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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inscribing the pyramid of king Qakare Ibi : scribal practice and mortuary literature in late Old Kingdom Egypt

Alvarez, Christelle January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigates how the burial chamber of the 8th Dynasty pyramid of king Qakare Ibi at Saqqara in Egypt (c. 2109-2107 B.C.) was inscribed. It uses a holistic approach to focus on the textual programme and its unusual aspects in comparison to older pyramids. In doing so, it addresses issues of textual transmission and of scribal practice in the process of inscribing the walls of subterranean chambers in pyramids. The aim is to contextualise the texts of Ibi within the Memphite tradition of Pyamid Texts and the development of mortuary literature on different media from the late third millennium BCE Old Kingdom to the Middle Kingdom in the early second millennium BCE. The first chapter presents the background to this research and information on king Ibi and his pyramid. The second chapter treats research on the arrangement of the texts on the walls of subterranean chambers of royal pyramids of kings and queens and compares the layout of the texts in the pyramid of Ibi with older pyramids. It then discusses in detail one section on the east wall of Ibi, where the order of spells diverges from other transmitted sequences. The unusual combination of spells and the practice of shortening spells is investigated further in the third chapter, where two sections of texts on the south wall are analysed. The fourth chapter explores garbled texts and discusses processes of copying and inscribing the texts onto the walls of pyramids. The fifth chapter analyses the modifications of the writing system in pyramids, especially the mutilation of hieroglyphs, and how this practice relates to the tradition of altering signs in pyramids. Finally, the sixth chapter synthesises the results of the preceding chapters in two sections. The first section summarises the process of inscribing pyramids and contextualises aspects of scribal practices within it. The second section concludes the thesis with a discussion of the features of the textual programme of Ibi and of how it relates to the broader transmission of mortuary literature.

L'administration provinciale à l'Ancien Empire / Provincial administration in the Old Kingdom

Martinet, Émilie 09 December 2013 (has links)
L’augmentation des publications concernant les sites provinciaux datés de l’Ancien Empire, qu’il s’agisse d'ouvrages consacrés à des découvertes récentes ou d’éditions plus approfondies de nécropoles connues depuis longtemps, a accru la documentation relative aux élites provinciales et au système administratif provincial de cette époque. Il était donc nécessaire de proposer une nouvelle reconstitution des structures administratives provinciales et de la hiérarchisation des élites provinciales de l’Ancien Empire. Si l'outil prosopographique reste crucial pour ces thématiques, nos objectifs n'ont pu être atteints qu'en effectuant une analyse croisée de la totalité des sources relatives au sujet, qu'il s'agisse de sources inscrites, iconographiques ou archéologiques, royales ou privées, ainsi qu'en adoptant une approche globale qui dépasse largement le cadre d'une étude prosopographique. Dans le chapitre 1, nous avons analysé chacune des catégories de fonctionnaires ayant eu une autorité supra-provinciale, afin de déterminer leurs différentes compétences et leur sphère d'influence. Nous avons aussi mis en évidence les temps forts de la présence de l’administration royale en province, ainsi que les modalités de son intervention selon les dynasties. Dans le chapitre 2, nous avons étudié l'évolution du statut des responsables des provinces au cours de l'Ancien Empire (les administrateurs temporaires de nome, les proto-nomarques et les nomarques). Dans le chapitre 3, pour analyser les rouages de l’administration provinciale, nous avons choisi de nous concentrer sur les titres des fonctionnaires intermédiaires et subalternes qui se rencontrent les plus fréquemment en province et dont certaines sources, comme les décrets et les empreintes de sceaux, ainsi que la documentation hiératique, attestent leur emploi dans un contexte administratif et contribuent à préciser les modalités d'exercice de ces charges. Dans le chapitre 4, nous avons proposé une typologie des différentes structures administratives provinciales. Nous avons élaboré une liste de 22 critères qui nous ont permis de regrouper les provinces en plusieurs catégories en fonction de caractéristiques dominantes et communes à celles-ci. Trois principales catégories ont été mises en évidence : 1) les provinces qui présentaient d’importantes interactions avec le pouvoir central, 2) les provinces dans lesquelles le temple local occupait une place prépondérante, alors que les institutions centrales y étaient moins présentes, et 3) les provinces caractérisées par une organisation plus mixte, et dont les élites locales présentaient un degré d’intégration moins important à la structure administrative du royaume. Enfin, nous avons démontré, pour la VIe dynastie, l'existence d'une circulation du pouvoir entre certaines provinces sélectionnées par la monarchie et qui ont eu un rôle important dans l'administration de la Haute-Égypte, comme le suggère la présence de certains bureaux déconcentrés. Les élites de ces centres régionaux d'importance ont une influence sur plusieurs provinces et ont permis à la monarchie de pouvoir maintenir la stabilité de l'État et le contrôle d'une partie des ressources locales. / This study aims at improving our understanding of the provincial administrative structures in the Old Kingdom. The analysis of the titles provides some information about the careers of the provincial officials and the hierarchical relationships in the provinces. The cross analysis of all the data allows to reconstitute the organisation of the provincial administration and its changes during the Old Kingdom. Moreover, despite attempts to standardise the administrative system by the royal power under the Sixth dynasty, the provincial administrative structures were diverse, according to the status of the province in the administration, as well as local factors

