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"Walk the talk" : Kvalitativ intervjustudie i hur en organisationskultur kan förändras / "Walk the talk" : Qualitative interview study of how an organizational culture can be changedRingkvist, Maria, Vighagen, Pernilla January 2012 (has links)
Förändringar är vanligt förekommande i dagens organisationer. En strategi som kan nyttjas för att öka lönsamheten och nå målen är förändring av organisationskulturen. Dessa är svåra att genomföra eftersom omedvetna antaganden måste synliggöras och ifrågasättas samt förändringen i sig är tidskrävande. I socialt samspel formas och omformas kulturen av individerna och enligt symbolisk interaktionism sker då överföring och tolkning av symboler. Genom att utföra en kvalitativ intervjustudie på en specifik stödenhet inom en organisation kan de faktorer som behöver tas i beaktande i en kulturförändring belysas däribland symbolbegreppet. Syftet med studien är att utifrån ett ledarperspektiv få djupare förståelse för förändring av organisationskultur och hur ledarna anser sig vara viktiga i förändringsprocessen. I studien tas hänsyn till organisationens internmaterial kring förändringsarbetet och för att besvara forskningsfrågorna genomfördes åtta samtalsintervjuer med ledare inom stödenheten. Behov av samsyn, mätning, stöd från organisationen samt högsta ledningen och ledaren som symboler är enligt ledarna de bidragande faktorerna i kulturförändringsprocessen. Ledaren anses i synnerhet vara viktig då denne fyller en central funktion i överförandet av organisationskulturen. Ifall ledaren anses vara en symbol kan denne påverka kulturförändringen genom att synliggöra den önskade kulturen i sitt agerande. / Changes are common in today's organizations and change of organizational culture is one strategy that can be used to improve profitability and achieve objectives. Changes in organizational culture are difficult to implement because of the unconscious assumptions that must be made visible and challenged. The change itself is time consuming. In social interactions individuals shape and reshape culture. According to symbolic interactionism transmission and interpretation of symbols occur through the social interaction. The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of what contributes to a change in organizational culture and how the leader may be important in this change. The qualitative interview study takes into account the organization's internal material about the change process. There were eight interviews with leaders in the support unit in order to answer the research questions. Contributing to the change according to the leaders is: consensus, measuring, support from the organization, top management and leaders as symbols. The leader is considered to be particularly important because the leader has a central role in the transfer of organizational culture. If the leader is considered to be a symbol, the leader can affect cultural change by acting according to the desired culture.
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Socialsekreterares arbetsmiljö : En kvalitativ studie / The Work Environment of Child Welfare Workers : A Qualitative StudyJohansson, Malin, Mellqvist, Alexandra January 2012 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med studien är att undersöka och analysera socialsekreterares erfarenheter av att arbeta inom sektionen för myndighetsutövning inom barn- och ungdomsverksamheten för att få en inblick i hur de själva upplever och påverkas av eventuella hinder respektive möjligheter i arbetsmiljön. Studien bygger på kvalitativ metod och består av enskilda forskningsintervjuer. Samtliga socialsekreterare i studien beskriver sin arbetssituation som väldigt tuff med ett högt ärendeinflöde som är svårt att påverka. Många menar att det är svårt att hinna med arbetsuppgifterna inom de tidsramar som finns reglerade i socialtjänstlagen. Av resultaten i studien framgår det att socialsekreterarnas arbetsmiljö präglas av olika kulturer som inverkar på varandra, begränsar socialsekreterarnas handlingsutrymme och genererar stress. Detta har en negativ inverkan på socialsekreterarnas arbetsmiljö och leder i förlängningen till hög personalomsättning. / The overall aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the child welfare workers’ experiences of working within the public welfare agencies and to gain an insight into how they experience and how they are affected by obstacles and opportunities in their work environment. The study is based on a qualitative methodological approach and consists of individual research interviews. All child welfare workers in the study describe their work situation as very tough with a high inflow of cases which is difficult for the workers to influence. Many child welfare workers consider it to be difficult to find the time to finish their work within the timescales that are regulated in the Social Services Act. The results of the study reveal that the child welfare workers’ work environment is characterized by different cultures that influence each other, limiting the child welfare workers’ discretion and generate stress. This has a negative impact on the child welfare workers’ work environment and ultimately results in high turnover.
