervention är ett alternativ. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva effekten av musik som åtgärd vid preoperativ ångest och oro. Metod: En litteraturöversikt där artiklar med kvantitativ ansats har analyserats, med motivet att skapa överblick över kunskapsläget. Analysen har gjorts enligt Fribergs trestegsmodell. Resultat: Resultatet är en sammanställning av totalt nio kvantitativa artiklar baserade på studier där effekten av musikintervention som preoperativ omvårdnadsåtgärd har studerats. I samtliga studier minskade musikinterventionen patientens subjektiva upplevelse av preoperativ ångest och oro, däremot sågs inga entydiga effekter för de objektiva parametrarna, såsom tex hjärtfrekvens och blodtryck. Slutsats: Musik bör användas som ett icke-farmakologiskt komplement inom vården eftersom det är en säker metod utan kända biverkningar och med god effekt. / Background: Preoperative anxiety is common among patients undergoing surgery. Studies have shown that a high level of preoperative anxiety is associated with increased need for sedatives, higher doses of anesthetic drugs, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, higher postoperative pain and a slower and more complicated postoperative recovery. The preoperative environment is well suited for alternative, non-pharmacological interventions, where music is one of them. Objective: The objective was to describe the effect of music intervention on preoperative anxiety. Method: A literature review where articles with quantitative approach has been analysed, with the purpose of getting an overview of the current knowledge. The analysis has been done according to the three-step model, described by Friberg. Results: The result includes a review of nine quantitative articles, based on studies where the effect of music intervention on preoperative anxiety has been studied. The music intervention showed a positive effect on the reduction of patient reported experience of anxiety in all studies, however, no consistent positive effects were seen on the objective parameters, such as heart rate and blood pressure. Conclusion: Music intervention should be implemented as a compliment to standard preoperative care, as it has shown to be a safe method with no known side effects, and with good results.

Sjuksköterskans omvårdnad av patienter med obstipation : En litteraturstudie / Nursing interventions for patients with constipation

Palmstierna, Ann, Johnsson, Terese January 2017 (has links)
Idag lider cirka 70 procent av populationen inom äldrevården av obstipation. Leva med obstipation är relaterat till obehag, en sänkt livskvalitet och kan dessutom leda till obehagliga konsekvenser. Obstipation är ett medicinskt tillstånd som påverkar patienters liv och ytterligare kunskap är nödvändigt för att kunna vidta omvårdnadsåtgärder som underlättar för patienten. Syftet med studien var att belysa sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder för att lindra och förebygga obstipation hos vuxna och äldre patienter. Studien grundades på 11 vetenskapliga artiklar och genomfördes som en litteraturstudie. Fyra teman framkom i resultatet; ”Rådgivning, motion, kost och vätska”, ”Omvårdnadsåtgärder i form av massage, akupressur och heta kompresser”, ”Information och dokumentation om toalettrutiner samt ”Laxantia en omvårdnadsåtgärd med för- och nackdelar”. Alternativa omvårdnadsåtgärder som massage, akupressur och heta kompresser visade på uppskattade och positiva förbättringar och ett individuellt träningsprogram med rätt kost- och vätskeintag, minskade patienternas obehag. Sjuksköterskor redogjorde för att regelbundna toalettvanor är viktiga omvårdnadsåtgärder vid obstipation. Ytterligare framkom att laxantia i samband med opioidbehandling minskade risken att utveckla obstipation. Elimination är en livsviktig fysiologisk funktion som måste fungera, därmed är detta ett omvårdnadsområde som kräver sjuksköterskans uppmärksamhet. Det krävs vidare forskning för att förebygga och lindra för patienter med obstipation. / About 70 percent of the elderly population is suffering from constipation. Living with constipation is related to discomfort, reduced quality of life and can lead to unpleasant consequences. Constipation is a medical condition that affects the lives of patients and additional knowledge is necessary for caring out nursing interventions that facilitate the patient. The aim of the study was to elucidate nursing interventions to alleviate and prevent constipation in adults and elderly patients. The study was based on 11 scientific articles and was conducted as a literature study. Four themes emerged in the results; "Consulting, exercise, diet and liquid", "Nursing intervention such as massage, acupressure and hot compresses", "Information and documentation of toilet routines” and “Laxative a nursing intervention with advantages and disadvantages”. It was found that with an individual exercise program with proper diet and liquid intake, decreased patient discomfort. Alternative nursing interventions such as massage, acupressure and hot compresses, showed positive improvements. Regular toilet habits are important nursing interventions to prevent constipation. Further results showed that laxatives in conjunction with opioid therapy reduced the risk of developing constipation. Elimination is a vital physiological function which is essential. Further research is needed to prevent and relieve patients with constipation.

Sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder vid övervikt och fetma bland barn : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie

Hökdahl, Lina, Wålstedt, Linnea January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Övervikt och fetma bland barn är ett ökande problem både globalt och i Sverige. De främsta orsakerna är ett ökat intag av energirika livsmedel samt minskad fysisk aktivitet med en ökad risk för följdsjukdomar som diabetes och hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder vid övervikt och fetma bland barn samt beskriva den inkluderade litteraturens datainsamlingsmetod. Metod: En beskrivande litteraturstudie som granskat tio vetenskapliga artiklar, fem med kvalitativ ansats samt fem med kvantitativ ansats. Huvudresultat: Rådgivande samtal mellan sjuksköterskor och överviktiga eller feta barn och/eller deras föräldrar presenteras under två rubriker. I den ena beskrivs rådgivande samtal gällande kost och måltidsmönster där sjuksköterskorna menar att kostrådgivning är en viktig del i deras arbete med övervikt och fetma bland barn. I den andra rubriken beskrivs rådgivande samtal som uppmuntrar till ökad fysisk aktivitet och ett minskat stillasittande hos barnen. Sjuksköterskors samverkan med barnens föräldrar beskrivs som en av de viktigaste delarna i deras omvårdnadsarbete. Som stöd i omvårdnadsåtgärderna använder sig sjuksköterskorna av hjälpmedel, instrument och resurser i form av andra professioner. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskornas främsta uppgift är att informera, motivera och genomföra omvårdnadsåtgärder i samverkan med barnen och deras föräldrar som på sikt ger dem förmågan att genomföra omvårdnadsåtgärderna på egen hand. Fokus bör framförallt ligga på samverkan med föräldrarna då inget barn bör hållas ansvarig för dessa beteendeförändringar. / Background: Overweight and obesity among children is a growing problem both globally and in Sweden. The main reasons being an increased intake of energy dense foods and reduced physical activity with an increased risk of complications such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Aim: To describe the nurses nursing interventions in overweight and obesity among children and to describe the data collecting methods of the included literature. Method: A descriptive literature study that includes ten articles, five with a qualitative approach and five with a quantitative approach. Main result: Counseling sessions between nurses and overweight or obese children and/or their parents are presented under two headings. Under the first heading counseling regarding diet and meal patterns are described. The nurses believe that diet counseling is an important part of their work with overweight and obesity among children. The second heading describes counseling sessions where the nurses encourage increased physical activity and reduced sedentary behavior among the children. The nurses interaction with the children's parents is described as one of the most important parts of the nursing interventions. To support the nursing interventions aids, instruments and resources in the form of other professions are used by the nurses. Conclusion: In collaboration with children and their parents the nurses primary mission is to inform, motivate and implement nursing interventions. Ultimately this gives the families the ability to implement nursing actions on their own. The focus should primarily be on the interaction with the parents as no child should be held responsible for these behavioral changes.

Effekten av omvårdnadsåtgärder vid agitation och oro hos patienter med demenssjukdom. / The effect of nursing interventions for agitation and anxiety in patients with dementia.

Lycke, Rebecca, Meunier, Richard January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka effekten av omvårdnadsåtgärder vid agitation och oro hos personer med demenssjukdom. Bakgrund: Demens är en sjukdom som innebär en kognitiv svikt av olika grad som försämrar den kognitiva förmågan hos den drabbade. Hos personer med demenssjukdom kan beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid demens (BPSD) som agitation och oro uppstå. Dessa typer av BPSD kan vara uttryck för exempelvis bristande kommunikationsförmåga och orsaka lidande. Metod: Detta examensarbete är en litteraturbaserad översikt baserat på nitton vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Visar fyra huvudteman, dessa teman är: omvårdnadsåtgärder med grund i; -bemötande och behov, -miljö, -aktivitet samt -fysisk aktivitet. Valda omvårdnadsåtgärder visade sig i majoritet ha en positiv effekt på agitation och oro. Diskussion: I diskussionen diskuteras effekten av omvårdnadsåtgärderna och möjliga orsaker till resultatet samt hur dessa kan behöva anpassas till personcentrerad nivå. Konklusion: Åtgärderna kunde ha olika effekt och påverkas av personens intresse och tidigare upplevelser i livet. Flera åtgärder kunde bidra till att personalen lärde känna personen på ett annat sätt vilket kunde underlätta tillämpningen av omvårdnadsåtgärder och öka förståelse för personens beteende. / Objective: The objective was to investigate the effect of nursing interventions for agitation and anxiety in people with dementia. Background: Dementia is a disease in which the cognitive impairment of varying degrees that impairs the cognitive ability of the affected. In people with dementia behavioral and psychological symptoms in dementia (BPSD) can occur as agitation and anxiety. These types of BPSD can be expressed, for example, in lack of communication skills and cause suffering. Method: This thesis is a literature-based study based on nineteen scientific articles. Results: The result displays four main themes, these themes are nursing actions based on; -treatment and needs, -environment, -activity and -physical activity. Selected nursing interventions showed that the majority had a positive effect on agitation and anxiety. Discussion: The effect of nursing interventions and the possible reasons for the results are discussed and how these can be adapted to a person-centered level. Conclusion: Interventions could have a different effect on people but also be affected by the person's interests and past experiences in life. Several interventions could help the staff to get to know the person in a way which could facilitate the implementation of nursing interventions and increase understanding of the person's behavior.