Travail et société dans l’Égypte du IIIe millénaire : enseignements du système hiéroglyphique / Work and society in Egypt of the third millennium : lessons of the hieroglyphic system

Desbordes, Christelle 10 December 2010 (has links)
La graphie des signes hiéroglyphiques représentant des travailleurs est analysée, puis confrontée aux sources iconographiques et à la sculpture, pour comprendre la façon dont le système d’écriture interprète la notion de travail et cerner ce que l’élite souhaite voir se pérenniser dans l’imagerie. S’ajoute à ces données graphiques une approche lexicographique des termes liés au travail. Une mise en perspective de nos conclusions, par l’apport de sources historiques et sociologiques variées, contribue enfin à forger une appréciation plus juste de la façon dont l’organisation professionnelle est perçue sous l’Ancien Empire, et dont l’élite lettrée se confronte au contexte professionnel. Notre analyse a tout d’abord permis de définir les procédés utilisés pour transcrire le travailleur dans l’écriture et dans l’ensemble de l’imagerie d’Ancien Empire. Les critères intervenant dans la composition de l’image du travailleur, que ce soit dans son apparence, son rapport à l’action ou sa relation à la technique, sont ainsi définis. La relation du lexique au thème du travail est aussi abordée. L’ensemble des données récoltées sert ensuite à définir la perception du travail à cette époque. Le travail est ainsi considéré comme un acte social, et le travailleur, lié à une collectivité solide, apparaît intégré au cœur d’un système hiérarchique complexe. Le travail est aussi perçu comme un acte de peine, exercé par une population modeste dépendante d’une autorité dirigeante et entièrement investie dans la charge qui lui incombe. Le travail apparaît enfin comme un acte de production, dans lequel l’homme, technicien et producteur, constitue un chaînon essentiel dans le processus de transformation de la matière, et garantit la prospérité du pays et le bien-être de son élite. / The written form of hieroglyphic signs which represent workers is studied, and compared with iconographic documents and sculpture, to understand the way in which the writing interprets the notion of work, and the elements that the elite wants to fix in the imagery. A lexicographical approach of work is also done. Historical and sociological documentation is lastly used to obtain a more complete appreciation of the perception of the professional organization in the Old Kingdom. Our analysis has come to define the processes used to transcribe the worker in writing and in whole imagery of the Old Kingdom. The parameters which play a part in the composition of the worker’s image, in his appearance, his relation to action or his connection with technique, are thus defined. The link between lexicography and work is also treated. Whole information is then used to define the ideological perception of work at this time. Work is thus considered like a social act, and the worker, linked to a solid community, appears to be integrated in a complex hierarchic system. Work is also perceived as a hard act, practised by a modest population who is dependent on a ruling authority and who put a lot of effort into carrying out his task. Work finally appears as a productive act, and worker, as technician and producer, constitutes an essential link in the process of transformation of materials, and assures the prosperity of the country and the comfort of the elite.

Měděné nástroje v Egyptě ve 3. tisíciletí / Copper implements in Egypt during the 3rd millenium

Odler, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is a data completion and evaluation of the finds of copper tools and model tools in the 3rd Millennium BC, in the Early Dynastic Period, Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period, in Egypt and Nubia. The first part of the thesis contains subject definition, chronological and chorological definitions and short introduction in the copper metallurgy of Ancient Near East and Egypt in the examined periods. The thesis is based on the catalogue of the archaeological contexts, the description of method and structure is followed by the synthesis of facts about archaeological context of finds. The main part of the thesis is a register of tool classes, examining their chronology, morphology and selectively also the occurrence in other sources. The conclusion brings together the facts and delineates the role of copper tools and model tools in the Ancient Egyptian society of the examined periods.

