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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Tomb of Ny-ankh-nesut: A Contextualized Study of Looted Fragments

Austin, William L. 17 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Les Altérations corporelles dans l'image à l'Ancien Empire / Images of the body impairments in the Old Kingdom

Lhoyer, Bénédicte 05 December 2018 (has links)
L'art de l'Ancien Empire, ayant mis en place le canon dit « classique » du corps égyptien, est souvent décrit comme uniforme, fondé sur la répétition de la même image parfaite sur les murs des tombes. Pourtant, certains personnages se distinguent par leurs caractères physiques inhabituels, allant du détail corporel atypique à une infirmité évidente. Ainsi, des aveugles, boiteux, chauves, malades, bossus, nains ou encore obèses se dissimulent parmi leurs congénères dans les registres des programmes décoratifs. Une étude minutieuse des parois révèle une profusion de ces figures qui se distinguent par l'emplacement, la fonction, le rôle social, les attributs ou la nature de l'altération. Si certains groupes ont été largement étudiés ces dernières années comme les nains, d'autres demeurent moins connus voire à peine signalés dans les publications. Pourtant, ces images parfois crues et disgracieuses révèlent bien la volonté des artisans-artistes de cette époque de souligner un contexte spécifique et d'ajouter du sens à la scène. En rassemblant tous ces personnages en hors norme, en les comparant et en analysant leur iconographie, il est possible de tendre vers une vision plus proche de la réalité égyptienne, et notamment de la façon dont était perçue cette catégorie de population. D'autre part, la présence du handicap dans l'art égyptien pose une question essentielle : pourquoi avoir recréé sur les murs des tombeaux un univers fonctionnel non pas peuplé de sujets parfaits, mais parsemé d'êtres imparfaits ?Dans un champ d'investigation chronologiquement délimité (du Prédynastique au milieu du Moyen Empire), nous avons choisi d'analyser ces figures et leur apport à notre connaissance de la société égyptienne, et plus généralement à l'histoire et à la représentation du handicap dans l'art. Afin de mieux comprendre la perception du corps altéré chez les anciens Égyptiens, seront étudiés les mots qui les désignent, les causes médicales possibles, le développement et les innovations iconographiques qui ont pu se répandre dans toutes les nécropoles du pays. Le rôle de ses figures, les sens qu'elles recouvrent, ainsi que leur rapport avec les constatations médicales sur les restes humains nous en apprendront davantage sur la société égyptienne au temps des pyramides. Certaines figures, comme le bouvier émacié ou le notable replet, sont devenues les symboles d'une classe sociale particulière et ont connu une longévité dans l'art et la littérature. La reprise de certains motifs d'une sépulture à une autre, parfois distantes de centaines de kilomètres, révèlent également une stratégie fondée sur la référence et la citation.Ainsi, loin d'être un monde uniforme et régulier, les décors des tombeaux se révèlent finalement bien plus complexes et étoffés qu'une simple évocation de l'idéal égyptien. / The art of the Old Kingdom, having set up the so-called "classical" canon of the Egyptian body, is often described as monotonous, with the repetition of the same perfect image on the walls of the tombs. But some characters are distinguished by their unusual physical characteristics, ranging from atypical body detail to obvious disability. Thus, blind or lame people, bald men, sick characters, hunchbacks, dwarves or fat people hid among their congeners in the registers of decorative programs. A study of the walls reveals a profusion of these figures, which are distinguished by the location, function, social role, attributes or nature of their alteration. While some groups have been widely studied in recent years as dwarves, others remain less known or barely reported in publications. However, these images sometimes raw reveal the will of the artists to emphasize a specific context and add some meaning to the scene. By bringing all these characters together, comparing them and analyzing their iconography, it is possible to reach a closer vision of the Egyptian reality, and in particular the perception of disabled people. On the other hand, the presence of disability in Egyptian art poses an important question: why did they choose to recreate on the walls of the tombs a functional universe not with perfect subjects, but strewn with imperfect beings?From Predynastic to the Middle Kingdom, we chose to analyze these figures and their contribution to our knowledge of Egyptian society, and more generally to the history and representation of disability in art. In order to better understand the perception of the altered body among the ancient Egyptians, we will study the words that designated them, the possible medical causes, the development and the iconographic innovations that may have spread to all the necropolises in the country. The role of these figures, their meanings and their relationships to the medical findings on human remains will tell us more about Egyptian society. Some characters, such as the emaciated herdsman or the fat nobleman, have become symbols of a particular social class and had a longevity in art and literature. The reuse of images from one tomb to another, sometimes hundreds of kilometers apart, also reveals a strategy based on reference and quotation.Thus, far from being a uniform and regular world, the decorations of the tombs reveal to be far more complex and elaborated than a simple evocation of the Egyptian ideal.