Graus de dificuldade para formulação de diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem. / Levels of difficulty to state nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions.

Bastos, Josinete Aparecida da Silva 18 June 2004 (has links)
Este estudo objetivou identificar os diagnósticos que as enfermeiras reconhecem como: 1) mais freqüentes em sua prática clínica; 2) mais difíceis de serem formulados; 3) mais difíceis para propor intervenções e 4) verificar as associações entre a freqüência de diagnósticos, a dificuldade para formular diagnósticos e a dificuldade para propor intervenções. Os 155 diagnósticos de enfermagem (DE) estudados foram divididos, compondo três questionários. A estimativa de freqüência, a dificuldade de formulação, e a dificuldade para propor intervenções para cada diagnóstico foram indicadas em escala tipo Likert de 5 pontos. O alfa de Chronbach variou de 0,90 a 097 entre os 3 tipos de questionários. Cada tipo de questionário foi respondido por 49 enfermeiras do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo, totalizando 147 enfermeiras (97% = sexo feminino, idade média=35,1±8,3 anos; tempo médio de formadas=11,1 ±7,8 anos). Considerando os totais de DE em cada tipo de questionário, os escores médios de freqüência variaram de 2,2 a 2,3, os de dificuldade para formular variaram de 2,5 a 2,6, e os de dificuldade para propor intervenções de 2,9 a 3,0. Considerando cada diagnóstico, escores médios =3 foram definidos como altos para as três variáveis do estudo: freqüência, dificuldade para formular e dificuldade para propor intervenções. Entre as enfermeiras que cuidam predominantemente de adultos, 40 DE foram de alta freqüência, 59 foram de alta dificuldade para formular e 90 de alta dificuldade para a proposição de intervenções. Entre as enfermeiras que cuidam de pacientes pediátricos e de obstetrícia, 22 DE foram de alta freqüência, 67 de alta dificuldade de formulação e 82 de alta dificuldade para propor intervenções. Houve correlações significativas entre as variáveis dificuldade para formular os diagnósticos e dificuldade para propor intervenções de enfermagem nos 3 questionários (Pearson, coeficientes entre 0,75 e 0,83, p=0,000). / This study aimed to identify which diagnoses nurses estimate as: 1) the most frequent in their clinical practice; 2) the most difficult to formulate; 3) the most difficulty to propose interventions for and 4) to verify the associations among the nursing diagnoses (ND) frequency, the difficulty to state ND, and the difficulty to propose interventions The 155 nursing diagnoses (ND) studied were divided to compound 3 questionnaires. Frequency, difficulty to state, and difficulty to propose interventions for each ND were indicated in 5-point Likert scales. The Chronbach\'s alpha varied from 0.90 to 0.97 among the 3 questionnaires. Each questionnaire was answered by 49 nurses of the University Hospital of the University of São Paulo, totaling 147 nurses (97% female; mean age=35.1±8.3 years; mean years after bachelor´s degree=1.1±7.8). Considering the total of ND in each questionnaire, the mean scores of frequency varied from 2.2 to 2.3; the mean scores of difficulty to state ND, between 2.5 and 2.6; and the mean scores of difficulty to propose interventions, between 2,9 and 3.0. Considering each diagnosis, mean scores =3 were defined as high ones for the three variables: frequency, difficulty to state, and difficulty to propose interventions. Forty ND were high frequency ND among nurses who care of adult patients; 59 were ND of high difficulty to state; and 90 were ND of high difficulty to propose interventions for. For nurses caring of pediatrics and obstetrics\' patients, there were 22 high frequency ND, 67 ND of high difficulty to state; and 82 of high difficulty to propose interventions for. There were significant positive correlations between the variables: difficulty to state ND and difficulty to propose interventions for the 3 questionnaires (Pearson test, coefficients between 0.75 and 0.83, p=0.000).