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Betydelsen av ledarens personliga varumärke för företagets varumärke : En kvalitativ studie om fyra ledare och deras uppfattning om sina personliga varumärken samt betydelsen varumärkena har för mervärdet i deras företags varumärken.Johansson, Josefin, Håkansson, Sara January 2012 (has links)
The personal brand derives from the marketing brand, and argues that a person can take control over other people’s perceptions about him or her. The personal brand can benefit the person but it can also give advantages to his or her company. The interest in, and the purpose of the personal brand, has increased the last ten years. Leaders of large companies in Sweden consider it to be of utmost importance to have an influence on their co-workers. They consider their personal brand to be advantageous in their practice of leadership. The leaders personal values are the foundation of the identity in their personal brands. The values of their personal brand should reflect the values of their company because it helps building an organisational culture in accordance with the companies’ values. The personal brand has many advantages and the purpose of this paper is to focus on the values of the personal brand and what it can contribute to their company. To focus on the personal brand we also want to create understandings and dissect its constituents, image and identity. To do so we refer to the model by Kapferer (2008) the "identity prism", where the brand consists of six parts. This paper is a qualitative research with a deductive approach. We interviewed four business leaders from four different large companies in Sweden. This paper argues that the personal brand of business leaders has a great effect and influence on the organisational culture, which is made up by the co-workers together with the leader. Furthermore, great assets are brought in to the organization depending on how well the leader makes use of his personal brand. These assets contribute to brand equity to the company.
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Vobb - familjevänligt eller företagsvänligt?Palm, Cecilia January 2012 (has links)
Work gets more seamless and the demand on workers increases because of changes in the labour market. Studies show benefits for workers and companies if the employee achieves a balance between work and family, a way to facilitate it is family-friendly policies. A study done by Unionen shows that three out of four white collar workers choose to vobba (working and caring for a sick child), which blurs the boundaries between work and family. Research on flexibility, organisational culture and gender structures shows how these aspects affect the balance between work and family. This is a study where seven white collar workers (three men) that vobbar and two managers (one man) were interviewed. The study adds deeper insights into how white collar workers and managers are experiencing vobb and the results suggest that they experience vobb as something positive to achieve a balance between work and family, but there is a risk of vobb being considered a constraint, creating a lack of boundaries where one is working almost all the time. / Förändringar på arbetsmarknaden gör arbetet mer gränslöst och ökar kraven på arbetstagarna. Studier visar på vinster för arbetstagare och företag om arbetstagaren uppnår balans mellan arbete och familjeliv, ett sätt att underlätta är genom familjevänliga policies. En undersökning genomförd av Unionen visar att tre av fyra tjänstemän väljer att vobba (jobba och vårda sjukt barn), vilket suddar ut gränserna mellan arbete och familj. Forskning om flexibilitet, företagskultur och könsstrukturer visar hur de påverkar balansen mellan arbete och familjeliv. Detta är en kvalitativ studie i form av intervjuer med sju tjänstemän (tre män) som vobbar och två chefer (en man). Studien tillför en fördjupad insikt i hur tjänstemän och chefer upplever företeelsen vobb och resultaten tyder på att de upplever vobb som positivt för att uppnå balans mellan arbete och familjeliv, men med en risk för att uppfattas som ett tvång och skapa en gränslöshet där man halvjobbar nästan hela tiden.
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Kultur - vad ska det vara bra för? : En studie av organisationskulturen på ett centrallagerAndersson, Carin, Ojeda Mayta, Melissa January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka lagermedarbetares upplevelser och behov av organisationskultur på en specifik arbetsplats. Syftet är även att undersöka chefernas syn på organisationskultur och hur organisationskulturen kan användas som ett verktyg för att främja motivation och trivsel bland de anställda. För att uppfylla detta syfte använder vi oss av följande frågeställningar: - Vilka organisationskulturella aspekter kan vi identifiera i företaget? - Hur påverkar dessa aspekter lagermedarbetarnas motivation och trivsel på arbetsplatsen? Vi använder en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod för insamling av empirisk data. Med hjälp av sociologiska och socialpsykologiska teorier besvarar vi frågeställningarna utifrån sju intervjuer med chefer och lagermedarbetare på ett centrallager i Mellansverige. Resultatet visar att ledningens arbete med de organisationskulturella aspekterna vi identifierat visar likheter med de teorier där organisationskulturen är en del av en ledningsstrategi. Dock upplevs inte dessa kulturella aspekter på samma sätt bland lagermedarbetarna, vilket leder till att motivationen och trivseln på arbetet påverkas negativt. Lagermedarbetarna motiveras av en god sammanhållning och god trivsel, vilket kan främjas genom skapandet av en kultur där ledarna värderar relationer och kommunikation mellan organisationens alla nivåer. / The purpose of this essay is to examine experiences and needs of organizational culture among warehouse employees at a specific workplace. The purpose is also to investigate the managers’ view of organizational culture and if organizational culture can be used as a tool to motivate and promote job satisfaction among warehouse employees. To fulfill this purpose we use the following questions: - Which aspects of organizational culture can we identify within the company? - How do these aspects affect the motivation and job satisfaction of warehouse employees at their workplace? We use a qualitative research method to collect empirical data. Using sociological and social psychology theories we answer the questions based on seven interviews with managers and warehouse employees at a warehouse in central Sweden. The results show that the management’s work with the identified aspects of organizational culture resembles the theories where the organizational culture is seen as a management strategy. However, these cultural aspects are not perceived in the same way by the warehouse employees. This, in turn, has a negative effect on motivation and job satisfaction. The employees are motivated by a strong unity among workers and job satisfaction, which can be promoted through the creation of a culture where leaders value the relationships and communication at all levels of the organization.