Správní aktivity v Raneferefově pyramidovém komplexu podle svědectví pečetních otisků / Administrative activities in Raneferef's pyramid complex according to the evidence of seal impressions

Jeřábek, David January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to re-evaluate and re-discuss sealings that were uncovered during the excavations of the pyramid temple of King Raneferef in Abusir, resp. those which are kept in the collections of the Náprstek Museum in Prague. It deals with the general typology of cretulae and the method of their documentation and it tries to assess sealings under study in regard to the former typology. The second part of the work attempts to find details regarding the activity and authority of officials who were using seals in connection with the operation of the pyramid complex of King Raneferef. This was attempted by a search for recurrent seal designs attested on fragments of cretulae found in the area of the pyramid complex and by a study of the properties of their seal holders and their activity, areas where the fragments of sealings were found, titles that were attested on their sealings, and kinds of objects that were sealed by their seals.

La dissimilation graphique dans les textes égyptiens de l'Ancien Empire : essai de grammatologie cognitive / Dissimilation graphique" in Old Kingdom Egyptian texts : essai de grammatologie cognitive

Thuault, Simon 01 December 2017 (has links)
La « dissimilation graphique » est une particularité récurrente des écritures égyptiennes, en particulier à l’Ancien Empire (IIIe-VIe dynasties, env. 2700/2150 av. J. C.). À cette époque, la pluralité (aussi bien grammaticale que lexicale) était indiquée par le triplement des sémogrammes, signes investis d’une valeur sémantique et censés permettre la compréhension des lexèmes. De ce fait, si les idéogrammes et classificateurs étaient d’ordinaire répétés trois fois à l’identique, la « dissimilation » désigne les occurrences dans lesquelles ces trois signes sont distincts. Par exemple, si un mot comme bAk.w, « serviteurs », est traditionnellement accompagné de trois hommes assis, l’un d’entre eux pourra être remplacé par une femme en cas de dissimilation. De même, si mHy.t, « poissons », comprend habituellement trois poissons de même espèce, sa version dissimilée offrira trois espèces différentes. Cette thèse se donne pour objectif d’analyser de façon systématique la dissimilation graphique, majoritairement attestée dans les inscriptions hiéroglyphes des tombes royales et privées, mais également dans certains documents hiératiques. À travers cette étude, les raisons supposées de l’existence de la dissimilation graphique sont exposées. En conséquence, la classification égyptienne se voit placée sous de nouveaux éclairages. De plus, par l’examen d’un nombre important de textes égyptiens de l’Ancien Empire, de nouvelles analyses des fonctions des signes qui les composent seront proposées afin d’éclaircir certaines zones d’ombres de la linguistique égyptologique. / The peculiarity called “dissimilation graphique” is recurrent in Egyptian writing systems, particularly during Old Kingdom (Dyn. III-VI, ca. 2700-2150 BC). At this time, plurality (grammatical and lexical) is indicated by the threefold of semograms, signs that have a semantic value and allow to understand the lexemes. Thus, if ideograms and classifiers are ordinary reproduced three times identically, “dissimilation” refers to occurrences where these three signs are different. For example, if bAk.w, “servants”, is usually followed by three men, in case of dissimilation, one of them can be replaced by a woman. In the same way, if mHy.t, “fish”, habitually takes three identical fish, a dissimilated version will show three different species. This Ph.D Thesis aims to analyse in a systematic way the process of “dissimilation graphique”, mostly found in hieroglyphic inscriptions of royal and private tombs, but also in some hieratic documents. Through this study, the supposed reasons of dissimilation are exposed. Consequently, Egyptian classification is newly enlightened. Moreover, in examining a great number of Old Kingdom texts, new analysis of the signs functions are proposed to clarify some unclear elements of egyptological Linguistics.

Traitements des corps et des restes humains en Egypte du Prédynastique à la fin de l'Ancien Empire (4400-2180 av. J.-C.) : contribution à l'étude des pratiques mortuaires par l'approche archéothanatologique / Treatment of human corpses and remains in Predynastic Egypt till the end of the Old Kingdom (4400-2180 BC) : a contribution to the study of mortuary practices through an archaeothanatological approach