Kamenné sarkofágy v Egyptě ve 3. tisíciletí před Kristem / Stone Sarcophagi in Egypt during the 3rd Millenium BC

Štěpánová, Věra January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the origin and development of stone sarcophagi in the Old Kingdom. Based on documentation of finds and their statistical processing aims to characterize the main diachronic trends in specific social classes of ancient Egyptian society.

Textilní produkce ve starém Egyptě se zaměřením na její doklady z Abúsíru (období 3. a 1. tisíciletí př. Kr) / The ancient Egyptian textile production with the focus on finds from Abusir (Third and First Millennium BC.)

Wollnerová, Dorotea January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to examine textile production in old Egypt based on textile findings from the Royal Necropolis in Abusir. In the first part the author deals with technology of production of this material. The main part of the thesis is the analysis of the new textile findings from Abusir, the textile-technological survey and their interpretation. Technological aspects, their evaluation and comparison with findings from other Egyptian sites are then discussed in a separate chapter. Due to the character of evidences, the author focuses on two periods: 3rd and 1st millennium BC. Finally, the various archaeological contexts in which the textiles in Abusir were found and the functions of this material were outlined. Keywords ancient Egypt, textiles, production, Old Kingdom, Third Intermediate Period, Late Period, archaeology, mummification

Paleopathology In Ancient Eygpt: Evidence From The Sites Of Dayr Al-barsha And Sheikh Said

Malnasi, Cindy 01 January 2010 (has links)
For centuries, people have been fascinated with how the ancient Egyptians lived, and particularly how they died. Although Egyptologists in the past had a greater interest in the treasures that accompanied the dead, there has now been a shift in focus on the actual ancient Egyptians themselves and their ways of life. Recognizing the health and disease status of ancient Egyptians has become particularly important. The aim of this research project is to document the paleopathology of the individuals from the sites of Dayr al-Barsha and Sheikh Said encompassing the Old Kingdom (2686 - 2160 BC), the First Intermediate Period (2160 - 2055 BC), and the Middle Kingdom (2055-1650 BC) periods. The site of Dayr al-Barsha was most importantly the necropolis, or burial site, used by the inhabitants of the ancient city of Hermopolis Magna, and it was also a very prominent quarry site. Today, Dayr al-Barsha is a large scale archaeological site that has been divided into eleven zones. The results of this research reveal a documented list of paleopathologies that include traumatic conditions, congenital anomalies, joint diseases, infectious diseases, hematological disorders, dental pathology, neoplastic conditions, and various other conditions that ailed the people in their daily lives. Fractures and dental diseases are the paleopathologies that occurred most frequently. These pathologies provide important knowledge about the living conditions and occupations during the span of the Old Kingdom through the Middle Kingdom.

The False Doors of Hershefnakht, Nyankhanty and Senetites

Hallström, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
This study concerns the false doors of Hershefnakht, Nyankhanty and Senetites that are currently on display in the Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities in Stockholm. None of these doors has received much attention in the past, and certainly not their own dedicated study. Previously, these doors have only been roughly dated, and the status of their owners in society were practically unknown. This study seeks to narrow down the dating of these false doors and to more precisely make a judgement on their owners’ social standing within society. To more precisely date the false doors, relevant features are presented together with relevant information concerning the characteristic in question. As such, a more precise date is built from the various relevant elements of the door. The false doors are translated with appropriate commentary on the short texts. The most important parts of these texts are the titles and through comparisons to other holders of the same titles and discussion of what is known about these titles; a judgement of their social status is made. In the end, Hershefnakht’s and Senetites’ doors can be dated to, at earliest, the reign of Pepy II though their latest possible date is more difficult to establish with any certainty. Nyankhanty’s false door can be dated, at earliest to King Nyuserre Ini’s reign with the latest possible date being the end of the 5th dynasty. Due to only having a single title, Hershefnakht’s social standing is somewhat uncertain and it would be possible to both over- and underplay his status. On the other hand, Nyankhanty’s status can be established with more certainty and it seems he was a high-ranking priest and a commander of a force of men. Senetites can quite easily be placed in or close to the court, but the position therein is more difficult to define. / På Medelhavsmuseet står skendörrarna av Hershefnakht, Nyankhanty och Senetites utställda. Ingen av dörrarna har fått mycket uppmärksamhet tidigare. Det finns därför ingen tidigare dedikerad studie av dessa dörrar och deras ägare. Tidigare dateringar är endast approximativa och den sociala statusen av ägarna okänd. Den här studien siktar mot att datera dörrarna med mer precision genom att studera viktiga aspekter av dörrarna och att bestämma ägarnas sociala status. De relevanta aspekterna av dörrarna presenteras tillsammans med relevant information om aspekten i fråga. Genom denna process så fastställs en mer exakt datering av dörrarna. Genom översättningen av texten som finns på dörrarna presenteras de olika titlarna av dörrarnas ägare. Efter en diskussion om det som är känt om dessa titlar och jämförelse med andra titelhållare så dras en slutsats om deras status. Skendörrarna av Hershefnakht och Senetites kan båda dateras till, som tidigast, Pepy II:s regeringstid. Däremot är deras senaste möjliga datering svårare att specificera. Nyankhantys skendörr kan dateras till Nyuserre Inis regeringstid som tidigast, och senast slutet av 5:e dynastin. Det är svårt att bestämma vilken status Hershefnakht hade, då han endast har en titel vilket kan peka på både en högre och lägre status. Däremot går det att säga ganska säkert att Nyankhanty var en högt uppsatt präst och befälhavare över någon form av trupp. Senetites kan utan större svårigheter placeras i, eller nära hovet även om den exakta positionen är oklar.