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Tomorrow five o’clock : - a minor field study on Scandinavian management in IndiaKockum, Martin, Hallin, Johanna January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Finding an Appropriate Means of Internal Marketing under Differing Cultural Circumstances : a Case Study of Swedbank (Sweden) & Minsheng Bank (China)Zhang, Jinghuai, Lin, Siqi January 2012 (has links)
Research Objects: we choose two banks as research objects. One is a Swedish bank, Swedbank, which was founded in 1820, the other is a Chinese bank, Minsheng Bank (CMBC), which is a new bank when compared with Swedbank. Purpose & Aim: The 2008 financial crisis hurt banks badly, and consequently how they can become stronger to resist future crises and gain competitive advantages is a key topic for them. There is no doubt that there are many factors that makes a bank successful, but employees are one of the most important factors in a service industry. Therefore, this research study is focused on internal marketing in banks. In addition, this study will attempt to assess whether two banks can learn from each other through the comparison of their internal marketing efforts. Research Methodology: this study will rely on the data collected from the interviews with a manager and an employee from two banks. Books and articles are also been used for secondary data collection. Findings & Conclusion: The research revealed that Swedbank tend to do a better job in satisfying employees' needs, sharing value, having an appropriate organisational culture and being more conscious to treat the employees as customers, in comparison with CMBC. While CMBC need to make more effort in this regard, it does not mean that they must copy what Swedbank do, but rather to establish an appropriate organisational culture for their own internal market. Contribution & Suggestion: In the end, the suggestions have been listed for both banks to improve their internal marketing programme.
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Produktivitet hos FoU-anställda i Kina : Att uppnå full potential / Productivity among R & D employees in China : Achieving full potentialPersson, Staffan January 2011 (has links)
Studien söker utreda hur anställda inom en västerländsk organisation som arbetar med forskning och utveckling i Kina kan nå sin fulla potential och göra vad som är bäst för organisationen. Detta innebär att vi måste förstå vad som hindrar de anställda från att göra vad som är bäst för organisationen samt hur de anställda bäst bör styras eller uppmuntras. Med ett kvalitativt synsätt har en fallstudie genomförts hos ett västerländskt företag som etablerat sig i Kina för att sänka sina utvecklingskostnader samt komma närmare den växande marknaden. Management control systems används som ramverk för att utforska hur de anställda påverkas av de olika sätt som de styrs i sitt arbete. Användandet av personnel controls lämpar sig väl för västerländska organisationer som arbetar med FoU i kina. Det är av yttersta vikt att anställa rätt person till rätt arbetsuppgift. För att detta ska vara möjligt är det inte tillräckligt att endast erbjuda en god miljö. Lönen måste även vara hög nog för att inte påverka de anställdas motivation negativt samt göra det möjligt att anställa rätt personer. Förutom detta måste alla arbetsteam hållas stabila under lång tid för att de anställda ska kunna prestera. Cultural controls kan också användas men kräver att organisationens strategi anpassas till de kinesiska normerna samt lägger en större vikt vid att arbetsteam hålls stabila. Goal-setting fungerar väl för att motverka styrproblemet lack of direction men FoU-anställda i Kina motiveras mest i sitt arbete genom autonomi, personligt mästerskap samt ett ”högre syfte”. / The study seeks to investigate how employees in a western organization that works with research and development in China can reach their full potential and do what is best for the organization. This means that we need to understand what prevents employees from doing what is best for the organization and how employees should best be guided or encouraged. With a qualitative approach, a case study is conducted in a western company which was established in China in order to lower their development costs and get closer to the growing market. Management control systems is used as a framework for exploring how the employees are affected by the different ways they are controlled in their work. Use of personnel controls is well suited for western organizations working with R & D in China. It is of highest importance to hire the right person for the right job. For this to be possible, it is not enough to just provide a good environment. The salary must also be high enough to not affect the employees’ motivation negatively and make it possible to hire the right people. Besides this, all teams must be kept stable for a long time in order for the employees to reach high performance. Cultural controls can also be used but requires that the organization’s strategy is adapted to the Chinese norms and puts a greater emphasis on work teams remaining stable. Goal-setting works well to counteract the steering problem lack of direction, but R & D employees in China are most motivated in their work by autonomy, personal mastery, and a “higher purpose”.