A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Discharge Nursing Intervention to Promote Self-Regulation of Care for Early Discharge Interventional Cardiology Patients

Gould, Kathleen Ahern January 2009 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Barabara Hazard / This randomized controlled trial (RCT) examined a discharge nursing intervention (DNI) aimed at promoting self-regulation of care for early discharge interventional cardiology patients. The purpose of this study was to compare medication adherence, patient satisfaction, use of urgent care, and illness perception in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) undergoing interventional revascularization procedures who receive usual care and those who receive a DNI. The Common Sense Model (CSM) of illness representation provided the theoretical foundation for this study. The CSM is a cognitive parallel processing model that draws relationships between illness representation, coping methods, and illness outcomes to help explain the process by which people make sense of their illness. Intervention research aimed at life style changes to reduce secondary events after treatment for CVD is needed to guide evidence based care. Treatment for CVD has shifted from surgical repair with prolonged hospitalizations to interventional procedures requiring shorter hospital stays. This trend reduces nursing time to monitor complications and provide education about medication management and lifestyle changes. Patients recover in short stay areas and return home within hours or one to two days of the procedure. Cardiac disease is then managed as a chronic, but often stable condition. With this change in the delivery of care, several trends have emerged that have implications for quality nursing care and patient outcomes: a) the burden of care shifts from the hospital setting to home, b) patients are discharged without extensive education about complications and disease management, c) the occurrence of secondary events and disease progression remain a valid threat, and d) nurses with expert practice are in a unique position to assist patients and families with CVD management. This study addressed the following questions. 1. Do patients receiving the nursing intervention differ significantly from those receiving usual care on medication adherence? 2. Do patients receiving the nursing intervention differ significantly from those receiving usual care on patient satisfaction? 3. Is there a significant difference in the utilization of urgent care between those patients receiving the nursing intervention when compared to those patients receiving usual care? 4. Does a difference exist between the patients receiving the nursing intervention and those patients receiving usual care on illness perception, as measured by seven components of the IPQ-R: time line (acute and chronic), consequence, personal control, treatment (cure) control, illness coherence, timeline (cyclical), and emotional representations? Purposive sampling was used to select a sample of patients admitted for interventional procedures at an academic teaching hospital. One hundred and fifty four patients were and randomized into control and experimental groups. Final analyses included data from 129 patients. Sixty-four participants in the experimental group received the DNI which included: 1) additional written information about taking medications, 2) a medication pocket card, 3) a list of 3 cardiac internet sites,and 4) a phone call, 24 hours post procedure, from an expert cardiac nurse to review discharge instructions. Sixty-five participants in the control group received usual care. Analyses on four outcome measures, medication adherence, use of urgent care, patient satisfaction, and illness perception, revealed one statistically significant result. Participants in the experimental group, receiving the DNI, scored significantly higher than the control group on one measure, the timeline (acute/chronic) component of illness perception (p = .006) indicating a greater appreciation of the chronicity of their disease. Otherwise, there were no significant group differences found. This study provides support for nursing intervention research guided by self-regulation theory that examines the patient's perception of illness. Patients with cardiac disease who received the DNI were statistically more likely to acknowledge that their illness would last a long time. This awareness, may improve adherence to a prescribed regimen of medication and lifestyle modification. Nursing interventions guided by an understanding of patients' belief that their cardiovascular disease is chronic will add to the body of knowledge that informs providers about decisions patients make concerning medication adherence and lifestyle modifications. However, the results underscore the limitations of adding additional discharge care to this population of patients to improve medication adherence, use of urgent care, and patient satisfaction. Future research should include a longitudinal study to examine how patients who perceive their disease to be chronic in nature managed their medications and care decisions at home. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2009. / Submitted to: Boston College. Connell School of Nursing. / Discipline: Nursing.

Health related decision making and the elderly : the acceptance of influenza vaccination

MacKinlay, Elizabeth, n/a January 1989 (has links)
The study set out to determine the influenza vaccination rate and to identify factors important in the process of vaccination acceptance decision making for a group of the well elderly in the A.C.T. Prediction of vaccination acceptance was compared using three measures: stated behavioural intention, report of past vaccination acceptance and a multiattribute utility decision model. In this study no one method of prediction was obviously better than another. The most important findings of this study included the marked variations in vaccination rates based on type of residence of the group members. Of the 15 variables of the decision model, factors related to the infection of influenza and possible complications of influenza were seen as the most important factors by both acceptors and nonacceptors of the vaccine in making the decision to have the injection. These findings can be incorporated into an area vital for nursing intervention, the planning of nursing programmes of health promotion and health maintence for the well elderly population.

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