Girardi, Chloé 13 December 2016 (has links)
Cette étude retrace l’évolution de certains traitements réservés aux cadavres et aux restes humains en Égypte en se concentrant sur l’époque prédynastique et les six premières dynasties. Les cimetières contemporains de cette période de formation et d’affirmation des principaux éléments constitutifs de la civilisation pharaonique témoignent de la coexistence de pratiques funéraires associées à l’émergence de la momification artificielle et de pratiques mortuaires intervenant sur des corps partiellement ou totalement décomposés. L’objectif est de réévaluer par une approche archéothanatologique la documentation relative à ces deux catégories de traitements du corps, afin d’appréhender la diversité des pratiques de cette période. Cette étude vise donc à replacer le corps du défunt au centre de la discussion sur les pratiques mortuaires égyptiennes en prenant en compte deux ères chronologiques souvent considérées séparément. La relecture des publications archéologiques et de certaines archives de fouilles dans cette perspective a permis de proposer une sélection hétérogène de sépultures et de dépôts de restes humains provenant de 27 cimetières de la vallée égyptienne du Nil. Cette sélection d’inhumations offre une vision d’ensemble de la manière dont pouvaient être traités les défunts, ce qui permet de discuter de la continuité entre les pratiques prédynastiques et dynastiques et de confronter les données recueillies aux différentes interprétations possibles des gestes identifiés. / This study examines the evolution of practices pertaining to the treatment of human bodies and remains in Egypt from the Predynastic era through the first six dynasties. Burial grounds contemporaneous with the formation and affirmation of the principal constituents of the pharaonic civilization indicate the coexistence of funerary practices related to the emergence of artificial mummification, and mortuary practices involving partially or fully decomposed bodies. The purpose is to reevaluate, through the lens of archaeothanatology, the existing documentation regarding these two body treatment categories to better understand the diversity of practices over this period. The study aims to see the body of the deceased as the focal point of the discussion on Egyptian mortuary practices by taking into consideration two chronological eras often examined separately. Studying archaeological publications and archival documents of past excavations from this perspective provides a heterogeneous set of human sepultures and deposits found in 27 cemeteries throughout the Egyptian Nile valley. The cases chosen for the purpose of this study offer a comprehensive outlook into how the deceased were treated, which gives the grounds for discussing the continuity between predynastic and dynastic practices and for confronting the collected materials with diverse possible interpretations of these treatments.

Sociální role a význam šperku ve Staré říši / The social role and meaning of jewels in the Old Kingdom

Kovalovská, Soňa January 2019 (has links)
This work offers a view into the representation and function of the jewellery in the Old Kingdom. We can consider jewellery as a part of the cultural values of mankind, not only because of its aesthetic function. My purpose is a comprehensive insight of the importance and the representation of jewellery in the Old Kingdom, which is associated with a social role of the tomb owners. The primary source of knowledge of the meanings and functions of the jewellery are the iconographic sources in the Old Kingdom nonroyal tombs, including the scenes of the jewellery workshops and jewels as part of the funerary equipment.

Människan i Maassara / Man in Maassara

Carlsson, Petra January 2018 (has links)
An osteological study on human skeletal remains from Maassara in Egypt. The goal of the study was to get a good picture of the health of the individuals buried in the graves at Maassara. The study was combined of nine individuals. Two from the Early Dynastic period and six individuals from the Old Kingdom. All the adult individuals have some form of pathological change. Most pathological changes are in the spine. Most pathological changes were age-related. Some of the individuals were very poorly kept and the bones were very fragile.

Sluneční kult v době Staré říše / Sun cult during the Old Kingdom

Hlouchová, Marie January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to enrich existing knowledge concerning to the sun cult in the period of the Egyptian Old Kingdom when the cult of the sun god Ra was strongly connected with the ideology of the kingship of the ancient Egyptian state and also with the belief in eternal afterlife of king. On the basis of chosen writing, epigraphical and archeological documents the thesis will try to describe extent and effect of the sun cult on the ancient Egyptian society.

Binamn i det forntida Egypten : En undersökning av personnamn, särskilt rn nfr, under Gamla riket, Förstaintermediet och Mellersta riket samt under Senperioden

Bönnemark, Margit January 2017 (has links)
In Ancient Egypt, names were very important, in this life and the next. Gods had a multitude of names, and kings were usually given five names, but also private individuals could have several names, given at birth or later. One of these names was called rn nfr (the good name), and it was especially prevalent during the Old Kingdom. The term rn nfr slowly disappeared during the First Intermediate Period and the Middle Kingdom, but reappeared during the Late Period.The characteristics of all occurrences that could be found of rn nfr from the Old Kingdom and the First Intermediate Period and the Middle Kingdom were studied and compared to the occurrences of rn nfr in the Late Period. They were also compared to the first names of the individuals who wore these rn nfr.The results of this investigation show that there are great differences between the earlier periods and the Late Period, especially in that the names of gods and kings are often prevalent in the rather long rn nfr of the Late Period, possibly used for official and religious purposes. The rn nfr of earlier periods are often short names, which people were probably called, on an everyday basis. They sometimes constitute abbreviations of first names, with phonological changes taking place, in the majority of cases only consisting of three consonants without any apparent meaning, perhaps used from a very early age, and in a few cases taking on the characteristics of true nicknames.

Thovt v Textech pyramid / Thoth in the Pyramid Texts

Čermák, Michal January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of the present work is to evaluate the role of the god Thoth in the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, a corpus of funerary literature found most prominently in the underground chambers of the pyramids of the kings and queens of the 5th and 6th dynasty. Following the division made by H. M. Hays, the topic is treated in two parts: the first is concerned with Thoth in the personal texts, where he is presented as a lunar deity and a transition figure, the second with the sacerdotal texts, studying his position in the myth of Osiris and Horus. The function of the god in both is shown to stem from his role as a mediator betwen the various elements of the divine world, mainly through a number of particular findings with regard to the individual motifs in which Thoth is found in the Pyramid Texts. The work concludes with a summary of these findings and an outline of Thoth's nature in the corpus.

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