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”Den svarta pärmen” : En socialpsykologisk studie om styrdokumentens betydelse för sociala relationer på ett företagRobertsson, Monica, Benjaminsson, Evelina January 2012 (has links)
I denna uppsats har vi undersökt hur styrdokumenten inom ett medelstort företag i Västsverige påverkar organisationskulturen och samspelet mellan personalen. Vårt syfte har varit att öka förståelsen kring hur eller om dessa dokument kan styra och påverka individerna och kulturen inom en organisation. Vi har utgått ifrån ett institutionellt etnografiskt och etnometodologiskt angreppssätt i vår ansats in i fältet. Vi har genom detta sett till dokumenten som en makronivå, translokal nivå och samspelet som en mikronivå, lokal nivå inom företaget. Detta angreppsätt har blivit både vår metodologiska utgångspunkt samtidigt som de även blivit en hjälp i vårt analysarbete med det empiriska materialet. För att förstärka vår analys utifrån metoderna har vi även tagit in Randall Collins teori om interaktionsritualer samt Johan Asplunds teori om social responsivitet. Insamlingen av det empiriska materialet gjordes utifrån en triangulering av metoder i form av en mindre observation av arbetsplatsen, intervjuer med personal och ledning samt en textanalys av företagets verksamhetshandbok. Resultatet vi kom fram till i denna studie var att styrdokumenten, organisationskultur och samspelet på arbetsplatsen står i relation till varandra där det finns en svårighet i att uttolka vilket som kom först eller vad som påverkar det andra mest. / In this study we have researched how policy and procedure documents in an organisation influences the culture and the social interaction between the workers. Our goal as been to increase the understanding on how these documents can control and influence the individuals and the culture in an organisation. To help us understand our material we have had institutional ethnography and ethnomethodology in our approach. Our approach has helped us to analyse and view these documents from a macro perspective, as a translokal relation and the social interaction from a micro perspective, a local level within the organisation. These methods have also helped us in our analysis, but in order to confirm and strengthen this we have used both Johan Asplunds theory about social responsivitet and Randall Collins interaction ritual chain. In order to collect the empirical data we did an observation of the workplace, interviewed the employees and a text analysis of the policy and procedure documents. The conclusion of the study was that the policy and procedure documents, the organisational culture and the social interaction between the workers were in a close correlation, thus making it difficult to see which of these factors that had the most influence.
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Empirical study on the acculturation of business mergers in TaiwanSu, Tzu-ling 09 February 2010 (has links)
To compete globally, the financial service industry in Taiwan continuously expands markets and integrates sources and is one of the industries popular in mergers and acquisitions lately. Counting on people to deliver service is one of the traits in the field, therefore, it¡¦s worthy of attentions and discovery about the relations of the acculturation/the employees¡¦ working attitude/the perceived organizational performance between the acquiring and the acquired firms when combined.
The study targets on the two cases of M&As in the financial service industry happened in the past two years in Taiwan and it is conducted by the questionnaire survey. Throughout interviewing total 364 of the staffs and agents in Kaohsiung of two pairs of the acquiring and the acquired companies which were combined, the datum of the research is made by reliability analysis, descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, independent sample t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis to analyze the dimensions of the organizational culture and the employees¡¦ working attitudes and the perceived organizational performance of the acquiring and the acquired firms. The major findings are as follows:
1. The Organizational culture and the employees¡¦ working attitude both are statistically significant correlated to the perceived organizational performance, especially the latter affects the perceived organizational performance more than the former does.
2. Among the sub-dimensions, the organizational commitment in the employees¡¦ working attitude explains most the variation of the perceived organizational performance and then the recognition. Also, the service quality in the organizational culture explains most the one. It means that the organizational commitment and the recognition of employees¡¦ as well as the service quality are with significant influences on the perceived organizational performance.
3. The Organizational culture is statistically significant correlated to the employees¡¦ working attitude, and among its sub-dimensions the service quality explains most the variation of the employees¡¦ working attitude and then the teamwork. In other words, the service quality affects the working attitude of employees¡¦ significantly.
4. The working attitude of the employees¡¦ of the acquiring firm A is significantly different from the one of the acquired firm B, however, the odds in the identity degrees of the organizational culture and the perceived organizational performance between A and B are no significant.
5. The variations in the identity degrees either of the organizational culture, the working attitude of employees¡¦, or the perceived organizational performance between the acquiring firm C and the acquired one D are significant.
The research gives the evidence that the working attitude of employees¡¦ affects the perceived organizational performance most. It represents that the acquiring firms should pay more attentions to the soft integration such as human resources and culture when combined to know better the expectation and to reduce the uncertainty of employees¡¦ of both the acquiring and the acquired, to enhance the strength and value identified by both sides in order to reinforce the confidence as well as the identity of the employees¡¦ if it wants the merger to reach the expected accomplishment.
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