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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flykting Vs Flykting : En komparativ studie kring flyktingmottagandet 2015 i jämförelse med flyktingmottagandet 2022 och hur detta har påverkat det svenska samhället

Abbas, Sora January 2024 (has links)
This comparative analysis is based on two theoretical frameworks, called implementation theory and agenda-setting theory, which aims to investigate how the reception of refugees from the year 2015 in Sweden differs in comparison to the reception of refugees in year 2022 as well as looks into how this has affected the Swedish society. The implementation theory focuses on how the reception of refugees is handled within political decisions and changes while the agenda-setting theory centers around how the reception of refugees in the media affected the population further analyzing how these two cases have affected the Swedish society as a whole. The material used for this analysis mostly derives from Swedish government websites and relevant articles that are applied to the chosen theories. With this, the study concludes that the reception of refugees in 2015 shows a case of failure, in relation to the implementation theory, while the reception of refugees in 2022 shows a case of success. In addition to this the reception of refugees portrayed in the media differs in 2015 compared to 2022 which resulted in immigrants from 2015 having a harder time in society as opposed to the immigrants in 2022 being more welcomed and supported in the community in accordance with the agenda-setting theory. From this the Swedish society was affected in negative ways dividing people in 2015 but changing in 2022 because of unity that influenced the community in more positive ways.

I kraftfältet mellan stormakter : Offensiv realism och Taiwanfrågan

von Sydow, Alexis January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Dricksvattenförsörjning eller solstormar : Riskprioritering i svenska kommuners risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser

Björk, Henrik January 2023 (has links)
Municipalities in Sweden are every fourth year required to create a risk and vulnerability analysis, identifying, prioritising and analysing the risks specific to the municipality. By looking at such analyses from 20 municipalities, this study show there is an unexpectedly high divergence of which risks municipalities prioritise, a divergence not explained by geography or demography. Some municipalities also prioritise unlikely or odd risks, such as solar storms, over likely ones. These observations warrant questions about on what grounds risk prioritising is made. Creating a risk and vulnerability analysis involves decision making under uncertainty, which studies have shown is subjected to systematic cognitive biases. An organisational environment focused on measurable results and audits may also make decision makers prone to these biases. This study utilizes psychological and organisational theories to examine the puzzle of divergence and the occurrence of unlikely risks in municipal risk prioritising. Through analysing a few observations, conclusions include that there is support for risk averse thinking, disadvantageous organisational conditions and political compromises giving room for short-sightedness and irrationality. A limited selection of municipalities and the interpretation of a specific risk value given in the risk and vulnerability analyses as being synonymous with risk prioritisation may affect the validity and reliability of the study. An array of reasons influences risk prevention strategies and the reasons dealt with in this study are far from comprehensive. Further research could explore how an interplay of factors influence risk prevention.

Megaprojekt och Maktspel : En studie om megaprojektets paradox i förhållande till utbyggnaden av stambanor för höghastighetståg

Mortazavi, Diba January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur projektet om utbyggnad av stambanor för höghastighetståg har sett ut i relation till paradoxen för megaprojekt och hur detta kan förstås genom maktteorin. Studien grundar sig på en intervju- och dokumentstudie. Baserat på en operationaliserad teoretisk referensram om den konventionella planeringsmodellen, som ger uttryck för paradoxen, tematiserades det empiriska materialet. Studien lyfter bland annat brister i dokumentation, kostnadsestimering och tidig överåtagning i resurser och politisk prestige. Studien redogör för att den konventionella planeringsmodellen i vissa avseende stämmer överens med planeringen och genomförandet av projektet. Vidare understryker studien att paradoxen för megaprojekt även kan tolkas genom maktteorin och att teorin fångade den centralt förstådda betydelsen av makt i relation till det givna syftet. Studien visar på att processen är komplext och att de olika aktörerna alla besitter maktpositioner i systemet.

Risken med kärnkraft eller risken utan kärnkraft? En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av sambandet mellan ideologi och riskperception i den svenska kärnkraftsdebatten

Svanfeldt, Ebba January 2024 (has links)
Nuclear power is a topic that has been debated for many years, both in Sweden and internationally. The arguments that are found in the debate often express either that risk is connected to using nuclear power, or that risk is connected to not using it. Both sides frequently express a political connection. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether there is a connection between ideology and risk perception in the Swedish debate on nuclear power. To find an answer ideological connection and risk perception are identified in a number of articles published in Sweden’s five largest newspapers during the spring and summer of 2022. The results indicate a connection between ideology and risk perception, although it is not quite clear. Also, what type of risk an article expresses as the most serious seems to be connected to its ideology and the values it builds on.