Les prêtres Hmw-ntr du culte divin (de l’époque thinite à la fin de l’Ancien Empire) / The Priests Hmw-ntr from the Divine Cult (Early Dynastic to the end of the Old Kingdom)

Atanassova, Vessela 26 September 2015 (has links)
Les prêtres sont une partie indissociable de l’organisation et du fonctionnement de la société égyptienne. Parmi eux les prophètes avaient une grande importance dans le clergé égyptien. Leur étude nous permet non seulement une meilleure compréhension du sacerdoce égyptien, mais aussi une meilleure connaissance de la religion égyptienne. Concentrée sur l’époque thinite et l’Ancien Empire, notre recherche a fait l’examen exhaustif des titulaires des prêtrises divines afin de comprendre les mécanismes de l’obtention de celle-ci et les fonctions déléguées aux prophètes. L’examen de sources nous a parmi d’attester une relation entre fonction civile et prêtrise divine qui est étudiée en détail. Nous discuterons la chronologie des prêtrises, les divinités concernées et la nature de ses titulaires. Nous interrogeons sur l’obtention et la transmission de la prêtrise divine. Enfin, nous poserons la question sur les lieux d’exercice de la fonction sacerdotale, ainsi que sur ce que celle-ci devait être. / The priests were an inseparable part of the organisation and functioning of the Egyptian society. Among them the prophets were one of the most important for the Egyptian clergy. The study of them allows us not only a better comprehension ofthe Egyptian priesthood but also a better knowledge of the Egyptian religion. Focused on the Early dynastic period and the Old Kingdom our research examinedthe holders of the divine priesthoods in order to understand the ways of having andobtaining it. The study of the sources allowed us to attest a relation between the civil service and the divine priesthood. We discussed the priesthood’s chronology, the mentioned gods and its holders. We question about its obtainment and transmission. At last, we focused on finding the place of exercise of the priesthood and its significance.

Vláda panovníka Nyuserrea a její vliv na vývoj egyptského státu. Skokové období v době Staré říše / The Reign of King Nyuserre and Its Impact on the Development of the Egyptian State. A Multiplier Effect Period during the Old Kingdom

Dulíková, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The present thesis deals with the reign of Nyuserre, one of great Old Kingdom rulers who ruled in the mid-Fifth Dynasty (2402-2374+25 BC). A transformation of whole society of ancient Egypt came to pass during his reign as a consequence of the events in the late Fourth and early Fifth Dynasties, when the highest posts in the administrative system had passed over from members of the royal family to dignitaries of non-royal origin. This fact had been reflected in whole society and started numerous rivulets of change, which merged in a single river in Nyuserre's reign. The gradual transformation of Egyptian society from a kingdom to a state took place during this crucial period, and a number of innovations came about in various spheres (religion, society, administration, tomb architecture, etc.), mirroring a change in the participation in power. This situation was reflected primarily in dignitaries' tombs dated to the given period, which became indicators of the transformation of society. The research is focused on an analysis more than 100 tombs of high-ranking individuals and their family members, and particularly of their titulary, offering formulae, false doors (the central point of the funerary cult), etc. The individual chapters of the present thesis exemplify the most noticeable changes in...

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