MELLAN DEFINITIONER OCH UPPLEVELSER : Korruption i offentliga upphandlingar ur tjänstepersoners synvinkel

Cederlind, Hampuz, Granlöf, Kalle January 2024 (has links)
For a long time, Sweden, as an administrative nation, has held a high international reputation from various perspectives. One of the primary perspectives has been regarding the transparency and impartiality of Swedish administrations. However, in recent times, the question of whether Sweden is more corrupt than previously believed has become a subject of public debate. Transparency and impartiality have undoubtedly been called into question, making it interesting to study the potential occurrence of corruption within Swedish administrations. This study focuses on public procurement, which is the part of Swedish administrations that generates the most revenue, making it interesting from a corruption perspective. The purpose of this study is to examine how public procurers define corruption and how they view the subject in general. To do this, we use two research questions: How do officials define and interpret the concept of corruption, and how can it be relevant in combating potential corruption risks? Also, how do officials perceive the corruption issue based on the public's and the academic community's views on public procurement? The study is conducted using a qualitative method in the form of interview responses from 4 selected officials from different municipalities. The interview material is analyzed using ideal types to categorize the officials' opinions. The results of this study provide an insight, among other things, into the fact that the interviewed officials have some difficulty defining what constitutes corruption. The outcome of this study indicates certain aspects of the officials' thoughts and opinions, which is a topic in the research field that we have so far found relatively unexplored. Hopefully, this study can contribute to raising awareness of the subject and pave the way for further research.

States sentiment towards Artificial Intelligence in international settings

Skog, Viktor January 2024 (has links)
AI is creating a global societal paradigm shift since it is a general purpose technology with seemingly unstoppable potential. Although large economic and societal advantages seem apparent, the technology is also recognised to pose an existential threat to humanity. Experts and politicians highlight these risks, however there is a lack of international regulation on the matter. Using international relations theory and previous research on AI governance, reasons for the absence of regulation is procured through analysis of states sentiments in the UN. Applying quantitative text analysis in combination with simple and multivariate regression, a correlative statistical pattern was researched. Sentiment analysis of states in the CCW and the UN General Assembly was therefore used as empirical data to analyse the presence of a correlative pattern. Results from the statistical analysis indicate that a country with a higher vested interest in AI also tends to express a more positive sentiment about AI. Viewing nations as moving towards multipolar power dynamics (from a unipolar one) is theorised to explain the shift in sentiments over time. This research paper’s main contribution to the research of political science is the descriptive statistical analysis of the CCW debates and the General Assembly discussion on AI. Research contributions are also made with regards to international relations theory about the transition from a unipolar US hegemony towards a multipolar one, i.e. between Russia, China and the US.

En kommun i kris? Krisinducerat lärande i Sala

Erikols, Johan January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Gruvstrejken i Malmfälten 1969/70 : En kritisk diskursanalys av strejkens parter och den "goda" staten

Stålnacke, Eva-Lotta January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

I terrorismens kölvatten : En studie av en lag och varför den kan ha uppstått

Lindblad, Hans January 2023 (has links)
För att förstå delar av problematiken kring vilken effekt terrorism har på svensk lagstiftning har denna undersökning letat efter de huvudsakliga bakomliggande orsakerna till lag 2006:343 om Försvarsmaktens stöd till polisen vid terrorismbekämpning. I den politiska beslutsprocessen får skillnaderna mellan de krav som uppstår vid en kris, kontra de faktiska resurser som finns att tillgå större betydelse. Myndighetsöverskridande samarbeten effektiviserar inte bara arbetet efter att terrordåd inträffat, det stärker också folkviljan. Denna undersökning syftar till att ta reda på varför lag 2006:343 tillkom, genom att åskådliggöra de huvudsakliga bakomliggande faktorerna bakom lag 2006:343. Detta genom att metodiskt strukturera upp hur både internationella och nationella faktorer har påverkat förarbetena och den slutliga lagen 2006:343. De internationella faktorerna som framkommit har alla sin upprinnelse i 11 septemberattentaten. Det skapades en internationell koalition mot terrorism. I Förenta nationernas säkerhetsråd antogs 2001, en resolution om hot mot internationell säkerhet orsakad av terrorism (UNSCR 1373). I EU formulerades en respons mot terrorism 2001 (Europeiska rådet 2023). I Sverige beslutades om deltagande i Afghanistankriget. Under första halvan av 2000-talet skedde det en rad internationella terrordåd vilket tydliggjorde polisens behov. Under utredningsarbetet med att ta fram lag 2006:343 framkom även att det fanns en hotbild mot utländska intressen i Sverige. Då polisen saknar flera av de resurser Försvarsmaktens besitter, är ett myndighetsöverskridande samarbete för att överkomma denna brist naturlig.  Den som stod bakom propositionen var Justitieministern som därmed utgör ett exempel på en nationell påverkansfaktor på individnivån.

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